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Last active October 31, 2021 20:38
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mips_to_c output for MM -- files that changed from bug in handling subroutine args
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:code/z_fireobj.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/code/z_fireobj.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -245,124 +245,136 @@
sp70 = temp_v1;
sp5C = temp_v0;
sp5C->words.w1 = Gfx_TwoTexScroll(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx, 0, 0U, 0U, 0x20, 0x40, 1, 0U, ((s32) fire->unk26 * -0x14) & 0x1FF, 0x20, 0x80);
temp_v0_2 = temp_s0->polyXlu.p;
temp_s0->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_2 + 8;
temp_v0_2->words.w0 = temp_v1->unk4 | 0xFA000000;
temp_v0_2->words.w1 = (temp_v1->unk0 << 0x18) | (temp_v1->unk1 << 0x10) | (temp_v1->unk2 << 8) | temp_v1->unk3;
temp_v0_3 = temp_s0->polyXlu.p;
temp_s0->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_3 + 8;
temp_v0_3->words.w0 = 0xFB000000;
temp_v0_3->words.w1 = (temp_v1->unk5 << 0x18) | (temp_v1->unk6 << 0x10) | (temp_v1->unk7 << 8);
sp68 = 0;
sp6A = func_800DFCDC(globalCtx->cameraPtrs[globalCtx->activeCamera]) + 0x8000;
sp6C = 0;
SysMatrix_SetStateRotationAndTranslation(fire->position.x, fire->position.y, fire->position.z, (Vec3s *) &sp68);
Matrix_Scale(fire->xScale, fire->yScale, 1.0f, 1);
temp_v0_4 = temp_s0->polyXlu.p;
temp_s0->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_4 + 8;
temp_v0_4->words.w0 = 0xDA380003;
temp_v0_4->words.w1 = Matrix_NewMtx(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx);
temp_v0_5 = temp_s0->polyXlu.p;
temp_s0->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_5 + 8;
temp_v0_5->words.w0 = 0xDE000000;
temp_v0_5->words.w1 = (u32) D_0407D590;
void FireObj_InitLight(GlobalContext *globalCtx, FireObjLight *light, u8 *param_3, Vec3f *pos) {
LightInfoPositional *sp28;
FireObjLightParams *temp_v0;
LightInfoPositional *temp_a0;
temp_v0 = &(D_801BD8FC + 8)[*param_3];
temp_a0 = &light->lightInfo;
sp28 = temp_a0;
Lights_PointGlowSetInfo((LightInfo *) temp_a0, (s16) (s32) pos->x, (s16) (s32) pos->y, (s16) (s32) pos->z, (u8) (s32) temp_v0->unk2, (u8) (s32) temp_v0->unk3, (u8) (s32) temp_v0->unk4, (s16) (s32) temp_v0->unk_0);
light->light = LightContext_InsertLight(globalCtx, &globalCtx->lightCtx, (LightInfo *) sp28);
light->unk12 = *param_3;
void FireObj_FiniLight(GlobalContext *globalCtx, FireObjLight *light) {
LightContext_RemoveLight(globalCtx, &globalCtx->lightCtx, light->light);
void FireObj_UpdateLight(GlobalContext *globalCtx, FireObjLight *light, FireObj *fire) {
FireObjLightParams *sp44;
s16 sp42;
f32 sp38;
f32 sp34;
FireObjLightParams *temp_v0;
+ f32 temp_f6;
f32 temp_f8;
+ f32 temp_f8_2;
+ u8 temp_t2;
u8 temp_t8;
+ u8 temp_t8_2;
f32 phi_f8;
+ f32 phi_f6;
+ f32 phi_f8_2;
temp_v0 = &(D_801BD8FC + 8)[light->unk12];
if (fire->state == 3) {
Lights_PointSetColorAndRadius((LightInfo *) &light->lightInfo, 0U, 0U, 0U, (s16) -1);
sp44 = temp_v0;
sp42 = (s16) (s32) ((fire->yScale * 140.0f * fire->sizeInv) + 60.0f);
sp34 = Rand_ZeroOne();
sp38 = Rand_ZeroOne();
- if ((s32) temp_v0->unk5 < 0) {
- }
- if ((s32) temp_v0->unk6 < 0) {
- }
- temp_t8 = temp_v0->unk7;
+ temp_t8 = temp_v0->unk5;
temp_f8 = (f32) temp_t8;
phi_f8 = temp_f8;
if ((s32) temp_t8 < 0) {
phi_f8 = temp_f8 + 4294967296.0f;
- Lights_PointGlowSetInfo((LightInfo *) &light->lightInfo, (s16) (s32) fire->position.x, (s16) (s32) (fire->position.y + (fire->yScale * 6500.0f)), (s16) (s32) fire->position.z, (u8) ((s32) (Rand_ZeroOne() * phi_f8) + temp_v0->unk4), (u8) (s32) sp42);
+ temp_t2 = temp_v0->unk6;
+ temp_f6 = (f32) temp_t2;
+ phi_f6 = temp_f6;
+ if ((s32) temp_t2 < 0) {
+ phi_f6 = temp_f6 + 4294967296.0f;
+ }
+ temp_t8_2 = temp_v0->unk7;
+ temp_f8_2 = (f32) temp_t8_2;
+ phi_f8_2 = temp_f8_2;
+ if ((s32) temp_t8_2 < 0) {
+ phi_f8_2 = temp_f8_2 + 4294967296.0f;
+ }
+ Lights_PointGlowSetInfo((LightInfo *) &light->lightInfo, (s16) (s32) fire->position.x, (s16) (s32) (fire->position.y + (fire->yScale * 6500.0f)), (s16) (s32) fire->position.z, (u8) ((s32) (sp34 * phi_f8) + temp_v0->unk2), (u8) ((s32) (sp38 * phi_f6) + temp_v0->unk3), (u8) ((s32) (Rand_ZeroOne() * phi_f8_2) + temp_v0->unk4), (s16) (s32) sp42);
void FireObj_Init(GlobalContext *globalCtx, FireObj *fire, FireObjInitParams *init, Actor *actor) {
ColliderCylinder *sp20;
ColliderCylinder *temp_a1;
FireObj_InitWithParams(globalCtx, fire, init);
temp_a1 = &fire->collision;
sp20 = temp_a1;
Collider_InitCylinder(globalCtx, temp_a1);
Collider_SetCylinder(globalCtx, temp_a1, actor, &fireObjCollisionInit);
fire->collision.dim.radius = (s16) (s32) ((fire->size * 4000.0f) + 2.5f);
fire->collision.dim.height = (s16) (s32) (fire->size * 16000.0f);
fire->collision.dim.yShift = (s16) (s32) (fire->size * -1728.0f);
FireObj_InitLight(globalCtx, &fire->light, &init->unkC, (Vec3f *) fire);
void FireObj_Fini(GlobalContext *globalCtx, FireObj *fire) {
Collider_DestroyCylinder(globalCtx, &fire->collision);
FireObj_FiniLight(globalCtx, &fire->light);
void FireObj_SetState2(FireObj *fire, f32 dynamicSizeStep, u8 newState) {
FireObj_SetState(fire, dynamicSizeStep, newState & 0xFF);
void FireObj_Update(GlobalContext *globalCtx, FireObj *fire) {
Actor *sp20;
Actor *temp_v0;
arg2 = MIPS2C_ERROR(Read from unset register $a2);
temp_v0 = fire->;
sp20 = temp_v0;
FireObj_UpdateStateTransitions(globalCtx, fire);
if (fire->state == 3) {
if (((fire->collision.base.acFlags & 2) != 0) && ((fire->>toucher.dmgFlags & 0x800) != 0)) {
FireObj_SetState(fire, fire->dynamicSizeStep, 0U);
} else if (((fire->collision.base.acFlags & 2) != 0) && (temp_v0->update != 0) && (temp_v0->id == 0xF)) {
temp_v0->params = 0;
temp_v0->unk_1C0 = 0x800;
fire->collision.dim.pos.x = (s16) (s32) fire->position.x;
fire->collision.dim.pos.y = (s16) (s32) fire->position.y;
fire->collision.dim.pos.z = (s16) (s32) fire->position.z;
CollisionCheck_SetAC(globalCtx, &globalCtx->colChkCtx, (Collider *) &fire->collision);
FireObj_UpdateLight(globalCtx, &fire->light, fire);
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:code/z_kankyo.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/code/z_kankyo.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -426,101 +426,101 @@
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE5D0 {
/* 0x00 */ char pad_0[0x1F];
/* 0x1F */ u8 sp1F; /* inferred */
}; /* size = 0x20 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE610 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE620 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE658 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE6F8 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE778 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE788 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE798 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE7A8 {
/* 0x00 */ char pad_0[0x1C];
/* 0x1C */ s32 sp1C; /* inferred */
/* 0x20 */ char pad_20[4];
/* 0x24 */ f32 sp24; /* inferred */
}; /* size = 0x28 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FE9B4 {
/* 0x00 */ char pad_0[0x18];
/* 0x18 */ s32 sp18; /* inferred */
/* 0x1C */ char pad_1C[3];
/* 0x1F */ u8 sp1F; /* inferred */
}; /* size = 0x20 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FEA50 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FEAB0 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FEAC0 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_func_800FEAF4 {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_get_current_day {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_get_days_elapsed {}; /* size 0x0 */
struct _mips2c_stack_reset_days_elapsed {}; /* size 0x0 */
? func_8013EE24(); /* extern */
? func_8013EE38(); /* extern */
-? func_80143624(f32, void *, s32, s32, s32, u32); /* extern */
+? func_80143624(f32, void *, s32, s32, s32, u32, u32, u32); /* extern */
s32 func_80169FFC(GlobalContext *, void *, void *, void *); /* extern */
s32 func_80178A34(s32, s32); /* extern */
? func_801A2544(s32, u8, u8, SaveContext *); /* extern */
? func_801A25E4(s32, u8, u8, SaveContext *); /* extern */
? func_801A47DC(?, ?, ?, GlobalContext *); /* extern */
? func_801A4A28(u8, u8, u8, SaveContext *); /* extern */
s32 Kankyo_IsSceneUpsideDown(GlobalContext *arg0, GraphicsContext *); /* static */
void func_800F5090(s32 arg0, GlobalContext *arg1); /* static */
s32 func_800F50D4(s32 arg0); /* static */
f32 func_800F5A8C(u16 arg0, u16 arg1, u16 arg2, s32, s32); /* static */
f32 func_800F5B10(s32 arg0, s32 arg1, s32 arg2, s32 arg3, u16 arg4); /* static */
void func_800F5CD0(s32 arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2); /* static */
void func_800F6834(void *arg0, s8 arg1); /* static */
void func_800F694C(void *arg0); /* static */
void func_800F6A04(); /* static */
void func_800F6A40(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800F6AB8(); /* static */
void func_800F6CEC(GlobalContext *arg0, u8 arg1, ? *arg2, LightSettings *arg3); /* static */
u8 func_800F6EA4(f32 arg0, f32 arg1, f32 arg2, f32); /* static */
void func_800F8554(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800F88C4(s32 arg0, s32, u8, s32); /* static */
void func_800F8970(); /* static */
void func_800F8A9C(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800F8CD4(GlobalContext *arg0, EnvironmentContext *arg1, LightContext *arg2, void *arg3, s32 arg4, s16 *arg5); /* static */
void func_800F8D84(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800F9728(GlobalContext *arg0, ? arg1, ? arg2, ? arg3, ? arg4); /* static */
f32 func_800FA39C(); /* static */
void func_800FA3C4(GameState *arg0, GameState *arg1, GraphicsContext *arg2, GameState *); /* static */
void func_800FA9FC(GlobalContext *arg0, GameState *arg1, GraphicsContext *arg2); /* static */
void func_800FAAB4(void *arg0, s32 arg1); /* static */
void func_800FAC20(GraphicsContext **arg0); /* static */
void func_800FAF74(GraphicsContext **arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2, u8 arg3, u8 arg4); /* static */
void func_800FB010(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FB388(GraphicsContext **arg0, ? arg1); /* static */
void func_800FB758(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FB9B4(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FBCBC(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FBDEC(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FC158(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FC3DC(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
void func_800FC444(void *arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2, u8 arg3, u8 arg4, u8 arg5); /* static */
void func_800FC64C(void *arg0, s32 arg1); /* static */
? func_800FD2B4(void *arg0, GlobalContext *arg1, f32 arg2, f32 arg3, f32 arg4); /* static */
void func_800FD698(void *arg0, s16 arg1, s16 arg2, f32 arg3); /* static */
? func_800FD768(); /* static */
void func_800FD980(GraphicsContext **arg0); /* static */
void func_800FDAF8(void **arg0, f32 arg1, f32 arg2, u32 arg3, s32 arg4); /* static */
void func_800FDC94(GlobalContext *arg0, Gfx **arg1); /* static */
void func_800FE390(GraphicsContext **arg0); /* static */
void func_800FE3E0(GlobalContext *arg0); /* static */
@@ -1012,143 +1012,148 @@
temp_f2 = (f32) temp_a1;
temp_f0 = (f32) temp_a0;
if ((temp_f0 <= temp_f2) || (temp_f12 = temp_f0 - temp_f2, temp_f16 = (f32) (arg3 & 0xFFFF), temp_f18 = (f32) arg4, (temp_f12 < (temp_f16 + temp_f18)))) {
return 0.0f;
temp_f22 = 1.0f / (((2.0f * temp_f12) - temp_f16) - temp_f18);
if (temp_f16 != 0.0f) {
temp_f14 = (f32) temp_a2 - temp_f2;
phi_f14 = temp_f14;
if (temp_f14 <= temp_f16) {
return (temp_f22 * temp_f14 * temp_f14) / temp_f16;
phi_f20 = temp_f22 * temp_f16;
goto block_12;
phi_f14 = (f32) temp_a2 - temp_f2;
phi_f20 = 0.0f;
if (phi_f14 <= (temp_f12 - temp_f18)) {
return phi_f20 + (2.0f * temp_f22 * (phi_f14 - temp_f16));
temp_f20 = phi_f20 + (2.0f * temp_f22 * ((temp_f12 - temp_f16) - temp_f18));
phi_f20_2 = temp_f20;
if (temp_f18 != 0.0f) {
temp_f20_2 = temp_f20 + (temp_f22 * temp_f18);
phi_f20_2 = temp_f20_2;
if (phi_f14 < temp_f12) {
temp_f2_2 = temp_f12 - phi_f14;
phi_f20_2 = temp_f20_2 - ((temp_f22 * temp_f2_2 * temp_f2_2) / temp_f18);
return phi_f20_2;
void func_800F5CD0(s32 arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2) {
u32 sp54;
u8 sp4F;
u8 sp4E;
u8 sp4D;
u8 sp4C;
u8 sp4B;
f32 sp44;
DmaRequest *sp3C;
void *sp38;
s32 sp34;
GameInfo *temp_v0_3;
OSMesgQueue *temp_a0_3;
OSMesgQueue *temp_a0_4;
f32 temp_f0;
+ f32 temp_f16;
f32 temp_f18;
f32 temp_f18_2;
f32 temp_f2;
+ f32 temp_f6;
s32 temp_a0;
s32 temp_a3;
s32 temp_t2_3;
s32 temp_t4;
u16 temp_a0_2;
u16 temp_t0;
u16 temp_t7;
u16 temp_t8;
u16 temp_v0;
u8 temp_a1;
u8 temp_ra;
u8 temp_t1;
u8 temp_t1_2;
u8 temp_t2;
u8 temp_t2_2;
u8 temp_t3;
u8 temp_t5;
u8 temp_t6;
u8 temp_t7_2;
u8 temp_t9;
u8 temp_v0_2;
void *temp_t0_2;
+ void *temp_t1_3;
void *temp_v0_4;
void *temp_v0_5;
void *temp_v0_6;
void *temp_v0_7;
void *temp_v1;
void *temp_v1_2;
void *temp_v1_3;
void *temp_v1_4;
void *temp_v1_5;
void *phi_v1;
s32 phi_a3;
s16 phi_t1;
s32 phi_a3_2;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 phi_f18;
DmaRequest *phi_t2;
u8 phi_t1_2;
f32 phi_f12;
+ f32 phi_f16;
+ f32 phi_f6;
f32 phi_f18_2;
temp_a0 = arg0 & 0xFF;
sp4D = 0xFF;
sp4C = 0xFF;
sp4B = 0;
phi_t1 = 0xFF;
phi_f12 = (bitwise f32) 0U;
phi_t2 = (DmaRequest *)0xFF;
if ((s32) arg1->unk_17 >= 0x1C) {
arg1->unk_17 = 0U;
if ((temp_a0 == 1) || ((temp_a0 == 3) && (D_801F4E74 < 1.0f))) {
phi_a3 = 0;
if (arg1->unk_15 == 0) {
temp_t0 = gSaveContext.environmentTime;
phi_v1 = (arg1->unk_17 * 0x48) + &D_801BDCF4;
if (((s32) temp_t0 >= (s32) phi_v1->unk_0) && ((temp_v0 = phi_v1->unk_2, (((s32) temp_t0 < (s32) temp_v0) != 0)) || (temp_v0 == 0xFFFF))) {
temp_t1 = phi_v1->unk_4;
temp_t2 = phi_v1->unk_5;
if (temp_t2 == temp_t1) {
D_801BDBBC = 0;
} else {
D_801BDBBC = 1;
if (D_801BDBBC != 0) {
temp_v1 = (arg1->unk_17 * 0x48) + phi_a3 + &D_801BDCF4;
sp4E = temp_t2;
sp4F = temp_t1;
sp34 = phi_a3;
sp4B = (u8) (u32) (func_800F5A8C(0U, temp_v1->unk_2, temp_v1->unk_0, temp_t0 & 0xFFFF, phi_a3) * 255.0f);
} else {
sp4E = temp_t2;
sp4F = temp_t1;
temp_v1_2 = (arg1->unk_17 * 0x48) + phi_a3 + &D_801BDCF4;
sp34 = phi_a3;
if (((u32) (func_800F5A8C(0U, temp_v1_2->unk_2, temp_v1_2->unk_0, temp_t0 & 0xFFFF, phi_a3) * 255.0f) & 0xFF) < 0x80) {
sp4B = 0xFF;
} else {
sp4B = 0;
temp_v0_2 = arg1->unk_19;
if ((temp_v0_2 != 0) && ((s32) temp_v0_2 < 3)) {
arg1->unk_19 = (u8) (temp_v0_2 + 1);
sp4B = 0;
temp_v1_3 = (arg1->unk_17 * 0x48) + phi_a3 + &D_801BDCF4;
sp4E = phi_v1->unk_5;
@@ -1206,118 +1211,123 @@
phi_f12 = temp_f2;
if ((temp_t7 & 0xFFFF) <= 0) {
arg1->unk_19 = 0U;
arg1->unk_17 = temp_a1;
sp3C = phi_t2;
if ((phi_t1_2 != arg1->unk_10) && (arg1->unk_44 == 0)) {
arg1->unk_44 = 1;
temp_v0_5 = (phi_t1_2 * 0x10) + &D_801BE4D4;
temp_a0_3 = arg1 + 0x68;
sp34 = (s32) temp_a0_3;
sp54 = temp_v0_5->unk_4 - temp_v0_5->unk_0;
sp38 = temp_v0_5;
sp44 = phi_f12;
sp4E = (u8) phi_t2;
sp4F = phi_t1_2;
osCreateMesgQueue(temp_a0_3, arg1 + 0x80, 1);
DmaMgr_SendRequestImpl(arg1 + 0x48, arg2->unk_168, temp_v0_5->unk_0, sp54, 0, (OSMesgQueue *) sp34, NULL);
arg1->unk_10 = phi_t1_2;
if ((sp3C != arg1->unk_11) && (arg1->unk_44 == 0)) {
arg1->unk_44 = 0xB;
temp_v0_6 = ((u8) phi_t2 * 0x10) + &D_801BE4D4;
temp_a0_4 = arg1 + 0x68;
sp54 = temp_v0_6->unk_4 - temp_v0_6->unk_0;
sp34 = (s32) temp_a0_4;
sp3C = arg1 + 0x48;
sp38 = temp_v0_6;
sp44 = phi_f12;
sp4E = (u8) phi_t2;
osCreateMesgQueue(temp_a0_4, arg1 + 0x80, 1);
DmaMgr_SendRequestImpl(sp3C, arg2->unk_16C, temp_v0_6->unk_0, sp54, 0, (OSMesgQueue *) sp34, NULL);
arg1->unk_11 = (u8) phi_t2;
if ((arg1->unk_44 == 1) || (arg1->unk_44 == 0xB)) {
sp44 = phi_f12;
if (osRecvMesg(arg1 + 0x68, NULL, 0) == 0) {
arg1->unk_44 = 0;
arg1->unk_13 = sp4B;
temp_t2_3 = sp4D * 4;
temp_v0_7 = temp_t2_3 + &D_801BE534;
temp_t3 = temp_v0_7->unk_0;
temp_t4 = sp4C * 4;
temp_v1_5 = temp_t4 + &D_801BE534;
temp_t5 = temp_v0_7->unk_1;
temp_ra = temp_v0_7->unk_2;
temp_t0_2 = temp_t2_3 + &D_801BE6D4;
+ temp_t1_3 = temp_t4 + &D_801BE6D4;
temp_t6 = temp_t0_2->unk_0;
sp38 = (void *) temp_t6;
+ temp_f16 = (f32) temp_t6;
+ phi_f16 = temp_f16;
if ((s32) temp_t6 < 0) {
+ phi_f16 = temp_f16 + 4294967296.0f;
temp_t7_2 = temp_t0_2->unk_1;
sp38 = (void *) temp_t7_2;
+ temp_f6 = (f32) temp_t7_2;
+ phi_f6 = temp_f6;
if ((s32) temp_t7_2 < 0) {
+ phi_f6 = temp_f6 + 4294967296.0f;
temp_t9 = temp_t0_2->unk_2;
sp3C = (DmaRequest *) temp_t9;
temp_f18_2 = (f32) temp_t9;
phi_f18_2 = temp_f18_2;
if ((s32) temp_t9 < 0) {
phi_f18_2 = temp_f18_2 + 4294967296.0f;
- func_80143624(phi_f12, arg2, (u32) ((f32) temp_t3 + ((f32) (temp_v1_5->unk_0 - temp_t3) * phi_f12)) & 0xFF, (u32) ((f32) temp_t5 + ((f32) (temp_v1_5->unk_1 - temp_t5) * phi_f12)) & 0xFF, (u32) ((f32) temp_ra + ((f32) (temp_v1_5->unk_2 - temp_ra) * phi_f12)) & 0xFF, (u32) (phi_f18_2 + ((f32) ((temp_t4 + &D_801BE6D4)->unk_2 - temp_t9) * phi_f12)));
+ func_80143624(phi_f12, arg2, (u32) ((f32) temp_t3 + ((f32) (temp_v1_5->unk_0 - temp_t3) * phi_f12)) & 0xFF, (u32) ((f32) temp_t5 + ((f32) (temp_v1_5->unk_1 - temp_t5) * phi_f12)) & 0xFF, (u32) ((f32) temp_ra + ((f32) (temp_v1_5->unk_2 - temp_ra) * phi_f12)) & 0xFF, (u32) (phi_f16 + ((f32) (temp_t1_3->unk_0 - temp_t6) * phi_f12)), (u32) (phi_f6 + ((f32) (temp_t1_3->unk_1 - temp_t7_2) * phi_f12)), (u32) (phi_f18_2 + ((f32) (temp_t1_3->unk_2 - temp_t9) * phi_f12)));
void func_800F6834(void *arg0, s8 arg1) {
s8 phi_a1;
phi_a1 = arg1;
if (arg1 == 0x1F) {
phi_a1 = 0;
if (arg0->unk_17022 == 0) {
if (D_801F4F31 == 0) {
D_801F4F31 = 1;
D_801BDBB4 = arg0->unk_17024;
if (phi_a1 != arg0->unk_17023) {
arg0->unk_17023 = phi_a1;
arg0->unk_17024 = phi_a1;
/* Duplicate return node #13. Try simplifying control flow for better match */
if ((phi_a1 != arg0->unk_17023) && (arg0->unk_17026 == 0)) {
arg0->unk_17025 = 1;
arg0->unk_17024 = phi_a1;
arg0->unk_17028 = 0x14;
arg0->unk_17026 = (u16) arg0->unk_17028;
/* Duplicate return node #13. Try simplifying control flow for better match */
if (arg0->unk_170C7 == 0xFF) {
if (D_801F4F31 == 0) {
D_801F4F31 = 1;
D_801BDBB4 = arg0->unk_170C5;
arg0->unk_170C4 = 0;
arg0->unk_170C7 = phi_a1;
void func_800F694C(void *arg0) {
if (arg0->unk_17022 == 0) {
if (D_801F4F31 != 0) {
D_801F4F31 = 0;
arg0->unk_17023 = (u8) D_801BDBB4;
arg0->unk_17024 = (u8) D_801BDBB4;
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:code/z_sub_s.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/code/z_sub_s.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -2107,139 +2107,151 @@
} else {
phi_a2 = temp_v0_2;
if ((s32) arg1 < (s32) temp_v0_2) {
phi_a2 = arg1;
goto block_28;
} else {
temp_f0_3 = (temp_f0 / arg3) * -1.0f;
if (temp_f0_3 < arg4) {
phi_f0_2 = arg4;
} else {
if (arg5 < temp_f0_3) {
phi_f16_2 = arg5;
} else {
phi_f16_2 = temp_f0_3;
phi_f0_2 = phi_f16_2;
*arg0 = temp_v0 - (s32) ((phi_f0_2 * 65536.0f) / 360.0f);
if (-arg4 < temp_f0) {
*arg0 = arg2;
if (arg1 != 0) {
temp_v0_3 = *arg0;
temp_a2_2 = -(s32) arg1;
phi_a2 = (s16) temp_a2_2;
if ((s32) temp_v0_3 < temp_a2_2) {
} else {
phi_a2 = temp_v0_3;
if ((s32) arg1 < (s32) temp_v0_3) {
phi_a2 = arg1;
*arg0 = phi_a2;
return (s16) (temp_v0 - *arg0);
void func_8013D2E0(Vec3f *arg0, PosRot *arg1, ActorShape *arg2, s16 *arg3, s16 *arg4, s16 *arg5, s16 *arg6) {
s16 sp3C;
s16 sp38;
f32 sp34;
f32 sp2C;
f32 temp_f10;
+ f32 temp_f10_2;
f32 temp_f12;
f32 temp_f14;
f32 temp_f4;
+ f32 temp_f8;
s16 temp_v1;
+ u16 temp_t0;
u16 temp_t1;
+ u16 temp_t4;
u16 temp_t6;
+ f32 phi_f10;
f32 phi_f4;
- f32 phi_f10;
+ f32 phi_f8;
+ f32 phi_f10_2;
temp_f14 = arg0->x - arg1->pos.x;
temp_f12 = arg0->z - arg1->pos.z;
sp34 = temp_f14;
sp2C = temp_f12;
sp3C = Math_FAtan2F(temp_f12, temp_f14);
Math_SmoothStepToS(arg3, Math_FAtan2F(sqrtf((sp34 * sp34) + (sp2C * sp2C)), arg0->y - arg1->pos.y), 4, 0x2710, (s16) 0);
Math_SmoothStepToS(arg3 + 2, sp3C, 4, 0x2710, (s16) 0);
func_8013D0E0(arg5, arg6->unk_10, func_8013D0E0(arg4, arg6->unk_0, arg3->unk_0, (f32) arg6->unk_2, (f32) arg6->unk_4, (f32) arg6->unk_6), (f32) arg6->unk_2, (f32) arg6->unk_14, (f32) arg6->unk_16);
temp_v1 = arg3->unk_2 - arg2->rot.y;
- if ((s32) arg6->unk_C < 0) {
+ temp_t0 = arg6->unk_C;
+ temp_f10 = (f32) temp_t0;
+ phi_f10 = temp_f10;
+ if ((s32) temp_t0 < 0) {
+ phi_f10 = temp_f10 + 4294967296.0f;
temp_t1 = arg6->unk_E;
temp_f4 = (f32) temp_t1;
phi_f4 = temp_f4;
if ((s32) temp_t1 < 0) {
phi_f4 = temp_f4 + 4294967296.0f;
sp38 = temp_v1;
- func_8013D0E0(arg4 + 2, arg6->unk_8, (s16) (temp_v1 - arg5->unk_2), (f32) arg6->unk_A, phi_f4);
- if ((s32) arg6->unk_1C < 0) {
+ func_8013D0E0(arg4 + 2, arg6->unk_8, (s16) (temp_v1 - arg5->unk_2), (f32) arg6->unk_A, phi_f10, phi_f4);
+ temp_t4 = arg6->unk_1C;
+ temp_f8 = (f32) temp_t4;
+ phi_f8 = temp_f8;
+ if ((s32) temp_t4 < 0) {
+ phi_f8 = temp_f8 + 4294967296.0f;
temp_t6 = arg6->unk_1E;
- temp_f10 = (f32) temp_t6;
- phi_f10 = temp_f10;
+ temp_f10_2 = (f32) temp_t6;
+ phi_f10_2 = temp_f10_2;
if ((s32) temp_t6 < 0) {
- phi_f10 = temp_f10 + 4294967296.0f;
- }
- func_8013D0E0(arg5 + 2, arg6->unk_18, (s16) (temp_v1 - arg4->unk_2), (f32) arg6->unk_1A, phi_f10);
+ phi_f10_2 = temp_f10_2 + 4294967296.0f;
+ }
+ func_8013D0E0(arg5 + 2, arg6->unk_18, (s16) (temp_v1 - arg4->unk_2), (f32) arg6->unk_1A, phi_f8, phi_f10_2);
s32 func_8013D5E8(s16 arg0, s32 arg1, s16 arg2) {
s16 temp_v0;
s32 phi_v1;
s32 phi_v1_2;
temp_v0 = arg2 - arg0;
phi_v1 = (s32) temp_v0;
if ((s32) temp_v0 < 0) {
phi_v1 = -(s32) temp_v0;
phi_v1_2 = 0;
if ((s32) (s16) arg1 >= phi_v1) {
phi_v1_2 = 1;
return phi_v1_2;
Path *func_8013D648(GlobalContext *globalCtx, s16 arg1, s32 arg2) {
Path *phi_v1;
phi_v1 = NULL;
if (arg1 != (s16) arg2) {
phi_v1 = &globalCtx->setupPathList[arg1];
return phi_v1;
s32 func_8013D68C(Path *path, s16 arg1, void *arg2) {
s16 *temp_v1;
if (path == 0) {
return 0;
temp_v1 = ((s32) arg1 * 6) + Lib_SegmentedToVirtual(path->points);
arg2->unk_0 = (f32) temp_v1->unk_0;
arg2->unk_4 = (f32) temp_v1->unk_2;
arg2->unk_8 = (f32) temp_v1->unk_4;
return 1;
void func_8013D720(void *arg0, PosRot *arg1, f32 *arg2) {
f32 temp_f12;
f32 temp_f14;
temp_f12 = arg0->unk_0 - arg1->pos.x;
temp_f14 = arg0->unk_8 - arg1->pos.z;
*arg2 = (temp_f12 * temp_f12) + (temp_f14 * temp_f14);
Math_Atan2S(temp_f12, temp_f14);
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:overlays/ovl_En_Arrow/ovl_En_Arrow.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/overlays/ovl_En_Arrow/ovl_En_Arrow.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -495,166 +495,166 @@
/* Duplicate return node #15. Try simplifying control flow for better match */
void func_8088ACE0(EnArrow *this, GlobalContext *globalCtx) {
CollisionPoly *spAC;
u32 spA8;
f32 sp9C;
f32 sp94;
CollisionPoly *sp90;
? sp84;
u16 sp82;
Actor *sp7C;
f32 sp78;
f32 sp74;
? sp60;
f32 sp54;
s32 sp50;
Vec3f *sp44;
PosRot *sp40;
CollisionContext *sp3C;
Actor *temp_v0_4;
Actor *temp_v0_5;
Actor *temp_v0_6;
Actor *temp_v0_7;
Actor *temp_v0_8;
PosRot *temp_a1;
PosRot *temp_a1_2;
PosRot *temp_a1_4;
PosRot *temp_a3;
Vec3f *temp_a1_3;
f32 temp_f0;
f32 temp_f12;
f32 temp_f12_2;
f32 temp_f2;
f32 temp_f2_2;
s16 temp_v1_2;
s16 temp_v1_3;
s32 temp_a2;
s32 temp_v0;
s32 temp_v0_2;
u8 temp_t6;
u8 temp_t7;
u8 temp_v0_3;
u8 temp_v1;
s32 phi_v0;
s32 phi_v0_2;
s32 phi_a2;
- f32 phi_t2;
+ s32 phi_t2;
u16 phi_a3;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 phi_f0_2;
f32 phi_f0_3;
s32 phi_a2_2;
temp_v1 = this->unk_260;
temp_t6 = temp_v1 - 1;
phi_a2 = 0;
phi_a2_2 = 0;
if (temp_v1 == 0) {
phi_v0 = 0;
} else {
this->unk_260 = temp_t6;
phi_v0 = temp_t6 & 0xFF;
if ((phi_v0 == 0) || ((temp_v1_2 = this->actor.params, temp_v0 = temp_v1_2 != 0, phi_v0_2 = temp_v0, (temp_v1_2 == 7)) && ((this->unk_262 != 0) || (temp_a2 = (this->unk_1A8.base.atFlags & 2) != 0, phi_a2 = temp_a2, phi_a2_2 = temp_a2, (temp_a2 != 0))))) {
if (this->actor.params == 7) {
if ((phi_a2_2 != 0) && (this->>elemType != 4) && ((this->unk_1A8.base.atFlags & 4) != 0) && (temp_v0_8 = this->, (temp_v0_8 != 0)) && (temp_v0_8->id != 0x39)) {
Math_Vec3f_Copy((Vec3f *) &this->, &this->actor.prevPos);
this-> += (s32) randPlusMinusPoint5Scaled(8000.0f) + 0x8000;
this->actor.velocity.y = -this->actor.velocity.y;
this->unk_149 = -1;
if ((this->unk_262 != 0) || (phi_a2_2 != 0)) {
EffectSsStone1_Spawn(globalCtx, &this->, 0);
temp_a1_4 = &this->;
sp40 = temp_a1_4;
Audio_PlaySoundAtPosition(globalCtx, (Vec3f *) temp_a1_4, 0x14, 0x1854U);
if ((this->unk_262 != 0) && (this->actor.wallBgId == 0x32)) {
Math_Vec3f_Copy((Vec3f *) &sp84, (Vec3f *) sp40);
sp90 = this->actor.wallPoly;
sp94 = this->unk_144;
EffectSs_Spawn(globalCtx, 0x26, 0x80, &sp84);
goto block_20;
Actor_MarkForDeath((Actor *) this);
if (temp_v0 != 0) {
temp_v0_2 = (s32) temp_v1_2 < 8;
phi_v0_2 = temp_v0_2;
if (temp_v0_2 != 0) {
phi_v0_2 = (this->unk_1A8.base.atFlags & 2) != 0;
if ((phi_v0_2 != 0) || (this->unk_262 != 0)) {
if ((s32) temp_v1_2 >= 6) {
phi_a3 = 0x1825U;
if (phi_v0_2 != 0) {
this-> = (this-> + this->actor.prevPos.x) * 0.5f;
this-> = (this-> + this->actor.prevPos.y) * 0.5f;
this-> = (this-> + this->actor.prevPos.z) * 0.5f;
if (this->actor.params == 8) {
gGameInfo->data[0x692] = -1;
- phi_t2 = 0.0f;
+ phi_t2 = 0;
if (this->actor.speedXZ == 0.0f) {
- phi_t2 = 1e-45.0f;
+ phi_t2 = 1;
- Actor_Spawn(&globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, 0x34, this->, phi_t2);
+ Actor_Spawn(&globalCtx->actorCtx, globalCtx, 0x34, this->, this->, this->, (s16) 0, (s16) 0, (s16) 0, (s16) phi_t2);
phi_a3 = 0x182BU;
temp_a1_2 = &this->;
sp40 = temp_a1_2;
sp82 = phi_a3;
EffectSsStone1_Spawn(globalCtx, temp_a1_2, 0, phi_a3);
Audio_PlaySoundAtPosition(globalCtx, (Vec3f *) temp_a1_2, 0x14, phi_a3);
Actor_MarkForDeath((Actor *) this);
} else {
temp_a3 = &this->;
sp40 = temp_a3;
sp50 = phi_v0_2;
EffectSsHitMark_SpawnCustomScale(globalCtx, 0, 0x96, temp_a3);
if ((phi_v0_2 != 0) && (this->>elemType != 4)) {
temp_v0_4 = this->;
if ((temp_v0_4->update != 0) && ((this->unk_1A8.base.atFlags & 4) == 0) && ((temp_v0_4->flags & 0x4000) != 0)) {
this->unk_264 = temp_v0_4;
sp7C = temp_v0_4;
func_8088A894(this, globalCtx);
Math_Vec3f_Diff((Vec3f *) &temp_v0_4->world, (Vec3f *) sp40, &this->unk_268);
temp_v0_4->flags |= 0x8000;
this->unk_1A8.base.atFlags &= 0xFFFD;
this->actor.speedXZ *= 0.5f;
this->actor.velocity.y *= 0.5f;
} else {
temp_t7 = this->unk_261 | 1;
this->unk_261 = temp_t7;
this->unk_261 = temp_t7 | 2;
Math_Vec3f_Copy((Vec3f *) sp40, &this->actor.prevPos);
func_8088A7D8(globalCtx, this);
Audio_PlayActorSound2((Actor *) this, 0x1814U);
} else if (this->unk_262 != 0) {
this->actionFunc = func_8088B630;
SkelAnime_ChangeAnimDefaultStop(&this->unk_144, (AnimationHeader *) &D_040128BC);
if ((s32) this->actor.params >= 0) {
this->unk_260 = 0x3C;
} else {
this->unk_260 = 0x14;
temp_v1_3 = this->actor.params;
if (((s32) temp_v1_3 >= 3) && ((s32) temp_v1_3 < 6)) {
this->actor.draw = NULL;
Audio_PlayActorSound2((Actor *) this, 0x1815U);
this->unk_261 |= 1;
} else {
func_8088AA98((Actor *) this, globalCtx, phi_a2);
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:overlays/ovl_En_Bigslime/ovl_En_Bigslime.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/overlays/ovl_En_Bigslime/ovl_En_Bigslime.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -4603,101 +4603,101 @@
temp_s2 = arg1->state.gfxCtx;
sp80 = arg1 + 0x818;
sp88 = &D_060113B0;
phi_s1_4 = &spB4;
do {
temp_s0 = (arg0 + (*phi_s1_4 * 4))->unk_A08;
temp_v0_2 = LightContext_NewLights(sp80, arg1->state.gfxCtx);
temp_s6 = temp_s0 + 0x24;
temp_s3 = temp_v0_2;
Lights_BindAll(temp_v0_2, arg1->lightCtx.listHead, temp_s6, arg1);
Lights_Draw(temp_s3, arg1->state.gfxCtx);
func_800B8118(temp_s0, arg1, 0);
SysMatrix_SetStateRotationAndTranslation(temp_s0->world.pos.x, temp_s0->world.pos.y, temp_s0->world.pos.z, (Vec3s *) &temp_s0->shape);
Matrix_Scale(temp_s0->scale.x, temp_s0->scale.y, temp_s0->scale.z, 1);
temp_v0_3 = temp_s2->polyXlu.p;
temp_s2->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_3 + 8;
temp_v0_3->words.w0 = 0xFA000080;
temp_v0_3->words.w1 = temp_s0->shape.shadowAlpha | ~0xFF;
temp_v0_4 = temp_s2->polyXlu.p;
temp_s2->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_4 + 8;
temp_v0_4->words.w0 = 0xDA380003;
temp_v0_4->words.w1 = Matrix_NewMtx(arg1->state.gfxCtx);
temp_v0_5 = temp_s2->polyXlu.p;
temp_s2->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_5 + 8;
temp_v0_5->words.w0 = 0xDE000000;
temp_v0_5->words.w1 = (u32) sp88;
if ((s32) temp_s0->unk_148 > 0) {
SysMatrix_InsertTranslation(0.0f, (0.1f - temp_s0->unk_150) * -4000.0f, 0.0f, 1);
Matrix_Scale(0.1f, temp_s0->unk_150, 0.1f, 1);
AnimatedMat_Draw(arg1, arg0->minislimeFrozenTex);
temp_v0_6 = temp_s2->polyXlu.p;
temp_s2->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_6 + 8;
temp_v0_6->words.w0 = 0xFA000080;
temp_v0_6->words.w1 = temp_s0->unk_148 | ~0xFF;
temp_v0_7 = temp_s2->polyXlu.p;
temp_s2->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_7 + 8;
temp_v0_7->words.w0 = 0xDA380003;
temp_v0_7->words.w1 = Matrix_NewMtx(arg1->state.gfxCtx);
temp_v0_8 = temp_s2->polyXlu.p;
temp_s2->polyXlu.p = temp_v0_8 + 8;
temp_v0_8->words.w1 = (u32) &D_06010DB0;
temp_v0_8->words.w0 = 0xDE000000;
temp_t5 = temp_s0->shape.shadowAlpha;
temp_f6 = (f32) temp_t5;
phi_f6 = temp_f6;
if ((s32) temp_t5 < 0) {
phi_f6 = temp_f6 + 4294967296.0f;
- func_808EC708(temp_s6, (GraphicsContext **) arg1, (u32) &D_06011050, temp_s0->scale.x * 0.4f * 0.1f, phi_f6 * 0.6862745f);
+ func_808EC708(temp_s6, (GraphicsContext **) arg1, (u32) &D_06011050, temp_s0->scale.x * 0.4f * 0.1f, temp_s0->scale.z * 0.4f * 0.1f, temp_s0->scale.y * 400.0f, (s16) (s32) temp_s0->shape.rot.y, phi_f6 * 0.6862745f);
temp_s1_2 = phi_s1_4 + 4;
phi_s1_4 = temp_s1_2;
} while (temp_s1_2 != &spF0);
void func_808ECD14(Actor *arg0, GlobalContext *arg1) {
? *temp_s0_2;
Gfx *temp_s0;
Gfx *temp_s1;
Gfx *temp_v1;
Gfx *temp_v1_2;
Gfx *temp_v1_3;
Gfx *temp_v1_4;
Gfx *temp_v1_5;
Gfx *temp_v1_6;
Gfx *temp_v1_7;
GraphicsContext *temp_s4;
MtxF *temp_s2;
s32 temp_v0;
void *temp_v0_2;
? *phi_s0;
func_800B8118(arg0, arg1, 0);
temp_s4 = arg1->state.gfxCtx;
temp_v1 = temp_s4->polyXlu.p;
temp_s4->polyXlu.p = temp_v1 + 8;
temp_v1->words.w0 = 0xDB060024;
temp_v1->words.w1 = (u32) ((arg0->unk_2B1 * 0xA20) + &D_808EE060);
temp_s0 = temp_s4->polyXlu.p;
temp_s4->polyXlu.p = temp_s0 + 8;
temp_s0->words.w0 = 0xDA380003;
temp_s0->words.w1 = Matrix_NewMtx(arg1->state.gfxCtx);
temp_v1_2 = temp_s4->polyXlu.p;
temp_s4->polyXlu.p = temp_v1_2 + 8;
temp_v1_2->words.w1 = (u32) &D_06010530;
temp_v1_2->words.w0 = 0xDE000000;
temp_v1_3 = temp_s4->polyXlu.p;
temp_s4->polyXlu.p = temp_v1_3 + 8;
temp_v1_3->words.w1 = (u32) &D_060105E8;
temp_v1_3->words.w0 = 0xDE000000;
temp_v0 = arg0->unk_188;
if ((func_808E9AE0 == temp_v0) || (func_808E9DD0 == temp_v0) || (func_808EA1C8 == temp_v0) || (func_808E9FC0 == temp_v0)) {
AnimatedMat_Draw(arg1, arg0->unk_A48);
temp_v1_4 = temp_s4->polyXlu.p;
temp_s4->polyXlu.p = temp_v1_4 + 8;
temp_v1_4->words.w1 = (u32) &D_808EF4A0;
temp_v1_4->words.w0 = 0xDB060024;
temp_v1_5 = temp_s4->polyXlu.p;
temp_s4->polyXlu.p = temp_v1_5 + 8;
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:overlays/ovl_En_Po_Composer/ovl_En_Po_Composer.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/overlays/ovl_En_Po_Composer/ovl_En_Po_Composer.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -954,52 +954,52 @@
if (temp_v0_10 != 0) {
if (temp_v0_10 == 0xFF) {
Scene_SetRenderModeXlu(globalCtx, 0, 1U);
phi_v1 = temp_s1->polyOpa.p;
} else {
Scene_SetRenderModeXlu(globalCtx, 1, 2U);
phi_v1 = temp_s1->polyXlu.p;
phi_v1->words.w0 = 0xE7000000;
phi_v1->words.w1 = 0;
phi_v1->unk_8 = 0xFB000000;
phi_v1->unk_C = (s32) ((this->unk_33A << 0x18) | (this->unk_33B << 0x10) | (this->unk_33C << 8) | this->unk_339);
sp9C = phi_v1;
phi_v1->unk_10 = 0xDA380003;
sp9C = phi_v1;
phi_v1->unk_14 = Matrix_NewMtx(globalCtx->state.gfxCtx);
phi_v1->unk_18 = 0xDE000000;
phi_v1->unk_1C = &D_06006E08;
phi_v1->unk_24 = &D_06006F38;
phi_v1->unk_20 = 0xDE000000;
phi_v1->unk_28 = 0xE7000000;
phi_v1->unk_2C = 0;
phi_v1->unk_30 = 0xFB000000;
phi_v1->unk_34 = (s32) ((sp98->unk_0 << 0x18) | (sp98->unk_1 << 0x10) | (sp98->unk_2 << 8) | this->unk_339);
phi_v1->unk_3C = &D_06006EA8;
phi_v1->unk_38 = 0xDE000000;
if (this->unk_339 == 0xFF) {
temp_s1->polyOpa.p = phi_v1 + 0x40;
} else {
temp_s1->polyXlu.p = phi_v1 + 0x40;
SysMatrix_GetStateTranslationAndScaledZ(15.0f, (Vec3f *) &sp88);
temp_t5 = this->unk_190.elements;
sp80.unk_0 = (s32) (unaligned s32) temp_t5->unk_30;
sp80.unk_4 = (u16) temp_t5->;
temp_t5_2 = sp80 + (s32) sp88;
temp_t8 = sp82 + (s32) sp8C;
sp80 = temp_t5_2;
sp82 = temp_t8;
temp_t2 = sp84 + (s32) sp90;
sp84 = temp_t2;
temp_t3 = this->unk_33D;
temp_f6 = (f32) temp_t3;
phi_f6 = temp_f6;
if ((s32) temp_t3 < 0) {
phi_f6 = temp_f6 + 4294967296.0f;
- Lights_PointGlowSetInfo(&this->unk_27C, temp_t5_2, temp_t8, temp_t2, (u8) (s32) (phi_f6 * 0.78431374f));
+ Lights_PointGlowSetInfo(&this->unk_27C, temp_t5_2, temp_t8, temp_t2, (u8) (s32) this->unk_33A, (u8) (s32) this->unk_33B, (u8) (s32) this->unk_33C, (s16) (s32) (phi_f6 * 0.78431374f));
[INFO] [FAIL] mm_ctx:overlays/ovl_En_Po_Sisters/ovl_En_Po_Sisters.text.s
[INFO] Output of ../mm/asm/overlays/ovl_En_Po_Sisters/ovl_En_Po_Sisters.text.s changed! Diff:
@@ -1602,213 +1602,237 @@
s32 func_80B1CB44(GlobalContext *arg0, s32 arg1, Gfx **arg2, Vec3f *arg3, s16 *arg4, Actor *arg5, Gfx **arg6) {
Gfx *temp_a1;
Gfx *temp_a1_2;
Gfx *temp_a1_3;
Gfx *temp_a1_4;
s16 temp_a0;
void *temp_v1;
if ((arg1 == 1) && ((arg5->unk_191 & 0x40) != 0)) {
temp_a0 = arg5->unk_192;
if ((s32) temp_a0 >= 0x11C) {
*arg4 = *arg4 + (temp_a0 << 0xC) + 0xFFEE4000;
} else {
*arg4 = *arg4 + (temp_a0 << 0xC) + 0xFFFF1000;
if ((arg5->unk_229 == 0) || (arg1 == 8) || ((func_80B1BA90 == arg5->unk_188) && ((s32) arg5->unk_192 >= 8))) {
*arg2 = NULL;
} else if (arg1 == 9) {
*arg2 = *(&D_80B1DACC + (arg5->unk_18C * 4));
} else if (arg1 == 0xA) {
*arg2 = *(&D_80B1DADC + (arg5->unk_18C * 4));
temp_a1 = *arg6;
*arg6 = temp_a1 + 8;
temp_a1->words.w1 = 0;
temp_a1->words.w0 = 0xE7000000;
temp_a1_2 = *arg6;
*arg6 = temp_a1_2 + 8;
temp_a1_2->words.w0 = 0xFB000000;
temp_a1_2->words.w1 = (arg5->unk_226 << 0x18) | (arg5->unk_227 << 0x10) | (arg5->unk_228 << 8) | arg5->unk_229;
} else if (arg1 == 0xB) {
temp_v1 = (arg5->unk_18C * 4) + &D_80B1DAEC;
temp_a1_3 = *arg6;
*arg6 = temp_a1_3 + 8;
temp_a1_3->words.w1 = 0;
temp_a1_3->words.w0 = 0xE7000000;
temp_a1_4 = *arg6;
*arg6 = temp_a1_4 + 8;
temp_a1_4->words.w0 = 0xFB000000;
temp_a1_4->words.w1 = (temp_v1->unk_0 << 0x18) | (temp_v1->unk_1 << 0x10) | (temp_v1->unk_2 << 8) | arg5->unk_229;
return 0;
void func_80B1CD34(GraphicsContext **arg0, s32 arg1, Gfx **arg2, Vec3s *arg3, Actor *arg4, s32 **arg5) {
s32 *sp40;
void *sp38;
s8 *sp34;
+ f32 temp_f10;
+ f32 temp_f16;
+ f32 temp_f18;
f32 temp_f2;
f32 temp_f6;
f32 temp_f8;
+ f32 temp_f8_2;
s32 *temp_v0_2;
s32 *temp_v0_3;
s32 temp_v0_4;
s32 temp_v0_5;
s8 *temp_a2;
s8 temp_v0;
u8 temp_t2;
+ u8 temp_t2_2;
u8 temp_t5;
+ u8 temp_t6;
+ u8 temp_t9;
+ u8 temp_t9_2;
void *temp_a0;
void *temp_a1;
void *temp_v0_6;
void *temp_v1;
s8 *phi_a2;
void *phi_a0;
void *phi_v1;
s32 phi_v0;
+ f32 phi_f16;
+ f32 phi_f10;
f32 phi_f8;
+ f32 phi_f8_2;
+ f32 phi_f18;
f32 phi_f6;
temp_a2 = arg1 + &D_80B1DB08;
temp_v0 = *temp_a2;
phi_a2 = temp_a2;
if (temp_v0 != -1) {
sp34 = temp_a2;
SysMatrix_GetStateTranslation(arg4 + (temp_v0 * 0xC) + 0x28C);
goto block_8;
if (temp_a2 == &D_80B1DB11) {
sp34 = temp_a2;
SysMatrix_GetStateTranslationAndScaledY(-2500.0f, arg4 + 0x2BC);
SysMatrix_GetStateTranslationAndScaledY(3000.0f, arg4 + 0x2C8);
goto block_8;
if (temp_a2 == &D_80B1DB12) {
sp34 = temp_a2;
SysMatrix_GetStateTranslationAndScaledY(-4000.0f, arg4 + 0x2D4);
goto block_8;
if (temp_a2 == &D_80B1DB13) {
sp34 = temp_a2;
SysMatrix_GetStateTranslationAndScaledX(3000.0f, arg4 + 0x2E0);
phi_a2 = sp34;
if ((func_80B1BA90 == arg4->unk_188) && ((s32) arg4->unk_192 >= 8) && (phi_a2 == &D_80B1DB11)) {
temp_v0_2 = *arg5;
*arg5 = temp_v0_2 + 8;
*temp_v0_2 = 0xDA380003;
sp34 = phi_a2;
sp40 = temp_v0_2;
sp40->unk_4 = Matrix_NewMtx(*arg0);
temp_v0_3 = *arg5;
*arg5 = temp_v0_3 + 8;
temp_v0_3->unk_0 = 0xDE000000;
temp_v0_3->unk_4 = &D_060046E0;
if (phi_a2 == &D_80B1DB10) {
if ((arg4->unk_191 & 0x20) != 0) {
temp_v0_4 = arg4->unk_190 - 1;
phi_v0 = temp_v0_4;
if (temp_v0_4 > 0) {
temp_a1 = arg4 + (temp_v0_4 * 0xC);
phi_a0 = temp_a1 + 0x220;
phi_v1 = temp_a1 + 0x22C;
do {
temp_v0_5 = phi_v0 - 1;
temp_v1 = phi_v1 - 0xC;
temp_v1->unk_C = (s32) phi_a0->unk_0;
temp_a0 = phi_a0 - 0xC;
temp_v1->unk_10 = (s32) phi_a0->unk_4;
temp_v1->unk_14 = (s32) temp_a0->unk_14;
phi_a0 = temp_a0;
phi_v1 = temp_v1;
phi_v0 = temp_v0_5;
} while (temp_v0_5 > 0);
SysMatrix_MultiplyVector3fByState(&D_80B1DAFC, arg4 + 0x22C);
if ((s32) arg4->unk_190 > 0) {
temp_v0_6 = (arg4->unk_18C * 4) + &D_80B1DA30;
sp38 = temp_v0_6;
temp_f2 = Rand_ZeroFloat(0.3f) + 0.7f;
if (func_80B1BCA0 == arg4->unk_188) {
- if ((s32) temp_v0_6->unk_0 < 0) {
+ temp_t6 = temp_v0_6->unk_0;
+ temp_f16 = (f32) temp_t6;
+ phi_f16 = temp_f16;
+ if ((s32) temp_t6 < 0) {
+ phi_f16 = temp_f16 + 4294967296.0f;
- if ((s32) temp_v0_6->unk_1 < 0) {
+ temp_t9 = temp_v0_6->unk_1;
+ temp_f10 = (f32) temp_t9;
+ phi_f10 = temp_f10;
+ if ((s32) temp_t9 < 0) {
+ phi_f10 = temp_f10 + 4294967296.0f;
temp_t2 = temp_v0_6->unk_2;
temp_f8 = (f32) temp_t2;
phi_f8 = temp_f8;
if ((s32) temp_t2 < 0) {
phi_f8 = temp_f8 + 4294967296.0f;
- Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(arg4 + 0x2FC, (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_22C, (s16) (s32) (arg4->unk_230 + 15.0f), (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_234, (u8) (u32) (phi_f8 * temp_f2), (u8) 0xC8);
+ Lights_PointNoGlowSetInfo(arg4 + 0x2FC, (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_22C, (s16) (s32) (arg4->unk_230 + 15.0f), (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_234, (u8) (u32) (phi_f16 * temp_f2), (u8) (u32) (phi_f10 * temp_f2), (u8) (u32) (phi_f8 * temp_f2), (s16) 0xC8);
} else {
- if ((s32) temp_v0_6->unk_0 < 0) {
+ temp_t9_2 = temp_v0_6->unk_0;
+ temp_f8_2 = (f32) temp_t9_2;
+ phi_f8_2 = temp_f8_2;
+ if ((s32) temp_t9_2 < 0) {
+ phi_f8_2 = temp_f8_2 + 4294967296.0f;
- if ((s32) temp_v0_6->unk_1 < 0) {
+ temp_t2_2 = temp_v0_6->unk_1;
+ temp_f18 = (f32) temp_t2_2;
+ phi_f18 = temp_f18;
+ if ((s32) temp_t2_2 < 0) {
+ phi_f18 = temp_f18 + 4294967296.0f;
temp_t5 = temp_v0_6->unk_2;
temp_f6 = (f32) temp_t5;
phi_f6 = temp_f6;
if ((s32) temp_t5 < 0) {
phi_f6 = temp_f6 + 4294967296.0f;
- Lights_PointGlowSetInfo(arg4 + 0x2FC, (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_22C, (s16) (s32) (arg4->unk_230 + 15.0f), (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_234, (u8) (u32) (phi_f6 * temp_f2), (u8) 0xC8);
+ Lights_PointGlowSetInfo(arg4 + 0x2FC, (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_22C, (s16) (s32) (arg4->unk_230 + 15.0f), (s16) (s32) arg4->unk_234, (u8) (u32) (phi_f8_2 * temp_f2), (u8) (u32) (phi_f18 * temp_f2), (u8) (u32) (phi_f6 * temp_f2), (s16) 0xC8);
} else {
Lights_PointSetColorAndRadius(arg4 + 0x2FC, 0U, 0U, 0U, (s16) 0);
if ((arg4->unk_191 & 0x80) == 0) {
SysMatrix_CopyCurrentState(arg4 + 0x358);
void EnPoSisters_Draw(Actor *thisx, GlobalContext *globalCtx) {
EnPoSisters *spE4;
void (*sp80)(EnPoSisters *, GlobalContext *);
void (*sp78)(EnPoSisters *, GlobalContext *);
Gfx *sp74;
Gfx *temp_v0_10;
Gfx *temp_v0_11;
Gfx *temp_v0_12;
Gfx *temp_v0_13;
Gfx *temp_v0_14;
Gfx *temp_v0_3;
Gfx *temp_v0_4;
Gfx *temp_v0_5;
Gfx *temp_v0_6;
Gfx *temp_v0_7;
Gfx *temp_v0_8;
Gfx *temp_v0_9;
GraphicsContext *temp_s3;
f32 temp_f20;
s32 temp_s2;
s32 temp_v0;
u8 temp_v0_2;
void *temp_s1;
void *temp_s7;
s32 phi_s5;
EnPoSisters *phi_s1;
s32 phi_s2;
f32 phi_f20;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 phi_f2;
EnPoSisters *this = (EnPoSisters *) thisx;
spE4 = this;
temp_v0 = this->unk_18C * 4;
temp_s1 = temp_v0 + &D_80B1DA40;
temp_s7 = temp_v0 + &D_80B1DA30;
temp_s3 = globalCtx->state.gfxCtx;
[INFO] Test summary: 1116 passed, 0 skipped, 7 failed, 1123 total
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