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Last active December 17, 2015 04:20
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A simple solution to FizzBuzz — Clojure
(defn fizzbuzz?
"Determines what to print for a given number"
(condp #(zero? (mod %2 %1)) x
15 "fizzbuzz"
3 "fizz"
5 "buzz"
1 x))
(defn fizzbuzz
"Prints fizzes and buzzes for numbers between 1 and x"
(doseq [i (range 1 (inc x))]
(println (fizzbuzz? i))))
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zaz commented Dec 17, 2015


(rem) can be used in place of (mod) with no change to the code — the difference in efficiency seems negligible.

(and (mod 3 x) (mod 5 x)) == (mod 15 x) because a number is divisible by 3 and 5 ⟷ the number is divisible by 15.

I prefer doseq, but dotimes can be used instead in the body of fizzbuzz:

(dotimes [i x]
    (println (fizzbuzz? (inc i))))

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