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Last active May 23, 2017 17:24
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* The `Entity` object.
* Describes an object that loosely represents some sort of database object, regardless if
* the data is actually loaded from a database, a third-party source, or generated on-the-fly.
* The entity `type` can be thought of as a "table name" where objects of the same type would
* be persisted.
* Each entity must provide a `clientId` that uniquely identifies the object when compared
* to other objects of the same `type`. Ultimately, the unique-entity-identifier is derived
* by concatenating the `type` with the `clientId`. All `clientId` values are coerced to strings.
* A set of `keyValues` can (optionally) be assigned for the entity. No strict schema is
* enforced or expected, though generally the same keys are provided per entity type, where
* appropriate. A value for a key can be any standard data type, such as strings, booleans,
* objects, arrays, numbers, etc.
* Finally, RelEntity objects can be related to this Entity via the `relatedTo` property.
* For example, a "content" Entity may be related to many "taxonomy" RelEntities.
* @prop {string} type The type of entity/model/object being acted upon.
* @prop {string} clientId The unique, external identifier for this entity.
* @prop {object} keyValues A set of key/values containing metadata about the entity.
* @prop {RelEntity[]} relatedTo An array of objects this entity is related to.
type: 'content',
clientId: '12331686',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'The Data Download: Actionable Analytics from Airport Wireless Networks',
contentType: 'Article',
// ...
relatedTo: [],
* The `RelEntity` object.
* This object essentially extends the `Entity` object, but allows additional key/values that describe
* the relationship, a.k.a. the relationship's `relFields`.
* @prop {Entity} entity The entity object.
* @prop {object} relFields A set of key/values containing fields for the relationship.
entity: {
type: 'section',
clientId: '6166',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'Airport Tech & Security',
relFields: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
primary: true,
* The `Event` object.
* An `Event` represents an interaction with an `Entity` object. Literally this is handled by
* relating an `action` (verb) to an `Entity`.
* An action verb can be any string, though it should semantically describe the action being performed.
* While there are no strict action types, some examples may include 'view', 'scroll', 'comment',
* 'click', etc.
* For example, if the `action` was 'view' and the `entity` type was 'content', the `Event` can be
* interpreted as 'A view action was performed on a content item, with an ID of XYZ.'
* @prop {string} action The action verb, such as 'click' or 'view'.
* @prop {(Date|string)} createdAt The date the action was taken.
* @prop {object} data Any free-form data to append to the event, though this isn't often used.
* @prop {Entity} entity The `Entity` the action was performed on.
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
data: { },
entity: {
type: 'content',
clientId: '12331686',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'The Data Download: Actionable Analytics from Airport Wireless Networks',
contentType: 'Article',
// ...
relatedTo: [],
* The `Session` object.
* Describes the current web session, including anonymous visitor data along with any identified user
* information.
* @prop {string} id The client-generated UUID of the session.
* @prop {(Date|string)} createdAt The date when the session was created.
* @prop {(string|null)} userId The identified user associated with the session.
* @prop {string} visitorID The client-generated UUID of the visitor.
id: 'dc8b217a-a5b2-42fe-b989-07b2912250eb',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 15:45:27 GMT',
userId: '562fb41776384b70200041a7',
visitorId: '00f573ad-c7b9-4f97-ac72-cac86b8334ee',
* The `Behavior` object.
* A `Behavior` represents an `Event` that was created/generated by a `Session`, thereby enabling
* tracking of a user's (anonymous or otherwise) interaction with an `Entity`.
* @prop {Event} event The behavior event (action + entity).
* @prop {Session} session The session (visitor/user) that performed the event.
event: {
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
data: { },
entity: {
type: 'content',
clientId: '12331686',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'The Data Download: Actionable Analytics from Airport Wireless Networks',
contentType: 'Article',
// ...
relatedTo: [],
id: 'dc8b217a-a5b2-42fe-b989-07b2912250eb',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 15:45:27 GMT',
userId: '562fb41776384b70200041a7',
visitorId: '00f573ad-c7b9-4f97-ac72-cac86b8334ee',
* A 'complete' `Behavior` object example, with related entities displayed.
* In English:
* Represents that UserID `562fb41776384b70200041a7` viewed the article entitled
* "The Data Download: Actionable Analytics from Airport Wireless Networks" which is has a primary
* section of "Airport Tech & Security" and is tagged to "Homeland Security" and "Perimeter
* Security."
* Due to `RelEntity` objects being present, this payload actually creates four events for the user:
* 1. A content view.
* 2. A section view.
* 3. Two taxonomy views.
event: {
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
data: { },
entity: {
type: 'content',
clientId: '12331686',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'The Data Download: Actionable Analytics from Airport Wireless Networks',
contentType: 'Article',
// ...
// Note the related entities here...
relatedTo: [
entity: {
type: 'section',
clientId: '6166',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'Airport Tech & Security',
relFields: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
primary: true,
entity: {
type: 'taxonomy',
clientId: '365',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'Homeland Security',
tagType: 'Topic'
relFields: {},
entity: {
type: 'taxonomy',
clientId: '5138',
keyValues: {
// Variable per type - no strict schema!
name: 'Perimeter Security',
tagType: 'Category'
relFields: {},
session: {
id: 'dc8b217a-a5b2-42fe-b989-07b2912250eb',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 15:45:27 GMT',
userId: '562fb41776384b70200041a7',
visitorId: '00f573ad-c7b9-4f97-ac72-cac86b8334ee',
* In a "simplified" world, we probably only need to send individual Behavior objects,
* without the direct relationships. For example...
event: {
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
entity: {
type: 'content',
clientId: '12331686',
keyValues: {
name: 'The Data Download: Actionable Analytics from Airport Wireless Networks',
contentType: 'Article',
session: { /* ... */ },
event: {
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
entity: {
type: 'section',
clientId: '6166',
keyValues: {
name: 'Airport Tech & Security',
session: { /* ... */ },
event: {
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
entity: {
type: 'taxonomy',
clientId: '365',
keyValues: {
name: 'Homeland Security',
tagType: 'Topic'
session: { /* ... */ },
event: {
action: 'view',
createdAt: 'Tue, 23 May 2017 16:19:25 GMT',
entity: {
type: 'taxonomy',
clientId: '5138',
keyValues: {
name: 'Perimeter Security',
tagType: 'Category'
session: { /* ... */ },
].forEach((behavior) => {
// We are currently sending the following entity types:
const entityTypes = ['page', 'content', 'taxonomy', 'section', 'publication', 'ad', 'ad_request', 'ad_unit', 'navigation'];
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