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Created May 11, 2019 21:48
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Space Engineers ship layout script
// ShipLayout by zanders3
// This script displays the layout and health status of your ship or station.
// To use run this script and add e.g. 'ShipLayout 0' or 'ShipLayoutHealth' to the CustomData of an LCD.
public Program() {
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
public delegate Vector3I RotateFunc(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size);
static Vector3I Rot1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(size.Y - pos.Y, pos.X, pos.Z); }
static Vector3I Rot2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(size.X - pos.X, size.Y - pos.Y, pos.Z); }
static Vector3I Rot3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.Y, size.X - pos.X, pos.Z); }
static Vector3I XUp(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.Z, pos.Y, pos.X); }
static Vector3I YUp(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.Z, pos.X, pos.Y); }
static Vector3I ZUp(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z); }
static Vector3I XUp1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot1(XUp(pos, size), XUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I XUp2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot2(XUp(pos, size), XUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I XUp3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot3(XUp(pos, size), XUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I YUp1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot1(YUp(pos, size), YUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I YUp2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot2(YUp(pos, size), YUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I YUp3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot3(YUp(pos, size), YUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I ZUp1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot1(ZUp(pos, size), ZUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I ZUp2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot2(ZUp(pos, size), ZUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I ZUp3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot3(ZUp(pos, size), ZUp(size, size)); }
static Vector3I XDown(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.Z, pos.Y, size.X - pos.X); }
static Vector3I YDown(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.Z, pos.X, size.Y - pos.Y); }
static Vector3I ZDown(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return new Vector3I(pos.X, pos.Y, size.Z - pos.Z); }
static Vector3I XDown1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot1(XDown(pos, size), XDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I XDown2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot2(XDown(pos, size), XDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I XDown3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot3(XDown(pos, size), XDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I YDown1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot1(YDown(pos, size), YDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I YDown2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot2(YDown(pos, size), YDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I YDown3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot3(YDown(pos, size), YDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I ZDown1(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot1(ZDown(pos, size), ZDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I ZDown2(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot2(ZDown(pos, size), ZDown(size, size)); }
static Vector3I ZDown3(Vector3I pos, Vector3I size) { return Rot3(ZDown(pos, size), ZDown(size, size)); }
int idx = 0;
static RotateFunc[] funcs = new RotateFunc[] {
XUp, XUp1, XUp2, XUp3, YUp, YUp1, YUp2, YUp3, ZUp, ZUp1, ZUp2, ZUp3,
XDown, XDown1, XDown2, XDown3, YDown, YDown1, YDown2, YDown3, ZDown, ZDown1, ZDown2, ZDown3
enum BlockState {
Empty, Destroyed, Damaged, Normal
BlockState[,,] saved_grid;
Vector3I gridmin, gridmax;
struct TileState {
public int Healthy, Total;
public int Depth;
int tilesize;
TileState[,] tiles;
int hull_percent = 0;
IEnumerable<bool> CheckGrid(IMyCubeGrid grid, bool check_damaged) {
if (check_damaged == false) {
gridmin = grid.Min - Vector3I.One;
gridmax = grid.Max + Vector3I.One;
saved_grid = new BlockState[gridmax.X - gridmin.X, gridmax.Y - gridmin.Y, gridmax.Z - gridmin.Z];
tilesize = Math.Max(gridmax.X - gridmin.X, Math.Max(gridmax.Y - gridmin.Y, gridmax.Z - gridmin.Z)) + 1;
tiles = new TileState[tilesize, tilesize];
int total_healthy = 0, total = 0;
for (int x = gridmin.X; x < gridmax.X; ++x) {
for (int y = gridmin.Y; y < gridmax.Y; ++y) {
for (int z = gridmin.Z; z < gridmax.Z; ++z) {
Vector3I pos = new Vector3I(x, y, z);
if (check_damaged) {
if (saved_grid[x - gridmin.X, y - gridmin.Y, z - gridmin.Z] != BlockState.Empty) {
if (!grid.CubeExists(pos))
saved_grid[x - gridmin.X, y - gridmin.Y, z - gridmin.Z] = BlockState.Destroyed;
} else
saved_grid[x - gridmin.X, y - gridmin.Y, z - gridmin.Z] = grid.CubeExists(pos) ? BlockState.Normal : BlockState.Empty;
yield return true;
hull_percent = total > 0 ? total_healthy * 100 / total : 100;
IEnumerable<bool> Draw(MySpriteDrawFrame frame, RotateFunc swizzle, RectangleF screen) {
Vector3I size = gridmax - gridmin;
Vector3I sizecube = swizzle(gridmax - gridmin, size * 2);
float scale = Math.Min(screen.Width, screen.Height) / Math.Max(sizecube.X, sizecube.Y);
Vector2 blocksize = new Vector2(scale, scale);
float xoff = (screen.Width - sizecube.X * scale) * 0.5f + screen.X;
float yoff = (screen.Width - sizecube.Y * scale) * 0.5f + screen.Y;
for (int x = 0; x <= sizecube.X; x++)
for (int y = 0; y <= sizecube.Y; y++)
tiles[x, y] = new TileState();
for (int x = gridmin.X; x < gridmax.X; ++x) {
for (int y = gridmin.Y; y < gridmax.Y; ++y) {
for (int z = gridmin.Z; z < gridmax.Z; ++z) {
BlockState state = saved_grid[x - gridmin.X, y - gridmin.Y, z - gridmin.Z];
if (state != BlockState.Empty) {
Vector3I pos = new Vector3I(x, y, z);
Vector3I poscube = swizzle(pos - gridmin, size);
TileState tile = tiles[poscube.X, poscube.Y];
tile.Depth = Math.Max(tile.Depth, poscube.Z);
if (state == BlockState.Normal)
tiles[poscube.X, poscube.Y] = tile;
yield return true;
for (int x = 0; x<=sizecube.X; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y<=sizecube.Y; y++) {
TileState tile = tiles[x, y];
if (tile.Total == 0)
float depth = ((float)tile.Depth / (float)sizecube.Z);
depth = depth * depth * depth * depth + 0.05f;
float health = tile.Healthy / (float)tile.Total;
if (tile.Healthy < tile.Total)
health *= 0.5f;
frame.Add(new MySprite(SpriteType.TEXTURE, "SquareSimple", new Vector2(x * scale + xoff, y * scale + yoff), new Vector2(scale, scale), new Color(depth, depth * health, depth * health)));
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; ++i) {
Vector3I poscube = swizzle(blocks[i].Position - gridmin, size);
Vector3I possize = swizzle(blocks[i].Size, Vector3I.Zero);
if (possize.X < 0) { poscube.X += possize.X + 1; possize.X = -possize.X; }
if (possize.Y < 0) { poscube.Y += possize.Y + 1; possize.Y = -possize.Y; }
if (possize.Z < 0) { poscube.Z += possize.Z + 1; possize.Z = -possize.Z; }
frame.Add(new MySprite(SpriteType.TEXTURE, "SquareHollow", new Vector2((poscube.X + possize.X * 0.5f - 0.5f) * scale + xoff, (poscube.Y + possize.Y * 0.5f - 0.5f) * scale + yoff), new Vector2(possize.X * scale, possize.Y * scale), blocks[i].State == BlockState.Normal ? Color.Green : blocks[i].State == BlockState.Damaged ? Color.Yellow : Color.Red));
struct TerminalBlockState {
public Vector3I Position, Size;
public BlockState State;
public IMyTerminalBlock Block;
List<TerminalBlockState> blocks = new List<TerminalBlockState>();
List<RectangleF> rects = new List<RectangleF>();
List<IMyTerminalBlock> lcds = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<IMyTerminalBlock> healthbars = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
string health_string = "";
bool want_reset = true;
IEnumerable<bool> RunProgram() {
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update1;
IMyCubeGrid grid = Me.CubeGrid;
if (want_reset) {
Echo("Reset Grid!");
want_reset = false;
foreach (bool val in CheckGrid(grid, false))
yield return val;
List<IMyTerminalBlock> full_blocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
for (int i = 0; i < full_blocks.Count; ++i)
if (full_blocks[i].IsFunctional)
blocks.Add(new TerminalBlockState { Position = full_blocks[i].Min, Size = full_blocks[i].Max - full_blocks[i].Min + Vector3I.One, State = BlockState.Normal, Block = full_blocks[i] });
yield break;
//Update grid
idx = (idx + 1) % funcs.Length;
GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTextSurfaceProvider>(lcds, block => block.CustomData.Contains("ShipLayout") && !block.CustomData.Contains("ShipLayoutHealth"));
GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTextSurface>(healthbars, block => block.CustomData.Contains("ShipLayoutHealth"));
foreach (bool val in CheckGrid(grid, true))
yield return val;
int terminal_healthy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; ++i) {
bool exists = grid.CubeExists(blocks[i].Position);
bool working = blocks[i].Block.IsWorking;
if (exists)
TerminalBlockState s = blocks[i];
s.State = exists && working ? BlockState.Normal : exists ? BlockState.Damaged : BlockState.Destroyed;
blocks[i] = s;
int terminal_percent = blocks.Count > 0 ? terminal_healthy * 100 / blocks.Count : 100;
health_string = string.Format("Hull " + hull_percent.ToString("000") + "% Systems " + terminal_percent.ToString("000") + "%");
//Update healthbars
for (int i = 0; i < healthbars.Count; ++i) {
IMyTextSurface surf = (IMyTextSurface)healthbars[i];
surf.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT_AND_IMAGE;
//Draw Program screen
IMyTextSurface surf = Me.GetSurface(0);
surf.ContentType = ContentType.SCRIPT;
MySpriteDrawFrame frame = surf.DrawFrame();
foreach (bool val in Draw(frame, funcs[idx], new RectangleF(0f, 0f, surf.SurfaceSize.X, surf.SurfaceSize.Y)))
yield return val;
frame.Add(MySprite.CreateText("ShipLayout by zanders3\nAdd ShipLayout " + idx + " or ShipLayoutHealth\nto CustomData on LCD\n" + health_string, "DEBUG", Color.Black));
//Draw LCD screen
RotateFunc swizzle = funcs[idx];
for (int i = 0; i < lcds.Count; ++i) {
IMyTerminalBlock lcd = lcds[i];
string[] bits = lcd.CustomData.Split(' ');
if (bits.Length >= 2) {
int mode;
int.TryParse(bits[1], out mode);
swizzle = funcs[mode % funcs.Length];
IMyTextSurface surf = ((IMyTextSurfaceProvider)lcd).GetSurface(0);
surf.ContentType = ContentType.SCRIPT;
MySpriteDrawFrame frame = surf.DrawFrame();
foreach (bool val in Draw(frame, swizzle, new RectangleF(0f, 0f, surf.SurfaceSize.X, surf.SurfaceSize.Y)))
yield return val;
if (!want_reset)
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
IEnumerator<bool> current_work;
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource) {
Echo("View " + idx + "LCDs " + lcds.Count);
Echo("Update Time: " + Runtime.LastRunTimeMs.ToString("F"));
if (updateSource == UpdateType.Terminal)
want_reset = true;
if (current_work == null)
current_work = RunProgram().GetEnumerator();
if (current_work.MoveNext() == false) {
current_work = null;
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