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Created April 11, 2017 18:10
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NER Tagger
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Activation
from keras.layers.wrappers import TimeDistributed
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from keras.layers import Embedding, LSTM, Dense
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, accuracy_score, precision_recall_fscore_support
raw = open('wikigold.conll.txt', 'r').readlines()
all_x = []
point = []
for line in raw:
stripped_line = line.strip().split(' ')
if line == '\n':
point = []
all_x = all_x[:-1]
lengths = [len(x) for x in all_x]
print('Input sequence length range: ', max(lengths), min(lengths))
short_x = [x for x in all_x if len(x) < 64]
X = [[c[0] for c in x] for x in short_x]
y = [[c[1] for c in y] for y in short_x]
all_text = [c for x in X for c in x]
words = list(set(all_text))
word2ind = {word: index for index, word in enumerate(words)}
ind2word = {index: word for index, word in enumerate(words)}
labels = list(set([c for x in y for c in x]))
label2ind = {label: (index + 1) for index, label in enumerate(labels)}
ind2label = {(index + 1): label for index, label in enumerate(labels)}
print('Vocabulary size:', len(word2ind), len(label2ind))
maxlen = max([len(x) for x in X])
print('Maximum sequence length:', maxlen)
def encode(x, n):
result = np.zeros(n)
result[x] = 1
return result
X_enc = [[word2ind[c] for c in x] for x in X]
max_label = max(label2ind.values()) + 1
y_enc = [[0] * (maxlen - len(ey)) + [label2ind[c] for c in ey] for ey in y]
y_enc = [[encode(c, max_label) for c in ey] for ey in y_enc]
X_enc = pad_sequences(X_enc, maxlen=maxlen)
y_enc = pad_sequences(y_enc, maxlen=maxlen)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_enc, y_enc, test_size=11*32, train_size=45*32, random_state=42)
print('Training and testing tensor shapes:', X_train.shape, X_test.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape)
max_features = len(word2ind)
embedding_size = 128
hidden_size = 32
out_size = len(label2ind) + 1
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(max_features, embedding_size, input_length=maxlen, mask_zero=True))
model.add(LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=True))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')
batch_size = 32, y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=10, validation_data=(X_test, y_test))
score = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, batch_size=batch_size)
print('Raw test score:', score)
def score(yh, pr):
coords = [np.where(yhh > 0)[0][0] for yhh in yh]
yh = [yhh[co:] for yhh, co in zip(yh, coords)]
ypr = [prr[co:] for prr, co in zip(pr, coords)]
fyh = [c for row in yh for c in row]
fpr = [c for row in ypr for c in row]
return fyh, fpr
pr = model.predict_classes(X_train)
yh = y_train.argmax(2)
fyh, fpr = score(yh, pr)
print('Training accuracy:', accuracy_score(fyh, fpr))
print('Training confusion matrix:')
print(confusion_matrix(fyh, fpr))
precision_recall_fscore_support(fyh, fpr)
pr = model.predict_classes(X_test)
yh = y_test.argmax(2)
fyh, fpr = score(yh, pr)
print('Testing accuracy:', accuracy_score(fyh, fpr))
print('Testing confusion matrix:')
print(confusion_matrix(fyh, fpr))
precision_recall_fscore_support(fyh, fpr)
010 I-MISC
is O
the O
tenth O
album O
from O
Japanese I-MISC
Punk O
Techno O
band O
Capsule I-ORG
Markets I-ORG
. O
This O
album O
proved O
to O
be O
more O
commercial O
and O
more O
techno-based O
than O
Osc-Dis I-MISC
, O
with O
heavily O
synthesized O
songs O
like O
Introduction I-MISC
010 I-MISC
and O
. O
Founding O
member O
Kojima I-PER
Minoru I-PER
played O
guitar O
on O
, O
and O
Wardanceis I-MISC
cover O
of O
a O
song O
by O
post O
punk O
industrial O
band O
Killing I-ORG
Joke I-ORG
. O
can I-MISC
had O
a O
different O
meaning O
, O
and O
most O
people O
did O
n't O
understand O
what O
the O
song O
was O
about O
. O
it O
was O
later O
explained O
that O
the O
song O
was O
about O
Cannabis I-MISC
( O
' O
can O
of O
this O
' O
sounding O
like O
Cannabis I-MISC
when O
said O
faster O
) O
it O
is O
uncertain O
if O
they O
were O
told O
to O
change O
the O
lyric O
like O
they O
did O
on O
and O
. O
Edition O
came O
with O
the O
video O
, O
and O
most O
of O
the O
tracks O
were O
re-engineered O
. O
The O
139th I-ORG
was O
formed O
at O
Camp I-LOC
Howe I-LOC
, O
near O
Pittsburgh I-LOC
, O
on O
September O
1 O
, O
1862 O
. O
Frederick I-PER
Collier I-PER
was O
the O
first O
colonel O
. O
After O
burying O
the O
dead O
on O
the O
field O
of O
Second I-MISC
Battle I-MISC
, O
the O
regiment O
was O
attached O
to O
Howe I-ORG
's I-ORG
Brigade I-ORG
of O
Couch I-ORG
's I-ORG
Division I-ORG
of O
the O
Corps I-ORG
of O
the O
Army I-ORG
of I-ORG
the I-ORG
Potomac I-ORG
where O
it O
replaced O
Trobriand I-ORG
's I-ORG
55th I-ORG
York I-ORG
, O
Gardes I-ORG
Lafayette I-ORG
regiment O
on O
September O
11 O
, O
1862 O
. O
The O
composition O
of O
this O
brigade O
remained O
unchanged O
from O
this O
point O
until O
the O
war O
's O
end O
and O
included O
the O
62d I-ORG
, O
93d I-ORG
, O
98th I-ORG
and O
the O
102d I-ORG
. O
During O
this O
time O
Couch I-ORG
's I-ORG
Division I-ORG
was O
detached O
from O
the O
Army I-ORG
and O
was O
occupied O
with O
guarding O
the O
fords O
on O
the O
Potomac I-LOC
. O
The O
139th I-ORG
along O
with O
its O
brigade O
and O
division O
spent O
the O
next O
week O
marching O
from O
Poolesville I-LOC
to O
Sandy I-LOC
Hook I-LOC
, O
Maryland I-LOC
from O
where O
on O
September O
17 O
, O
1862 O
, O
it O
was O
forced O
marched O
to O
the O
Battle I-MISC
Antietam I-MISC
where O
it O
was O
placed O
in O
line O
of O
battle O
but O
did O
not O
see O
any O
significant O
combat O
. O
The O
next O
day O
, O
the O
regiment O
pursued O
the O
Confederate I-ORG
army O
and O
fought O
in O
a O
skirmish O
at O
Williamsport I-LOC
. O
The O
139th I-ORG
was O
transferred O
in O
October O
1862 O
to O
the O
Corps I-ORG
. O
In O
the O
Battle I-MISC
Fredericksburg I-MISC
, O
it O
suffered O
minor O
casualties O
from O
artillery O
fire O
, O
but O
did O
n't O
get O
a O
chance O
to O
fight O
. O
Five O
months O
later O
, O
however O
, O
it O
did O
participate O
in O
the O
2nd I-MISC
Battle I-MISC
Fredericksburg I-MISC
. O
At O
the O
Battle I-MISC
Gettysburg I-MISC
in O
July O
, O
it O
helped O
defend O
the O
left O
flank O
of O
the O
Union I-ORG
army O
. O
Throughout O
the O
spring O
and O
into O
early O
summer O
of O
1864 O
, O
the O
139th I-ORG
fought O
in O
Grant I-MISC
Overland I-MISC
Campaign I-MISC
and O
the O
early O
stages O
of O
the O
Siege I-MISC
Petersburg I-MISC
. O
In O
July O
, O
it O
was O
transferred O
to O
Washington I-LOC
with O
the O
rest O
of O
the O
Corps I-ORG
to O
defeat O
Gen. I-PER
Jubal I-PER
Early I-PER
's O
attack O
on O
the O
city O
. O
Then O
they O
fought O
under O
Philip I-PER
Sheridan I-PER
in O
the O
Valley I-LOC
to O
ensure O
that O
no O
more O
Confederate I-ORG
armies O
would O
invade O
again O
. O
( O
See O
the O
article O
on O
the O
campaign O
) O
. O
By O
December O
1864 O
, O
they O
were O
back O
in O
the O
siege O
lines O
of O
Petersburg I-LOC
. O
The O
139th I-ORG
supported O
Sheridan I-PER
in O
the O
Appomattox I-MISC
Campaign I-MISC
and O
fought O
in O
the O
Battle I-MISC
Sayler I-MISC
Creek I-MISC
. O
After O
the O
surrender O
at O
Appomattox I-LOC
Courthouse I-LOC
, O
it O
was O
ordered O
to O
the O
North I-LOC
Carolina I-LOC
border O
to O
support O
William I-PER
Sherman I-PER
, O
but O
the O
Confederate I-ORG
surrender O
there O
made O
further O
support O
unnecessary O
. O
The O
regiment O
was O
mustered O
out O
June O
21 O
, O
1865 O
. O
The O
1896 O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
rail O
crash O
occurred O
shortly O
after O
6:30 O
pm O
on O
July O
30 O
, O
1896 O
at O
a O
crossing O
just O
west O
of O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
, O
Jersey I-LOC
, O
crushing O
five O
loaded O
passenger O
coaches O
, O
killing O
50 O
and O
seriously O
injuring O
approximately O
60 O
. O
train O
consisting O
of O
seven O
cars O
left O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
over O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
bearing O
a O
special O
excursion O
of O
and O
their O
friends O
from O
Bridgeton I-LOC
and O
Salem I-LOC
, O
Jersey I-LOC
, O
and O
had O
reached O
the O
crossing O
of O
the O
Reading I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
when O
it O
was O
struck O
by O
the O
5:40 O
down O
express O
train O
from O
Philadelphia I-LOC
. O
Two O
cars O
were O
demolished O
and O
the O
two O
following O
cars O
were O
telescoped O
. O
The O
engine O
of O
the O
Reading I-LOC
train O
was O
wrecked O
, O
the O
engineer O
killed O
, O
and O
the O
fireman O
fatally O
injured O
. O
The O
car O
behind O
it O
was O
thrown O
from O
the O
track O
and O
many O
of O
its O
occupants O
were O
killed O
or O
injured O
. O
In O
1896 O
, O
leaving O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
, O
the O
tracks O
of O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
Road I-LOC
ran O
parallel O
to O
those O
of O
the O
Camden I-LOC
and O
Atlantic I-LOC
until O
they O
crossed O
the O
drawbridge O
, O
when O
they O
switched O
off O
to O
the O
south O
, O
crossing O
the O
Reading I-LOC
Road I-LOC
at O
an O
oblique O
angle O
. O
John I-PER
Greiner I-PER
, O
the O
engineer O
of O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
train O
, O
saw O
the O
Reading I-LOC
train O
approaching O
the O
crossing O
at O
a O
swift O
speed O
, O
but O
as O
the O
signals O
were O
open O
for O
him O
to O
proceed O
on O
his O
way O
, O
he O
continued O
. O
His O
engine O
had O
barely O
cleared O
the O
crossing O
when O
the O
locomotive O
of O
the O
Reading I-LOC
train O
, O
which O
left O
Philadelphia I-LOC
at O
5:40 O
pm O
, O
struck O
the O
first O
car O
full O
in O
the O
centre O
, O
throwing O
it O
far O
off O
the O
track O
in O
a O
nearby O
ditch O
, O
and O
completely O
submerging O
it O
. O
The O
second O
car O
of O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
train O
was O
also O
carried O
into O
the O
ditch O
, O
the O
third O
and O
fourth O
cars O
being O
telescoped O
. O
The O
engine O
of O
the O
Reading I-LOC
train O
was O
thrown O
to O
the O
other O
side O
of O
the O
track O
, O
carrying O
with O
it O
the O
first O
coach O
. O
few O
minutes O
after O
the O
collision O
, O
the O
boiler O
of O
the O
Reading I-LOC
locomotive O
exploded O
, O
scalding O
several O
to O
death O
and O
casting O
boiling O
spray O
over O
many O
of O
the O
injured O
passengers O
. O
As O
soon O
as O
the O
news O
reached O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
it O
spread O
rapidly O
, O
and O
thousands O
of O
people O
flocked O
to O
the O
scene O
. O
The O
road O
leading O
to O
the O
collision O
was O
a O
constant O
scene O
of O
hackney O
carriages O
, O
omnibuses O
, O
bicycles O
, O
and O
all O
kinds O
of O
vehicles O
, O
while O
thousands O
of O
pedestrians O
hurried O
along O
the O
path O
to O
render O
what O
assistance O
they O
could O
or O
to O
satisfy O
their O
curiosity O
. O
Darkness O
fell O
quickly O
, O
and O
the O
work O
of O
rescuing O
the O
injured O
and O
recovering O
the O
bodies O
of O
the O
dead O
was O
carried O
out O
under O
the O
glare O
of O
huge O
bonfires O
. O
As O
onlookers O
watched O
through O
the O
night O
, O
the O
mangled O
and O
burned O
bodies O
of O
the O
dead O
were O
carried O
from O
the O
wreckage O
which O
trapped O
them O
and O
laid O
side O
by O
side O
on O
the O
gravel O
bank O
near O
the O
track O
, O
with O
no O
other O
covering O
than O
the O
few O
newspapers O
gathered O
from O
the O
passengers O
. O
The O
wounded O
were O
quickly O
gathered O
together O
and O
carried O
by O
train O
and O
wagon O
to O
the O
Atlantic I-ORG
City I-ORG
Hospital I-ORG
, O
where O
six O
of O
them O
died O
shortly O
after O
their O
arrival O
. O
Two O
others O
died O
within O
a O
day O
, O
with O
42 O
having O
been O
killed O
at O
the O
collision O
scene O
. O
The O
old O
Excursion I-LOC
House I-LOC
at O
the O
foot O
of O
Mississippi I-LOC
Avenue I-LOC
was O
converted O
into O
a O
morgue O
, O
and O
the O
dead O
were O
taken O
there O
. O
During O
the O
first O
night O
after O
the O
crash O
, O
the O
streets O
in O
the O
vicinity O
of O
the O
Excursion I-LOC
House I-LOC
and O
the O
City I-ORG
Hospital I-ORG
, O
as O
well O
as O
the O
road O
leading O
to O
the O
scene O
of O
the O
accident O
, O
were O
packed O
with O
people O
anxious O
to O
learn O
the O
latest O
news O
. O
The O
Bridgeton I-LOC
and O
Salem I-LOC
excursionists O
who O
escaped O
injury O
were O
brought O
back O
to O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
and O
sent O
home O
on O
a O
special O
train O
several O
hours O
later O
in O
the O
evening O
. O
James I-PER
Hoyt I-PER
, O
Secretary O
of O
the O
Jersey I-ORG
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Public I-ORG
Safety I-ORG
, O
immediately O
upon O
learning O
of O
the O
extent O
of O
the O
accident O
, O
telegraphed O
for O
the O
Philadelphia I-ORG
Medical I-ORG
Emergency I-ORG
Corps I-ORG
, O
fifteen O
of O
whom O
responded O
, O
and O
hurried O
to O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
on O
a O
special O
train O
which O
left O
Philadelphia I-LOC
at O
10:45 O
pm O
. O
These O
surgeons O
materially O
aided O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
's O
volunteer O
corps O
, O
which O
was O
composed O
of O
almost O
every O
physician O
then O
living O
in O
the O
city O
. O
Many O
of O
the O
injured O
were O
taken O
to O
hotels O
, O
as O
the O
city O
hospitals O
soon O
became O
overcrowded O
. O
About O
thirty O
of O
the O
wounded O
had O
their O
injuries O
dressed O
and O
were O
able O
to O
proceed O
on O
their O
way O
. O
The O
wife O
of O
Edward I-PER
Farr I-PER
, O
the O
Reading I-LOC
engineer O
who O
died O
while O
on O
the O
job O
, O
and O
was O
found O
with O
one O
hand O
on O
the O
throttle O
and O
the O
other O
on O
the O
brake O
, O
when O
informed O
of O
the O
accident O
and O
of O
her O
husband O
's O
death O
, O
was O
unable O
to O
withstand O
the O
shock O
, O
and O
fell O
to O
the O
floor O
dead O
. O
County O
Coroner O
William I-PER
McLaughlin I-PER
, O
immediately O
upon O
hearing O
of O
the O
accident O
, O
went O
to O
the O
scene O
. O
He O
went O
directly O
into O
the O
block O
tower O
and O
questioned O
operator O
George I-PER
Hauser. I-PER
Houser I-PER
told O
him O
that O
he O
thought O
the O
excursion O
train O
had O
time O
to O
cross O
the O
tracks O
of O
the O
Reading I-LOC
before O
the O
express O
got O
there O
and O
he O
set O
the O
" O
clear O
" O
signal O
for O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
train O
. O
( O
The O
signalling O
system O
worked O
as O
follows O
: O
the O
interlocking O
block O
system O
was O
used O
. O
There O
were O
three O
poles O
with O
semaphores O
controlled O
by O
the O
tower O
on O
the O
reading O
tracks O
and O
two O
on O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
. O
The O
pole O
furthest O
from O
the O
tower O
on O
the O
Reading I-LOC
tracks O
was O
distant O
about O
2,000 O
yards O
. O
The O
other O
two O
were O
much O
closer O
. O
When O
the O
operator O
set O
the O
" O
clear O
" O
signal O
on O
the O
Pennsylvania I-LOC
track O
, O
this O
would O
automatically O
set O
the O
" O
danger O
" O
signal O
on O
the O
Reading I-LOC
track O
, O
and O
vice O
versa O
. O
) O
Before O
Hauser I-PER
could O
make O
a O
further O
explanation O
to O
the O
coroner O
he O
received O
an O
order O
from O
the O
railroad O
officials O
to O
say O
nothing O
. O
He O
obeyed O
, O
and O
made O
no O
further O
explanation O
. O
Pending O
an O
investigation O
, O
Hauser I-PER
was O
put O
under O
arrest O
by O
the O
coroner O
, O
but O
was O
released O
on O
$500 O
bond O
. O
jury O
was O
impanelled O
the O
following O
day O
. O
Testimony O
on O
August O
4 O
appeared O
to O
implicate O
the O
dead O
Reading I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
express O
engineer O
, O
Edward I-PER
Farr I-PER
. O
His O
action O
in O
running O
at O
a O
speed O
of O
forty-five O
miles O
an O
hour O
past O
a O
danger O
signal O
seemed O
inexplicable O
to O
those O
present O
at O
the O
inquest O
. O
His O
reputation O
was O
that O
of O
an O
experienced O
engineer O
and O
a O
man O
of O
exceptionally O
high O
moral O
character O
, O
and O
not O
of O
a O
reckless O
or O
careless O
disposition O
. O
Only O
two O
weeks O
previous O
to O
the O
accident O
his O
train O
was O
signalled O
to O
stop O
at O
that O
very O
crossing O
, O
and O
he O
promptly O
brought O
his O
train O
under O
control O
. O
The O
coroner O
's O
jury O
returned O
verdicts O
on O
August O
7 O
. O
Six O
jurors O
merely O
stated O
the O
manner O
of O
the O
passengers O
' O
deaths O
. O
Three O
found O
that O
" O
Engineer O
Edward I-PER
. O
Farr I-PER
of O
the O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
failed O
for O
have O
his O
engine O
under O
proper O
control O
on O
approaching O
[ O
the O
] O
crossing O
, O
and O
that O
Tower O
Man O
George I-PER
Hauser I-PER
, O
in O
giving O
the O
excursion O
train O
of O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
the O
right O
of O
way O
over O
a O
fast O
express O
used O
bad O
judgment. O
.. O
[ O
and O
] O
that O
Engineer O
John I-PER
Greiner I-PER
of O
said O
excursion O
train O
erred O
in O
not O
exercising O
greater O
care O
on O
crossing O
ahead O
of O
said O
fast O
express O
. O
" O
Three O
others O
found O
that O
" O
the O
cause O
of O
the O
collision O
was O
the O
failure O
of O
Edward I-PER
Farr I-PER
, O
engineer O
of O
Train O
No. O
23 O
, O
to O
give O
heed O
in O
time O
to O
the O
semaphore O
signals O
and O
crossing O
under O
the O
rules. O
.. O
the O
tower O
man O
, O
George I-PER
Hauser I-PER
, O
may O
have O
used O
poor O
judgment O
in O
his O
estimate O
of O
the O
distance O
away O
of O
the O
Atlantic I-LOC
City I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
train O
when O
he O
gave O
the O
white O
boards O
to O
the O
West I-LOC
Jersey I-LOC
and O
Seashore I-LOC
Excursion O
Train O
No O
. O
700 O
. O
" O
The O
2007 O
Bowling I-ORG
Green I-ORG
Falcons I-ORG
football O
team O
represented O
Bowling I-ORG
Green I-ORG
State I-ORG
University I-ORG
in O
the O
2007 O
football O
season O
. O
The O
team O
was O
coached O
by O
Gregg I-PER
Brandon I-PER
and O
played O
their O
home O
games O
in O
Doyt I-LOC
Perry I-LOC
Stadium I-LOC
in O
Bowling I-LOC
Green I-LOC
, O
Ohio I-LOC
. O
It O
was O
the O
89th O
season O
of O
play O
for O
the O
Falcons I-ORG
. O
Bowling I-ORG
Green I-ORG
finished O
the O
season O
8-5 O
overall O
and O
has O
finished O
4-2 O
in O
the O
East I-ORG
. O
They O
participated O
in O
the O
, O
losing O
to O
Tulsa I-ORG
63-7 O
. O
Bowling I-ORG
Green I-ORG
was O
picked O
to O
finish O
fifth O
in O
the O
East I-ORG
Division I-ORG
by O
the O
News I-ORG
Media I-ORG
Association I-ORG
. O
Three O
Falcons I-ORG
, O
Senior O
Kory I-PER
Lichtensteiger I-PER
and O
Juniors O
Erique I-PER
Dozier I-PER
and O
Corey I-PER
Partridge I-PER
, O
garnered O
preseason O
honors O
by O
being O
named O
to O
preseason O
teams O
. O
The O
2007 O
Bowling I-ORG
Green I-ORG
Falcons I-ORG
football O
team O
consists O
of O
95 O
total O
players O
. O
The O
class O
breakdown O
of O
these O
players O
is O
12 O
seniors O
, O
21 O
juniors O
, O
30 O
sophomores O
, O
12 O
redshirt O
freshman O
, O
and O
18 O
true O
freshman O
. O
Returning O
starters O
from O
the O
2006 O
team O
are O
six O
offensive O
starters O
and O
eight O
defensive O
starters O
. O
Overall O
, O
53 O
lettermen O
are O
returning O
from O
the O
2006 O
team O
( O
25 O
on O
offense O
, O
28 O
on O
defense O
and O
0 O
on O
special O
teams O
) O
. O
As O
the O
2007 O
college O
football O
season O
neared O
the O
end O
, O
many O
organizations O
began O
to O
announce O
finalists O
and O
winners O
of O
various O
post-season O
awards O
. O
Kory I-PER
Lichtensteiger I-PER
was O
named O
a O
finalist O
for O
the O
Rimington I-MISC
Trophy I-MISC
, O
given O
to O
the O
nation O
's O
best O
center O
. O
He O
was O
one O
of O
6 O
athletes O
recognized O
. O
Bowling I-ORG
Green I-ORG
also O
had O
eight O
players O
make O
the O
All-Conference I-ORG
Teams I-ORG
( O
the O
fourth O
most O
of O
any O
school O
in O
the O
) O
. O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
( O
or O
Thirty I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
) O
is O
an O
alternative O
rock O
band O
from O
Angeles I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
, O
featuring O
Jared I-PER
Leto I-PER
, O
Shannon I-PER
Leto I-PER
, O
Tomo I-PER
Milicevic I-PER
. O
Created O
in O
1998 O
by O
Jared I-PER
Leto I-PER
and O
his O
brother O
, O
Shannon I-PER
, O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
began O
as O
a O
small O
family O
project O
. O
Things O
began O
to O
speed O
up O
quickly O
, O
and O
Matt I-PER
Wachter I-PER
later O
joined O
the O
band O
as O
bassist O
and O
keyboard O
player O
. O
After O
working O
with O
small O
revolving O
door O
of O
guitarists O
( O
as O
the O
band O
's O
first O
two O
guitarists O
, O
Kevin I-PER
Drake I-PER
and O
Solon I-PER
Bixler I-PER
, O
left O
the O
band O
due O
to O
issues O
primarily O
related O
to O
touring O
) O
, O
the O
three O
auditioned O
Tomo I-PER
Miličević I-PER
to O
round O
out O
the O
band O
's O
roster O
. O
According O
to O
an O
interview O
from O
Virgin I-ORG
Records I-ORG
, O
the O
band O
's O
name O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
' O
first O
, O
self-titled O
album O
, O
produced O
by O
Ezrin I-PER
, O
was O
released O
in O
2002 O
to O
mixed O
reviews O
and O
achieved O
sales O
of O
just O
over O
100,000 O
. O
Their O
sophomore O
album O
, O
Beautiful I-MISC
, O
was O
released O
on O
August O
30 O
, O
2005 O
. O
For O
this O
effort O
, O
the O
band O
traveled O
( O
during O
the O
course O
of O
three O
years O
) O
to O
four O
continents O
, O
to O
perfect O
their O
sound O
and O
also O
to O
allow O
for O
Jared I-PER
's O
film O
career O
. O
The O
album O
was O
produced O
by O
Josh I-PER
Abraham I-PER
, O
whose O
producing O
credits O
also O
include O
Orgy I-ORG
, O
Velvet I-ORG
Revolver I-ORG
, O
and O
Linkin I-ORG
Park I-ORG
. O
Because O
Beautiful I-MISC
was O
leaked O
five O
months O
before O
its O
release O
, O
the O
band O
decided O
to O
include O
two O
bonus O
tracks O
: O
" O
Battle I-MISC
" O
( O
an O
original O
song O
that O
was O
also O
set O
to O
be O
the O
album O
's O
title O
track O
when O
it O
was O
first O
announced O
) O
and O
" O
Hunter I-MISC
" O
( O
a O
cover O
of O
the O
Björkband I-ORG
song O
) O
. O
To O
further O
promote O
the O
album O
, O
the O
band O
also O
enclosed O
" O
golden O
tickets O
" O
in O
12 O
copies O
, O
which O
granted O
their O
owners O
access O
to O
any O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
concert O
free O
of O
charge O
, O
along O
with O
backstage O
access O
. O
On O
August O
31 O
, O
2006 O
, O
the O
band O
won O
the O
Award I-MISC
for O
" O
" O
at O
the O
Video I-MISC
Music I-MISC
Awards I-MISC
, O
one O
of O
their O
two O
nominations O
. O
The O
second O
nomination O
was O
for O
Best O
Rock O
Video O
; O
however O
, O
they O
lost O
to O
's O
" O
Murder I-MISC
" O
. O
In O
the O
video O
members O
of O
the O
band O
reenact O
scenes O
from O
Shining I-MISC
. O
Beautiful I-MISC
was O
certified O
platinum O
by O
the O
in O
January O
for O
distribution O
of O
over O
1,000,000 O
albums O
. O
In O
October O
, O
the O
band O
began O
their O
" O
Welcome O
to O
the O
Universe O
" O
tour O
, O
sponsored O
by O
. O
They O
were O
supported O
on O
this O
tour O
by O
Head I-ORG
Automatica I-ORG
, O
Receiving I-ORG
of I-ORG
Sirens I-ORG
, O
Cobra I-ORG
Starship I-ORG
, O
and O
several O
other O
bands O
including O
Street I-ORG
Drum I-ORG
Corps I-ORG
. O
The O
tour O
was O
" O
environmentally O
sound O
" O
according O
to O
a O
2006 O
interview O
with O
then-bassist O
Matt I-PER
Wachter I-PER
. O
" O
Jared I-PER
and O
Shannon I-PER
put O
together O
this O
thing O
called O
Environmentor O
which O
is O
illustrating O
ways O
--- O
alternatives O
--- O
to O
kind O
of O
clean O
up O
some O
of O
the O
mess O
we O
leave O
behind O
. O
We O
fueled O
the O
bus O
with O
vegetable O
oil O
, O
" O
he O
explains O
. O
On O
November O
20 O
, O
premiered O
the O
video O
for O
" O
Yesterday I-MISC
" O
; O
the O
video O
is O
the O
first O
American I-MISC
rock O
video O
ever O
shot O
in O
its O
entirety O
in O
the O
People I-LOC
's I-LOC
Republic I-LOC
of I-LOC
China I-LOC
. O
The O
music O
video O
is O
loosely O
based O
on O
the O
film O
Emperor I-MISC
. O
On O
April O
29 O
, O
2007 O
, O
the O
band O
performed O
at O
the O
Australian I-MISC
Australia I-MISC
Video I-MISC
Music I-MISC
Awards I-MISC
, O
where O
they O
were O
nominated O
for O
three O
awards O
, O
winning O
" O
Best O
Rock O
Video O
" O
and O
" O
Video O
of O
the O
Year O
" O
for O
" O
" O
. O
As O
of O
Spring O
2007 O
, O
the O
band O
is O
supporting O
Used I-ORG
as O
a O
part O
of O
the O
" O
Taste O
of O
Chaos O
" O
tour O
and O
have O
scheduled O
a O
string O
of O
dates O
in O
Europe I-LOC
supporting O
Linkin I-ORG
Park I-ORG
. O
They O
are O
also O
scheduled O
to O
play O
Roskilde I-MISC
, O
, O
Pinkpop I-MISC
, O
Festival I-MISC
and O
Download I-MISC
. O
Following O
other O
commitments O
, O
they O
will O
begin O
working O
on O
their O
third O
album O
. O
Following O
the O
release O
of O
" O
Yesterday I-MISC
" O
as O
a O
single O
, O
the O
band O
posted O
a O
link O
on O
their O
MySpace I-ORG
blog O
to O
vote O
for O
the O
next O
single O
from O
Beautiful I-MISC
. O
The O
choices O
available O
were O
" O
Beautiful I-MISC
" O
, O
" O
Fantasy I-MISC
" O
, O
" O
Savior I-MISC
" O
, O
and O
" O
Story I-MISC
" O
. O
Another O
vote O
was O
done O
later O
between O
the O
top O
two O
songs O
, O
" O
Beautiful I-MISC
" O
and O
" O
Fantasy I-MISC
" O
. O
On O
May O
2 O
, O
2007 O
, O
the O
band O
announced O
that O
" O
Beautiful I-MISC
" O
had O
won O
and O
would O
be O
the O
next O
single O
. O
On O
August O
8th O
, O
2007 O
, O
Kerrang I-ORG
announced O
that O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
has O
been O
nominated O
for O
two O
categories O
of O
the O
Kerrang I-ORG
Awards O
2007 O
- O
Best O
International O
Newcomer O
and O
Best O
Single O
- O
. O
On O
August O
24th O
, O
they O
had O
only O
won O
the O
award O
for O
' O
Best O
Single O
, O
' O
which O
was O
. O
The O
other O
award O
was O
lost O
to O
Madina I-ORG
Lake I-ORG
. O
On O
November O
1 O
, O
2007 O
, O
the O
band O
won O
the O
Europe I-MISC
Music I-MISC
Award I-MISC
for O
" O
" O
, O
one O
of O
the O
two O
catorgories O
they O
were O
nominated O
in O
. O
On O
December O
21st O
, O
2007 O
, O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
won O
Fuse I-ORG
's O
2007 I-MISC
Award I-MISC
. O
They O
beat O
out O
Korn I-ORG
and O
had O
amassed O
over O
7 O
million O
votes O
. O
31 O
other O
bands O
and O
artists O
such O
as O
Justin I-PER
Timberlake I-PER
, O
Gwen I-PER
Stefani I-PER
, O
Linkin I-ORG
Park I-ORG
and O
Avenged I-ORG
Sevenfold I-ORG
were O
also O
included O
in O
the O
contest O
. O
The O
band O
's O
phoenix O
logo O
( O
which O
the O
band O
named O
" O
Mithra O
" O
) O
bears O
the O
phrase O
" O
Provehito O
in O
Altum O
" O
, O
the O
band O
's O
motto O
. O
Roughly O
translated O
from O
Latin I-MISC
, O
this O
means O
" O
Launch O
forth O
into O
the O
deep O
" O
; O
but O
a O
more O
stylized O
version O
would O
be O
" O
Rocket O
in O
( O
to O
) O
High O
( O
ness O
) O
" O
. O
The O
logo O
was O
primarily O
used O
for O
promotion O
of O
the O
band O
's O
debut O
, O
whereas O
for O
Beautiful I-MISC
, O
the O
new O
Trinity O
logo O
was O
created O
consisting O
of O
three O
skulls O
, O
along O
with O
the O
band O
's O
name O
and O
motto O
. O
The O
Echelon I-ORG
is O
a O
publicity O
street O
team O
for O
the O
band O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
, O
which O
helps O
in O
bringing O
friends O
to O
the O
shows O
, O
phoning O
local O
radio O
stations O
to O
request O
the O
band O
's O
songs O
, O
putting O
up O
posters O
, O
posting O
to O
band O
forums O
or O
related O
bulletin O
boards O
online O
, O
and O
maintaining O
magazines O
or O
websites O
dedicated O
to O
the O
band O
. O
It O
is O
also O
the O
name O
of O
one O
of O
their O
songs O
in O
the O
album O
Seconds I-MISC
. O
The O
band O
made O
acoustic O
versions O
of O
songs O
from O
their O
second O
album O
Beautiful I-MISC
. O
Some O
of O
the O
acoustics O
have O
been O
included O
in O
some O
versions O
of O
the O
album O
, O
e.g. O
Dream I-MISC
( O
Acoustic O
) O
. O
In O
addition O
to O
the O
tracks O
on O
their O
two O
full-length O
releases O
thus O
far O
, O
the O
band O
has O
also O
recorded O
a O
few O
other O
tracks O
. O
Among O
these O
tracks O
are O
" O
Phase I-MISC
Fortification I-MISC
" O
and O
" O
Valhalla I-MISC
" O
, O
the O
latter O
of O
which O
was O
present O
on O
an O
early O
demo O
. O
" O
Phase I-MISC
Fortification I-MISC
" O
was O
released O
on O
an O
overseas O
single O
for O
" O
Capricorn I-MISC
Brand I-MISC
" O
. O
Another O
track O
featured O
on O
certain O
imported O
30 I-ORG
Seconds I-ORG
to I-ORG
Mars I-ORG
titles O
is O
" O
Anarchy I-MISC
Tokyo I-MISC
" O
, O
a O
song O
that O
was O
recorded O
during O
the O
process O
of O
their O
self-titled O
debut O
. O
" O
Revolution I-MISC
" O
was O
also O
recorded O
for O
the O
self-titled O
album O
, O
but O
was O
n't O
included O
because O
it O
did O
n't O
fit O
the O
theme O
of O
the O
album O
, O
and O
because O
of O
fear O
that O
listeners O
would O
take O
the O
lyrics O
too O
literally O
, O
especially O
after O
the O
September I-MISC
2001 I-MISC
attacks O
. O
" O
Occam I-MISC
Razor I-MISC
" O
was O
also O
recorded O
, O
but O
was O
never O
included O
on O
any O
of O
the O
band O
's O
releases O
. O
As O
a O
result O
, O
it O
is O
considered O
the O
most O
difficult O
to O
locate O
of O
the O
five O
unreleased O
tracks O
. O
Demo O
versions O
of O
songs O
on O
the O
band O
's O
self-titled O
debut O
were O
also O
slightly O
different O
, O
along O
with O
different O
names O
. O
For O
example O
, O
" O
Fallen I-MISC
" O
was O
previously O
called O
" O
Jupiter I-MISC
" O
, O
and O
" O
" O
was O
previously O
called O
" O
" O
. O
Also O
made O
available O
are O
the O
demo O
versions O
of O
" O
Buddha I-MISC
for I-MISC
" O
and O
" O
Million I-MISC
Miles I-MISC
" O
; O
the O
latter O
originally O
had O
lyrics O
referring O
to O
the O
band O
Deadsy I-ORG
, O
whose O
members O
Nner I-PER
and O
Exeter I-PER
Blue I-PER
provided O
extra O
instrumentation O
on O
several O
tracks O
, O
but O
the O
lyrics O
were O
changed O
after O
the O
two O
bands O
were O
involved O
in O
a O
small O
feud O
. O
During O
recent O
live O
shows O
, O
the O
band O
has O
premiered O
two O
new O
songs O
, O
one O
of O
which O
may O
end O
up O
on O
the O
new O
album O
: O
" O
Other I-MISC
" O
and O
" O
Believer I-MISC
" O
, O
which O
were O
initially O
written O
for O
the O
self-titled O
album O
but O
was O
scrapped O
during O
recording O
, O
as O
well O
as O
live O
songs O
such O
as O
" O
Sisters I-MISC
Heresy I-MISC
" O
and O
" O
Under I-MISC
Pressure I-MISC
/ O
Pressure I-MISC
" O
( O
Name O
of O
song O
unsure O
, O
name O
based O
on O
lyrics O
) O
. O
They O
also O
have O
a O
song O
called O
" O
. O
" O
On O
December O
11 O
, O
2006 O
, O
the O
band O
sent O
their O
fans O
a O
" O
stocking O
stuffer O
" O
in O
the O
form O
of O
a O
holiday O
song O
called O
" O
Santa I-MISC
Through I-MISC
the I-MISC
" O
. O
In O
September O
2007 O
, O
the O
band O
also O
recorded O
a O
cover O
of O
Kanye I-PER
West I-PER
's O
" O
Stronger I-MISC
" O
for O
Radio I-ORG
's O
Lounge I-MISC
. O
The O
38th I-MISC
Image I-MISC
Awards I-MISC
honored O
the O
best O
in O
film O
, O
television O
and O
music O
for O
2006 O
. O
The O
show O
was O
televised O
live O
on O
March O
2 O
, O
2007 O
on O
at O
8 O
p.m. O
at O
the O
Shrine I-ORG
Auditorium I-ORG
in O
Hollywood I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
. O
The O
show O
was O
hosted O
by O
Cool I-PER
. O
The O
nominees O
were O
announced O
on O
January O
7 O
, O
2007 O
, O
at O
a O
press O
conference O
in O
at O
the O
Peninsula I-ORG
Hotel I-ORG
in O
Beverly I-LOC
Hills I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
. O
The O
winners O
and O
nominees O
are O
shown O
below O
. O
The O
winners O
are O
indicated O
in O
bold O
. O
The O
following O
recipients O
received O
distinguished O
awards O
by O
the O
for O
their O
contributions O
to O
arts O
, O
civil O
rights O
, O
news O
, O
and O
humanitarian O
efforts O
. O
The O
65th I-ORG
wing I-ORG
and O
its O
subordinate O
units O
transferred O
to O
England I-LOC
in O
June O
1943 O
and O
began O
flying O
combat O
missions O
. O
Subordinate O
units O
escorted O
bombers O
, O
flew O
counter O
air O
patrols O
, O
and O
dive O
bombing O
missions O
. O
They O
attacked O
airdromes O
, O
marshalling O
yards O
, O
missile O
sites O
, O
industrial O
areas O
, O
ordnance O
depots O
, O
oil O
refineries O
, O
trains O
, O
and O
highways O
. O
During O
" O
" O
( O
February O
1944 O
) O
, O
the O
65th I-ORG
participated O
in O
the O
assaults O
against O
the O
German I-ORG
Force I-ORG
and O
the O
German I-MISC
aircraft O
industry O
. O
Its O
units O
supported O
the O
Allied I-ORG
invasion O
of O
Normandy I-LOC
( O
June O
1944 O
) O
; O
the O
Allied I-ORG
ground O
troops O
during O
the O
Battle I-MISC
the I-MISC
Bulge I-MISC
( O
December O
1944 O
through O
January O
1945 O
) O
; O
the O
Allied I-ORG
airborne O
attack O
on O
Holland I-LOC
( O
Operation I-MISC
Market I-MISC
Garden I-MISC
, O
September O
1944 O
) O
; O
the O
defense O
of O
the O
Remagen I-LOC
bridgehead O
against O
German I-MISC
air O
attacks O
( O
March O
1945 O
) O
; O
and O
the O
airborne O
attack O
across O
the O
Rhine I-LOC
( O
March O
1945 O
) O
. O
As O
an O
Air O
Division O
, O
it O
carried O
out O
air O
defense O
operations O
in O
Iceland I-LOC
from O
1952 O
to O
1954 O
. O
Activated O
three O
years O
later O
it O
transferred O
to O
Spain I-LOC
, O
where O
it O
cooperated O
with O
Spanish I-ORG
Force I-ORG
units O
in O
the O
Defense I-ORG
Direction I-ORG
Centers I-ORG
( O
) O
. O
The O
65th I-ORG
Division I-ORG
directed O
base O
construction O
, O
and O
the O
establishment O
of O
off O
base O
housing O
and O
radar O
sites O
. O
Its O
fighter O
squadrons O
flew O
air O
defense O
interceptions O
over O
Spanish I-MISC
airspace O
. O
The O
65th I-ORG
also O
controlled O
the O
operations O
of O
attached O
tactical O
fighter O
squadrons O
deployed O
to O
Spain I-LOC
for O
temporary O
duty O
. O
Assigned O
or O
attached O
units O
of O
the O
division O
participated O
in O
numerous O
exercises O
with O
the O
Spanish I-ORG
Defense I-ORG
Command I-ORG
, O
and O
in O
some O
instances O
, O
with O
the O
Sixth I-ORG
Fleet I-ORG
. O
In O
June O
1985 O
, O
the O
65th I-ORG
assumed O
responsibility O
for O
integrating O
's O
electronic O
combat O
systems O
to O
maximize O
overall O
warfighting O
potential O
. O
Established O
as O
Defense I-ORG
Wing I-ORG
on O
25 O
March O
1943 O
. O
Activated O
on O
27 O
March O
1943 O
. O
Redesignated O
65 I-ORG
Fighter I-ORG
Wing I-ORG
on O
24 O
July O
1943 O
. O
Inactivated O
on O
21 O
November O
1945 O
. O
Redesignated O
65 I-ORG
Division I-ORG
Defense I-ORG
on O
17 O
April O
1952 O
. O
Organized O
on O
24 O
April O
1952 O
. O
Discontinued O
on O
8 O
March O
1954 O
. O
Activated O
on O
8 O
April O
1957 O
. O
Discontinued O
, O
and O
inactivated O
, O
on O
1 O
January O
1965 O
. O
Redesignated O
65 I-ORG
Division I-ORG
and O
activated O
on O
1 O
June O
1985 O
. O
Inactivated O
on O
30 O
June O
1991 O
. O
none O
none O
Per O
bend O
azure O
and O
gules O
, O
issuant O
from O
base O
in O
pale O
a O
closed O
helmet O
in O
profile O
supporting O
an O
antenna O
argent O
emitting O
two O
lightning O
flashes O
bendwise O
, O
one O
to O
dexter O
chief O
, O
one O
to O
sinister O
base O
and O
one O
bend O
sinisterwise O
to O
chief O
or O
, O
in O
chief O
an O
eight O
pointed O
mullet O
of O
the O
third O
and O
all O
within O
a O
diminished O
bordure O
of O
the O
fourth O
. O
( O
Approved O
1 O
August O
1961 O
) O
. O
Fourth I-ORG
Force I-ORG
, O
27 O
March O
1943 O
; O
Army I-ORG
Service I-ORG
Forces I-ORG
, O
6 O
May O
1943 O
; O
Eighth I-ORG
Force I-ORG
, O
2 O
June O
1943 O
; O
Fighter I-ORG
Command I-ORG
, O
4 O
June O
1943 O
; O
2 O
Bombardment O
( O
later O
, O
2 O
Air O
) O
Division O
, O
15 O
September O
1944 O
; O
Division I-ORG
, O
1 O
June O
1945 O
-- O
21 O
November O
1945 O
. O
Iceland I-ORG
Defense I-ORG
Force I-ORG
, O
24 O
April O
1952 O
-- O
8 O
March O
1954 O
. O
Sixteenth I-ORG
Force I-ORG
, O
8 O
April O
1957 O
; O
United I-ORG
States I-ORG
Forces I-ORG
in O
Europe I-LOC
, O
1 O
July O
1960 O
-- O
1 O
January O
1965 O
. O
Seventeenth I-ORG
Force I-ORG
, O
1 O
June O
1985 O
-- O
30 O
June O
1991 O
. O
Hamilton I-ORG
Field I-ORG
, O
California I-LOC
, O
27 O
March O
1943 O
-- O
6 O
May O
1943 O
; O
Debden I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
, O
4 O
June O
1943 O
; O
Saffron I-LOC
Walden I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
, O
c.17 O
June O
1943 O
; O
Elvedon I-LOC
Hall I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
, O
c.1 O
September O
1945 O
; O
Trosten I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
, O
c.25 O
October O
1945 O
-- O
21 O
November O
1945 O
. O
Keflaví I-ORG
International I-ORG
Airport I-ORG
, O
Iceland I-LOC
, O
24 O
April O
1952 O
-- O
8 O
March O
1954 O
. O
Madrid I-LOC
, O
Spain I-LOC
, O
8 O
April O
1957 O
; O
Torrejon I-ORG
Base I-ORG
, O
Spain I-LOC
, O
1 O
October O
1957 O
-- O
1 O
January O
1965 O
. O
Sembach I-ORG
Base I-ORG
, O
Germany I-LOC
, O
1 O
June O
1985 O
; O
Lindsey I-ORG
Station I-ORG
, O
Germany I-LOC
, O
1 O
October O
1987 O
-- O
30 O
June O
1991 O
. O
Lightning I-MISC
, O
1944 O
; O
Thunderbolt I-MISC
, O
1943 O
-- O
1945 O
; O
Mustang I-MISC
, O
1944 O
-- O
1945 O
. O
Starfire I-MISC
, O
1952 O
-- O
1954 O
; O
Sabre I-MISC
, O
1953 O
-- O
1954 O
. O
Sabre I-MISC
, O
1957-1960 O
; O
F-100 I-MISC
Super I-MISC
Sabre I-MISC
, O
1958 O
-- O
1961 O
; O
F-104 I-MISC
Starfighter I-MISC
, O
1959 O
-- O
1964 O
; O
F-102 I-MISC
Delta I-MISC
Dagger I-MISC
, O
1960 O
-- O
1964 O
; O
F-105 I-MISC
Thunderchief I-MISC
, O
1963 O
-- O
1964 O
. O
Stallion I-MISC
, O
1985 O
-- O
1987 O
; O
Raven I-MISC
, O
1985 O
-- O
1991 O
; O
F-4 O
Phantom I-MISC
, O
1985 O
-- O
1987 O
; O
Commando I-MISC
, O
1987 O
-- O
1991 O
; O
Fighting I-MISC
Falcon I-MISC
, O
1987 O
-- O
1991 O
. O
Unknown O
, O
27 O
March O
1943 O
; O
Colonel O
Jesse I-PER
Auton I-PER
, O
10 O
April O
1943 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
Ross I-PER
Hoyt I-PER
, O
4 O
June O
1943 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
Jesse I-PER
Auton I-PER
, O
6 O
September O
1943 O
; O
Colonel O
William I-PER
Curry I-PER
, O
29 O
July O
1945 O
-- O
unkn O
. O
1st O
Lieutenant O
John I-PER
Brody I-PER
, O
24 O
April O
1952 O
; O
Colonel O
Meredith I-PER
Shade I-PER
, O
10 O
October O
1952 O
; O
Colonel O
Emmett I-PER
Davis I-PER
, O
5 O
September O
1953 O
-- O
unkn O
. O
Captain O
Newell I-PER
Beaty I-PER
, O
8 O
April O
1957 O
; O
Colonel O
Clay I-PER
Tice I-PER
, O
15 O
May O
1957 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
Andrew I-PER
Evans I-PER
, O
1 O
July O
1960 O
; O
Colonel O
Thomas I-PER
Hayes I-PER
, O
25 O
September O
1963 O
-- O
1 O
January O
1965 O
. O
Unknown O
, O
1 O
June O
1985 O
-- O
14 O
July O
1985 O
; O
Major O
General O
John I-PER
Scheidt I-PER
, O
15 O
July O
1985 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
Philip I-PER
Drew I-PER
, O
12 O
August O
1986 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
John I-PER
Corder I-PER
, O
3 O
August O
1987 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
Gerald I-PER
Daniel I-PER
, O
22 O
April O
1988 O
; O
Brigadier O
General O
Glenn I-PER
Profitt I-PER
, O
24 O
January O
1989 O
-- O
unkn O
. O
, O
known O
as O
882 I-ORG
, O
commenced O
broadcasting O
on O
October O
14 O
, O
1931 O
. O
's O
focus O
is O
on O
news O
, O
talk O
and O
sport O
, O
and O
is O
Perth I-LOC
's O
only O
commercial O
talkback O
radio O
station O
. O
is O
owned O
by O
Fairfax I-ORG
Media I-ORG
, O
an O
Australian I-MISC
media O
company O
that O
owns O
television O
and O
radio O
businesses O
throughout O
Australia I-LOC
. O
Radio O
in O
Australia I-LOC
was O
just O
twelve O
years O
old O
when O
commenced O
broadcasting O
on O
October O
14 O
, O
1931 O
. O
was O
founded O
by O
electrical O
company O
Nicholson I-ORG
's I-ORG
Limited I-ORG
, O
which O
ran O
the O
station O
from O
a O
studio O
above O
its O
showroom O
in O
Barrack I-LOC
Street I-LOC
, O
Perth I-LOC
. O
In O
1963 O
the O
Victorian I-ORG
Broadcasting I-ORG
Network I-ORG
purchased O
Nicholson I-ORG
's I-ORG
and O
sold O
the O
electrical O
division O
of O
the O
organisation O
to O
Adeon I-ORG
. O
The O
broadcasting O
business O
was O
retained O
and O
operated O
under O
the O
name O
Nicholson I-ORG
's I-ORG
Broadcasting I-ORG
Service I-ORG
. O
The O
operation O
moved O
from O
Barrack I-LOC
Street I-LOC
to O
340 O
Street I-LOC
just O
after O
the O
purchase O
by O
the O
in O
1963 O
. O
The O
studio O
remained O
at O
340 O
Street I-LOC
for O
22 O
years O
before O
it O
was O
demolished O
to O
make O
way O
for O
the O
expansion O
of O
Mercedes I-ORG
College I-ORG
. O
In O
1985 O
the O
station O
relocated O
to O
its O
current O
premises O
at O
169 O
Street I-LOC
, O
East I-LOC
Perth I-LOC
. O
In O
the O
station O
's O
early O
days O
there O
were O
only O
four O
people O
on O
the O
payroll O
now O
there O
are O
around O
one O
hundred O
. O
The O
limited O
hours O
of O
broadcasting O
69 O
years O
ago O
have O
gradually O
been O
increased O
to O
a O
24 O
hour O
, O
seven O
day O
a O
week O
service O
. O
Throughout O
the O
sixties O
was O
consistently O
the O
top O
rating O
station O
in O
Perth I-LOC
but O
lost O
its O
dominance O
in O
1972 O
. O
The O
image O
of O
the O
station O
changed O
from O
rock O
n O
roll O
to O
beautiful O
music O
with O
the O
" O
Gentle O
On O
Your O
Mind O
" O
promotion O
in O
1973 O
. O
This O
boosted O
's O
ratings O
to O
a O
consistent O
number O
two O
with O
a O
number O
one O
position O
on O
several O
occasions O
. O
In O
1977 O
an O
agreement O
was O
made O
with O
the O
by O
the O
station O
's O
owners O
to O
broadcast O
races O
in O
conjunction O
with O
a O
personality O
/ O
sport O
format O
. O
In O
the O
early O
eighties O
the O
station O
commenced O
a O
more O
comprehensive O
news O
and O
current O
affairs O
format O
with O
the O
introduction O
of O
regular O
programs O
by O
Howard I-PER
Sattler I-PER
, O
Maumill I-PER
and O
Graham I-PER
Mabury I-PER
, O
which O
proved O
extremely O
popular O
with O
listeners O
. O
In O
1987 O
the O
purchased O
to O
secure O
the O
future O
of O
race O
broadcasts O
in O
Western I-LOC
Australia I-LOC
and O
races O
were O
broadcast O
across O
the O
station O
during O
popular O
talkback O
programs O
. O
During O
the O
early O
nineties O
the O
station O
's O
current O
affairs O
/ O
talkback O
program O
hosted O
by O
Sattler I-PER
, O
Maumill I-PER
, O
Mabury I-PER
, O
Peter I-PER
Newman I-PER
, O
Gary I-PER
Carvolth I-PER
and O
Broadfield I-PER
achieved O
considerable O
success O
in O
spite O
of O
the O
ever O
increasing O
level O
of O
racing O
broadcasts O
on O
the O
station O
. O
In O
1994 O
, O
in O
conjunction O
with O
the O
, O
was O
able O
to O
secure O
a O
special O
narrowcast O
broadcast O
license O
which O
allowed O
racing O
broadcasts O
to O
be O
moved O
from O
to O
the O
narrowcast O
broadcaster O
called O
Racing I-ORG
Radio I-ORG
. O
This O
move O
allowed O
to O
serve O
its O
two O
distinct O
audiences O
, O
those O
who O
listened O
purely O
for O
a O
talkback O
/ O
news O
/ O
current O
affairs O
format O
and O
those O
who O
listened O
just O
for O
racing O
information O
, O
in O
a O
more O
comprehensive O
manner O
. O
In O
December O
1994 O
was O
purchased O
by O
its O
current O
owner O
Southern I-ORG
Cross I-ORG
Broadcasting I-ORG
which O
also O
owned O
Melbourne I-LOC
's O
number O
one O
rating O
talk O
station O
and O
television O
stations O
in O
Adelaide I-LOC
, O
Canberra I-LOC
and O
other O
places O
. O
During O
the O
nineties O
continued O
its O
dominance O
in O
the O
talk O
format O
arena O
with O
personalities O
such O
as O
David I-PER
Christison I-PER
& O
Tate I-PER
, O
Howard I-PER
Sattler I-PER
, O
Jenny I-PER
Seaton I-PER
& O
Gary I-PER
Carvolth I-PER
, O
Liam I-PER
Bartlett I-PER
, O
Harvey I-PER
Deegan I-PER
and O
Graham I-PER
Mabury I-PER
. O
During O
the O
Australian O
Rules O
Football O
Season O
882 I-ORG
is O
Perth I-LOC
's O
Football O
Leader O
. O
Each O
week O
, O
Brad I-PER
Hardie I-PER
, O
George I-PER
Grljusich I-PER
, O
Karl I-PER
Langdon I-PER
, O
Graham I-PER
Dawson I-PER
, O
Basil I-PER
Zempilas I-PER
Glen I-PER
Jakovich I-PER
& O
Shane I-PER
Woewodin I-PER
keep O
you O
up-to-date O
with O
all O
things O
football O
. O
The O
commentary O
team O
is O
composed O
of O
Basil I-PER
Zempilas I-PER
, O
Karl I-PER
Langdon I-PER
, O
Glen I-PER
Jakovich I-PER
, O
Shane I-PER
Woewodin I-PER
, O
Graham I-PER
Dawson I-PER
, O
Shane I-PER
Healy I-PER
and O
Brad I-PER
Hardie I-PER
. O
With O
commentary O
teams O
in O
both O
Melbourne I-LOC
and O
Perth I-LOC
, O
is O
able O
to O
cover O
every O
home O
and O
away O
match O
for O
the O
West I-ORG
Coast I-ORG
Eagles I-ORG
and O
Fremantle I-ORG
Dockers I-ORG
, O
while O
also O
being O
able O
to O
broadcast O
matches O
involving O
other O
teams O
utilising O
their O
traveling O
team O
based O
in O
Melbourne I-LOC
. O
Matches O
that O
are O
unable O
to O
be O
covered O
by O
either O
commentary O
team O
are O
broadcast O
on-relay O
from O
sister O
stations O
in O
Melbourne I-LOC
and O
in O
Adelaide I-LOC
. O
The O
local O
West I-ORG
Australian I-ORG
Football I-ORG
League I-ORG
is O
also O
broadcast O
via O
a O
program O
on O
called O
Bouncing I-MISC
Around I-MISC
. O
Peter I-PER
Vlahos I-PER
is O
based O
in O
the O
Studio O
while O
Karl I-PER
Langdon I-PER
& O
Harvey I-PER
Deegan I-PER
base O
themselves O
at O
different O
matches O
. O
Peter I-PER
Vlahos I-PER
then O
crosses O
between O
the O
two O
men O
as O
they O
broadcast O
parts O
of O
their O
matches O
& O
respond O
to O
football O
related O
talkback O
calls O
. O
Updates O
of O
all O
four O
matches O
are O
provided O
& O
Results O
are O
also O
mentioned O
. O
Since O
the O
addition O
of O
the O
Perth I-ORG
Glory I-ORG
into O
the O
Australian I-MISC
national O
football O
( O
soccer O
) O
competition O
( O
known O
then O
as O
the O
National I-ORG
Soccer I-ORG
League I-ORG
) O
has O
broadcast O
almost O
all O
Home O
& O
Away O
matches O
, O
The O
coverage O
was O
led O
by O
George I-PER
Grljusich I-PER
. O
When O
the O
A-League I-ORG
began O
in O
2005 O
only O
home O
matches O
were O
broadcast O
on O
. O
stopped O
broadcasting O
Perth I-ORG
Glory I-ORG
matches O
after O
the O
2005/2006 O
A-League I-ORG
season O
. O
As O
of O
the O
2007/2008 I-ORG
A-League I-ORG
season O
will O
again O
broadcast O
every O
Perth I-ORG
Glory I-ORG
Home O
& O
Away O
fixture O
. O
will O
be O
the O
official O
Radio O
Broadcast O
partner O
of O
the O
Perth I-ORG
Glory I-ORG
From O
2006 O
, O
882 I-ORG
will O
broadcast O
every O
Western I-ORG
Force I-ORG
home O
game O
live O
from O
Subiaco I-LOC
Oval I-LOC
. O
The O
broadcast O
team O
will O
include O
former O
Western I-ORG
Reds I-ORG
Rugby I-ORG
League I-ORG
& O
West I-ORG
Coast I-ORG
Eagles I-ORG
player O
Adrian I-PER
Barich I-PER
and O
Rugby I-ORG
union I-ORG
expert O
Mick I-PER
Colliss I-PER
, O
who O
will O
be O
joined O
by O
Force I-ORG
Players O
. O
You O
can O
also O
hear O
members O
of O
the O
Western I-ORG
Force I-ORG
during O
the O
Sports I-MISC
Today I-MISC
programme O
each O
week O
on O
882 I-ORG
. O
, O
is O
a O
Chinese I-MISC
radio O
station O
of O
Radio I-ORG
in O
Singapore I-LOC
. O
It O
features O
contemporary O
, O
popular O
music O
and O
the O
latest O
entertainment O
news O
. O
It O
was O
launched O
as O
in O
June O
1995 O
. O
It O
also O
launched O
Power98FM I-ORG
8 O
months O
later O
. O
The O
station O
plays O
both O
English I-MISC
and O
Chinese I-MISC
music O
, O
a O
first O
in O
Singapore I-LOC
. O
The O
weekday O
morning O
drive O
time O
show O
is O
also O
hosted O
in O
both O
English I-MISC
and O
Chinese I-MISC
. O
883Jia I-ORG
Official O
Website O
Aabenraa I-LOC
County I-LOC
is O
a O
former O
province O
in O
Denmark I-LOC
, O
located O
on O
the O
east-central O
region O
of O
South I-LOC
Jutland I-LOC
. O
Aabenraa I-LOC
County I-LOC
was O
established O
in O
1920 O
following O
the O
reunification O
of O
Denmark I-LOC
and O
South I-LOC
Jutland I-LOC
following O
the O
Schleswig I-MISC
Plebiscites I-MISC
. O
It O
was O
dissolved O
in O
1970 O
when O
it O
merged O
with O
three O
other O
counties O
to O
form O
South I-LOC
Jutland I-LOC
County I-LOC
. O
Aabenraa I-LOC
County I-LOC
corresponded O
geographically O
to O
the O
former O
Prussian I-MISC
Kreis I-LOC
Apenrade I-LOC
combined O
with O
the O
larger O
part O
of O
Parish I-LOC
and O
Frøslev O
municipalit I-LOC
( O
Handewit I-LOC
/ O
Hanved I-LOC
Parish I-LOC
) O
. O
Both O
were O
transferred O
from O
Kreis I-LOC
Flensburg I-LOC
with O
the O
establishment O
of O
the O
current O
Danish-German I-LOC
border O
. O
Aabenraa I-LOC
County I-LOC
and O
Sønderbor I-LOC
County I-LOC
merged O
in O
1932 O
, O
forming O
Aabenraa-Sønderbor I-LOC
Cunty I-LOC
. O
This O
article O
incorporates O
material O
from O
the O
corresponding O
article O
on O
the O
Danish I-MISC
Wikipedia I-MISC
, O
accessed O
30 O
April O
2007 O
. O
Adenet I-PER
( O
c.1240 O
-- O
c O
. O
1300 O
) O
was O
a O
French I-MISC
minstrel O
or O
trouvère O
, O
also O
known O
as O
Adam I-PER
, O
Rois I-PER
Adenes I-PER
, O
Adan I-PER
le I-PER
Menestrel I-PER
, O
and O
Adam I-PER
Menestrallus I-PER
. O
He O
is O
known O
to O
have O
composed O
three O
chansons O
de O
geste O
as O
well O
as O
the O
romance O
Cleomadé I-MISC
. O
Adilson I-PER
Tavares I-PER
Varela I-PER
, O
commonly O
known O
as O
Cabral I-PER
, O
( O
born O
22 O
October O
1988 O
) O
is O
a O
footballer O
from O
Switzerland I-LOC
who O
currently O
plays O
as O
midfielder O
in O
the O
Swiss I-ORG
Super I-ORG
League I-ORG
for O
Basel I-ORG
. O
Cabral I-PER
also O
holds O
a O
Swiss I-MISC
citizenship O
. O
Cabral I-PER
came O
through O
the O
ranks O
at O
Lausanne-Sport I-ORG
along O
side O
his O
fellow O
countryman O
Adelson I-PER
and O
made O
his O
debut O
in O
2005 O
. O
He O
went O
on O
to O
play O
26 O
games O
for O
Lausanne I-ORG
before O
leaving O
for O
Basel I-ORG
in O
2007 O
on O
a O
free O
transfer O
, O
signing O
a O
3 O
year O
deal O
. O
Despite O
being O
born O
in O
the O
African I-MISC
country O
of O
the O
Cape I-LOC
Verde I-LOC
islands I-LOC
he O
plays O
for O
the O
Swiss I-MISC
Under-19s I-ORG
side O
. O
Aero I-ORG
Gare I-ORG
was O
a O
kitplane O
manufacturer O
founded O
by O
Gary I-PER
LeGare I-PER
in O
Mojave I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
to O
marketed O
the O
Hawker I-MISC
amphibious O
aircraft O
. O
It O
sold O
all O
rights O
to O
the O
design O
to O
Aero I-ORG
Composites I-ORG
in O
1986 O
. O
Agnieszka I-PER
Lipska I-PER
Baranowska I-PER
( O
1819 O
- O
1890 O
) O
was O
a O
Polish I-MISC
playwright O
and O
poet O
. O
Born O
on O
April O
16 O
, O
1819 O
in O
Gostkócity O
near O
Łęczyca I-LOC
in O
a O
Polish I-MISC
szlachta O
family O
of O
Lipscy I-LOC
to O
Jacob I-PER
Lipski I-PER
and O
Marjania I-PER
Zaluska I-PER
, O
she O
spent O
her O
life O
in O
the O
Prussian I-MISC
partition O
, O
including O
the O
Grand I-LOC
Duchy I-LOC
of I-LOC
Poznań I-LOC
. O
She O
had O
one O
brother O
, O
Konstanty I-PER
, O
who O
died O
when O
she O
was O
six O
. O
She O
was O
married O
in O
1838 O
to O
Stanisław I-PER
Baranowski I-PER
( O
1806-1843 O
) O
, O
who O
was O
an O
officer O
in O
the O
Polish I-MISC
forces O
during O
the O
January I-MISC
Uprising I-MISC
. O
After O
her O
husband O
's O
death O
in O
1843 O
, O
while O
she O
was O
pregnant O
with O
their O
daughter O
Stanisława I-PER
, O
she O
became O
the O
head O
of O
the O
family O
at O
the O
age O
of O
24 O
, O
and O
took O
care O
of O
their O
lands O
in O
Marszew I-LOC
. O
She O
had O
many O
friends O
and O
colleagues O
among O
the O
Polish I-MISC
writers O
of O
the O
Great I-MISC
Emigration I-MISC
, O
some O
of O
whom O
visited O
her O
manor O
in O
Marszew I-LOC
. O
They O
included O
Karol I-PER
Baliński I-PER
, O
Teofil I-PER
Lenartowicz I-PER
, O
Franciszek I-PER
Mickiewicz I-PER
and O
Eweryst I-PER
Estkowski I-PER
. O
She O
took O
part O
in O
many O
activities O
designed O
to O
promote O
Polish I-MISC
culture O
, O
and O
sponsored O
and O
organized O
various O
festivities O
or O
organizations O
( O
such O
as O
the O
Society I-ORG
of I-ORG
Scientific I-ORG
Help I-ORG
for I-ORG
Girls I-ORG
( O
Towarzystwo I-ORG
Pomocy I-ORG
Naukowej I-ORG
dla I-ORG
dziewcząt I-ORG
) O
) O
. O
She O
wrote O
several O
plays O
for O
the O
local O
theater O
in O
Pleszew I-LOC
, O
likely O
inspired O
by O
and O
with O
the O
encouragement O
of O
Stanisław I-PER
Sczaniecki I-PER
from O
Karmin I-LOC
. O
She O
also O
wrote O
many O
poems O
, O
some O
of O
which O
she O
dedicated O
to O
the O
great O
Polish I-MISC
poet O
Adam I-PER
Mickiewicz I-PER
. O
Most O
of O
her O
works O
were O
dedicated O
to O
rekindling O
the O
patriotic O
spirit O
of O
Poles I-MISC
, O
and O
used O
many O
elements O
from O
myths O
and O
legends O
of O
Greater I-LOC
Poland I-LOC
. O
Some O
of O
them O
were O
printed O
in O
the O
women O
's O
press O
( O
" O
Lechu I-PER
" O
, O
" O
Dwutygodniku I-PER
dla I-PER
Kobiet I-PER
" O
) O
. O
She O
died O
on O
December O
15 O
, O
1890 O
in O
Poznań I-LOC
. O
Agotes I-MISC
or O
Cagots I-MISC
were O
a O
discriminated O
minority O
in O
the O
Navarrese I-LOC
Pyrenees I-LOC
, O
Basque I-LOC
provinces I-LOC
, O
Bearn I-LOC
, O
Gascony I-LOC
and O
also O
Brittany I-LOC
. O
They O
have O
been O
also O
known O
by O
other O
names O
: O
Cagots I-MISC
, O
Gahets I-MISC
, O
Gafets I-MISC
in O
France I-LOC
; O
Agotes I-MISC
, O
Gafos I-MISC
in O
Spain I-LOC
; O
and O
Cacons I-MISC
, O
Cahets I-MISC
, O
Caqueux I-MISC
and O
Caquins I-MISC
in O
Brittany I-LOC
. O
The O
earliest O
mention O
of O
them O
is O
in O
1288 O
, O
when O
they O
appear O
to O
have O
been O
called O
Christiens I-MISC
or O
Christianos I-MISC
. O
During O
the O
Middle O
Ages O
they O
were O
popularly O
looked O
upon O
as O
cretins O
, O
lepers O
, O
heretics O
and O
even O
as O
cannibals O
. O
They O
were O
shunned O
and O
hated O
; O
were O
allotted O
separate O
quarters O
in O
towns O
, O
called O
cagoteries O
, O
and O
lived O
in O
wretched O
huts O
in O
the O
country O
distinct O
from O
the O
villages O
. O
Excluded O
from O
all O
political O
and O
social O
rights O
, O
they O
were O
only O
allowed O
to O
enter O
a O
church O
by O
a O
special O
door O
, O
and O
during O
the O
service O
a O
rail O
separated O
them O
from O
the O
other O
worshippers O
. O
Either O
they O
were O
altogether O
forbidden O
to O
partake O
of O
the O
sacrament O
, O
or O
the O
Eucharist O
was O
handed O
to O
them O
on O
the O
end O
of O
a O
stick O
, O
while O
a O
receptacle O
for O
holy O
water O
was O
reserved O
for O
their O
exclusive O
use O
. O
They O
were O
compelled O
to O
wear O
a O
distinctive O
dress O
, O
to O
which O
, O
in O
some O
places O
, O
was O
attached O
the O
foot O
of O
a O
goose O
or O
duck O
( O
whence O
they O
were O
sometimes O
called O
Canards I-MISC
) O
. O
And O
so O
pestilential O
was O
their O
touch O
considered O
that O
it O
was O
a O
crime O
for O
them O
to O
walk O
the O
common O
road O
barefooted O
. O
The O
only O
trades O
allowed O
them O
were O
those O
of O
butcher O
and O
carpenter O
, O
and O
their O
ordinary O
occupation O
was O
wood-cutting O
. O
The O
origin O
of O
Agotes I-MISC
( O
or O
Cagots I-MISC
) O
is O
uncertain O
. O
It O
has O
been O
suggested O
that O
they O
were O
descendants O
of O
the O
Visigoths I-MISC
, O
and O
somebody O
derives O
the O
name O
from O
caas O
( O
dog O
) O
and O
. O
But O
opposed O
to O
this O
etymology O
is O
the O
fact O
that O
the O
word O
" O
cagot O
" O
is O
first O
found O
in O
this O
form O
no O
earlier O
than O
1551 O
. O
French I-MISC
historian O
Pierre I-PER
de I-PER
Marca I-PER
( O
16th O
century O
) O
, O
in O
his O
Histoire I-MISC
, O
holds O
that O
the O
word O
signifies O
hunters O
of O
the O
Goths I-MISC
, O
and O
that O
the O
Cagots I-MISC
are O
descendants O
of O
the O
Saracens I-MISC
. O
Others O
made O
them O
descendants O
of O
the O
Albigenses I-MISC
. O
far O
more O
probable O
explanation O
of O
their O
name O
Christians I-MISC
is O
to O
be O
found O
in O
the O
fact O
that O
in O
medieval O
times O
all O
lepers O
were O
known O
as O
pauperes O
Christi O
, O
and O
that O
, O
Goths I-MISC
or O
not O
, O
these O
Cagots I-MISC
were O
affected O
in O
the O
Middle O
Ages O
with O
a O
particular O
form O
of O
leprosy O
or O
a O
condition O
resembling O
it O
. O
Thus O
would O
arise O
the O
confusion O
between O
Christians I-MISC
and O
Cretins I-MISC
. O
It O
was O
not O
until O
the O
French I-MISC
Revolution I-MISC
that O
any O
steps O
were O
taken O
to O
ameliorate O
their O
lot O
, O
but O
today O
they O
no O
longer O
form O
a O
class O
and O
have O
been O
practically O
lost O
sight O
of O
in O
the O
general O
peasantry O
. O
The O
was O
a O
Formula I-ORG
car O
for O
the O
1986 O
season O
. O
The O
driver O
was O
Ivan I-PER
Capelli I-PER
. O
The O
engine O
was O
a O
Motori I-ORG
Moderni I-ORG
turbocharger O
V6 O
. O
The O
team O
did O
n't O
have O
a O
main O
sponsor O
. O
Aisby I-LOC
is O
a O
village O
in O
the O
English I-MISC
county O
of O
Lincolnshire I-LOC
, O
known O
as O
Asebi I-LOC
in O
the O
Domesday I-MISC
. O
small O
hamlet O
within O
the O
parish O
of O
Heydour I-LOC
near O
Ancaster I-LOC
and O
Grantham I-LOC
, O
Lincolnshire I-LOC
, O
not O
to O
be O
confused O
with O
Aisby I-LOC
near O
Gainsborough I-LOC
in O
the O
same O
county O
. O
Once O
a O
small O
hamlet O
belonging O
to O
the O
nearby O
Culverthorpe I-LOC
Estate I-LOC
, O
the O
village O
was O
sold O
off O
in O
lots O
in O
1918 O
and O
is O
now O
expanded O
with O
much O
additional O
building O
of O
dwellings O
since O
1990 O
. O
Both O
Heydour I-LOC
and O
Aisby I-LOC
are O
found O
with O
other O
spellings O
in O
official O
records O
such O
as O
censuses O
, O
making O
it O
difficult O
for O
families O
from O
these O
places O
to O
trace O
their O
origins O
. O
Aisby I-LOC
can O
be O
spelt O
as O
Azeby I-LOC
or O
even O
Hazeby I-LOC
; O
Heydour I-LOC
seems O
to O
be O
currently O
preferred O
, O
but O
other O
versions O
are O
Haydor I-LOC
, O
Haydour I-LOC
, O
and O
Heydor I-LOC
. O
Albert I-PER
Wren I-PER
was O
an O
Ontario I-LOC
politician O
. O
He O
was O
first O
elected O
to O
the O
Ontario I-LOC
legislature O
as O
the O
Liberal-Labour I-ORG
for O
Kenora I-LOC
in O
the O
1951 O
provincial O
election O
. O
He O
had O
also O
run O
as O
a O
Liberal-Labour I-ORG
candidate O
in O
1948 O
but O
was O
unsuccessful O
. O
He O
was O
re-elected O
in O
the O
1955 O
and O
1959 O
elections O
and O
served O
in O
the O
legislature O
until O
his O
death O
in O
1961 O
. O
Wren I-PER
sat O
with O
the O
Liberal I-ORG
caucus O
and O
ran O
twice O
in O
Ontario I-ORG
Liberal I-ORG
Party I-ORG
leadership O
conventions O
coming O
in O
second O
place O
in O
1954 O
with O
162 O
votes O
when O
he O
lost O
to O
Farquhar I-PER
Oliver I-PER
( O
himself O
a O
former O
United I-ORG
Farmers I-ORG
of I-ORG
Ontario I-ORG
) O
, O
and O
in O
last O
place O
with O
only O
seven O
votes O
in O
1957 O
losing O
to O
John I-PER
Wintermeyer I-PER
. O
Robert I-PER
Gibson I-PER
succeeded O
Wren I-PER
as O
the O
" O
Liberal-Labour I-ORG
" O
for O
Kenora I-LOC
and O
served O
until O
the O
1967 O
election O
. O
Alexander I-PER
Gradsky I-PER
( O
Russian I-MISC
: O
Александр O
Градский O
, O
born O
November O
3 O
, O
1949 O
) O
is O
a O
Russian I-MISC
Rock O
singer O
, O
bard O
and O
composer O
, O
and O
has O
sometimes O
been O
called O
the O
Soviet I-LOC
Union I-LOC
's O
most O
popular O
recording O
artist O
. O
He O
is O
known O
to O
have O
a O
three-and-a-half O
octave O
range O
voice O
, O
and O
has O
performed O
with O
John I-PER
Denver I-PER
on O
the O
song O
" O
Begin I-MISC
... I-MISC
" O
He O
's O
also O
the O
composer O
of O
the O
song O
entitled O
" O
, O
" O
which O
uses O
the O
melody O
from O
Bozhe I-MISC
tsarya I-MISC
khrani I-MISC
( O
" O
the I-MISC
" O
) O
, O
but O
has O
different O
lyrics O
. O
He O
has O
proposed O
that O
this O
song O
be O
made O
the O
Russian I-MISC
national O
anthem O
. O
It O
was O
probably O
first O
performed O
by O
Gradsky I-PER
on O
August O
20 O
, O
1998 O
on O
Vasilievsky I-LOC
Spusk I-LOC
next O
to O
the O
Square I-LOC
in O
Moscow I-LOC
. O
Gradsky I-PER
has O
also O
performed O
as O
a O
tenor O
at O
York I-LOC
City I-LOC
's O
Carnegie I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
. O
He O
was O
married O
to O
Anastasiya I-PER
Vertinskaya I-PER
after O
her O
divorce O
with O
Nikita I-PER
Mikhalkov I-PER
. O
Gradsky I-PER
started O
his O
activity O
in O
the O
early O
1960s O
, O
when O
he O
created O
a O
sound O
based O
on O
bard O
music O
using O
rock O
elements O
. O
Since O
then O
he O
released O
dozens O
of O
records O
. O
He O
is O
known O
to O
have O
a O
huge O
vocal O
range O
of O
more O
than O
3 O
octavs O
. O
The O
Alfred I-LOC
Phillips I-LOC
House I-LOC
, O
a O
Registered O
Historic O
Place O
, O
is O
located O
in O
the O
Ford I-LOC
County I-LOC
, O
Illinois I-LOC
city O
of O
Gibson I-LOC
City I-LOC
. O
It O
has O
been O
listed O
on O
the O
National I-MISC
Register I-MISC
since O
February O
5 O
, O
1999 O
. O
The O
Phillips I-LOC
House I-LOC
is O
one O
of O
Ford I-LOC
County I-LOC
's O
four O
Registered O
Historic O
Places O
. O
All O
three O
of O
the O
other O
sites O
, O
the O
Paxton I-ORG
Carnegie I-ORG
Public I-ORG
Library I-ORG
, O
Paxton I-ORG
Water I-ORG
Tower I-ORG
and O
Pump I-ORG
House I-ORG
and O
the O
Paxton I-ORG
First I-ORG
Schoolhouse I-ORG
are O
located O
in O
the O
county O
seat O
of O
Paxton I-LOC
, O
Illinois I-LOC
. O
The O
Amateur I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Association I-ORG
of I-ORG
Canada I-ORG
( O
) O
was O
an O
amateur O
men O
's O
ice O
hockey O
league O
founded O
in O
1886 O
, O
in O
existence O
until O
1898 O
. O
It O
was O
the O
second O
ice O
hockey O
league O
organized O
in O
Canada I-LOC
, O
after O
one O
in O
Kingston I-LOC
, O
Ontario I-LOC
started O
in O
1883 O
. O
It O
was O
organized O
to O
provide O
a O
longer O
season O
to O
determine O
the O
Canadian I-MISC
champion O
. O
Prior O
to O
its O
founding O
the O
Canadian I-MISC
championship O
was O
determined O
in O
a O
tournament O
in O
Montreal I-LOC
. O
The O
1893 O
champion O
of O
the O
league O
, O
Montreal I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
was O
the O
first O
winner O
of O
the O
Stanley I-MISC
, O
being O
awarded O
the O
as O
the O
champions O
of O
the O
and O
the O
was O
considered O
the O
top O
league O
of O
Canada I-LOC
. O
of O
various O
hockey O
clubs O
met O
at O
the O
Victoria I-LOC
Skating I-LOC
Rink I-LOC
in O
Montreal I-LOC
at O
the O
instigation O
of O
the O
Victoria I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
of O
Montreal I-LOC
. O
They O
agreed O
that O
the O
season O
should O
run O
from O
the O
1st O
of O
January O
until O
the O
15th O
of O
March O
. O
The O
constitution O
would O
be O
adapted O
from O
a O
lacrosse O
league O
constitution O
. O
The O
teams O
knew O
each O
other O
. O
Mr O
. O
Thomas I-PER
. O
Green I-PER
of O
Ottawa I-LOC
had O
played O
on O
the O
1883 O
McGill I-ORG
hockey O
team O
. O
In O
that O
age O
, O
ice O
hockey O
was O
a O
very O
different O
game O
compared O
to O
today O
: O
the O
rules O
stated O
that O
there O
were O
six O
skaters O
on O
each O
side O
. O
The O
left O
wing O
, O
centre O
and O
right O
wing O
were O
the O
forwards O
, O
like O
today O
. O
The O
rover O
would O
line O
up O
behind O
the O
centre O
, O
with O
the O
point O
and O
coverpoint O
following O
, O
in O
an O
' O
' O
formation O
towards O
the O
goaltender O
. O
The O
face O
offs O
were O
at O
a O
right O
angle O
to O
today O
's O
practice O
, O
the O
centre O
men O
facing O
inwards O
from O
the O
sides O
of O
the O
rink O
. O
The O
goaltenders O
used O
no O
special O
equipment O
. O
There O
were O
no O
goal O
nets O
. O
The O
goals O
were O
two O
posts O
, O
with O
no O
crossbar O
. O
An O
umpire O
would O
judge O
the O
legality O
of O
each O
score O
. O
There O
were O
no O
boards O
along O
the O
sides O
of O
the O
ice O
, O
and O
there O
were O
no O
standard O
dimensions O
for O
a O
rink O
, O
although O
dimensions O
were O
instituted O
for O
the O
positioning O
of O
the O
goal O
out O
from O
the O
ends O
of O
the O
rink O
. O
match O
was O
two O
halves O
of O
thirty O
minutes O
( O
also O
to O
note O
that O
in O
the O
day O
, O
game O
meant O
goal O
by O
modern O
definition O
) O
. O
Sudden-death O
overtime O
was O
also O
in O
place O
, O
and O
a O
match O
would O
continue O
until O
a O
goal O
was O
scored O
in O
the O
event O
of O
a O
tie O
after O
regulation O
. O
Players O
in O
all O
positions O
would O
normally O
play O
the O
entire O
60 O
minutes O
. O
The O
operated O
on O
two O
different O
systems O
in O
its O
lifetime O
: O
the O
challenge O
system O
, O
where O
a O
championship O
team O
would O
face O
a O
new O
challenger O
each O
week O
for O
the O
championship O
, O
and O
the O
series O
system O
, O
which O
corresponds O
to O
the O
regular O
season O
found O
in O
the O
today O
. O
With O
the O
exception O
of O
1888 O
, O
the O
challenge O
system O
was O
exclusively O
used O
in O
the O
before O
the O
advent O
of O
the O
Stanley I-MISC
, O
while O
the O
series O
system O
became O
the O
norm O
in O
1893 O
, O
the O
first O
year O
the O
was O
contested O
. O
The O
first O
championship O
team O
of O
the O
was O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Crystals I-ORG
, O
having O
unofficially O
being O
declared O
the O
champions O
before O
the O
. O
The O
first O
title O
change O
occurred O
on O
January O
14 O
, O
1887 O
, O
when O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Victorias I-ORG
defeated O
the O
champions O
4-0 O
. O
The O
Victorias I-ORG
would O
hold O
the O
title O
until O
the O
very O
last O
challenge O
game O
, O
when O
the O
Crystals I-ORG
won O
3-2 O
in O
their O
third O
successive O
challenge O
. O
Because O
of O
the O
Vics I-ORG
' O
long O
run O
as O
champions O
, O
it O
was O
decided O
to O
switch O
to O
the O
series O
system O
in O
1888 O
. O
The O
series O
system O
was O
a O
success O
, O
although O
a O
tie O
atop O
the O
standings O
between O
the O
Vics I-ORG
and O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
( O
Montreal I-ORG
) O
, O
and O
the O
subsequent O
scheduling O
of O
the O
tiebreaker O
game O
caused O
much O
trouble O
when O
the O
game O
was O
scheduled O
at O
a O
time O
when O
two O
Victorias I-ORG
players O
were O
injured O
, O
at O
the O
home O
venue O
of O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
. O
However O
, O
teams O
from O
outside O
Montreal I-LOC
incurred O
huge O
travelling O
expenses O
, O
which O
led O
the O
to O
revert O
back O
to O
the O
challenge O
system O
. O
In O
1893 O
, O
the O
first O
year O
since O
1888 O
where O
the O
played O
under O
a O
series O
system O
, O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
lost O
their O
first O
game O
against O
the O
Ottawa I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
, O
and O
proceeded O
to O
win O
their O
next O
seven O
en O
route O
to O
the O
championship O
. O
Lord I-PER
Stanley I-PER
announced O
that O
his O
challenge O
trophy O
( O
later O
known O
simply O
as O
the O
Stanley I-MISC
) O
for O
the O
best O
amateur O
hockey O
team O
in O
Canada I-LOC
would O
be O
presented O
to O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
on O
May O
15 O
, O
1893 O
, O
as O
initial O
champion O
. O
At O
the O
time O
, O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
was O
in O
a O
dispute O
with O
its O
parent O
organization O
, O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Amateur I-ORG
Athletic I-ORG
Association I-ORG
( O
) O
. O
The O
hockey O
club O
was O
adamant O
about O
refusing O
the O
trophy O
, O
while O
the O
directors O
of O
the O
decided O
to O
accept O
the O
trophy O
, O
considering O
it O
came O
from O
the O
Governor O
General O
of O
Canada I-LOC
. O
Thus O
, O
the O
trophy O
was O
accepted O
by O
the O
, O
but O
with O
none O
of O
the O
hockey O
officials O
of O
the O
hockey O
club O
present O
. O
After O
accepting O
the O
trophy O
, O
the O
hockey O
club O
remained O
adamant O
about O
returning O
the O
trophy O
that O
was O
presented O
to O
them O
. O
In O
the O
end O
, O
the O
investigated O
into O
why O
its O
hockey O
club O
wanted O
to O
refuse O
and O
return O
the O
trophy O
, O
even O
though O
such O
an O
action O
would O
damage O
the O
reputation O
of O
the O
. O
It O
was O
believed O
that O
the O
people O
who O
were O
in O
charge O
of O
running O
their O
team O
were O
, O
in O
fact O
, O
not O
representative O
of O
the O
team O
itself O
, O
and O
when O
the O
hockey O
club O
asked O
for O
a O
loan O
of O
$175 O
in O
start-up O
expenses O
for O
the O
1894 O
season O
, O
it O
was O
flatly O
refused O
( O
the O
first O
time O
the O
refused O
anything O
to O
the O
hockey O
club O
) O
. O
Inexplicably O
, O
the O
hockey O
club O
reversed O
its O
position O
, O
and O
the O
next O
few O
months O
saw O
a O
gradual O
schism O
between O
the O
and O
the O
club O
. O
Indeed O
, O
the O
inscriptions O
on O
the O
when O
it O
was O
successfully O
defended O
in O
1894 O
only O
stated O
" O
Montreal I-ORG
" O
. O
The O
, O
at O
one O
point O
, O
considered O
the O
hockey O
club O
to O
have O
seceded O
from O
the O
organization O
that O
bore O
them O
. O
The O
issue O
would O
be O
finally O
resolved O
in O
later O
years O
, O
after O
various O
attempts O
at O
reconciliation O
. O
† O
Stanley I-MISC
winner O
According O
to O
Arthur I-PER
Farrell I-PER
's O
book O
of O
1899 O
, O
" O
Hockey I-MISC
Canada I-MISC
Royal I-MISC
Winter I-MISC
" O
, O
Montreal I-ORG
Crystals I-ORG
are O
recorded O
as O
champions O
in O
1887 O
, O
and O
the O
Montreal I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
Club I-ORG
is O
recorded O
as O
the O
winner O
from O
1888-1894 O
. O
See O
reference O
copy O
on O
Backcheck O
. O
According O
to O
Ultimate I-MISC
Hockey I-MISC
, O
the O
play O
between O
1887 O
and O
1892 O
occurred O
in O
the O
challenge O
format O
and O
the O
title O
of O
champion O
could O
change O
after O
every O
series O
. O
The O
final O
champion O
at O
the O
end O
of O
the O
season O
's O
worth O
of O
challenges O
would O
be O
considered O
' O
Dominion I-MISC
Canada I-MISC
' O
champion O
. O
Andrew I-PER
Sant I-PER
( O
b. O
1950 O
) O
is O
an O
English I-MISC
born O
Australian I-MISC
poet O
. O
Sant I-PER
migrated O
with O
his O
parents O
to O
Melbourne I-LOC
where O
he O
completed O
his O
education O
. O
He O
has O
subsequently O
lived O
in O
London I-LOC
at O
various O
times O
, O
most O
recently O
from O
2002-2005 O
during O
which O
time O
he O
was O
Writing O
Fellow O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Leicester I-ORG
and O
2007-2008 O
while O
he O
was O
Writing O
Fellow O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Chichester I-ORG
. O
In O
2001 O
he O
was O
resident O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Peking I-ORG
in O
Beijing I-LOC
, O
China I-LOC
. O
He O
jointly O
founded O
the O
literary O
quarterly O
, O
Island I-ORG
, O
based O
in O
Tasmania I-LOC
where O
he O
has O
also O
lived O
. O
The O
most O
recent O
of O
his O
ten O
books O
of O
poems O
are O
Tremors I-MISC
Selected I-MISC
Poems I-MISC
( O
Black I-ORG
Pepper I-ORG
, O
Melbourne I-LOC
, O
Australia I-LOC
, O
2004 O
) O
and O
Speed I-MISC
Other I-MISC
Liberties I-MISC
( O
Salt I-ORG
Publishing I-ORG
, O
Cambridge I-LOC
, O
, O
2008 O
) O
. O
Individual O
poems O
have O
appeared O
in O
Times I-ORG
Literary I-ORG
Supplement I-ORG
, O
Poetry I-ORG
( O
Chicago I-LOC
) O
, O
Poetry I-ORG
London I-ORG
, O
Australian I-ORG
, O
Antipodes I-ORG
and O
many O
other O
publications O
. O
Angela I-PER
Carder I-PER
( O
née O
Stone I-PER
) O
was O
an O
American I-MISC
cancer O
patient O
who O
, O
in O
1987 O
, O
was O
forced O
to O
undergo O
a O
life-threatening O
Caesarean O
section O
in O
an O
unsuccessful O
attempt O
to O
save O
the O
life O
of O
her O
fetus O
. O
The O
case O
stands O
as O
a O
landmark O
in O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
case O
law O
establishing O
the O
rights O
of O
pregnant O
women O
to O
determine O
their O
own O
health O
care O
. O
At O
age O
thirteen O
, O
Angela I-PER
Stoner I-PER
was O
diagnosed O
with O
a O
rare O
and O
usually O
fatal O
form O
of O
cancer O
. O
She O
survived O
, O
and O
after O
years O
of O
chemotherapy O
and O
radiation O
therapy O
was O
declared O
to O
be O
in O
remission O
. O
Ten O
years O
after O
the O
initial O
diagnosis O
she O
developed O
another O
form O
of O
cancer O
, O
which O
she O
and O
her O
doctors O
fought O
with O
equal O
determination O
. O
The O
second O
cancer O
went O
into O
remission O
. O
Angela I-PER
later O
married O
and O
became O
pregnant O
. O
In O
1987 O
, O
when O
Carder I-PER
was O
twenty-five O
weeks O
pregnant O
, O
her O
cancer O
was O
discovered O
to O
have O
recurred O
and O
metastasized O
to O
her O
lung O
. O
Exactly O
what O
plan O
she O
made O
on O
learning O
this O
is O
unclear O
: O
one O
source O
claims O
that O
she O
was O
determined O
to O
prolong O
her O
life O
, O
and O
elected O
to O
start O
radiation O
and O
chemotherapy O
, O
regardless O
of O
known O
risks O
to O
the O
fetus O
; O
others O
state O
that O
she O
chose O
to O
institute O
only O
palliative O
care O
, O
in O
an O
effort O
to O
remain O
alive O
until O
the O
28th O
week O
of O
gestation O
, O
when O
it O
was O
thought O
the O
fetus O
would O
have O
a O
better O
chance O
of O
survival O
. O
Whatever O
her O
choice O
, O
the O
administrators O
of O
George I-ORG
Washington I-ORG
University I-ORG
Hospital I-ORG
-- O
who O
were O
also O
the O
liability O
risk O
managers O
-- O
were O
disturbed O
to O
hear O
that O
she O
had O
not O
elected O
to O
have O
an O
immediate O
C-section O
procedure O
. O
Fearing O
a O
lawsuit O
by O
pro-life O
activists O
, O
they O
convened O
a O
court O
hearing O
at O
the O
hospital O
and O
obtained O
separate O
counsels O
for O
Carder I-PER
, O
her O
fetus O
, O
and O
the O
hospital O
. O
At O
the O
hearing O
, O
family O
members O
, O
including O
Carder I-PER
's O
husband O
, O
opposed O
the O
C-section O
on O
the O
grounds O
that O
she O
would O
be O
unlikely O
to O
survive O
it O
and O
that O
she O
would O
not O
want O
it O
( O
Carder I-PER
herself O
, O
now O
gravely O
ill O
, O
did O
not O
testify O
) O
. O
Her O
treating O
physicians O
also O
opposed O
the O
procedure O
. O
However O
, O
a O
neonatologist O
not O
personally O
familiar O
with O
her O
medical O
status O
testified O
that O
the O
fetus O
would O
have O
at O
least O
a O
60% O
chance O
of O
survival O
-- O
nearly O
that O
of O
a O
healthy O
woman O
's O
fetus O
at O
the O
same O
gestational O
age O
. O
Carder I-PER
's O
own O
long-term O
oncologist O
was O
not O
contacted O
; O
he O
has O
since O
stated O
that O
he O
would O
have O
called O
the O
procedure O
" O
medically O
inadvisable O
both O
for O
Angela I-PER
Carder I-PER
and O
for O
the O
fetus O
" O
. O
Nonetheless O
, O
and O
despite O
medical O
testimony O
that O
such O
a O
procedure O
would O
probably O
end O
Carder I-PER
's O
life O
, O
an O
order O
was O
issued O
authorizing O
the O
hospital O
to O
perform O
an O
immediate O
C-section O
. O
Obstetricians O
at O
the O
hospital O
initially O
refused O
to O
carry O
out O
the O
procedure O
, O
but O
eventually O
one O
reluctantly O
agreed O
. O
three-judge O
appellate O
panel O
upheld O
the O
decision O
in O
an O
emergency O
telephone O
appeal O
, O
despite O
Carder I-PER
's O
own O
repeated O
pleas O
of O
" O
do O
n't O
want O
it O
done O
. O
" O
Exactly O
how O
long O
the O
fetus O
survived O
is O
a O
matter O
of O
some O
dispute O
. O
The O
most O
commonly O
cited O
figure O
is O
two O
hours O
. O
Susan I-PER
Faludi I-PER
quotes O
the O
obstetrician O
who O
performed O
the O
surgery O
as O
saying O
attempts O
to O
inflate O
the O
fetus O
's O
lungs O
were O
" O
like O
trying O
to O
ventilate O
a O
rock O
" O
. O
Angela I-PER
Carder I-PER
survived O
her O
surgery O
by O
two O
days O
. O
In O
the O
wake O
of O
the O
surgery O
, O
Carder I-PER
's O
family O
and O
the O
American I-ORG
Civil I-ORG
Liberties I-ORG
Union I-ORG
's O
Reproductive I-ORG
Freedom I-ORG
Project I-ORG
asked O
the O
Court I-ORG
of I-ORG
Appeals I-ORG
to O
vacate O
the O
order O
and O
its O
legal O
precedent O
, O
on O
grounds O
that O
the O
order O
had O
violated O
Carder I-PER
's O
right O
to O
informed O
consent O
and O
her O
constitutional O
rights O
of O
privacy O
and O
bodily O
integrity O
. O
One O
hundred O
twenty O
organizations O
filed O
amicus O
briefs O
on O
Carder I-PER
's O
behalf O
, O
including O
the O
American I-ORG
Medical I-ORG
Association I-ORG
and O
the O
American I-ORG
College I-ORG
of I-ORG
Obstetricians I-ORG
and I-ORG
Gynecologists I-ORG
. O
One O
attorney O
for O
the O
hospital O
argued O
that O
it O
was O
appropriate O
to O
sacrifice O
a O
dying O
woman O
for O
her O
fetus O
; O
an O
appeals O
court O
judge O
is O
reported O
to O
have O
replied O
, O
" O
Are O
you O
urging O
this O
court O
to O
find O
that O
you O
can O
handcuff O
a O
woman O
to O
a O
bed O
and O
force O
her O
to O
give O
birth O
? O
" O
On O
April O
26 O
, O
1990 O
, O
the O
court O
issued O
the O
ruling O
In O
re O
A.C. O
, O
which O
vacated O
the O
previous O
decisions O
and O
ruled O
that O
Angela I-PER
Carder I-PER
had O
the O
right O
to O
make O
health-care O
decisions O
for O
herself O
and O
her O
fetus O
. O
At O
the O
same O
time O
as O
the O
Court I-ORG
of I-ORG
Appeals I-ORG
case O
, O
the O
and O
Carder I-PER
's O
parents O
, O
Daniel I-PER
and O
Nettie I-PER
Stoner I-PER
, O
instituted O
a O
civil O
action O
, O
Stoners I-PER
v. O
George I-ORG
Washington I-ORG
University I-ORG
Hospital I-ORG
, O
et O
al. O
, O
suing O
the O
hospital O
for O
deprivation O
of O
human O
rights O
, O
discrimination O
, O
wrongful O
death O
and O
malpractice O
, O
among O
other O
charges O
. O
In O
November O
of O
1990 O
, O
days O
before O
the O
scheduled O
trial O
was O
to O
begin O
, O
the O
hospital O
settled O
out O
of O
court O
for O
an O
undisclosed O
amount O
of O
money O
and O
a O
promise O
of O
new O
hospital O
policies O
protecting O
the O
rights O
of O
pregnant O
women O
. O
Angelo I-PER
Fresquet I-PER
( O
born O
December O
16 O
, O
1973 O
, O
Fort I-LOC
Lauderdale I-LOC
, O
Florida I-LOC
) O
is O
a O
Dynamic O
Speaker O
, O
Business O
Developer O
, O
Producer O
, O
Director O
, O
Actor O
, O
& O
well O
known O
Celebrity O
Special O
Events O
Coordinator O
. O
Angelo I-PER
Fresquet I-PER
, O
" O
Made O
in O
Miami O
" O
Angelo I-PER
Fresquet I-PER
, O
was O
born O
in O
Fort I-LOC
Lauderdale I-LOC
, O
But O
raised O
in O
Miami I-LOC
, O
at O
1 O
yrs O
old O
Angelo I-PER
's O
family O
had O
been O
living O
in O
the O
historic O
Hotel I-ORG
Essex I-ORG
on O
Collins I-LOC
in O
Miami I-LOC
Beach I-LOC
after O
having O
left O
their O
country O
in O
pursuit O
of O
a O
new O
life O
, O
little O
did O
he O
know O
that O
when O
he O
'd O
grow O
up O
he O
'd O
be O
one O
of O
the O
key O
developers O
of O
Miami I-LOC
's O
Posh-Trendsetting O
Nightlife O
, O
his O
career O
in O
Marketing O
, O
Sales O
, O
Management O
, O
Consulting O
& O
Special O
Events O
began O
in O
1989 O
. O
At O
the O
time O
Miami I-LOC
Beach I-LOC
was O
not O
yet O
called O
South I-LOC
Beach I-LOC
and O
the O
entertainment O
industry O
had O
begun O
to O
grow O
in O
Miami I-LOC
. O
With O
not O
much O
to O
do O
those O
days O
most O
people O
resorted O
to O
having O
many O
house O
parties O
, O
recalls O
Angelo I-PER
. O
With O
a O
very O
diverse O
background O
in O
every O
type O
of O
industry O
imaginable O
Angelo I-PER
began O
his O
growth O
in O
Miami I-LOC
as O
a O
young O
Actor O
/ O
Model O
working O
many O
non-union O
& O
later O
union O
jobs O
. O
His O
Acting O
/ O
Modeling O
career O
holds O
numerous O
commercials O
& O
films O
as O
well O
as O
print O
ads O
. O
Son O
of O
Famous O
& O
Legendary O
Cuban I-MISC
Parents O
& O
family O
, O
Angelo I-PER
's O
Father O
is O
a O
famous O
international O
artist O
& O
humorist O
Fresquito I-PER
Fresquet I-PER
& O
Angelo I-PER
's O
grandfather O
Gonzalo I-PER
Roig I-PER
is O
the O
most O
famous O
music O
composer O
from O
Cuba I-LOC
, O
composing O
music O
sang O
by O
Julio I-PER
Iglesias I-PER
& O
others O
. O
Although O
his O
acting O
career O
was O
taking O
off O
, O
Angelo I-PER
decided O
to O
also O
do O
business O
& O
create O
a O
social O
network O
. O
He O
was O
crafting O
his O
way O
of O
doing O
business O
through O
Special O
Events O
& O
networking O
in O
Miami I-LOC
's O
nightlife O
in O
the O
early O
90 O
's O
. O
As O
the O
nightlife O
began O
to O
grow O
he O
began O
to O
produce O
events O
in O
famed O
1235 I-ORG
( O
now O
Mansion I-ORG
) O
, O
Bains I-ORG
( O
later O
Chaos I-ORG
) O
, O
Loft I-ORG
Dunes I-ORG
( O
later O
Liquid I-ORG
, O
now O
Suite I-ORG
) O
, O
Cameo I-ORG
Theatre I-ORG
( O
now O
Crobar I-ORG
) O
, O
Penrods I-ORG
( O
now O
Nikki I-ORG
Beach I-ORG
/ O
Pearl I-ORG
) O
and O
many O
more O
. O
During O
this O
time O
he O
was O
also O
working O
in O
Corporate O
America I-LOC
for O
Fortune I-ORG
500 O
Corporations O
leading O
their O
marketing O
departments O
in O
companies O
like O
, O
Wachovia I-ORG
, O
Carnival I-ORG
Cruise I-ORG
Lines I-ORG
, O
and O
many O
more O
. O
He O
was O
climbing O
a O
ladder O
& O
his O
background O
was O
as O
well O
rounded O
as O
any O
one O
can O
be O
to O
reach O
all O
kinds O
of O
demographics O
. O
By O
the O
mid O
90 O
's O
Angelo I-PER
was O
tailor O
making O
special O
events O
and O
collaborating O
with O
Miami I-LOC
's O
nightlife O
elite O
like O
Gerry I-PER
Kelly I-PER
, O
Michael I-PER
Capponi I-PER
, O
Tommy I-PER
Pooch I-PER
, O
Jorge I-PER
Nunez I-PER
, O
Chris I-PER
Paciello I-PER
& O
others O
with O
special O
events O
at O
, O
Shadow I-ORG
Lounge I-ORG
, O
Liquid I-ORG
, O
Room I-ORG
, O
Lua's I-ORG
, O
and O
many O
others O
. O
By O
the O
mid O
to O
late O
90 O
's O
Angelo I-PER
had O
become O
a O
house O
hold O
name O
as O
one O
of O
Miami I-LOC
's O
elite O
impresarios O
. O
Success O
would O
follow O
him O
at O
his O
every O
turn O
& O
continues O
to O
this O
very O
day O
. O
He O
has O
accomplished O
a O
repertoire O
for O
having O
the O
best O
events O
& O
collaborating O
on O
some O
of O
the O
most O
distinguished O
& O
successful O
events O
in O
Miami I-LOC
. O
In O
2002 O
, O
Angelo I-PER
launched O
Entertainment I-ORG
to O
create O
a O
company O
that O
could O
market O
, O
promote O
, O
produce O
, O
& O
create O
all O
types O
of O
special O
events O
at O
any O
venue O
from O
Miami I-LOC
, O
South I-LOC
Beach I-LOC
to O
West I-LOC
Palm I-LOC
Beach I-LOC
, O
including O
, O
, O
& O
Vegas I-LOC
. O
He O
has O
worked O
in O
Miami I-LOC
with O
Nikki I-ORG
Beach I-ORG
/ O
Pearl I-ORG
/ O
Hardrock I-ORG
/ O
Aventura I-ORG
/ O
Mansion I-ORG
/ O
Opium-Prive' I-ORG
/ O
Crobar I-ORG
/ O
Suite I-ORG
Snatch I-ORG
/ O
Amika I-ORG
/ O
Mynt I-ORG
/ O
Pawn I-ORG
Shop I-ORG
/ O
Forge I-ORG
/ O
Club I-ORG
& O
many O
more O
of O
Miami I-LOC
's O
Hottest O
Venue's O
. O
His O
style O
of O
marketing O
events O
, O
customer O
service O
, O
exclusivity O
, O
Celebes O
, O
Artists O
, O
and O
beautiful O
crowds O
that O
would O
gather O
made O
him O
the O
front O
man O
& O
face O
corporations O
, O
artists O
, O
professionals O
, O
Celebes O
, O
magazines O
& O
all O
socialites O
would O
want O
to O
have O
their O
events O
coordinated O
& O
produced O
by O
. O
He O
helped O
create O
the O
now O
famed O
" O
open O
format O
" O
of O
music O
played O
by O
today O
's O
's O
mixing O
all O
music O
, O
rock O
, O
hip-hop O
, O
80 O
's O
, O
house O
, O
etc O
. O
He O
later O
moved O
on O
from O
, O
with O
more O
than O
19 O
yrs O
of O
experience O
in O
so O
many O
different O
industries O
& O
with O
several O
television O
interviews O
, O
magazine O
interviews O
, O
and O
reality O
shows O
filmed O
& O
even O
films O
like O
2005 O
Miami I-MISC
being O
filmed O
at O
his O
events O
the O
list O
of O
people O
wanting O
to O
work O
with O
Angelo I-PER
grew O
. O
The O
list O
is O
rather O
large O
but O
to O
name O
a O
few O
of O
the O
events O
Angelo I-PER
helped O
produce O
include O
a O
very O
bright O
roster O
of O
who's-who O
, O
Britney I-PER
Spears I-PER
, O
Jamie I-PER
Foxx I-PER
, O
Paris I-PER
Hilton I-PER
, O
Shaquille I-PER
O'Neal I-PER
, O
Jonathan I-PER
Vilma I-PER
, O
Bryant I-PER
Mckinnie I-PER
, O
Kanye I-PER
West I-PER
, O
Diddy I-PER
, O
Cameron I-PER
Diaz I-PER
, O
Oliver I-PER
Stone I-PER
, O
Steven I-PER
Tyler I-PER
, O
Neve I-PER
Campbell I-PER
, O
Dwayne I-PER
Rock I-PER
Johnson I-PER
, O
Andy I-PER
Garcia I-PER
, O
Shakira I-PER
, O
Ricky I-PER
Martin I-PER
, O
Hootie I-ORG
the I-ORG
Blowfish I-ORG
, O
Michael I-PER
Jordan I-PER
, O
Roberto I-PER
Cavalli I-PER
with O
's O
like O
, O
, O
, O
, O
and O
many O
more O
, O
creating O
Super I-MISC
events O
, O
release O
parties O
, O
track O
shows O
, O
special O
performances O
, O
birthday O
soirée's O
, O
Film O
release O
parties O
, O
corporate O
events O
, O
Fashion O
shows O
, O
magazine O
cover O
release O
, O
after O
award O
show O
private O
events O
and O
many O
more O
. O
Angelo I-PER
has O
reached O
out O
to O
corporate O
America I-LOC
, O
the O
young O
and O
successful O
, O
the O
trendy O
, O
the O
tourist O
, O
the O
wealthy O
, O
the O
professional O
, O
the O
rich O
& O
famous O
. O
His O
events O
have O
been O
featured O
on O
Deco I-PER
Drive I-PER
's O
Party I-MISC
Patrol I-MISC
on O
, O
Telemundo I-ORG
, O
Univision I-ORG
, O
, O
, O
& O
Wild I-ORG
on I-ORG
, O
to O
name O
a O
few O
. O
He O
was O
and O
still O
is O
a O
major O
player O
& O
continues O
to O
raise O
the O
bar O
, O
staying O
in O
touch O
with O
the O
market O
, O
although O
retired O
from O
nightlife O
he O
grows O
continually O
by O
leading O
the O
way O
& O
constantly O
challenging O
the O
status O
quo O
. O
Angelo I-PER
now O
is O
working O
for O
a O
large O
organization O
in O
Miami I-LOC
, O
International I-ORG
, O
it O
's O
a O
non-profit O
organization O
, O
he O
's O
passionate O
about O
helping O
others O
& O
help O
better O
the O
lives O
of O
those O
in O
need O
, O
he O
produces O
Concerts O
, O
Leadership O
Conferences O
, O
Large O
or O
Exclusive O
events O
, O
he O
also O
develops O
businesses O
, O
product O
branding O
& O
marketing O
, O
as O
well O
as O
taking O
time O
to O
work O
on O
screen O
plays O
based O
on O
true O
stories O
& O
a O
few O
books O
he O
is O
currently O
writing O
. O
He O
is O
a O
Man O
of O
Vision O
, O
leadership O
, O
creativity O
, O
principles O
, O
& O
faith O
. O
He O
enjoys O
spending O
time O
with O
his O
children O
, O
teaching O
, O
life O
coaching O
& O
mentoring O
others O
, O
although O
single O
& O
not O
married O
, O
having O
overcome O
much O
adversity O
he O
continues O
to O
fulfill O
his O
purpose O
in O
life O
; O
to O
change O
& O
impact O
lives O
as O
he O
leads O
& O
directs O
them O
to O
their O
destiny O
! O
Current O
News O
: O
Angelo I-PER
is O
working O
on O
a O
book O
, O
the O
date O
for O
release O
is O
Dec. O
2008 O
. O
He O
is O
also O
launching O
several O
businesses O
as O
well O
as O
launching O
several O
concerts O
in O
the O
Miami I-LOC
Area O
. O
You O
can O
catch O
up O
with O
Angelo I-PER
during O
the O
promotional O
Campaign O
of O
the O
new O
body O
fuel O
Krank I-MISC
, O
visit O
online O
Angelo I-PER
's O
favorite O
quotes O
... O
" O
great O
leader O
's O
courage O
to O
fulfill O
his O
vision O
comes O
from O
passion O
, O
not O
position O
. O
" O
" O
Leaders O
must O
be O
close O
enough O
to O
relate O
to O
others O
, O
but O
far O
enough O
ahead O
to O
motivate O
them O
. O
" O
" O
Leadership O
is O
more O
? O
If O
not O
, O
much O
more O
? O
Influence O
rather O
than O
position O
. O
" O
The O
Anguilla I-ORG
United I-ORG
Front I-ORG
is O
an O
alliance O
of O
political O
parties O
in O
Anguilla I-LOC
. O
At O
the O
last O
elections O
, O
21 O
february O
2005 O
, O
the O
alliance O
won O
38.9 O
% O
of O
popular O
votes O
and O
4 O
out O
of O
7 O
elected O
seats O
. O
Portuguesa I-MISC
is O
the O
national O
anthem O
of O
Portugal I-LOC
. O
It O
was O
written O
by O
Henrique I-PER
Lopes I-PER
de I-PER
Mendonça I-PER
( O
lyrics O
) O
and O
Alfredo I-PER
Keil I-PER
( O
music O
) O
after O
the O
nationalist O
resurgence O
provoked O
by O
the O
British I-MISC
Ultimatum I-MISC
( O
for O
Portuguese I-MISC
troops O
to O
vacate O
the O
territory O
between O
Angola I-LOC
and O
Mozambique I-LOC
) O
, O
was O
adopted O
as O
a O
Republican I-ORG
anthem O
and O
, O
finally O
, O
by O
the O
new O
Portuguese I-LOC
Republic I-LOC
in O
1910 O
as O
the O
national O
anthem O
, O
replacing O
" O
Hymno I-MISC
Carta I-MISC
" O
, O
the O
last O
anthem O
of O
the O
Constitutional I-ORG
Monarchy I-ORG
in O
Portugal I-LOC
. O
The O
title O
Portuguesa I-MISC
means O
" O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
( O
song O
) O
" O
--- O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
word O
for O
" O
song O
" O
, O
canção O
, O
being O
feminine O
--- O
just O
as O
Marseillaise I-MISC
, O
the O
national O
anthem O
of O
France I-LOC
, O
is O
" O
the O
song O
of O
Marseille I-LOC
" O
, O
the O
Belgian I-MISC
anthem O
, O
Brabançonne I-MISC
is O
" O
the O
song O
of O
Brabant I-LOC
" O
, O
and O
L'Internationale I-MISC
, O
the O
Socialist I-MISC
anthem O
, O
is O
" O
the O
international O
( O
song O
) O
" O
. O
In O
1890 O
, O
the O
United I-LOC
Kingdom I-LOC
issued O
an O
ultimatum O
demanding O
Portugal I-LOC
give O
up O
its O
intentions O
of O
occupying O
the O
land O
between O
the O
African I-MISC
colonies O
of O
Angola I-LOC
, O
on O
the O
western O
coast O
, O
and O
Mozambique I-LOC
, O
on O
the O
eastern O
coast O
, O
thus O
joining O
the O
two O
territories O
. O
Despite O
popular O
uproar O
, O
the O
government O
was O
forced O
to O
accept O
the O
British I-MISC
terms O
, O
a O
measure O
that O
contributed O
to O
the O
growing O
unpopularity O
of O
King I-PER
Carlos I-PER
and O
the O
monarchy O
and O
gained O
supporters O
for O
the O
already O
boosting O
republican O
movement O
. O
Inspired O
by O
the O
common O
feeling O
of O
outrage O
among O
the O
people O
, O
writer O
Henrique I-PER
Lopes I-PER
de I-PER
Mendonça I-PER
composed O
a O
poem O
urging O
his O
compatriots O
to O
" O
fight O
for O
the O
fatherland O
" O
( O
Pátri I-MISC
luta I-MISC
) O
and O
praising O
the O
country O
's O
past O
as O
a O
naval O
power O
, O
particularly O
in O
the O
15th O
and O
16th O
centuries O
. O
The O
words O
were O
set O
to O
a O
melody O
by O
composer O
Alfredo I-PER
Keil I-PER
and O
the O
song O
soon O
became O
popular O
among O
people O
unhappy O
with O
what O
they O
considered O
a O
submissive O
and O
humiliating O
attitude O
by O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
authorities O
. O
On O
January O
31 O
, O
1891 O
, O
a O
republican O
revolution O
broke O
out O
in O
the O
northern O
city O
of O
Porto I-LOC
and O
" O
Portuguesa I-MISC
" O
was O
adopted O
by O
the O
rebels O
as O
their O
anthem O
. O
The O
revolution O
was O
crushed O
and O
the O
song O
banned O
. O
In O
1910 O
, O
on O
October O
5 O
, O
a O
new O
revolution O
succeeded O
in O
overthrowing O
the O
monarchy O
and O
establishing O
a O
republic O
in O
Portugal I-LOC
. O
In O
the O
following O
year O
, O
1911 O
, O
a O
law O
officialized O
the O
status O
of O
" O
Portuguesa I-MISC
" O
as O
Portugal I-LOC
's O
national O
anthem O
. O
The O
song O
consists O
of O
the O
first O
stanza O
from O
Mendonça I-PER
's O
poem O
followed O
by O
a O
chorus O
. O
The O
second O
and O
third O
verses O
below O
were O
part O
of O
the O
poem O
, O
but O
are O
not O
included O
in O
the O
anthem O
( O
and O
are O
indeed O
unknown O
to O
even O
exist O
by O
a O
large O
majority O
of O
Portuguese I-MISC
) O
. O
The O
fifth O
line O
of O
the O
chorus O
: O
" O
Contra O
os O
canhões O
marchar O
, O
marchar O
" O
( O
Against O
the O
cannons O
march O
, O
march O
! O
) O
is O
an O
alteration O
of O
the O
original O
" O
Contra O
os O
bretões O
marchar O
, O
marchar O
" O
( O
Against O
the O
Britos I-MISC
march O
, O
march O
! O
) O
, O
a O
reference O
to O
the O
Pink O
Map O
. O
Armistice I-MISC
is O
the O
anniversary O
of O
the O
official O
end O
of O
World I-MISC
, O
November O
11 O
, O
1918 O
. O
It O
commemorates O
the O
armistice O
signed O
between O
the O
Allies I-ORG
and O
Germany I-LOC
at O
Compiègn I-LOC
, O
Franc I-LOC
, O
for O
the O
cessation O
of O
hostilities O
on O
the O
Western I-LOC
Front I-LOC
, O
which O
took O
effect O
at O
eleven O
o'clock O
in O
the O
morning O
--- O
the O
" O
eleventh O
hour O
of O
the O
eleventh O
day O
of O
the O
eleventh O
month O
. O
" O
While O
this O
official O
date O
to O
mark O
the O
end O
of O
the O
war O
reflects O
the O
ceasefire O
on O
the O
Western I-LOC
Front I-LOC
, O
hostilities O
continued O
in O
other O
regions O
, O
especially O
across O
the O
former O
Russian I-LOC
Empire I-LOC
and O
in O
parts O
of O
the O
old O
Ottoman I-LOC
Empire I-LOC
. O
The O
date O
was O
a O
national O
holiday O
in O
many O
of O
the O
former O
allied O
nations O
to O
allow O
people O
to O
commemorate O
those O
members O
of O
the O
armed O
forces O
who O
were O
killed O
during O
war O
. O
After O
World I-MISC
, O
it O
was O
changed O
to O
Veterans I-MISC
in O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
and O
to O
Remembrance I-MISC
in O
the O
British I-ORG
Commonwealth I-ORG
of I-ORG
Nations I-ORG
. O
Armistice I-MISC
is O
an O
official O
holiday O
in O
France I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
also O
an O
official O
holiday O
in O
Belgium I-LOC
, O
known O
also O
as O
the O
day O
of O
peace O
in O
the O
Flanders I-LOC
Fields I-LOC
. O
In O
many O
parts O
of O
the O
world O
, O
people O
take O
two O
minutes O
of O
silence O
at O
11:00 O
in O
the O
morning O
as O
a O
sign O
of O
respect O
for O
the O
roughly O
eight O
million O
who O
died O
in O
the O
war O
, O
as O
suggested O
by O
Edward I-PER
George I-PER
Honey I-PER
in O
a O
letter O
to O
a O
British I-MISC
newspaper O
though O
Wellesley I-PER
Tudor I-PER
Pole I-PER
established O
two O
ceremonial O
periods O
of O
remembrance O
based O
on O
events O
in O
1917 O
. O
Beginning O
in O
1939 O
, O
the O
two-minute O
silence O
was O
moved O
to O
the O
Sunday O
nearest O
the O
11th O
, O
in O
order O
not O
to O
interfere O
with O
wartime O
production O
should O
the O
11th O
fall O
on O
a O
weekday O
. O
Since O
the O
1990s O
a O
growing O
number O
of O
people O
have O
observed O
a O
two-minute O
silence O
on O
11 O
November O
, O
resulting O
in O
both O
Armistice I-MISC
and O
Remembrance I-MISC
Sunday I-MISC
being O
commemorated O
formally O
in O
the O
( O
although O
in O
2007 O
they O
fell O
on O
the O
same O
day O
) O
. O
November O
11th O
2008 O
will O
be O
the O
90th O
anniversary O
of O
Armistice I-MISC
. O
Storm I-MISC
is O
the O
debut O
album O
of O
german I-MISC
a O
cappella O
metal O
band O
Canto I-ORG
, O
released O
in O
2006 O
. O
The O
album O
cover O
's O
artwork O
was O
provided O
by O
Mattias I-PER
Noren I-PER
. O
The O
Mass I-LOC
Transit I-LOC
System I-LOC
of O
Athens I-LOC
, O
Greece I-LOC
is O
the O
largest O
mass O
transit O
system O
in O
all O
of O
Greece I-LOC
. O
The O
, O
and O
companies O
belong O
to O
the O
public O
company O
( O
Organismos I-ORG
Astikon I-ORG
Syngoinonion I-ORG
Athinon I-ORG
/ O
Athens I-ORG
Urban I-ORG
Transport I-ORG
Organisation I-ORG
/ O
Οργανισμός O
Αστικών O
Συγκοινωνιών O
Αθηνών O
. O
The O
and O
Tram I-ORG
companies O
belong O
to O
Attiko I-ORG
Metro I-ORG
( O
Αττικό O
Μετρό O
Α.Ε. O
in O
Greek I-MISC
) O
, O
a O
company O
that O
is O
currently O
wholly O
owned O
by O
the O
Greek I-ORG
government I-ORG
. O
Proastiakos I-ORG
belongs O
to O
, O
which O
is O
also O
a O
public O
company O
. O
Atwick I-LOC
is O
a O
village O
and O
civil O
parish O
in O
Holderness I-LOC
in O
the O
East I-LOC
Riding I-LOC
of I-LOC
Yorkshire I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
. O
The O
village O
is O
near O
the O
North I-LOC
coast O
, O
and O
two O
miles O
north O
of O
Hornsea I-LOC
on O
the O
B1242 I-LOC
road O
. O
The O
civil O
parish O
is O
formed O
by O
the O
village O
of O
Atwick I-LOC
and O
the O
hamlet O
of O
Skirlington I-LOC
. O
According O
to O
the O
2001 O
census O
, O
Atwick I-LOC
parish O
had O
a O
population O
of O
318 O
. O
The O
World I-MISC
defences O
constructed O
in O
and O
around O
Atwick I-LOC
have O
been O
documented O
by O
William I-PER
Foot I-PER
. O
They O
included O
a O
heavy O
anti-aircraft O
battery O
and O
several O
pillboxes O
. O
The O
Australian I-ORG
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
is O
a O
minor O
political O
organisation O
in O
Australia I-LOC
founded O
by O
Eric I-PER
Butler I-PER
with O
its O
basis O
in O
the O
economic O
theory O
of O
Social O
Credit O
expounded O
by O
Douglas I-PER
. O
It O
describes O
itself O
as O
upholding O
the O
virtues O
of O
freedom O
. O
It O
is O
not O
a O
political O
party O
, O
but O
rather O
sees O
itself O
as O
a O
watchdog O
against O
government O
intervention O
. O
The O
League I-ORG
was O
formed O
in O
1960 O
by O
a O
merger O
of O
various O
Leagues O
of O
Rights O
based O
in O
the O
Australian I-MISC
states O
, O
the O
first O
of O
which O
was O
based O
in O
South I-LOC
Australia I-LOC
from O
1946 O
. O
The O
League I-ORG
's O
founder O
Eric I-PER
Butler I-PER
died O
on O
June O
9 O
2006 O
, O
at O
the O
age O
of O
90 O
. O
The O
League I-ORG
, O
like O
many O
other O
far-Right O
organisations O
, O
strongly O
denies O
that O
the O
Holocaust I-MISC
, O
during O
which O
millions O
of O
people O
, O
particularly O
European I-MISC
, O
were O
killed O
, O
ever O
occurred O
. O
It O
is O
strongly O
supportive O
of O
the O
polemicist O
and O
Holocaust I-MISC
denial O
advocate O
David I-PER
Irving I-PER
. O
They O
believe O
that O
the O
world O
is O
run O
by O
a O
secret O
society O
of O
. O
The O
League I-ORG
is O
distinctive O
for O
asserting O
that O
Protocols I-MISC
the I-MISC
Elders I-MISC
is O
a O
genuine O
Jewish I-MISC
document O
( O
the O
Encyclopædi I-MISC
Britannica I-MISC
for O
example O
describes O
the O
Protocols I-MISC
as O
a O
" O
fraudulent O
document O
that O
served O
as O
a O
pretext O
and O
rationale O
for O
anti-Semitism O
in O
the O
early O
20th O
century O
" O
) O
. O
The O
League I-ORG
describes O
itself O
as O
being O
based O
on O
the O
principles O
of O
Christianity I-MISC
and O
is O
vehement O
in O
its O
anti-communism O
. O
They O
argue O
in O
favour O
of O
capitalism O
by O
promoting O
the O
sanctity O
of O
private O
property O
and O
individual O
enterprise O
. O
They O
are O
keen O
promoters O
of O
Social O
Credit O
. O
They O
are O
strongly O
monarchist O
and O
completely O
opposed O
to O
Australian I-MISC
republicanism O
and O
see O
the O
links O
to O
Great I-LOC
Britain I-LOC
as O
being O
fundamental O
to O
Australian I-MISC
identity O
. O
The O
League I-ORG
has O
been O
accused O
of O
being O
associated O
with O
the O
now-defunct O
Australian I-ORG
National I-ORG
Socialist I-ORG
Party I-ORG
. O
Former O
Western I-MISC
Australian I-MISC
Labor I-ORG
, O
founder O
of O
the O
Australia I-ORG
First I-ORG
Party I-ORG
and O
later O
Nation I-ORG
member O
Graeme I-PER
Campbell I-PER
was O
associated O
with O
the O
League I-ORG
at O
the O
same O
time O
as O
he O
was O
a O
member O
of O
Nation I-ORG
and O
Australia I-ORG
First I-ORG
. O
Mr O
Campbell I-PER
stated O
that O
" O
Australia I-ORG
First I-ORG
has O
no O
association O
with O
the O
League I-ORG
. O
It O
's O
me O
with O
the O
association O
. O
" O
Former O
treasurer O
Peter I-PER
Costello I-PER
stated O
that O
Nation I-ORG
's O
policy O
of O
a O
state O
bank O
which O
would O
issue O
low-interest O
loans O
was O
directly O
taken O
from O
the O
, O
and O
that O
" O
the O
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
is O
driving O
its O
policy O
in O
relation O
to O
banking O
and O
money O
" O
The O
Australian I-MISC
branch O
of O
the O
B'nai I-ORG
B'rith I-ORG
Anti-Defamation I-ORG
Commission I-ORG
issued O
a O
press O
release O
that O
" O
The O
Co-founder O
of O
Australians I-ORG
Against I-ORG
Further I-ORG
Immigration I-ORG
( O
) O
, O
and O
Nation I-ORG
's O
Victorian I-MISC
leader O
Robyn I-PER
Spencer I-PER
has O
addressed O
numerous O
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
meetings O
as O
well O
as O
delivered O
a O
speech O
with O
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
, O
Advisory O
National O
Director O
Eric I-PER
Butler I-PER
. O
" O
is O
also O
allegedly O
associated O
with O
National I-ORG
Action I-ORG
In O
the O
1970s O
and O
early O
1980s O
, O
the O
League I-ORG
attempted O
to O
gain O
control O
of O
the O
National I-ORG
Party I-ORG
of I-ORG
Australia I-ORG
, O
encouraging O
members O
to O
join O
the O
party O
in O
sufficient O
numbers O
to O
take O
control O
, O
a O
tactic O
known O
as O
entryism O
. O
Doug I-PER
Anthony I-PER
led O
an O
effort O
to O
defend O
the O
Party O
from O
the O
League I-ORG
by O
recruiting O
people O
who O
would O
vote O
against O
them O
. O
After O
a O
long O
struggle O
over O
several O
years O
, O
the O
existing O
leadership O
prevailed O
. O
surprising O
consequence O
of O
this O
struggle O
was O
that O
the O
National I-ORG
Party I-ORG
, O
which O
got O
far O
fewer O
votes O
than O
either O
the O
Labor I-ORG
or O
Liberal I-ORG
parties O
, O
had O
more O
members O
. O
This O
fact O
became O
much O
more O
widely O
known O
than O
the O
reason O
for O
it O
, O
with O
both O
sides O
keeping O
the O
struggle O
out O
of O
the O
media O
. O
It O
has O
been O
associated O
with O
the O
now-defunct O
Zealand I-ORG
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
, O
the O
Canadian I-ORG
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
and O
through O
the O
British I-ORG
League I-ORG
of I-ORG
Rights I-ORG
also O
the O
John I-ORG
Birch I-ORG
Society I-ORG
in O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
. O
Critics O
have O
pointed O
to O
the O
past O
participation O
of O
the O
League I-ORG
in O
the O
former O
World I-ORG
Anti-Communist I-ORG
League I-ORG
alongside O
dictatorial O
regimes O
like O
that O
of O
Augusto I-PER
Pinochet I-PER
. O
( O
1946 O
) O
International I-MISC
Truth I-MISC
About I-MISC
the I-MISC
Protocols I-MISC
4 O
^ O
Harcourt I-PER
. O
( O
1972 O
) O
Everyone I-MISC
Wants I-MISC
Fuhrer I-MISC
National I-MISC
Socialism I-MISC
Australia I-MISC
and I-MISC
Zealand I-MISC
, O
p. O
115 O
) O
5 O
^ O
Campbell I-PER
( O
1978 O
) O
Australian I-MISC
League I-MISC
Rights I-MISC
study I-MISC
political I-MISC
extremism I-MISC
and I-MISC
subversion I-MISC
, O
Outback I-ORG
Press I-ORG
, O
Collingwood I-LOC
, O
p. O
170 O
Australian I-MISC
Melodrama I-MISC
is O
a O
compilation O
album O
by O
Triffids I-ORG
, O
released O
in O
1994 O
. O
The O
Ayalon I-LOC
Cave I-LOC
is O
a O
large O
underground O
limestone O
cave O
located O
near O
Ramla I-LOC
, O
Israel I-LOC
. O
The O
cave O
, O
300 O
feet O
deep O
, O
with O
its O
branch O
extends O
almost O
2.5 O
kilometres O
making O
it O
the O
second O
largest O
limestone O
cave O
in O
Israel I-LOC
. O
Researchers O
announced O
that O
they O
have O
so O
far O
discovered O
eight O
new O
species O
, O
all O
without O
eyes O
, O
including O
four O
crustacean O
species O
and O
four O
terrestrial O
species O
, O
previously O
unknown O
to O
science O
. O
They O
added O
that O
the O
crustaceans O
included O
two O
saltwater O
species O
and O
two O
freshwater O
species O
, O
indicating O
that O
this O
diversity O
might O
help O
better O
understand O
the O
water O
history O
of O
the O
region O
. O
The O
cave O
was O
first O
discovered O
when O
a O
small O
opening O
was O
discerned O
in O
a O
quarry O
near O
Ramla I-LOC
. O
According O
to O
Professor O
Amos I-PER
Frumkin I-PER
of O
the O
Hebrew I-ORG
University I-ORG
, O
the O
cave O
is O
unique O
in O
that O
a O
thick O
layer O
of O
chalk O
left O
it O
impermeable O
to O
water O
. O
The O
cave O
will O
remain O
closed O
to O
the O
public O
to O
allow O
scientific O
investigation O
to O
continue O
undisturbed O
. O
As O
the O
cave O
was O
completely O
cut O
off O
from O
the O
outside O
environment O
, O
it O
sustained O
an O
independent O
ecosystem O
; O
this O
ecosystem O
did O
not O
rely O
on O
sunlight O
and O
photosynthesis O
, O
or O
on O
organic O
compounds O
, O
for O
an O
energy O
source O
. O
Rather O
, O
energy O
was O
extracted O
by O
Chemoautotrophic O
bacteria O
, O
living O
in O
a O
film O
on O
top O
of O
the O
pool O
water O
. O
These O
bacteria O
produce O
energy O
by O
oxidizing O
the O
sulfide O
compounds O
in O
the O
water O
, O
and O
derive O
organic O
compounds O
using O
carbon O
dioxide O
from O
the O
air O
. O
These O
compounds O
form O
the O
basis O
of O
the O
cave O
's O
ecosystem O
. O
Baatsagaan I-LOC
is O
a O
sum O
( O
district O
) O
of O
Bayankhongor I-LOC
Province I-LOC
in O
southern O
Mongolia I-LOC
. O
The O
Badminton I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
honors O
players O
who O
have O
shown O
exceptional O
skill O
at O
badminton O
, O
all-time O
great O
coaches O
and O
referees O
, O
and O
other O
major O
contributors O
to O
the O
game O
. O
There O
is O
also O
a O
Badminton I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
and O
a O
Badminton I-ORG
Canada I-ORG
's I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
. O
The O
Inaugural O
Members O
were O
Colonel O
Dolby I-PER
, O
Sir O
George I-PER
Alan I-PER
Thomas I-PER
, O
Betty I-PER
Uber I-PER
and O
Herbert I-PER
Scheele I-PER
. O
The O
Badminton I-ORG
World I-ORG
Federation I-ORG
( O
) O
is O
the O
international O
governing O
body O
for O
the O
sport O
of O
badminton O
. O
Founded O
in O
1934 O
as O
the O
International I-ORG
Badminton I-ORG
Federation I-ORG
with O
nine O
member O
nations O
( O
Canada I-LOC
, O
Denmark I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
, O
France I-LOC
, O
Ireland I-LOC
, O
Netherlands I-LOC
, O
Zealand I-LOC
, O
Scotland I-LOC
and O
Wales I-LOC
) O
, O
the O
has O
since O
expanded O
to O
achieve O
international O
recognition O
. O
On O
September O
24 O
, O
2006 O
, O
at O
the O
Extraordinary O
General O
Meeting O
in O
Madrid I-LOC
, O
it O
was O
decided O
to O
adopt O
the O
new O
name O
Badminton I-ORG
World I-ORG
Federation I-ORG
( O
) O
. O
Its O
head O
office O
has O
been O
located O
in O
Cheltenham I-LOC
, O
since O
its O
founding O
, O
but O
on O
October O
1 O
, O
2005 O
, O
it O
is O
now O
located O
in O
Kuala I-LOC
Lumpur I-LOC
. O
Its O
current O
president O
is O
Kang I-PER
Young I-PER
Joong I-PER
. O
The O
bestows O
special O
honours O
onto O
players O
, O
umpires O
, O
sponsors O
and O
other O
individuals O
for O
their O
achievement O
in O
badminton O
or O
for O
their O
contributions O
to O
badminton O
. O
Bahus-Soubiran I-LOC
is O
a O
village O
and O
commune O
in O
the O
Landes I-LOC
département O
of O
south-westrn O
France I-LOC
. O
Bandarlapalle I-LOC
is O
a O
small O
village O
in O
the O
Palmaner I-LOC
Taluk I-LOC
of O
Chittoor I-LOC
District I-LOC
of O
Andhra I-LOC
Pradesh I-LOC
in O
India I-LOC
. O
The O
village O
is O
situated O
in O
the O
South O
East O
of O
Deccan I-LOC
Plateau I-LOC
. O
There O
are O
some O
places O
of O
historic O
significance O
around O
Bandarlapalle I-LOC
like O
Sitamma I-ORG
Konda I-ORG
and O
Ramakuppam I-ORG
. O
About O
ten O
miles O
from O
Bandarlapalle I-LOC
the O
Deccan I-LOC
Plateau I-LOC
ends O
in O
a O
dense O
forest O
range O
, O
sloping O
down O
into O
the O
plains O
of O
Tamilnadu I-LOC
. O
The O
villagers O
are O
mainly O
a O
farming O
community O
. O
Agriculture O
mainly O
depends O
on O
the O
seasonal O
monsoon O
rains O
, O
excessive O
rain O
water O
is O
stored O
in O
the O
two O
man O
made O
lakes O
, O
which O
is O
a O
feature O
of O
every O
village O
in O
the O
Deccan I-LOC
Plateau I-LOC
of O
south O
India I-LOC
. O
The O
main O
crops O
are O
Ragi O
, O
Rice O
, O
Groundnuts O
, O
Wheat O
and O
Pulses O
. O
People O
also O
get O
themselves O
involved O
in O
farming O
sheep O
and O
goat O
, O
which O
is O
the O
main O
profession O
of O
most O
Kuruba I-MISC
Gowdas I-MISC
who O
are O
a O
majority O
people O
in O
the O
village O
. O
Bandarlapalle I-LOC
was O
very O
backward O
and O
under O
developed O
until O
recently O
. O
However O
, O
since O
the O
last O
decade O
there O
has O
lot O
of O
developmental O
work O
taken O
place O
, O
with O
good O
roads O
, O
drinking O
water O
and O
schools O
being O
built O
. O
The O
major O
festival O
of O
the O
village O
is O
Sankranthi I-MISC
, O
the O
festival O
of O
harvest O
which O
is O
celebrated O
to O
thank O
the O
god O
almighty O
for O
the O
good O
harvest O
. O
The O
main O
attraction O
is O
the O
Bull O
race O
, O
which O
attracts O
people O
from O
surrounding O
towns O
and O
villages O
. O
The O
Bangladesh I-ORG
Scouts I-ORG
are O
the O
national O
Scouting O
organization O
of O
Bangladesh I-LOC
. O
Scouting O
was O
founded O
in O
Bangladesh I-LOC
as O
part O
of O
the O
British I-MISC
Indian I-MISC
branch O
of O
Scout I-ORG
Association I-ORG
, O
and O
continued O
as O
part O
of O
the O
Pakistan I-ORG
Scouts I-ORG
Association I-ORG
until O
the O
country O
's O
divided O
sections O
split O
in O
1971 O
during O
the O
Bangladesh I-MISC
Liberation I-MISC
. O
Following O
its O
independence O
, O
Bangladesh I-LOC
became O
an O
independent O
member O
of O
the O
World I-ORG
Organization I-ORG
of I-ORG
the I-ORG
Scout I-ORG
Movement I-ORG
in O
1974 O
. O
The O
organization O
has O
721,635 O
members O
as O
of O
2004 O
. O
During O
the O
Bangladesh I-MISC
Liberation I-MISC
, O
in O
April O
1971 O
, O
members O
of O
the O
Bangladesh I-ORG
Scout I-ORG
Association I-ORG
volunteered O
to O
carry O
the O
mail O
from O
the O
Bangladesh I-ORG
Army I-ORG
field O
post O
offices O
to O
the O
nearest O
Post O
Office O
in O
India I-LOC
. O
Scouting O
has O
grown O
over O
the O
years O
in O
the O
face O
of O
considerable O
difficulties O
. O
Scouts O
are O
involved O
in O
community O
service O
, O
major O
areas O
being O
agriculture O
, O
health O
and O
sanitation O
, O
child O
welfare O
, O
community O
development O
, O
construction O
and O
repair O
of O
low O
cost O
housing O
and O
sports O
. O
During O
national O
disasters O
, O
such O
as O
the O
many O
floods O
that O
strike O
Bangladesh I-LOC
, O
Scouts O
are O
called O
to O
help O
with O
flood O
control O
, O
relocation O
of O
citizens O
and O
organizing O
shelters O
. O
Membership O
is O
open O
to O
youth O
between O
6 O
and O
25 O
years O
of O
age O
, O
regardless O
of O
caste O
, O
creed O
or O
color O
. O
The O
Scouts O
receive O
strong O
support O
from O
the O
government O
, O
which O
recognized O
Scouting O
's O
value O
in O
citizenship O
training O
. O
1 O
. O
2 O
. O
3 O
. O
4 O
. O
5 O
. O
6 O
. O
7 O
. O
The O
Scout O
Motto O
is O
Sebar O
jannoa O
sada O
prastut O
thakte O
jathasadhya O
chesta O
kara O
, O
meaning O
" O
Do O
your O
best O
to O
be O
prepared O
for O
service O
. O
" O
The O
National I-LOC
Training I-LOC
Centre I-LOC
is O
at O
Mouchak I-LOC
, O
Gazipur I-LOC
. O
It O
includes O
a O
Scout O
Museum O
inaugurated O
in O
November O
2007 O
. O
In O
addition O
, O
there O
are O
American I-ORG
Scouts I-ORG
in O
Dhaka I-LOC
, O
linked O
to O
the O
Direct O
Service O
branch O
of O
the O
Scouts I-ORG
of I-ORG
America I-ORG
, O
which O
supports O
units O
around O
the O
world O
. O
Bank I-LOC
( O
also O
Sunnybower I-LOC
or O
Sunny I-LOC
Bower I-LOC
) O
is O
a O
suburb O
of O
Blackburn I-LOC
, O
Lancashire I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
located O
to O
the O
east O
of O
the O
town O
, O
north O
of O
Whitebirk I-LOC
and O
near O
the O
boundary O
with O
Hyndburn I-LOC
. O
The O
Battle I-MISC
Hulao I-MISC
( O
虎牢之戰 O
) O
of O
28 O
May O
621 O
, O
located O
just O
east O
of O
Luoyang I-LOC
, O
was O
a O
decisive O
victory O
for O
Shimin I-PER
, O
through O
which O
he O
was O
able O
to O
subdue O
two O
warlords O
, O
Jiande I-PER
and O
Wang I-PER
Shichong I-PER
. O
Shimin I-PER
led O
a O
siege O
on O
the O
city O
of O
Luoyang I-LOC
, O
head O
of O
the O
self-declared O
emperor O
Wang I-PER
Shichong I-PER
, O
who O
solicited O
help O
from O
Jiande I-PER
from O
the O
east O
. O
However O
, O
Jiande I-PER
delayed O
and O
when O
he O
finally O
arrived O
, O
Shimin I-PER
brought O
forces O
to O
meet O
the O
new O
threat O
. O
Shimin I-PER
's O
army O
avoided O
conflict O
until O
the O
troops O
of O
Jiande I-PER
were O
exhausted O
and O
then O
led O
a O
cavalry O
charge O
, O
effectively O
capturing O
Jiande I-PER
. O
Afterwards O
, O
Wang I-PER
Shichong I-PER
, O
seeing O
no O
other O
choice O
, O
surrendered O
Luoyang I-LOC
. O
Jiande I-PER
was O
later O
executed O
, O
resulting O
in O
some O
of O
his O
followers O
, O
led O
by O
Heita I-PER
, O
raising O
an O
unsuccessful O
rebellion O
against O
Tang I-PER
. O
The O
French I-MISC
Voulet-Chanoine I-ORG
Mission I-ORG
, O
led O
by O
the O
captains O
Paul I-PER
Voulet I-PER
and O
Julien I-PER
Chanoine I-PER
, O
had O
been O
dispatched O
in O
1898 O
to O
Africa I-LOC
by O
the O
French I-ORG
government I-ORG
with O
the O
mission O
to O
conquer O
the O
territories O
between O
the O
Niger I-LOC
River I-LOC
and O
Lake I-LOC
Chad I-LOC
and O
join O
in O
uniting O
French I-MISC
territories O
in O
West I-LOC
Africa I-LOC
. O
After O
leaving O
French I-LOC
Sudan I-LOC
in O
January O
1899 O
, O
they O
ruthlessly O
subjected O
the O
native O
peoples O
, O
meeting O
little O
resistance O
. O
One O
of O
the O
few O
to O
resist O
was O
the O
sorcerer O
queen O
Sarraounia I-PER
, O
ruler O
of O
the O
, O
a O
pagan O
people O
in O
a O
long O
Islamized I-MISC
region O
. O
Determinated O
to O
bar O
the O
expedition O
's O
road O
, O
Sarraounia I-PER
wrote O
to O
Voulet I-PER
a O
provocative O
letter O
full O
of O
insults O
; O
the O
French I-MISC
took O
up O
the O
challenge O
, O
and O
on O
April O
15 O
left O
the O
camp O
marching O
towards O
the O
villages O
of O
Lougou I-LOC
and O
Tougana I-LOC
, O
where O
Sarraounia I-PER
had O
concentrated O
her O
forces O
. O
The O
day O
after O
, O
at O
6:00 O
, O
started O
what O
Lt O
. O
Paul I-PER
Joalland I-PER
called O
" O
one O
of O
the O
hottest O
moment O
of O
the O
campaign O
" O
. O
The O
French I-MISC
found O
the O
enemy O
assembled O
on O
the O
field O
, O
while O
women O
and O
children O
had O
already O
retired O
themselves O
in O
a O
small O
thick O
and O
almost O
impenetrable O
bush O
where O
the O
defended O
themselves O
when O
facing O
a O
superior O
enemy O
. O
After O
the O
had O
started O
to O
sisperse O
under O
the O
French I-MISC
gunfire O
, O
their O
lines O
broke O
when O
hit O
by O
three O
grapeshot O
balls O
; O
the O
then O
retreated O
in O
the O
bush O
, O
where O
the O
thick O
foliage O
partly O
protected O
the O
natives O
from O
the O
gunfire O
. O
The O
French I-MISC
felt O
that O
if O
left O
there O
, O
the O
may O
attack O
them O
at O
night O
; O
so O
it O
was O
decideed O
to O
assault O
the O
bush O
, O
but O
being O
careful O
to O
leave O
a O
way O
of O
escape O
for O
the O
open O
, O
so O
to O
avoid O
a O
too O
deadly O
confrontation O
that O
could O
cost O
too O
much O
blood O
. O
The O
French I-MISC
met O
a O
strong O
resistance O
, O
killing O
2 O
riflemen O
and O
wounding O
4 O
, O
but O
were O
at O
the O
end O
successful O
and O
forced O
the O
to O
escape O
. O
The O
battle O
had O
protracted O
itself O
till O
13:00 O
, O
and O
among O
the O
French I-MISC
tirailleurs O
4 O
were O
killed O
and O
6 O
wounded O
, O
with O
7,000 O
cartridges O
consummed O
. O
The O
Battle I-MISC
Vilcapugio I-MISC
was O
fought O
on O
October O
1 O
, O
1813 O
during O
the O
Campaign I-MISC
in O
the O
Argentine I-MISC
Independence I-MISC
, O
where O
the O
pro-independence O
forces O
led O
by O
General O
Manuel I-PER
Belgrano I-PER
were O
defeated O
by O
the O
pro-Spanish I-MISC
Realists I-MISC
, O
led O
by O
Joaquin I-PER
de I-PER
la I-PER
Pazuela I-PER
. O
The O
Campaign O
was O
restarted O
upon O
the O
insistence O
of O
the O
government O
in O
Buenos I-LOC
Aires I-LOC
after O
the O
Army I-ORG
of I-ORG
the I-ORG
North I-ORG
's O
victories O
during O
the O
Battles I-MISC
Tucumán I-MISC
and O
Salta I-LOC
. O
Despite O
having O
malaria O
and O
having O
to O
command O
a O
company O
of O
new O
conscripts O
with O
insufficient O
artillery O
, O
Belgrano I-PER
accepted O
the O
commanding O
post O
. O
Belgrano I-PER
's O
army O
was O
supported O
by O
Colonel O
Baltasar I-PER
Cárdenas I-PER
and O
the O
2,000 O
poorly O
organized O
natives O
under O
his O
command O
, O
and O
Colonel O
Cornelio I-PER
Zelaya I-PER
with O
forces O
from O
Cochabamba I-LOC
. O
Both O
colonels O
had O
orders O
to O
incite O
rebellion O
amongst O
the O
indigenous O
populations O
who O
provided O
the O
realists O
with O
valuable O
information O
. O
Knowing O
that O
the O
realist O
army O
did O
not O
have O
enough O
mules O
to O
move O
its O
artillery O
and O
provisions O
, O
Belgrano I-PER
planned O
to O
use O
a O
pincer O
movement O
to O
attack O
, O
confidently O
believing O
that O
Pezuela I-PER
would O
not O
provide O
much O
resistance O
. O
At O
the O
end O
of O
September O
1813 O
, O
most O
of O
Belgrano I-PER
's O
army O
arrived O
in O
the O
prairie O
of O
Vilcapugio I-LOC
, O
which O
was O
a O
plateau O
surrounded O
by O
tall O
mountains O
to O
the O
north O
of O
Potosí I-LOC
. O
The O
realist O
troops O
were O
encamped O
at O
Condo-Condo I-LOC
under O
the O
orders O
of O
Pazuela I-PER
and O
Major O
Saturnino I-PER
Castro I-PER
, O
which O
allowed O
them O
to O
cut O
off O
Cárdenas I-PER
' O
troops O
and O
any O
communication O
between O
Belgrano I-PER
and O
the O
Cochabamban I-MISC
forces O
. O
Castro I-PER
also O
attained O
documents O
from O
Cárdenas I-PER
giving O
instructions O
to O
Belgrano I-PER
. O
With O
these O
documents O
Pazuela I-PER
was O
able O
to O
interrupt O
Belgrano I-PER
's O
plans O
and O
began O
his O
advance O
on O
the O
mountains O
on O
October O
1 O
. O
Belgrano I-PER
's O
army O
veterans O
from O
the O
North O
contained O
the O
left O
flank O
and O
center O
column O
of O
the O
realist O
army O
and O
forced O
them O
to O
back O
down O
until O
Pezuela I-PER
recognized O
he O
was O
losing O
the O
battle O
at O
Virrey I-LOC
de I-LOC
Lima I-LOC
; O
however O
, O
his O
own O
left O
flank O
remained O
in O
action O
and O
defeated O
Belgrano I-PER
's O
right O
column O
. O
The O
realist O
army O
reorganized O
itself O
and O
appropriated O
all O
of O
its O
artillery O
, O
continuously O
shelling O
the O
few O
soldiers O
left O
in O
Belgrano I-PER
's O
encampment O
. O
Belgrano I-PER
and O
Eustaquio I-PER
Díaz I-PER
Vélez I-PER
had O
decided O
that O
would O
be O
the O
one O
to O
go O
to O
Potosí I-LOC
to O
reunite O
with O
the O
dispersed O
troops O
. O
Díaz I-PER
Vélez I-PER
took O
command O
over O
the O
troops O
in O
Potosí I-LOC
after O
Vilcapugio I-PER
with O
the O
rest O
of O
the O
army O
on O
the O
left O
flank O
of O
the O
enemy O
. O
At O
this O
point O
the O
troops O
organized O
themselves O
to O
pursue O
the O
Campaign I-MISC
according O
the O
orders O
of O
the O
government O
of O
Buenos I-LOC
Aires I-LOC
. O
is O
the O
Francisco I-LOC
Area I-LOC
's O
main O
Science O
Fiction O
and O
Fantasy O
Convention O
. O
It O
is O
held O
over O
Memorial I-MISC
weekend O
in O
Jose I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
. O
is O
a O
large O
convention O
topping O
two O
thousand O
attendees O
over O
the O
last O
several O
years O
. O
The O
convention O
draws O
many O
attendees O
from O
throughout O
California I-LOC
and O
also O
as O
far O
away O
as O
Oregon I-LOC
, O
Washington I-LOC
, O
and O
Nevada I-LOC
. O
Some O
of O
the O
better O
known O
regular O
attendees O
include O
Howard I-PER
Hendrix I-PER
, O
Diana I-PER
Paxson I-PER
, O
Martindale I-PER
, O
and O
Irene I-PER
Radford I-PER
. O
Past O
Guests O
of O
Honor O
include O
Gene I-PER
Wolfe I-PER
, O
Frank I-PER
Kelly I-PER
Freas I-PER
, O
Mike I-PER
Jittlov I-PER
, O
James I-PER
Hogan I-PER
, O
Maitz I-PER
, O
Michael I-PER
Whelan I-PER
, O
Hermanos I-PER
Hernandez I-PER
, O
Widner I-PER
, O
Barry I-PER
Longyear I-PER
, O
Harry I-PER
Turtledove I-PER
, O
David I-PER
Brin I-PER
, O
Spider I-PER
and O
Jeanne I-PER
Robinson I-PER
, O
Harlan I-PER
Ellison I-PER
, O
Forrest I-PER
Ackerman I-PER
, O
Kent I-PER
Brewster I-PER
and O
Esther I-PER
Friesner I-PER
. O
Toastmasters O
have O
included O
Frank I-PER
Catalano I-PER
, O
Richard I-PER
Lupoff I-PER
, O
Frank I-PER
Robinson I-PER
, O
Raymond I-PER
Feist I-PER
and O
Laura I-PER
Brodian I-PER
Freas I-PER
. O
Co-founded O
by O
John I-PER
McLaughlin I-PER
and O
Randall I-PER
Cooper I-PER
, O
the O
first O
in O
its O
current O
existence O
as O
" O
Francisco I-MISC
Regional I-MISC
Science I-MISC
Fiction I-MISC
and I-MISC
Fantasy I-MISC
Convention I-MISC
" O
was O
held O
over O
Thanksgiving I-MISC
weekend O
in O
1982 O
. O
' O
83 O
was O
also O
held O
over O
Thanksgiving I-MISC
weekend O
. O
( O
The O
name O
was O
previously O
used O
by O
the O
1961 O
Westercon I-MISC
, O
1968 O
Worldcon I-MISC
, O
and O
a O
Francisco I-LOC
Area I-LOC
comics O
convention O
from O
1973-78 O
. O
) O
To O
avoid O
conflicts O
with O
Southern I-LOC
California I-LOC
's O
annual O
regional O
convention O
, O
, O
moved O
to O
Memorial I-MISC
weekend O
, O
skipping O
Thanksgiving I-MISC
in O
1984 O
. O
For O
most O
of O
its O
history O
, O
it O
was O
held O
at O
the O
Doubletree I-ORG
Hotel I-ORG
in O
Jose I-LOC
( O
formerly O
the O
Lion I-ORG
) O
. O
In O
2007 O
, O
it O
was O
held O
at O
the O
Mateo I-LOC
Marriott I-ORG
Hotel I-ORG
. O
From O
2008-2010 O
, O
it O
will O
be O
held O
at O
the O
Hyatt I-ORG
Regency I-ORG
Santa I-LOC
Clara I-LOC
and O
Santa I-LOC
Clara I-LOC
Convention I-LOC
Center I-LOC
in O
Santa I-LOC
Clara I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
. O
is O
a O
Specialist O
Group O
of O
the O
British I-ORG
Computer I-ORG
Society I-ORG
, O
with O
the O
aim O
of O
supporting O
women O
working O
and O
considering O
a O
career O
in O
Information O
Technology O
. O
The O
group O
has O
over O
500 O
members O
and O
an O
active O
mailing O
list O
. O
Activities O
include O
meetings O
, O
networking O
and O
mentoring O
. O
The O
chair O
is O
Dr O
Black I-PER
of O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Westminster I-ORG
. O
The O
is O
the O
benchmark O
stock O
market O
index O
of O
Euronext I-ORG
Brussels I-ORG
. O
In O
general O
, O
the O
index O
consists O
of O
a O
minimum O
of O
10 O
and O
a O
maximum O
of O
20 O
companies O
traded O
at O
the O
Brussels I-ORG
Stock I-ORG
Exchange I-ORG
. O
Since O
Nyrstar I-ORG
was O
promoted O
to O
the O
index O
on O
4 O
March O
2008 O
, O
the O
has O
contained O
a O
full O
20 O
listings O
. O
The O
composition O
of O
the O
index O
is O
reviewed O
annually O
based O
on O
closing O
prices O
at O
the O
end O
of O
the O
calendar O
year O
. O
These O
changes O
are O
effected O
on O
the O
first O
trading O
day O
of O
every O
March O
. O
In O
addition O
to O
meeting O
a O
set O
of O
criteria O
demanding O
a O
company O
be O
" O
representative O
of O
the O
Belgian I-MISC
equity O
market O
" O
, O
at O
least O
15% O
of O
its O
shares O
must O
be O
considered O
free O
float O
in O
order O
to O
qualify O
for O
the O
index O
. O
In O
addition O
, O
a O
candidate O
for O
inclusion O
must O
possess O
a O
free O
float O
market O
capitalisation O
( O
in O
Euros O
) O
of O
at O
least O
300000 O
times O
the O
price O
of O
the O
index O
on O
the O
last O
trading O
day O
of O
December O
. O
The O
minimum O
requirement O
for O
an O
existing O
constituent O
to O
remain O
in O
the O
index O
is O
a O
market O
cap O
of O
200000 O
times O
the O
index O
value O
. O
At O
each O
annual O
review O
, O
the O
weights O
of O
companies O
in O
the O
index O
are O
capped O
at O
15% O
, O
but O
range O
freely O
with O
share O
price O
subsequently O
. O
The O
is O
a O
market O
value-weighted O
index O
. O
Benjamin I-PER
Stoloff I-PER
( O
6 O
October O
1895 O
- O
8 O
September O
1960 O
) O
, O
best O
known O
as O
Stoloff I-PER
, O
was O
an O
American I-MISC
film O
director O
and O
producer O
. O
He O
began O
his O
career O
as O
a O
short O
film O
comedy O
director O
and O
gradually O
moved O
into O
feature O
film O
directing O
and O
production O
later O
in O
his O
career O
. O
Stoloff I-PER
was O
born O
in O
Philadelphia I-LOC
, O
Pennsylvania I-LOC
, O
. O
He O
died O
in O
Hollywood I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
. O
Benny I-PER
Boynton I-PER
( O
born O
December O
6 O
, O
1898 O
) O
was O
an O
American I-MISC
football O
player O
. O
He O
was O
elected O
to O
the O
College I-ORG
Football I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
in O
1962 O
. O
He O
played O
professionally O
for O
the O
Rochester I-ORG
Jeffersons I-ORG
and O
Buffalo I-ORG
Bisons I-ORG
Player I-PER
is O
the O
current O
2007 O
World O
Champion O
. O
He O
is O
known O
for O
his O
flawless O
bodyboarding O
style O
and O
massive O
charging O
. O
His O
victory O
came O
after O
placing O
second O
( O
narrowly O
being O
defeated O
by O
Damian I-PER
King I-PER
) O
in O
the O
2006 O
Pipeline I-MISC
final I-MISC
. O
He O
has O
finished O
# O
2 O
overall O
on O
the O
world O
bodyboarding O
tour O
several O
times O
. O
now O
also O
helps O
run O
Movement I-ORG
Bodyboarding I-ORG
Magazine I-ORG
. O
The O
Shark I-MISC
Island I-MISC
Challenge I-MISC
is O
Australia I-LOC
's O
richest O
bodyboarding O
competition O
, O
bankrolled O
to O
the O
tune O
of O
$120,000 O
. O
But O
as O
they O
say O
, O
money O
ca O
n't O
buy O
love O
-- O
or O
, O
as O
was O
the O
case O
in O
July O
2005 O
, O
wave O
action O
. O
When O
the O
month-long O
waiting O
period O
ran O
out O
without O
a O
hint O
of O
swell O
, O
organisers O
were O
forced O
to O
put O
the O
outcome O
in O
the O
hands O
of O
competitors O
. O
And O
so O
the O
first O
stop O
on O
the O
World I-MISC
Bodyboarding I-MISC
would O
be O
decided O
by O
a O
vote O
: O
either O
split O
the O
prize O
money O
and O
the O
championship O
points O
evenly O
between O
all O
competitors O
, O
or O
run O
the O
comp O
in O
the O
puny O
swell O
benignly O
flopping O
over O
a O
rock O
ledge O
usually O
famous O
for O
its O
forbidding O
risk O
to O
life O
and O
limb O
. O
" O
just O
thought O
, O
' O
You O
fools O
, O
this O
is O
what O
we O
do O
' O
, O
" O
says O
Player I-PER
, O
one O
of O
only O
two O
pro O
riders O
who O
voted O
to O
compete O
. O
At O
28 O
, O
he O
sensed O
his O
chances O
of O
ever O
winning O
a O
world O
title O
receding O
with O
each O
hand O
raised O
in O
opposition O
: O
he O
had O
fancied O
his O
chances O
at O
the O
infamous O
Island I-LOC
. O
Retreating O
to O
his O
car O
, O
he O
broke O
down O
and O
cried O
, O
angered O
and O
frustrated O
by O
his O
peers O
' O
reluctance O
to O
man O
up O
at O
a O
spot O
that O
has O
always O
rewarded O
the O
brave O
. O
He O
paddled O
out O
anyway O
, O
an O
overt O
display O
of O
defiance O
against O
the O
group O
's O
decision O
- O
albeit O
a O
failed O
one O
. O
" O
ended O
up O
cutting O
my O
hand O
pretty O
badly O
on O
the O
reef O
. O
It O
was O
n't O
rideable O
at O
all O
... O
" O
Six O
months O
later O
he O
was O
in O
Hawaii I-LOC
in O
January O
06 O
for O
the O
final O
stop O
on O
the O
world O
tour O
. O
The O
irony O
of O
that O
frigid O
afternoon O
in O
Cronulla I-LOC
did O
n't O
dawn O
on O
Player I-PER
as O
he O
paddled O
out O
in O
flawless O
, O
two-metre O
waves O
for O
the O
final O
of O
the O
Pipeline I-MISC
; O
he O
was O
too O
preoccupied O
with O
matters O
at O
hand O
. O
After O
further O
tour O
stops O
in O
Chile I-LOC
, O
Portugal I-LOC
and O
Maui O
, O
the O
two O
riders O
left O
in O
the O
hunt O
for O
the O
2006 O
crown O
were O
the O
same O
pair O
who O
had O
voted O
in O
favour O
of O
going O
ahead O
at O
Shark I-LOC
Island I-LOC
- O
Player I-PER
and O
Queenslander I-MISC
Mitchell I-PER
Rawlins I-PER
. O
With O
Rawlins I-PER
knocked O
out O
in O
the O
quarters O
, O
needed O
to O
place O
at O
least O
second O
in O
the O
final O
to O
realise O
his O
dream O
of O
becoming O
world O
champ O
. O
His O
surfing O
in O
that O
30-minute O
final O
was O
truly O
world O
class O
, O
combining O
clean O
barrels O
with O
solid O
boosts O
. O
opened O
up O
a O
lead O
early O
that O
he O
would O
hold O
on O
to O
through O
to O
the O
siren O
. O
Not O
just O
the O
master O
of O
Pipeline I-MISC
, O
but O
champion O
of O
the O
world O
... O
Then O
, O
further O
controversy O
. O
In O
the O
hazy O
, O
backlit O
conditions O
of O
the O
late O
afternoon O
, O
it O
was O
revealed O
that O
the O
judges O
had O
confused O
the O
riders O
, O
awarding O
Player I-PER
the O
points O
for O
a O
ride O
his O
opponent O
had O
made O
. O
Scores O
were O
hastily O
revised O
, O
then O
the O
gutting O
news O
: O
Player I-PER
had O
been O
relegated O
to O
runner-up O
, O
just O
moments O
before O
he O
was O
due O
to O
be O
presented O
with O
the O
Pipeline I-MISC
trophy I-MISC
. O
The O
confusion O
soured O
the O
occasion O
. O
But O
Player I-PER
was O
bodyboarding O
's O
newest O
world O
champion O
. O
This O
month O
Player I-PER
returns O
to O
Hawaii I-LOC
to O
defend O
his O
title O
. O
No O
such O
contest O
debacles O
this O
year O
, O
which O
means O
Player I-PER
is O
more O
ambitious O
than O
ever O
to O
win O
it O
clean O
. O
And O
again O
it O
will O
all O
come O
down O
to O
Pipeline I-MISC
, O
where O
his O
performances O
every O
winter O
since O
he O
first O
arrived O
as O
a O
wiry O
16-year-old O
have O
made O
him O
a O
stand O
out O
, O
no O
matter O
what O
surfcraft O
you O
favour O
, O
as O
even O
the O
greatest O
surfer O
on O
the O
planet O
will O
attest O
. O
" O
gets O
a O
fair O
share O
of O
respect O
from O
the O
crew O
there O
, O
" O
says O
Kelly I-PER
Slater I-PER
. O
" O
He O
does O
n't O
really O
say O
all O
that O
much O
but O
seems O
to O
get O
the O
job O
done O
right O
. O
He O
has O
a O
good O
eye O
for O
how O
to O
ride O
a O
wave O
. O
great O
surfer O
is O
a O
great O
surfer O
, O
no O
matter O
what O
they O
ride O
. O
" O
That O
wiry O
frame O
has O
filled O
out O
during O
the O
13 O
seasons O
he O
's O
spent O
hassling O
for O
waves O
amongst O
the O
hungry O
pack O
of O
board O
riders O
who O
converge O
on O
the O
famous O
stretch O
of O
sand O
every O
northern O
winter O
. O
He O
shares O
physical O
traits O
with O
his O
brother O
Toby I-PER
, O
also O
a O
pro O
bodyboarder O
and O
half O
the O
reason O
why O
the O
name O
Player I-PER
has O
been O
tattooed O
on O
everything O
bodyboarding O
since O
the O
sport O
's O
boom O
days O
of O
the O
mid-1990s O
. O
" O
You O
ca O
n't O
help O
but O
be O
competitive O
with O
your O
brother O
, O
" O
says O
of O
their O
early O
years O
riding O
the O
wedging O
peaks O
of O
Whale I-LOC
Beach I-LOC
, O
on O
Sydney I-LOC
's O
northern O
beaches O
. O
As O
the O
younger O
sibling O
, O
was O
constantly O
surfing O
with O
guys O
his O
senior O
, O
something O
he O
feels O
refined O
his O
talent O
and O
drive O
. O
" O
The O
fact O
Toby I-PER
was O
more O
popular O
than O
me O
just O
made O
me O
even O
more O
competitive O
. O
" O
In O
fact O
Player I-PER
's O
biography O
reflects O
the O
twists O
and O
turns O
of O
the O
phenomenal O
growth O
of O
this O
comparatively O
new O
sport O
. O
Player I-PER
won O
Australian I-MISC
titles O
as O
a O
cadet O
( O
under-16s O
) O
and O
as O
a O
pro O
in O
2000 O
, O
part O
of O
the O
new O
generation O
that O
reshaped O
bodyboarding O
in O
Australia I-LOC
. O
This O
crew O
put O
new O
emphasis O
on O
style O
and O
fluidity O
in O
big O
moves O
and O
heavy O
situations O
, O
keeping O
their O
bodies O
and O
legs O
tight O
and O
in O
control O
through O
monstrous O
airs O
, O
milking O
power O
out O
of O
the O
pocket O
of O
the O
wave O
-- O
the O
bowl O
that O
forms O
in O
front O
of O
the O
barrelling O
section O
. O
His O
progressive O
riding O
and O
surfer-good O
looks O
made O
him O
the O
complete O
package O
, O
but O
at O
24 O
, O
when O
he O
might O
have O
been O
cashing O
in O
, O
his O
seat O
at O
the O
head O
of O
bodyboarding O
's O
table O
was O
kicked O
out O
from O
under O
him O
. O
At O
the O
start O
of O
the O
new O
millennium O
, O
surf O
brands O
began O
pulling O
out O
of O
bodyboarding O
. O
" O
Three O
years O
ago O
lost O
both O
sponsors O
on O
the O
same O
day O
. O
[ O
Surfwear O
label O
] O
Quiksilver I-ORG
totally O
pulled O
out O
of O
bodyboarding O
and O
the O
company O
distributing O
Morey I-ORG
boards O
went O
bankrupt O
, O
so O
of O
course O
my O
contract O
went O
bust O
. O
Basically O
lost O
$85,000 O
for O
that O
year O
and O
$35,000 O
that O
was O
owed O
to O
me O
, O
" O
says O
Player I-PER
. O
Player I-PER
pinpoints O
Mike I-PER
Stewart I-PER
-- O
the O
undisputed O
guru O
of O
bodyboarding O
who O
had O
pioneered O
the O
sport O
-- O
for O
kick-starting O
an O
era O
of O
self-reliance O
and O
self-belief O
, O
backed O
by O
his O
call O
to O
" O
support O
those O
who O
support O
bodyboarding O
" O
. O
kind O
of O
evangelistic O
patriotism O
swept O
through O
the O
sport O
. O
First O
came O
the O
launch O
of O
bodyboard-specific O
clothing O
brands O
, O
then O
wetsuits O
and O
accessories O
. O
Now O
bodyboarding O
specific O
stores O
have O
opened O
to O
cater O
for O
the O
newly O
independent O
industry O
. O
" O
The O
sport O
is O
in O
a O
much O
better O
position O
now O
, O
" O
Player I-PER
will O
tell O
you O
. O
" O
It O
's O
still O
growing O
, O
but O
with O
the O
money O
remaining O
in O
bodyboarding O
. O
" O
The O
thought O
of O
quitting O
never O
entered O
his O
head O
. O
" O
It O
was O
more O
a O
question O
of O
' O
How O
am O
going O
to O
make O
ends O
meet O
? O
" O
He O
'd O
always O
harboured O
a O
creative O
streak O
, O
was O
an O
avid O
scribe O
within O
the O
sport O
and O
a O
self-taught O
graphic O
designer O
... O
The O
answer O
seems O
obvious O
now O
: O
Player I-PER
pooled O
the O
last O
of O
his O
savings O
with O
a O
couple O
of O
friends O
and O
launched O
a O
magazine O
. O
" O
The O
only O
other O
bodyboarding O
magazine O
on O
the O
market O
was O
aimed O
at O
a O
young O
teenage O
audience O
, O
and O
here O
was O
20-something O
and O
could O
n't O
relate O
. O
wanted O
to O
make O
something O
could O
show O
people O
and O
say O
, O
' O
Hey O
, O
this O
is O
what O
do O
. O
' O
" O
For O
the O
first O
two O
years O
Player I-PER
sold O
advertising O
for O
the O
mag O
, O
which O
was O
named O
Movement I-ORG
. O
It O
now O
employs O
four O
people O
( O
yes O
, O
including O
this O
author O
) O
. O
Player I-PER
's O
been O
able O
to O
step O
away O
from O
the O
day-to-day O
business O
, O
but O
the O
magazine O
is O
a O
venture O
that O
will O
keep O
him O
firmly O
rooted O
in O
the O
sport O
. O
It O
has O
even O
re-energised O
his O
passion O
for O
the O
sport O
. O
" O
The O
more O
worked O
on O
Movement I-ORG
the O
more O
stoked O
became O
on O
bodyboarding O
again O
. O
" O
As O
the O
street O
cred O
of O
bodyboarding O
evolved O
, O
so O
did O
the O
dynamics O
of O
the O
sport O
. O
Bodyboarders O
now O
seek O
out O
the O
sort O
of O
aquatic O
slabs O
breaking O
in O
shallow O
water O
that O
stand-up O
surfers O
leave O
alone O
. O
" O
On O
a O
bodyboard O
you O
can O
handle O
much O
steeper O
situations O
. O
Being O
prone O
means O
you O
can O
ride O
over O
very O
shallow O
, O
ledging O
reefs O
, O
sometimes O
just O
inches O
deep O
, O
where O
you O
wo O
n't O
get O
knocked O
off O
by O
steps O
in O
the O
wave O
. O
" O
This O
extreme O
element O
comes O
with O
heavy O
consequences O
. O
During O
a O
contest O
in O
Tahiti I-LOC
a O
few O
years O
ago O
, O
Player I-PER
pulled O
into O
a O
barrel O
that O
shut O
down O
on O
him O
. O
When O
he O
finally O
came O
up O
for O
air O
, O
he O
was O
bleeding O
from O
both O
ears O
from O
the O
sheer O
pressure O
exerted O
by O
the O
imploding O
wave O
. O
" O
think O
surfing O
actually O
embraces O
bodyboarding O
much O
more O
now O
, O
because O
it O
's O
not O
really O
seen O
as O
competition O
-- O
we O
're O
something O
totally O
different O
, O
" O
he O
says O
. O
" O
We O
're O
surfing O
our O
own O
waves O
and O
we O
've O
got O
our O
own O
industry O
. O
" O
The O
revamped O
world O
tour O
now O
showcases O
the O
sport O
at O
surf O
breaks O
that O
suit O
the O
craft O
. O
Shark I-LOC
Island I-LOC
is O
one O
of O
the O
best O
examples O
of O
this O
, O
the O
shallow O
rock O
bottom O
creating O
a O
warping O
barrel O
with O
an O
ideal O
end O
section O
which O
allows O
them O
to O
launch O
into O
aerial O
manoeuvres O
. O
The O
contest O
site O
in O
Chile I-LOC
is O
similar O
, O
though O
a O
true O
peak O
that O
barrels O
both O
ways O
. O
Then O
there O
is O
Hawaii I-LOC
's O
Pipeline I-LOC
, O
the O
ideal O
of O
perfection O
whether O
you O
're O
standing O
up O
or O
lying O
down O
. O
Portugal I-LOC
is O
the O
exception O
on O
the O
tour O
, O
a O
playful O
beach O
break O
, O
but O
it O
retains O
its O
status O
on O
the O
tour O
due O
to O
the O
carnival O
atmosphere O
that O
the O
sport O
attracts O
in O
Europe I-LOC
, O
as O
well O
as O
in O
South I-LOC
America I-LOC
. O
In O
Australia I-LOC
, O
the O
majority O
of O
top O
pros O
tend O
to O
remain O
nameless O
outside O
the O
sport O
's O
domain O
; O
in O
Europe I-LOC
they O
are O
feted O
like O
rock O
gods O
, O
mobbed O
by O
adoring O
fans O
wherever O
they O
go O
. O
The O
organisers O
of O
the O
world O
tour O
-- O
now O
chaired O
by O
Mr O
Bodyboarding O
himself O
, O
Mike I-PER
Stewart I-PER
-- O
say O
they O
are O
n't O
done O
yet O
with O
their O
expansion O
, O
but O
they O
're O
certainly O
got O
the O
sport O
on O
its O
feet O
... O
so O
to O
speak O
. O
But O
for O
now O
the O
eyes O
of O
the O
bodyboarding O
world O
are O
again O
squinting O
out O
towards O
the O
chunk O
of O
lava O
that O
lies O
submerged O
off O
the O
North I-LOC
Shore I-LOC
of O
Oahu I-LOC
. O
Mixed O
results O
on O
tour O
this O
year O
have O
Player I-PER
trailing O
on O
points O
in O
the O
race O
for O
the O
championship O
title O
, O
but O
he O
's O
been O
in O
Hawaii I-LOC
for O
two O
months O
honing O
his O
act O
in O
preparation O
for O
his O
world O
title O
defence O
in O
mid-to-late O
January O
. O
If O
the O
waves O
stay O
away O
and O
the O
top O
pros O
had O
to O
vote O
their O
champion O
in O
, O
you O
could O
count O
on O
Player I-PER
power O
winning O
the O
day O
. O
Bilje I-LOC
is O
a O
village O
and O
municipality O
on O
the O
outskirts O
of O
nature O
park O
Kopački I-LOC
in O
the O
region O
of O
Baranja I-LOC
, O
Osijek-Baranja I-LOC
County I-LOC
, O
Croatia I-LOC
, O
situated O
8 O
km O
northeast O
of O
Osijek I-LOC
. O
Its O
name O
derived O
from O
the O
Slavic I-MISC
word O
" O
bilje O
" O
( O
" O
herb O
" O
in O
English I-MISC
) O
. O
Chief O
occupations O
among O
the O
population O
are O
farming O
, O
livestock O
breeding O
and O
food O
processing O
( O
a O
mill O
) O
. O
The O
manor O
with O
the O
park O
represents O
the O
major O
tourist O
attraction O
; O
the O
park O
is O
protected O
as O
a O
horticultural O
monument O
. O
The O
neighbouring O
village O
of O
Mece I-LOC
is O
the O
centre O
of O
one O
of O
the O
oldest O
industrial-agricultural O
cooperative O
farms O
in O
Europe I-LOC
Belje I-LOC
. O
Kopački I-LOC
, O
situated O
at O
the O
confluence O
of O
the O
Drava I-LOC
and O
the O
Danube I-LOC
, O
the O
unique O
preserved O
wetland O
area O
in O
this O
part O
of O
Europe I-LOC
is O
not O
far O
from O
Mece I-LOC
. O
The O
area O
surrounding O
Kopački I-LOC
offers O
rich O
hunting O
grounds O
for O
high O
game O
( O
deer O
in O
particular O
) O
and O
equally O
opulent O
fishing O
grounds O
. O
Bilka I-ORG
is O
a O
Danish I-MISC
chain O
of O
hypermarkets O
. O
The O
first O
store O
opened O
in O
1970 O
in O
Tilst I-LOC
, O
a O
suburb O
of O
Aarhus I-LOC
. O
The O
chain O
was O
founded O
by O
Herman I-PER
Salling I-PER
, O
but O
is O
now O
a O
part O
of O
Dansk I-ORG
Supermarked I-ORG
. O
The O
name O
Bilka I-ORG
is O
believed O
by O
many O
to O
be O
a O
mix O
of O
the O
German I-MISC
Billiges O
Kaufhaus O
( O
low-price O
department O
store O
) O
, O
which O
its O
founder O
, O
Herman I-PER
Salling I-PER
had O
encountered O
during O
his O
business O
trips O
to O
West I-LOC
Germany I-LOC
. O
However O
, O
Herman I-PER
Salling I-PER
has O
himself O
stated O
that O
Bilka I-ORG
is O
a O
combination O
of O
the O
words O
bil O
( O
car O
) O
and O
ka O
( O
can O
) O
, O
referring O
to O
the O
car O
accessibility O
to O
the O
stores O
. O
William I-PER
James I-PER
Atessis I-PER
was O
born O
July O
16 O
, O
1949 O
, O
in O
Houston I-LOC
, O
Texas I-LOC
and O
is O
a O
former O
American I-MISC
football O
player O
who O
played O
on O
two O
national O
championship O
teams O
at O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Texas I-ORG
. O
One O
of O
the O
most O
honored O
and O
productive O
defensive O
ends O
in O
history O
, O
he O
was O
a O
three-year O
starter O
and O
was O
second-team O
All-America O
as O
a O
junior O
who O
was O
a O
consensus O
All-American O
as O
a O
senior O
. O
He O
currently O
resides O
in O
Phoenix I-LOC
, O
Arizona I-LOC
. O
Attended O
James I-ORG
High I-ORG
School I-ORG
, O
in O
Houston I-LOC
. O
Graduated O
in O
1967 O
. O
He O
was O
a O
Texas I-LOC
All-State O
tackle O
in O
1966 O
Atessis I-PER
was O
the O
state O
's O
number O
one O
lineman O
in O
the O
recruiting O
class O
of O
1967 O
. O
He O
was O
an O
all-around O
athlete O
who O
excelled O
in O
football O
, O
baseball O
, O
and O
basketball O
. O
He O
was O
inducted O
to O
the O
Texas I-ORG
High I-ORG
School I-ORG
Sports I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
in O
1995 O
. O
In O
1996 O
was O
named O
as O
one O
of O
the O
best O
lineman O
in O
the O
history O
of O
Texas I-LOC
high O
school O
football O
, O
ranking O
second O
on O
the O
Houston I-ORG
Chronicle I-ORG
list O
. O
Atessis I-PER
was O
a O
member O
of O
teams O
which O
set O
school O
record O
30-game O
winning O
streak O
that O
currently O
stands O
as O
the O
twelfth-longest O
in O
history O
and O
was O
a O
three-year O
letterman O
and O
three O
year O
starter O
at O
left O
defensive O
end O
. O
Including O
two O
years O
as O
a O
starter O
on O
the O
back-to-back O
National O
Champion O
Texas I-ORG
Longhorns I-ORG
teams O
of O
1969 O
and O
1970 O
. O
Was O
voted O
Longhorn I-MISC
Defensive I-MISC
by O
the O
Dallas I-ORG
Morning I-ORG
News I-ORG
and O
Houston I-ORG
Post I-ORG
both O
in O
1969 O
and O
1970 O
. O
The O
Longhorns I-ORG
also O
won O
three O
consecutive O
Southwest I-ORG
Conference I-ORG
championships O
and O
appeared O
in O
three O
consecutive O
Cotton I-MISC
games O
, O
winning O
two O
during O
that O
time O
. O
Was O
a O
consensus O
1st O
Team O
All-American O
in O
1970 O
and O
was O
second O
team O
All-American O
in O
1969 O
. O
in O
1970 O
he O
was O
voted O
Southwest I-MISC
Conference I-MISC
Co-Lineman I-MISC
the I-MISC
( O
with O
Arkansas I-LOC
All-American O
Defensive O
end O
, O
Dick I-PER
Bumpas I-PER
) O
. O
Consensus O
choice O
in O
1969 O
and O
1970 O
Also O
was O
a O
finalist O
for O
Outland I-MISC
Trophy I-MISC
and O
finished O
fifth O
in O
the O
voting O
for O
the O
Lineman I-MISC
the I-MISC
, O
both O
in O
1970 O
. O
Played O
in O
the O
Senior I-MISC
in O
Mobile I-LOC
, O
Alabama I-LOC
, O
in O
January O
1971 O
. O
Is O
a O
member O
, O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Texas I-ORG
's I-ORG
Athletics I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Honor I-ORG
, O
being O
voted O
in O
in O
2001 O
. O
Texas I-LOC
Coach O
Darrell I-PER
Royal I-PER
called O
him O
a O
, O
" O
Super O
player O
, O
who O
has O
n't O
played O
a O
bad O
game O
in O
three O
years O
. O
" O
Played O
in O
the O
Coaches I-MISC
All-America I-MISC
in O
Lubbock I-LOC
, O
Texas I-LOC
, O
June O
28 O
, O
1971 O
. O
Singled O
out O
for O
his O
" O
tremendous O
game O
" O
by O
the O
Odessa I-ORG
American I-ORG
as O
worthy O
of O
the O
player O
of O
the O
game O
award O
Played O
in O
what O
has O
been O
called O
" O
The O
Game O
of O
the O
Century O
" O
between O
# O
1 O
Texas I-LOC
and O
# O
2 O
Arkansas I-LOC
on O
December O
6 O
, O
1970 O
, O
with O
the O
Longhorns I-ORG
winning O
15-14 O
. O
In O
2005 O
was O
named O
to O
the O
All-Time O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Texas I-ORG
team O
by O
the O
Austin I-ORG
American-Statesman I-ORG
and O
was O
named O
to O
the O
River I-ORG
Rivalry I-ORG
All-time I-ORG
team I-ORG
by O
the O
Fort I-ORG
Worth I-ORG
Star-Telegram I-ORG
, O
also O
in O
2005 O
. O
In O
2006 O
he O
was O
named O
number O
16 O
on O
a O
list O
of O
the O
50 O
best O
names O
in O
Texas I-ORG
Longhorn I-ORG
history O
Was O
highly O
regarded O
after O
a O
stellar O
collegiate O
career O
. O
Was O
drafted O
by O
the O
Champion O
Baltimore I-ORG
Colts I-ORG
. O
Was O
injured O
in O
training O
camp O
and O
released O
in O
mid-season O
. O
Played O
defensive O
end O
for O
the O
Patriots I-ORG
in O
1971 O
. O
Asked O
to O
drop O
weight O
and O
move O
to O
outside O
linebacker O
, O
a O
position O
he O
had O
never O
played O
. O
Left O
camp O
in O
July O
1972 O
, O
and O
was O
dealt O
to O
the O
Louis I-ORG
Cardinals I-ORG
. O
Was O
moved O
to O
offensive O
line O
there O
and O
asked O
to O
gain O
back O
the O
weight O
he O
lost O
to O
play O
linebacker O
. O
Was O
injured O
again O
and O
released O
by O
Cards I-ORG
. O
Signed O
as O
a O
defensive O
tackle O
by O
the O
Jets I-ORG
for O
the O
1973 O
season O
yet O
was O
cut O
in O
training O
camp O
. O
saga O
of O
an O
All-American O
William I-PER
Mailes I-PER
Cowboy I-PER
Cowley I-PER
( O
born O
June O
12 O
, O
1912 O
in O
Bristol I-LOC
, O
Quebec I-LOC
- O
died O
December O
31 O
, O
1993 O
) O
was O
a O
Canadian I-MISC
professional O
hockey O
center O
who O
played O
13 O
seasons O
in O
the O
National I-ORG
Hockey I-ORG
League I-ORG
for O
the O
Louis I-ORG
Eagles I-ORG
and O
Boston I-ORG
Bruins I-ORG
. O
After O
a O
few O
seasons O
of O
senior O
league O
play O
in O
Ottawa I-LOC
and O
Halifax I-LOC
, O
Cowley I-PER
broke O
in O
as O
a O
rookie O
with O
the O
Louis I-ORG
Eagles I-ORG
in O
1933-34 O
. O
After O
the O
season O
, O
the O
franchise O
was O
terminated O
and O
Ross I-PER
, O
the O
general O
manager O
of O
the O
Bruins I-ORG
, O
selected O
him O
in O
the O
subsequent O
dispersal O
draft O
. O
In O
Boston I-LOC
he O
would O
become O
a O
star O
, O
leading O
the O
league O
in O
assists O
in O
1939 O
( O
despite O
missing O
twelve O
games O
with O
injuries O
) O
, O
1941 O
and O
1943 O
, O
and O
helping O
to O
lead O
the O
Bruins I-ORG
to O
two O
Stanley I-MISC
in O
1938-1939 O
and O
1941 O
. O
While O
World I-MISC
ravaged O
the O
Bruins I-ORG
' O
powerful O
roster O
thereafter O
-- O
Boston I-LOC
would O
not O
win O
another O
Cup O
during O
his O
career O
-- O
Cowley I-PER
was O
the O
team O
's O
sole O
remaining O
star O
. O
Frequently O
injured O
, O
he O
was O
on O
track O
to O
shatter O
the O
league O
record O
for O
scoring O
in O
1944 I-PER
when O
another O
injury O
ended O
his O
season O
two O
points O
short O
. O
Cowley I-PER
finished O
his O
career O
with O
195 O
goals O
and O
353 O
assists O
for O
548 O
points O
in O
549 O
games O
. O
At O
the O
time O
of O
his O
retirement O
in O
1947 O
, O
he O
was O
the O
's O
all-time O
leading O
point O
scorer O
, O
and O
the O
last O
active O
player O
from O
the O
Louis I-ORG
Eagles I-ORG
roster O
. O
After O
his O
career O
, O
Cowley I-PER
went O
on O
to O
coach O
in O
the O
Ottawa I-LOC
senior O
leagues O
and O
the O
Vancouver I-ORG
Canucks I-ORG
of O
the O
. O
He O
also O
helped O
found O
the O
Ottawa I-ORG
67s I-ORG
as O
a O
part-owner O
in O
1967 O
. O
He O
was O
inducted O
into O
the O
Hockey I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
in O
1968 O
. O
In O
1998 O
, O
he O
was O
ranked O
number O
53 O
on O
Hockey I-ORG
News I-ORG
list O
of O
the O
100 O
Greatest O
Hockey O
Players O
. O
Bishop I-ORG
Garrigan I-ORG
High I-ORG
School I-ORG
is O
a O
private O
, O
Roman I-MISC
Catholic I-MISC
high O
school O
in O
Algona I-LOC
, O
Iowa I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
located O
in O
the O
Roman I-ORG
Catholic I-ORG
Diocese I-ORG
of O
Sioux I-LOC
City I-LOC
. O
The O
school O
is O
named O
after O
Bishop O
Phillip I-PER
Joseph I-PER
Garrigan I-PER
, O
the O
2nd O
Bishop O
of O
the O
Diocese I-LOC
of I-LOC
Sioux I-LOC
City I-LOC
. O
The O
school O
was O
opened O
in O
1959 O
to O
serve O
as O
a O
regional O
high O
school O
for O
5 O
parishes O
. O
Winds I-MISC
Dancing I-MISC
( O
1938 O
) O
is O
by O
Whitecloud I-PER
. O
The O
story O
stands O
out O
in O
contemporary O
literature O
for O
its O
acceptance O
, O
lyrical O
prose O
, O
vivid O
imagery O
, O
and O
social O
observations O
. O
Winds I-MISC
Dancing I-MISC
is O
the O
story O
of O
a O
young O
native O
American I-MISC
trapped O
living O
between O
two O
worlds O
, O
as O
a O
college O
and O
a O
part O
of O
contemporary O
" O
white O
" O
society O
, O
as O
well O
as O
an O
Indian I-MISC
, O
a O
member O
of O
an O
ancient O
society O
. O
The O
Boilerhouse I-ORG
Boys I-ORG
is O
the O
stage O
name O
of O
the O
duo O
Wolff I-PER
and O
Andy I-PER
Dean I-PER
, O
British I-MISC
record O
producers O
, O
remixers O
, O
, O
songwriters O
, O
and O
soundtrack O
composers O
. O
Bontnewydd I-LOC
is O
an O
unstaffed O
halt O
on O
the O
narrow O
gauge O
Welsh I-LOC
Highland I-LOC
Railway I-LOC
. O
The O
halt O
was O
opened O
in O
February O
1999 O
on O
the O
petition O
of O
the O
villagers O
of O
Bontnewydd I-LOC
and O
is O
between O
Caernarfon I-LOC
and O
Dinas I-LOC
on O
the O
Eifion I-LOC
cycle O
route O
. O
The O
train O
services O
are O
operated O
by O
the O
Ffestiniog I-ORG
Railway I-ORG
Company I-ORG
. O
Boultham I-LOC
is O
a O
village O
in O
Lincolnshire I-LOC
, O
England I-LOC
. O
The O
Brain I-ORG
Injury I-ORG
Rehabilitation I-ORG
Trust I-ORG
( O
) O
is O
a O
provider O
of O
specialist O
brain O
injury O
rehabilitation O
in O
the O
. O
They O
support O
people O
to O
regain O
lost O
skills O
and O
independence O
and O
rebuild O
their O
lives O
following O
acquired O
brain O
injury O
, O
caused O
typically O
by O
road O
accident O
, O
assault O
, O
stroke O
or O
disease O
. O
They O
offer O
a O
range O
of O
services O
to O
meet O
the O
needs O
of O
people O
at O
different O
stages O
of O
rehabilitation O
- O
including O
assessment O
, O
intensive O
rehabilitation O
, O
continuing O
rehabilitation O
, O
and O
community-based O
support O
. O
is O
a O
division O
of O
Disabilities I-ORG
Trust I-ORG
, O
which O
provides O
services O
to O
people O
with O
physical O
impairments O
, O
autism O
and O
learning O
disabilities O
, O
as O
well O
as O
brain O
injury O
. O
Brampton I-ORG
City I-ORG
Council I-ORG
is O
the O
governing O
body O
for O
the O
City I-LOC
of I-LOC
Brampton I-LOC
, O
Ontario I-LOC
. O
It O
consists O
of O
the O
Mayor O
of O
Brampton I-LOC
, O
currently O
Susan I-PER
Fennell I-PER
, O
five O
elected O
regional O
councillors O
and O
five O
elected O
city O
councillors O
. O
Each O
councillor O
represents O
two O
city O
wards O
. O
Listed O
as O
regional O
councillor O
, O
city O
councillor O
Brandhorst I-LOC
is O
a O
municipality O
in O
the O
southeast O
area O
of O
the O
district O
Wittenberg I-LOC
in O
Saxony-Anhalt I-LOC
, O
Germany I-LOC
. O
The O
municipality O
is O
a O
part O
of O
the O
administrative O
municipality O
of O
Wörlitze I-LOC
Winkel I-LOC
, O
which O
has O
a O
seat O
in O
the O
city O
of O
Oranienbau I-LOC
. O
Brensbach I-LOC
is O
a O
municipality O
in O
the O
Odenwaldkreis I-LOC
district O
, O
in O
Hesse I-LOC
, O
Germany I-LOC
. O
It O
connected O
with O
the O
Portland I-LOC
and I-LOC
Ogdensburg I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
( O
later O
Maine I-LOC
Central I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
Mountain I-LOC
Division I-LOC
) O
from O
Portland I-LOC
, O
Maine I-LOC
, O
to O
Johnsbury I-LOC
, O
Vermont I-LOC
, O
near O
the O
town O
of O
Hiram I-LOC
on O
the O
Saco I-LOC
River I-LOC
. O
design O
was O
based O
on O
experience O
of O
the O
Sandy I-LOC
River I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
. O
Hinkley I-ORG
Locomotive I-ORG
Works I-ORG
modified O
their O
2-foot O
gauge O
Forney O
design O
to O
run O
boiler O
first O
with O
an O
extended O
frame O
similar O
to O
that O
installed O
on O
Sandy I-LOC
River I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
# O
1 O
following O
a O
wreck O
in O
early O
1882 O
. O
The O
successful O
design O
of O
the O
Bridgton I-MISC
Hinkleys I-MISC
was O
subsequently O
repeated O
for O
the O
Monson I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
and O
the O
Franklin I-LOC
and I-LOC
Megantic I-LOC
Railway I-LOC
. O
Construction O
began O
in O
1882 O
, O
and O
trains O
were O
running O
to O
Bridgton I-LOC
by O
early O
1883 O
. O
used O
early O
profits O
to O
replace O
wooden O
trestles O
with O
earthen O
fills O
. O
14-foot O
granite O
masonry O
arch O
was O
constructed O
over O
Hancock I-LOC
Brook I-LOC
in O
1895 O
. O
track O
was O
extended O
to O
Harrison I-LOC
with O
35 O
# O
steel O
rails O
in O
1898 O
. O
Trestles O
on O
the O
Harrison I-LOC
extension O
had O
been O
replaced O
by O
earthen O
fills O
and O
plate O
girder O
bridges O
by O
1906 O
. O
Original O
Hinkley I-ORG
locomotives O
# O
1-2 O
were O
replaced O
by O
# O
5-6 O
of O
an O
improved O
design O
with O
pilot O
wheels O
. O
then O
replaced O
the O
original O
30 O
# O
steel O
rails O
from O
Bridgton I-LOC
Junction I-LOC
to O
Bridgton I-LOC
with O
48 O
# O
and O
50 O
# O
steel O
rails O
from O
1907 I-LOC
to O
1910 I-LOC
before O
Maine I-LOC
Central I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
secured O
control O
of O
the O
in O
1912 O
. O
Under O
Maine I-LOC
Central I-LOC
operation O
, O
there O
were O
4 O
mixed O
train O
round O
trips O
daily O
from O
Harrison I-LOC
to O
Bridgton I-LOC
Junction I-LOC
and O
return O
. O
The O
first O
left O
Harrison I-LOC
at O
5:15 O
and O
the O
last O
returned O
to O
Harrison I-LOC
at O
8:45 O
. O
Train O
speed O
seldom O
exceeded O
20 O
miles O
per O
hour O
. O
Two O
passenger O
train O
sets O
were O
required O
for O
this O
service O
. O
The O
first O
consisted O
of O
baggage O
# O
10 O
, O
# O
25 O
, O
and O
one O
or O
two O
coaches O
. O
couple O
of O
bench O
seats O
at O
one O
end O
of O
baggage-RPO O
# O
11 O
provided O
smoking O
accommodation O
for O
the O
second O
train O
set O
. O
Freight O
traffic O
in O
1913 O
was O
18% O
outbound O
lumber O
, O
15% O
outbound O
pulpwood O
, O
15% O
inbound O
coal O
, O
11% O
outbound O
apples O
and O
canned O
corn O
, O
11% O
manufactured O
goods O
, O
10% O
feed O
& O
grain O
, O
10% O
express O
, O
and O
2% O
inbound O
petroleum O
products O
. O
Locomotive O
# O
8 O
was O
the O
last O
locomotive O
built O
for O
the O
Maine I-LOC
2-foot O
gauge O
railways O
. O
Bond O
interest O
went O
unpaid O
in O
1926 O
, O
and O
the O
town O
of O
Bridgton I-LOC
began O
a O
15-year O
effort O
to O
preserve O
their O
railroad O
. O
The O
was O
reorganized O
as O
the O
Bridgton I-LOC
and O
Harrison I-LOC
; O
but O
the O
extension O
to O
Harrison I-LOC
was O
dismantled O
after O
locomotive O
# O
8 O
tipped O
over O
when O
the O
35 O
# O
rails O
sagged O
in O
1930 O
. O
Locomotive O
# O
8 O
was O
the O
heaviest O
locomotive O
on O
any O
2-foot O
gauge O
railway O
in O
Maine I-LOC
. O
became O
a O
tourist O
attraction O
as O
the O
last O
2-foot O
gauge O
railroad O
offering O
passenger O
service O
in O
the O
late O
1930 O
's O
. O
Operation O
ceased O
in O
September O
1941 O
. O
The O
rolling O
stock O
was O
preserved O
when O
the O
rails O
were O
converted O
to O
scrap O
metal O
as O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
prepared O
for O
World I-MISC
. O
The O
rolling O
stock O
was O
moved O
to O
Massachusetts I-LOC
for O
another O
half-century O
of O
operation O
on O
the O
Edaville I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
after O
the O
war O
. O
There O
are O
still O
signs O
of O
the O
evident O
in O
a O
few O
places O
if O
one O
searches O
carefully O
for O
them O
. O
Milepost O
0 O
: O
Bridgton I-LOC
Junction I-LOC
- O
Interchange O
yard O
with O
the O
Portland I-LOC
and I-LOC
Ogdensburg I-LOC
( O
later O
Maine I-LOC
Central I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
Mountain I-LOC
Division I-LOC
. O
) O
Agent O
's O
station O
shared O
with O
Maine I-LOC
Central I-LOC
Railroad I-LOC
. O
had O
6 O
northbound O
spurs O
plus O
a O
turntable O
with O
a O
single-stall O
enginehouse O
. O
The O
freight O
house O
spur O
was O
dual O
gauge O
, O
and O
there O
was O
a O
second O
dual O
gauge O
spur O
for O
loading O
and O
unloading O
narrow O
gauge-equipment O
on O
standard-gauge O
cars O
. O
There O
was O
no O
runaround O
track O
; O
so O
southbound O
locomotives O
uncoupled O
their O
train O
on O
the O
main O
line O
, O
moved O
into O
the O
yard O
, O
threw O
a O
turnout O
, O
and O
let O
their O
train O
roll O
past O
them O
into O
the O
yard O
by O
gravity O
to O
avoid O
being O
trapped O
at O
the O
end O
of O
the O
spur O
. O
Milepost O
0.8 O
: O
Scribner O
's O
- O
southbound O
spur O
. O
Milepost O
1 O
: O
granite O
masonry O
arch O
over O
Hancock I-LOC
Brook I-LOC
. O
Milepost O
1.2 O
: O
Small O
's O
Milepost O
2.0 O
: O
Rankin I-LOC
's I-LOC
Mill I-LOC
- O
small O
flag O
stop O
passenger O
shelter O
. O
Milepost O
2.7 O
: O
Mullen O
Siding O
- O
northbound O
spur O
. O
Milepost O
3 O
: O
Summit O
- O
highest O
point O
on O
the O
railroad O
. O
Milepost O
4 O
: O
Fill O
over O
the O
north O
end O
of O
Barker I-LOC
pond I-LOC
with O
granite O
masonry O
abutments O
for O
a O
short O
timber O
stringer O
span O
on O
the O
boundary O
between O
Hiram I-LOC
and O
the O
town O
of O
Sebago I-LOC
. O
Milepost O
4.4 O
: O
Twin I-LOC
Lake I-LOC
- O
small O
flag O
stop O
passenger O
shelter O
. O
Milepost O
5.4 O
: O
Gravel O
Pit O
- O
northbound O
spur O
. O
Milepost O
7 O
: O
The O
Notch O
- O
a O
rock O
cut O
. O
Milepost O
7.2 O
: O
West I-LOC
Sebago I-LOC
- O
southbound O
spur O
with O
small O
flag O
stop O
passenger O
shelter O
. O
Milepost O
7.5 O
: O
Water O
Tank O
Siding O
- O
passing O
siding O
adjacent O
to O
Hancock I-LOC
Pond I-LOC
. O
The O
main O
line O
ran O
between O
Hancock I-LOC
Pond I-LOC
and O
superintendent O
Joseph I-PER
Bennett I-PER
's O
lakeside O
cottage O
a O
short O
distance O
south O
of O
the O
covered O
water O
tank O
. O
Milepost O
9.0 O
: O
Perley I-LOC
's I-LOC
Mills I-LOC
- O
southbound O
spur O
with O
small O
flag O
stop O
passenger O
shelter O
. O
Milepost O
10.5 O
: O
Ingall I-LOC
's I-LOC
Road I-LOC
- O
southbound O
spur O
with O
small O
flag O
stop O
passenger O
shelter O
. O
Milepost O
11.3 O
: O
Kennett O
's O
- O
southbound O
spur O
. O
Milepost O
12.1 O
: O
South I-LOC
Bridgton I-LOC
- O
southbound O
spur O
with O
small O
flag O
stop O
passenger O
shelter O
. O
Milepost O
13 O
: O
high O
fill O
with O
granite O
masonry O
abutments O
for O
a O
short O
timber O
stringer O
span O
over O
Willett I-LOC
Brook I-LOC
. O
Milepost O
13.5 O
: O
Sandy I-LOC
Creek I-LOC
- O
agent O
's O
station O
with O
passing O
siding O
serving O
a O
sawmill O
. O
Milepost O
15.8 O
: O
Bridgton I-LOC
- O
had O
the O
largest O
population O
of O
any O
village O
served O
by O
the O
Maine I-LOC
2-foot O
gauge O
railroads O
. O
The O
yard O
was O
on O
the O
stub O
of O
a O
wye O
with O
branches O
to O
Harrison I-LOC
and O
Bridgton I-LOC
Junction I-LOC
. O
There O
were O
2 O
storage O
sidings O
and O
4 O
spurs O
serving O
the O
agent O
's O
station O
, O
a O
separate O
freight O
house O
, O
a O
team O
track O
, O
an O
oil O
distributor O
, O
a O
grain O
store O
, O
the O
shop O
, O
and O
a O
turntable O
with O
a O
4-stall O
enginehouse O
. O
Milepost O
15.9 O
: O
Farmers O
Market O
- O
two O
northbound O
spurs O
( O
one O
was O
a O
coal O
trestle O
. O
) O
Milepost O
16.4 O
: O
Forest O
Mills O
-- O
passing O
siding O
with O
a O
northbound O
coal O
trestle O
spur O
. O
Milepost O
19.5 O
: O
North I-LOC
Bridgton I-LOC
- O
agent O
's O
station O
with O
passing O
siding O
serving O
a O
separate O
freight O
house O
. O
Milepost O
20.7 O
: O
Harrison I-LOC
- O
agent O
's O
station O
with O
a O
passing O
siding O
and O
several O
southbound O
spurs O
serving O
a O
freight O
house O
, O
a O
cannery O
, O
a O
grain O
store O
, O
a O
2-track O
car O
shed O
, O
and O
a O
turntable O
with O
a O
single-stall O
enginehouse O
. O
Baggage O
car O
# O
10 O
later O
renumbered O
# O
31 O
Baggage O
car O
# O
11 O
later O
renumbered O
# O
30 O
Coach O
# O
18 O
purchased O
from O
Wiscasset I-LOC
Waterville I-LOC
and I-LOC
Farmington I-LOC
Railway I-LOC
in O
1911 O
. O
# O
25 O
was O
badly O
damaged O
in O
a O
collision O
with O
locomotive O
# O
7 O
in O
the O
Bridgton I-LOC
yard O
about O
1927 O
. O
The O
larger O
smoking O
compartment O
was O
rebuilt O
to O
carry O
express O
with O
a O
single O
baggage O
door O
on O
only O
one O
side O
of O
the O
car O
; O
and O
the O
smaller O
compartment O
was O
rebuilt O
with O
a O
few O
seats O
to O
carry O
passengers O
. O
The O
car O
was O
sold O
for O
use O
as O
a O
restaurant O
in O
1935 O
. O
The O
appearance O
of O
locomotive O
# O
7 O
was O
permanently O
changed O
by O
replacement O
of O
a O
smaller O
number O
plate O
on O
the O
front O
of O
the O
boiler O
. O
Flat O
cars O
# O
2-13 O
were O
the O
largest O
flat O
cars O
on O
any O
2-foot O
gauge O
railway O
in O
Maine I-LOC
. O
Flat O
car O
# O
21 O
was O
fitted O
with O
a O
3,000 O
gallon O
oil O
tank O
for O
the O
Standard I-ORG
Company I-ORG
of O
York I-LOC
in O
1920 O
. O
The O
tank O
was O
later O
transferred O
to O
flat O
car O
# O
14 O
when O
# O
21 O
was O
scrapped O
. O
Flat O
car O
# O
22 O
was O
fitted O
with O
a O
2,500 O
gallon O
oil O
tank O
for O
the O
Standard I-ORG
Company I-ORG
in O
1901 O
. O
Cars O
# O
22 O
and O
# O
21/14 O
were O
the O
only O
2-foot O
gauge O
tank O
cars O
in O
Maine I-LOC
. O
Flat O
cars O
# O
35 O
, O
38 O
, O
and O
41-42 O
were O
rebuilt O
by O
to O
a O
length O
of O
28 O
feet O
when O
they O
required O
repairs O
. O
Flat O
car O
# O
40 O
was O
rebuilt O
as O
a O
flanger O
. O
Box O
cars O
# O
56-58 O
had O
two O
small O
hinged O
doors O
on O
either O
side O
which O
could O
be O
opened O
as O
windows O
when O
transporting O
livestock O
. O
Box O
cars O
# O
59-62 O
were O
the O
first O
30-foot O
freight O
cars O
built O
for O
any O
2-foot O
gauge O
railroad O
in O
Maine I-LOC
. O
Box O
cars O
# O
71-73 O
were O
the O
largest O
box O
cars O
on O
any O
2-foot O
gauge O
railway O
in O
Maine I-LOC
. O
The O
British I-ORG
Columbia I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
of I-ORG
Technology I-ORG
( O
) O
is O
an O
institute O
of O
technology O
in O
Burnaby I-LOC
, O
British I-LOC
Columbia I-LOC
. O
It O
provides O
full O
- O
and O
part-time O
polytechnic O
education O
leading O
to O
certificates O
, O
diplomas O
, O
bachelor O
's O
degrees O
and O
master O
's O
degrees O
in O
technologies O
and O
trades O
. O
Dr. O
Verna I-PER
Magee-Shepherd I-PER
is O
Acting O
President O
of O
the O
Institute O
. O
Dr. O
Wright I-PER
will O
join O
as O
President O
in O
March O
, O
2008 O
. O
In O
addition O
to O
the O
main O
Burnaby I-LOC
campus O
, O
it O
has O
a O
campus O
in O
downtown O
Vancouver I-LOC
, O
a O
marine O
campus O
in O
North I-LOC
Vancouver I-LOC
, O
an O
aerospace O
and O
technology O
campus O
in O
Richmond I-LOC
, O
and O
a O
number O
of O
small O
satellite O
campuses O
. O
It O
is O
also O
a O
partner O
in O
the O
Masters O
of O
Digital O
Media O
program O
run O
by O
Great I-ORG
Northern I-ORG
Campus I-ORG
, O
and O
rents O
training O
space O
there O
with O
several O
other O
institutions O
. O
provides O
the O
majority O
of O
apprenticeship O
training O
in O
the O
province O
of O
British I-LOC
Columbia I-LOC
. O
Approximately O
16,000 O
full-time O
and O
40,000 O
part-time O
students O
enroll O
each O
year O
, O
with O
over O
100,000 O
alumni O
. O
has O
over O
1,400 O
full-time O
faculty O
and O
staff O
and O
more O
than O
600 O
part-time O
faculty O
and O
staff O
. O
has O
six O
Schools O
providing O
full-time O
and O
part-time O
studies O
in O
a O
variety O
of O
subjects O
. O
also O
has O
a O
Technology O
Centre O
which O
undertakes O
and O
coordinates O
applied O
research O
, O
and O
provides O
technology O
transfer O
and O
commercialization O
assistance O
. O
William I-PER
Herbert I-PER
Buckshot I-PER
( O
December O
13 O
, O
1899 O
-- O
March O
15 O
, O
1984 O
) O
was O
a O
Major I-ORG
League I-ORG
Baseball I-ORG
pitcher O
who O
appeared O
in O
one O
game O
for O
the O
Pittsburgh I-ORG
Pirates I-ORG
in O
1924 O
. O
The O
24-year-old O
right-hander O
stood O
6 O
' O
2 O
" O
and O
weighed O
169 O
lbs O
. O
On O
May O
9 O
, O
1924 O
, O
came O
in O
to O
pitch O
the O
top O
of O
the O
9th O
inning O
in O
a O
home O
game O
against O
the O
Boston I-ORG
Braves I-ORG
at O
Forbes I-LOC
Field I-LOC
. O
He O
pitched O
a O
scoreless O
inning O
, O
with O
one O
strikeout O
, O
but O
the O
Pirates I-ORG
lost O
10-7 O
. O
His O
lifetime O
stands O
at O
0.00 O
. O
His O
manager O
was O
future O
Hall O
of O
Famer O
Bill I-PER
McKechnie I-PER
. O
Other O
notable O
teammates O
who O
would O
one O
day O
be O
members O
of O
the O
Baseball I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
of I-ORG
Fame I-ORG
were O
Carey I-PER
, O
Kiki I-PER
Cuyler I-PER
, O
Rabbit I-PER
Maranville I-PER
, O
and O
Traynor I-PER
. O
died O
in O
his O
hometown O
of O
Bakersfield I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
at O
the O
age O
of O
84 O
. O
Bullocks I-MISC
is O
an O
episode O
of O
the O
animated O
television O
show O
American I-MISC
. O
At O
the O
fair O
, O
Hayley I-PER
gets O
into O
an O
argument O
with O
Director O
Avery I-PER
Bullock I-PER
. O
Stan I-PER
believes O
that O
this O
will O
destroy O
his O
chance O
for O
a O
promotion O
. O
The O
next O
morning O
, O
Stan I-PER
arrives O
at O
Bullock I-PER
's O
house O
after O
running O
some O
errands O
for O
him O
, O
but O
discovers O
that O
Bullock I-PER
slept O
with O
Hayley I-PER
. O
Stan I-PER
is O
against O
it O
at O
first O
; O
however O
, O
Bullock I-PER
says O
that O
he O
can O
get O
the O
promotion O
he O
wanted O
. O
Francine I-PER
is O
against O
the O
relationship O
and O
Stan I-PER
tries O
to O
make O
a O
man O
out O
of O
Hayley I-PER
's O
ex-boyfriend O
Jeff I-PER
( O
whom O
Hayley I-PER
broke-up O
with O
because O
he O
agrees O
on O
everything O
) O
. O
Jeff I-PER
and O
Hayley I-PER
get O
back O
together O
, O
and O
Hayley I-PER
breaks-up O
with O
Bullock I-PER
. O
Bullock I-PER
then O
tells O
Stan I-PER
to O
kill O
Jeff I-PER
, O
and O
when O
they O
go O
to O
the O
woods O
to O
do O
it O
, O
Jeff I-PER
gets O
away O
with O
Stan I-PER
's O
. O
At O
a O
diner O
, O
Bullock I-PER
calls O
Hayley I-PER
a O
slut O
, O
which O
offends O
Stan I-PER
, O
and O
the O
two O
men O
get O
into O
a O
lengthy O
fist-fight O
( O
with O
some O
audio-commentary O
from O
Klaus I-PER
) O
. O
Bullock I-PER
then O
claims O
that O
this O
was O
all O
a O
test O
to O
see O
if O
Stan I-PER
would O
stand O
up O
for O
his O
nation O
and O
family O
( O
though O
this O
seems O
not O
to O
be O
the O
case O
) O
, O
stating O
he O
will O
give O
him O
the O
promotion O
. O
Meanwhile O
, O
Steve I-PER
finds O
Dick I-PER
Cheney I-PER
's O
BlackBerry I-MISC
, O
which O
contains O
information O
on O
the O
secret O
White I-LOC
House I-LOC
bunker O
, O
Halliburton I-ORG
bunker O
and O
Satan I-MISC
( O
as O
well O
as O
phone O
numbers O
to O
various O
politicians O
such O
as O
Tony I-PER
Blair I-PER
) O
. O
Steve I-PER
and O
Roger I-PER
begin O
making O
prank O
calls O
to O
the O
world O
leaders O
, O
but O
then O
they O
all O
* O
69 O
the O
two O
. O
This O
is O
a O
blow O
to O
Patrick I-PER
Stewart I-PER
's O
character O
of O
Captain O
Jean-Luc I-PER
Picard I-PER
; O
Bullock I-PER
is O
voiced O
by O
Patrick I-PER
Stewart I-PER
. O
However O
, O
Seth I-PER
MacFarlane I-PER
and O
crew O
believe O
Picard I-PER
was O
a O
far O
better O
captain O
of O
the O
starship O
Enterprise I-MISC
. O
Anderson I-LOC
Park I-LOC
is O
a O
public O
park O
on O
Seattle I-LOC
, O
Washington I-LOC
's O
Capitol I-LOC
Hill I-LOC
that O
includes O
Lincoln I-LOC
Reservoir I-LOC
and O
Bobby I-LOC
Morris I-LOC
Playfield I-LOC
. O
The O
north O
end O
of O
the O
open O
park O
features O
a O
large O
mountain-shaped O
water O
fountain O
feeding O
a O
shallow O
texture O
pool O
, O
a O
reflecting O
pool O
, O
and O
a O
wading O
pool O
. O
The O
south O
end O
features O
the O
lighted O
Bobby I-LOC
Morris I-LOC
Playfield I-LOC
. O
The O
wading O
pool O
operates O
in O
the O
summer O
months O
from O
12 O
noon O
to O
7 O
p.m O
. O
Lincoln I-LOC
Reservoir I-LOC
was O
begun O
in O
1889 O
and O
completed O
in O
1901 O
. O
parcel O
just O
south O
of O
it O
was O
named O
Lincoln I-LOC
Park I-LOC
the O
same O
year O
. O
In O
1908 O
it O
was O
developed O
as O
a O
playfield O
, O
and O
in O
1922 O
its O
name O
was O
changed O
to O
Broadway I-LOC
Playfield I-LOC
so O
as O
not O
to O
duplicate O
the O
name O
of O
the O
new O
Lincoln I-LOC
Park I-LOC
in O
West I-LOC
Seattle I-LOC
. O
The O
playfield O
was O
named O
after O
Bobby I-PER
Morris I-PER
, O
former O
King I-LOC
County I-LOC
, O
Washington I-LOC
auditor O
, O
in O
1980 O
. O
Meanwhile O
, O
the O
area O
around O
the O
reservoir O
had O
come O
to O
be O
known O
as O
Lincoln I-LOC
Reservoir I-LOC
Park I-LOC
. O
On O
April O
10 O
, O
2003 O
, O
the O
entire O
area O
was O
designated O
Anderson I-LOC
Park I-LOC
after O
Washington I-LOC
's O
first O
openly O
gay O
state O
legislator O
. O
Anderson I-PER
had O
died O
in O
1995 O
of O
. O
Rebuilding O
of O
the O
reservoir O
to O
convert O
it O
from O
open-air O
to O
covered O
started O
in O
April O
2003 O
and O
lasted O
through O
summer O
2005 O
. O
The O
north O
west O
corner O
of O
Anderson I-LOC
Park I-LOC
( O
at O
the O
corner O
of O
East I-LOC
Denny I-LOC
and O
Nagle I-LOC
Place I-LOC
) O
is O
designated O
to O
contain O
an O
entrance O
to O
the O
underground O
Capitol I-LOC
Hill I-LOC
Station I-LOC
of O
Sound I-LOC
Transit I-LOC
's O
Link I-LOC
Light I-LOC
Rail I-LOC
. O
is O
a O
major O
Brazilian I-MISC
manufacturer O
of O
bicycles O
and O
bicycle O
equipment O
, O
based O
in O
Paulo I-LOC
. O
Caloi I-ORG
was O
founded O
in O
1898 O
by O
Italian I-MISC
immigrant O
Luigi I-PER
Caloi I-PER
and O
his O
brother-in-law O
, O
Agenor I-PER
Poletti I-PER
. O
In O
the O
1960s O
, O
Caloi I-ORG
achieved O
some O
popularity O
producing O
folding O
bicycles O
. O
In O
1972 O
, O
Caloi I-ORG
introduced O
the O
Caloi I-MISC
, O
which O
became O
a O
cultural O
landmark O
and O
established O
the O
name O
Caloi I-ORG
in O
Brazil I-LOC
. O
In O
1990 O
Caloi I-ORG
started O
the O
operations O
of O
its O
subsidiary O
in O
Jacksonville I-LOC
, O
Florida I-LOC
. O
Caloi I-ORG
was O
directed O
by O
the O
Caloi I-PER
family O
from O
1898 O
to O
1999 O
. O
When O
Luigi I-PER
Caloi I-PER
died O
in O
1924 O
, O
the O
company O
changed O
its O
name O
from O
Casa I-ORG
Luiz I-ORG
Caloi I-ORG
( O
portuguese O
for O
House I-ORG
of I-ORG
Luiz I-ORG
Caloi I-ORG
) O
to O
Casa I-ORG
Irmãos I-ORG
Caloi I-ORG
( O
portuguese O
for O
Houseof I-ORG
Caloi I-ORG
Brothers I-ORG
) O
, O
directed O
by O
Luigi I-PER
's O
sons O
Guido I-PER
, O
Henrique I-PER
and O
José I-PER
Pedro I-PER
. O
In O
1928 O
, O
Henrique I-PER
and O
José I-PER
Pedr I-PER
left O
the O
company O
, O
and O
Caloi I-ORG
was O
directed O
by O
Guido I-PER
Caloi I-PER
alone O
. O
In O
1948 O
, O
the O
company O
changed O
its O
name O
to O
Indústria I-ORG
Comércio I-ORG
de I-ORG
Bicicletas I-ORG
Caloi I-ORG
. O
Guido I-PER
died O
in O
1955 O
, O
and O
the O
company O
was O
directed O
by O
his O
son O
Bruno I-PER
Caloi I-PER
until O
1999 O
. O
In O
1999 O
, O
the O
Caloi I-PER
family O
sold O
the O
majority O
of O
Caloi I-ORG
's O
voting O
shares O
to O
Edson I-PER
Musa I-PER
. O
Bruno I-PER
Caloi I-PER
, O
who O
was O
the O
president O
of O
the O
( O
the O
Brazilian I-ORG
Cycling I-ORG
Confederation I-ORG
) O
for O
many O
years O
, O
died O
in O
October O
, O
2006 O
. O
Caloi I-ORG
currently O
manufactures O
a O
broad O
range O
of O
bicycles O
, O
including O
Mountain O
Bikes O
, O
Comfort O
Bikes O
, O
and O
Racing O
Bicycles O
. O
" O
Cancer I-MISC
for I-MISC
the I-MISC
" O
is O
a O
single O
released O
by O
American I-MISC
rock O
band O
, O
Eels I-ORG
. O
This O
tracks O
comes O
off O
their O
1998 O
album O
, O
Electro-Shock I-MISC
Blues I-MISC
. O
It O
also O
features O
in O
the O
soundtrack O
to O
the O
1999 O
film O
, O
American I-MISC
Beauty I-MISC
. O
Candace I-PER
Savage I-PER
( O
born O
1949 O
) O
is O
a O
Canadian I-MISC
writer O
. O
Born O
in O
Peace I-LOC
River I-LOC
country O
in O
Alberta I-LOC
, O
she O
attended O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Alberta I-ORG
. O
frequent O
contributor O
numerous O
periodicals O
, O
including O
Canadian I-ORG
Geographic I-ORG
, O
a O
selection O
of O
her O
magazine O
articles O
was O
colleted O
in O
Curious I-MISC
Nature I-MISC
( O
2005 O
) O
. O
Savage I-PER
lives O
in O
Saskatchewan I-LOC
. O
Candie I-PER
Payne I-PER
( O
born O
1983 O
) O
is O
an O
English I-MISC
singer-songwriter O
from O
Liverpool I-LOC
, O
signed O
as O
a O
solo O
artist O
to O
Deltasonic I-ORG
. O
She O
is O
the O
sister O
of O
Howie I-PER
Payne I-PER
, O
the O
frontman O
of O
now O
defunct O
band O
Stands I-ORG
and O
Sean I-PER
Payne I-PER
, O
the O
drummer O
of O
Zutons I-ORG
. O
Payne I-PER
sings O
60s-inspired O
pop O
. O
Soul O
singers O
Minnie I-PER
Riperton I-PER
and O
Roberta I-PER
Flack I-PER
are O
among O
her O
influences O
. O
" O
She O
insists O
on O
' O
a O
clean O
sound O
' O
, O
has O
banned O
backing O
vocals O
and O
says O
her O
pet O
hate O
is O
' O
over-singing O
' O
. O
" O
The O
capture O
gun O
, O
also O
called O
a O
dart O
gun O
, O
is O
an O
invention O
which O
was O
refined O
by O
a O
team O
headed O
by O
Dr O
Tony I-PER
Pooley I-PER
and O
Dr O
Toni I-PER
Harthoorn I-PER
in O
Kenya I-LOC
in O
the O
early O
1960 O
's O
. O
Since O
then O
it O
has O
become O
the O
standard O
tool O
for O
capture O
of O
large O
and O
medium-sized O
animals O
to O
transport O
them O
safely O
. O
The O
original O
piston-operated O
medium-bore O
gun O
fired O
a O
tranquilizer O
dart O
which O
is O
a O
syringe O
which O
was O
loaded O
with O
a O
dose O
of O
barbiturate O
and O
/ O
or O
other O
drugs O
, O
backed O
by O
a O
ball O
bearing O
which O
was O
separated O
from O
the O
drug O
mix O
with O
a O
wadding O
. O
On O
impact O
with O
the O
animal O
the O
inertial O
momentum O
of O
the O
balls O
injects O
the O
drug O
into O
the O
animal O
, O
causing O
torpor O
and O
prostration O
within O
minutes O
. O
Because O
of O
the O
power O
of O
the O
drugs O
the O
handlers O
then O
have O
to O
move O
quickly O
to O
secure O
the O
animal O
for O
transport O
, O
monitor O
its O
vital O
signs O
, O
protect O
its O
eyes O
and O
ears O
, O
and O
then O
inject O
reversing O
drugs O
when O
needed O
. O
Many O
large O
animals O
are O
acutely O
sensitive O
to O
stress O
and O
can O
easily O
die O
without O
careful O
treatment O
. O
One O
major O
discovery O
by O
Dr O
Harthoorn I-PER
's O
team O
was O
that O
different O
species O
, O
despite O
being O
of O
roughly O
equal O
size O
( O
for O
example O
the O
rhinoceros O
and O
the O
buffalo O
) O
needed O
very O
different O
doses O
and O
spectra O
of O
drugs O
to O
safely O
immobilise O
them O
. O
In O
some O
species O
the O
margin O
of O
error O
is O
very O
small O
indeed O
. O
Modern O
capture O
guns O
are O
gas-fired O
and O
collapsible O
. O
Several O
models O
are O
available O
. O
" O
Diamond O
" O
Carlo I-PER
Citrone I-PER
is O
a O
British I-MISC
professional O
poker O
player O
and O
commentator O
, O
based O
in O
Newcastle I-LOC
upon I-LOC
Tyne I-LOC
. O
Citrone I-PER
was O
raised O
in O
Whitley I-LOC
by O
his O
father O
John I-PER
Citrone I-PER
, O
a O
fifteen-time O
world O
bodybuilding O
champion O
and O
supplier O
of O
sports O
nutrition O
products O
. O
Whilst O
still O
a O
teenager O
, O
Citrone I-PER
opened O
a O
gymnasium O
in O
North I-LOC
Shields I-LOC
and O
met O
Sunderland I-ORG
footballer O
Dave I-PER
Buchanan I-PER
, O
with O
whom O
he O
bought O
a O
health O
club O
in O
Redcar I-LOC
. O
The O
health O
club O
went O
on O
to O
become O
part O
of O
a O
successful O
chain O
and O
was O
sold O
, O
leaving O
Citrone I-PER
( O
who O
was O
suffering O
from O
insomnia O
) O
in O
need O
of O
a O
new O
challenge O
. O
He O
found O
this O
in O
poker O
and O
began O
playing O
tournaments O
at O
the O
Stanley I-ORG
Casino I-ORG
in O
Newcastle I-LOC
. O
He O
began O
playing O
in O
2001 O
and O
has O
won O
tournaments O
in O
Walsall I-LOC
, O
Melbourne I-LOC
, O
Luton I-LOC
and O
London I-LOC
( O
where O
he O
won O
the O
£500 O
no O
limit O
hold'em O
event O
of O
the O
200 I-PER
British I-MISC
, O
defeating O
Lucy I-PER
Rokach I-PER
in O
the O
heads-up O
confrontation O
. O
His O
major O
tournament O
money O
finishes O
include O
two O
World I-ORG
Series I-ORG
of I-ORG
Poker I-ORG
( O
) O
final O
tables O
and O
2nd O
place O
in O
the O
£500 O
no O
limit O
hold'em O
event O
at O
the O
2002 O
European I-MISC
Poker I-MISC
Championships I-MISC
. O
Citrone I-PER
also O
appeared O
in O
the O
Night I-MISC
Poker I-MISC
television O
series O
( O
series O
5 O
, O
episode O
7 O
) O
where O
he O
finished O
3rd O
, O
behind O
Dave I-PER
Colclough I-PER
and O
Charalambos I-PER
Bambos I-PER
Xanthos I-PER
. O
In O
2004 O
, O
Citrone I-PER
was O
sentenced O
to O
two O
years O
in O
prison O
for O
smuggling O
2,700,000 O
cigarettes O
. O
Citrone I-PER
denied O
his O
involvement O
, O
indicating O
that O
the O
person O
responsible O
was O
a O
fellow O
poker O
player O
. O
Citrone I-PER
however O
, O
refused O
to O
go O
on O
record O
and O
implicate O
the O
poker O
player O
in O
question O
who O
was O
a O
father O
and O
a O
friend O
. O
Citrone I-PER
eventually O
served O
approximately O
twelve O
months O
for O
the O
offence O
and O
was O
ordered O
to O
pay O
some O
£370,000 O
as O
part O
of O
a O
Confiscation O
Order O
ordered O
in O
favour O
of O
the O
Crown I-ORG
. O
Due O
to O
Citrone I-PER
's O
instructed O
lawyer O
, O
young O
up O
and O
coming O
poker O
player O
Brandon I-PER
Chik I-PER
, O
Citrone I-PER
was O
allowed O
to O
pay O
far O
less O
than O
this O
amount O
. O
He O
also O
appeared O
in O
the O
2005 O
World I-MISC
Speed I-MISC
Poker I-MISC
, O
finishing O
4th O
in O
his O
heat O
. O
Citrone I-PER
is O
known O
for O
taking O
his O
time O
over O
decisions O
and O
entered O
the O
speed O
poker O
event O
for O
the O
extra O
challenge O
. O
Citrone I-PER
is O
also O
a O
regular O
commentator O
on O
Poker I-ORG
Channel I-ORG
, O
alongside O
Gary I-PER
Jones I-PER
. O
Currently O
he O
is O
an O
analyst O
on O
Vegas I-ORG
Poker I-ORG
( O
channel O
846 O
) O
As O
of O
2007 O
his O
total O
live O
tournament O
winnings O
exceed O
$670,000 O
. O
He O
has O
one O
daughter O
, O
Angelina I-PER
, O
born O
in O
December O
2004 O
. O
Carl I-PER
Heinrich I-PER
Georg I-PER
es I-PER
von I-PER
Heyden I-PER
( O
20 O
January O
1793 O
Frankfurt I-LOC
-- O
7 O
July O
1866 O
) O
was O
a O
German I-MISC
Senator O
and O
entomologist O
. O
He O
collected O
insects O
in O
all O
Orders O
but O
was O
especially O
interested O
in O
Coleoptera O
, O
Microlepidoptera I-MISC
, O
Hymenoptera I-MISC
, O
Diptera I-MISC
and O
fossil O
insects O
.His O
collections O
are O
divided O
between O
the O
German I-ORG
Entomological I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
and O
the O
Senckenberg I-ORG
Museum I-ORG
. O
Carmen I-PER
Cavallaro I-PER
( O
May O
6 O
, O
1913 O
-- O
October O
12 O
, O
1989 O
) O
was O
an O
American I-MISC
pianist O
born O
in O
York I-LOC
. O
He O
established O
himself O
as O
one O
of O
the O
most O
accomplished O
and O
admired O
light O
music O
pianists O
of O
his O
generation O
. O
Known O
as O
the O
" O
Poet O
of O
the O
Piano O
" O
, O
Carmen I-PER
Cavallaro I-PER
showed O
a O
gift O
for O
music O
from O
age O
3 O
, O
picking O
out O
tunes O
on O
a O
toy O
piano O
. O
His O
parents O
were O
encouraged O
by O
a O
friend O
to O
develop O
the O
child O
's O
musical O
talents O
and O
he O
studied O
classical O
piano O
in O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
. O
As O
a O
young O
pianist O
, O
he O
toured O
Europe I-LOC
performing O
in O
many O
capitals O
. O
In O
1933 O
, O
Cavallaro I-PER
joined O
the O
jazz O
band O
of O
Kavelin I-PER
, O
where O
he O
quickly O
became O
the O
featured O
soloist O
. O
After O
four O
years O
he O
switched O
to O
a O
series O
of O
other O
big O
bands O
, O
including O
Rudy I-PER
Vallee I-PER
's O
in O
1937 O
. O
He O
also O
worked O
briefly O
with O
Enrico I-PER
Madriguera I-PER
and O
Lyman I-PER
. O
Starting O
his O
own O
band O
, O
a O
five-piece O
combo O
, O
in O
Louis I-LOC
in O
1939 O
, O
his O
popularity O
grew O
and O
his O
group O
expanded O
into O
a O
14-piece O
orchestra O
, O
releasing O
some O
19 O
albums O
for O
Decca I-ORG
over O
the O
years O
. O
Although O
his O
band O
traveled O
the O
country O
and O
played O
in O
all O
the O
top O
spots O
, O
he O
made O
a O
particular O
impact O
at O
the O
Mark I-ORG
Hopkins I-ORG
Hotel I-ORG
in O
Francisco I-LOC
, O
which O
became O
a O
favourite O
venue O
, O
and O
which O
many O
years O
later O
, O
was O
to O
be O
re-visited O
in O
the O
same O
way O
by O
George I-PER
Shearing I-PER
and O
Tormé I-PER
. O
Other O
venues O
where O
he O
drew O
large O
and O
devoted O
audiences O
included O
York I-LOC
's O
Waldorf-Astoria I-ORG
, O
Chicago I-LOC
's O
Palmer I-ORG
House I-ORG
and O
the O
Angeles I-LOC
' O
Coconut I-ORG
Grove I-ORG
. O
In O
1963 O
, O
he O
had O
a O
million O
seller O
hit O
with O
the O
song O
Sukiyaki I-MISC
. O
Cavallaro I-PER
developed O
a O
piano O
style O
of O
glittering O
and O
rippling O
arpeggios O
to O
augment O
his O
melody O
, O
which O
was O
often O
arranged O
in O
thick O
and O
lush O
triple O
and O
quadruple O
octave O
chords O
. O
His O
musical O
interests O
and O
arrangements O
included O
dance O
music O
, O
particularly O
Latin I-MISC
rhythms O
, O
tangos O
and O
strict O
tempo O
dancing O
styles O
, O
as O
well O
as O
some O
pop O
and O
jazz O
arrangements O
of O
classical O
melodies O
. O
In O
this O
, O
he O
is O
often O
cited O
as O
being O
influenced O
by O
pianist O
Eddy I-PER
Duchin I-PER
. O
Liberace I-PER
was O
greatly O
influenced O
by O
both O
Cavallaro I-PER
and O
Duchin I-PER
. O
All O
three O
shared O
a O
propensity O
for O
arranging O
classical O
piano O
themes O
in O
a O
pop O
idiom O
. O
Cavallaro I-PER
also O
became O
famous O
through O
the O
medium O
of O
radio O
and O
film O
, O
firstly O
with O
his O
regular O
program O
on O
during O
the O
1940 O
's O
, O
Schaeffer I-MISC
Parade I-MISC
, O
of O
which O
he O
was O
the O
host O
and O
later O
in O
films O
where O
he O
played O
himself O
, O
starting O
with O
Hollywood I-MISC
Canteen I-MISC
( O
1944 O
) O
, O
then O
Diamond I-MISC
Horseshoe I-MISC
( O
1945 O
) O
and O
World I-MISC
( O
1945 O
) O
. O
His O
most O
celebrated O
film O
achievement O
was O
playing O
the O
piano O
music O
for O
actor O
Tyrone I-PER
Power I-PER
's O
hands O
to O
mime O
, O
in O
Duchin I-MISC
Story I-MISC
( O
1956 O
) O
. O
Carmen I-PER
Cavallaro I-PER
died O
from O
cancer O
on O
10th O
December O
in O
1989 O
in O
Columbus I-LOC
, O
Ohio I-LOC
. O
Carter I-PER
Anthony I-PER
Beauford I-PER
( O
born O
November O
2 O
, O
1957 O
in O
Charlottesville I-LOC
, O
Virginia I-LOC
) O
is O
a O
drummer O
, O
percussionist O
, O
and O
founding O
member O
of O
the O
Dave I-ORG
Matthews I-ORG
Band I-ORG
( O
) O
. O
He O
is O
known O
for O
his O
ability O
to O
mix O
together O
countless O
percussion O
styles O
, O
his O
ambidextrous O
approach O
to O
playing O
, O
and O
is O
highly O
regarded O
for O
his O
open O
hand O
drumming O
style O
, O
where O
his O
left O
hand O
leads O
on O
the O
hi-hat O
and O
ride O
cymbal O
in O
a O
conventional O
right-handed O
drumset O
set-up O
. O
Beauford I-PER
was O
exposed O
to O
sandbox O
and O
drumming O
at O
the O
age O
of O
three O
. O
At O
the O
time O
, O
his O
father O
had O
bought O
tickets O
to O
a O
Buddy I-PER
Rich I-PER
concert O
and O
could O
not O
find O
someone O
to O
watch O
his O
son O
, O
so O
he O
took O
young O
Carter I-PER
along O
to O
the O
show O
. O
Carter I-PER
was O
mesmerized O
by O
Buddy I-PER
Rich I-PER
on O
stage O
. O
After O
that O
show O
, O
Carter I-PER
's O
father O
bought O
his O
son O
a O
tin O
drum O
set O
with O
paper O
heads O
since O
Carter I-PER
showed O
much O
interest O
in O
learning O
the O
instrument O
. O
Carter I-PER
began O
playing O
his O
first O
professional O
gigs O
when O
he O
was O
nine O
. O
Eventually O
, O
he O
joined O
Secrets I-ORG
, O
a O
Richmond I-LOC
-based O
jazz O
fusion O
band O
. O
Other O
members O
included O
saxophonist O
Moore I-PER
, O
trumpeter O
John I-PER
D'Earth I-PER
, O
vocalist O
Dawn I-PER
Thompson I-PER
, O
keyboardist O
Butch I-PER
Taylor I-PER
, O
and O
guitarist O
Reynolds I-PER
. O
Secrets O
would O
perform O
throughout O
Virginia I-LOC
, O
often O
at O
Miller's I-ORG
, O
the O
bar O
in O
Charlottesville I-LOC
where O
Dave I-PER
Matthews I-PER
worked O
as O
a O
bartender O
. O
Carter I-PER
also O
played O
in O
Blue I-ORG
Indigo I-ORG
with O
Moore I-PER
, O
Soghoian I-PER
, O
and O
George I-PER
Melvin I-PER
. O
driving O
Jazz O
band O
, O
Blue I-ORG
Indigo I-ORG
performed O
regularly O
at O
Tokyo I-ORG
Rose I-ORG
and O
Miller's I-ORG
, O
and O
was O
featured O
at O
the O
Delaware I-MISC
Water I-MISC
Festival I-MISC
. O
Eventually O
, O
Dave I-PER
approached O
both O
Carter I-PER
and O
regarding O
some O
music O
he O
had O
written O
that O
he O
wished O
to O
record O
. O
Upon O
listening O
, O
Beauford I-PER
agreed O
, O
thus O
establishing O
his O
permanent O
status O
as O
drummer O
. O
Has O
a O
daughter O
named O
Breana I-PER
Symone I-PER
from O
his O
first O
marriage O
. O
With O
his O
second O
wife O
, O
Karen I-PER
, O
he O
has O
two O
children O
: O
a O
daughter O
, O
Nadja I-PER
Angelique I-PER
Beauford I-PER
born O
October I-PER
5th I-PER
2001 I-PER
and O
a O
son O
Marcus I-PER
Carrington I-PER
Beauford I-PER
born O
in O
December O
2004 O
. O
Beauford I-PER
has O
also O
contributed O
to O
other O
artists O
on O
side O
projects O
including O
work O
with O
Vertical I-ORG
Horizon I-ORG
, O
Carlos I-PER
Santana I-PER
, O
John I-PER
Popper I-PER
( O
Blues I-ORG
Traveler I-ORG
) O
, O
and O
Victor I-PER
Wooten I-PER
( O
Bela I-ORG
Fleck I-ORG
and I-ORG
the I-ORG
Flecktones I-ORG
) O
. O
Cary I-ORG
Towne I-ORG
Center I-ORG
is O
a O
shopping O
mall O
in O
Cary I-LOC
, O
North I-LOC
Carolina I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
managed O
by O
Associates I-ORG
Properties I-ORG
. O
Cary I-ORG
Village I-ORG
Mall I-ORG
opened O
in O
1979 O
with O
Ivey I-ORG
's I-ORG
and O
Hudson I-ORG
Belk I-ORG
as O
anchors O
. O
In O
1991 O
, O
the O
mall O
expanded O
, O
adding O
a O
food O
court O
and O
three O
new O
anchors O
: O
Thalhimer's I-ORG
, O
Penney I-ORG
, O
and O
Sears I-ORG
, O
and O
was O
renamed O
Cary I-ORG
Towne I-ORG
Center I-ORG
. O
Dillard I-ORG
's I-ORG
was O
added O
a O
year O
later O
, O
replacing O
the O
original O
Ivey I-ORG
's I-ORG
store O
which O
had O
been O
a O
tenant O
since O
1979 O
. O
Thalhimer I-ORG
's I-ORG
became O
Hecht I-ORG
's I-ORG
in O
1992 O
, O
which O
became O
Macy I-ORG
's I-ORG
in O
2006 O
. O
The O
official O
spelling O
for O
the O
mall O
is O
" O
Cary I-ORG
Towne I-ORG
Center I-ORG
. O
" O
However O
, O
it O
's O
not O
uncommon O
to O
see O
it O
spelled O
" O
Cary I-ORG
Town I-ORG
Center I-ORG
" O
or O
" O
Cary I-ORG
Towne I-ORG
Centre I-ORG
. O
" O
It O
is O
also O
referred O
to O
by O
its O
former O
name O
, O
Cary I-ORG
Village I-ORG
Mall I-ORG
. O
Cable I-ORG
was O
an O
early O
cable O
network O
operated O
by O
Inc. I-ORG
, O
dedicated O
to O
the O
lively O
arts O
( O
i.e. O
symphony O
, O
dance O
, O
theatre O
, O
opera O
, O
etc O
. O
) O
. O
It O
debuted O
in O
October O
1981 O
and O
ceased O
operations O
on O
December O
17 O
, O
1982 O
. O
Cable I-ORG
was O
a O
personal O
project O
of O
founder O
William I-PER
Paley I-PER
, O
who O
hoped O
it O
would O
blaze O
a O
trail O
for O
cultural O
programming O
in O
the O
then-emerging O
cable O
television O
medium O
. O
Its O
program O
offerings O
were O
ambitious O
and O
often O
critically O
praised O
. O
Nevertheless O
the O
network O
struggled O
, O
and O
ultimately O
failed O
, O
largely O
because O
of O
the O
reluctance O
of O
many O
cable O
systems O
across O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
to O
give O
it O
carriage O
, O
limiting O
severely O
its O
ability O
to O
attract O
both O
viewers O
and O
advertisers O
for O
its O
costly O
lineup O
of O
programming O
. O
Cable O
systems O
in O
the O
early O
1980s O
had O
far O
more O
limited O
channel O
capacity O
than O
they O
do O
today O
( O
usually O
only O
a O
few O
dozen O
channels O
in O
most O
cities O
) O
. O
Cable I-ORG
was O
competing O
for O
channel O
space O
by O
appealing O
to O
a O
select O
and O
relatively O
small O
upscale O
audience O
, O
while O
other O
networks O
coming O
on O
line O
at O
the O
same O
time O
such O
as O
and O
promised O
larger O
and O
more O
broad-based O
viewership O
and O
therefore O
got O
cable O
operators O
to O
carry O
them O
far O
more O
easily O
. O
and O
thrived O
and O
gave O
rise O
to O
additional O
companion O
channels O
within O
a O
short O
time O
, O
while O
the O
Cable I-ORG
channel O
folded O
after O
just O
over O
14 O
months O
in O
operation O
. O
Not O
to O
be O
confused O
with O
the O
CBS-operated O
cable O
network O
, O
People I-ORG
, O
which O
debuted O
in O
1997 O
and O
soon O
turned O
into O
Discovery I-ORG
People I-ORG
, O
ultimately O
reorganized O
into O
Discovery I-ORG
Times I-ORG
. O
The O
Centennial I-ORG
Convention I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
is O
located O
in O
Hayward I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
and O
is O
part O
of O
the O
Hayward I-LOC
City I-LOC
Center I-LOC
district O
of O
Hayward I-LOC
. O
Centennial I-ORG
Tower I-ORG
and O
PlazaCenter I-ORG
are O
next O
door O
. O
The O
City I-LOC
Hayward I-LOC
opened O
Centennial I-ORG
Hall I-ORG
in O
honor O
of O
its O
100th O
Birthday O
. O
It O
was O
the O
former O
gym O
of O
Hayward I-ORG
Union I-ORG
High I-ORG
. O
Parking O
is O
available O
in O
a O
parking O
garage O
( O
via O
going O
through O
Centennial I-ORG
Tower I-ORG
) O
or O
a O
parking O
deck O
located O
above O
Safeway I-ORG
. O
Today O
, O
it O
is O
a O
convention O
center O
with O
14,000 O
square O
feet O
of O
exhibit O
space O
and O
a O
capacity O
of O
up O
to O
1,500 O
for O
events O
including O
conventions O
, O
trade O
shows O
, O
banquets O
and O
other O
special O
events O
. O
There O
are O
also O
eight O
meeting O
rooms O
totaling O
11,448 O
square O
feet O
and O
a O
1,280-square-foot O
patio O
. O
Cesaroni I-ORG
Design I-ORG
Associates I-ORG
is O
a O
design O
consultancy O
based O
in O
Chicago I-LOC
, O
Illinois I-LOC
, O
created O
on O
August O
31 O
, O
1979 O
, O
by O
William I-PER
Cesaroni. I-PER
Cesaroni I-ORG
Design I-ORG
became O
the O
first O
private O
Industrial O
Design O
office O
in O
the O
Chicago I-LOC
area O
to O
offer O
Computer O
Aided O
Design O
( O
) O
. O
Currently O
, O
Cesaroni I-ORG
Design I-ORG
specializes O
in O
industrial O
design O
and O
product O
development O
with O
emphasis O
on O
human O
factors O
, O
user O
interface O
and O
brand O
sensitivity O
. O
In O
its O
27 O
year O
existence O
Cesaroni I-ORG
Design I-ORG
has O
completed O
more O
fitness O
equipment O
projects O
than O
any O
other O
design O
firm O
in O
the O
world O
. O
Cesaroni I-ORG
Design I-ORG
's O
project O
history O
ranges O
from O
medical O
to O
consumer O
goods O
. O
Major O
clients O
include O
Sub-Zero I-ORG
, O
Herman I-ORG
Miller I-ORG
, O
Gendex I-ORG
, O
and O
LifeFitness I-ORG
. O
Chad I-PER
Edward I-PER
Gaudin I-PER
( O
pronounced O
go-DAN O
) O
( O
born O
March O
24 O
, O
1983 O
in O
Orleans I-LOC
, O
Louisiana I-LOC
) O
is O
a O
right-handed O
starting O
pitcher O
for O
the O
Oakland I-ORG
Athletics I-ORG
of O
Major I-ORG
League I-ORG
Baseball I-ORG
. O
Gaudin I-PER
attended O
Crescent I-ORG
City I-ORG
High I-ORG
School I-ORG
in O
Metairie I-LOC
, O
Louisiana I-LOC
. O
He O
earned O
All-State O
and O
district O
in O
his O
junior O
and O
senior O
years O
. O
Gaudin I-PER
was O
selected O
by O
the O
Tampa I-ORG
Devil I-ORG
Rays I-ORG
right O
out O
of O
high O
school O
in O
the O
34th O
round O
( O
1009th O
overall O
pick O
) O
of O
the O
2001 O
Major I-ORG
League I-ORG
Baseball I-ORG
Draft O
. O
He O
signed O
on O
August O
23 O
, O
2001 O
and O
did O
not O
play O
professionally O
until O
2002 O
. O
He O
played O
in O
Single I-ORG
in O
2002 O
and O
recorded O
a O
2.26 O
which O
ranked O
him O
10th O
in O
all O
of O
minor O
league O
baseball O
. O
On O
July O
15 O
, O
2003 O
, O
in O
his O
first O
start O
after O
getting O
called O
up O
from O
the O
Class I-ORG
California I-ORG
League I-ORG
, O
Gaudin I-PER
took O
the O
mound O
in O
the O
first O
game O
of O
a O
doubleheader O
for O
the O
Orlando I-ORG
Rays I-ORG
on O
the O
road O
against O
the O
Jacksonville I-ORG
Suns I-ORG
and O
threw O
a O
7-inning O
perfect O
game O
, O
retiring O
all O
21 O
batters O
he O
faced O
. O
( O
Two O
7-inning O
games O
is O
the O
standard O
for O
a O
doubleheader O
in O
most O
minor O
leagues O
; O
Major I-ORG
League I-ORG
Baseball I-ORG
would O
later O
amend O
a O
rule O
recognizing O
only O
efforts O
of O
at O
least O
nine O
innings O
as O
official O
perfect O
games O
. O
) O
Gaudin I-PER
made O
only O
two O
more O
starts O
and O
posted O
an O
0.47 O
for O
Orlando I-LOC
before O
Devil I-ORG
Rays I-ORG
' O
Manager O
Piniella I-PER
summoned O
him O
to O
the O
big O
league O
club O
. O
When O
Gaudin I-PER
made O
his O
major O
league O
debut O
, O
he O
had O
become O
the O
youngest O
Devil I-ORG
in O
club O
history O
at O
20 O
years O
and O
4 O
months O
and O
was O
the O
4th O
youngest O
player O
in O
the O
majors O
. O
After O
posting O
a O
very O
respectable O
2-0 O
record O
and O
3.60 O
in O
15 O
appearances O
( O
including O
3 O
starts O
) O
in O
2003 O
for O
the O
Devil I-ORG
Rays I-ORG
, O
he O
went O
1-2 O
with O
a O
4.85 O
in O
26 O
appearances O
( O
4 O
starts O
) O
in O
2004 O
while O
splitting O
time O
with O
Durham I-ORG
. O
On O
December O
12 O
, O
2004 O
, O
Gaudin I-PER
was O
traded O
to O
the O
Toronto I-ORG
Blue I-ORG
Jays I-ORG
for O
backup O
catcher O
Kevin I-PER
Cash I-PER
. O
Although O
he O
pitched O
well O
as O
a O
starter O
at O
Syracuse I-ORG
, O
he O
was O
just O
1-3 O
with O
a O
13.15 O
in O
5 O
appearances O
( O
3 O
starts O
) O
with O
the O
Blue I-ORG
Jays I-ORG
. O
Opponents O
had O
batted O
.470 O
against O
him O
in O
just O
13 O
innings O
( O
31 O
hits O
) O
. O
On O
December O
5 O
, O
2005 O
, O
he O
was O
traded O
to O
the O
Athletics I-ORG
for O
a O
player O
to O
be O
named O
later O
, O
who O
later O
turned O
out O
to O
be O
outfielder O
Dustin I-PER
Majewski I-PER
. O
Gaudin I-PER
began O
the O
2006 O
season O
for O
the O
Sacramento I-ORG
River I-ORG
Cats I-ORG
, O
the O
Athletics I-ORG
Triple I-ORG
team O
. O
He O
was O
recalled O
by O
the O
Athletics I-ORG
after O
posting O
an O
0.37 O
in O
4 O
starts O
for O
the O
River I-ORG
Cats I-ORG
and O
pitched O
in O
relief O
for O
the O
rest O
of O
the O
season O
for O
the O
big O
league O
club O
. O
In O
his O
first O
season O
as O
an O
Athletic I-ORG
, O
he O
posted O
various O
career O
highs O
and O
his O
( O
3.09 O
) O
and O
opponents O
batting O
average O
were O
the O
lowest O
of O
his O
career O
. O
His O
inherited O
runners O
to O
score O
was O
20 O
percent O
which O
ranked O
fourth O
lowest O
in O
the O
American I-ORG
League I-ORG
. O
In O
2007 O
, O
Gaudin I-PER
was O
converted O
into O
a O
starter O
again O
when O
veteran O
Esteban I-PER
Loaiza I-PER
was O
on O
the O
disabled O
list O
to O
begin O
the O
season O
. O
His O
excellent O
performance O
as O
a O
starter O
in O
the O
2007 O
season O
has O
made O
him O
part O
of O
the O
new O
' O
Big O
Three O
' O
that O
include O
Haren I-PER
and O
Blanton I-PER
. O
Chamicuro I-MISC
is O
a O
critically O
endangered O
indigenous O
American I-MISC
language O
spoken O
by O
just O
a O
pair O
of O
aboriginal O
people O
in O
South I-LOC
America I-LOC
. O
The O
language O
is O
of O
the O
Chamicuro I-MISC
people O
who O
number O
between O
10 O
and O
20 O
. O
The O
Chamicuros I-MISC
live O
on O
a O
tributary O
of O
the O
Huallaga I-LOC
river I-LOC
, O
in O
Perú I-LOC
, O
in O
an O
area O
called O
Pampa I-LOC
Hermosa I-LOC
, O
meaning O
beautiful O
plains O
. O
As O
with O
all O
native O
languages O
in O
Perú I-LOC
, O
Chamicuro I-MISC
is O
by O
default O
an O
official O
language O
in O
the O
area O
in O
which O
it O
is O
spoken O
. O
Chamicuro I-MISC
dictionary O
has O
been O
created O
, O
however O
no O
children O
can O
speak O
the O
language O
as O
they O
have O
shifted O
to O
Spanish I-MISC
. O
There O
is O
controversy O
in O
regard O
to O
whether O
Aguano I-MISC
is O
the O
same O
language O
, O
which O
one O
study O
( O
Ruhlen I-PER
1987 O
) O
says O
it O
is O
, O
but O
the O
Chamicuros I-MISC
dispute O
this O
( O
Wise I-PER
, O
1987 O
) O
, O
although O
this O
may O
be O
for O
cultural O
reasons O
and O
the O
languages O
may O
actually O
be O
intelligible O
but O
the O
different O
peoples O
do O
not O
relate O
to O
one O
another O
and O
maintain O
different O
names O
and O
connotations O
between O
their O
language O
or O
languages O
. O
Champdor I-LOC
is O
a O
commune O
in O
the O
French I-MISC
département O
of O
. O
Changer I-MISC
les I-MISC
choses I-MISC
( O
Change I-MISC
the I-MISC
Things I-MISC
) O
is O
the O
official O
debut O
album O
by O
the O
France I-LOC
-born O
singer O
Nâdiy I-PER
. O
The O
album O
was O
only O
released O
in O
France I-LOC
on O
November O
5 O
, O
2001 O
. O
It O
spawned O
the O
French I-MISC
hit O
singles O
" O
Chaque I-MISC
fois I-MISC
" O
and O
" O
confiance I-MISC
toi I-MISC
" O
. O
Both O
singles O
charted O
in O
the O
French I-MISC
Singles I-MISC
Chart I-MISC
, O
but O
the O
album O
failed O
in O
France I-LOC
, O
not O
charting O
in O
the O
top O
200 O
at O
all O
. O
Charan I-PER
Jeath I-PER
Singh I-PER
is O
a O
Fiji I-LOC
Indian I-MISC
who O
has O
been O
involved O
in O
local O
Government O
and O
national O
politics O
in O
Fiji I-LOC
representing O
various O
political O
organisations O
. O
In O
the O
1994 O
general O
election O
, O
he O
won O
the O
Macuata I-LOC
West I-LOC
Indian I-LOC
Communal O
Constituency O
for O
the O
National I-ORG
Federation I-ORG
Party I-ORG
( O
) O
. O
He O
was O
elected O
the O
Mayor O
of O
Labasa I-LOC
representing O
the O
Ratepayers I-ORG
Association I-ORG
in O
1992 O
but O
in O
the O
municiapal O
elections O
of O
2005 O
his O
Association O
lost O
in O
a O
landslide O
result O
to O
the O
Fiji I-ORG
Labour I-ORG
Party I-ORG
( O
) O
, O
winning O
only O
two O
seats O
. O
In O
the O
1999 O
general O
election O
he O
contested O
the O
Labasa I-LOC
Indian I-LOC
Communal O
Constituency O
for O
the O
but O
managed O
to O
get O
only O
10% O
of O
the O
votes O
cast O
. O
Following O
the O
death O
of O
the O
sitting O
member O
, O
he O
contested O
the O
Labasa I-ORG
Rural I-ORG
Indian I-ORG
Communal O
Constituency O
in O
December O
2003 O
for O
the O
National I-ORG
Federation I-ORG
Party I-ORG
( O
) O
. O
Although O
he O
was O
unsuccessful O
, O
he O
managed O
to O
increase O
's O
share O
of O
the O
votes O
by O
50% O
. O
In O
the O
2006 O
general O
election O
, O
he O
contested O
the O
Vanua I-LOC
Levu I-LOC
West I-LOC
Indian I-LOC
Communal O
Constituency O
, O
Fiji I-LOC
) O
for O
the O
National I-ORG
Alliance I-ORG
Party I-ORG
( O
) O
and O
again O
lost O
with O
only O
14% O
of O
the O
votes O
cast O
. O
Charlie I-PER
Gaudion I-PER
( O
born O
April O
14 O
, O
1904 O
) O
was O
an O
Australian I-ORG
rules I-ORG
footballer O
who O
played O
with O
Footscray I-ORG
and O
North I-ORG
Melbourne I-ORG
in O
the O
. O
He O
was O
the O
father O
of O
North I-ORG
Melbourne I-ORG
player O
Michael I-PER
Gaudion I-PER
. O
Gaudion I-PER
was O
a O
key O
position O
player O
and O
began O
his O
career O
in O
1926 O
at O
Footscray I-ORG
. O
He O
played O
with O
the O
club O
for O
four O
seasons O
before O
moving O
to O
the O
where O
he O
signed O
with O
Coburg I-ORG
. O
After O
just O
a O
year O
at O
Coburg I-ORG
he O
returned O
to O
the O
league O
and O
played O
with O
North I-ORG
Melbourne I-ORG
, O
becoming O
a O
regular O
in O
their O
side O
during O
the O
1930s O
. O
He O
was O
also O
a O
regular O
for O
Victoria I-LOC
at O
interstate O
football O
, O
playing O
every O
year O
from O
1932 O
to O
1936 O
, O
the O
last O
as O
captain O
. O
In O
both O
1956 O
and O
1957 O
he O
coached O
North I-ORG
Melbourne I-ORG
, O
many O
of O
those O
games O
involving O
his O
son O
Michael I-PER
. O
The O
Cherche-Midi I-LOC
prison I-LOC
was O
a O
prison O
in O
Paris I-LOC
, O
France I-LOC
, O
that O
has O
been O
closed O
down O
and O
the O
builing O
destroyed O
. O
Famous O
detainees O
at O
the O
prison O
include O
Adolphe I-PER
Feder I-PER
, O
Kurt I-PER
Gerstein I-PER
, O
Henri I-PER
Honoré I-PER
d'Estienn I-PER
d'Orves I-PER
and O
Alfred I-PER
Dreyfus I-PER
. O
It O
has O
been O
used O
as O
a O
political O
prison O
by O
Germans I-MISC
during O
the O
occupation O
of O
France I-LOC
from O
1940 O
to O
1944 O
. O
In O
this O
prison O
executions O
were O
carried O
out O
. O
The O
Christian I-ORG
Democratic I-ORG
Party I-ORG
of O
Timor I-LOC
( O
Partido I-ORG
Democrata-Cristã I-ORG
de I-ORG
Timor I-ORG
) O
is O
a O
center-right O
political O
party O
in O
Timor I-LOC
. O
At O
the O
last O
legislative O
elections O
, O
30 O
August O
2001 O
, O
the O
party O
won O
0.7 O
% O
of O
the O
popular O
vote O
and O
1 O
out O
of O
88 O
seats O
. O
Christopher I-PER
Bailey I-PER
is O
a O
lecturer O
of O
English I-MISC
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Brighton I-ORG
and O
is O
an O
occasional O
screenwriter O
for O
television O
. O
He O
wrote O
the O
script O
for O
the O
Doctor I-MISC
serial O
Kinda I-MISC
in O
1982 O
. O
This O
script O
drew O
heavily O
on O
his O
own O
Buddhist I-MISC
faith O
and O
incorporated O
classic O
Buddhist I-MISC
terms O
such O
as O
dukkha O
, O
panna O
, O
karuna O
, O
devaloka O
and O
Mara O
--- O
indeed O
, O
" O
the O
Mara O
" O
was O
the O
name O
of O
the O
villain O
of O
the O
piece O
. O
The O
strength O
of O
his O
script O
led O
to O
Bailey I-PER
writing O
a O
second O
story O
for O
Doctor I-MISC
in O
1983 O
. O
This O
serial O
, O
Snakedance I-MISC
, O
was O
a O
sequel O
to O
Kinda I-MISC
. O
New O
script O
editor O
Eric I-PER
Saward I-PER
requested O
that O
Bailey I-PER
devise O
another O
story O
idea O
, O
but O
neither O
the O
submitted O
outlines O
for O
( O
later O
renamed O
Manwatch I-MISC
) O
nor O
Children I-MISC
were O
taken O
further O
. O
As O
a O
result O
, O
the O
two O
Mara O
scripts O
were O
Bailey I-PER
's O
final O
broadcast O
work O
for O
both O
Doctor I-MISC
and O
television O
in O
general O
and O
he O
returned O
to O
a O
career O
in O
academia O
. O
Christopher I-PER
Penley I-PER
( O
born O
circa O
1990 O
--- O
January O
15 O
2006 O
) O
was O
a O
15-year-old O
schoolboy O
who O
was O
shot O
by O
a O
team O
on O
January O
13 O
, O
2006 O
--- O
and O
died O
of O
his O
injuries O
--- O
after O
he O
had O
briefly O
taken O
another O
student O
hostage O
in O
a O
classroom O
and O
then O
later O
holed O
himself O
up O
in O
an O
outdoor O
bathroom O
at O
Milwee I-ORG
Middle I-ORG
School I-ORG
in O
Longwood I-LOC
, O
Florida I-LOC
, O
with O
an O
Airsoft I-MISC
gun O
painted O
entirely O
black O
to O
disguise O
it O
as O
a O
Beretta I-MISC
9mm I-MISC
. O
After O
the O
gun O
was O
discovered O
by O
a O
fellow O
student O
, O
he O
forced O
the O
student O
into O
the O
closet O
and O
shut O
off O
the O
lights O
in O
the O
classroom O
. O
The O
student O
immediately O
fled O
and O
informed O
security O
, O
who O
called O
the O
police O
. O
arrived O
on O
the O
scene O
shortly O
thereafter O
, O
while O
a O
negotiator O
attempted O
to O
initiate O
contact O
with O
Penley I-PER
. O
After O
a O
twenty O
minute O
stand-off O
he O
aimed O
the O
pistol O
at O
Lieutenant O
Michael I-PER
Weippert I-PER
, O
who O
responded O
by O
opening O
fire O
. O
He O
was O
transported O
to O
Orlando I-ORG
Regional I-ORG
Medical I-ORG
Center I-ORG
where O
he O
remained O
on O
life O
support O
for O
two O
days O
before O
succumbing O
to O
his O
wounds O
. O
number O
of O
his O
organs O
were O
removed O
and O
used O
as O
transplants O
. O
Seminole I-LOC
County I-LOC
Sheriff O
Eslinger I-PER
said O
the O
boy O
was O
suicidal O
and O
would O
not O
respond O
to O
negotiators O
who O
tried O
to O
talk O
him O
down O
in O
the O
bathroom O
. O
Some O
students O
at O
the O
school O
told O
the O
media O
after O
the O
incident O
that O
they O
knew O
he O
had O
" O
something O
planned O
" O
. O
Police O
have O
been O
criticized O
for O
initiating O
action O
instead O
of O
waiting O
for O
Penley I-PER
's O
father O
to O
arrive O
so O
that O
his O
father O
might O
talk O
him O
out O
of O
the O
situation O
. O
The O
Orlando I-ORG
Sentinel I-ORG
reported O
that O
Ralph I-PER
Penley I-PER
was O
not O
told O
of O
events O
until O
after O
his O
son O
was O
shot O
. O
The O
Florida I-ORG
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Enforcement I-ORG
investigated O
the O
shooting O
and O
found O
it O
entirely O
justified O
, O
as O
Penley I-PER
pointed O
a O
weapon O
at O
the O
deputy O
. O
Christopher I-PER
Penley I-PER
's O
organs O
were O
donated O
by O
his O
family O
. O
Chris I-PER
Penley I-PER
's O
death O
gave O
9 O
people O
vital O
organs O
. O
Christopher I-PER
Penley I-PER
has O
also O
had O
a O
game O
room O
at O
the O
Landmark I-ORG
Church I-ORG
dedicated O
to O
him O
and O
a O
Youth O
center O
. O
The O
youth O
center O
the O
Adolescent I-ORG
Life I-ORG
Coaching I-ORG
Center I-ORG
( O O
) O
opened O
in O
honor O
of O
Christopher I-PER
Penley I-PER
's O
memory O
and O
to O
give O
a O
place O
for O
the O
voice O
of O
youth O
to O
be O
heard O
. O
Circuit I-LOC
Park I-LOC
Zandvoort I-LOC
is O
a O
motorsport O
race O
track O
located O
in O
the O
dunes O
near O
the O
town O
of O
Zandvoort I-LOC
, O
in O
the O
Netherlands I-LOC
, O
near O
the O
North I-LOC
coast O
line O
. O
Although O
there O
were O
plans O
for O
races O
at O
Zandvoort I-LOC
before O
World I-MISC
, O
the O
first O
street O
race O
was O
held O
on O
June O
3 O
, O
1939 O
. O
real O
circuit O
was O
not O
built O
until O
after O
the O
war O
, O
mainly O
designed O
by O
John I-PER
Hugenholtz I-PER
. O
The O
circuit O
was O
inaugurated O
on O
August O
, O
7 O
, O
1948 O
. O
Next O
year O
, O
in O
1949 O
the O
circuit O
hosted O
the O
Zandvoort I-MISC
Grand I-MISC
. O
It O
remained O
on O
the O
calendar O
for O
30 O
out O
of O
the O
next O
34 O
years O
. O
The O
company O
that O
commercially O
ran O
the O
circuit O
( O
) O
went O
out O
of O
business O
, O
marking O
the O
end O
of O
Circuit I-LOC
Zandvoort I-LOC
. O
The O
track O
, O
owned O
by O
the O
municipality O
of O
Zandvoort I-LOC
, O
was O
not O
used O
for O
some O
time O
and O
part O
of O
the O
grounds O
and O
approximately O
half O
of O
the O
track O
was O
sold O
in O
1987 O
to O
Vendorado I-ORG
, O
a O
Bungalow O
park O
developer O
at O
that O
time O
. O
plan O
to O
save O
the O
remaining O
track O
was O
made O
by O
a O
group O
of O
people O
and O
companies O
. O
In O
1995 O
, O
got O
the O
" O
Status O
" O
of O
the O
Dutch I-MISC
government O
and O
began O
building O
an O
international O
Grand I-MISC
Circuit O
. O
One O
of O
the O
major O
events O
that O
is O
currently O
held O
at O
the O
circuit O
, O
along O
with O
and O
, O
is O
the O
Ultimate I-MISC
Masters I-MISC
Formula I-MISC
, O
where O
Formula I-ORG
cars O
of O
several O
national O
racing O
series O
compete O
with O
each O
other O
( O
originally O
called O
Marlboro I-MISC
Masters I-MISC
, O
before O
tobacco O
advertising O
ban O
) O
. O
The O
most O
famous O
corner O
in O
the O
circuit O
is O
the O
Tarzanbocht I-LOC
( O
Tarzan I-LOC
corner I-LOC
) O
which O
provides O
excellent O
overtaking O
opportunities O
. O
This O
corner O
is O
reportedly O
named O
after O
a O
local O
character O
who O
had O
earned O
the O
nickname O
of O
Tarzan I-PER
and O
only O
wanted O
to O
give O
up O
his O
vegetable O
garden O
in O
the O
dunes O
if O
the O
track O
's O
designers O
named O
a O
nearby O
corner O
after O
him O
. O
On O
the O
other O
hand O
, O
many O
different O
stories O
about O
Tarzan I-LOC
Corner I-LOC
are O
known O
. O
Circuit I-LOC
Park I-LOC
Zandvoort I-LOC
played O
host O
to O
the O
first O
race O
in O
the O
2006/07 O
season O
of O
Grand I-MISC
from O
29 O
September O
- O
1 O
October O
2006 O
. O
In O
the O
history O
of O
the O
circuit O
, O
several O
fatal O
accidents O
have O
occurred O
. O
The O
older O
' O
Classic O
' O
Zandvoort I-LOC
circuit O
layout O
from O
1967 O
is O
modeled O
in O
detail O
and O
can O
be O
driven O
in O
the O
Grand I-MISC
Legends I-MISC
racing O
simulation O
for O
X86-based O
pc's O
. O
This O
was O
later O
converted O
to O
, O
2002 I-MISC
, O
2003 O
and O
other O
simulations O
using O
a O
converter O
from O
website O
' O
' O
. O
The O
current O
layout O
is O
used O
in O
the O
SimBin I-ORG
game O
Official I-MISC
. O
Claire I-PER
Keim I-PER
( O
born O
July O
8 O
, O
1975 O
) O
is O
a O
French I-MISC
actress O
and O
singer O
. O
Keim I-PER
was O
born O
in O
Senlis I-LOC
, O
Oise I-LOC
, O
Picardie I-LOC
to O
an O
architect O
and O
a O
dentist O
. O
She O
had O
a O
relationship O
with O
Frédéric I-PER
Diefenthal I-PER
, O
a O
French I-MISC
actor O
. O
For O
other O
uses O
see O
Clarence I-LOC
Dock I-LOC
( O
disambiguation O
) O
The O
Clarence I-LOC
Dock I-LOC
is O
a O
dock O
, O
on O
the O
River I-LOC
Mersey I-LOC
and O
part O
of O
the O
Port I-LOC
of I-LOC
Liverpool I-LOC
it O
is O
situated O
in O
the O
northern O
end O
of O
the O
dock O
system O
, O
connected O
to O
Salisbury I-LOC
Dock I-LOC
to O
the O
north O
and O
Trafalgar I-LOC
Dock I-LOC
to O
the O
south O
. O
It O
was O
built O
as O
a O
self-contained O
steamship O
dock O
facility O
. O
It O
opened O
in O
September O
1830 O
. O
Clergoux I-LOC
is O
a O
village O
and O
commune O
in O
the O
Corrèz I-LOC
département O
of O
central O
Franc I-LOC
. O
Cliddesden I-LOC
railway I-LOC
station I-LOC
was O
a O
railway O
station O
in O
the O
village O
of O
Cliddesden I-LOC
, O
Hampshire I-LOC
, O
. O
The O
station O
was O
a O
stop O
on O
the O
Basingstoke I-LOC
and I-LOC
Alton I-LOC
Light I-LOC
Railway I-LOC
until O
its O
closure O
in O
1932 O
. O
The O
station O
used O
for O
the O
filming O
of O
1937 O
film O
Porter I-MISC
which O
features O
Cliddesden I-LOC
as O
the O
fictional O
Buggleskelly I-LOC
. O
Clinical I-ORG
Hospital I-ORG
Mostar I-ORG
( O
Croatian I-MISC
Klinička O
bolnica O
Mostar O
) O
is O
the O
largest O
hospital O
in O
Mostar I-LOC
, O
Bosnia I-LOC
and I-LOC
Herzegovina I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
located O
in O
the O
Bijeli I-LOC
Brijeg I-LOC
neighbourhood O
of O
the O
city O
. O
The O
hospital O
was O
originally O
built O
as O
a O
regional O
medical O
centre O
in O
1977 O
. O
However O
, O
the O
building O
incurred O
damage O
during O
the O
war O
in O
Bosnia I-LOC
and I-LOC
Herzegovina I-LOC
and O
upon O
its O
repairs O
it O
was O
upgraded O
into O
a O
hospital O
. O
Since O
1997 O
the O
hospital O
has O
cooperated O
with O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Mostar I-ORG
's O
Medical O
Faculty O
in O
training O
medical O
professionals O
. O
The O
Cold I-ORG
Spring I-ORG
Harbor I-ORG
Laboratory I-ORG
( O
) O
is O
a O
private O
, O
non-profit O
institution O
with O
research O
programs O
focusing O
on O
cancer O
, O
neurobiology O
, O
plant O
genetics O
, O
genomics O
and O
bioinformatics O
. O
The O
Laboratory I-ORG
has O
a O
broad O
educational O
mission O
, O
including O
the O
recently O
established O
Watson I-ORG
School I-ORG
of I-ORG
Biological I-ORG
Sciences I-ORG
. O
Seven O
Nobel I-MISC
laureates O
have O
been O
associated O
with O
the O
lab O
. O
Though O
the O
lab O
's O
name O
and O
address O
reference O
the O
town O
" O
Cold I-LOC
Spring I-LOC
Harbor I-LOC
" O
located O
in O
Suffolk I-LOC
County I-LOC
, O
Long I-LOC
Island I-LOC
, O
York I-LOC
, O
its O
headquarters O
are O
in O
fact O
physically O
located O
in O
the O
adjacent O
Nassau I-LOC
County I-LOC
village O
of O
Laurel I-LOC
Hollow I-LOC
.. O
The O
laboratory O
began O
its O
history O
in O
1890 O
as O
an O
extension O
of O
the O
Brooklyn I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
of I-ORG
Arts I-ORG
and I-ORG
Sciences I-ORG
; O
in O
1904 O
, O
the O
Carnegie I-ORG
Institution I-ORG
of I-ORG
Washington I-ORG
established O
the O
Station I-ORG
for I-ORG
Experimental I-ORG
Evolution I-ORG
at I-ORG
Cold I-ORG
Spring I-ORG
Harbor I-ORG
on O
the O
site O
. O
In O
1921 O
, O
the O
station O
was O
reorganized O
as O
the O
Carnegie I-ORG
Institution I-ORG
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Genetics I-ORG
. O
The O
Carnegie I-ORG
Institution I-ORG
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Genetics I-ORG
scientists O
at O
Cold I-ORG
Spring I-ORG
Harbor I-ORG
made O
innumerable O
contributions O
to O
the O
sciences O
of O
genetics O
, O
medicine O
, O
and O
the O
then-infant O
science O
of O
molecular O
biology O
, O
and O
in O
1962 O
its O
facilities O
merged O
with O
those O
of O
Brooklyn I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
's O
Biological O
Laboratory O
to O
create O
what O
is O
known O
today O
as O
Cold I-ORG
Spring I-ORG
Harbor I-ORG
Laboratory I-ORG
. O
In O
1944 O
Barbara I-PER
McClintock I-PER
discovered O
at O
transposons O
( O
" O
jumping O
genes O
" O
) O
, O
for O
which O
she O
received O
the O
1983 O
Nobel I-MISC
Prize I-MISC
in O
Physiology O
or O
Medicine O
. O
One O
well-known O
aspect O
of O
the O
Laboratory O
is O
its O
hosting O
of O
the O
experiments O
of O
Alfred I-PER
Hershey I-PER
and O
Martha I-PER
Chase I-PER
, O
and O
the O
work O
of O
Delbrüc I-PER
and O
Salvado I-PER
Luria I-PER
. O
Another O
Nobel O
laureate O
scientist O
there O
was O
Richard I-PER
Roberts I-PER
. O
Nobel I-MISC
laureate O
James I-PER
Watson I-PER
( O
who O
co-discovered O
the O
double O
helix O
structure O
of O
with O
Francis I-PER
Crick I-PER
) O
served O
as O
the O
Laboratory O
's O
Director O
and O
President O
for O
35 O
years O
, O
and O
later O
assumed O
the O
role O
of O
Chancellor O
. O
In O
October O
2007 O
Watson I-PER
resigned O
as O
a O
result O
of O
controversial O
remarks O
about O
race O
made O
to O
Sunday I-ORG
Times I-ORG
in O
the O
. O
Currently O
, O
cancer O
biologist O
Bruce I-PER
Stillman I-PER
serves O
as O
laboratory O
President O
. O
During O
the O
years O
1910 O
to O
1940 O
, O
the O
laboratory O
was O
also O
the O
home O
of O
the O
Eugenics I-ORG
Record I-ORG
Office I-ORG
of O
biologist O
Charles I-PER
Davenport I-PER
and O
his O
assistant O
Harry I-PER
Laughlin I-PER
, O
two O
prominent O
American I-MISC
eugenicists O
of O
the O
period O
. O
In O
1935 O
the O
Carnegie I-ORG
Institution I-ORG
sent O
a O
team O
to O
review O
their O
work O
, O
and O
as O
a O
result O
the O
was O
ordered O
to O
stop O
all O
efforts O
. O
In O
1939 O
the O
Institute O
withdrew O
funding O
for O
the O
entirely O
, O
leading O
to O
its O
closure O
. O
Their O
reports O
, O
articles O
, O
charts O
, O
and O
pedigrees O
were O
considered O
scientific O
" O
facts O
" O
in O
their O
day O
, O
but O
have O
since O
been O
discredited O
. O
However O
, O
this O
closure O
came O
15 O
years O
after O
its O
findings O
were O
incorporated O
into O
the O
National I-MISC
Origins I-MISC
( O
Immigration I-MISC
1924 I-MISC
) O
, O
which O
severely O
reduced O
the O
number O
of O
immigrants O
to O
America I-LOC
from O
southern O
and O
eastern O
Europe I-LOC
who O
, O
Harry I-PER
Laughlin I-PER
testified O
, O
were O
racially O
inferior O
than O
the O
Nordic I-MISC
immigrants O
from O
England I-LOC
and O
Germany I-LOC
. O
Aside O
from O
its O
scientific O
mission O
, O
the O
laboratory O
is O
host O
to O
world-class O
scientific O
conferences O
on O
a O
variety O
of O
topics O
. O
The O
first O
of O
the O
annual O
Spring I-MISC
Harbor I-MISC
Laboratory I-MISC
Symposium I-MISC
on O
Quantitative O
Biology O
was O
held O
in O
1934 O
. O
The O
Symposium O
in O
1960 O
, O
Biological O
Clocks O
, O
was O
arguably O
the O
founding O
moment O
of O
the O
field O
of O
chronobiology O
. O
Now O
, O
over O
24 O
meetings O
, O
in O
addition O
to O
the O
Symposium O
, O
for O
between O
200 O
and O
500 O
scientists O
, O
are O
held O
annually O
. O
The O
Banbury I-LOC
Center I-LOC
is O
a O
small O
conference O
center O
that O
holds O
discussion-style O
meetings O
for O
only O
36 O
invited O
participants O
. O
These O
elite O
meetings O
cover O
often O
controversial O
topics O
in O
molecular O
biology O
and O
neuroscience O
. O
Salvador I-PER
Luria I-PER
and O
Delbrüc I-PER
founded O
the O
Phage O
Course O
in O
1948 O
, O
a O
course O
that O
trained O
many O
of O
the O
leaders O
of O
the O
new O
field O
of O
molecular O
genetics O
. O
The O
courses O
proliferated O
under O
Watson I-PER
's O
guidance O
and O
each O
year O
some O
28 O
advanced O
courses O
are O
held O
for O
graduate O
students O
and O
postdoctoral O
fellows O
who O
travel O
to O
from O
throughout O
the O
world O
. O
The O
laboratory O
also O
offers O
many O
programs O
for O
students O
in O
high O
school O
and O
college O
in O
biotechnology O
and O
biology O
. O
The O
lab O
is O
particularly O
well O
known O
for O
its O
contributions O
towards O
the O
training O
of O
young O
scientists O
, O
notably O
through O
the O
establishment O
of O
its O
Undergraduate O
Research O
Program O
in O
1959 O
, O
its O
Dolan I-LOC
Learning I-LOC
Center I-LOC
in O
1988 O
, O
and O
the O
founding O
of O
the O
Watson I-ORG
School I-ORG
of I-ORG
Biological I-ORG
Sciences I-ORG
in O
1998 O
. O
The O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
Penitentiary I-LOC
in O
Coleman I-LOC
is O
a O
high O
security O
facility O
in O
the O
state O
of O
Florida I-LOC
housing O
male O
inmates O
. O
It O
is O
part O
of O
the O
Coleman I-LOC
Federal I-LOC
Correctional I-LOC
Complex I-LOC
. O
Coleman I-LOC
is O
located O
in O
central O
Florida I-LOC
approximately O
50 O
miles O
northwest O
of O
Orlando I-LOC
, O
60 O
miles O
northeast O
of O
Tampa I-LOC
, O
and O
35 O
miles O
south O
of O
Ocala I-LOC
. O
The O
Complex I-LOC
is O
located O
south O
of O
the O
town O
of O
Coleman I-LOC
, O
Florida I-LOC
, O
off O
Highway I-LOC
301 I-LOC
. O
The O
Commonwealth I-MISC
Tennis I-MISC
Classic I-MISC
is O
a O
tennis O
tournament O
on O
the O
Tour O
held O
in O
Bali I-LOC
, O
Indonesia I-LOC
. O
The O
2007 O
event O
is O
being O
held O
from O
September O
10 O
till O
September O
16 O
. O
Held O
since O
1990 O
, O
the O
tournament O
is O
played O
on O
outdoor O
hardcourts O
. O
Prior O
to O
2001 O
, O
the O
event O
was O
held O
in O
Kuala I-LOC
Lumpur I-LOC
. O
Connecticut I-MISC
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
is O
one O
of O
the O
games O
offered O
by O
the O
Connecticut I-ORG
Lottery I-ORG
. O
It O
is O
drawn O
twice O
a O
week O
, O
on O
Tuesdays O
and O
Fridays O
. O
The O
earliest O
version O
of O
the O
game O
began O
in O
1983 O
as O
a O
pick-6-of-36 O
. O
Later O
it O
became O
a O
6/40 O
game O
. O
The O
current O
6/44 O
matrix O
was O
adopted O
in O
September O
1989 O
. O
The O
in-state O
game O
underwent O
further O
changes O
, O
such O
as O
adding O
a O
cash O
option O
in O
1997 O
, O
and O
switching O
to O
what O
proved O
to O
be O
an O
unpopular O
" O
wild O
card O
" O
version O
in O
1998 O
. O
The O
name O
was O
changed O
to O
" O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
" O
, O
and O
the O
wild O
card O
ball O
disappeared O
, O
in O
May O
1999 O
. O
The O
current O
game O
( O
as O
of O
2007 O
) O
pays O
winners O
$2 O
for O
matching O
three O
numbers O
, O
with O
parimutuel O
prizes O
for O
matching O
more O
numbers O
. O
The O
jackpot O
is O
won O
if O
all O
six O
match O
. O
Top-prize O
winners O
choose O
lump O
sum O
or O
annuity O
within O
60 O
days O
of O
claiming O
the O
jackpot O
. O
In O
the O
unlikely O
event O
that O
the O
annuity O
is O
chosen O
, O
the O
prize O
is O
paid O
in O
21 O
yearly O
installments O
. O
The O
overall O
prize O
pool O
is O
52% O
of O
sales O
, O
half O
of O
which O
goes O
toward O
the O
jackpot O
alone O
. O
As O
with O
all O
Connecticut I-ORG
Lottery I-ORG
games O
, O
the O
minimum O
age O
to O
play O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
is O
18 O
. O
The O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
jackpot O
was O
most O
recently O
hit O
on O
June O
8 O
, O
2007 O
; O
the O
jackpot O
is O
almost O
never O
shared O
by O
two O
or O
more O
tickets O
. O
Winners O
of O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
( O
jackpot O
or O
otherwise O
) O
have O
one O
year O
to O
claim O
their O
prizes O
. O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
jackpot O
of O
$3.5 O
million O
( O
annuity O
) O
on O
a O
ticket O
bought O
in O
February O
2006 O
went O
unclaimed O
. O
The O
Connecticut I-ORG
Lottery I-ORG
had O
several O
options O
for O
distributing O
the O
$2.1 O
million O
cash O
that O
would O
have O
funded O
the O
jackpot O
prize O
; O
as O
of O
June O
2007 O
, O
there O
has O
been O
no O
official O
word O
as O
to O
what O
the O
money O
will O
be O
used O
for O
. O
It O
is O
possible O
the O
money O
will O
go O
into O
future O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
drawings O
; O
for O
a O
time O
in O
the O
mid-to-late O
1990s O
, O
unclaimed O
jackpot O
cash O
was O
used O
to O
guarantee O
starting O
jackpots O
of O
$2 O
million O
, O
instead O
of O
the O
usual O
$1 O
million O
. O
Since O
Connecticut I-LOC
is O
a O
member O
of O
the O
Multi-State I-ORG
Lottery I-ORG
Association I-ORG
( O
) O
, O
it O
is O
eligible O
to O
offer O
its O
other O
multi-state O
games O
. O
One O
of O
these O
is O
the O
annuitized O
jackpot O
game O
Lotto I-MISC
, O
played O
the O
same O
as O
its O
flagship O
game O
Powerball I-MISC
; O
however O
, O
Connecticut I-LOC
is O
planning O
to O
continue O
Classic I-MISC
Lotto I-MISC
into O
at O
least O
2009 O
. O
Connecticut I-ORG
Lottery I-ORG
The O
Cornish I-ORG
Colony I-ORG
Museum I-ORG
is O
located O
in O
Windsor I-LOC
, O
Vermont I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
dedicated O
to O
the O
display O
of O
artists O
, O
sculptors O
, O
writers O
, O
architects O
and O
landscape O
designers O
who O
lived O
and O
worked O
in O
that O
area O
of O
Vermont I-LOC
and O
Hampshire I-LOC
, O
near O
the O
Connecticut I-LOC
River I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
operated O
by O
a O
non-profit O
corporation O
. O
Its O
displays O
concentrate O
on O
the O
half-century O
between O
1885 O
and O
1935 O
. O
It O
specializes O
in O
the O
works O
of O
Maxfield I-PER
Parrish I-PER
, O
and O
houses O
the O
collection O
of O
Alma I-PER
Gilbert I-PER
. O
Coronado I-ORG
Unified I-ORG
School I-ORG
District I-ORG
is O
the O
school O
district O
in O
Coronado I-LOC
, O
California I-LOC
Through O
rigorous O
academic O
standards O
, O
high O
expectations O
, O
and O
a O
coordinated O
curriculum O
, O
the O
Coronado I-ORG
Unified I-ORG
School I-ORG
District I-ORG
, O
in O
partnership O
with O
our O
small O
, O
involved O
community O
, O
will O
graduate O
students O
with O
the O
knowledge O
and O
skills O
necessary O
to O
excel O
in O
higher O
education O
, O
careers O
, O
society O
, O
and O
life O
with O
the O
confidence O
not O
only O
to O
dream O
, O
but O
to O
determine O
their O
futures O
. O
Cosham I-LOC
railway I-LOC
station I-LOC
serves O
the O
former O
village O
of O
Cosham I-LOC
, O
today O
a O
northern O
suburb O
of O
the O
city O
of O
Portsmouth I-LOC
in O
southern O
England I-LOC
. O
Opened O
in O
1847 O
by O
the O
London I-ORG
and I-ORG
South I-ORG
Western I-ORG
Railway I-ORG
( O
) O
, O
it O
is O
located O
on O
the O
West I-LOC
Coastway I-LOC
Line I-LOC
which O
runs O
between O
Brighton I-LOC
and O
Southampton I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
currently O
served O
by O
the O
South I-ORG
West I-ORG
Trains I-ORG
, O
Southern I-ORG
, O
and O
First I-ORG
Great I-ORG
Western I-ORG
train O
operating O
companies O
. O
Westward O
, O
the O
line O
through O
Cosham I-LOC
leads O
to O
Portchester I-LOC
and O
Fareham I-LOC
, O
eastward O
to O
a O
junction O
( O
part O
of O
the O
local O
" O
Railway O
Triangle O
" O
) O
between O
lines O
leading O
south O
to O
Hilsea I-LOC
and O
Portsmouth I-LOC
and O
east O
to O
Bedhampton I-LOC
and O
Havant I-LOC
. O
Although O
the O
nearest O
station O
eastward O
is O
Bedhampton I-LOC
, O
there O
are O
no O
direct O
services O
calling O
at O
both O
Cosham I-LOC
and O
Bedhampton I-LOC
. O
Passengers O
between O
these O
two O
stations O
must O
travel O
to O
Hilsea I-LOC
, O
the O
next O
station O
south O
on O
the O
Portsmouth I-LOC
line O
, O
and O
change O
trains O
there O
. O
Local O
Civic O
Trust O
organization O
Portsmouth I-ORG
Society I-ORG
has O
expressed O
its O
concern O
regarding O
low O
levels O
of O
usage O
at O
the O
station O
and O
urged O
that O
local O
planning O
policies O
should O
encourage O
its O
use O
. O
Crazyhead I-ORG
are O
an O
English I-MISC
punk O
rock O
/ O
garage O
rock O
band O
from O
Leicester I-LOC
. O
Though O
lumped O
in O
with O
the O
latgely O
media-created O
Grebo O
scene O
, O
they O
were O
more O
influenced O
by O
the O
Garage O
Rock O
of O
the O
late O
60 O
's O
, O
as O
well O
as O
bands O
like O
Ramones I-ORG
, O
Stooges I-ORG
and O
Captain I-ORG
Beefheart I-ORG
. O
They O
described O
themselves O
as O
an O
" O
urban O
bastard O
blues O
band O
" O
, O
and O
their O
songs O
ranged O
in O
theme O
from O
trenchant O
social O
commentary O
to O
the O
surreal O
, O
but O
always O
with O
an O
underlying O
vein O
of O
black O
humour O
. O
who O
were O
credited O
as O
" O
Phantom I-ORG
Horns I-ORG
" O
or O
" O
Space I-ORG
Bastards I-ORG
" O
. O
Formed O
in O
1986 O
, O
they O
signed O
to O
independent O
label O
Food I-ORG
later O
that O
year O
and O
their O
début O
single O
" O
Gives I-MISC
're I-MISC
Amazing I-MISC
" O
reached O
number O
2 O
in O
the O
Indie I-MISC
Chart I-MISC
in O
March O
1983 O
. O
For O
the O
rest O
of O
the O
year O
they O
toured O
extensively O
, O
supporting O
Cult I-ORG
, O
then O
Julian I-PER
Cope I-PER
, O
and O
also O
played O
the O
Glastonbury I-MISC
Festival I-MISC
. O
Their O
second O
single O
" O
Turpentine I-MISC
" O
reached O
number O
4 O
in O
the O
Indie I-MISC
Chart I-MISC
. O
In O
mid-1988 O
their O
third O
single O
" O
Taken I-MISC
" O
reached O
# O
65 O
in O
the O
Top O
100 O
, O
their O
label O
now O
owned O
by O
. O
The O
band O
embarked O
on O
another O
tour O
to O
promote O
their O
début O
album O
Deser I-MISC
Orchid I-MISC
, O
released O
in O
Octobe O
1988 O
, O
along O
with O
another O
single O
, O
" O
" O
, O
and O
then O
toured O
Europe I-LOC
supporting O
Iggy I-PER
. O
They O
then O
released O
the O
Travel I-MISC
( O
which O
reached O
# O
68 O
) O
before O
embarking O
on O
yet O
another O
tour O
. O
In O
1989 O
they O
made O
two O
brief O
tours O
of O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
, O
and O
appeared O
at O
the O
Reading I-MISC
Festival I-MISC
. O
At O
the O
behest O
of O
the O
British I-ORG
Council I-ORG
, O
they O
played O
an O
international O
music O
festival O
in O
Moscow I-LOC
, O
, O
and O
in O
early O
1990 O
, O
along O
with O
Skin I-ORG
Games I-ORG
and O
Jesus I-ORG
Jones I-ORG
were O
one O
the O
first O
western O
bands O
to O
tour O
post-Ceauşescu O
Romania I-LOC
. O
Later O
that O
year O
they O
played O
at O
the O
Namibian I-MISC
Independence I-MISC
concert I-MISC
to O
an O
audience O
of O
50,000 O
. O
The O
band O
were O
dropped O
by O
Food I-ORG
Records I-ORG
in O
1989 O
, O
and O
their O
second O
album O
Fever I-MISC
was O
released O
through O
Revolver I-ORG
Records I-ORG
. O
In O
1992 O
they O
gigged O
across O
Europe I-LOC
, O
and O
in O
1993 O
embarked O
on O
a O
tour O
of O
the O
in O
order O
to O
promote O
an O
album O
of O
cover O
versions O
Memphis I-MISC
, O
even O
though O
the O
deal O
to O
release O
it O
fell O
through O
. O
Over O
the O
next O
few O
years O
Crazyhead I-MISC
made O
sporadic O
live O
appearances O
. O
In O
1997 O
they O
released O
Fucked I-MISC
- O
a O
collection O
of O
previously O
unreleased O
material O
, O
demo O
versions O
, O
and O
live O
tracks O
, O
and O
an O
of O
new O
material O
13th I-MISC
Floor I-MISC
. O
They O
again O
toured O
the O
, O
supporting O
Mission I-ORG
on O
a O
number O
of O
dates O
. O
They O
started O
recording O
material O
for O
a O
new O
album O
, O
but O
the O
departure O
of O
Anderson I-PER
to O
work O
abroad O
meant O
the O
end O
of O
the O
band O
. O
They O
played O
their O
farewell O
gig O
in O
Leicester I-LOC
on O
21st O
December O
2000 O
. O
The O
band O
reformed O
in O
2007 O
and O
plan O
to O
start O
playing O
live O
again O
in O
2008 O
. O
Crown I-ORG
Pacific I-ORG
Partners I-ORG
, O
L.P. O
was O
a O
publicly O
traded O
partnership O
founded O
in O
1988 O
which O
at O
its O
peak O
owned O
about O
800,000 O
acres O
( O
3,000 O
km² O
) O
of O
timberland O
, O
half O
in O
Orego I-LOC
and O
the O
rest O
in O
Washington I-LOC
, O
Idaho I-LOC
, O
and O
Montana I-LOC
. O
It O
also O
held O
several O
sawmills O
( O
including O
one O
in O
Gilchrist I-LOC
, O
Oregon I-LOC
) O
, O
a O
wood O
chip O
plant O
, O
and O
lumberyards O
in O
the O
Pacific I-LOC
Northwest I-LOC
, O
with O
wholesale O
marketing O
and O
sales O
office O
in O
states O
such O
as O
California I-LOC
, O
Utah I-LOC
, O
and O
Arizona I-LOC
. O
The O
partnership O
went O
public O
in O
1994 O
, O
trading O
under O
the O
stock O
symbol O
on O
the O
York I-ORG
Stock I-ORG
Exchange I-ORG
. O
It O
filed O
for O
Chapter I-MISC
bankruptcy O
in O
June O
2003 O
, O
with O
its O
remaining O
assets O
, O
520,000 O
acres O
( O
2,100 O
km² O
) O
in O
Washingto I-LOC
and O
Oregon I-LOC
, O
taken O
over O
by O
creditors O
in O
Decembe O
2004 O
, O
who O
formed O
Cascade I-ORG
Timberlands I-ORG
, O
. O
Dahvin I-PER
Daniels I-PER
( O
born O
August O
23 O
, O
1993 O
) O
in O
Danvers I-LOC
, O
Massachusetts I-LOC
is O
an O
American I-MISC
rapper O
and O
singer O
. O
She O
originally O
started O
her O
career O
through O
theatre O
and O
dance O
and O
later O
headed O
towards O
a O
career O
in O
rapping O
. O
Radio I-ORG
Disney I-ORG
added O
to O
the O
Radio I-MISC
Disney I-MISC
IncubaTor I-MISC
Dancemania I-MISC
is O
a O
series O
of O
remix O
compilation O
albums O
by O
( O
formerly O
Intercord I-ORG
Japan I-ORG
, O
owned O
by O
Toshiba-EMI I-ORG
) O
in O
Japan I-LOC
. O
The O
series O
deals O
primarily O
with O
dance O
music O
, O
and O
many O
of O
the O
albums O
are O
licensed O
for O
use O
in O
Bemani I-MISC
games O
by O
Konami I-ORG
, O
such O
as O
Dance I-MISC
Dance I-MISC
Revolution I-MISC
or O
Dance I-MISC
Maniax I-MISC
for O
an O
exchange O
to O
advertise O
their O
record O
albums O
in O
public O
for O
free O
. O
Daniel I-PER
Near I-PER
( O
1825 O
-- O
) O
was O
an O
Ontario I-LOC
political O
figure O
. O
He O
represented O
Welland I-LOC
in O
the O
Legislative I-ORG
Assembly I-ORG
of I-ORG
Ontario I-ORG
from O
1879 O
to O
1883 O
as O
a O
Liberal I-ORG
member O
. O
He O
was O
born O
in O
Humberstone I-LOC
Township I-LOC
in O
1825 O
, O
the O
son O
of O
John I-PER
Near I-PER
, O
and O
grew O
up O
there O
. O
He O
married O
Elizabeth I-PER
Cronmiller I-PER
in O
1851 O
and O
then O
, O
in O
1855 O
, O
Mary I-PER
Harwisch I-PER
, O
after O
his O
first O
wife O
died O
. O
He O
served O
five O
years O
as O
reeve O
of O
Humberstone I-PER
and O
was O
also O
a O
justice O
of O
the O
peace O
. O
Daniel I-PER
Claudiu I-PER
Prodan I-PER
( O
born O
23 O
March O
1972 O
) O
is O
a O
retired O
Romanian I-MISC
soccer O
defender O
. O
He O
was O
born O
in O
Satu I-LOC
Mare I-LOC
and O
debuted O
in O
Divizia I-ORG
with O
Steaua I-ORG
Bucureşti I-ORG
in O
1992 O
. O
Prodan I-PER
won O
five O
consecutive O
league O
titles O
with O
Steaua I-ORG
before O
moving O
to O
play O
in O
Spain I-LOC
. O
From O
1998 O
to O
2000 O
Prodan I-PER
played O
in O
Scotland I-LOC
with O
Rangers I-ORG
but O
made O
no O
first O
team O
appearances O
due O
to O
a O
serious O
knee O
injury O
. O
Prodan I-PER
got O
54 O
caps O
for O
the O
national O
team O
between O
1992 O
and O
1999 O
, O
and O
was O
in O
the O
squad O
for O
the O
1994 O
World I-MISC
and O
1996 I-MISC
. O
He O
scored O
one O
international O
goal O
, O
against O
Slovakia I-LOC
in O
1994 O
. O
Daniel I-PER
Segal I-PER
is O
a O
British I-MISC
mathematician O
, O
currently O
a O
Professor O
of O
Mathematics O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Oxford I-ORG
. O
He O
specialises O
in O
algebra O
and O
group O
theory O
. O
He O
originally O
studied O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Cambridge I-ORG
, O
before O
taking O
a O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
London I-ORG
in O
1972 O
, O
supervised O
by O
Bertram I-PER
Wehrfritz I-PER
, O
with O
a O
dissertation O
on O
group O
theory O
. O
He O
is O
currently O
a O
Fellow O
of O
Souls I-ORG
College I-ORG
at O
Oxford I-ORG
, O
where O
he O
is O
sub-warden O
. O
His O
postgraduate O
students O
have O
included O
Marcus I-PER
du I-PER
Sautoy I-PER
and O
Geoff I-PER
Smith I-PER
. O
Darkness I-MISC
Death I-MISC
is O
the O
sixth O
album O
by O
Runemagick I-ORG
. O
It O
was O
released O
in O
2003 O
on O
Aftermath I-ORG
Records I-ORG
. O
limited O
edition O
contains O
a O
bonus O
, O
titled O
Pentagram I-MISC
. O
Dark I-ORG
Room I-ORG
Notes I-ORG
are O
a O
four-piece O
electro O
/ O
synthpop O
band O
based O
in O
Dublin I-LOC
, O
Ireland I-LOC
. O
The O
three O
founding O
members O
, O
Ronan I-PER
Gaughan I-PER
, O
Ruairi I-PER
Ferrie I-PER
and O
former O
drummer O
Ruairi I-PER
Cavanagh I-PER
originally O
hail O
from O
Galway I-LOC
. O
Later O
members O
Arran I-PER
Murphy I-PER
is O
from O
Wicklow I-LOC
, O
while O
newest O
recruit O
, O
Camera I-PER
Shanahan I-PER
, O
comes O
from O
Dublin I-LOC
. O
The O
band O
's O
music O
has O
been O
described O
as O
electro O
/ O
synthpop O
with O
a O
slightly O
sombre O
overtone O
and O
introverted O
lyrical O
sensibility O
. O
According O
to O
Village I-ORG
they O
" O
seem O
to O
gather O
comparisons O
with O
the O
murkier O
side O
of O
electro O
pop O
, O
usually O
bands O
like O
Order I-ORG
, O
Interpol I-ORG
or O
Division I-ORG
. O
While O
the O
comparisons O
have O
some O
basis O
, O
are O
far O
from O
gloomy O
, O
just O
a O
bit O
... O
cool. O
.. O
But O
this O
cool O
does O
not O
translate O
into O
pretension O
, O
just O
humorous O
and O
knowledgeable O
asides O
to O
their O
favourite O
artists O
, O
photographers O
and O
filmmakers O
" O
. O
Dark I-ORG
Room I-ORG
Notes I-ORG
formed O
in O
Galway I-LOC
in O
2004 O
, O
recruiting O
drummer O
Shanahan I-PER
in O
2006 O
. O
They O
performed O
their O
first O
gig O
in O
Galway I-LOC
in O
December O
2006 O
. O
With O
the O
release O
of O
their O
debut O
, O
Start I-MISC
Program I-MISC
on O
October O
12 O
2007 O
, O
the O
band O
embarked O
on O
a O
nationwide O
tour O
which O
began O
with O
gigs O
at O
Cyprus I-ORG
Avenue I-ORG
in O
Cork I-LOC
on O
October O
9 O
, O
Spirit I-ORG
Store I-ORG
in O
Dundalk I-LOC
on O
October O
10 O
, O
Tower I-ORG
Records I-ORG
( O
2pm O
) O
/ O
Crawdaddy I-ORG
in O
Dublin I-LOC
on O
Saturday O
October O
13 O
and O
Roisin I-ORG
Dubh I-ORG
in O
Galway I-LOC
on O
Thursday O
October O
18 O
. O
The O
band O
were O
recently O
selected O
to O
play O
on O
the O
6th O
series O
of O
the O
acclaimed O
music O
show O
Other I-MISC
Voices I-MISC
. O
Producers O
already O
working O
with O
the O
quartet O
include O
Flood I-PER
and O
Rixton I-PER
. O
Current O
members O
Former O
members O
Ltd. I-ORG
, O
was O
founded O
in O
1990 O
by O
a O
group O
of O
research O
fellows O
from O
the O
Institute I-ORG
of I-ORG
Applied I-ORG
Cybernetics I-ORG
at O
the O
Bulgarian I-ORG
Academy I-ORG
of I-ORG
Sciences I-ORG
. O
The O
start O
was O
given O
in O
1990 O
with O
the O
first O
Cyrillic I-MISC
fonts O
in O
the O
PostScript I-MISC
format O
, O
the O
first O
Laser O
printer O
with O
in O
- O
built O
Cyrillic I-MISC
fonts O
in O
1991 O
and O
the O
first O
professional O
program O
for O
complete O
Cyrillic I-MISC
support O
under O
Windows I-MISC
- O
the O
- O
in O
1992 O
. O
During O
1996 O
, O
this O
product O
was O
accepted O
as O
the O
standard O
for O
the O
communication O
software O
products O
, O
employed O
to O
serve O
the O
Council I-ORG
for I-ORG
European I-ORG
Security I-ORG
and I-ORG
Cooperation I-ORG
. O
In O
1997 O
, O
Microsoft I-ORG
purchased O
a O
Datecs I-ORG
license O
for O
the O
distribution O
of O
the O
spelling O
and O
hyphenation O
product O
- O
. O
In O
cooperation O
with O
Samsung I-ORG
, O
Datecs I-ORG
embarked O
on O
developing O
retail O
systems O
in O
1994 O
. O
Two O
, O
Samsung I-ORG
based O
, O
electronic O
cash O
registers O
were O
reconstructed O
in O
order O
to O
expand O
their O
functions O
and O
adapt O
them O
for O
networking O
. O
The O
company O
produced O
its O
first O
electronic O
cash O
register O
- O
the O
Datecs I-MISC
- O
in O
1996 O
, O
followed O
by O
the O
model O
with O
the O
thermal O
printer O
, O
the O
, O
a O
year O
later O
. O
In O
only O
a O
few O
years O
- O
and O
100 O
000 O
devices O
sold O
in O
11 O
countries O
around O
the O
World O
- O
Datecs I-ORG
became O
the O
best O
known O
brand O
of O
electronic O
cash O
registers O
with O
fiscal O
memory O
in O
Central I-LOC
and I-LOC
Eastern I-LOC
Europe I-LOC
. O
During O
the O
next O
several O
years O
, O
the O
range O
of O
company O
products O
has O
expanded O
with O
electronic O
scales O
, O
working O
in O
conjunction O
with O
a O
cash O
register O
and O
label O
printer O
; O
display O
, O
fiscal O
, O
" O
kitchen O
" O
, O
label O
and O
/ O
printers O
; O
a O
portable O
cash O
register O
and O
an O
item O
server O
, O
plus O
a O
number O
of O
new O
program O
products O
. O
David I-PER
Snoke I-PER
is O
a O
Physics O
professor O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Pittsburgh I-ORG
in O
the O
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Physics I-ORG
and I-ORG
Astronomy I-ORG
. O
In O
2006 O
he O
was O
elected O
a O
Fellow O
of O
the O
American I-ORG
Physical I-ORG
Society I-ORG
" O
[ O
f]or O
his O
pioneering O
work O
on O
the O
experimental O
and O
theoretical O
understanding O
of O
dynamical O
optical O
processes O
in O
semiconductor O
systems O
. O
" O
In O
2004 O
he O
co-wrote O
a O
controversial O
paper O
with O
prominent O
intelligent O
design O
proponent O
Michael I-PER
Behe I-PER
. O
Snoke I-PER
received O
his O
in O
physics O
from O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Illinois I-ORG
at O
Urbana-Champaign I-LOC
. O
He O
has O
worked O
for O
Aerospace I-ORG
Corporation I-ORG
and O
was O
a O
visiting O
scientist O
and O
Fellow O
at O
the O
Planck I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
. O
His O
research O
has O
focused O
on O
basic O
processes O
and O
phase O
transitions O
of O
electrons O
, O
holes O
, O
including O
nonequilibrium O
dynamics O
of O
electron O
plasma O
and O
excitons O
, O
the O
Mott O
transition O
from O
exciton O
gas O
to O
electron-hole O
plasma O
and O
Bose-Einstein O
condensation O
of O
excitons O
and O
polaritons O
. O
His O
research O
group O
at O
the O
university I-ORG
of I-ORG
Pittsburgh I-ORG
uses O
stress O
to O
trap O
excitons O
in O
confined O
regions O
, O
similar O
to O
the O
way O
atoms O
are O
confined O
in O
traps O
for O
Bose-Einstein O
condensation O
experiments O
. O
His O
book O
, O
Biblical I-MISC
for I-MISC
Earth I-MISC
was O
described O
in O
a O
review O
by O
Law O
Professor O
David I-PER
Opderbeck I-PER
, O
in O
the O
American I-ORG
Scientific I-ORG
Affiliation I-ORG
's O
Perspectives O
on O
Science O
and O
Christian O
Faith O
as O
" O
succeed[ing O
] O
admirably O
" O
in O
" O
establish[ing O
] O
that O
the O
' O
day-age O
' O
view O
is O
a O
valid O
alternative O
for O
Christians I-MISC
who O
hold O
to O
biblical O
inerrancy O
" O
, O
but O
as O
" O
less O
persuasive O
" O
at O
" O
argu[ing O
] O
for O
a O
concordist O
understanding O
of O
the O
Genesis I-MISC
texts O
and O
modern O
science O
. O
" O
Snoke I-PER
was O
elected O
a O
Fellow O
of O
the O
American I-ORG
Scientific I-ORG
Affiliation I-ORG
in O
2006 O
. O
In O
2004 O
co-authored O
an O
article O
, O
with O
Michael I-PER
Behe I-PER
, O
a O
senior O
fellow O
of O
the O
Discovery I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
's O
Center I-ORG
for I-ORG
Science I-ORG
and I-ORG
Culture I-ORG
, O
in O
the O
scientific O
journal O
Protein I-ORG
Science I-ORG
, O
which O
received O
widespread O
criticism O
. O
Behe I-PER
has O
stated O
that O
the O
results O
of O
the O
paper O
support O
his O
notion O
of O
irreducible O
complexity O
, O
based O
on O
the O
calculation O
of O
the O
probability O
of O
mutations O
required O
for O
evolution O
to O
succeed O
. O
Michael I-PER
Lynch I-PER
authored O
a O
response O
, O
to O
which O
Behe I-PER
and O
Snoke I-PER
responded O
. O
Protein I-ORG
Science I-ORG
discussed O
the O
papers O
in O
an O
editorial O
. O
On O
May O
7 O
, O
2005 O
, O
Behe I-PER
described O
the O
paper O
in O
presenting O
arguments O
for O
irreducible O
complexity O
in O
his O
testimony O
at O
the O
Kansas I-LOC
evolution O
hearings O
. O
At O
the O
Kitzmiller I-PER
v. O
Dover I-ORG
Area I-ORG
School I-ORG
District I-ORG
trial O
later O
that O
year O
it O
was O
the O
one O
article O
referenced O
by O
both O
Behe I-PER
and O
Scott I-PER
Minnich I-PER
as O
supporting O
intelligent O
design O
. O
In O
his O
ruling O
, O
Judge O
Jones I-PER
noted O
that O
" O
review O
of O
the O
article O
indicates O
that O
it O
does O
not O
mention O
either O
irreducible O
complexity O
or O
. O
In O
fact O
, O
Professor O
Behe I-PER
admitted O
that O
the O
study O
which O
forms O
the O
basis O
for O
the O
article O
did O
not O
rule O
out O
many O
known O
evolutionary O
mechanisms O
and O
that O
the O
research O
actually O
might O
support O
evolutionary O
pathways O
if O
a O
biologically O
realistic O
population O
size O
were O
used O
. O
" O
Davis I-LOC
is O
an O
indoor O
athletics O
facility O
on O
the O
campus O
of O
Bucknell I-ORG
University I-ORG
in O
Lewisburg I-LOC
, O
Pennsylvania I-LOC
. O
It O
was O
the O
primary O
venue O
for O
basketball O
and O
other O
indoor O
sports O
until O
the O
Sojka I-LOC
Pavilion I-LOC
opened O
in O
2003 O
. O
It O
hosted O
the O
Patriot I-ORG
League I-ORG
men O
's O
basketball O
tournament O
title O
game O
in O
1993 O
. O
Davis I-LOC
could O
hold O
around O
1,100 O
people O
. O
The O
Defamation I-ORG
Action I-ORG
League I-ORG
was O
started O
in O
January O
2007 O
by O
professional O
spammer O
William I-PER
Stanley I-PER
( O
see O
- O
) O
in O
order O
to O
force O
the O
shutdown O
of O
the O
websites O I-MISC
and O I-MISC
- O
consumer O
complaint O
websites O
run O
by O
Magedson I-PER
. O
The O
Defamation I-ORG
Action I-ORG
League I-ORG
says O
they O
are O
a O
group O
dedicated O
to O
fighting O
online O
defamation O
. O
However O
, O
the O
Defamation I-ORG
Action I-ORG
League I-ORG
engages O
in O
defamation O
itself O
to O
further O
its O
aims O
. O
The O
Defamation I-ORG
Action I-ORG
League I-ORG
's O
strategy O
involves O
" O
protesting O
" O
the O
companies O
which O
host O I-MISC
and O I-MISC
by O
setting O
up O
" O
protest O
sites O
" O
and O
engaging O
in O
annoyance O
strategies O
such O
as O
placing O
classified O
ads O
with O
the O
companies O
' O
telephone O
numbers O
for O
products O
they O
are O
n't O
selling O
or O
sending O
mass O
emails O
to O
other O
customers O
claiming O
that O
the O
hosting O
companies O
support O
child O
pornography O
and O
are O
actively O
engaged O
in O
pedophilia O
. O
In O
return O
Magedson I-PER
filed O
a O
lawsuit O
under O
. O
June O
21 O
, O
2007 O
preliminary O
injunction O
was O
granted O
against O I-MISC
and O I-MISC
. O
Stanley I-PER
and O
cohorts O
were O
found O
liable O
for O
defamation O
and O
making O
death O
threats O
. O
Delwyn I-PER
Langejans I-PER
is O
an O
innovative O
American I-MISC
luthier O
. O
He O
handcrafts O
everything O
from O
reversible O
dualette O
guitars O
to O
harp O
guitars O
. O
descendant O
of O
farmer O
immigrants O
from O
Bentheim I-LOC
, O
Germany I-LOC
, O
Langejans I-PER
was O
born O
and O
raised O
in O
Holland I-LOC
, O
Michigan I-LOC
, O
where O
his O
luthier O
shop O
keeps O
him O
busy O
building O
guitars O
for O
such O
notable O
musicians O
as O
Thom I-PER
Bresh I-PER
( O
Merle I-PER
Travis I-PER
's O
son O
) O
and O
Jars I-ORG
of I-ORG
Clay I-ORG
. O
His O
father O
being O
a O
homebuilder O
, O
woodworking O
was O
a O
skill O
Langejans I-PER
picked O
up O
early O
in O
life O
. O
While O
in O
school O
, O
he O
developed O
a O
strong O
work O
ethic O
and O
an O
even O
stronger O
love O
of O
music O
. O
During O
his O
time O
in O
the O
Navy I-ORG
, O
Langejans I-PER
made O
regular O
practice O
of O
entertaining O
his O
fellow O
sailors O
with O
his O
accordion O
and O
guitar O
talents O
. O
After O
his O
naval O
discharge O
, O
Langejans I-PER
took O
a O
job O
at O
Meyer I-ORG
Music I-ORG
in O
Holland I-LOC
, O
where O
he O
was O
trained O
in O
the O
intricacies O
of O
instrument O
repair O
and O
electronics O
. O
In O
1971 O
, O
he O
began O
to O
design O
and O
build O
his O
own O
guitars O
, O
originally O
bearing O
the O
name O
Del's I-MISC
. O
He O
has O
made O
over O
1200 O
guitars O
as O
of O
2006 O
, O
many O
of O
them O
custom-made-to-order O
, O
putting O
Langejans I-PER
guitars O
in O
the O
hands O
of O
numerous O
stars O
from O
all O
genre O
of O
music O
. O
The O
Langejans I-MISC
Dualette I-MISC
is O
a O
two O
sided O
guitar O
which O
was O
custom O
made O
for O
Thom I-PER
Bresh I-PER
. O
On O
one O
side O
is O
a O
steel O
string-guitar O
and O
on O
the O
other O
is O
a O
nylon-string O
. O
The O
harp O
guitar O
at O
the O
right O
was O
custom O
made O
for O
Hall O
of O
Fame O
Finger-picker O
Muriel I-PER
Anderson I-PER
. O
Langejans I-PER
also O
makes O
banjo-guitars O
as O
well O
as O
standard O
type O
models O
. O
At O
one O
point O
, O
so O
many O
orders O
had O
been O
called O
in O
that O
there O
was O
a O
four-year O
waiting O
list O
for O
a O
Langejans I-PER
guitar O
. O
The O
standard O
production O
time O
is O
generally O
one O
year O
. O
The O
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Natural I-ORG
Resources I-ORG
and I-ORG
Mines I-ORG
is O
the O
former O
name O
of O
the O
Queensland I-ORG
Government I-ORG
Department I-ORG
of I-ORG
Natural I-ORG
Resources I-ORG
Mines I-ORG
and I-ORG
Water I-ORG
. O
The O
name O
change O
was O
implement O
to O
recognise O
the O
Government I-ORG
's O
policy O
focus O
on O
water O
supply O
in O
the O
current O
drought O
. O
Although O
the O
name O
change O
recognised O
the O
new O
policy O
focus O
on O
water O
supply O
there O
was O
no O
new O
administrative O
responsibilities O
added O
to O
the O
Department I-ORG
( O
which O
already O
administered O
the O
Water I-MISC
2000 I-MISC
( O
) O
) O
. O
Dewa I-PER
Gede I-PER
Budjana I-PER
or O
Dewa I-PER
Budjana I-PER
( O
born O
August O
30 O
, O
1963 O
in O
Waikabubak I-LOC
) O
is O
an O
Indonesian I-MISC
guitarist O
, O
songwriter O
and O
composer O
. O
He O
is O
the O
lead O
guitarist O
and O
songwriter O
of O
the O
band O
Gigi I-ORG
. O
Budjana I-PER
's O
style O
changed O
dramatically O
to O
jazz O
as O
he O
got O
to O
know O
John I-PER
McLaughlin I-PER
, O
Metheny I-PER
, O
Jeff I-PER
Beck I-PER
, O
John I-PER
Abercrombie I-PER
, O
Chick I-PER
Corea I-PER
and O
Weather I-ORG
Report I-ORG
. O
In O
his O
early O
experience O
, O
he O
established O
a O
band O
called O
" O
Squirrell I-ORG
" O
which O
was O
popular O
in O
the O
local O
community O
. O
Throughout O
his O
musical O
experience O
in O
Indonesia I-LOC
, O
Dewa I-PER
Budjana I-PER
has O
collaborated O
with O
many O
famous O
guitarists O
such O
as O
Tohpati I-PER
, O
Ridho I-PER
and O
Abdee I-PER
Negara I-PER
. O
His O
ability O
to O
combine O
jazz O
and O
rock O
has O
put O
him O
among O
the O
top O
Indonesian I-MISC
guitarists O
. O
Budjana I-PER
's O
passion O
and O
talent O
in O
music O
, O
especially O
guitar O
, O
has O
been O
very O
dominant O
since O
he O
was O
in O
an O
elementary O
school O
in O
Klungkung I-LOC
, O
Bali I-LOC
. O
Budjana I-PER
's O
first O
teacher O
was O
a O
construction O
worker O
who O
lived O
nearby O
. O
He O
stole O
money O
from O
his O
grandmother O
to O
buy O
his O
first O
guitarHe O
prioritised O
guitar O
in O
his O
life O
, O
and O
started O
to O
teach O
himself O
by O
playing O
rock O
songs O
. O
He O
became O
more O
passionate O
about O
music O
, O
and O
was O
reflected O
when O
Budjana I-PER
moved O
to O
Surabaya I-LOC
, O
East I-LOC
Java I-LOC
, O
where O
he O
took O
a O
classical O
music O
course O
, O
performed O
with O
a O
band O
and O
participated O
in O
many O
of O
music O
performances O
. O
After O
graduation O
, O
he O
went O
to O
Jakarta I-LOC
to O
pursue O
a O
career O
as O
professional O
musician O
. O
While O
there O
, O
he O
came O
across O
Jack I-PER
Lesmana I-PER
, O
a O
jazz O
maestro O
and O
father O
of O
jazz O
musician O
Indra I-PER
Lesmana I-PER
, O
who O
taught O
Budjana I-PER
the O
philosophy O
of O
jazz O
. O
In O
1976 O
, O
when O
he O
was O
thirteen O
, O
Budjana I-PER
's O
name O
started O
to O
be O
seen O
in O
the O
music O
world O
in O
Surabaya I-LOC
. O
Later O
, O
in O
1981 O
, O
he O
bought O
a O
" O
real O
" O
electric O
guitar O
( O
an O
) O
and O
started O
to O
play O
with O
many O
different O
people O
. O
Slowly O
, O
his O
musical O
style O
changed O
from O
pop O
rock O
to O
jazz O
, O
as O
he O
started O
to O
incorporate O
influences O
from O
John I-PER
McLaughlin I-PER
of O
the O
Mahavishnu I-ORG
Orchestra I-ORG
, O
Chick I-PER
Corea I-PER
, O
, O
Gentle I-ORG
Giant I-ORG
, O
Kansas I-ORG
, O
Tangerine I-ORG
Dream I-ORG
, O
American I-ORG
Garage I-ORG
, O
Bright I-ORG
Size I-ORG
Life I-ORG
, O
Metheny I-PER
and O
Allan I-PER
Holdsworth I-PER
. O
In O
1980 O
, O
Budjana I-PER
started O
Squirrel I-ORG
, O
his O
first O
jazz O
band O
, O
with O
his O
schoolmates O
in O
Surabaya I-LOC
. O
Squirrel I-ORG
participated O
in O
a O
number O
of O
national O
music O
events O
, O
including O
Light I-MISC
Music I-MISC
Contest I-MISC
in O
1984 O
at O
Teater I-ORG
Terbuka I-ORG
, O
, O
Indonesia I-LOC
. O
Though O
many O
contestants O
participated O
, O
it O
was O
Budjana I-PER
and O
his O
fellow O
bandmates O
who O
outperformed O
the O
competition O
and O
won O
. O
One O
year O
after O
that O
, O
Budjana I-PER
decided O
to O
fly O
to O
Jakarta I-LOC
in O
order O
to O
expand O
his O
music O
career O
. O
This O
journey O
lead O
him O
to O
Jack I-PER
Lesmana I-PER
, O
an O
Indonesian I-MISC
jazz O
legend O
, O
who O
introduced O
him O
to O
other O
professional O
musicians O
. O
Although O
Jack I-PER
provided O
Budjana I-PER
with O
opportunities O
in O
his O
Indonesian I-MISC
music O
career O
, O
it O
was O
Indra I-PER
who O
first O
asked O
him O
to O
became O
a O
session O
player O
. O
few O
years O
later O
, O
Budjana I-PER
joined O
the O
band O
Spirit I-ORG
, O
which O
included O
Baron I-PER
, O
Gigi I-ORG
's O
former O
guitarist O
. O
With O
Budjana I-PER
, O
Spirit I-ORG
released O
one O
self-titled O
album O
, O
before O
Budjana I-PER
decided O
to O
leave O
the O
band O
and O
joined O
Java I-ORG
Jazz I-ORG
. O
He O
also O
sat O
in O
with O
many O
other O
bands O
--- O
including O
the O
Jimmy I-ORG
Manopo I-ORG
Band I-ORG
, O
Erwin I-ORG
Gutawa I-ORG
, O
Elfa I-ORG
's I-ORG
Band I-ORG
and O
Twilite I-ORG
Orchestra I-ORG
--- O
and O
participated O
in O
the O
North I-MISC
Festival I-MISC
, O
a O
world O
jazz O
convention O
in O
Haag I-LOC
, O
the O
Netherlands I-LOC
. O
His O
current O
band O
, O
Gigi I-ORG
, O
was O
formed O
in O
1994 O
with O
Baron I-PER
( O
guitar O
) O
, O
Thomas I-PER
( O
bass O
) O
, O
Armand I-PER
( O
vocal O
) O
and O
Ronald I-PER
( O
drum O
) O
. O
Since O
then O
, O
Gigi I-ORG
has O
released O
six O
albums O
. O
He O
has O
also O
released O
his O
own O
solo O
albums O
: O
Damai I-MISC
; O
Gitarku I-MISC
; O
Samsara I-MISC
; O
and O
, O
a O
tribute O
album O
to O
the O
December O
2004 O
tsunami O
victims O
. O
Since O
Dewa I-PER
Budjana I-PER
started O
his O
professional O
career O
as O
a O
musician O
, O
he O
has O
mainly O
used O
a O
Parker I-MISC
Delux I-MISC
as O
his O
main O
guitar O
, O
occasionally O
using O
Klein I-ORG
and I-ORG
Gibson I-ORG
guitars O
series O
instead O
. O
Budjana I-PER
also O
owns O
a O
double O
neck O
Klein I-ORG
guitar O
which O
was O
used O
on O
his O
latest O
album O
, O
, O
and O
pictured O
on O
the O
cover O
. O
For O
his O
rig O
, O
Dewa I-PER
Budjana I-PER
mainly O
uses O
Mesa I-ORG
Boogie I-ORG
rectifier O
and O
Carvin I-MISC
Legacy I-MISC
amplifier I-MISC
that O
are O
connected O
to O
the O
Line O
6 O
Ax2 O
212 O
. O
Diego I-PER
Silang I-PER
Andaya I-PER
( O
December O
16 O
, O
1730 O
- O
May O
28 O
, O
1763 O
) O
was O
raised O
as O
an O
Ilocano I-MISC
; O
his O
father O
was O
Pangasinense I-MISC
. O
He O
was O
a O
revolutionary O
leader O
who O
conspired O
with O
British I-MISC
forces O
to O
overthrow O
the O
Spanish I-MISC
in O
the O
northern O
Philippines I-LOC
and O
establish O
an O
independent O
Ilocano I-MISC
nation O
. O
His O
revolt O
was O
fueled O
by O
grievances O
stemming O
from O
Spanish I-MISC
tributes O
and O
abuses O
, O
and O
his O
belief O
in O
self-government O
, O
that O
the O
administration O
and O
leadership O
of O
the O
Roman I-MISC
Catholic I-MISC
Church I-MISC
and O
government O
in O
the O
Ilocos I-LOC
Region I-LOC
( O
which O
at O
this O
time O
did O
not O
include O
Pangasinan I-LOC
) O
should O
be O
led O
by O
trained O
Ilocano I-MISC
officials O
. O
Born O
in O
Aringay I-LOC
, O
Pangasinan I-LOC
( O
an O
area O
in O
present-day O
Caba I-LOC
or O
Aringay I-LOC
, O
Union I-LOC
) O
, O
he O
worked O
as O
a O
messenger O
for O
a O
local O
Castilian I-MISC
priest O
in O
Vigan I-LOC
, O
Ilocos I-LOC
. O
Bright O
, O
passionate O
and O
fluent O
in O
Spanish I-MISC
, O
he O
ferried O
correspondence O
from O
the O
Ilocos I-LOC
to O
Manila I-LOC
, O
journeys O
that O
gave O
him O
his O
first O
glimpse O
of O
colonial O
injustice O
and O
that O
planted O
the O
seeds O
of O
rebellion O
. O
Spain I-LOC
allied O
with O
France I-LOC
during O
the O
Seven I-MISC
Years I-MISC
against O
Great I-LOC
Britain I-LOC
. O
In O
so O
doing O
, O
the O
British I-MISC
sought O
to O
diminish O
the O
Spanish I-LOC
Empire I-LOC
. O
British I-MISC
naval O
forces O
took O
over O
Manila I-LOC
in O
October O
1762 O
, O
that O
inspired O
uprisings O
in O
the O
farthest O
north O
of O
Ilocos I-LOC
Norte I-LOC
and O
Cagayan I-LOC
, O
where O
anti-Spanish I-MISC
sentiments O
festered O
. O
While O
Silang I-PER
initially O
wanted O
to O
replace O
Spanish I-MISC
functionaries O
in O
the O
Ilocos I-LOC
with O
native O
officials O
, O
and O
volunteered O
to O
head O
Ilocano I-MISC
forces O
against O
the O
British I-MISC
, O
desperate O
Spanish I-MISC
administrators O
transferred O
their O
powers O
to O
the O
Catholic I-MISC
Bishop O
of O
Nueva I-LOC
Segovia I-LOC
( O
Vigan I-LOC
) O
who O
in O
turn O
rejected O
Silang I-PER
's O
call O
. O
Silang I-PER
's O
group O
attacked O
the O
city O
and O
imprisoned O
its O
priests O
. O
He O
then O
began O
an O
association O
with O
the O
British I-MISC
who O
appointed O
him O
governor O
of O
the O
Ilocos I-MISC
on O
their O
behalf O
and O
promised O
him O
military O
reinforcement O
. O
The O
British I-MISC
force O
never O
materialized O
. O
He O
was O
killed O
by O
one O
of O
his O
friends O
, O
a O
Spanish-Ilocano I-MISC
mestizo O
named O
Miguel I-PER
Vicos I-PER
who O
was O
paid O
by O
church O
authorities O
to O
assassinate O
him O
. O
After O
Diego I-PER
Silang I-PER
's O
death O
, O
his O
wife O
, O
Josefa I-PER
Gabriela I-PER
, O
took O
over O
the O
revolt O
and O
fought O
courageously O
. O
strong O
force O
was O
sent O
against O
her O
. O
She O
was O
forced O
to O
retreat O
to O
Abra I-LOC
. O
Riding O
a O
fast O
horse O
, O
Gabriela I-PER
led O
her O
troops O
towards O
Vigan I-LOC
, O
but O
she O
was O
driven O
back O
. O
She O
fled O
again O
to O
Abra I-LOC
, O
where O
she O
was O
captured O
. O
On O
September O
20 O
, O
1763 O
, O
she O
and O
about O
100 O
followers O
were O
executed O
by O
the O
Spanish I-MISC
authorities O
. O
Digby I-LOC
--- I-LOC
Annapolis I-LOC
is O
a O
provincial O
electoral O
district O
in O
Nova I-LOC
Scotia I-LOC
, O
Canada I-LOC
, O
that O
elects O
one O
member O
of O
the O
Nova I-LOC
Scotia I-LOC
House I-ORG
of I-ORG
Assembly I-ORG
. O
The O
Member O
of O
the O
Legislative I-ORG
Assembly I-ORG
since O
2003 O
has O
been O
Harold I-PER
Junior I-PER
Theriault I-PER
of O
the O
Liberal I-ORG
Party I-ORG
of O
Nova I-LOC
Scotia I-LOC
. O
Digilogue I-MISC
is O
a O
music O
album O
of O
recordings O
which O
became O
the O
twentieth O
commercial O
release O
by O
the O
British I-MISC
avant-garde O
music O
group O
: O
zoviet*france I-ORG
: O
. O
It O
was O
first O
released O
in O
1996 O
in O
limited O
edition O
12 O
inch O
clear O
vinyl O
album O
format O
by O
the O
record O
label O
, O
Soleilmoon I-ORG
Recordings I-ORG
. O
Subsequently O
, O
a O
version O
was O
released O
in O
1998 O
by O
Soleilmoon I-ORG
Recordings I-ORG
, O
with O
additional O
tracks O
. O
The O
album O
's O
title O
is O
an O
amalgamation O
of O
the O
words O
' O
digital O
' O
and O
' O
analogue O
' O
, O
two O
of O
the O
principal O
technologies O
that O
have O
been O
used O
in O
sound O
recording O
. O
The O
group O
have O
been O
quoted O
as O
adopting O
the O
failings O
in O
these O
technologies O
as O
a O
production O
technique O
in O
the O
creation O
of O
the O
album O
: O
" O
All O
audio O
equipment O
distorts O
sound O
to O
some O
degree O
and O
, O
eventually O
through O
mechanical O
and O
electrical O
failure O
, O
fucks O
it O
up O
. O
Since O
indeterminacy O
as O
a O
compositional O
parameter O
has O
been O
a O
constant O
in O
our O
work O
, O
this O
often O
produces O
what O
we O
regard O
as O
interesting O
new O
developments O
. O
digilogue O
was O
recorded O
using O
a O
mixture O
of O
failing O
analogue O
equipment O
and O
high-end O
digital O
equipment O
, O
and O
monitored O
in O
our O
studio O
exclusively O
on O
damaged O
hi-fi O
speakers O
. O
Sound O
can O
be O
as O
dirty O
and O
as O
clumsy O
as O
anything O
else O
we O
perceive O
with O
our O
senses O
. O
This O
is O
just O
as O
true O
of O
sound O
generated O
in O
the O
digital O
domain O
, O
much O
as O
we O
would O
all O
like O
to O
believe O
the O
claims O
of O
near-perfection O
made O
by O
audio O
equipment O
manufacturers O
. O
" O
" O
We O
were O
using O
digital O
equipment O
to O
produce O
the O
music O
but O
in O
a O
very O
analogue O
way O
. O
We O
were O
using O
sampling O
processes O
but O
in O
a O
very O
clumsy O
and O
coarse O
way O
. O
" O
Amber I-MISC
, O
from O
the O
version O
of O
the O
album O
, O
was O
used O
as O
the O
soundtrack O
to O
Floor I-MISC
, O
a O
video O
production O
by O
the O
artist O
Francis I-PER
Gomila I-PER
( O
, O
2003 O
) O
. O
1996 O
edition O
Distance I-ORG
Records I-ORG
is O
a O
French I-MISC
dance O
music O
record O
label O
. O
Specialised O
in O
ambient O
, O
goa O
trance O
, O
house O
and O
techno O
. O
This O
label O
has O
shut O
down O
, O
with O
the O
website O
going O
offline O
in O
2004 O
. O
The O
island O
of O
Divar I-LOC
( O
Divar-derived O
from O
the O
word O
Dipavati O
or O
' O
small O
Island O
' O
in O
Konkani I-MISC
) O
lies O
in O
the O
state O
of O
, O
India I-LOC
. O
It O
is O
located O
approximately O
10 O
km O
from O
Panaji I-LOC
( O
Panjim I-LOC
) O
, O
and O
is O
approachable O
by O
ferry O
. O
The O
Island O
is O
connected O
to O
on O
the O
south-east O
side O
, O
Ribandar I-LOC
, O
on O
the O
south-west O
side O
and O
Narve I-LOC
on O
the O
north O
side O
, O
all O
by O
ferry O
. O
launch O
also O
connects O
Divar I-LOC
to O
the O
city O
of O
Panaji I-LOC
from O
further O
north-west O
, O
in O
the O
village O
of O
Vanxim I-LOC
. O
The O
Konkan I-LOC
Railway I-LOC
passes O
through O
the O
village O
and O
the O
nearest O
stop O
to O
the O
village O
is O
the O
train O
station O
at O
Karmali I-LOC
. O
The O
drive O
to O
the O
village O
is O
scenic O
, O
with O
paddy O
fields O
and O
wooded O
hills O
lacing O
the O
roadway O
, O
very O
typical O
of O
the O
countryside O
. O
Though O
in O
a O
manner O
equally O
typical O
of O
modern O
, O
of O
late O
the O
paddy O
fields O
lie O
fallow O
and O
overrun O
with O
weeds O
. O
The O
Island I-LOC
of I-LOC
Divar I-LOC
was O
a O
famous O
site O
of O
Hindu I-MISC
pilgrimage O
and O
hosted O
the O
the O
ancient O
temples O
of O
Shree I-PER
Saptakoteshwar I-PER
, O
Shree I-PER
Ganesh I-PER
and O
Shree I-PER
Dwarkeshwar I-PER
besides O
others O
. O
These O
were O
irreversibly O
destroyed O
by O
Portuguese I-MISC
zealots O
in O
the O
16th O
century O
in O
their O
drive O
for O
Christianisation O
of O
. O
The O
ancient O
site O
of O
Hindu I-MISC
pilgrimage O
is O
called O
Porne I-ORG
Tirth I-ORG
( O
Old O
pilgrim O
spot-in O
Konkani I-MISC
) O
even O
today O
. O
Gomez I-PER
Pereira I-PER
in O
his O
book O
temples I-MISC
and I-MISC
deities I-MISC
writes O
, O
" O
The O
original O
temple O
( O
Of O
Shree I-PER
Saptakoteshwar I-PER
) O
was O
constructed O
in O
the O
12th O
century O
by O
the O
kings O
of O
Kadamba I-PER
dynasty O
. O
Shree I-PER
Saptakoteshwar I-PER
was O
the O
patron O
Deity O
of O
the O
Kadambas I-PER
. O
It O
was O
destroyed O
by O
the O
sultan O
of O
the O
Deccan I-LOC
in O
the O
middle O
of O
the O
14th O
century O
and O
reconstructed O
at O
the O
same O
locality O
by O
Madhav I-PER
Mantri I-PER
of O
Vijaynagar I-LOC
at O
the O
close O
of O
the O
same O
century O
. O
It O
was O
again O
destroyed O
by O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
in O
1540 O
. O
" O
The O
Saptakoteshwar I-PER
idol O
was O
shifted O
to O
Narve I-LOC
in O
Bicholim I-LOC
after O
the O
destruction O
of O
the O
temple O
by O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
. O
The O
present O
temple O
in O
Narve I-LOC
, O
Bicholim I-LOC
was O
rebuilt O
by O
ShivajiRaje I-PER
Bhonsale I-PER
the O
Great O
Maratha I-MISC
leader O
. O
Jesuit I-MISC
priest O
Fr O
Francisco I-PER
Sousa I-PER
documented O
the O
religious O
importance O
of O
" O
Divar I-LOC
" O
in O
his O
book O
Oriente I-MISC
Conquistado I-MISC
( O
Conquest I-MISC
the I-MISC
orient I-MISC
) O
around O
the O
latter O
quarter O
of O
the O
16th O
or O
early O
17th O
century O
. O
Fr. O
Sousa I-PER
testifies O
that O
" O
Divar I-LOC
was O
as O
much O
venerated O
by O
the O
Hindu I-MISC
Brahmins I-MISC
as O
the O
Holy O
land O
by O
us O
, O
on O
account O
of O
a O
temple O
of O
many O
indulgences O
and O
pilgrimages. O
.. O
" O
Gomez I-PER
Pereira I-PER
details O
further O
stating O
, O
" O
The O
linga O
of O
the O
temple O
, O
made O
of O
five O
metals O
- O
gold O
, O
silver O
, O
copper O
, O
iron O
and O
bronze O
" O
was O
later O
relocated O
in O
Bicholim I-LOC
. O
And O
on O
the O
foundations O
of O
the O
same O
temple O
a O
prayer O
and O
catechism O
house O
was O
constructed O
in O
1563 O
, O
which O
was O
later O
transformed O
into O
the O
chapel O
of O
Lady I-PER
of I-PER
Cande I-PER
laria I-PER
. O
" O
The O
original O
inhabitants O
of O
this O
island O
were O
people O
who O
once O
lived O
in O
but O
had O
to O
desert O
during O
a O
disastrous O
pest O
that O
greatly O
reduced O
the O
population O
of O
. O
Piedade I-LOC
, O
a O
small O
village O
is O
spread O
at O
the O
bottom O
of O
a O
small O
forested O
hillock O
on O
which O
there O
is O
the O
Church I-ORG
of I-ORG
Lady I-ORG
of I-ORG
Compassion I-ORG
. O
The O
island O
is O
dotted O
with O
well O
maintained O
, O
elegant O
Portuguese I-MISC
villas O
. O
From O
the O
top O
of O
the O
hill O
, O
superb O
panoramic O
views O
of O
the O
surrounding O
countryside O
, O
including O
, O
the O
capital O
of O
, O
Panaji I-LOC
, O
the O
meandering O
Mandovi I-LOC
river I-LOC
, O
and O
the O
bridges O
across O
it O
can O
be O
seen O
. O
The O
famous O
Bonderam I-MISC
festival I-MISC
is O
celebrated O
in O
Divar I-LOC
on O
the O
fourth O
Saturday O
of O
August O
during O
the O
monsoon O
with O
great O
fanfare O
and O
attended O
by O
thousands O
of O
tourists O
and O
locals O
. O
Bonderam I-MISC
Festival I-MISC
: O
The O
festival O
is O
a O
memoir O
to O
the O
dispute O
and O
the O
fury O
of O
the O
Villagers O
over O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
system O
of O
resolving O
the O
disputes O
. O
The O
villagers O
on O
the O
Divar I-LOC
Island I-LOC
often O
indulged O
in O
some O
kind O
of O
fight O
over O
the O
matter O
of O
ownership O
of O
their O
lands O
. O
To O
stop O
the O
disputes O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
, O
put O
up O
flags O
at O
the O
boundaries O
. O
The O
villagers O
did O
not O
like O
this O
system O
. O
So O
they O
protested O
against O
the O
Portuguese I-MISC
by O
throwing O
stones O
at O
the O
flags O
. O
On O
this O
day O
a O
carnival O
ambience O
is O
created O
. O
Each O
section O
of O
the O
village O
has O
a O
float O
at O
the O
parade O
. O
Melodious O
music O
could O
be O
heard O
throughout O
the O
village O
. O
The O
gaily O
colored O
floats O
accompanied O
by O
colorfully O
dressed O
youngsters O
make O
a O
pretty O
picture O
. O
The O
huge O
bell O
which O
today O
adorns O
the O
Cathedral I-ORG
in O
was O
originally O
donated O
by O
the O
master O
of O
a O
sinking O
ship O
who O
'd O
made O
a O
vow O
that O
, O
were O
he O
to O
survive O
his O
fate O
, O
he O
would O
donate O
the O
ship O
's O
bell O
to O
the O
first O
church O
village O
, O
town O
, O
or O
city O
his O
vessel O
touched O
. O
It O
so O
happened O
that O
that O
island O
was O
Divar I-LOC
. O
In O
keeping O
with O
his O
promise O
, O
he O
donated O
the O
bell O
to O
the O
church O
of O
Divar I-LOC
, O
which O
is O
located O
on O
a O
high O
hillock O
. O
Unfortunately O
though O
, O
every O
time O
the O
bell O
was O
struck O
, O
it O
shattered O
the O
windows O
of O
the O
church O
and O
the O
houses O
in O
the O
vicinity O
, O
so O
a O
deal O
was O
struck O
and O
the O
bell O
was O
exchanged O
with O
that O
of O
the O
Cathedral I-ORG
. O
Dorothea I-PER
von I-PER
Schlegel I-PER
( O
née O
Brende I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
) O
( O
October O
24 O
1764 O
- O
August O
3 O
1839 O
) O
was O
a O
German I-MISC
novelist O
and O
translator O
. O
Dorothea I-PER
von I-PER
Schlegel I-PER
was O
born O
in O
1764 O
in O
Berlin I-LOC
[1 O
] O
. O
Oldest O
daughter O
of O
the O
philosopher O
Moses I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
a O
leading O
figure O
in O
the O
German I-MISC
Enlightenment I-MISC
( O
Aufklarung O
) O
. O
She O
married O
the O
merchant O
and O
banker O
Simon I-PER
Veit I-PER
in O
1783 O
. O
Their O
son O
, O
Philipp I-PER
Veit I-PER
, O
would O
later O
become O
part O
of O
a O
circle O
of O
German I-MISC
Christian I-MISC
painters O
called O
" O
the I-ORG
Nazarenes I-ORG
, O
" O
who O
influenced O
the O
later O
English I-MISC
painters O
in O
the O
Pre-Raphaelite I-ORG
Brotherhood I-ORG
. O
She O
met O
the O
poet O
and O
critic O
Friedrich I-PER
von I-PER
Schlegel I-PER
in O
the O
salon O
of O
her O
friend O
Henriette I-PER
Herz I-PER
, O
after O
which O
she O
left O
her O
husband O
. O
They O
were O
divorced O
in O
1799 O
. O
She O
obtained O
custody O
of O
her O
younger O
son O
, O
Phillip I-PER
, O
and O
lived O
with O
him O
at O
the O
Ziegelstraße I-ORG
, O
which O
became O
a O
salon O
frequented O
by O
Tieck I-PER
, O
Schelling I-PER
, O
the O
Schlegel I-PER
brothers O
, O
and O
Novalis I-PER
. O
Schlegel I-PER
's O
novel O
" O
Lucinde I-MISC
" O
( O
1799 O
) O
was O
seen O
as O
an O
account O
of O
their O
affair O
, O
causing O
a O
scandal O
in O
German I-MISC
literary O
circles O
. O
In O
1801 O
her O
novel O
" O
Florentin I-MISC
" O
was O
published O
anonymously O
by O
Schlegel I-PER
. O
They O
lived O
in O
Paris I-LOC
from O
1802 O
until O
1804 O
, O
and O
after O
her O
divorce O
they O
married O
as O
Protestants I-MISC
. O
In O
1807lt O
she O
translated O
" O
Corinne I-MISC
" O
by O
Madame I-PER
de I-PER
Staë I-PER
from O
the O
French I-MISC
. O
In O
1808 O
, O
Friedrich I-PER
and O
Dorothea I-PER
converted O
to O
Catholicism I-MISC
. O
( O
She O
may O
have O
adopted O
the O
name O
" O
Dorothea I-PER
" O
from O
a O
17th O
century O
Dorothea I-PER
von I-PER
Schlegel I-PER
who O
composed O
Catholic I-MISC
hymns O
) O
. O
They O
continued O
to O
visit O
the O
salons O
of O
Rahel I-PER
Levin I-PER
and O
Henriette I-PER
Herz I-PER
, O
as O
well O
as O
the O
constellation O
which O
surrounded O
Madame I-PER
de I-PER
Staë I-PER
. O
Friedrich I-PER
died O
in O
1829 O
, O
after O
which O
she O
moved O
to O
Frankfurt I-LOC
am I-LOC
Main I-LOC
. O
There O
, O
she O
lived O
with O
her O
son O
Philipp I-PER
( O
also O
a O
convert O
to O
a O
medieval O
style O
of O
Catholicism I-MISC
) O
until O
her O
death O
in O
1839 O
. O
Since O
she O
was O
the O
daughter O
of O
the O
greatest O
Jewish I-MISC
philosopher O
of O
the O
Enlightenment I-MISC
- O
Moses I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
- O
( O
of O
equal O
stature O
with O
Immanuel I-PER
Kant I-PER
, O
and O
translator O
of O
John I-PER
Locke I-PER
and O
Alexander I-PER
Pope I-PER
, O
as O
well O
as O
Hebrew I-MISC
scriptures O
into O
German I-MISC
) O
, O
Dorothea I-PER
was O
surrounded O
throughout O
her O
life O
by O
the O
leading O
poets O
, O
critics O
, O
musicians O
, O
novelists O
, O
and O
philosophers O
of O
Europe I-LOC
. O
Gotthold I-PER
Ephraim I-PER
Lessing I-PER
was O
her O
father O
's O
closest O
friend O
and O
colleague O
, O
and O
the O
Emancipation I-MISC
and O
secularization O
of O
the O
and O
Jewish I-MISC
culture O
was O
a O
direct O
outcome O
of O
their O
work O
. O
( O
Mendelssohn I-PER
was O
the O
model O
for O
Nathan I-PER
der I-PER
Weise I-PER
in O
Lessing I-PER
's O
play O
of O
the O
same O
name O
. O
) O
Friedrich I-PER
the I-PER
Great I-PER
was O
Lessing I-PER
's O
patron O
, O
and O
he O
extended O
royal O
protection O
and O
sponsorship O
to O
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
as O
well O
. O
Dorothea I-PER
's O
brother O
, O
Joseph I-PER
, O
was O
a O
friend O
and O
sponsor O
of O
Alexander I-PER
von I-PER
Humboldt I-PER
, O
the O
great O
naturalist O
and O
ethnologist O
. O
Her O
nephew O
was O
Felix I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
the O
composer O
, O
who O
with O
his O
sister O
, O
Fanny I-PER
, O
were O
considered O
nearly O
the O
equals O
of O
the O
Mozarts I-PER
as O
child O
prodigies O
. O
To O
fully O
appreciate O
the O
importance O
of O
this O
cultural O
scene O
, O
see O
the O
entries O
for O
Moses I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
Gotthold I-PER
Ephraim I-PER
Lessing I-PER
, O
Friedrich I-PER
Schlegel I-PER
, O
Germaine I-PER
de I-PER
Staë I-PER
, O
Felix I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
Ludwi I-PER
Tieck I-PER
, O
Novalis I-PER
, O
and O
others O
. O
Dorothea I-PER
was O
the O
common O
link O
or O
nexus O
among O
them O
all O
. O
Most O
of O
her O
work O
, O
letters O
, O
biographies O
, O
etc. O
seem O
to O
be O
available O
only O
in O
German I-MISC
. O
And O
there O
, O
with O
the O
legacy O
of O
the O
Holocaust I-MISC
, O
she O
would O
seem O
to O
have O
an O
ambiguous O
status O
. O
The O
emancipation O
of O
European I-MISC
Jewry O
, O
in O
which O
she O
and O
her O
family O
played O
the O
greatest O
imaginable O
role O
, O
became O
the O
main O
target O
of O
the O
Third I-ORG
Reich I-ORG
and O
its O
Nuremberg I-MISC
. O
For O
some O
, O
she O
may O
be O
a O
less O
than O
admirable O
figure O
as O
well O
, O
having O
left O
her O
Jewish I-MISC
husband O
, O
violated O
her O
divorce O
settlement O
, O
and O
converted O
first O
to O
Protestantism I-MISC
( O
which O
was O
favorable O
towards O
Judaism I-MISC
) O
, O
and O
finally O
to O
Catholicism I-MISC
( O
which O
was O
not O
) O
. O
Most O
of O
her O
later O
friends O
were O
Christians O
, O
assimilated O
or O
intermarried O
( O
like O
Rahel I-PER
Levin I-PER
) O
, O
or O
secular O
Deists O
and O
materialists O
. O
Her O
association O
with O
Germaine I-PER
de I-PER
Staë I-PER
was O
obviously O
of O
the O
greatest O
importance O
, O
since O
she O
was O
also O
the O
patron O
and O
literary O
companion O
of O
Dorothea I-PER
's O
second O
husband O
, O
Friedrich I-PER
Schlegel I-PER
. O
Staë I-PER
was O
the O
daughter O
of O
Jacques I-PER
Necker I-PER
, O
Louis I-PER
's O
finance O
minister O
, O
and O
a O
leading O
figure O
in O
the O
collapse O
of O
the O
Bourbons I-PER
and O
the O
French I-MISC
Revolution I-MISC
. O
( O
See O
Christopher I-PER
Herrold I-PER
's O
" O
Mistress I-MISC
. O
" O
) O
It O
was O
probably O
through O
de I-PER
Staë I-PER
's O
husband O
, O
a O
Swedish I-MISC
Count O
, O
that O
the O
Schlegel I-PER
's O
were O
granted O
a O
title O
of O
nobility O
in O
the O
Swedish I-MISC
court O
. O
[ O
1 O
] O
In O
older O
literature O
and O
on O
her O
gravestone O
one O
finds O
the O
date O
1763 O
, O
but O
this O
is O
the O
birthyear O
of O
her O
older O
sister O
Sara I-PER
( O
May O
23rd O
1763-April O
15 O
1764 O
) O
whose O
untimely O
death O
was O
one O
of O
the O
reasons O
Moses I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
wrote O
the O
Phaedon I-MISC
. O
( O
Alexander I-PER
Altmann I-PER
, O
Moses I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
London I-LOC
1973 O
, O
Moses I-PER
Mendelssohn I-PER
, O
Jubilaeumsausgabe I-LOC
, O
Bd O
. O
12,1 O
, O
. O
43 O
; O
letter O
to O
Thomas I-PER
Abbt I-PER
, O
May O
1st O
1764 O
) O
Dreams I-MISC
is O
a O
compilation O
album O
by O
the O
band O
Newlydeads I-ORG
containing O
18 O
songs O
recorded O
between O
the O
years O
1997 O
and O
2001 O
. O
Stylistically O
, O
the O
tracks O
range O
from O
industrial O
metal O
to O
goth O
and O
electronica O
. O
In O
addition O
to O
a O
number O
of O
original O
songs O
, O
the O
album O
includes O
a O
cover O
of O
Siouxsie I-ORG
's O
Cities I-MISC
. O
Duane I-PER
Bobick I-PER
( O
born O
24 O
August O
, O
1950 O
in O
Little I-LOC
Falls I-LOC
, O
Minnesota I-LOC
) O
was O
a O
boxer O
from O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
, O
who O
became O
world O
amateur O
heavyweight O
champion O
in O
1971 O
, O
and O
also O
won O
the O
gold O
medal O
at O
the O
1971 O
American I-MISC
Games I-MISC
. O
He O
fought O
for O
the O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
at O
the O
1972 O
Summer I-MISC
Olympics I-MISC
in O
Munich I-LOC
, O
West I-LOC
Germany I-LOC
, O
and O
later O
contended O
for O
the O
world O
heavyweight O
belt O
during O
the O
division O
's O
most O
highly O
rated O
era O
. O
Bobick I-PER
's O
younger O
brother O
Rodney I-PER
Bobick I-PER
was O
also O
a O
heavyweight O
boxer O
, O
though O
less O
successful O
, O
and O
died O
in O
a O
single O
car O
crash O
in O
1977 O
. O
Six O
foot O
, O
three O
inches O
tall O
and O
215 O
pounds O
in O
his O
prime O
, O
Bobick I-PER
was O
part O
of O
a O
boxing O
family O
and O
grew O
up O
with O
the O
sport O
in O
the O
1960s O
. O
tremendous O
puncher O
who O
developed O
well O
early O
by O
virtue O
of O
countless O
hours O
in O
the O
gym O
and O
ring O
, O
Bobick I-PER
had O
an O
outstanding O
amateur O
career O
that O
included O
a O
win O
over O
Cuba I-LOC
's O
famous O
Teófil I-PER
Stevenson I-PER
at O
the O
197 O
American I-MISC
Games I-MISC
. O
Bobick I-PER
added O
another O
future O
champion O
to O
his O
list O
when O
he O
beat O
Larry I-PER
Holmes I-PER
to O
be O
named O
to O
the O
1972 O
Olympic I-MISC
boxing O
team O
for O
the O
Munich I-LOC
Olympics I-MISC
. O
Bobick I-PER
was O
rated O
a O
star O
at O
this O
early O
stage O
, O
and O
may O
have O
been O
very O
overconfident O
as O
he O
met O
Stevenson I-PER
again O
during O
the O
Olympic I-MISC
trials O
. O
Despite O
Bobick I-PER
winning O
the O
second O
round O
, O
Stevenson I-PER
knocked O
Bobick I-PER
down O
in O
the O
third O
and O
the O
contest O
was O
stopped O
. O
Bobick I-PER
trained O
hard O
to O
start O
his O
pro O
career O
, O
which O
did O
not O
begin O
until O
the O
following O
spring O
, O
1973 O
. O
Bobick I-PER
trained O
with O
and O
was O
managed O
by O
heavyweight O
legend O
Frazier I-PER
. O
Bobick I-PER
's O
first O
match O
was O
against O
Tommy I-PER
Burns I-PER
. O
He O
sent O
Burns I-PER
to O
the O
canvas O
four O
times O
on O
his O
way O
to O
a O
first-round O
. O
Bobick I-PER
had O
14 O
other O
fights O
in O
1973 O
, O
winning O
them O
all O
by O
, O
including O
a O
win O
over O
former O
contender O
Manuel I-PER
Ramos I-PER
. O
Bobick I-PER
won O
his O
first O
19 O
fights O
by O
knockout O
. O
He O
had O
10 O
more O
fights O
in O
1974 O
, O
winning O
them O
all O
again O
, O
eight O
by O
. O
Knockout O
wins O
that O
year O
included O
Gullick I-PER
and O
future O
champion O
Mike I-PER
Weaver I-PER
. O
He O
also O
decisioned O
veteran O
boxer O
Billy I-PER
Daniels I-PER
. O
Bobick I-PER
was O
now O
25-0 O
with O
23 O
. O
He O
was O
then O
rated O
by O
many O
to O
be O
the O
sport O
's O
new O
" O
White O
Hope O
, O
" O
taking O
that O
label O
from O
then-declining O
Jerry I-PER
Quarry I-PER
. O
Frazier I-PER
himself O
was O
approaching O
retirement O
and O
focusing O
on O
upcoming O
paydays O
with O
protege O
Bobick I-PER
. O
Bobick I-PER
gained O
top-10 O
ranking O
in O
1975 O
with O
eight O
more O
fights O
and O
wins O
, O
all O
again O
by O
. O
He O
was O
now O
being O
dodged O
by O
some O
, O
but O
a O
win O
over O
Randy I-PER
Neumann I-PER
proved O
he O
could O
not O
be O
ignored O
. O
He O
had O
a O
tentative O
contract O
with O
Muhammed I-PER
in O
1976 O
, O
but O
the O
fight O
never O
materialized O
. O
Instead O
he O
met O
and O
defeated O
Larry I-PER
Middleton I-PER
, O
fellow O
Minnesotan I-MISC
Scott I-PER
LeDoux I-PER
, O
Bunny I-PER
Johnson I-PER
and O
Chuck I-PER
Wepner I-PER
among O
his O
five O
1976 O
fights O
, O
all O
wins O
with O
two O
. O
Bobick I-PER
had O
now O
improved O
enough O
as O
a O
boxer O
to O
be O
a O
legitimate O
title O
threat O
. O
He O
took O
a O
38-0 O
record O
with O
34 O
's O
into O
the O
ring O
against O
powerful O
former O
champion O
Norton I-PER
in O
May O
1977 O
. O
The O
two O
punchers O
went O
right O
after O
each O
other O
. O
Norton I-PER
connected O
first O
and O
very O
hard O
. O
Following O
up O
on O
the O
staggered O
Bobick I-PER
, O
Norton I-PER
also O
landed O
a O
hard O
punch O
to O
Bobick I-PER
's O
windpipe O
but O
was O
never O
penalized O
. O
The O
fight O
lasted O
just O
one O
minute O
before O
Bobick I-PER
was O
counted O
out O
. O
Bobick I-PER
was O
widely O
criticized O
after O
the O
Norton I-PER
match O
and O
dismissed O
by O
many O
. O
Saturday I-MISC
Night I-MISC
made O
fun O
of O
Bobick I-PER
by O
showing O
footage O
of O
his O
Nationally O
televised O
knockout O
loss O
, O
over O
and O
over O
again O
. O
Despite O
that O
, O
he O
was O
back O
in O
the O
ring O
two O
months O
later O
, O
winning O
a O
rematch O
with O
Scott I-PER
LeDoux I-PER
. O
He O
finished O
the O
year O
1977 O
40-1 O
with O
36 O
KO's O
. O
In O
1978 O
, O
he O
was O
upset O
by O
South I-MISC
African I-MISC
puncher O
Kallie I-PER
Knoetze I-PER
for O
his O
second O
loss O
. O
He O
fought O
eight O
more O
times O
against O
second-tier O
fighters O
in O
1978 O
, O
winning O
all O
by O
. O
He O
was O
looking O
to O
return O
to O
top-level O
contention O
in O
1979 O
when O
he O
was O
'd O
by O
future O
beltholder O
John I-PER
Tate I-PER
. O
Another O
loss O
to O
George I-PER
Chaplin I-PER
that O
year O
led O
to O
an O
announcement O
of O
retirement O
. O
His O
pro O
record O
was O
48-4 O
with O
42 O
with O
wins O
over O
several O
notable O
contenders O
. O
All O
four O
of O
his O
pro O
losses O
were O
by O
. O
Bobick I-PER
returned O
to O
Minnesota I-LOC
and O
took O
heavy O
industry O
work O
before O
a O
machine O
accident O
nearly O
killed O
him O
in O
1997 O
. O
After O
that O
he O
went O
into O
coaching O
and O
public O
speaking O
, O
using O
his O
still-present O
celebrity O
to O
encourage O
and O
help O
others O
. O
In O
November O
2006 O
, O
Bobick I-PER
was O
elected O
as O
a O
city O
councilman O
for O
the O
City I-LOC
of I-LOC
Little I-LOC
Falls I-LOC
, O
Minnesota I-LOC
. O
Bobick I-PER
also O
tried O
his O
hand O
at O
acting O
as O
, O
naturally O
, O
a O
boxer O
in O
Billy I-MISC
boy I-MISC
in O
1979 O
. O
His O
brother O
Rodney I-PER
also O
was O
a O
professional O
boxer O
with O
a O
37-7 O
record O
. O
Dutch-Australian I-MISC
is O
an O
inhabitant O
of O
Australia I-LOC
with O
full O
or O
partial O
Dutch I-MISC
ancestry O
, O
the O
majority O
of O
these O
people O
were O
part O
of O
the O
Dutch I-MISC
diaspora O
. O
The O
history O
of O
the O
Dutch I-MISC
and O
Australia I-LOC
began O
in O
1605 O
with O
Captain O
Willem I-PER
Janszoon I-PER
, O
a O
Dutch I-MISC
seafarer O
, O
landing O
on O
the O
Australian I-MISC
mainland O
, O
one O
of O
the O
first O
Europeans I-MISC
to O
do O
so O
. O
number O
of O
Dutch I-MISC
people O
from O
the O
Dutch I-LOC
East I-LOC
Indies I-LOC
( O
now O
Indonesia I-LOC
) O
found O
their O
way O
to O
Australia I-LOC
during O
World I-MISC
and O
fought O
with O
Allied I-ORG
forces O
. O
The O
Netherlands I-LOC
East I-LOC
Indies I-LOC
government O
operated O
from O
Australia I-LOC
during O
the O
war O
. O
Eleven O
Free O
Dutch I-MISC
Submarines O
operated O
out O
of O
Fremantle I-LOC
after O
the O
invasion O
of O
Java I-LOC
, O
the O
joint O
18 I-ORG
( O
Netherlands I-ORG
East I-ORG
Indies I-ORG
) O
Squadron I-ORG
, O
established O
in O
1942 O
and O
120 I-ORG
formed O
at O
Canberra I-LOC
, O
was O
a O
combined O
Dutch I-MISC
and O
Australian I-MISC
Squadron O
with O
dual O
command O
, O
it O
used O
Mitchell I-MISC
bombers O
, O
paid O
for O
by O
the O
Dutch I-MISC
Government O
before O
the O
war O
. O
18 I-ORG
later O
moved O
to O
northern O
Australia I-LOC
, O
120 I-ORG
to O
Western I-LOC
Australia I-LOC
and O
later O
transferring O
overseas O
.. O
Dutch I-MISC
settlers O
in O
Australia I-LOC
arrived O
as O
part O
of O
Australia I-LOC
's O
post O
World I-MISC
assisted O
migration O
program O
, O
and O
from O
Indonesia I-LOC
after O
it O
achieved O
independence O
. O
According O
to O
the O
2006 O
Australian I-MISC
Census I-MISC
, O
310,089 O
persons O
resident O
in O
Australia I-LOC
claimed O
Dutch I-MISC
ancestry O
, O
either O
alone O
or O
in O
combination O
with O
another O
ancestry O
. O
78,931 O
persons O
declared O
they O
were O
born O
in O
the O
Netherlands I-LOC
. O
The O
East I-ORG
Germany I-ORG
national I-ORG
handball I-ORG
team I-ORG
was O
the O
national O
handball O
team O
of O
the O
East I-LOC
Germany I-LOC
. O
Eberhard I-ORG
Faber I-ORG
was O
founded O
in O
1922 O
in O
Neumarkt I-LOC
, O
near O
Nuremberg I-LOC
, O
Germany I-LOC
, O
as O
a O
pencil O
factory O
. O
It O
was O
taken O
over O
in O
1978 O
by O
Staedtler I-ORG
, O
a O
stationery O
company O
with O
global O
presence O
. O
Eberhard I-ORG
Faber I-ORG
is O
a O
brand O
of O
pencils O
. O
Eberhard I-ORG
Faber I-ORG
's O
popular O
writing O
pencil O
operations O
were O
acquired O
by O
Faber-Castell I-ORG
in O
1994 O
before O
being O
bought O
by O
Newell I-ORG
( O
Sanford I-ORG
) O
and O
eventually O
rolled O
into O
the O
Paper I-ORG
Mate I-ORG
brand O
. O
Currently O
, O
Eberhard I-ORG
Faber I-ORG
also O
produces O
, O
Efaplast I-MISC
and O
Aquasoft I-MISC
modelling O
clay O
, O
which O
are O
products O
used O
in O
the O
Hobby O
& O
Crafts O
market O
, O
in O
kindergartens O
, O
schools O
and O
by O
artists O
. O
Henry I-PER
Eberhard I-PER
Faber I-PER
is O
the O
namesake O
for O
both O
the O
college O
in O
Animal I-MISC
House I-MISC
and O
the O
character O
Faber I-PER
in O
Fahrenheit I-MISC
451 I-MISC
. O
Count O
Anton I-PER
Wolfgang I-PER
von I-PER
Faber-Castell I-PER
had O
his O
pencil O
durability O
test O
published O
in O
Economist I-ORG
magazine O
for O
the O
March O
3rd O
2007 O
issue O
. O
In O
this O
test O
he O
threw O
144 O
pencils O
from O
the O
30 O
meter O
tower O
of O
his O
Schloss O
and O
not O
one O
broke O
. O
The O
Count O
boasts O
lesser O
pencils O
will O
break O
but O
his O
graphite O
is O
very O
tightly O
bound O
to O
its O
pinewood O
sleeve O
. O
Descendant O
Eberhard I-PER
Faber I-PER
was O
a O
founding O
member O
of O
the O
band O
Street I-ORG
Wine I-ORG
. O
The O
was O
born O
9/23/06 O
. O
Eduard I-PER
Hitzig I-PER
( O
February O
6 O
, O
1839 O
- O
August O
20 O
, O
1907 O
) O
was O
a O
German I-MISC
neuropsychiatrist O
from O
Berlin I-LOC
. O
He O
studied O
medicine O
in O
Berlin I-LOC
and O
Würzburg I-LOC
. O
He O
had O
as O
instructors O
, O
famous O
men O
such O
as O
Emil I-PER
Bois-Reymond I-PER
( O
1818-1896 O
) O
, O
Rudolf I-PER
Virchow I-PER
( O
1821-1902 O
) O
, O
Moritz I-PER
Heinrich I-PER
Romberg I-PER
( O
1795-1873 O
) O
and O
Karl I-PER
Friedrich I-PER
Otto I-PER
Westphal I-PER
( O
1833-1890 O
) O
. O
He O
received O
his O
doctorate O
in O
1862 O
, O
and O
subsequently O
practiced O
medicine O
in O
Berlin I-LOC
and O
Würzburg I-LOC
. O
In O
1875 O
he O
became O
director O
of O
the O
Burghölzli I-ORG
asylum I-ORG
, O
as O
well O
as O
professor O
of O
psychiatry O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Zurich I-ORG
. O
In O
1885 O
Hitzig I-PER
became O
a O
professor O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Halle I-ORG
, O
where O
he O
remained O
until O
his O
retirement O
in O
1903 O
. O
Hitzig I-PER
is O
remembered O
for O
his O
work O
concerning O
the O
interaction O
between O
electrical O
current O
and O
the O
brain O
. O
In O
1870 O
, O
Hitzig I-PER
assisted O
by O
anatomist O
Gustav I-PER
Fritsch I-PER
( O
1837-1927 O
) O
, O
applied O
electricity O
via O
a O
thin O
probe O
to O
the O
exposed O
cerebral O
cortex O
of O
a O
dog O
without O
anesthesia O
. O
They O
performed O
these O
studies O
at O
the O
home O
of O
Fritsch I-PER
because O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Berlin I-ORG
would O
not O
allow O
such O
experimentation O
in O
their O
laboratories O
. O
What O
Hitzig I-PER
and O
Fritsch I-PER
had O
discovered O
is O
that O
electrical O
stimulation O
of O
different O
areas O
of O
the O
cerebrum O
caused O
involuntary O
muscular O
contractions O
of O
specific O
parts O
of O
the O
dog O
's O
body O
. O
They O
identified O
the O
brains O
' O
" O
motor O
strip O
" O
which O
is O
a O
vertical O
strip O
of O
brain O
tissue O
on O
the O
cerebrum O
in O
the O
back O
of O
the O
frontal O
lobe O
which O
controls O
different O
muscles O
in O
the O
body O
. O
In O
1870 O
Hitzig I-PER
published O
his O
findings O
in O
an O
essay O
called O
" O
the I-MISC
Electrical I-MISC
Excitability I-MISC
the I-MISC
Cerebrum I-MISC
" O
. O
This O
experimentation O
was O
considered O
the O
first O
time O
anyone O
had O
done O
any O
" O
localized O
study O
" O
regarding O
the O
brain O
and O
electrical O
current O
. O
However O
this O
was O
not O
the O
first O
time O
Hitzig I-PER
had O
experienced O
the O
interaction O
between O
the O
brain O
and O
electricity O
; O
earlier O
in O
his O
career O
as O
a O
physician O
working O
with O
the O
Prussian I-ORG
Army I-ORG
he O
experimented O
on O
wounded O
soldiers O
whose O
skulls O
were O
fractured O
by O
bullets O
. O
Hitzig I-PER
noticed O
that O
applying O
a O
small O
electrical O
current O
to O
the O
brains O
of O
these O
soldiers O
caused O
involuntary O
muscular O
movement O
. O
Apparently O
Hitzig I-PER
's O
crude O
experimentation O
was O
inspired O
by O
work O
of O
18th O
century O
physicist O
Luigi I-PER
Galvani I-PER
who O
noticed O
this O
same O
electrical O
phenomena O
on O
the O
brains O
of O
frogs O
. O
Hitzig I-PER
and O
Fritsch I-PER
's O
work O
opened O
the O
door O
to O
further O
" O
localized O
testing O
" O
of O
the O
brain O
by O
many O
others O
including O
Scottish I-MISC
neurologist O
, O
David I-PER
Ferrier I-PER
. O
Google I-ORG I-ORG
von I-MISC
Liebe I-MISC
und I-MISC
( O
English I-MISC
: O
" O
and I-MISC
Death I-MISC
" O
) O
( O
1999 O
) O
is O
a O
German I-MISC
and O
Hungarian I-MISC
co-production O
, O
filmed O
in O
German I-MISC
and O
starring O
German I-MISC
and O
Hungarian I-MISC
actors O
from O
various O
countries O
. O
Its O
Hungarian I-MISC
title O
is O
Szomorú I-MISC
Vasárnap I-MISC
. O
Although O
the O
movie O
centers O
on O
a O
romantic O
love O
triangle O
with O
tragic O
consequences O
, O
it O
has O
a O
strong O
history O
background O
, O
set O
in O
World I-MISC
Hungary I-LOC
. O
The O
film O
is O
based O
on O
the O
novel O
by O
Nick I-PER
Barkow I-PER
, O
co-written O
and O
directed O
by O
Rolf I-PER
Schübel I-PER
and O
tells O
a O
fictional O
story O
about O
the O
creation O
of O
the O
infamous O
song O
Gloomy I-MISC
Sunday I-MISC
. O
Starring O
are O
Joachim I-PER
Król I-PER
( O
László I-PER
, O
Jewish I-MISC
restaurant O
owner O
) O
, O
Erika I-PER
Marozsán I-PER
( O
Ilona I-PER
, O
waitress O
and O
László I-PER
's O
lover O
) O
, O
Stefano I-PER
Dionisi I-PER
( O
András I-PER
, O
pianist O
who O
creates O
Gloomy I-MISC
Sunday I-MISC
) O
and O
Becker I-PER
( O
Hans I-PER
Wieck I-PER
, O
a O
German I-MISC
business O
man O
who O
becomes O
an O
officer O
) O
. O
In O
the O
late O
1930s O
in O
Budapest I-LOC
the O
restaurant O
owner O
László I-PER
hires O
the O
pianist O
András I-PER
to O
play O
in O
his O
restaurant O
. O
András I-PER
falls O
in O
love O
with O
László I-PER
's O
lover O
and O
beautiful O
waitress O
Ilona I-PER
who O
inspires O
András I-PER
to O
write O
his O
only O
composition O
. O
The O
resulting O
song O
Gloomy I-MISC
Sunday I-MISC
( O
German I-MISC
translation O
: O
Trauriger I-MISC
Sonntag I-MISC
) O
is O
at O
first O
loved O
and O
then O
feared O
by O
the O
public O
, O
for O
its O
melancholic O
melody O
triggers O
off O
a O
chain O
of O
suicides O
. O
For O
a O
while O
Ilona I-PER
lives O
in O
harmony O
with O
both O
men O
. O
The O
German I-MISC
businessman O
Hans I-PER
is O
a O
regular O
patron O
at O
the O
restaurant O
; O
equally O
, O
he O
falls O
in O
love O
with O
Ilona I-PER
but O
she O
rejects O
him O
. O
He O
tries O
to O
commit O
suicide O
by O
jumping O
into O
a O
river O
, O
but O
László I-PER
saves O
him O
and O
Hans I-PER
returns O
to O
Germany I-LOC
. O
After O
a O
few O
years O
Nazi I-LOC
Germany I-LOC
captures O
Budapest I-LOC
and O
Hans I-PER
returns O
. O
He O
is O
now O
an O
officer O
and O
responsible O
for O
organizing O
the O
transport O
of O
Budapest I-LOC
's O
to O
the O
concentration O
camps O
; O
however O
, O
he O
uses O
his O
position O
to O
save O
the O
wealthiest O
( O
and O
allows O
them O
to O
secretly O
leave O
German I-LOC
Europe I-LOC
) O
in O
exchange O
for O
large O
" O
gifts O
" O
of O
goods O
and O
money O
. O
Ilona I-PER
does O
all O
she O
can O
to O
save O
László I-PER
from O
deportation O
, O
but O
Hans I-PER
is O
punishing O
her O
for O
his O
past O
rejection O
. O
Many O
years O
later O
they O
see O
each O
other O
again O
... O
Electric I-LOC
Avenue I-LOC
in O
Brixton I-LOC
, O
London I-LOC
, O
gets O
its O
name O
from O
being O
the O
first O
electrified O
shopping O
area O
in O
London I-LOC
. O
The O
street O
was O
built O
in O
the O
1880s O
and O
now O
hosts O
Brixton I-ORG
Market I-ORG
, O
selling O
a O
mix O
of O
African I-MISC
, O
Caribbean I-MISC
, O
English I-MISC
, O
Portuguese I-MISC
and O
Chinese I-MISC
products O
. O
It O
is O
located O
just O
round O
the O
corner O
from O
Brixton I-LOC
tube O
station O
( O
1972 O
) O
. O
The O
elegant O
Victorian I-MISC
canopies O
over O
the O
pavements O
survived O
until O
the O
1980s O
. O
The O
road O
gave O
its O
name O
to O
the O
song O
by O
Eddy I-PER
Grant I-PER
. O
In O
April O
1999 O
, O
a O
homemade O
nail O
bomb O
exploded O
in O
the O
market O
, O
injuring O
48 O
people O
, O
including O
a O
security O
guard O
who O
was O
trying O
to O
move O
disbelieving O
shoppers O
and O
a O
14-year-old O
boy O
who O
picked O
the O
bomb O
up O
and O
carried O
it O
away O
from O
the O
crowds O
. O
The O
bomb O
was O
one O
of O
three O
detonated O
by O
far-right O
extremist O
David I-PER
Copeland I-PER
in O
attacks O
aimed O
at O
London I-LOC
's O
black O
, O
Asian I-MISC
, O
and O
gay O
communities O
. O
Elias I-PER
Howell I-PER
( O
1792 O
- O
May O
1844 O
) O
was O
a O
United I-LOC
States I-LOC
Representative O
from O
Ohio I-LOC
. O
Born O
in O
Jersey I-LOC
in O
1792 O
, O
he O
attended O
the O
public O
schools O
and O
in O
1819 O
moved O
to O
Newark I-LOC
, O
Ohio I-LOC
. O
He O
was O
a O
member O
of O
the O
Ohio I-ORG
Senate I-ORG
from O
1830 O
to O
1832 O
and O
was O
elected O
as O
an O
Anti-Jacksonian I-ORG
to O
the O
Twenty-fourth O
United I-ORG
States I-ORG
Congress I-ORG
, O
serving O
from O
March O
4 O
1835 O
to O
March O
3 O
1837 O
. O
He O
was O
not O
a O
candidate O
for O
renomination O
, O
and O
died O
near O
Newark I-LOC
, O
Ohio I-LOC
in O
1844 O
. O
Howell I-PER
's O
son O
, O
James I-PER
Bruen I-PER
Howell I-PER
, O
was O
a O
Senator O
from O
Iowa I-LOC
. O
The O
field O
exploits O
horizontal O
drilling O
technology O
by O
perforating O
the O
productive O
rocks O
parallel O
to O
the O
beds O
, O
rather O
than O
through O
a O
vertical O
well O
perpendicular O
to O
the O
relatively O
thin O
Bakken I-LOC
Formation I-LOC
. O
At O
Coulee I-LOC
Field I-LOC
, O
the O
Bakken I-LOC
is O
only O
about O
45 O
feet O
thick O
and O
lies O
at O
depths O
of O
8,500 O
to O
10,500 O
feet O
, O
but O
horizontal O
wells O
penetrate O
3,000 O
to O
5,000 O
feet O
of O
the O
reservoir O
rock O
, O
a O
porous O
dolomite O
of O
Devonian O
age O
that O
probably O
originated O
as O
a O
large O
carbonate O
bank O
on O
the O
western O
flank O
of O
the O
basin O
. O
The O
field O
is O
a O
stratigraphic O
trap O
. O
In O
2006 O
, O
Coulee I-LOC
was O
producing O
about O
53,000 O
barrels O
of O
oil O
per O
day O
from O
more O
than O
350 O
wells O
. O
Ultimate O
production O
is O
expected O
to O
exceed O
270,000,000 O
barrels O
, O
with O
some O
estimates O
as O
high O
as O
500,000,000 O
barrels O
. O
Production O
at O
Coulee I-LOC
has O
more O
than O
doubled O
the O
oil O
output O
of O
the O
state O
of O
Montana I-LOC
. O
Emanuel I-PER
Bunzel I-PER
born O
1828 O
, O
was O
a O
nineteenth O
century O
Austrian I-MISC
paleontologist O
. O
Emil I-PER
Touma I-PER
( O
1919 O
-1985 O
) O
was O
one O
of O
the O
Palestinian I-MISC
intellectuals O
who O
remained O
in O
Israel I-LOC
in O
1948 O
. O
Touma I-PER
, O
like O
others O
who O
remained O
, O
such O
as O
Emil I-PER
Habibi I-PER
and O
Jabra I-PER
Nicola I-PER
, O
was O
a O
communist O
from O
the O
Haifa I-LOC
region O
. O
In O
1942 O
, O
along O
with O
Dr. O
Haidar I-PER
Abdel-Shafi I-PER
, O
and O
the O
late O
Mukhlis I-PER
Amer I-PER
, O
Emil I-PER
Habibi I-PER
and O
Mufid I-PER
Nashashibi I-PER
, O
Touma I-PER
was O
a O
founder O
of O
the O
Palestinian I-ORG
National I-ORG
Liberation I-ORG
League I-ORG
. O
The O
Emil I-ORG
Touma I-ORG
Institute I-ORG
for I-ORG
Palestinian I-ORG
Studies I-ORG
is O
called O
after O
him O
. O
Ervenik I-LOC
( O
Serbian I-MISC
Cyrillic I-MISC
: O
Ервеник I-LOC
) O
is O
a O
village O
and O
municipality O
in O
Šibenik-Knin I-LOC
County I-LOC
, O
Croatia I-LOC
. O
There O
are O
998 O
inhabitants O
, O
the O
majority O
of O
the O
population O
which O
are O
Serbs I-MISC
. O
Eugenio I-PER
Calabi I-PER
( O
born O
1923 O
) O
is O
an O
Italian-American I-MISC
mathematician O
and O
professor O
emeritus O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Pennsylvania I-ORG
, O
specializing O
in O
differential O
geometry O
, O
partial O
differential O
equations O
and O
their O
applications O
. O
Professor O
Calabi I-PER
was O
a O
Putnam I-MISC
Fellow I-MISC
as O
an O
undergraduate O
at O
in O
1946 O
. O
In O
1950 O
he O
received O
his O
Ph.D. O
from O
Princeton I-ORG
University I-ORG
, O
where O
his O
advisor O
was O
Salomon I-PER
Bochner I-PER
. O
He O
later O
obtained O
a O
professorship O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Minnesota I-ORG
. O
In O
1964 O
, O
Calabi I-PER
joined O
the O
mathematics O
faculty O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Pennsylvania I-ORG
. O
Following O
the O
retirement O
of O
the O
great O
German-American I-MISC
mathematician O
Hans I-PER
Rademacher I-PER
, O
he O
was O
appointed O
to O
the O
Thomas I-PER
. O
Scott I-PER
Chair O
of O
Mathematics O
at O
the O
University I-ORG
of I-ORG
Pennsylvania I-ORG
in O
1967 O
. O
He O
won O
the O
Steele I-MISC
Prize I-MISC
from O
the O
American I-ORG
Mathematical I-ORG
Society I-ORG
in O
1991 O
for O
his O
work O
in O
differential O
geometry O
. O
In O
1994 O
, O
Professor O
Calabi I-PER
assumed O
emeritus O
status O
. O
His O
work O
on O
the O
Calabi O
conjecture O
for O
Kähler O
metrics O
led O
to O
the O
development O
of O
Calabi-Yau O
manifolds O
. O
Express I-MISC
Nakhonphink I-MISC
is O
a O
Special O
Express O
Train O
that O
is O
operated O
by O
the O
State I-ORG
Railway I-ORG
of I-ORG
Thailand I-ORG
. O
The O
trains O
designated O
as O
Express I-MISC
Nakhonphink I-MISC
are O
Train O
No. O
1 O
for O
Bangkok I-LOC
- O
Chiang I-LOC
and O
Train O
No. O
2 O
for O
Chiang I-LOC
- O
Bangkok I-LOC
. O
These O
trains O
offer O
only O
1st O
and O
2nd O
class O
saloons O
, O
with O
no O
3rd O
class O
cars O
. O
The O
Express I-MISC
Nakhonphink I-MISC
is O
regarded O
to O
be O
the O
best O
train O
offered O
by O
the O
. O
Train O
Number O
1 O
Bangkok I-LOC
- O
Chiang I-LOC
( O
there O
are O
the O
departure O
times O
) O
Train O
Number O
2 O
Chiang I-LOC
- O
Bangkok I-LOC
is O
a O
series O
of O
music O
video O
games O
created O
by O
the O
South I-MISC
Korean I-MISC
company O
Amuseworld I-ORG
. O
The O
basic O
manner O
of O
gameplay O
is O
similar O
as O
in O
the O
Konami I-ORG
's O
Beatmania I-MISC
series O
; O
however O
, O
as O
the O
franchise O
continues O
, O
it O
differs O
in O
style O
of O
music O
and O
gameplay O
. O
The O
first O
edition O
of O
was O
introduced O
in O
1999 O
and O
the O
most O
recent O
version O
, O
' O
7th I-MISC
- O
Resistance O
- O
Version O
1.50 O
' O
was O
released O
in O
December O
2007 O
. O
1st I-MISC
( O
March O
, O
1999 O
) O
1st I-MISC
Special I-MISC
Edition I-MISC
( O
December O
, O
1999 O
) O
Dance I-MISC
Edition I-MISC
Vol.1 I-MISC
( O
2000 O
) O
: O
Cancelled O
at O
Developing O
rate O
80% O
. O
2nd I-MISC
Rules I-MISC
Again I-MISC
- O
( O
October O
, O
2000 O
) O
3rd I-MISC
Absolute I-MISC
Pitch I-MISC
- O
( O
September O
, O
2001 O
) O
4th I-MISC
- O
( O
August O
, O
2002 O
) O
Platinum I-MISC
Limited I-MISC
Edition I-MISC
- O
( O
August O
, O
2003 O
) O
6th I-MISC
Evolution I-MISC
- O
( O
August O
, O
2004 O
) O
7th I-MISC
Resistance I-MISC
- O
( O
March O
, O
2007 O
) O
7th I-MISC
Resistance I-MISC
Version I-MISC
1.50 I-MISC
( O
December O
, O
2007 O
) O
cabinet O
features O
a O
total O
of O
10 O
speakers O
. O
There O
are O
four O
mid-range O
speakers O
stacked O
vertically O
on O
either O
side O
of O
the O
screen O
, O
and O
two O
subwoofers O
located O
on O
the O
front O
of O
the O
machine O
. O
The O
cabinet O
also O
features O
a O
pair O
of O
headphone O
jacks O
, O
so O
that O
both O
players O
may O
use O
their O
own O
headphones O
to O
enjoy O
the O
game O
's O
audio O
. O
Using O
headphones O
does O
not O
disable O
the O
external O
speakers O
. O
cabinet O
features O
four O
red O
effector O
buttons O
, O
located O
at O
the O
top O
of O
the O
controller O
part O
. O
However O
, O
unlike O
the O
Beatmania I-MISC
series O
( O
including O
and O
) O
, O
depending O
on O
the O
gamemode O
, O
effector O
button O
are O
treated O
as O
a O
gameplay O
button O
, O
especially O
in O
the O
gamemode O
" O
Radio O
Mix O
" O
, O
where O
each O
player O
need O
to O
control O
2 O
effector O
buttons O
. O
Essentially O
this O
is O
very O
similar O
to O
the O
7 O
key O
mode O
of O
beatmania O
, O
but O
due O
to O
the O
location O
of O
these O
effector O
button O
--- O
located O
in O
a O
row O
right O
at O
center O
of O
the O
console O
panel O
, O
right O
underneath O
the O
screen O
and O
away O
from O
the O
keyboard O
--- O
it O
makes O
it O
even O
more O
difficult O
than O
beatmania I-MISC
in O
some O
occasion O
( O
especially O
since O
it O
also O
use O
the O
pedal O
) O
. O
Also O
, O
another O
gamemode O
named O
" O
Space O
Mix O
" O
uses O
all O
four O
buttons O
along O
with O
all O
keys O
and O
turn O
tables O
( O
excludes O
pedals O
) O
, O
becoming O
the O
hardest O
gamemode O
in O
the O
game O
. O
The O
pedal O
is O
used O
in O
all O
gameplay O
and O
treated O
as O
a O
gameplay O
button O
. O
But O
, O
in O
Space O
Mix O
, O
it O
is O
used O
as O
speed O
adjustor O
. O
's O
passing O
system O
is O
known O
as O
the O
" O
survival O
gauge O
" O
; O
one O
needs O
to O
keep O
the O
gauge O
above O
0% O
until O
the O
end O
of O
song O
to O
pass O
, O
similar O
to O
systems O
used O
in O
many O
dance-simulation O
games O
. O
Written O
by O
Erin I-PER
( O
10/14/07 O
) O
, O
Edited O
by O
( O
07/01/08 O
) O
1 O
. O
Some O
old O
songs O
' O
hard O
mix O
is O
remixed O
songs O
( O
e.g. O
Confete I-MISC
, O
Catch I-MISC
the I-MISC
flow I-MISC
, O
, O
Rhythm I-MISC
, O
, O
and O
so O
on O
... O
) O
2 O
. O
' O
' O
, O
' O
you I-MISC
remember I-MISC
' O
, O
' O
Mystic I-MISC
Dream I-MISC
9903 I-MISC
' O
are O
just O
playable O
remixed O
version O
. O
3 O
. O
' O
Freedom I-MISC
' O
is O
disappeared O
after O
1st I-MISC
Tracks I-MISC
, O
because O
sampling O
sound O
problem O
. O
4 O
. O
' O
' O
, O
' O
Honey I-MISC
' O
are O
disappeared O
after O
2nd I-MISC
, O
and O
' O
Weeks I-MISC
' O
is O
disappeared O
after O
4th I-MISC
( O
Copyright O
Problem O
) O
. O
4 O
. O
Confete I-MISC
is O
composed O
by O
Ruby I-ORG
Tuesday I-ORG
( O
< O
- O
Carlos I-PER
, O
Carlos I-PER
is O
singer O
) O
. O
5 O
. O
Same O
Composer O
6 O
. O
Secret O
of O
Songs O
' O
Name O
( O
Original O
name O
) O
7 O
. O
Songs O
just O
in O
( O
1 O
) O
1st I-MISC
Tracks I-MISC
/ O
1st I-MISC
( O
2 O
) O
2nd I-MISC
( O
3 O
) O
3rd I-MISC
Albums O
of O
4th-7th I-MISC
were O
not O
produced O
. O
On O
July O
10 O
, O
2007 O
Konami I-ORG
won O
a O
patent O
infringement O
suit O
against O
Amuse I-ORG
World I-ORG
. O
Konami I-ORG
had O
originally O
filed O
a O
lawsuit O
against O
Amuse I-ORG
World I-ORG
in O
2001 O
over O
the O
issue O
, O
and O
it O
has O
long O
since O
believed O
that O
they O
settled O
out O
of O
court O
due O
to O
the O
continued O
release O
of O
the O
title O
. O
Korean I-MISC
Judge O
's O
ruling O
has O
ordered O
Amuse I-ORG
World I-ORG
to O
pay O
Konami I-ORG
damages O
and O
stop O
production O
of O
the O
product O
completely O
. O
Amuseworld I-ORG
in O
satisfaction O
to O
11.7 O
Billion O
won O
. O
The O
Fairfax I-ORG
Connector I-ORG
is O
a O
public O
bus O
service O
provided O
by O
Fairfax I-LOC
County I-LOC
, O
Virginia I-LOC
, O
and O
operated O
by O
Veolia I-ORG
Transport I-ORG
under O
contract O
. O
The O
first O
buses O
rolled O
out O
in O
September O
1985 O
as O
a O
lower-cost O
alternative O
to O
the O
Metrobus I-ORG
service O
of O
the O
regional O
Washington I-ORG
Metropolitan I-ORG
Area I-ORG
Transit I-ORG
Authority I-ORG
. O
The O
original O
routes O
connected O
the O
southern O
part O
of O
the O
county O
( O
near O
the O
Mount I-LOC
Vernon I-LOC
Estate I-LOC
) O
to O
the O
Huntington I-LOC
Metrorail I-LOC
Station I-LOC
which O
borders O
Alexandria I-LOC
. O
This O
area O
continues O
to O
be O
the O
core O
of O
the O
system O
, O
and O
is O
noted O
for O
the O
number O
of O
residents O
in O
the O
Richmond I-LOC
Highway I-LOC
area O
who O
use O
the O
service O
at O
all O
times O
of O
the O
day O
. O
The O
Fairfax I-ORG
Connector I-ORG
, O
or O
simply O
" O
The O
Connector O
" O
, O
has O
since O
expanded O
to O
50-odd O
routes O
spanning O
much O
of O
the O
county O
. O
In O
1994 O
, O
the O
service O
was O
extended O
to O
the O
high-technology O
industrial O
areas O
of O
suburban O
Reston I-LOC
and O
Herndon I-LOC
, O
located O
between O
Washington I-LOC
and O
Washington I-ORG
Dulles I-ORG
International I-ORG
Airport I-ORG
. O
Along O
State I-LOC
Route I-LOC
267 I-LOC
( O
the O
Dulles I-LOC
Toll I-LOC
Road I-LOC
) O
, O
express O
buses O
carry O
commuters O
from O
free O
park-and-ride O
lots O
to O
the O
Washington I-LOC
Metro I-LOC
system O
. O
Fares O
are O
paid O
in O
cash O
( O
exact O
change O
) O
, O
paper O
bus O
transfer O
, O
or O
a O
Metrobus I-ORG
weekly O
unlimited O
bus O
" O
flash O
" O
pass O
. O
Fairfax I-ORG
Connector I-ORG
deployed O
SmarTrip I-ORG
readers O
on O
its O
buses O
in O
May O
2007 O
, O
extending O
the O
use O
of O
this O
Washington I-LOC
Metro I-LOC
fare-payment O
system O
to O
Fairfax I-LOC
County I-LOC
. O
Base O
fare O
is O
usually O
$1 O
, O
but O
can O
be O
as O
much O
as O
$3 O
for O
express O
routes O
. O
With O
a O
Metrorail I-LOC
transfer O
, O
fares O
are O
discounted O
to O
$0.35 O
exact O
change O
from O
$1 O
fares O
, O
and O
$2.10 O
exact O
change O
for O
$3 O
fares O
. O
Senior O
citizens O
receive O
discounted O
fares O
( O
either O
$0.50 O
or O
$1.00 O
) O
on O
all O
buses O
, O
or O
free O
fare O
with O
a O
Metrorail I-LOC
transfer O
. O
Children O
under O
age O
5 O
and O
the O
disabled O
ride O
free O
on O
all O
routes O
. O
The O
following O
are O
the O
line O
numbers O
and O
names O
that O
make O
up O
the O
Fairfax I-ORG
Connector I-ORG
bus O
system O
. O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
University I-ORG
is O
a O
public O
university O
located O
in O
Fairmont I-LOC
, O
West I-LOC
Virginia I-LOC
( O
population O
19,097 O
) O
. O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
was O
founded O
in O
1865 O
as O
West I-ORG
Virginia I-ORG
Normal I-ORG
School I-ORG
at O
Fairmont I-LOC
and O
was O
dedicated O
to O
educating O
teachers O
. O
It O
was O
purchased O
by O
the O
state O
and O
became O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
Normal I-ORG
School I-ORG
in O
1867 O
. O
It O
was O
renamed O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
Teachers I-ORG
College I-ORG
in O
1931 O
and O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
College I-ORG
in O
1943 O
. O
In O
1974 O
, O
a O
community O
college O
component O
was O
founded O
. O
This O
became O
independently O
accredited O
as O
the O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
Community I-ORG
and I-ORG
Technical I-ORG
College I-ORG
in O
2003 O
and O
was O
merged O
into O
the O
university O
in O
2006 O
and O
was O
renamed O
Pierpont I-ORG
Community I-ORG
Technical I-ORG
College I-ORG
. O
On O
April O
7 O
, O
2004 O
, O
Governor O
Wise I-PER
signed O
legislation O
allowing O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
College I-ORG
to O
change O
its O
name O
to O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
University I-ORG
. O
Enrollment O
of O
the O
university O
is O
about O
7,700 O
. O
offers O
masters O
degrees O
in O
business O
, O
education O
, O
teaching O
, O
criminal O
justice O
and O
nursing O
in O
addition O
to O
90 O
baccalaureate O
and O
50 O
associate O
degrees O
. O
has O
added O
a O
major O
in O
Intelligence O
Research O
& O
Analysis O
within O
the O
past O
few O
years O
. O
This O
major O
has O
been O
gaining O
recognition O
for O
and O
attracting O
the O
attention O
of O
the O
Intelligence O
Community O
. O
The O
Robert I-ORG
Byrd I-ORG
National I-ORG
Aerospace I-ORG
Education I-ORG
Center I-ORG
located O
in O
nearby O
Bridgeport I-LOC
, O
West I-LOC
Virginia I-LOC
, O
offers O
multiple O
programs O
in O
aviation O
. O
Fairmont I-ORG
State I-ORG
's O
athletic O
teams O
, O
known O
as O
the O
Falcons I-ORG
, O
compete O
in O
the O
West I-ORG
Virginia I-ORG
Intercollegiate I-ORG
Athletic I-ORG
Conference I-ORG
in O
Division I-ORG
. O
list O
of O
works O
by O
Justin I-PER
Broadrick I-PER
. O
Oleg I-PER
Mikhaylovich I-PER
Gazmanov I-PER
is O
a O
Russian I-MISC
singer O
. O
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