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Last active November 27, 2023 13:06
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-- Base types. Unit, Bool, Monoid
data Ty = Unit | B | M | Ten Ty Ty | Sum Ty Ty | Neg Ty
Val : Ty -> Type
Val Unit = Unit
Val (Sum a b) = Either (Val a) (Val b)
Val (Ten a b) = (Val a, Val b)
Val B = Bool
Val M = Nat
Val (Neg t) = Val t -- negation is trivial (for now)
-- Environment for n-ary products
data All : (p : k -> Type) -> List k -> Type where
ANil : All p []
ACons : {p : k -> Type} -> p x -> All p xs -> All p (x :: xs)
-- Environments for n-ary sums
data Choice : (p : k -> Type) -> List k -> Type where
Here : {p : k -> Type} -> p x -> Choice p (x :: xs)
There : Choice p xs -> Choice p (x :: xs)
-- | Cartesian Multicategory over a signature, the context is shared.
data Multicat : (List o -> o -> Type) -> List o -> o -> Type where
-- Embedding of a generator into a multicategory
InM : {sig : List o -> o -> Type} -> sig as b -> Multicat sig as b
-- Identity
IdM : Multicat sig [a] a
-- Sequential composition along one wire
Let : Multicat sig as s -> Multicat sig (s::as) b -> Multicat sig as b
-- | Example Multicategory signature, monoid
data MultiSig : List Ty -> Ty -> Type where
UNITM : MultiSig g Unit
MULTM : MultiSig (M :: M :: g) M
evalMulti : Multicat sig ctx t -> All Val ctx -> Val t
evalMulti = ?evm
-- | Concategory over a signature
data Concat : (List o -> List o -> Type) -> List o -> List o -> Type where
-- Embedding of a generator into a concategory
In : g as bs -> Concat g as bs
-- Identity
Id : Concat g as as
-- Sequential composition
Seq : Concat g bs cs -> Concat g as bs -> Concat g as cs
-- | Example con signature, hopf algebra
data ConSig : List Ty -> List Ty -> Type where
-- PUSH : Val M -> CodeF s (M :: s)
CREATE : ConSig s (M :: s)
MULT : ConSig (M :: M :: s) (M :: s)
COPY : ConSig (n :: s) (n :: n :: s)
DEL : ConSig (M :: s) s
SWAP : ConSig (n :: m :: s) (m :: n :: s)
-- Evaluate a concategory into a morphism between two stacks of n-ary products
evalCon : Concat ConSig s t -> All Val s -> All Val t
evalCon = ?cons
-- Compact concategory aka Concategory with involution
data InvConcat : (List o -> List o -> Type) -> List o -> List o -> Type where
-- Embedding of a generator into a concategory
InI : sig as bs -> InvConcat sig as bs
-- Identity
IdI : InvConcat g as as
-- Sequential composition
SeqI : InvConcat g bs cs -> InvConcat g as bs -> InvConcat g as cs
-- NegL : LK (g |- a::d) -> LK (Neg a :: g |- d)
NegL : InvConcat sig g (a::d) -> InvConcat sig (Neg a :: g) d
-- NegR : LK (a::g |- d) -> LK (g |- Neg a :: d)
NegR : InvConcat sig (a::g) d -> InvConcat sig g (Neg a :: d)
-- TenL
TenL : InvConcat sig (a::b::g) d -> InvConcat sig (Ten a b :: g) d
-- TenR
TenR : InvConcat sig g (a::b::d) -> InvConcat sig g (Ten a b :: d)
-- evaluate an involutive concategory. this might need the Cont monad to do properly.
evalInv : InvConcat sig s t -> All Val s -> All Val t
evalInv = ?evinv
-- | Choice category, one-input multi-output
data Term : (Ty -> List Ty -> Type) -> Ty -> List Ty -> Type where
CoLet : Term sig s (t::d) -> Term sig t d -> Term sig s d
Case : Term sig g [a, b] -> Term sig a [c1] -> Term sig b [c2] -> Term sig g [c2, c1]
-- | Example choice signature
data ChoiceSig : Ty -> List Ty -> Type where
-- Evaluator for a choice-category
eval : Term ChoiceSig t ctx -> Val t -> Choice Val ctx
eval (CoLet t1 t2) v = ?lets
eval (Case t1 t2 t3) v = case eval t1 v of
Here v => There (eval t2 v)
There (Here t) => let (Here ev) = eval t3 t in Here ev
-- Polycategory. Conjunctive vs Disjunctive products
data Poly : (List Ty -> List Ty -> Type) -> List Ty -> List Ty -> Type where
CaseP : Poly sig g [a, b] -> Poly sig (a::g) [c1] -> Poly sig (b::g) [c2] -> Poly sig g [c2, c1]
-- Example poly signature.
data PolySig : List Ty -> List Ty -> Type where
-- Evaluate a polycategory into a morphism between n-ary sums and n-ary products
evalP : Poly PolySig s t -> All Val s -> Choice Val t
evalP = ?evps
-- | Rig-contexts
Rig : Type -> Type
Rig t = List (List t)
-- | Rig-concategory
data RigCat : (Rig Ty -> Rig Ty -> Type) -> Rig Ty -> Rig Ty -> Type where
-- Embedding of a generator into a concategory
InR : g as bs -> RigCat g as bs
-- Identity
IdR : RigCat g as as
-- Sequential composition
SeqR : RigCat g bs cs -> RigCat g as bs -> RigCat g as cs
RigEnv : (p : k -> Type) -> Rig k -> Type
RigEnv p k = Choice (All p) k
evalR : RigCat sig s t -> RigEnv Val s -> RigEnv Val t
evalR = ?rs
-- | Compact Rig-concategory
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