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Last active January 19, 2024 12:12
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Comparison of several fixpoints in Idris
-- Our goal is to show the common machinery between three different fixpoints:
-- Endofunctors, the universe of regular functors, and (simple) IR codes
-- This is the type of nat. transforms from descriptions to their corresponding functor
Nt : Type -> Type
Nt u = (desc : u) -> (Type -> Type)
-- our general fixpoint is parametrised by a universe, an interpetation function, and a term of that universe
data Fix : {u : Type} -> Nt u -> (desc : u) -> Type where
In : {nt : Nt u} -> {desc : u} -> (nt desc) (Fix nt desc) -> Fix nt desc
namespace Endo
-- The "universe" of endofunctors, ie any type (Type -> Type)
Endo : Type
Endo = Type -> Type
-- the interpretation is identity, ie we interpret functors as-is
Ev : Nt (Type -> Type)
Ev = id
-- Standard version of the fixpoint
data Mu : Endo -> Type where
In : (id f) (Mu f) -> Mu f
-- == In : f (Mu f) -> Mu f
-- Signature for Natural Numbers
NatF : Endo
NatF a = Either Unit a
zero : Mu NatF
zero = In (Left ())
one : Mu NatF -> Mu NatF
one n = In (Right n)
-- General version: Mu is a special case of Fix
Mu' : Endo -> Type
Mu' = Fix {u = Endo} Ev
zero' : Mu' NatF
zero' = In (Left ())
one' : Mu' NatF -> Mu' NatF
one' n = In (Right n)
-- Bonus: We can re-use native datatypes, and NatF = Maybe
NatF1 : Endo
NatF1 a = Maybe a
zero1 : Mu' Maybe
zero1 = In Nothing
one1 : Mu' Maybe -> Mu' Maybe
one1 n = In (Just n)
namespace Regular
-- the universe of regular functors
data Regular : Type where
Var : Regular
Zero : Regular
Unit : Regular
Plus : Regular -> Regular -> Regular
Times : Regular -> Regular -> Regular
-- Interpetation of regular functors
Ev : Nt Regular
Ev Var ty = ty
Ev Zero ty = Void
Ev Unit ty = Unit
Ev (Plus x y) ty = Either (Ev x ty) (Ev y ty)
Ev (Times x y) ty = Pair (Ev x ty) (Ev y ty)
-- Fixpoint of a regular functor
data Mu : Regular -> Type where
In : (Ev desc) (Mu desc) -> Mu desc
-- Natural numbers
NatF : Regular
NatF = Plus Unit Var
zero : Mu NatF
zero = In (Left ())
one : Mu NatF -> Mu NatF
one n = In (Right n)
-- Mu is a special case of Fix
Mu' : Regular -> Type
Mu' = Fix {u = Regular} Ev
zero' : Mu' NatF
zero' = In (Left ())
one' : Mu' NatF -> Mu' NatF
one' n = In (Right n)
namespace Desc
-- Universe of descriptions/IR codes
data Desc : Type where
One : Desc
Sig : (s : Type) -> (s -> Desc) -> Desc
Ind : Desc -> Desc
-- Interpetation of descriptions
Ev : Nt Desc
Ev One x = Unit
Ev (Sig s p) x = (s' : s ** Ev (p s') x)
Ev (Ind d) x = (x, Ev d x)
-- Fixpoint of descriptions, aka Data
data Mu : Desc -> Type where
In : (Ev desc) (Mu desc) -> Mu desc
-- Nat
NatF : Desc
NatF = Sig Bool (\case
False => One
True => Ind One)
zero : Mu NatF
zero = In (False ** ())
one : Mu NatF -> Mu NatF
one n = In (True ** (n, ()))
-- The general version, Mu is also a special case of Fix
Mu' : Desc -> Type
Mu' = Fix {u = Desc} Ev
zero' : Mu' NatF
zero' = In (False ** ())
suc' : Mu' NatF -> Mu' NatF
suc' n = In (True ** (n, ()))
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