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Last active January 1, 2016 07:49
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Sketching Tripno
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function _procoding_throwError(e){if(procoding.error===0){procoding.error=e.message}else{procoding.error=procoding.error+": "+e.message}if(Processing.logger){Processing.logger.log(procoding.error);if(procoding.error){if(procoding.error.stack){Processing.logger.log(procoding.error.stack)}}}console.debug(procoding.error)}Processing.disableInit();var procoding={};procoding.error=0;procoding.prefs={};procoding.bound=false;procoding.pjs=null;try{procoding.init=function(){procoding.prefs.ignoreRetina=false;var t=document.querySelector("#canvas");var n=t.getAttribute("data-processing-sources");procoding.pjs=Processing.loadSketchFromSources(t,n.split(" "))};procoding.runStandalone=function(){setTimeout(function(){procoding.init();procoding.initSize();window.addEventListener("resize",procoding.resize,false);setTimeout(,500)},100)};{if(!procoding.pjs){procoding.pjs=Processing.getInstanceById("canvas")}if(procoding.pjs!==undefined){procoding.pjs.externals.sketch.options.pauseOnBlur=false;procoding.pjs.externals.sketch.options.globalKeyEvents=true;procoding.pjs.key=0;procoding.pjs.keyCode=0;procoding.bound=true;window.addEventListener("resize",procoding.resize(),false)}else{procoding.bound=false}if(!procoding.bound){setTimeout(,100)}};procoding.start=function(){if(procoding.pjs){procoding.pjs.loop()}};procoding.stop=function(){if(procoding.pjs){procoding.pjs.noLoop()}};procoding.forwardKeyEvent=function(t){procoding._forwardKeyEvent(t,0)};procoding._forwardKeyEvent=function(t,n){if(!procoding.pjs){return}var r=t.length-1;if(t.length>=0){procoding.pjs.key=t.charCodeAt(r);procoding.pjs.keyCode=n;procoding.pjs.keyPressed();procoding.pjs.keyTyped();procoding.pjs.keyReleased()}};procoding.forwardKeyCodeEvent=function(t){var n=t;switch(t){case"LEFT":n=procoding.pjs.LEFT;break;case"RIGHT":n=procoding.pjs.RIGHT;break;case"UP":n=procoding.pjs.UP;break;case"DOWN":n=procoding.pjs.DOWN;break;default:if(t.length){n=t.charCodeAt(0)}break}procoding.pjs.key=65535;procoding.pjs.keyCode=n;procoding.pjs.keyPressed();procoding.pjs.keyTyped()};procoding._initSize=function(){var t=window.devicePixelRatio;if(procoding.prefs.ignoreRetina){t=1}var n=1/t;var r=window.innerWidth*t;var i=window.innerHeight*t;procoding.width=r;procoding.height=i;var s=document.querySelector("#viewport");s.setAttribute("content","width="+r+" initial-scale="+n+" maximum-scale="+n+" user-scalable=no");document.head.removeChild(s);document.head.appendChild(s);if(procoding.pjs){procoding.pjs.size(r,i)}};procoding.initSize=function(){var t=window.devicePixelRatio;if(procoding.prefs.ignoreRetina){t=1}var n=1/t;var r=window.innerWidth*t;var i=window.innerHeight*t;procoding.width=r;procoding.height=i;var s=document.querySelector("#viewport");s.setAttribute("content","width="+r+" initial-scale="+n+" maximum-scale="+n+" user-scalable=no");document.head.removeChild(s);document.head.appendChild(s);if(procoding.pjs){procoding.pjs.size(r,i)}};procoding.resize=function(t){var n=false;if(t==="landscape"){n=true}var r=window.innerWidth;var i=window.innerHeight;if(n){r=procoding.height;i=procoding.width}procoding.width=r;procoding.height=i;if(procoding.pjs){procoding.pjs.size(r,i)}}}catch(e){_procoding_throwError(e)}(function(){var e=console.log;console.log=function(t){Processing.logger.log(t);e.apply(console,arguments)}})();(function(){var;{Processing.logger.log(t);e.apply(console,arguments)}})();(function(){var e=console.warn;console.warn=function(t){Processing.logger.log(t);e.apply(console,arguments)}})();(function(){var e=console.error;console.error=function(t){Processing.logger.log(t);e.apply(console,arguments)}})()
* Processing.Mobile Library for Processing.js
* This library adds a number of mobile device related APIs to Processing.
* These are non-standard, and are done in this library only for demonstration
* purposes.
* Additional Processing APIs:
* orientation: (object) device tilt information in degrees along x, y, z
* alpha: the direction the device is facing according to the compass
* beta: the angle in degrees the device is tilted front-to-back
* gamma the angle in degrees the device is tilted left-to-right.
* compassAccuracy the iOS 5 compass accuracy (or -1)
* compassHeading the iOS 5 cCompass heading in degrees or -1
* acceleration: (object) acceleration data for device along x, y, and z axes:
* x: (float) device acceleration in m/s^2 along the X axis (-1.0 to 1.0)
* y: (float) device acceleration in m/s^2 along the Y axis (-1.0 to 1.0)
* z: (float) device acceleration in m/s^2 along the Z axis (-1.0 to 1.0)
* coords: (object) geolocation data for the device, obtained at the start of the
* program (i.e., not updated during the lifetime of the program). The
* properties of coords incude:
* latitude: (float) current latitude in decimal degrees (or 0 if unknown)
* longitude: (float) current longitude in decimal degrees (or 0 if unknown)
* altitude: (float) current height in meters above the ellipsoid (or 0 if unknown)
* accuracy: (float) accuracy in meters of longitude and latitude
* altitudeAccuracy: (float) accurace of the altitude value in meters (or 0 if unknown)
* heading: (float) direction of travel, specified in degrees 0-360 (or -1 if unknown)
* speed: (float) speed in meters per second (or -1 if unknown)
* Updates for coords are available when the locationChanged() callback is fired.
* Additional Reading:
(function(Processing, window, navigator) {
// Cache Processing ctor
var P5 = Processing,
Pp = Processing.prototype;
var mobile = {
// If we don't have support for devicemotion events, use 0 for these.
acceleration: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0
// Defaults for geolocation data
coords: {
latitude: 0,
longitude: 0,
accuracy: 0,
altitude: 0,
altitudeAccuracy: 0,
heading: -1,
speed: -1
// Defaults for orientation data
orientation: {
alpha: 0,
beta: 0,
gamma: 0,
compassAccuracy: -1,
compassHeading: -1
function attachLocationCallback(p) {
// Start a geolocation watch timeout if a locationChanged callback is provided.
if (p.locationChanged &&
typeof p.locationChanged === "function" &&
navigator.geolocation) {
function success(position) {
var posCoords = position.coords,
mCoords = mobile.coords;
mCoords.latitude = posCoords.latitude;
mCoords.longitude = posCoords.longitude;
mCoords.altitude = posCoords.altitude || 0; // can be null,
mCoords.accuracy = posCoords.accuracy;
mCoords.altitudeAccuracy = posCoords.altitudeAccuracy || 0; // can be null
mCoords.heading = posCoords.heading || -1; // can be null
mCoords.speed = posCoords.speed || -1; // can be null
function error(e) {
// Ignore and use defaults already set for coords
console.log('Unable to get geolocation position data: ' + e);
// Extend Processing with locationChanged() callback logic.
window.Processing = function() {
var p5 = P5.apply(this, arguments);
return p5;
window.Processing.prototype = Pp;
// Copy static properties onto new Processing
for (var prop in P5) {
if (!P5.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
window.Processing[prop] = P5[prop];
// Extend any existing Processing instances with location callback, too.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
Processing.instances.forEach(function(instance) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function(event) {
var acceleration = event.acceleration || event.accelerationIncludingGravity,
mAcceleration = mobile.acceleration;
// Values are in m/s^2
mAcceleration.x = acceleration.x;
mAcceleration.y = acceleration.y;
mAcceleration.z = acceleration.z;
}, false);
function orientationhandler(evt) {
// For FF3.6+
if (!evt.gamma && !evt.beta) {
evt.gamma = -(evt.x * (180 / Math.PI));
evt.beta = -(evt.y * (180 / Math.PI));
var mOrientation = mobile.orientation;
mOrientation.alpha = evt.alpha;
mOrientation.beta = evt.beta;
mOrientation.gamma = evt.gamma;
mOrientation.compassAccuracy = evt.webkitCompassAccuracy ? evt.webkitCompassAccuracy : -1;
mOrientation.compassHeading = evt.webkitCompassHeading ? evt.webkitCompassHeading + window.orientation : -1;
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', orientationhandler, false);
window.addEventListener('MozOrientation', orientationhandler, false);
['orientation', 'acceleration', 'coords'].forEach(function(objName) {
Pp.__defineGetter__(objName, function() {
return mobile[objName];
}(Processing, window, window.navigator));
int i=0;
int boxCount = 5;
int boxSmin = 50;
int boxSmax = 100;
int[] bx = new int[boxCount];
int[] by = new int[boxCount];
int[] bs = new int[boxCount];
void setup() { // this is run once, initially.
int j,ox=0,oy=height/2,dy;
// background color (0 is black, 255 is white)
// frames per second
// colorMode(HSB,2*PI,1.0,1.0,1.0);
for(j = 0; j < boxCount; j++){
bs[j] = random(boxSmin,boxSmax);
ox += bs[j];
bx[j] = ox + random(-boxSmin/2,boxSmin/2);
dy = random(-boxSmin*2,boxSmin*2);
if((oy+dy) < boxSmax || (oy+dy) > (height - boxSmax)){
dy = -dy;
by[j] = oy+dy;
void draw() { // this is run repeatedly
int j, a, fx, fy, tx, ty;
// rainbow lines
// draw the line top down
stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255), a);
line(i,0, random(i-20,i+20), height);
// draw the line bottom up
stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255), a);
// loop when finished.
if (i<width) {
} else {
// noise lines
for (j = 0; j < 101; j++) {
fx = random(0,width);
fy = random(0,height);
tx = width;
ty = random(0,height);
line(fx, fy, tx, ty);
//draw boxes
fill(255, 0.1);
for(j = 0; j < boxCount; j++){
rect(bx[j]-bs[j]/2,by[j]-bs[j]/2, bs[j],bs[j]);
bx[j] = bx[boxCount-1]+bs[j]+random()
//blank every 5 frames
rect(0, 0, width, height);
* {
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-webkit-user-select: none; /* Prevent selection of any element */
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); /* set highlight color to transparant */
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden; /* hide scrollbar scroll */
canvas {
image-rendering: optimizespeed !important;
overflow: hidden; /* hide scrollbar scroll */
-webkit-transform-origin: left top;
-webkit-transform: scale(1,1);
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