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Created May 2, 2009 02:03
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reflect() -> record_info(fields, flot_chart).
rec() -> #flot_chart{}.
render(ControlId, Record) ->
%% handle multiple datasets
Data = Record#flot_chart.values
, DataSet = data_as_js(Data)
%% description of the graph
, _Title = Record#flot_chart.title
, Width = Record#flot_chart.width
, Height = Record#flot_chart.height
% TODO(jwall): dual axis support
, Lines = Record#flot_chart.lines
, Points = Record#flot_chart.points
, Bar =
, SelectMode = Record#flot_chart.selectmode
%% IDs for the elements
, TargetId = case Record#flot_chart.placeholder of
undefined ->
PlaceHolder ->
, PlotId = case of
undefined ->
Id ->
, LegendId = case Record#flot_chart.legend of
undefined ->
Legend ->
, GraphId = wf:temp_id()
, ToolTipId = wf:temp_id()
%% TODO(jwall): support date formatting for timeseries data
%% TODO(jwall): colors
, Script = wf:f("var " ++ PlotId ++ ";"
++ "$(function() { ~n"
++ "var d = ~s;~n" % DataSet
++ PlotId ++ " = $.plot($('#' + ~p), d, ~n{" % TargetId
++ xaxis(Record) ++ ",~n"
++ yaxis(Record) ++ ",~n"
++ x2axis(Record) ++ ",~n"
++ y2axis(Record) ++ ",~n"
% insert optional y2axis here
++ "lines: {show: ~p},~n" % Lines
++ "points: {show: ~p},~n" % Points
++ "bars: {show: ~p},~n" % Bar
++ "selection: {mode: ~p},~n" % SelectMode
++ "grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true},~n"
%% Legend
++ "legend: { container: $('#' + ~p) } " % LegendId
++ "});~n"
%% tooltip code
++ "function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {~n"
++ " $('<div id=~p>' + contents + '</div>').css( {~n" % ToolTipId
++ " position: 'absolute',~n"
++ " display: 'none',~n"
++ " top: y + 5,~n"
++ " left: x + 5,~n"
++ " border: '1px solid #fdd',~n"
++ " padding: '2px',~n"
++ " 'background-color': '#fee',~n"
++ " opacity: 0.80~n"
++ " }).appendTo('body').fadeIn(200);~n"
++ "}~n"
% now bind to the plothover event
++ "var previousPoint = null;~n"
++ "$('#' + ~p).bind('plothover', function(event, pos, item) {~n" % Targ
++ " $('#x').text(pos.x.toFixed(2));~n"
++ " $('#y').text(pos.y.toFixed(2));~n"
++ " if (item) {~n"
++ " if(previousPoint != item.datapoint) {~n"
++ " previousPoint = item.datapoint;~n"
++ " $('#' + ~p).remove();~n" % ToolTipId
++ " var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),~n"
++ " y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);~n"
++ " showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, y);~n"
++ " } else {~n"
++ " $('#' + ~p).remove();~n" % ToolTipId
++ " previousPoint = null;~n"
++ " }~n"
++ " }~n"
++ "})~n"
%% TODO(jwall): select event custom?
++ "$('#' + ~p).bind('plotselected', function (event, ranges) {~n" % Tar
++ " //alert(ranges.xaxis.from.toFixed(1) + ',' + ranges.yaxis.from.toFi
++ " //alert( + ',' +
++ "})~n"
%% TODO(jwall): click event custom?
++ "$('#' + ~p).bind('plotclick', function (event, pos, item) {~n" % Tar
++ " //alert(item.dataIndex + ' = ' + d[item.dataIndex]);~n"
++ "})~n"
++ "});~n"
, [DataSet, TargetId
, Lines, Points, Bar, SelectMode, LegendId
, ToolTipId, TargetId, ToolTipId, ToolTipId
, TargetId, TargetId
%% TODO(jwall): dataset manipulation
%% TODO(jwall): zoom controls?
%% TODO(jwall): pan buttons?
, LegendPanel = #panel{id=LegendId}
, Panel = #panel{id=TargetId, style=wf:f("width:~ppx;height:~ppx", [Width, H
, wf:wire(TargetId, #event{type='timer', delay=1
, actions=#script{script=Script}})
, element_singlerow:render(ControlId, #singlerow{id=GraphId, cells=[#tablece
, #tablecell{body=LegendPanel}]})
data_as_js(T) when is_tuple(T) ->
data_as_js(L) ->
List = data_as_js_preparse(L)
, io:format("~p", [List])
, "[" ++ string:join(List, ",") ++ "]"
data_as_js_preparse([]) ->
data_as_js_preparse([H | T]) when is_tuple(H) ->
[ data_as_js_preparse(H) | data_as_js_preparse(T)];
data_as_js_preparse([H | T]) when is_list(H) ->
[ data_as_js_preparse({"undefined", H}) | data_as_js_preparse(T)];
data_as_js_preparse({Label, Data}) when is_list(Data) ->
wf:f("{ label: '~s', data: ~w}", [Label, Data]);
data_as_js_preparse({Label, Data, Opts})
when is_list(Data) and is_list(Opts) ->
OptString = create_options(Opts)
, wf:f("{ label: '~s', data: ~w, ~s}", [Label, Data, OptString]);
data_as_js_preparse({Label, Data, {Axis, Num}})
when is_list(Data) and is_atom(Axis) and is_integer(Num) ->
wf:f("{ label: '~s', data: ~w, ~p: ~p}", [Label, Data, Axis, Num])
xaxis(Record) ->
Min = Record#flot_chart.minx
, Max = Record#flot_chart.maxx
, Mode = Record#flot_chart.modex
, Ticks = Record#flot_chart.xticks
, create_option(xaxis, [opt(min, Min)
, opt(max, Max), opt(ticks, Ticks)
, opt(mode, Mode)])
yaxis(Record) ->
Min = Record#flot_chart.miny
, Max = Record#flot_chart.maxy
, Mode = Record#flot_chart.modey
, Ticks = Record#flot_chart.yticks
, create_option(yaxis, [opt(min, Min)
, opt(max, Max), opt(ticks, Ticks)
, opt(mode, Mode)])
x2axis(Record) ->
Min = Record#flot_chart.minx2
, Max = Record#flot_chart.maxx2
, Mode = Record#flot_chart.modex2
, Ticks = Record#flot_chart.x2ticks
, create_option(x2axis, [opt(min, Min)
, opt(max, Max), opt(ticks, Ticks)
, opt(mode, Mode)])
y2axis(Record) ->
Min = Record#flot_chart.miny2
, Max = Record#flot_chart.maxy2
, Mode = Record#flot_chart.modey2
, Ticks = Record#flot_chart.y2ticks
, create_option(y2axis, [opt(min, Min)
, opt(max, Max), opt(ticks, Ticks)
, opt(mode, Mode)])
% TODO(jwall): all of this should probably be using some sort of json encoder instead
create_options(L) when is_list(L) ->
lists:join(create_options_from_list(L), ",")
create_options_from_list([{Name, Items} | T]) ->
[create_option(Name, Items) | create_options(T)]
create_option(Name, Items) when is_list(Items) ->
Opts = string:join(create_opts(Items), ",")
, lists:flatten([wf:f("~p: {~n", [Name])
, Opts, "}~n"])
opt(Type, Value) ->
{Type, Value}
create_opts([]) ->
create_opts([H |T]) ->
[create_opt(H) | create_opts(T)]
create_opt({Type, undefined}) ->
wf:f("~p: null", [Type]);
create_opt({mode, Value}) when Value == "time" ->
wf:f("mode: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({show, Value}) when is_boolean(Value) ->
wf:f("show: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({min, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_float(Value) ->
wf:f("min: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({max, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_float(Value) ->
wf:f("max: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({autoscale, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_float(Value) ->
wf:f("autoscaleWidth: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({labelwidth, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_float(Value) ->
wf:f("labelWidth: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({labelheight, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_float(Value) ->
wf:f("LabelHeight: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({ticks, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_list(Value) ->
wf:f("ticks: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({ticksize, Value}) when is_integer(Value) or is_float(Value) ->
wf:f("tickSize: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({tickformatter, Value}) when is_list(Value) ->
wf:f("tickFormatter: ~p", [Value]);
create_opt({tickdecimals, Value}) when is_integer(Value) ->
wf:f("tickDecimals: ~p", [Value])
generate_ticks([[]]) ->
generate_ticks([H | T]) ->
[generate_tick(0, H) | generate_ticks(1, T)]
generate_ticks(_, []) ->
generate_ticks(N, [H | T]) ->
[generate_tick(N, H) | generate_ticks(N+1, T)]
generate_tick(N, Tick) ->
[N, Tick]
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