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Last active December 1, 2018 22:42
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PowerShell: Profile aliases
. c:\projects\WebUI-PowershellScripts\profile.ps1
# Chocolatey profile
$ChocolateyProfile = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1"
if (Test-Path($ChocolateyProfile)) {
Import-Module "$ChocolateyProfile"
# list branches matching args, '.' for all else exception
function fbr { git br --all | ss $args }
# find files matching pattern recusively below current dir
function ff { get-childitem . -Recurse -File -Include "$args" | select-object -ExpandProperty FullName }
# find directories matching pattern recusively below current dir
function fd { get-childitem . -Recurse -Directory -Include "$args" | select-object -ExpandProperty FullName }
# rename a branch both locally and remotely
function rbr
# should check for br existence...
$old = $args[0]
$new = $args[1]
git branch --move $old $new
git push origin --set-upstream $new
git push origin :$old
# get sha1 file hash
function cfh { get-filehash -algorithm sha1 $args | select-object -ExpandProperty Hash }
# git nuke all changes
function nch { git add *; git rh; }
# git commit all changes
function cch { git add *; git commit -m "$args"; }
# Get all csproj full paths
function gcsproj { get-childitem -recurse -inc "*.csproj" | select-object -expandproperty FullName }
# Get all csproj dir full paths
function gcsprojdir { get-childitem -recurse -inc "*.csproj" | select-object -expandproperty Directory | select-object -ExpandProperty FullName }
# Clean all csproj via dotnet clean
function ccsproj { gcsp | foreach-object{ dotnet clean $_} }
# Delete all csproj output dirs (bin,obj)
function dcsprojout { gcsp | get-childitem -recurse -inc bin,obj | ?{$_.PSIsContainer} | select-object -ExpandProperty FullName | remove-item -recurse -force }
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