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Created March 8, 2015 06:26
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「ClojureでNinety-Nine Lisp Problems(P37~39)」ブログ用
(declare my-prime-factors-mult count-quot)
(defn my-totient-phi-improved
"Calculate Euler's totient function phi(m) (improved)."
(reduce * (map (fn [[p m]] (* (dec p) (Math/pow p (dec m)))) (my-prime-factors-mult m))))
(defn my-prime-factors-mult
"Determine the prime factors of a given positive integer (2)."
(loop [n n, [m & ms] (cons 2 (iterate #(+ 2 %) 3)), ps nil]
(if (> (Math/pow m 2) n)
(let [ps' (if (== n 1) ps (cons (list n 1) ps))]
(reverse ps'))
(let [[q cnt] (count-quot n m),
ps' (if (== cnt 0) ps (cons (list m cnt) ps))]
(recur q ms ps')))))
(defn count-quot
[n m]
(loop [n n, m m, cnt 0]
(let [q (quot n m), r (rem n m)]
(if (== r 0)
(recur q m (inc cnt))
(list n cnt)))))
(declare my-totient-phi my-coprime? my-gcd my-totient-phi-improved my-prime-factors-mult count-quot)
(defn my-measure-phi
"Compare the two methods of calculating Euler's totient function."
(dorun (map #(time (% m)) (list my-totient-phi my-totient-phi-improved))))
(defn my-totient-phi
"Calculate Euler's totient function phi(m)."
(count (filter #(my-coprime? m %) (range 1 m))))
(defn my-coprime?
"Determine whether two positive integer numbers are coprime."
[n m]
(let [g (my-gcd n m)] (or (== g 1) (== g -1))))
(defn my-gcd
"Determine the greatest common divisor of two positive integer numbers."
[n m]
(== n 0) m
(neg? n) (my-gcd (- n) m)
(neg? m) (- (my-gcd n (- m)))
:else (my-gcd (rem m n) n)))
(defn my-totient-phi-improved
"Calculate Euler's totient function phi(m) (improved)."
(reduce * (map (fn [[p m]] (* (dec p) (Math/pow p (dec m)))) (my-prime-factors-mult m))))
(defn my-prime-factors-mult
"Determine the prime factors of a given positive integer (2)."
(loop [n n, [m & ms] (cons 2 (iterate #(+ 2 %) 3)), ps nil]
(if (> (Math/pow m 2) n)
(let [ps' (if (== n 1) ps (cons (list n 1) ps))]
(reverse ps'))
(let [[q cnt] (count-quot n m),
ps' (if (== cnt 0) ps (cons (list m cnt) ps))]
(recur q ms ps')))))
(defn count-quot
[n m]
(loop [n n, m m, cnt 0]
(let [q (quot n m), r (rem n m)]
(if (== r 0)
(recur q m (inc cnt))
(list n cnt)))))
(declare my-primes)
(defn my-primes-range
"A list of prime numbers."
[n m]
(reverse (take-while #(<= n %) (my-primes m))))
(defn my-primes
(loop [n n, [m & ms] (cons 2 (iterate #(+ 2 %) 3)), ps nil]
(if (> m n)
(let [ps' (drop-while #(> (Math/pow % 2) m) ps),
ps'' (if (every? #(not= (rem m %) 0) ps') (cons m ps) ps)]
(recur n ms ps'')))))
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