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Forked from vjt/
Created November 29, 2012 00:03
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Web server tmux monitoring session
# Starts a multiplexed terminal session with tmux running monitoring software.
# Requires dstat, htop and grc. The apache configuration for grc can be found
# here:
# My .tmux.conf is here instead:
# tmux 1.7 or later recommended.
if ! tmux has-session -t $name; then
tmux start \;\
new-session -d -s $name exit \;\
neww -n monitor 'grc tail -f /var/log/messages' \;\
splitw -v -p 80 'tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.app-access.log | grcat conf.apache' \;\
splitw -v -p 60 'dstat -cdgmnpy' \;\
splitw -h -p 45 'htop' \;
tmux attach -t monitor
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