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Created December 23, 2023 21:15
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AOC 2023 Day 23
enum Dir:
def toVec: Vec = this match {
case North => Vec(0, -1)
case East => Vec(1, 0)
case South => Vec(0, 1)
case West => Vec(-1, 0)
case North, East, South, West
import Dir._
sealed trait Field
case object Forest extends Field
case class Slope(from: Dir, to: Dir) extends Field
case object Plain extends Field
object Field {
def apply(c: Char): Field = {
c match
case '#' => Forest
case '.' => Plain
case '<' => Slope(from = East, to = West)
case 'v' => Slope(from = North, to = South)
case '>' => Slope(from = West, to = East)
case '^' => Slope(from = South, to = North)
case class Vec(x: Int, y: Int) {
def +(other: Vec) = Vec(x + other.x, y + other.y)
lazy val neighbours: Seq[Vec] = => vec + d.toVec)
def accessible(using hikingMap: Map[Vec, Field]): Seq[Vec] = {
neighbours.filter(n =>
hikingMap.getOrElse(n, Forest) match
case Forest => false
case Plain => true
case Slope(from, to) => true // part2
// case Slope(from, to) => n + from.toVec == vec // part1
case class Edge(from: Vec, to: Vec, length: Int) {
def arrow: String = s"-- $length --> $to"
@main def main = {
val lines = fromFile("input.txt").getLines.toSeq
given hikingMap: Map[Vec, Field] = (for
(line, y) <- lines.zipWithIndex
(char, x) <- line.zipWithIndex
yield (Vec(x, y), Field(char))).toMap
val crossroads: Seq[Vec] = (for
(v, f) <- hikingMap
if f != Forest
if v.neighbours.filter(n => hikingMap.getOrElse(n, Forest) != Forest).size >= 3
yield v).toSeq
val start: Vec = Vec(lines.head.indexOf('.'), 0)
val target: Vec = Vec(lines.last.indexOf('.'),
val startNodes: Seq[Vec] = start +: crossroads
val allNodes: Seq[Vec] = startNodes :+ target
def goPath(current: Vec, path: Seq[Vec], crossroads: Seq[Vec]): Seq[Vec] = {
val newPath = path :+ current
if (crossroads.contains(current)) newPath
else {
val nextVecs = current.accessible.filter(_ != path.last)
assert(nextVecs.size <= 1, "There should be at most one path, otherwise we're at a crossroad.")
if (nextVecs.size == 0) newPath // Defensive, there are no dead-ends in the input.
else goPath(nextVecs.head, newPath, crossroads)
def exploreFrom(position: Vec, crossroads: Seq[Vec]): Seq[Seq[Vec]] = { => goPath(n, Seq(position), crossroads))
val fieldPaths: Seq[Seq[Vec]] = startNodes.flatMap(node => exploreFrom(node, crossroads = allNodes))
val edges: Seq[Edge] = => {
Edge(vs.head, vs.last, vs.size - 1)
val dag: Map[Vec, Seq[Edge]] = edges.groupBy(_.from)
def getPaths(current: Vec, target: Vec, path: Seq[Edge]): Seq[Seq[Edge]] = {
if (current == target) Seq(path)
else {
val es: Seq[Edge] = dag(current).filter(e => !
es.flatMap(e => getPaths(, target, path :+ e))
val graphPaths: Seq[Seq[Edge]] = getPaths(start, target, Seq())
val result: Int = =>
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