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Created August 12, 2020 01:44
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  • Save zanaptak/783a5872c94d5cac61added451bf0c3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zanaptak/783a5872c94d5cac61added451bf0c3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
string interp build failure
C:\code\sandbox>git clone f1
Cloning into 'f1'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 24, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 111604 (delta 8), reused 7 (delta 7), pack-reused 111580
Receiving objects: 100% (111604/111604), 197.82 MiB | 1.67 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (82423/82423), done.
Updating files: 100% (10001/10001), done.
C:\code\sandbox>cd f1
C:\code\sandbox\f1>git checkout feature/string-interp
error: pathspec 'feature/string-interp' did not match any file(s) known to git
C:\code\sandbox\f1>git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
C:\code\sandbox\f1>git clean -xdf
C:\code\sandbox\f1>git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
C:\code\sandbox\f1>git show -s
commit 85b4bca0c986d2e4a615763a10b8e5f612a7a4a1 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: dotnet-maestro[bot] <42748379+dotnet-maestro[bot]>
Date: Tue Aug 11 19:24:16 2020 +0000
[master] Update dependencies from dotnet/arcade (#9890)
[master] Update dependencies from dotnet/arcade
- Updates:
- Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk: from 5.0.0-beta.20374.1 to 5.0.0-beta.20407.3
- retain 3.1 sdk
TryDownloadDotnetFrameworkSdk -- Test-IsAdmin = 'False'
Building bootstrap 'net472' compiler
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.0-preview-20360-03+188921e2f for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Core\FSharp.Core.fsproj (in 769 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\buildtools\fslex\fslex.fsproj (in 769 ms).
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\buildtools\fsyacc\fsyacc.fsproj (in 342 ms).
1 of 2 projects are up-to-date for restore.
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\buildtools\AssemblyCheck\AssemblyCheck.fsproj (in 239 ms).
1 of 2 projects are up-to-date for restore.
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Generating code for target framework netstandard2.0
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Generating: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Core\Proto\netstandard2.0\FSCore.fs
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Done: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Core\Proto\netstandard2.0\FSCore.fs
FSharp.Core -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Proto\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll
fslex -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fslex\Proto\netcoreapp3.1\fslex.dll
fsyacc -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsyacc\Proto\netcoreapp3.1\fsyacc.dll
AssemblyCheck -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\AssemblyCheck\Proto\netcoreapp3.1\AssemblyCheck.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:42.81
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.0-preview-20360-03+188921e2f for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Build\FSharp.Build.fsproj (in 785 ms).
1 of 2 projects are up-to-date for restore.
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget.fsproj (in 404 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.fsproj (in 404 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Private\FSharp.Compiler.Private.fsproj (in 431 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\fsc\fsc.fsproj (in 498 ms).
2 of 6 projects are up-to-date for restore.
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared.fsproj (in 339 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.fsproj (in 434 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\fsi\fsi.fsproj (in 556 ms).
4 of 7 projects are up-to-date for restore.
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSBuild.fs and C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSBuild.resx from FSBuild.txt, because condition 1 is false, see FSharpEmbedResourceText.fs in the F# source
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Reading FSBuild.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Parsing FSBuild.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Validating FSBuild.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Validating uniqueness of FSBuild.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSBuild.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating resource methods for C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSBuild.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating .resx for C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSBuild.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Done C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSBuild.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\UtilsStrings.fs and C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\UtilsStrings.resx from ..\..\utils\UtilsStrings.txt, because condition 1 is false, see FSharpEmbedResourceText.fs in the F# source
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Reading ..\..\utils\UtilsStrings.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Parsing ..\..\utils\UtilsStrings.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Validating ..\..\utils\UtilsStrings.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Validating uniqueness of ..\..\utils\UtilsStrings.txt
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\UtilsStrings.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating resource methods for C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\UtilsStrings.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Generating .resx for C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\UtilsStrings.fs
FSharpEmbedResourceText: Done C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\UtilsStrings.fs
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Skipping generation: 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Core\Proto\netstandard2.0\FSCore.fs' since it is up-to-date.
FSharp.Core -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Proto\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll
FSharp.Build -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Proto\net472\FSharp.Build.dll
FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget\Proto\netstandard2.0\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget.dll
Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Proto\net472\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.dll
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
137 states
writing output
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
28 states
writing output
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
771 states
writing output
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.0403910
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.0332151
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0074721
computing lookahead relations..................................................................................................................... time: 00:00:00.0291052
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:00.0057622
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 59 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(60)} and {noprec reduce(bound:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
time: 00:00:00.0439365
building goto table... time: 00:00:00.0037531
returning tables.
1 shift/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules using %prec
114 states
26 nonterminals
67 terminals
86 productions
#rows in action table: 114
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.0367114
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.0295072
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0061309
computing lookahead relations.................................. time: 00:00:00.0224297
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:00.0085198
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 4 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9994] shift(24)} and {noprec reduce(Recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 14 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9998] reduce(Expr:'OP_NOT' Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 15 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9997] reduce(Expr:Expr 'OP_AND' Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 16 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9996] reduce(Expr:Expr 'OP_OR' Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal OP_AND between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec reduce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal OP_OR between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec reduce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec reduce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec reduce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
time: 00:00:00.0337540
building goto table... time: 00:00:00.0012002
returning tables.
4 shift/reduce conflicts
4 reduce/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules using %prec
31 states
5 nonterminals
11 terminals
19 productions
#rows in action table: 31
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.1669367
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.4101142
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0194860
computing lookahead relations................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... time: 00:00:04.6830152
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:01.1271918
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 0 on terminal error between {noprec shift(47)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 2 on terminal error between {noprec shift(216)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 2 on terminal error between {noprec shift(216)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 47 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(48)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 61 on terminal error between {noprec shift(77)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 65 on terminal error between {noprec shift(77)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 69 on terminal error between {noprec shift(74)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND between {noprec shift(1860)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1857)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1859)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 79 on terminal error between {noprec shift(81)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfns:moduleSpfn opt_topSeparators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 109 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 126 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 127 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 130 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 135 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 137 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 145 on terminal error between {noprec shift(149)} and {noprec reduce(classSpfnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 178 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 223 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 223 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 227 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 227 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 230 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 230 on terminal error between {noprec shift(235)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 242 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 242 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExpr:opt_attributes opt_declVisibility declExpr topSeparators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 246 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefns:moduleDefnOrDirective)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 248 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 248 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefns:moduleDefnOrDirective topSeparators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 253 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_attributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_attributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1012)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_attributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 271 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(opt_attributes:attributes)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(1817)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal BEGIN between {noprec shift(1818)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal error between {noprec shift(251)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 291 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 291 on terminal error between {noprec shift(252)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 300 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec shift(302)} and {noprec reduce(attributes:attributeList)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 313 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1838)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 313 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1843)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 346 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(296)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal PUBLIC between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal PRIVATE between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal INTERNAL between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 346 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec shift(302)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 347 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 355 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 357 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 357 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 359 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 362 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(488)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classDefn:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 365 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(488)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classDefn:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 373 on terminal error between {noprec shift(377)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 377 on terminal END between {noprec shift(378)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 377 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 379 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 383 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 389 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 392 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 424 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 427 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(485)} and {noprec reduce(opt_interfaceImplDefn:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 434 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 435 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 438 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 440 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 442 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 448 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 464 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 510 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1796)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 511 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(objectImplementationMembers:objectImplementationMember opt_seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 516 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 518 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 522 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 630 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(unionTypeRepr:firstUnionCaseDecl)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 637 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 640 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 643 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 646 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 655 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(path:ident)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 658 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 659 on terminal BAR between {[explicit left 9979] reduce(firstUnionCaseDeclOfMany:ident 'EQUALS' constant opt_OBLOCKSEP)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(firstUnionCaseDecl:ident 'EQUALS' constant opt_OBLOCKSEP)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 810 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP between {[explicit left 9999] shift(811)} and {noprec reduce(constant:rawConstant)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 817 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(819)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9971] reduce(simplePattern:attributes simplePattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 871 on terminal error between {noprec shift(905)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 871 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 901 on terminal error between {noprec shift(905)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 901 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OWITH between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal PUBLIC between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal PRIVATE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INTERNAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UNDERSCORE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal EQUALS between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACK_BAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal QMARK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COLON_COLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal WHEN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal WITH between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal AMP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COMMA between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal TRUE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal FALSE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal AS between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal NULL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LQUOTE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BIGNUM between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal DECIMAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal CHAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IEEE64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IEEE32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UNATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT16 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT8 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal NATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT16 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT8 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IDENT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal KEYWORD_STRING between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal STRING between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BYTEARRAY between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 910 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(939)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:tupleParenPatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 917 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9934] reduce(parenPattern:parenPattern 'BAR' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 918 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9971] reduce(parenPattern:attributes parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 919 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit right 9981] reduce(parenPattern:parenPattern 'COLON_COLON' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 920 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9965] reduce(tupleParenPatternElements:tupleParenPatternElements 'COMMA' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 921 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9965] reduce(tupleParenPatternElements:parenPattern 'COMMA' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 922 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9975] reduce(conjParenPatternElements:conjParenPatternElements 'AMP' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 924 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9975] reduce(conjParenPatternElements:parenPattern 'AMP' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 932 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(939)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:tupleParenPatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 933 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(941)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:conjParenPatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 950 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(listPatternElements:)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 950 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(listPatternElements:)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 961 on terminal ORIGHT_BLOCK_END between {noprec shift(962)} and {noprec reduce(typedSeqExprBlockR:typedSeqExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 963 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(964)} and {noprec reduce(typedSeqExpr:seqExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 968 on terminal THEN between {noprec shift(973)} and {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 968 on terminal OTHEN between {noprec shift(975)} and {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal EOF between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9966] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal RBRACK between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9966] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal error between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9966] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1251)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1263)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1266)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal RARROW between {[explicit right 9946] shift(1113)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal NEW between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] shift(1269)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1260)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal LET between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] shift(696)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1254)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1012)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 981 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 981 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 982 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 982 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 983 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 983 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 984 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(1814)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 984 on terminal DO between {noprec shift(1813)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 985 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 985 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 986 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(1317)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 987 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(1341)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 988 on terminal RQUOTE between {noprec shift(1376)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 989 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec shift(1382)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec shift(1851)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1850)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1848)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 993 on terminal BAR_RBRACE between {noprec shift(1852)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal ODO between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal DO between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1221 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1225)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9931] reduce(patternClauses:patternAndGuard patternResult)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal ELIF between {noprec shift(1244)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal ELSE between {[explicit nonassoc 9955] shift(1238)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal OELSE between {noprec shift(1239)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1272 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(objExpr:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated)} and {noprec reduce(opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1276 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(minusExpr:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP atomicExprAfterType)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(objExprBaseCall:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP atomicExprAfterType)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1284 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1462)} and {noprec reduce(minusExpr:appExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1287 on terminal QMARK between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1309)} and {noprec reduce(appExpr:atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1290 on terminal QMARK between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1309)} and {noprec reduce(argExpr:atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {[explicit left 9998] shift(1296)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {[explicit left 9997] shift(1295)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1301)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9940] shift(1327)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LBRACK between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1334)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1325)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec shift(1741)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal IDENT between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1730)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9940] shift(1327)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LBRACK between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1334)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1325)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec shift(1741)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal IDENT between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1730)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1313 on terminal error between {noprec shift(986)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1313 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1378 on terminal error between {noprec shift(989)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1378 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OINTERFACE_MEMBER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ORIGHT_BLOCK_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OWITH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OELSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OTHEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ODO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OLET between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PUBLIC between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PRIVATE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERNAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STATIC between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MEMBER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ABSTRACT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OVERRIDE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DEFAULT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INHERIT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MINUS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOLLAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_RBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal SEMICOLON_SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LARROW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EQUALS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACE_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal QMARK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_COLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal WHEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal WITH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HASH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AMP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AMP_AMP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COMMA between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OPEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal THEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TRUE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal VAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERFACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NEW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EXCEPTION between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal FALSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal JOIN_IN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal FINALLY between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BEGIN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DONE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOWNTO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ELSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ELIF between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOT_DOT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NULL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NAMESPACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BASE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LQUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RQUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LESS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LET between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BIGNUM between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DECIMAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal CHAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IEEE64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IEEE32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UNATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT16 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT8 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT16 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT8 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ADJACENT_PREFIX_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PREFIX_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IDENT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal KEYWORD_STRING between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_PART between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_BEGIN_PART between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_BEGIN_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STRING between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BYTEARRAY between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1868)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1868)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1498 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterfaces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1504 on terminal error between {noprec shift(750)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal END between {noprec shift(1805)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal OEND between {noprec shift(1804)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1803)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1511 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterfaces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1513 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterfaces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1515 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterfaces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1590 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec shift(1724)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9943] reduce(tupleType:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1590 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1731)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9943] reduce(tupleType:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1597 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec shift(1724)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9944] reduce(tupleOrQuotTypeElements:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1597 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1731)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9944] reduce(tupleOrQuotTypeElements:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1604 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1619)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon:typar)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1605 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1607)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1607)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1684)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1679)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1640 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1641)} and {noprec reduce(powerType:atomTypeOrAnonRecdType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1651 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1676)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'HASH' atomType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1686 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(dummyTypeArg:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1686 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(dummyTypeArg:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1711 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1712)} and {noprec reduce(measureTypePower:measureTypeAtom)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1838)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1841)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE between {noprec shift(1842)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1843)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1846)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE between {noprec shift(1847)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
time: 00:00:07.2144084
building goto table... time: 00:00:03.4705495
returning tables.
308 shift/reduce conflicts
232 reduce/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules using %prec
1872 states
332 nonterminals
204 terminals
1083 productions
#rows in action table: 1872
FSharp.Compiler.Private -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Proto\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll
fsc -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsc\Proto\net472\fsc.exe
FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Proto\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll
FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared\Proto\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared.dll
fsi -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsi\Proto\net472\fsi.exe
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:02:14.40
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.dotnet.arcade.sdk\5.0.0-beta.20407.3\tools\Tools.proj (in 4.13 sec).
Determining projects to restore...
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\EmptyAssembly\EmptyAssembly.fsproj (in 169 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTesting\DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTestin
g.fsproj (in 169 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\XmlDocAttributeWithAdequateComment\XmlDocAttributeWithAdequateComment.csproj
(in 169 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\DefinitionLocationAttribute\DefinitionLocationAttribute.csproj (in 169 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\EditorHideMethodsAttribute\EditorHideMethodsAttribute.csproj (in 169 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\CodeFile\CodeFile.csproj (in 177 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\ScriptFile\ScriptFile.csproj (in 189 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\ResourceFile\ResourceFile.csproj (in 188 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\AppConfig\AppConfig.csproj (in 30 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\service\data\TestTP\TestTP.fsproj (in 54 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\service\data\CSharp_Analysis\CSharp_Analysis.csproj (in 73 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharpqa\testenv\src\PEVerify\PEVerify.csproj (in 79 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ProjectTemplates\ConsoleProject\ConsoleProject.csproj (in 75 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ProjectTemplates\TutorialProject\TutorialProject.csproj (in 112 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ProjectTemplates\LibraryProject\LibraryProject.csproj (in 76 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\XMLFile\XMLFile.csproj (in 32 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\SignatureFile\SignatureFile.csproj (in 31 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\ItemTemplates\TextFile\TextFile.csproj (in 31 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\DefinitionLocationAttributeWithSpaceInTheType\DefinitionLocationAttributeWit
hSpaceInTheType.csproj (in 17 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\DefinitionLocationAttributeLineDoesnotExist\DefinitionLocationAttributeLineD
oesnotExist.csproj (in 14 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\DefinitionLocationAttributeFileDoesnotExist\DefinitionLocationAttributeFileD
oesnotExist.csproj (in 12 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.UIResources\FSharp.UIResources.csproj (in 34 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\Vsix\VisualFSharpTemplates\VisualFSharpTemplates.csproj (in 108 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.ProjectSystem.Base\Project\ProjectSystem.Base.csproj (in 672 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.VS.FSI\FSharp.VS.FSI.fsproj (in 845 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.LanguageService.Base\FSharp.LanguageService.Base.csproj (in 1.3 sec).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.PatternMatcher\FSharp.PatternMatcher.csproj (in 27 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.ProjectSystem.FSharp\ProjectSystem.fsproj (in 711 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharpqa\testenv\src\ILComparer\ILComparer.fsproj (in 61 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.Editor\FSharp.Editor.fsproj (in 1.4 sec).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.ProjectSystem.PropertyPages\FSharp.PropertiesPages.vbproj (in 790 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharpqa\testenv\src\HostedCompilerServer\HostedCompilerServer.fsproj (in 89 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\src\FSharp.LanguageService\FSharp.LanguageService.fsproj (in 204 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\GetTypesVS.UnitTests\GetTypesVS.UnitTests.fsproj (in 2.17 sec).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.nuget\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.csproj (in 553 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\setup\Swix\Microsoft.FSharp.IDE\Microsoft.FSharp.IDE.csproj (in 17 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\setup\Swix\Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies\Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies.csproj (in 19 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Core.UnitTests\FSharp.Core.UnitTests.fsproj (in 881 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests\FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests.fsproj (in 876 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests.fsproj (in 917 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\setup\Swix\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild.csproj (in 78 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests\FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests.fsproj (in 927 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment\XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment.csproj (in 21
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment\XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment.csproj (in 22
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\XmlDocAttributeWithLocalizedComment\XmlDocAttributeWithLocalizedComment.cspr
oj (in 18 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComment\XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComment.csproj (in 1
6 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\Vsix\VisualFSharpFull\VisualFSharpFull.csproj (in 202 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\fsiAnyCpu\fsiAnyCpu.fsproj (in 59 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\Salsa\VisualFSharp.Salsa.fsproj (in 252 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\UnitTests\VisualFSharp.UnitTests.fsproj (in 261 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\setup\Swix\Microsoft.FSharp.SDK\Microsoft.FSharp.SDK.csproj (in 578 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.fsproj (in 267 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Build.UnitTests\FSharp.Build.UnitTests.fsproj (in 263 ms).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Test.Utilities\FSharp.Test.Utilities.fsproj (in 1.71 sec).
Restored C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharp\FSharpSuite.Tests.fsproj (in 3.98 sec).
9 of 64 projects are up-to-date for restore.
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Generating code for target framework net472
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Generating: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Editor\Debug\net472\FSharp.Editor.fs
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Done: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\FSharp.Editor\Debug\net472\FSharp.Editor.fs
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Generating code for target framework net472
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Generating: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\ProjectSystem\Debug\net472\VSPackage.fs
FSharpEmbedResXSource: Done: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\obj\ProjectSystem\Debug\net472\VSPackage.fs
VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Debug\Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies
VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Debug\Microsoft.FSharp.IDE\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.IDE.vsix
PEVerify -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\PEVerify\Debug\net472\PEVerify.exe
CSharp_Analysis -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\CSharp_Analysis\Debug\netstandard2.0\CSharp_Analysis.dll
FSharp.UIResources -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.UIResources\Debug\net472\FSharp.UIResources.dll
FSharp.PatternMatcher -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.PatternMatcher\Debug\net472\FSharp.PatternMatcher.dll
PEVerify -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\PEVerify\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\PEVerify.dll
VisualFSharpTemplates -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup\Debug\VisualFSharpTemplates.vsix
VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Debug\Microsoft.FSharp.SDK\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.SDK.vsix
FSharp.Core -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Debug\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll
DefinitionLocationAttributeWithSpaceInTheType -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\DefinitionLocationAttributeWithSpaceInTheType\Debug\net472\D
DefinitionLocationAttributeFileDoesnotExist -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\DefinitionLocationAttributeFileDoesnotExist\Debug\net472\Defin
EmptyAssembly -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\EmptyAssembly\Debug\net472\EmptyAssembly.dll
ILComparer -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharpqa\testenv\bin\ILComparer.exe
FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared\Debug\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared.dll
DefinitionLocationAttributeLineDoesnotExist -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\DefinitionLocationAttributeLineDoesnotExist\Debug\net472\Defin
XmlDocAttributeWithLocalizedComment -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\XmlDocAttributeWithLocalizedComment\Debug\net472\XmlDocAttributeWithLo
EditorHideMethodsAttribute -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\EditorHideMethodsAttribute\Debug\net472\EditorHideMethodsAttribute.dll
DefinitionLocationAttribute -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\DefinitionLocationAttribute\Debug\net472\DefinitionLocationAttribute.dll
XmlDocAttributeWithAdequateComment -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\XmlDocAttributeWithAdequateComment\Debug\net472\XmlDocAttributeWithAdeq
XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment\Debug\net472\XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment.
FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget\Debug\netstandard2.0\FSharp.DependencyManage
Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Debug\net472\Microsoft.DotNet.Depend
FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Debug\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Int
XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment\Debug\net472\XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment.
XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComment -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComment\Debug\net472\XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComme
FSharp.Build -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Debug\net472\FSharp.Build.dll
Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Debug\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.DotNe
DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTesting -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTesting\Debug\net472\DummyProviderFo
FSharp.Build -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Build.dll
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
137 states
writing output
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
28 states
writing output
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
771 states
writing output
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.0903389
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.0662921
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0140085
computing lookahead relations.................................................................................................................
.... time: 00:00:00.0427260
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:00.0166998
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 59 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(60)} and {noprec reduce(bound:)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
time: 00:00:00.0796810
building goto table... time: 00:00:00.0103259
returning tables.
1 shift/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules usin
g %prec
114 states
26 nonterminals
67 terminals
86 productions
#rows in action table: 114
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.0843920
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.0714328
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0190088
computing lookahead relations.................................. time: 00:00:00.0437297
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:00.0129330
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 4 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9994] shift(24)} and {noprec redu
ce(Recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 14 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9998] reduce(Expr:'OP_NOT' Expr)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 15 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9997] reduce(Expr:Expr 'OP_AND' Expr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 16 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9996] reduce(Expr:Expr 'OP_OR' Expr)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal OP_AND between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec r
educe(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal OP_OR between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec re
duce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec r
educe(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec re
duce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
time: 00:00:00.0809256
building goto table... time: 00:00:00.0022305
returning tables.
4 shift/reduce conflicts
4 reduce/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules usin
g %prec
31 states
5 nonterminals
11 terminals
19 productions
#rows in action table: 31
FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Debug\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Comp
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.3285330
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.8300338
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0255988
FSharp.Build.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build.UnitTests\Debug\net472\FSharp.Build.UnitTests.dll
FSharp.Build.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build.UnitTests\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Build.UnitTests.dll
TestTP -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\TestTP\Debug\net472\TestTP.dll
computing lookahead relations.................................................................................................................
.......................................................... time: 00:00:05.8080848
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:01.9871567
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 0 on terminal error between {noprec shift(47)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossi
blyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 2 on terminal error between {noprec shift(216)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 2 on terminal error between {noprec shift(216)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 47 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(48)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')} - assu
ming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 61 on terminal error between {noprec shift(77)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 65 on terminal error between {noprec shift(77)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 69 on terminal error between {noprec shift(74)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND between {noprec shift(1860)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1857)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEm
pty:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1859)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:
'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 79 on terminal error between {noprec shift(81)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfns:moduleSpfn opt_topSeparator
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 109 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 126 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 127 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 130 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 135 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 137 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 145 on terminal error between {noprec shift(149)} and {noprec reduce(classSpfnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 178 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 223 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 223 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 227 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 227 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 230 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 230 on terminal error between {noprec shift(235)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 242 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 242 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExpr:opt_attributes opt_
declVisibility declExpr topSeparators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 246 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefns:moduleDefnOrDirective)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 248 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 248 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefns:moduleDefnOrDirective top
Separators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 253 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_attri
butes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_att
ributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1012)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_att
ributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 271 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(opt_attributes:attributes)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(1817)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal BEGIN between {noprec shift(1818)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal error between {noprec shift(251)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 291 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 291 on terminal error between {noprec shift(252)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 300 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec shift(302)} and {noprec reduce(attributes:attributeList)} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 313 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1838)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 313 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1843)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 346 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(296)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal PUBLIC between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyco
nDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal PRIVATE between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyc
onDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal INTERNAL between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(ty
conDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 346 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec shift(302)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assu
ming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 347 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 355 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 357 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 357 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 359 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 362 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(488)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classDefn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 365 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(488)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classDefn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 373 on terminal error between {noprec shift(377)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 377 on terminal END between {noprec shift(378)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 377 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 379 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 383 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 389 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 392 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 424 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 427 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(485)} and {noprec reduce(opt_interfaceImplDefn:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 434 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 435 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 438 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 440 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 442 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 448 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 464 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 510 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1796)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 511 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(objec
tImplementationMembers:objectImplementationMember opt_seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 516 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 518 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 522 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 630 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(unionTypeRepr:fir
stUnionCaseDecl)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 637 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 640 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 643 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 646 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 655 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(path:ident)} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 658 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 659 on terminal BAR between {[explicit left 9979] reduce(firstUnionCaseDeclOfMany:ident 'EQUALS' constant
opt_OBLOCKSEP)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(firstUnionCaseDecl:ident 'EQUALS' constant opt_OBLOCKSEP)} - assuming the former because we
prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 810 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP between {[explicit left 9999] shift(811)} and {noprec reduce(constan
t:rawConstant)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 817 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(819)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9971] reduce(simplePattern:attri
butes simplePattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 871 on terminal error between {noprec shift(905)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 871 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 901 on terminal error between {noprec shift(905)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 901 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OWITH between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)}
and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)}
and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopr
ec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal PUBLIC between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal PRIVATE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INTERNAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UNDERSCORE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal EQUALS between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACK_BAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal QMARK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COLON_COLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal WHEN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal WITH between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal AMP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COMMA between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal TRUE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal FALSE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal AS between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal NULL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LQUOTE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BIGNUM between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal DECIMAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal CHAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IEEE64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IEEE32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UNATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT16 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT8 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal NATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT16 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT8 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IDENT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal KEYWORD_STRING between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal STRING between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BYTEARRAY between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 910 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(939)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:tupleParen
PatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 917 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9934] reduce(parenPattern:parenPatte
rn 'BAR' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 918 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9971] reduce(parenPattern:attrib
utes parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 919 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit right 9981] reduce(parenPattern:parenPatt
ern 'COLON_COLON' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 920 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9965] reduce(tupleParenPatternElemen
ts:tupleParenPatternElements 'COMMA' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 921 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9965] reduce(tupleParenPatternElemen
ts:parenPattern 'COMMA' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 922 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9975] reduce(conjParenPatternElement
s:conjParenPatternElements 'AMP' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 924 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9975] reduce(conjParenPatternElement
s:parenPattern 'AMP' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 932 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(939)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:tupleParen
PatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 933 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(941)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:conjParenPat
ternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 950 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(listPatternElements:)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} -
assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 950 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(listPatternElements:)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps
)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr
Block:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlo
ck:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlo
ck:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declEx
prBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr
Block:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 961 on terminal ORIGHT_BLOCK_END between {noprec shift(962)} and {noprec reduce(typedSeqExprBlockR:typedSe
qExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 963 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(964)} and {noprec reduce(typedSeqExpr:seqExpr)} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 968 on terminal THEN between {noprec shift(973)} and {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 968 on terminal OTHEN between {noprec shift(975)} and {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal EOF between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9966
] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal RBRACK between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9
966] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal error between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
66] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming t
he former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1251)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1263)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1266)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr sep
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal RARROW between {[explicit right 9946] shift(1113)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr sep
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal NEW between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] shift(1269)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr sep
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1260)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr
seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal LET between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] shift(696)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1254)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declEx
pr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLet
Bindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLetB
indings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteL
etBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1012)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteL
etBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 981 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 981 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 982 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 982 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 983 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 983 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 984 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(1814)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the forme
r because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 984 on terminal DO between {noprec shift(1813)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 985 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 985 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 986 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(1317)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 987 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(1341)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 988 on terminal RQUOTE between {noprec shift(1376)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 989 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec shift(1382)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec shift(1851)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1850)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1848)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 993 on terminal BAR_RBRACE between {noprec shift(1852)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends
_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {
noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduc
e(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal ODO between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends
_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nopre
c reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nop
rec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nop
rec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nop
rec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(e
nds_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal DO between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_
coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(en
ds_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declE
xpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD
_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_
BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declE
xpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIX
ED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIX
ED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXE
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXE
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXE
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIX
ED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declE
xpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1221 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1225)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9931] reduce(patternClauses:pa
tternAndGuard patternResult)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal ELIF between {noprec shift(1244)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal ELSE between {[explicit nonassoc 9955] shift(1238)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal OELSE between {noprec shift(1239)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the forme
r because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1272 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(objExpr:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated
)} and {noprec reduce(opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1276 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(minusExpr:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDepr
ecated opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP atomicExprAfterType)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(objExprBaseCall:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated op
t_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP atomicExprAfterType)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1284 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1462)} and {noprec reduce(minusExpr:appExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1287 on terminal QMARK between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1309)} and {noprec reduce(appExpr:atomicExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1290 on terminal QMARK between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1309)} and {noprec reduce(argExpr:atomicExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {[explicit left 9998] shift(1296)} and {noprec reduce(a
tomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {[explicit left 9997] shift(1295)} and {noprec reduce(a
tomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1301)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'CONST' atomic
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9940] shift(1327)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LBRACK between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1334)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1325)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec shift(1741)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualificatio
n:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal IDENT between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1730)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualifi
cation:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9940] shift(1327)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LBRACK between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1334)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1325)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec shift(1741)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualificatio
n:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal IDENT between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1730)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualifi
cation:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1313 on terminal error between {noprec shift(986)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the f
ormer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1313 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the for
mer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1378 on terminal error between {noprec shift(989)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the f
ormer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1378 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the for
mer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OINTERFACE_MEMBER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ORIGHT_BLOCK_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OWITH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OELSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OTHEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ODO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OLET between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PUBLIC between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PRIVATE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERNAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STATIC between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MEMBER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ABSTRACT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OVERRIDE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DEFAULT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INHERIT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MINUS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOLLAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_RBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal SEMICOLON_SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopr
ec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LARROW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EQUALS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACE_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal QMARK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_COLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopr
ec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal WHEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal WITH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HASH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AMP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AMP_AMP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COMMA between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OPEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal THEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TRUE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal VAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERFACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NEW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EXCEPTION between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal FALSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal JOIN_IN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal FINALLY between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BEGIN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DONE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOWNTO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ELSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ELIF between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOT_DOT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NULL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NAMESPACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BASE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LQUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RQUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LESS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LET between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BIGNUM between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DECIMAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal CHAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IEEE64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IEEE32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UNATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT16 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT8 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT16 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT8 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ADJACENT_PREFIX_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PREFIX_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec r
educe(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IDENT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal KEYWORD_STRING between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_PART between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_BEGIN_PART between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_BEGIN_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {
noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STRING between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BYTEARRAY between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1868)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnde
rscore)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnders
core 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnde
rscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1868)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBind
ing:pathOrUnderscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1498 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1504 on terminal error between {noprec shift(750)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal END between {noprec shift(1805)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal OEND between {noprec shift(1804)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1803)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1511 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1513 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1515 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1590 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec shift(1724)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9943] reduce(tupleType:appType
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1590 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1731)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9943] reduce(tupleType:appTyp
e)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1597 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec shift(1724)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9944] reduce(tupleOrQuotTypeEl
ements:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1597 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1731)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9944] reduce(tupleOrQuotTypeE
lements:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1604 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1619)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon:ty
par)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1605 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1607)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon
Power:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1607)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon
Power:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1684)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appTyp
eCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1679)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appType
Con)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1640 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1641)} and {noprec reduce(powerType:
atomTypeOrAnonRecdType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1651 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1676)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'HASH' atomTyp
e)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1686 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(dummyTypeArg:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1686 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(dummyTypeArg:)} - assuming the forme
r because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1711 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1712)} and {noprec reduce(measureTyp
ePower:measureTypeAtom)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1838)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_reco
ver:'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1841)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:
'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE between {noprec shift(1842)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'TYPE_CO
MING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1843)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_re
cover:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1846)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recove
r:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE between {noprec shift(1847)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'MODUL
E_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
time: 00:00:11.3148737
building goto table... time: 00:00:05.4774238
returning tables.
308 shift/reduce conflicts
232 reduce/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules usin
g %prec
1872 states
332 nonterminals
204 terminals
1083 productions
#rows in action table: 1872
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
137 states
writing output
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
28 states
writing output
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
771 states
writing output
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.0573518
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.0407980
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0080033
computing lookahead relations.................................................................................................................
.... time: 00:00:00.0254911
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:00.0102185
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 59 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(60)} and {noprec reduce(bound:)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
time: 00:00:00.0577305
building goto table... time: 00:00:00.0093150
returning tables.
1 shift/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules usin
g %prec
114 states
26 nonterminals
67 terminals
86 productions
#rows in action table: 114
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.0589727
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.0396349
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0115375
computing lookahead relations.................................. time: 00:00:00.0254828
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:00.0088045
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 4 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9994] shift(24)} and {noprec redu
ce(Recover:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 14 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9998] reduce(Expr:'OP_NOT' Expr)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 15 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9997] reduce(Expr:Expr 'OP_AND' Expr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 16 on terminal error between {noprec shift(3)} and {[explicit left 9996] reduce(Expr:Expr 'OP_OR' Expr)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal OP_AND between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec r
educe(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal OP_OR between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec re
duce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec r
educe(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 25 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9999] reduce(Expr:'LPAREN' Expr Recover)} and {noprec re
duce(Expr:Expr Recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
time: 00:00:00.0400322
building goto table... time: 00:00:00.0018387
returning tables.
4 shift/reduce conflicts
4 reduce/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules usin
g %prec
31 states
5 nonterminals
11 terminals
19 productions
#rows in action table: 31
building tables
computing first function... time: 00:00:00.2097309
building kernels... time: 00:00:00.4424289
building kernel table... time: 00:00:00.0200319
computing lookahead relations.................................................................................................................
.......................................................... time: 00:00:05.4947094
building lookahead table... time: 00:00:01.3765327
building action table... shift/reduce error at state 0 on terminal error between {noprec shift(47)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossi
blyEmpty:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 2 on terminal error between {noprec shift(216)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 2 on terminal error between {noprec shift(216)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 47 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(48)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')} - assu
ming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 61 on terminal error between {noprec shift(77)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 65 on terminal error between {noprec shift(77)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 69 on terminal error between {noprec shift(74)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND between {noprec shift(1860)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:'error')
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1857)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEm
pty:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 74 on terminal OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1859)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfnsPossiblyEmpty:
'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 79 on terminal error between {noprec shift(81)} and {noprec reduce(moduleSpfns:moduleSpfn opt_topSeparator
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 109 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 126 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 127 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 130 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 135 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 137 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(209)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classSpfn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 145 on terminal error between {noprec shift(149)} and {noprec reduce(classSpfnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 178 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 223 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 223 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 227 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 227 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 230 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 230 on terminal error between {noprec shift(235)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 242 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 242 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExpr:opt_attributes opt_
declVisibility declExpr topSeparators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 246 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefns:moduleDefnOrDirective)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 248 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 248 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefns:moduleDefnOrDirective top
Separators)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 253 on terminal error between {noprec shift(250)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_attri
butes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_att
ributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 262 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1012)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9951] reduce(moduleDefn:opt_att
ributes opt_declVisibility hardwhiteLetBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 271 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(opt_attributes:attributes)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(1817)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal BEGIN between {noprec shift(1818)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 281 on terminal error between {noprec shift(251)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 291 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
48] reduce(opt_attributes:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 291 on terminal error between {noprec shift(252)} and {noprec reduce(moduleDefnsOrExprPossiblyEmpty:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 300 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec shift(302)} and {noprec reduce(attributes:attributeList)} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 313 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1838)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 313 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1843)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 346 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(296)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal PUBLIC between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyco
nDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal PRIVATE between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(tyc
onDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 346 on terminal INTERNAL between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(ty
conDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 346 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec shift(302)} and {noprec reduce(tyconDefn:typeNameInfo)} - assu
ming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 347 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 355 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 357 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec shift(558)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 357 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 359 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 362 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(488)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classDefn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 365 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(488)} and {noprec reduce(opt_classDefn:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 373 on terminal error between {noprec shift(377)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 377 on terminal END between {noprec shift(378)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 377 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 379 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 383 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 389 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 392 on terminal error between {noprec shift(389)} and {noprec reduce(classDefnMembers:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 424 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 427 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(485)} and {noprec reduce(opt_interfaceImplDefn:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 434 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 435 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 438 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 440 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 442 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 448 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 464 on terminal WITH between {noprec shift(195)} and {noprec reduce(classMemberSpfnGetSet:)} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 510 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1796)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 511 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)} and {noprec reduce(objec
tImplementationMembers:objectImplementationMember opt_seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 516 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 518 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 522 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1806)} and {noprec reduce(opt_ODECLEND:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 630 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(unionTypeRepr:fir
stUnionCaseDecl)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 637 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 640 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 643 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 646 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 655 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(path:ident)} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 658 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit right 9935] shift(1808)} and {noprec reduce(opt_OBLOCKSEP:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 659 on terminal BAR between {[explicit left 9979] reduce(firstUnionCaseDeclOfMany:ident 'EQUALS' constant
opt_OBLOCKSEP)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(firstUnionCaseDecl:ident 'EQUALS' constant opt_OBLOCKSEP)} - assuming the former because we
prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 810 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP between {[explicit left 9999] shift(811)} and {noprec reduce(constan
t:rawConstant)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 817 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(819)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9971] reduce(simplePattern:attri
butes simplePattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 871 on terminal error between {noprec shift(905)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 871 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 901 on terminal error between {noprec shift(905)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 901 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(parenPatternBody:)} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 905 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal OWITH between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)}
and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)}
and {noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopr
ec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal PUBLIC between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal PRIVATE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INTERNAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UNDERSCORE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal EQUALS between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACK_BAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal QMARK between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COLON_COLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal WHEN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal WITH between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal AMP between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal COMMA between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal TRUE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal FALSE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IN between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal AS between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal NULL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LQUOTE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BIGNUM between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal DECIMAL between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal CHAR between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IEEE64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IEEE32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UNATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT16 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal UINT8 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal NATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT64 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT32 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT16 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal INT8 between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal IDENT between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal KEYWORD_STRING between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal LBRACE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal STRING between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal BYTEARRAY between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 906 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(atomicPattern:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 910 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(939)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:tupleParen
PatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 913 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 917 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9934] reduce(parenPattern:parenPatte
rn 'BAR' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 918 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9971] reduce(parenPattern:attrib
utes parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 919 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit right 9981] reduce(parenPattern:parenPatt
ern 'COLON_COLON' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 920 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9965] reduce(tupleParenPatternElemen
ts:tupleParenPatternElements 'COMMA' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 921 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9965] reduce(tupleParenPatternElemen
ts:parenPattern 'COMMA' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 922 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9975] reduce(conjParenPatternElement
s:conjParenPatternElements 'AMP' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 924 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(934)} and {[explicit left 9975] reduce(conjParenPatternElement
s:parenPattern 'AMP' parenPattern)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 932 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(939)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:tupleParen
PatternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 933 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(941)} and {noprec reduce(parenPattern:conjParenPat
ternElements)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 950 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(listPatternElements:)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps)} -
assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 950 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(listPatternElements:)} and {noprec reduce(opt_seps:seps
)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr
Block:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlo
ck:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlo
ck:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr)
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declEx
prBlock:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr
Block:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 960 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExprBlock:declExpr
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 961 on terminal ORIGHT_BLOCK_END between {noprec shift(962)} and {noprec reduce(typedSeqExprBlockR:typedSe
qExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 963 on terminal COLON between {noprec shift(964)} and {noprec reduce(typedSeqExpr:seqExpr)} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 968 on terminal THEN between {noprec shift(973)} and {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 968 on terminal OTHEN between {noprec shift(975)} and {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal EOF between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9966
] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal RBRACK between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9
966] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 969 on terminal error between {[explicit right 9935] reduce(seqExpr:declExpr)} and {[explicit nonassoc 99
66] reduce(rangeDeclExpr:declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)} - assuming t
he former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1251)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)
} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1263)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1266)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr sep
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal RARROW between {[explicit right 9946] shift(1113)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr sep
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal NEW between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] shift(1269)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr sep
s)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1260)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr
seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal LET between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] shift(696)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declExpr seps
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 971 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1254)} and {noprec reduce(seqExpr:declEx
pr seps)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLet
Bindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteLetB
indings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteL
etBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 979 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1012)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9925] reduce(seqExpr:hardwhiteL
etBindings)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 981 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 981 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 982 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 982 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 983 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 983 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 984 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(1814)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the forme
r because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 984 on terminal DO between {noprec shift(1813)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 985 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1816)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the
former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 985 on terminal DONE between {noprec shift(1815)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the form
er because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 986 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(1317)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 987 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec shift(1341)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 988 on terminal RQUOTE between {noprec shift(1376)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 989 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec shift(1382)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 990 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1856)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1855)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'
error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 991 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {[explicit nonassoc 9929] shift(1853)} and {noprec reduce(recov
er:'error')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec shift(1851)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1850)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 992 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1848)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 993 on terminal BAR_RBRACE between {noprec shift(1852)} and {noprec reduce(recover:'error')} - assuming th
e former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - as
suming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1040 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'ASSERT')} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal ODO between {noprec shift(706)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal OLET between {noprec shift(702)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')} -
assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1044 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec shift(715)} and {[explicit left 9989] reduce(declExpr:'OASSERT')}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends
_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {
noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduc
e(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal ODO between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends
_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nopre
c reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nop
rec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nop
rec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {nop
rec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(e
nds_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal DO between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(ends_
coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1079 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FOR' parenPattern recover)} and {noprec reduce(en
ds_coming_soon_or_recover:recover)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declE
xpr:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1081 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD
_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG' d
eclExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BAN
G' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_
BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIEL
D_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIE
LD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declE
xpr:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'YIELD_BANG' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1083 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'YIELD_BANG'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {[explicit left 9983] shift(1151)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED
' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1153)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIX
ED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1155)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {[explicit right 9963] shift(1157)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIX
ED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal JOIN_IN between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1163)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal BAR_BAR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1164)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1165)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXE
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal OR between {[explicit left 9972] shift(1166)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declExp
r)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1167)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declEx
pr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal AMP_AMP between {[explicit left 9975] shift(1168)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1169)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXE
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1170)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1171)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal DOLLAR between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1172)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' dec
lExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1173)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal GREATER between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1175)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' de
clExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1176)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'
FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1177)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED'
declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COLON_COLON between {[explicit right 9981] shift(1178)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXE
D' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1179)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIX
ED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal MINUS between {[explicit left 9984] shift(1180)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal STAR between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1181)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' declE
xpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {[explicit left 9985] shift(1182)} and {noprec reduce(declE
xpr:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {[explicit right 9986] shift(1183)} and {noprec reduce(declExp
r:'FIXED' declExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1112 on terminal COMMA between {[explicit left 9965] shift(1249)} and {noprec reduce(declExpr:'FIXED' decl
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1221 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1225)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9931] reduce(patternClauses:pa
tternAndGuard patternResult)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal ELIF between {noprec shift(1244)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal ELSE between {[explicit nonassoc 9955] shift(1238)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - a
ssuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1230 on terminal OELSE between {noprec shift(1239)} and {noprec reduce(ifExprElifs:)} - assuming the forme
r because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1272 on terminal error between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(objExpr:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated
)} and {noprec reduce(opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP:)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1276 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(minusExpr:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDepr
ecated opt_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP atomicExprAfterType)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9949] reduce(objExprBaseCall:'NEW' atomTypeNonAtomicDeprecated op
t_HIGH_PRECEDENCE_APP atomicExprAfterType)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1284 on terminal EQUALS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1462)} and {noprec reduce(minusExpr:appExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1287 on terminal QMARK between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1309)} and {noprec reduce(appExpr:atomicExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1290 on terminal QMARK between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1309)} and {noprec reduce(argExpr:atomicExpr)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {[explicit left 9998] shift(1296)} and {noprec reduce(a
tomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {[explicit left 9997] shift(1295)} and {noprec reduce(a
tomType:'CONST' atomicExpr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1294 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1301)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'CONST' atomic
Expr)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9940] shift(1327)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LBRACK between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1334)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1325)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec shift(1741)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualificatio
n:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1301 on terminal IDENT between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1730)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualifi
cation:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assumin
g the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LPAREN between {[explicit nonassoc 9940] shift(1327)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LBRACK between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1334)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualif
ication:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assuming
the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1325)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualification:)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec shift(1741)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualificatio
n:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1304 on terminal IDENT between {[explicit nonassoc 9947] shift(1730)} and {noprec reduce(atomicExprQualifi
cation:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1313 on terminal error between {noprec shift(986)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the f
ormer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1313 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the for
mer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1378 on terminal error between {noprec shift(989)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the f
ormer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1378 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(listExprElements:)} - assuming the for
mer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EOF between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OINTERFACE_MEMBER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKEND_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ORIGHT_BLOCK_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OEND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OBLOCKSEP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OWITH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OELSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OTHEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ODO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OLET between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_TYAPP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_PAREN_APP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HIGH_PRECEDENCE_BRACK_APP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EXTERN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PUBLIC between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PRIVATE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERNAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STATIC between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MEMBER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ABSTRACT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OVERRIDE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(o
pName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DEFAULT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INHERIT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STRUCT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MINUS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOLLAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_RBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_RBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal SEMICOLON_SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopr
ec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LARROW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EQUALS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACE_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACK_LESS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal QMARK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_COLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_QMARK_GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopr
ec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_QMARK between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduc
e(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COLON_EQUALS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal SEMICOLON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal WHEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal WITH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal HASH between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AMP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AMP_AMP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN_COMING_SOON between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RPAREN_IS_HERE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal COMMA between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RARROW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LPAREN_STAR_RPAREN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OPEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal OR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal THEN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TRUE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal TYPE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal VAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERFACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NEW between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal EXCEPTION between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal FALSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal JOIN_IN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal FINALLY between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AND between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal AS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BEGIN between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName:
'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DONE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOWNTO between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ELSE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ELIF between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DOT_DOT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BAR_BAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NULL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal MODULE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NAMESPACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BASE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LQUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RQUOTE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PERCENT_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LESS between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal GREATER between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LET between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opName
:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BIGNUM between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal DECIMAL between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(op
Name:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal CHAR between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IEEE64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IEEE32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UNATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce
(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT16 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal UINT8 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal NATIVEINT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT64 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT32 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT16 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INT8 between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNam
e:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal ADJACENT_PREFIX_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PLUS_MINUS_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec red
uce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_AMP_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_STAR_DIV_MOD_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {no
prec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal PREFIX_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_BAR_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec redu
ce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec r
educe(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_COMPARE_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INFIX_STAR_STAR_OP between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal IDENT between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal KEYWORD_STRING between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec re
duce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal LBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal RBRACE between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec
reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_PART between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {nopre
c reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_BEGIN_PART between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and
{noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal INTERP_STRING_BEGIN_END between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {
noprec reduce(opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal STRING between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opN
ame:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal BYTEARRAY between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(
opName:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
reduce/reduce error at state 1392 on terminal error between {noprec reduce(parenExpr:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} and {noprec reduce(opNa
me:'LPAREN' 'error' rparen)} - assuming the former because we prefer the rule earlier in the file
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - assum
ing the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnderscore)} - ass
uming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1491 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1868)} and {noprec reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnde
rscore)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnders
core 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBinding:pathOrUnde
rscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1492 on terminal RBRACE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1868)} and {[explicit left 9979] reduce(recdBind
ing:pathOrUnderscore 'EQUALS')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1498 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1504 on terminal error between {noprec shift(750)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9948] reduce(opt_attributes:)}
- assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal END between {noprec shift(1805)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal OEND between {noprec shift(1804)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1509 on terminal ODECLEND between {noprec shift(1803)} and {noprec reduce(opt_declEnd:)} - assuming the fo
rmer because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1511 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1513 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1515 on terminal error between {noprec shift(1515)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9960] reduce(opt_objExprInterf
aces:)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1590 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec shift(1724)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9943] reduce(tupleType:appType
)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1590 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1731)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9943] reduce(tupleType:appTyp
e)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1597 on terminal QUOTE between {noprec shift(1724)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9944] reduce(tupleOrQuotTypeEl
ements:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1597 on terminal GLOBAL between {noprec shift(1731)} and {[explicit nonassoc 9944] reduce(tupleOrQuotTypeE
lements:appType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1604 on terminal COLON_GREATER between {[explicit left 9978] shift(1619)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon:ty
par)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1605 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1607)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon
Power:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1607)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeCon
Power:appTypeCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal LESS between {[explicit left 9979] shift(1684)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appTyp
eCon)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1606 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1679)} and {noprec reduce(appTypeConPower:appType
Con)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1640 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1641)} and {noprec reduce(powerType:
atomTypeOrAnonRecdType)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1651 on terminal DOT between {[explicit left 9996] shift(1676)} and {noprec reduce(atomType:'HASH' atomTyp
e)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1686 on terminal EOF between {noprec shift(994)} and {noprec reduce(dummyTypeArg:)} - assuming the former
because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1686 on terminal error between {noprec shift(980)} and {noprec reduce(dummyTypeArg:)} - assuming the forme
r because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1711 on terminal INFIX_AT_HAT_OP between {[explicit right 9980] shift(1712)} and {noprec reduce(measureTyp
ePower:measureTypeAtom)} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1838)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_reco
ver:'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1841)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:
'TYPE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1839 on terminal TYPE between {noprec shift(1842)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'TYPE_CO
MING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE_COMING_SOON between {noprec shift(1843)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_re
cover:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE_IS_HERE between {noprec shift(1846)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recove
r:'MODULE_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
shift/reduce error at state 1844 on terminal MODULE between {noprec shift(1847)} and {noprec reduce(ends_coming_soon_or_recover:'MODUL
E_COMING_SOON')} - assuming the former because we prefer shift when unable to compare precedences
time: 00:00:13.3972185
building goto table... time: 00:00:05.6046077
returning tables.
308 shift/reduce conflicts
232 reduce/reduce conflicts
consider setting precedences explicitly using %left %right and %nonassoc on terminals and/or setting explicit precedence on rules usin
g %prec
1872 states
332 nonterminals
204 terminals
1083 productions
#rows in action table: 1872
FSharp.Core.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core.UnitTests\Debug\net472\FSharp.Core.UnitTests.dll
FSharp.Core.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core.UnitTests\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Core.UnitTests.dll
FSharp.Compiler.Private -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Debug\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll
ProjectSystem.Base -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\ProjectSystem.Base\Debug\net472\FSharp.ProjectSystem.Base.dll
fsc -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsc\Debug\net472\fsc.exe
HostedCompilerServer -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharpqa\testenv\bin\HostedCompilerServer.exe
FSharp.PropertiesPages -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.PropertiesPages\Debug\net472\FSharp.ProjectSystem.PropertyPages.dll
fsiAnyCpu -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsiAnyCpu\Debug\net472\fsiAnyCpu.exe
fsi -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsi\Debug\net472\fsi.exe
VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Debug\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler
FSharp.VS.FSI -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.VS.FSI\Debug\net472\FSharp.VS.FSI.dll
FSharp.Test.Utilities -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Test.Utilities\Debug\net472\FSharp.Test.Utilities.dll
FSharp.LanguageService.Base -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.LanguageService.Base\Debug\net472\FSharp.LanguageService.Base.dll
FSharp.Compiler.Private -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Debug\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll
FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests\Debug\net472\FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests.
FSharpSuite.Tests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharpSuite.Tests\Debug\net472\FSharpSuite.Tests.dll
FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests\Debug\net472\FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests.dll
fsc -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsc\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\fsc.exe
FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting\Debug\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Compiler.P
fsi -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsi\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\fsi.exe
FSharp.LanguageService -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.LanguageService\Debug\net472\FSharp.LanguageService.dll
FSharp.Test.Utilities -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Test.Utilities\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Test.Utilities.dll
Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.dll
FSharp.Editor -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Editor\Debug\net472\FSharp.Editor.dll
FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests\Debug\netcoreapp3.
FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Compiler.Componen
FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests\Debug\net472\FShar
FSharpSuite.Tests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharpSuite.Tests\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharpSuite.Tests.dll
FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests.dll
ProjectSystem -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\ProjectSystem\Debug\net472\FSharp.ProjectSystem.FSharp.dll
VisualFSharpFull -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup\Debug\VisualFSharpFull.vsix
VisualFSharp.Salsa -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\VisualFSharp.Salsa\Debug\net472\VisualFSharp.Salsa.dll
VisualFSharp.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\VisualFSharp.UnitTests\Debug\net472\VisualFSharp.UnitTests.dll
GetTypesVS.UnitTests -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\GetTypesVS.UnitTests\Debug\net472\GetTypesVS.UnitTests.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:05:21.65
1>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.PatternMatcher, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
2>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.UIResources, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
3>------ Build started: Project: PEVerify, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
4>------ Build started: Project: CSharp_Analysis, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
5>------ Build started: Project: ResourceFile, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
6>------ Build started: Project: ConsoleProject, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
7>------ Build started: Project: LibraryProject, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
8>------ Build started: Project: Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
1>FSharp.PatternMatcher -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.PatternMatcher\Release\net472\FSharp.PatternMatcher.dll
9>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
10>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Build, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
11>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
12>------ Build started: Project: XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComment, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
4>CSharp_Analysis -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\CSharp_Analysis\Release\netstandard2.0\CSharp_Analysis.dll
13>------ Build started: Project: XmlDocAttributeWithLocalizedComment, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
3>PEVerify -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\PEVerify\Release\net472\PEVerify.exe
12>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
12>Done building project "XmlDocAttributeWithEmptyComment.csproj" -- FAILED.
14>------ Build started: Project: XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
9>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
3>PEVerify -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\PEVerify\Release\netcoreapp3.1\PEVerify.dll
14>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
15>------ Build started: Project: XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
14>Done building project "XmlDocAttributeWithLongComment.csproj" -- FAILED.
16>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
10>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Build C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
11>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\netstandard.library\2.0.3\build\netstandard2.0\ref C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
2>FSharp.UIResources -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.UIResources\Release\net472\FSharp.UIResources.dll
17>------ Build started: Project: DefinitionLocationAttribute, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
10>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\3.1.0\ref\netcoreapp3.1 C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Build C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
17>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
15>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
15>Done building project "XmlDocAttributeWithNullComment.csproj" -- FAILED.
18>------ Build started: Project: DefinitionLocationAttributeFileDoesnotExist, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
17>Done building project "DefinitionLocationAttribute.csproj" -- FAILED.
13>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
19>------ Build started: Project: DefinitionLocationAttributeLineDoesnotExist, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
13>Done building project "XmlDocAttributeWithLocalizedComment.csproj" -- FAILED.
20>------ Build started: Project: DefinitionLocationAttributeWithSpaceInTheType, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
8>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
8>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\netstandard.library\2.0.3\build\netstandard2.0\ref C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
18>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
18>Done building project "DefinitionLocationAttributeFileDoesnotExist.csproj" -- FAILED.
21>------ Build started: Project: DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTesting, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
20>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
20>Done building project "DefinitionLocationAttributeWithSpaceInTheType.csproj" -- FAILED.
22>------ Build started: Project: EditorHideMethodsAttribute, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
9>Done building project "FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared.fsproj" -- FAILED.
23>------ Build started: Project: EmptyAssembly, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
19>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
19>Done building project "DefinitionLocationAttributeLineDoesnotExist.csproj" -- FAILED.
24>------ Build started: Project: XmlDocAttributeWithAdequateComment, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
16>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
11>Done building project "FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget.fsproj" -- FAILED.
25>------ Build started: Project: TutorialProject, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
22>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
22>Done building project "EditorHideMethodsAttribute.csproj" -- FAILED.
26>------ Build started: Project: AppConfig, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
10>Done building project "FSharp.Build.fsproj" -- FAILED.
16>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\netstandard.library\2.0.3\build\netstandard2.0\ref C:\code\sandbox\f1\src\fsharp\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
24>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
24>Done building project "XmlDocAttributeWithAdequateComment.csproj" -- FAILED.
27>------ Build started: Project: CodeFile, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
28>------ Build started: Project: ScriptFile, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
29>------ Build started: Project: SignatureFile, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
23>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\EmptyAssembly C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
8>Done building project "Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.fsproj" -- FAILED.
21>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\vsintegration\tests\MockTypeProviders\DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTesting C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
30>------ Build started: Project: TextFile, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
31>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.Private, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
32>------ Build started: Project: XMLFile, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
33>------ Build started: Project: TestTP, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
16>Done building project "FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.fsproj" -- FAILED.
34>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Build.UnitTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
35>------ Build started: Project: Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
36>------ Build started: Project: Microsoft.FSharp.IDE, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
37>------ Build started: Project: ProjectSystem.Base, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
38>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.VS.FSI, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
39>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.LanguageService.Base, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
23>Done building project "EmptyAssembly.fsproj" -- FAILED.
40>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Editor, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
35>VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Dependencies.vsix
41>------ Build started: Project: fsc, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
42>------ Build started: Project: fsiAnyCpu, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
33>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\service\data\TestTP C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
36>VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.IDE\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.IDE.vsix
43>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
44>------ Build started: Project: fsi, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
45>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Test.Utilities, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
21>Done building project "DummyProviderForLanguageServiceTesting.fsproj" -- FAILED.
46>------ Build started: Project: Microsoft.FSharp.SDK, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
39>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll' could not be found
39>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared\Release\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared.dll' could not be found
39>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
39>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.VS.FSI\Release\net472\FSharp.VS.FSI.dll' could not be found
39>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Release\net472\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.dll' could not be found
39>Done building project "FSharp.LanguageService.Base.csproj" -- FAILED.
47>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.LanguageService, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
48>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.Private.Scripting.UnitTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
37>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll' could not be found
37>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
37>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Release\net472\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.dll' could not be found
37>Done building project "ProjectSystem.Base.csproj" -- FAILED.
49>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.PropertiesPages, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
50>------ Build started: Project: ProjectSystem, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
33>Done building project "TestTP.fsproj" -- FAILED.
51>------ Build started: Project: VisualFSharpTemplates, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
51>VisualFSharpTemplates -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup\Release\VisualFSharpTemplates.vsix
46>VisualStudio.SetupPackage -> C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.SDK\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.SDK.vsix
52>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Core.UnitTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
53>------ Build started: Project: VisualFSharp.Salsa, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
54>------ Build started: Project: HostedCompilerServer, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
55>------ Build started: Project: FSharpSuite.Tests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
56>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.UnitTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
57>------ Build started: Project: ILComparer, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
58>------ Build started: Project: VisualFSharpFull, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
59>------ Build started: Project: Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
60>------ Build started: Project: Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
61>------ Build started: Project: VisualFSharp.UnitTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
62>------ Build started: Project: FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
63>------ Build started: Project: GetTypesVS.UnitTests, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
52>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Core.UnitTests C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
52>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref\3.1.0\ref\netcoreapp3.1 C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\FSharp.Core.UnitTests C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsc\Release\netcoreapp3.1\fsc.exe' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\netcoreapp3.1\FSharp.Build.dll' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.DependencyManager.Nuget.dll' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\fsi\Release\netcoreapp3.1\fsi.exe' could not be found
60>CSC : error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Release\netstandard2.0\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.dll' could not be found
60>Done building project "Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.csproj" -- FAILED.
57>FSC : error FS0078: Unable to find the file 'C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll' in any of C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2 C:\Users\zaphod\.nuget\packages\microsoft.netframework.referenceassemblies.net472\1.0.0-preview.2\build\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\Facades C:\code\sandbox\f1\tests\fsharpqa\testenv\src\ILComparer C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\Bootstrap\fsc\
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(12,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\fsc\Release\net472\fsc.exe.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(13,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\fsc\Release\net472\fsc.exe.config.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(14,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\fsi\Release\net472\fsi.exe.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(15,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\fsi\Release\net472\fsi.exe.config.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(16,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\fsiAnyCpu\Release\net472\fsiAnyCpu.exe.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(17,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\fsiAnyCpu\Release\net472\fsiAnyCpu.exe.config.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(18,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(19,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Private.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(20,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Buffers.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(21,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Memory.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(22,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(23,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Reflection.Metadata.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(24,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Resources.Extensions.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(25,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(26,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(27,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared\Release\net472\FSharp.Compiler.Server.Shared.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(28,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(29,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.optdata.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(30,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\FSharp.Core.sigdata.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(31,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\FSharp.Build.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(32,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager\Release\net472\Microsoft.DotNet.DependencyManager.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(33,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(34,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(35,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Core.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(36,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.Portable.FSharp.Targets.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(37,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\System.Collections.Immutable.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(38,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.NetSdk.props.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(39,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.NetSdk.targets.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(40,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Overrides.NetSdk.targets.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(41,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Targets.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(44,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\cs\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(45,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\cs\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(46,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\cs\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(47,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\cs\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(49,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\de\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(50,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\de\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(51,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\de\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(52,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\de\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(54,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\es\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(55,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\es\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(56,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\es\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(57,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\es\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(59,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\fr\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(60,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\fr\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(61,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\fr\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(62,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\fr\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(64,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\it\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(65,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\it\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(66,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\it\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(67,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\it\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(69,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\ja\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(70,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\ja\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(71,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\ja\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(72,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\ja\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(74,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\ko\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(75,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\ko\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(76,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\ko\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(77,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\ko\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(79,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\pl\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(80,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\pl\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(81,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\pl\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(82,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\pl\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(84,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\pt-BR\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(85,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\pt-BR\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(86,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\pt-BR\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(87,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\pt-BR\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(89,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\ru\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(90,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\ru\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(91,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\ru\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(92,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\ru\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(94,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\tr\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(95,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\tr\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(96,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\tr\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(97,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\tr\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(99,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\zh-Hans\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(100,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\zh-Hans\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(101,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\zh-Hans\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(102,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\zh-Hans\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(104,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Build\Release\net472\zh-Hant\FSharp.Build.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(105,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings\Release\net472\zh-Hant\FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Settings.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(106,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Compiler.Private\Release\net472\zh-Hant\FSharp.Compiler.Private.resources.dll.
59>C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\VSSetup.obj\Release\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.MSBuild\net472\Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.swr(107,2): error SWIX1108: Could not find file at path: C:\code\sandbox\f1\artifacts\bin\FSharp.Core\Release\netstandard2.0\zh-Hant\FSharp.Core.resources.dll.
59>Done building project "VisualStudio.SetupPackage.swixproj" -- FAILED.
57>Done building project "ILComparer.fsproj" -- FAILED.
52>Done building project "FSharp.Core.UnitTests.fsproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 18 succeeded, 45 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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