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Created September 7, 2023 09:28
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Restricted monads are relative monads
-- Left kan extension w.r.t the functor j
data Lan : (j: k -> Type) -> (f : k -> Type) -> Type -> Type where
MkLan : {j: k -> Type} -> {a:k} -> (j a -> b) -> f a -> Lan j f b
-- The free relative monad over j
data Freest : {k : Type} -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> k -> Type where
Var : {j : k -> Type} -> j v -> Freest j f v
Bind : {j : k -> Type} -> Lan j f (Freest j f v) -> Freest j f v
-- General Functor
record Functor {s, t : Type} (c1 : s -> s -> Type) (c2 : t -> t -> Type) (f : s -> t) where
constructor MkFun
mapf : {a, b : s} -> c1 a b -> c2 (f a) (f b)
-- Types equipped with Equality
record Eqs where
constructor MkEqs
carrier : Type
eq : carrier -> carrier -> Bool
-- Example, Natural numbers
eqNat : Eqs
eqNat = MkEqs Nat (==)
-- Morphisms in the category of types with equality
EqArr : Eqs -> Eqs -> Type
EqArr a b = a.carrier -> b.carrier
-- Set, implemented as List for simplicity
Set : Type -> Type
Set a = List a
-- setMap is a functor from the category of Eqs to Type
setMap : EqArr a b -> Set (a.carrier) -> Set (b.carrier)
setMap = map
-- embedding of the subcategory Eqs into Type
Embed : Eqs -> Type
Embed a = a.carrier
-- category of types
Idr : Type -> Type -> Type
Idr a b = a -> b
-- Set . Embed is a functor from the category of Eq to Type
setFunctor : Functor EqArr Idr (Set . Embed)
setFunctor = MkFun map
-- Set is the relative monad w.r.t this embedding
setEx : Freest Embed (Set . Embed) (MkEqs Nat (==))
setEx = Var 5
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