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Evaluate LambdaMu terms using CPS transform
import Data.List.Elem
-- | Lets start by defining some boilerplate data-types.
-- | Contexts/Variable Environments
data All : {a : Type} -> (p : a -> Type) -> List a -> Type where
Nil : All p []
(::) : {x : a} -> (px : p x) -> (pxs : All p xs) -> All p (x :: xs)
lookup : All p ctx -> Elem x ctx -> p x
lookup (value :: rest) Here = value
lookup (value :: rest) (There later) = lookup rest later
-- | Co-Contexts. A classical term outputs a disjunction of values.
data Any : (p : k -> Type) -> List k -> Type where
This : {p : k -> Type} -> p x -> Any p (x :: xs)
That : Any p xs -> Any p (x :: xs)
-- Monoidal functor on Co-contexts
merge : {p : k -> Type} -> {x, x', x'' : k} ->
(p x -> p x' -> p x'') -> Any p (x::xs) -> Any p (x'::xs) -> Any p (x''::xs)
merge op (This t1) (This t2) = This (op t1 t2)
merge op (This _) (That t2) = That t2
merge op (That t1) _ = That t1
-- Inject a value into a given location
fromElem : {p : k -> Type} -> p a -> Elem a d -> Any p d
fromElem v Here = This v
fromElem v (There t) = That (fromElem v t)
-- Extract a from singleton [a]
fromAny : {p : k -> Type} -> Any p [a] -> p a
fromAny (This a) = a
fromAny (That p) impossible
-- | Continuations
Cont : Type -> Type -> Type
Cont r a = (a -> r) -> r
KlCont : Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
KlCont r a b = a -> Cont r b
toCPS : a -> (a -> r) -> r
toCPS x f = f x
-- Functor over Cont
mapC : (a -> b) -> Cont r a -> Cont r b
mapC f c = (\br => c (br . f))
-- Monoidal functor over Cont
ap : (a -> b -> c) -> ((a -> r) -> r) -> ((b -> r) -> r) -> (c -> r) -> r
ap op ar br k = ar (\x => br (\y => k (op x y)))
-- CallCC
cc : ((forall b. a -> Cont r b) -> Cont r a) -> Cont r a
cc f = \k => (f $ \a, br => k a) k
-- Practice run : Evaluating STLC terms into Kleisli(Cont)
namespace STLC
data Ty = N | Imp Ty Ty
data Term : List Ty -> Ty -> Type where
Var : {g : List Ty} -> {a : Ty} -> Elem a g -> Term g a
Lam : {g : List Ty} -> {a, b : Ty} -> Term (a::g) b -> Term g (Imp a b)
App : {g : List Ty} -> {a, b : Ty} -> Term g (Imp a b) -> Term g a -> Term g b
-- Some basic primitives
KInt : Int -> Term g N
Plus : Term g N -> Term g N -> Term g N
EvTy : Type -> Ty -> Type
EvTy r N = Int
EvTy r (Imp t1 t2) = EvTy r t1 -> Cont r (EvTy r t2)
-- Evaluate Terms of STLC into the Cont Monad, ie (eval: Term g t -> All [g] -> Cont r [t])
eval : {r : Type} -> Term g t -> KlCont r (All (EvTy r) g) (EvTy r t)
eval (Var v) env k = k (lookup env v)
eval (Lam t) env k = let ev = eval {r} t in k (\x => ev (x::env))
eval (App t1 t2) env k = let
ev1 = eval t1 env
ev2 = eval t2 env in
ev1 (\x => ev2 (\y => x y k))
eval (KInt n) env k = k n
eval (Plus t1 t2) env k = ap ((+)) (eval t1 env) (eval t2 env) k
-- Example term
ex1 : Term [] N
ex1 = App (Lam (Plus (Var Here) (KInt 6))) (KInt 5)
public export
test : {r : Type} -> Cont r Int
test = eval ex1 [] toCPS -- == 11
-- Evaluating LambdaMu into Kleisli(Cont)
namespace LambdaMu
-- We add Bottom to types
data Ty = N | Imp Ty Ty | Bot
-- Input Context Output type Co-Context
data Term : List Ty -> Ty -> List Ty -> Type where
-- STLC Connectives
Var : {a : Ty} -> Elem a g -> Term g a d
Lam : {a, b :Ty} -> {g : List Ty} -> Term (a::g) b d -> Term g (Imp a b) d
App : {a : Ty} -> Term g (Imp a b) d -> Term g a d -> Term g b d
Let : {s, t : Ty} -> Term g s d -> Term (s::g) t d -> Term g t d
-- Classical Connectives
Mu : Term g Bot (a::d) -> Term g a d -- activate / catch / bottom elimination / proof by contradiction (a != Bot)
Named : {a : Ty} -> Elem a d -> Term g a d -> Term g Bot d -- passivate / throw / bottom introduction / non-contradiction
-- Basic Primitives
KInt : Int -> Term g N d
Plus : Term g N d -> Term g N d -> Term g N d
EvTy : Type -> Ty -> Type
EvTy r N = Int
EvTy r Bot = Void
EvTy r (Imp t1 t2) = EvTy r t1 -> (Cont r (EvTy r t2))
-- Each term now consumes a context g of inputs, and produces a co-context of outputs
-- eval : Term g t d -> All [g] -> Cont r (Any (t::d))
eval : {t : Ty} -> {r : Type} -> Term g t d -> KlCont r (All (EvTy r) g) (Any (EvTy r) (t::d))
eval (Var v) env k = k (This (lookup env v))
-- The two classical connectives can be figured out by just following the types
eval (Mu t) env k = (eval t env) (\f => case f of
This n impossible
That t => k t)
eval (Named v t) env k = (eval t env) (\f => case f of
This n => k $ That (fromElem n v)
That t => k $ That t)
-- Let Binding
eval (Let this inThis) env k = let
ev1 = eval this env in
ev1 (\f => case f of
This t => (eval inThis (t::env)) k
That th => k (That th))
-- Lambda application
eval (App {a,b} t1 t2) env k = let
ev1 = eval t1 env
ev2 = eval t2 env in
ev1 (\x => ev2 (\y => case (x, y) of
(This t1, This t2) => ?x1 t1 t2 -- x1: (EvTy r a -> (EvTy r b -> r) -> r)) -> EvTy r a -> r
(This t1, That t2) => (k (That t2))
(That t1, _) => k (That t1)))
-- Lambda abstraction requires backtracking. Not 100% sure this works
eval (Lam t) env k =
k (This (\a, b => (eval {r} t) (a::env) $ \c => case c of
This t => b t
That th => k (That th)))
eval (KInt n) env k = k (This n)
eval (Plus t1 t2) env k = ap (merge (+)) (eval t1 env) (eval t2 env) k
ex0 : Term [] N d
ex0 = Plus (KInt 6) (KInt 7)
ex1 : Term [] N d
ex1 = App (Lam (Plus (Var Here) (KInt 6))) (KInt 5)
public export
test1 : {r : Type} -> Cont r Int
test1 = mapC fromAny (eval ex1 []) toCPS -- == 11
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