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Last active October 23, 2023 20:07
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From monoid to monoidal tricategory
infixr 5 +++
infixr 5 ***
-- A list over a type
-- data List : Type -> Type where
-- Nil : List a
-- (::) : a -> List a -> List a
Graph : Type -> Type
Graph obj = obj -> obj -> Type
-- A list of edges composed in parallel
data Parallel : Graph (List obj) where
-- Empty list of edges
None : Parallel [] []
-- Add a single edge to the list
(:::) : {g : Graph obj} -> g a b -> Parallel as bs -> Parallel (a::as) (b::bs)
-- Compose two lists of edges together
(***) : Parallel as1 bs1 -> Parallel as2 bs2 -> Parallel (as1 ++ as2) (bs1 ++ bs2)
namespace Cat
-- A category over a graph, ie a list of sequentially composed edges
public export
data Path : Graph obj where
-- Identity
Id : {a : obj} -> Path a a
-- Sequentially add an edge to the path
(::) : {g : Graph obj} -> {a, b, c : obj} -> g b c -> Path a b -> Path a c
-- Sequential composition of two paths
(+++) : {a, b, c : obj} -> Path b c -> Path a b -> Path a c
-- We can't define parallel composition yet, we need a bit more structure
namespace Monoidal
-- Monoidal category over a graph between lists of objects
data MonCat : Graph (List obj) where
-- These rules stay the same
Id : {as : List obj} -> MonCat as as
(::) : {g : Graph (List obj)} -> {a, b, c : List obj} -> g b c -> MonCat a b -> MonCat a c
(+++) : {a, b, c : List obj} -> MonCat b c -> MonCat a b -> MonCat a c
-- Compose two edges in parallel, this uses the append operation on the underlying lists
Par : {l1, r1, l2, r2 : List obj} -> MonCat l1 r1 -> MonCat l2 r2 -> MonCat (l1 ++ l2) (r1 ++ r2)
namespace PreBicat
-- A 'bicategory' with no vertical composition. Essentially just a path of 2d-edges between edges
data Path2 : Graph (Graph obj) where
-- These rules are the same as Path
Id : Path2 e e
HComp : Path2 g h -> Path2 f g -> Path2 f h
-- We don't have enough structure to define vertical composition, or parallel composition
namespace BiCat
-- A bicategory over a category, ie a 2-category of paths between paths
data BiCat : Graph (Path a b) where
-- These rules stay the same
Id : BiCat e e
HComp : BiCat g h -> BiCat f g -> BiCat f h
-- Vertical Composition, uses the sequential composition of the underlying paths
VComp : {l1, r1 : Path b c} -> {l2, r2 : Path a b} ->
BiCat l1 r1 -> BiCat l2 r2 -> BiCat (l1 +++ l2) (r1 +++ r2)
-- We still can't define parallel composition
namespace MonPreBiCat
-- A monoidal pre-bicategory. A 2-monoidal category between parallel edges
data MonPreBiCat : Graph (Parallel as bs) where
-- These rules stay the same
Id : MonPreBiCat e e
HComp : MonPreBiCat g h -> MonPreBiCat f g -> MonPreBiCat f h
-- Parallel Composition, uses the parallel composition of edges
Par : {l1, r1 : Parallel as bs} -> {l2, r2 : Parallel cs ds} ->
MonPreBiCat l1 r1 -> MonPreBiCat l2 r2 -> MonPreBiCat (l1 *** l2) (r1 *** r2)
-- We've lost vertical composition
namespace MonBiCat
-- A monoidal bicategory. A 2-monoidal category between monoidal categories
-- We're indexing by both Path and Parallel, in other words by MonCat
data MonBiCat : Graph (MonCat as bs) where
-- These rules stay the same
Id : MonBiCat e e
HComp : MonBiCat g h -> MonBiCat f g -> MonBiCat f h
-- Vertical Composition, uses the sequential composition of the monoidal category
VComp : {l1, r1 : MonCat bs cs} -> {l2, r2 : MonCat as bs} ->
MonBiCat l1 r1 -> MonBiCat l2 r2 -> MonBiCat (l1 +++ l2) (r1 +++ r2)
-- Parallel Composition, uses the parallel of the monoidal category
Par : {l1, r1 : MonCat as bs} -> {l2, r2 : MonCat cs ds} ->
MonBiCat l1 r1 -> MonBiCat l2 r2 -> MonBiCat (l1 *** l2) (r1 *** r2)
namespace PreTriCat
-- Pre-tricategory. A path of 3d edges between 2d edges
data Path3 : Graph (Graph (Graph obj)) where
Id : Path3 e e
HComp : Path3 g h -> Path3 f g -> Path3 f h
namespace TriCat
-- Tricategory. A 3-category over a bicategory
data TriCat : Graph (BiCat f g) where
-- Id stays the same
Id : TriCat e e
-- X-composition is just horizontal composition
XComp : TriCat g h -> TriCat f g -> TriCat f h
-- Y-composition uses the sequential composition of the underlying bicategory
YComp : {l1, r1 : BiCat b c} -> {l2, r2 : BiCat a b} ->
TriCat l1 r1 -> TriCat l2 r2 -> TriCat (HComp l1 l2) (HComp r1 r2)
-- Z-composition uses the vertical composition of the underlying bicategory
ZComp : {l1, r1 : BiCat b c} -> {l2, r2 : BiCat a b} ->
TriCat l1 r1 -> TriCat l2 r2 -> TriCat (VComp l1 l2) (VComp r1 r2)
namespace MonTriCat
-- Monoidal tricategory over a monoidal bicategory
data MonTriCat : Graph (MonBiCat m n) where
-- Id stays the same
Id : MonTriCat e e
-- X-composition is just horizontal composition
XComp : MonTriCat g h -> MonTriCat f g -> MonTriCat f h
-- Y-composition uses the sequential composition of the underlying bicategory
YComp : {l1, r1 : MonBiCat b c} -> {l2, r2 : MonBiCat a b} ->
MonTriCat l1 r1 -> MonTriCat l2 r2 -> MonTriCat (HComp l1 l2) (HComp r1 r2)
-- Z-composition uses the vertical composition of the underlying bicategory
ZComp : {l1, r1 : MonBiCat b c} -> {l2, r2 : MonBiCat a b} ->
MonTriCat l1 r1 -> MonTriCat l2 r2 -> MonTriCat (VComp l1 l2) (VComp r1 r2)
-- Parallel composition uses parallel composition of the underlying bicategory
Par : {l1, r1 : MonBiCat as bs} -> {l2, r2 : MonBiCat cs ds} ->
MonTriCat l1 r1 -> MonTriCat l2 r2 -> MonTriCat (Par l1 l2) (Par r1 r2)
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