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Making mistakes so you don't have to since 1961.

Mark Nichols zanshin

Making mistakes so you don't have to since 1961.
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require 'fileutils'
require 'date'
require 'yaml'
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML
doc =[0])
FileUtils.mkdir_p "_posts"
zanshin / gist:1117462
Created August 1, 2011 02:09 — forked from imathis/gist:1104557
FIX for Lion's posix_spawn_ext.bundle: [BUG] Segmentation fault

The segfault problem with posix_spawn is indeed caused by Lion's compiler being LLVM and not GCC by default. However, when I installed RVM, the notes suggested that on Lion you need to add export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 to your shell startup file (.bashrc or .zshrc as appropriate). I did that, but it seems that's what caused problems: while ruby 1.9.2 needs you to use GCC to install it, using the same compiler for the gems apparently causes breakage.

First, you need to install XCode 4.x, which is now a free (though hefty!) download from the Mac App Store. Without that, you have no gcc, so you won't get anywhere ;-)

Next, what you need to do is clear out your rvm ruby and the associated gems (make sure you are cd'd into your octopress repository then do:

rvm remove ruby-1.9.2 --gems --archive

which will clear everything out so that you can start from scratch. Obviously, if you have other stuff you've installed for other purposes using RVM, be careful with this. If you previously had the export CC li

zanshin / Importing posts from Wordpress into Jekyll.rb
Created August 1, 2011 15:57 — forked from vitobotta/Importing posts from Wordpress into Jekyll.rb
The script I used to import posts from my Wordpress blog into a new Jekyll one.
%w(rubygems sequel fileutils yaml active_support/inflector).each{|g| require g}
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "downmark_it")
module WordPress
def self.import(database, user, password, table_prefix = "wp", host = 'localhost')
db = Sequel.mysql(database, :user => user, :password => password, :host => host, :encoding => 'utf8')
%w(_posts _drafts images/posts/featured).each{|folder| FileUtils.mkdir_p folder}
zanshin /
Created June 4, 2012 13:41 — forked from dAnjou/
Script to find Git repos and show their status
find . -type d -name ".git" -execdir bash -c '
if [ ! $(git status | grep -o nothing) ]
x=$(basename "$PWD")
y=$(dirname "$PWD")
echo -e "\033[1;32m${x}\033[0m (${y})" >&2
git status -s >&2
zanshin /
Created September 25, 2012 19:07
Bash script to parse Apache log for a count of RSS subscribers and email it to you
# Schedule this to run once a day with cron. Doesn't matter what time since it parses yesterday's hits (by default).
# I only tested this on the server, which runs CentOS (RHEL). No idea how it'll work on other distributions, but it's pretty basic.
# Required variables:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Remove all gems EXCEPT defaults :)
`gem list -d`.split(/\n\n^(?=\w)/).each do |data|
match = data.match(/(?<name>([^\s]+)) \((?<versions>.*)\)/)
name = match[:name]
versions = match[:versions].split(', ')
if match = data.match(/^.*\(([\d\.]*),? ?default\): .*$/)
next if match[1].empty? # it's the only version if this match is empty
# assign a prompt color by hashing the letters of the hostname
# idea copied from the irssi script ''
# Daniel Kertesz <>
autoload -U colors
setopt prompt_subst
zanshin / rnb.erb
Created June 16, 2017 04:21 — forked from romainl/
RNB, a Vim colorscheme template
# Author: Romain Lafourcade (
# Canonical URL:
# This template is designed to help vimmers create their own colorschemes
# without much effort.
# You will need Ruby to generate your colorscheme but Ruby knowledge is
# not needed at all.
javascript:(() => {
const requestURL = "";
const token = "dfgkjlhsdfgkljghklhj";
const pageTitle = document.title;
const pageURL = window.location.href;
let metaImage = "";
let metaDescription = "";
function getMetaValue(propName) {
zanshin /
Created September 29, 2023 04:04 — forked from april/
find all apps using Electron and their versions, on macOS systems
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# patched versions for CVE-2023-4863: 22.3.24, 24.8.3, 25.8.1, 26.2.1
mdfind "kind:app" 2>/dev/null | sort -u | while read app;
filename="$app/Contents/Frameworks/Electron Framework.framework/Electron Framework"
if [[ -f $filename ]]; then
echo "App Name: $(basename ${app})"
electronVersion=$(strings "$filename" | grep "Chrome/" | grep -i Electron | grep -v '%s' | sort -u | cut -f 3 -d '/')