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Last active March 10, 2018 03:43
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March 9th - Notes
In truffle console:
# To list all the available accounts
# To check the balance of account (in Wei)
web3.eth.getBalance('<account address>')
# To get balance in Ether
web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance('<account address>'), 'ether')
# To vote from a specific account
Voting.deployed().then(function(f) {f.voteForCandidate('Trishul', {from: '0xfdcb425e3cd114f801e0114aace8666be5b1242e'}).then(function(f) {console.log(f)})})
# The contract with example owner logic is here:
# Everytime you make changes to your code and to test, you have to do:
truffle migrate --reset <- You can run this from within truffle console itself
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