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Created November 12, 2012 12:07
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filtry filtry filtry
close all;
sampling_freq = 8000;
nyq_freq = sampling_freq / 2;
% Bandpass filter frequencies
freqs = [41 82 123];
for i=1:10
fsize = size(freqs, 2);
freqs = [freqs (freqs(fsize-1)*2)];
% Color table, for cute plotting
colors = [linspace(0,1,15)' logspace(0,1,15)'/10 linspace(1,0,15)'];
fig = figure(1);
hold on;
for i=2:size(freqs,2)-1
width = freqs(i+1)-freqs(i-1);
fqi = freqs(i);
w1 = fqi - freqs(i-1);
w2 = freqs(i+1) - fqi;
fp = [fqi - w1 * 0.6, fqi + w2 * 0.6] ./ nyq_freq; % Pass frequencies
fs = [fqi - w1, fqi + w2] ./ nyq_freq; % Stop frequencies
% Filter design
[N,wn] = buttord(fp, fs, 2, 10);
[b,a] = butter(N,wn,'bandpass');
% Plot frequency response
[H,w] = freqz(b, a, 512, sampling_freq);
plot(w, (abs(H)).^2, 'Color', colors(i,:));
title('Frequency Response (Magnitude)');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
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