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Created October 29, 2023 18:09
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Second-Order Algebraic Theories
-- Our data-type for signatures
data Signature a = Sig (List a) a
-- Synonym for first-order signatures
infix 4 |-
(|-) : List a -> a -> Signature a
(|-) = Sig
-- Synonym for second-order signatures
infix 4 ||-
(||-) : List a -> a -> Signature a
(||-) = Sig
-- | Let's start with 1-theories
-- First-order signature for the theory of semigroups over natural numbers
data Semigroup : Signature Type -> Type where
AddS : Semigroup $ (Nat :: Nat :: s) |- Nat
-- First-order cartesian multicategory over a signature
data Multicat1 : (Signature Type -> Type) -> Signature Type -> Type where
Var1 : Multicat1 sig ([s] |- s)
In1 : sig (ctx |- s) -> Multicat1 sig (ctx |- s)
Let1 : Multicat1 sig (ctx |- s) -> Multicat1 sig ((s :: ctx) |- t) -> Multicat1 sig (ctx |- t)
-- An operad for Semigroups
ArithOp : Signature Type -> Type
ArithOp = Multicat1 Semigroup
-- Environments for first-order signatures
data All : {a : Type} -> (p : a -> Type) -> List a -> Type where
Nil : All p Nil
Cons : {x : a} -> (px : p x) -> (pxs : All p xs) -> All p (x :: xs)
-- Value predicate for first-order signatures. It's just identity.
Val : Type -> Type
Val a = a
-- An evaluator for a first-order signature.
eval1 : Multicat1 Semigroup (ctx |- t) -> All Val ctx -> Val t
-- | Let's do it one more time: Second-order signatures
-- Example second-order signature, the theory of Let binders
data LetSig' : Signature (List Type, Type) -> Type where
Let1S' : LetSig' $ ((ctx, s) :: (s::ctx, t) :: g) ||- (ctx, t)
-- Second-order signatures are actually just signatures of signatures
data LetSig : Signature (Signature Type) -> Type where
Let1S : LetSig $ ((ctx |- s) :: (s::ctx |- t) :: g) ||- (ctx |- t)
-- Second-order cartesian multicategory over second-order signatures. We now have contexts and 2-contexts
data Multicat2 : (Signature (Signature Type) -> Type) -> (Signature (Signature Type) -> Type) where
Var2 : Multicat2 sig ([s] ||- s)
In2 : sig (hctx ||- (ctx |- s)) -> Multicat2 sig (hctx ||- (ctx |- s))
Let2 : Multicat2 sig (hctx ||- (ctx |- s)) -> Multicat2 sig (((ctx |- s) :: hctx) ||- (ctx' |- t))
-> Multicat2 sig (hctx ||- (ctx' |- t))
-- A second-order operad for the theory of Let binders
LetOp : Signature (Signature Type) -> Type
LetOp = Multicat2 LetSig
-- Predicate for 2-values
Val2 : Signature Type -> Type
Val2 (Sig Nil t) = t
Val2 (Sig (l :: ls) t) = l -> Val2 (Sig ls t)
-- Evaluator for a 2nd order algebraic theory
eval2 : Multicat2 LetSig (hctx ||- (ctx |- t)) -> All Val2 hctx -> Val2 (ctx |- t)
-- | Finally, the most general version
data Multicat : {obj : Type} -> (Signature obj -> Type) -> Signature obj -> Type where
Var : Multicat sig ([s] |- s)
In : sig (ctx |- s) -> Multicat sig (ctx |- s)
Let : Multicat sig (ctx |- s) -> Multicat sig ((s :: ctx) |- t) -> Multicat sig (ctx |- t)
-- General evaluator for a multicategory
eval : Multicat sig (ctx |- t) -> All p ctx -> p t
-- Multicat1 is just Multicat where the objects are 'Type'
Multicat1' : (Signature Type -> Type) -> Signature Type -> Type
Multicat1' = Multicat {obj = Type}
-- Multicat2 is Multicat where objects are 'Signature Type'
Multicat2' : (Signature (Signature Type) -> Type) -> (Signature (Signature Type) -> Type)
Multicat2' = Multicat {obj = Signature Type}
-- Evaluating a first-order theory is a special case
eval1' : Multicat1' Semigroup (ctx |- t) -> All Val ctx -> Val t
eval1' = eval
-- Evaluating a second-order theory is also a special case
eval2' : Multicat2' LetSig (hctx ||- (ctx |- t)) -> All Val2 hctx -> Val2 (ctx |- t)
eval2' = eval
-- | Finally, an application: Simply-Typed lambda calculus as a second-order theory
-- Types for the STLC
data Ty : Type where
N : Ty
Fun : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
-- A second-order signature for simply-typed lambda terms
data LamSig : Signature (Signature Ty) -> Type where
Lam : LamSig $ ((s::ctx |- t) :: g) ||- (ctx |- (Fun s t))
App : LamSig $ ((ctx |- (Fun a b)) :: (ctx |- a) :: g) ||- (ctx |- b)
-- A second-order operad of lambda terms
LambdaOperad : Signature (Signature Ty) -> Type
LambdaOperad = Multicat LamSig
-- Interpret types
ValTy : Ty -> Type
ValTy N = Nat
ValTy (Fun s t) = ValTy s -> ValTy t
-- Interpret signatures over types
ValTy2 : Signature Ty -> Type
ValTy2 (Sig Nil t) = ValTy t
ValTy2 (Sig (l :: ls) t) = ValTy l -> ValTy2 (Sig ls t)
-- We get an evaluator for the lambda calculus for free
evalLam : Multicat LamSig (hctx ||- (ctx |- t)) -> All ValTy2 hctx -> ValTy2 (ctx |- t)
evalLam = eval
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