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Last active September 26, 2023 22:16
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Bicategory constraint issue
-- We define uncurried versions of Pair and Either to help with type-checking
data Tuple : (Type, Type) -> Type where
MkTuple : a -> b -> Tuple (a, b)
data Sum : (Type, Type) -> Type where
Left : a -> Sum (a, b)
Right : b -> Sum (a, b)
-- These are bifunctor versions of projections/injections
data Fst : (Type, Type) -> Type where
L : a -> Fst (a, b)
data Snd : (Type, Type) -> Type where
R : b -> Snd (a, b)
-- Natural transformations between bifunctors for Product and Sum
fst : Tuple a -> Fst a
fst (MkTuple l _) = L l
snd : Tuple a -> Snd a
snd (MkTuple _ r) = R r
left : Fst a -> Sum a
left (L v) = Left v
right : Snd a -> Sum a
right (R v) = Right v
-- Diagonal functor
Diag : a -> (a, a)
Diag t = (t, t)
--copy : a -> Diag a
--copy a = (a, a)
copy : a -> Tuple (a, a)
copy a = MkTuple a a
cocopy : Sum (a, a) -> a
cocopy (Left a) = a
cocopy (Right a) = a
-- Natural transformations over some category arr
Nt : {s, t : Type} -> {arr : t -> t -> Type} -> (s -> t) -> (s -> t) -> Type
Nt {s, t} f g = {a : s} -> arr (f a) (g a)
-- Category of idris functions
Idr : Type -> Type -> Type
Idr a b = a -> b
IdrF : (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
IdrF = Nt {arr=Idr}
data Kind = T | ProdK Kind Kind | F Kind | U | TyOp
data Func : Kind -> Kind -> Type where
-- Natural numbers, values are a functor from the terminal category
N : Func U T
-- List
List : Func T T
-- Product bifunctor
ProdF : Func (ProdK T T) T
-- Sum bifunctor
SumF : Func (ProdK T T) T
-- Diagonal functor
DiagF : Func T (ProdK T T)
-- First, Second projections
FstF : Func (ProdK T T) T
SndF : Func (ProdK T T) T
-- Identity functor
Id : Func a a
-- Functor composition
Comp : {a, b, c : Kind} -> Func a b -> Func b c -> Func a c
-- Natural transformations are indexed by functors, and correspond to functions (Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type)
data Nats : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> Func k1 k2 -> Func k1 k2 -> Type where
-- reverse : List a -> List a
Reverse : Nats List List
-- Monad over Lists
Pure : Nats Id List
Join : Nats (Comp List List) List
-- fst : (a, b) -> a
FstN : Nats ProdF FstF
-- snd : (a, b) -> b
SndN : Nats ProdF SndF
-- left : a -> Either a b
LeftN : Nats FstF SumF
-- right : b -> Either a b
RightN : Nats SndF SumF
-- copy : a -> (a, a)
Copy : Nats Id (Comp DiagF ProdF)
-- cocopy : Either a a -> a
Cocopy : Nats (Comp DiagF SumF) Id
Identity : {f : Func k1 k2} -> Nats f f
-- Horizontal composition of natural transformations
HComp : {f, g, h : Func k1 k2} -> Nats f g -> Nats g h -> Nats f h
-- Vertical composition of natural transformations
VComp : Nats f g -> Nats h i -> Nats (Comp f h) (Comp g i)
Op : Kind -> Kind
Op T = TyOp
Op U = U
Op TyOp = T
Op (ProdK c1 c2) = ProdK (Op c1) (Op c2)
Op (F t) = F (Op t)
-- Our base kind is interpreted as Type
evK : Kind -> Type
evK T = Type
evK U = Type
evK TyOp = Type
evK (F t) = List (evK t)
evK (ProdK k1 k2) = (evK k1, evK k2)
-- Functors
evFun : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> Func k1 k2 -> evK k1 -> evK k2
evFun List = List
evFun N = \t => Nat
evFun FstF = Fst
evFun SndF = Snd
evFun ProdF = Tuple
evFun SumF = Sum
evFun DiagF = Diag
evFun Id = id
evFun (Comp {a, b, c} f g) = (evFun g) . (evFun f)
evHom : (k1, k2 : Kind) -> (evK k1) -> (evK k2) -> Type
evHom k1 k2 = ?homs --evK k1 -> evK k2
evNatTy : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> {f, g : Func k1 k2} -> Nats f g -> (evK k2 -> evK k2 -> Type)
evNatTy Reverse = Idr
evNatTy FstN = Idr
evNatTy SndN = Idr
evNatTy LeftN = Idr
evNatTy RightN = Idr
evNatTy Copy = Idr
evNatTy Cocopy = Idr
evNatTy Pure = Idr
evNatTy Join = Idr
evNatTy {k2} Identity = evHom k2 k2
evNatTy {k2} (HComp n1 n2) = evHom k2 k2
evNatTy {k2} (VComp n1 n2) = evHom k2 k2
evNat : (n : Nats f g) -> Nt {arr=evNatTy n} (evFun f) (evFun g)
evNat Reverse = Prelude.List.reverse
evNat FstN = fst
evNat SndN = snd
evNat LeftN = left
evNat RightN = right
evNat Copy = copy
evNat Cocopy = cocopy
evNat Pure = pure
evNat Join = join
evNat Identity = ?ids
evNat (HComp n1 n2) = ?hcomp --(evNat n2) . (evNat n1)
evNat (VComp n1 n2) = ?vcomp -- \x => ((mapNT (evalNT n2)) (evalNT n1 $ x))
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