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Created January 17, 2014 19:39
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#= require spec_helper
describe 'TasksController', ->
beforeEach ->
@controller('TasksController', { $scope: @scope })
@Task = @model('Task')
@tasks = [new @Task({ id: 1, name: 'first task' })]
@http.whenGET('/api/tasks').respond(200, @tasks)
describe 'load', ->
it 'sets up the list of current tasks', ->
describe 'addTask', ->
it 'creates a new task via api', ->
@http.expectPOST('/api/tasks').respond(201, { id: 2, name: 'buy dogecoin' })
@scope.addTask({ name: 'buy dogecoin' })
it 'adds the task to the display list', ->
@http.whenPOST('/api/tasks').respond(201, { id: 2, name: 'buy dogecoin' })
@scope.addTask({ name: 'buy dogecoin' })
expect(@scope.tasks.last().name).toEqual('buy dogecoin')
describe 'completeTask', ->
beforeEach ->
@task = @tasks.first()
@http.whenPUT('/api/tasks/1').respond(204, '')
it 'marks the task as complete', ->
it 'updates the task via api', ->
@http.expectPUT('/api/tasks/1').respond(204, '')
it 'removes the task from the display list', ->
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