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Last active December 16, 2015 13:59
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Save zarkone/5445554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple page changing mechanizm, Vanilla JS Suitable for small single page applications.
* Let's assume that <div> containers with text have class="page" and id=page name + "Text".
* And the menu <a> links-switchers have class "menuItem" and id=page name + "Item".
* This script applies class "active" to selected page by observing window.location.href,
* with "about" as default page.
* demo:
var pages = document.getElementsByClassName("page");
var menuItems = document.getElementsByClassName("menuItem");
var pagesCount = pages.length;
function showPage(page) {
var i = pagesCount - 1;
var itemFound = false;
for(; i >= 0; i--) {
if(pages[i].id != page + "Text") {
} else {
if(menuItems[i].id != page + "Item") {
} else {
itemFound = true;
if(!itemFound) {
showPage("about") ;
var href;
function listenHref() {
if (href != window.location.href) {
href = window.location.href;
var page = href.match("#[A-z]+");
if (page) {
page = page[0].slice(1);
showPage(page || "about");
timerId = setTimeout(listenHref, 100);
var timerId = setTimeout(listenHref, 100);
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