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Created June 12, 2015 16:38
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(ns lightusers.core
(:require [ :as json]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))
(def json-pprint (comp pprint json/write-str))
(def input (json/read-str (slurp "example.json")))
(defn extract
([tweet paths] (extract tweet paths []))
([tweet paths users]
(if (empty? paths)
{:light-users-tweet tweet :extracted-users users}
(let [path (first paths) tail (next paths)]
(if-let [user (get-in tweet path)]
tweet path select-keys ["name" "id_str"])
tail (conj users user))
(extract tweet tail users))))))
(def paths [["user"]
["retweeted_status" "user"]
["retweeted_status" "quoted_status" "user"]
["quoted_status" "user"]])
(let [output (extract input paths)]
(println "EXTRACTED USERS:")
(map json-pprint (:extracted-users output))
(json-pprint (:light-users-tweet output)))
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