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Last active October 27, 2023 07:39
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Free Cartesian Categories using Recursion Schemes
infixr 5 ~~> -- Morphisms of graphs
-- | Boilerplate for recursion schemes
-- Objects are graphs
Graph : Type -> Type
Graph o = o -> o -> Type
-- Morphisms are vertex-preserving transformations between graphs
(~~>) : {o : Type} -> (o -> o -> Type) -> (o -> o -> Type) -> Type
(~~>) f g = {s, t : o} -> f s t -> g s t
-- Fixpoints of functors over graphs
data Mu : (Graph o -> Graph o) -> Graph o where
In : {f : Graph o -> Graph o} -> f (Mu f) ~~> Mu f
-- F-Algebras over the category of graphs
Algebra : {o : Type} -> (Graph o -> Graph o) -> Graph o -> Type
Algebra f a = f a ~~> a
-- Coyoneda lemma for the category of graphs
data Coyoneda : {o : Type} -> (pattern: (Graph o -> Graph o)) -> Graph o -> Graph o where
Coyo : f ~~> g -> h f ~~> Coyoneda h g
-- Mendler Algebras over 'f' are Algebras over 'Coyoneda f'
MAlgebra : {o : Type} -> (Graph o -> Graph o) -> Graph o -> Type
MAlgebra f c = Algebra (Coyoneda f) c
-- Mendler catamorphism - doesn't require a functor constraint
mcata : MAlgebra f c -> Mu f ~~> c
mcata alg (In op) = alg $ Coyo (mcata alg) op
-- A category of Idris types
Idr : Graph Type
Idr a b = a -> b
-- | Our first example
namespace Category
-- Pattern functor for a free category over a graph
data CatF : Graph obj -> Graph obj -> Graph obj where
Id : CatF g h a a
Comp : {g, h : Graph obj} -> {a, b, c : obj} -> g b c -> h a b -> CatF g h a c
-- A free category over a graph is the least fixpoint of our CatF functor
Cat : Graph obj -> Graph obj
Cat g = Mu (CatF g)
-- Example Algebra, the category of Idris functions
IdrAlg : Algebra (CatF Idr) Idr
IdrAlg Id = id
IdrAlg (Comp f g) = f . g
-- Mendler Algebra version
IdrAlg' : MAlgebra (CatF Idr) Idr
IdrAlg' (Coyo cont Id) = id
IdrAlg' (Coyo cont (Comp f g)) = f . (cont g)
-- We get the evaluator for free
evalIdr : MAlgebra (CatF Idr) Idr -> Algebra Cat Idr
evalIdr = mcata
-- | Let's try a more involved version, this time with types
namespace Cartesian
-- Cartesian Types
data Ty : Type -> Type where
Base : a -> Ty a
Prod : Ty a -> Ty a -> Ty a
-- Base functor for the Free Cartesian Category over a graph with products
data CartCatF : Graph (Ty obj) -> Graph (Ty obj) -> Graph (Ty obj) where
Id : CartCatF g h a a
Comp : {g : Graph (Ty obj)} -> {a, b, c : Ty obj}
-> g b c -> h a b -> CartCatF g h a c
Prj1 : {a, b : Ty obj} -> CartCatF g h (Prod a b) a
Prj2 : {a, b : Ty obj} -> CartCatF g h (Prod a b) b
ProdI : {a, b, c : Ty obj} -> h a b -> h a c -> CartCatF g h a (Prod b c)
-- A free cartesian category is the least fixpoint of our base functor
CartCat : Graph (Ty obj) -> Graph (Ty obj)
CartCat g = Mu (CartCatF g)
-- Before we define an example algebra, we must translate the types
-- Evaluate cartesian types into Idris products
evalTy : Ty Type -> Type
evalTy (Base a) = a
evalTy (Prod a b) = (evalTy a, evalTy b)
-- Translate morphisms between cartesian types into Idris functions
IdrCar : Ty Type -> Ty Type -> Type
IdrCar a b = (evalTy a) -> (evalTy b)
-- Algebra for a free cartesian category over Idris types
cartAlgIdr : Algebra (CartCatF IdrCar) IdrCar
cartAlgIdr Id = id
cartAlgIdr (Comp f g) = f . g
cartAlgIdr Prj1 = fst
cartAlgIdr Prj2 = snd
cartAlgIdr (ProdI f g) = \c => (f c, g c)
-- Mendler version
cartAlgIdr' : MAlgebra (CartCatF IdrCar) IdrCar
cartAlgIdr' (Coyo cont Id) = id
cartAlgIdr' (Coyo cont (Comp f g)) = f . (cont g)
cartAlgIdr' (Coyo cont Prj1) = fst
cartAlgIdr' (Coyo cont Prj2) = snd
cartAlgIdr' (Coyo cont (ProdI f g)) = \c => ((cont f) c, (cont g) c)
-- We get our evaluator for free
evalCart : MAlgebra (CartCatF (IdrCar)) IdrCar -> Algebra CartCat IdrCar
evalCart = mcata
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