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Last active June 24, 2024 00:16
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ts-morph type footprint
import {
} from 'ts-morph';
const defaultTsConfigFilePath = __dirname + '../../../../tsconfig.json';
const projects = new Map<string, Project>();
const project = (tsConfigFilePath: string) => {
const project = projects.get(tsConfigFilePath);
const result =
project ??
new Project({
projects.set(tsConfigFilePath, result);
return result;
* You have a type A that depends on type C that depends on type B through
* a complex or just somewhat complex set of manipulations - Pick, Omit,
* typeof const or whatever else.
* You want to make it visible that changes in type B change type A in
* a more explicit way.
* Solution:
* Create a test where you have a snapshot of a type which turns a complex type
* into plain structure without all the complexities. That is - when type B changes
* you would explicitly see all the types/interfaces it affected.
export function typeFootprint(
fileName: string,
typeName: string,
opts?: {
// NOTE: because TypeScript does interning for equivalent types
// some aliases are going to be erased and unavailable - so it wouldn't
// be possible to override output for any type we wish, but should be possible
// for top-level types and types containing this: Type & { _SpecialType?: undefined }
// for more information:
overrides?: Record<string, string>;
tsConfigFilePath?: string;
) {
const p = project(opts?.tsConfigFilePath ?? defaultTsConfigFilePath);
const s = p.addSourceFileAtPath(fileName);
const a = s.getTypeAliasOrThrow(typeName);
const t = a.getType();
const text = footprintOfType({
type: t,
node: a,
overrides: opts?.overrides,
return `type ${typeName} = ` + text;
function isPrimitive(type: Type) {
if (type.isString()) {
return true;
if (type.isStringLiteral()) {
return true;
if (type.isUndefined()) {
return true;
if (type.isNull()) {
return true;
if (type.isUnknown()) {
return true;
if (type.isAny()) {
return true;
if (type.isNumber()) {
return true;
if (type.isNumberLiteral()) {
return true;
if (type.isBoolean()) {
return true;
if (type.isBooleanLiteral()) {
return true;
if (intrinsicNameOf(type) === 'void') {
// isVoid
return true;
return false;
function isPromise(type: Type) {
const symbol = type.getSymbol();
if (!type.isObject() || !symbol) {
return false;
const args = type.getTypeArguments();
return symbol.getName() === 'Promise' && args.length === 1;
function isSimpleSignature(type: Type) {
if (!type.isObject()) {
return false;
const sigs = type.getCallSignatures();
const props = type.getProperties();
const args = type.getTypeArguments();
const indexType = type.getNumberIndexType();
const stringType = type.getStringIndexType();
return (
sigs.length === 1 &&
props.length === 0 &&
args.length === 0 &&
!indexType &&
function intrinsicNameOf(type: Type) {
return (type.compilerType as unknown as { intrinsicName: string })
type FormatFlags =
| false // <- to be able to pass down conditional flags
| 'remove-undefined-from-intersections';
function footprintOfType(params: {
type: Type;
node: Node;
overrides?: Record<string, string>;
flags?: FormatFlags[];
callStackLevel?: number;
}): string {
const { type, node, overrides, flags = [], callStackLevel = 0 } = params;
if (callStackLevel > 9) {
// too deep?
return "'...'";
const next = (nextType: Type, nextFlags: FormatFlags[] = []) => {
return footprintOfType({
type: nextType,
flags: nextFlags,
callStackLevel: callStackLevel + 1,
const indent = (text: string, lvl: number = 1) =>
text.replace(/^/gm, ' '.repeat(lvl * 2));
const defaultFormat = () => {
return type.getText(
const symbol = type.getAliasSymbol();
if (overrides && symbol) {
const result = overrides[symbol.getName()];
if (result) {
return result;
if (isPrimitive(type)) {
return defaultFormat();
if (type.isArray()) {
const subType = type.getArrayElementTypeOrThrow();
if (isPrimitive(subType)) {
return `${next(subType)}[]`;
} else {
return `Array<\n${indent(next(subType))}\n>`;
if (type.isTuple()) {
const types = type.getTupleElements();
return [
indent( => next(type)).join(',\n')),
if (type.isObject() && isPromise(type)) {
const first = type.getTypeArguments()[0];
if (!first) {
throw new Error('This should not have happened');
if (isPrimitive(first)) {
return `Promise<${next(first)}>`;
} else {
return `Promise<\n${indent(next(first))}\n>`;
if (type.isObject() && isSimpleSignature(type)) {
return signatures(type.getCallSignatures(), 'type', next);
if (type.isObject()) {
const props = type.getProperties();
const sigs = type.getCallSignatures();
const numIndex = type.getNumberIndexType();
const stringIndex = type.getStringIndexType();
if (
props.length === 0 &&
sigs.length === 0 &&
!numIndex &&
) {
return '{}';
const sigsText = signatures(sigs, 'declaration', next);
const propsText = properties(props, node, next);
const numIndexText = numIndex && `[index: number]: ${next(numIndex)};`;
const stringIndexText =
stringIndex && `[index: string]: ${next(stringIndex)};`;
return [
numIndexText && indent(numIndexText),
stringIndexText && indent(stringIndexText),
sigs.length > 0 && indent(sigsText),
props.length > 0 && indent(propsText),
if (type.isUnion()) {
return type
.filter((type) => {
if (flags.includes('remove-undefined-from-intersections')) {
return !type.isUndefined();
return true;
.map((type) => next(type))
.join(' | ');
if (type.isIntersection()) {
return type
.map((type) => next(type))
.join(' & ');
// when you encounter this, consider changing the function
return 'TODO';
function properties(
props: Symbol[],
node: Node,
next: (type: Type, flags: FormatFlags[]) => string,
) {
return => property(value, node, next)).join('\n');
function property(
prop: Symbol,
node: Node,
next: (type: Type, flags: FormatFlags[]) => string,
): string {
const type = prop.getTypeAtLocation(node);
const sigs = type.getCallSignatures();
const firstSig = sigs?.[0];
if (
isSimpleSignature(type) &&
!prop.hasFlags(SymbolFlags.Optional) &&
) {
return signature(firstSig, 'declaration', next, prop.getName()) + ';';
const isOptional = prop.hasFlags(SymbolFlags.Optional);
return [
isOptional ? '?' : '',
': ',
next(type, [isOptional && 'remove-undefined-from-intersections']),
function signatures(
sigs: Signature[],
variant: 'type' | 'declaration',
next: (type: Type, flags: FormatFlags[]) => string,
) {
return => signature(sig, variant, next)).join('\n');
function signature(
sig: Signature,
variant: 'type' | 'declaration',
next: (type: Type, flags: FormatFlags[]) => string,
methodName?: string,
): string {
const name = sig.getDeclaration().getSymbol()?.getName();
const nameToUse =
methodName ?? (['__type', '__call'].includes(name ?? '') ? '' : name);
const params = sig.getParameters();
return [
variant === 'declaration' ? nameToUse : '',
.map((param) =>
param.hasFlags(SymbolFlags.Optional) ? '?' : '',
': ',
.map((decl) => next(decl.getType(), []))
.join(', '),
variant === 'declaration' ? ': ' : ' => ',
next(sig.getReturnType(), []),
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Super useful, thank you for this! Is it possible to get an example type that includes everything this snippet covers (or was tested on)? Might make it easier for others to spot things that could end up returning 'TODO', and easier for people new to this to learn from it ☺️

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Super useful, thank you for this! Is it possible to get an example type that includes everything this snippet covers (or was tested on)? Might make it easier for others to spot things that could end up returning 'TODO', and easier for people new to this to learn from it ☺️


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