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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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「ClojureでNinety-Nine Lisp Problems(P06~10)」ブログ用
(defn my-palindrome?
"Find out whether a list is a palindrome."
(let [middle (/ (count word) 2), word1 (take middle word), word2 (reverse (drop middle word))]
(every? #(= (first %) (second %)) (map list word1 word2))
(defn my-palindrome?
"Find out whether a list is a palindrome."
(let [words (split-at (/ (count word) 2) word)]
(every? #(= (first %) (second %)) (map list (first words) (reverse (second words))))
(defn my-palindrome?
"Find out whether a list is a palindrome."
(let [words (split-at (/ (count word) 2) word)]
(every? #(= (key %) (val %)) (zipmap (first words) (reverse (second words))))
(defn my-flatten
"Flatten a nested list structure."
[[x & xs :as lst]]
(if (empty? lst)
(if (list? x)
(concat (my-flatten x) (my-flatten xs))
(cons x (my-flatten xs))
(defn my-compress
"Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements."
(if (empty? xs)
(cons (first xs) ((fn f [[x1 & xs] ys]
(let [x2 (first xs)]
(cond (empty? xs) ys
(= x1 x2) (f xs ys)
:else (cons x2 (f xs ys))
) xs '()))
(defn my-compress
"Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements."
(if (empty? xs)
(reverse ((fn [[x & xs] ys]
(if (nil? x)
(recur ((fn [x] (drop-while #(= % x) xs)) x) (cons x ys))
) xs '()))
(defn my-compress
"Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements."
(if (empty? xs)
(reverse (loop [xs xs, ys '()]
(if (empty? xs)
(let [x (first xs)]
(recur ((fn [x] (drop-while #(= % x) xs)) x) (cons x ys))
(defn my-pack
"Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists."
(reverse (loop [xs xs, ys '()]
(if (empty? xs)
(let [x (first xs), y (take-while #(= x %) xs)]
(recur (drop (count y) xs) (cons y ys))
(defn my-pack
"Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists."
(reverse (loop [xs xs, ys '()]
(if (empty? xs)
(let [x (first xs), y (split-with #(= x %) xs)]
(recur (second y) (cons (first y) ys))
(defn my-pack
"Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists."
(partition-by identity xs)
(defn my-encode
"Run-length encoding of a list."
(reverse (loop [[x & _ :as xs] xs, ys '()]
(if (nil? x)
(let [[z zs] (split-with #(= x %) xs)]
(recur zs (cons (list (count z) (first z)) ys))
(defn my-encode
"Run-length encoding of a list."
(map #(list (count %) (first %)) (partition-by identity xs))
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