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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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「HaskellでProject Euler(Problem 31~33)」ブログ用
main = print $ length $ coinSums 200
coinSums :: Integer -> [(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)]
coinSums n = [ (po1, po2, po5, po10, po20, po50, pe1, pe2) |
po1 <- [0,1..n],
po2 <- [0,2..n-po1],
po5 <- [0,5..n-(po1+po2)],
po10 <- [0,10..n-(po1+po2+po5)],
po20 <- [0,20..n-(po1+po2+po5+po10)],
po50 <- [0,50..n-(po1+po2+po5+po10+po20)],
pe1 <- [0,100..n-(po1+po2+po5+po10+po20+po50)],
pe2 <- [0,200..n-(po1+po2+po5+po10+po20+po50+pe1)],
po1 + po2 + po5 + po10 + po20 + po50 + pe1 + pe2 == n]
main = print $ length $ coinSums 200
coinSums :: Integer -> [(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)]
coinSums n = [ (po1, po2, po5, po10, po20, po50, pe1, pe2) |
pe2 <- [0,200..n],
let n1 = n - pe2,
pe1 <- [0,100..n1],
let n2 = n1 - pe1,
po50 <- [0,50..n2],
let n3 = n2 - po50,
po20 <- [0,20..n3],
let n4 = n3 - po20,
po10 <- [0,10..n4],
let n5 = n4 - po10,
po5 <- [0,5..n5],
let n6 = n5 - po5,
po2 <- [0,2..n6],
let n7 = n6 - po2,
po1 <- [0,1..n7],
po1 == n7]
main = print $ f200_100_50_20_10_5_2_1 200
f1 n = 1
f2_1 n = sum [f1 (n - x) | x <- [0,2..n]]
f5_2_1 n = sum [f2_1 (n - x) | x <- [0,5..n]]
f10_5_2_1 n = sum [f5_2_1 (n - x) | x <- [0,10..n]]
f20_10_5_2_1 n = sum [f10_5_2_1 (n - x) | x <- [0,20..n]]
f50_20_10_5_2_1 n = sum [f20_10_5_2_1 (n - x) | x <- [0,50..n]]
f100_50_20_10_5_2_1 n = sum [f50_20_10_5_2_1 (n - x) | x <- [0,100..n]]
f200_100_50_20_10_5_2_1 n = sum [f100_50_20_10_5_2_1 (n - x) | x <- [0,200..n]]
main = print $ f [200,100,50,20,10,5,2,1] 200
f :: (Integral a, Num b) => [a] -> a -> b
f [n] m = if m `mod` n == 0 then 1 else 0
f (n:ns) m = sum [f ns (m - x) | x <- [0,n..m]]
main = print $ f [200,100,50,20,10,5,2,1] 200
f :: (Integral a, Num b) => [a] -> a -> b
f ns m = let ns' = zip ns $ scanr1 gcd ns in f' ns' m
f' :: (Integral a, Num b) => [(a, a)] -> a -> b
f' ((n, d):ns) m
| m `mod` d /= 0 = 0
| null ns = 1
| otherwise = sum [f' ns (m - x) | x <- [0,n..m]]
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.List (nub, sort)
main = print $ sum $ pandigitals
pandigitals :: [Integer]
pandigitals = nub [ z |
let limit = 9876,
x <- [2..limit], isUnique x,
y <- [(x+1)..limit], isUnique y,
let z = x * y, isUnique z, isPandigital 9 $ [x, y, z]]
where isUnique xs = let xs' = show xs in xs' == (nub $ xs')
isPandigital :: Show a => Int -> [a] -> Bool
isPandigital limit nums
| length numStr /= limit = False
| otherwise = [1..limit] == (sort $ map digitToInt $ numStr)
where numStr = foldl1 (++) $ map show nums
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.List (nub, sort)
main = print $ sum $ pandigitals
pandigitals :: [Integer]
pandigitals = nub [ z |
x <- [2..9876],
let (lLimit, uLimit) = multiplyLimit x,
y <- [lLimit..uLimit],
let z = x * y,
isPandigital [x, y, z]]
isPandigital :: Show a => [a] -> Bool
isPandigital ns = [1..9] == (sort $ map digitToInt $ numsToStr ns)
where numsToStr = foldl1 (++) . map show
-- x*y が9桁になるためには xの桁数+yの桁数 = 5 である必要があるため、x の桁数から y の下限値,上限値を出す.
-- x が2桁の場合、y は3桁なので下限値は 100, 上限値は 999.
multiplyLimit :: (Num a, Show a) => a -> (a, a)
multiplyLimit x = (10^(numOfDigits - 1), (10^numOfDigits) - 1)
where numOfDigits = 5 - (length $ show x)
import Data.Array ((!), Array, listArray)
import Data.List (nub, sort)
main = print $ sum $ pandigitals
pandigitals :: [Integer]
pandigitals = nub [ z |
x <- [2..9876],
let (lLimit, uLimit) = multiplyLimit ! (length $ show x),
y <- [lLimit..uLimit],
let z = x * y,
isPandigital [x, y, z]]
isPandigital :: Show a => [a] -> Bool
isPandigital ns = ['1'..'9'] == (sort $ ns >>= show)
-- x*y が9桁になるためには xの桁数+yの桁数 = 5 である必要があるため、x の桁数から y の下限値,上限値を出す.
-- x が2桁の場合、y は3桁なので下限値は 100, 上限値は 999.
multiplyLimit :: Array Int (Integer, Integer)
multiplyLimit = listArray (1, 4) $ map (\n -> let n' = 5 - n in (10^(n' - 1), (10^n') - 1)) [1..4]
import Data.List (nub, sort)
main = print $ sum $ pandigitals
pandigitals :: [Integer]
pandigitals = nub [ z | x <- [2..98], y <- [(1234 `div` x)..(9876 `div` x)], let z = x * y, isPandigital [x, y, z]]
isPandigital :: Show a => [a] -> Bool
isPandigital ns = ['1'..'9'] == (sort $ concatMap show ns)
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.List (delete, find, foldl1')
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Ratio ((%), denominator, Ratio)
main = print $ denominator $ product dcFractions
fractions :: [(Int, Int, Maybe Int)]
fractions = [(n, d, e) | n <- list, d <- list, n < d, let e = sameElem n d, isJust e]
where list = [x | x <- [11..99], x `mod` 10 /= 0]
dcFractions :: [Ratio Int]
dcFractions = map (\(n, d, e) -> (n % d)) $ filter (\(n, d, e) -> (n % d) == ((delElem n e) % (delElem d e))) fractions
sameElem :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
sameElem n m = let n' = numToList n
m' = numToList m in
find (\e -> elem e m') n'
delElem :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Int
delElem n (Just e) = listToNum $ delete e $ numToList n
delElem n _ = n
numToList :: (Num a, Show a) => a -> [Int]
numToList = map digitToInt . show
listToNum :: Num a => [a] -> a
listToNum = foldl1' (\a b -> a * 10 + b)
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Data.List (delete, find, foldl1')
import Data.Ratio ((%), denominator, Ratio)
main = print $ denominator $ product fractions
fractions :: [Ratio Int]
fractions = [n % d | n <- list, d <- list, n < d, eqDCFraction n d]
where list = [x | x <- [11..99], x `mod` 10 /= 0]
eqDCFraction :: Int -> Int -> Bool
eqDCFraction n d = eq n d $ sameElem n d
eq n d (Just e) = (n % d) == ((delElem n e) % (delElem d e))
eq _ _ _ = False
sameElem :: (Num a, Num b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Maybe Int
sameElem n m = let n' = numToList n
m' = numToList m in
find (\e -> elem e m') n'
delElem :: (Num a, Show a) => a -> Int -> Int
delElem n e = listToNum $ delete e $ numToList n
numToList :: (Num a, Show a) => a -> [Int]
numToList = map digitToInt . show
listToNum :: Num a => [a] -> a
listToNum = foldl1' (\a b -> a * 10 + b)
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