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Last active December 23, 2016 15:58
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A more general approach to resolve verbal arithmetic using scala API, completely based on the talk by Filippo Vitale =>
* Created by simone.picciani on 21/12/2016.
object ScalaAPI {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val initTime = System.currentTimeMillis
// val phrase = "send more money"
val phrase = "leia luke han rebel"
val phraseNoSpaces = phrase.replace(" ", "")
val phraseList = phrase split " " toList
val question = phraseList init
val initials = phraseList map (_.head)
val answer = phraseList last
val maps = for {
combination <- (0 to 9).combinations(phraseNoSpaces.distinct.length)
permutation <- combination.permutations
} yield (phraseNoSpaces.distinct zip permutation).toMap
val reducer = (str: String, m: Map[Char, Int]) => str map m reduce (_ * 10 + _)
val solutions = {
val result = for {
m <- maps if initials forall (m(_) != 0)
first =, m))
last = reducer(answer, m)
if first.sum == last
} yield (first, last)
println(s"result is ${}")
val elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis - initTime
println(s"Total Duration of scalaAPI-> $elapsedTime ms")
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