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Last active December 16, 2020 12:22
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Telegraf plugin to get summary CPU/mem usage for a tree of processes
# Telegraf input plugin to get summary cpu/mem/io usage for
# a tree of processes. Identify top process(es) by
# pid file, pgrep pattern or owner.
# Note: it requires root to be able to read 'smaps'.
# Note: pattern match (-p) can catch the plugins itself
# Output fields:
# cpu_user [ticks] - sum(utime)/100 (see 'man 5 proc' for /proc/<pid>/stat)
# cpu_system [ticks] - sum(stime)/100 (see 'man 5 proc' for /proc/<pid>/stat)
# nprocess [count] - number of processes (including all children)
# mem_pss/rss [B] - sum(pss)*1024 (see 'man 5 proc' for /proc/<pid>/smaps)
# io_read/write [B] - sum(read/write_bytes) (see 'man 5 proc' for /proc/<pid>/io)
# io_syscr/syscw [count] - sum(syscr/syscw) (see 'man 5 proc' for /proc/<pid>/io)
# fd_count [count] - file-descriptor count
function usage() {
echo "usage: `basename $0` <options>"
echo " -f PIDFILE get pids from PIDFILE"
echo " -p PATTERN get pids from pgrep PATTERN"
echo " -u USER get pids owned by USER"
echo " -h this help screen"
function descendants() {
# return all process descendants from a given list of pids
# (including pids from input)
declare -a pidlist=($*)
for ((i=0; i<${#pidlist[@]}; i++)) {
[ -z "$p" -o "$p" -eq "$$" ] && continue
# append all direct children of $p
pidlist+=(`pgrep -P "$p" 2>/dev/null`)
echo ${pidlist[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u
function cpustat() {
for p in $*; do
cat "/proc/$p/stat" 2>/dev/null
done | awk '
BEGIN { utime = stime = count = 0 }
{ utime += $14; stime += $15; count++ }
END { printf "%.2f %.2f %d\n", utime/100, stime/100, count }'
function memstat() {
for p in $*; do
cat "/proc/$p/smaps" 2>/dev/null
done | awk '
BEGIN { pss = rss = cache = 0 }
$1 ~ /^[0-9a-f]/ {
if ($4 ~ /ca:/ ) {
cache = 1
} else {
cache = 0
$1 == "Pss:" && !cache { pss += $2 }
$1 == "Rss:" && !cache { rss += $2 }
END { printf "%.0f %.0f\n", pss * 1024, rss * 1024 }'
function iostat() {
for p in $*; do
cat "/proc/$p/io" 2>/dev/null
done | awk '
BEGIN { read_bytes = write_bytes = syscr = syscw = 0 }
$1 == "read_bytes:" { read_bytes += $2 }
$1 == "write_bytes:" { write_bytes += $2 }
$1 == "syscr:" { syscr += $2 }
$1 == "syscw:" { syscw += $2 }
END { printf "%d %d %d %d\n", read_bytes, write_bytes, syscr, syscw }'
function fdstat() {
for p in $*; do
ls -1 "/proc/$p/fd" 2>/dev/null
done | wc -l
while getopts "f:p:u:h" opt; do
case $opt in
f) pidfile=$OPTARG ;;
p) pattern=$OPTARG ;;
u) user=$OPTARG ;;
h) usage; exit 0 ;;
*) exit 2 ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
if [ -n "$pidfile" ]; then
pidlist=$(cat "$pidfile" 2>/dev/null)
elif [ -n "$pattern" ]; then
pidlist=$(pgrep -f "$pattern")
elif [ -n "$user" ]; then
pidlist=$(pgrep -U "$user")
echo "Specify either <pidfile>, <pattern> or <user>" 1>&2
exit -1
if [ -z "$pidlist" ]; then
# no match
exit 0
pidlist2=$(descendants "$pidlist")
declare -a cpu=(`cpustat $pidlist2`)
declare -a mem=(`memstat $pidlist2`)
declare -a io=(`iostat $pidlist2`)
fd_count=`fdstat $pidlist2`
echo -n "sumproc cpu_user=${cpu[0]},cpu_system=${cpu[1]},nprocess=${cpu[2]}i,"
echo -n "mem_pss=${mem[0]}i,mem_rss=${mem[1]}i,"
echo -n "io_read=${io[0]}i,io_write=${io[1]}i,io_syscr=${io[2]}i,io_syscw=${io[3]}i,"
echo "fd_count=${fd_count}i"
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