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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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「HaskellでProject Euler(Problem 67~69)」ブログ用
main = do triangle <- readFile "triangle.txt"
print $ maximumPath $ map toInts $ reverse $ lines triangle
maximumPath :: (Ord a, Num a) => [[a]] -> a
maximumPath nss = head $ foldl1 (zipWith (+) . largerList) nss
toInts :: String -> [Int]
toInts line = map read $ words line
largerList :: Ord b => [b] -> [b]
largerList l = zipWith max l $ tail l
main = print $ maxMagic5GonRing
maxMagic5GonRing :: Int
maxMagic5GonRing = maximum $ map read $ filter (\s -> length s == 16) $ map (toStr . concat) magic5GonRing
where toStr = foldl (\acc n -> acc ++ (show n)) ""
magic5GonRing :: [[[Integer]]]
magic5GonRing = [[[n1, n2, n3], [n4, n3, n5], [n6, n5, n7], [n8, n7, n9], [n10, n9, n2]] |
(n1, ns1) <- select [1..10],
(n2, ns2) <- select ns1,
(n3, ns3) <- select ns2,
let sum = n1 + n2 + n3,
(n4, ns4) <- select ns3, n4 > n1,
(n5, ns5) <- select ns4,
n4 + n3 + n5 == sum,
(n6, ns6) <- select ns5, n6 > n1,
(n7, ns7) <- select ns6,
n6 + n5 + n7 == sum,
(n8, ns8) <- select ns7, n8 > n1,
(n9, ns9) <- select ns8,
n8 + n7 + n9 == sum,
(n10, _) <- select ns9, n10 > n1,
n10 + n9 + n2 == sum]
select :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]
select xs = map select' [0..(length xs) - 1]
where select' i = let (ys, z:zs) = splitAt i xs in (z, ys ++ zs)
import Data.List (maximumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Zaneli.Euler (primeFactors)
main = print $ fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) $ map (\n -> let t = totient n in (n, n % t)) [1..1000000]
totient :: Integral a => a -> a
totient 1 = 1
totient n = product $ map (\(p, m) -> (p-1) * p ^ (m-1)) $ primeFactors n
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