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A monitor for A Dark Room (doublespeakgames/adarkroom)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Dark Monitor
// @namespace
// @version 0.3.6
// @description A monitor for A Dark Room (doublespeakgames/adarkroom)
// @author Zbee
// @match
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// @description Checks store levels
// @depends-on null
// @default on
// @added 2015-06-15
// @finished 2016-08-30
// @modified 2019-10-09
// @author zbee
// @description Gives advice on keeping store levels steady
// @depends-on Stores
// @default on
// @added 2016-08-30
// @finished null
// @modified null
// @author zbee
//Change Log
//Accounts for the new total value of a store generation in the tooltip
//Minimize errors in TamperMonkey
//Utilize #notifications
//Support fur advice
//Support advice to remove assigned villagers
//Basics for advice module
//Changed over to object orientation
//Added stores to be tracked
//Finalized stores to display
//Initial monitor
//Table of Contents
//(type) : (name) : (description) : (module, if any)
//////////array : allStores : all stores to be tracked : stores
//////////func : checkStores : background function for stores function : stores
//////////func : stores : checks change for each store : stores
//////////obj : storeModifiers : villager jobs and their affects on stores : advice
//////////func : modifierAmounts : check amounts of each villager job : advice
//////////func : advice : checks each store change and suggests ways to level them out : advice
//////////func : setup : setups up for displaying date :
//////////obj : monitor : jQuery object of display div :
//////////func : advice : display advice from compute method container : advice
//////////func : stores : starts stores module : stores
//////////func : advice : starts advice module : advice
//////////func : start : starts modules based on options :
var $ = window.jQuery;
$("#location_outside").click(function () { $("#monitor").show(); });
$("#location_room, #location_path").click(function () { $("#monitor").hide(); });
var DarkMonitor = DarkMonitor || {};
DarkMonitor.Monitor = {
allStores: [
["bait", 0], ["coal", 0], ["cured-meat", 0], ["fur", 0], ["iron", 0], ["leather", 0],
["meat", 0], ["steel", 0], ["wood", 0], ["scales", 0], ["cloth", 0], ["teeth", 0]
checkStore: function(store) {
var income = 0;
store = "#row_" + store;
//Skip non-set stores
if ($(store).length === 0) return 0;
//Track source for each store
$(store + " .tooltip .row_val").each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass("total")) {
income += parseInt($(this).html().split(" ")[0]);
//Set up to display sources
var incomeTxt = income > 0 ? "+" + income : income;
var curText = $(store + " > .row_key").html().split(" ").length > 1 ?
$(store + " > .row_key").html().split(" ")[1] :
$(store + " > .row_key").html().split(" ")[0];
//Display the sources for the store
$(store + " > .row_key").html("(" + incomeTxt + ") " + curText);
return income;
stores: function () {
//Ask for an update on each store
DarkMonitor.Monitor.allStores.forEach(function(element, index) {
DarkMonitor.Monitor.allStores[index][1] = DarkMonitor.Monitor.checkStore(element[0]);
DarkMonitor.Compute = {
storeModifiers: {
"wood": [
{"from": "gatherer", "change": 1, "rate": 10, "limit": 0, "amount": 0},
{"from": "builder", "change": 2, "rate": 10, "limit": 1, "amount": 0}
"meat": [
{"from": "hunter", "change": 0.5, "rate": 10, "limit": 0, "amount": 0}
"fur": [
{"from": "hunter", "change": 0.5, "rate": 10, "limit": 0, "amount": 0},
{"from": "tanner", "change": -5, "rate": 10, "limit": 0, "amount": 0}
modifierAmounts: function () {
advice: function () {
var advice = {"notification": "", "monitor": ""};
DarkMonitor.Monitor.allStores.forEach(function(store) {
var storeQuantity = store[1];
store = store[0];
if (storeQuantity < 0) {
if (!(store in DarkMonitor.Compute.storeModifiers)) {
console.warn("DM.Compute.advice: " + store + " is NOT yet implemented");
var modifier = DarkMonitor.Compute.storeModifiers[store];
modifier = modifier[Math.floor(Math.random() * modifier.length)];
var change = Math.abs(storeQuantity) / modifier.change;
var changeWord = "add";
if (change < 0) { changeWord = "remove"; }
change = Math.ceil(Math.abs(change));
advice.monitor = changeWord + " " + change + " " + modifier.from;
advice.notification = "you should " + advice.monitor + "s.";
return advice;
DarkMonitor.Display = {
setup: function () {
$("body").prepend("<div id='monitor' style='float:left;display:none;opacity:0;'></div>");
monitor: $("#monitor"),
advice: function (advice) {
//Display notification if not shown last
if (advice.notification != $("#notifications .notification:first-of-type").text()) {
$("#notifications").prepend("<div class='notification'>" + advice.notification + "</div>");
DarkMonitor.Controller = {
stores: function () {
}, 500); //Half second
advice: function () {
var advice = DarkMonitor.Compute.advice();
}, 5000); //5 seconds
start: function (opts) {
if (opts.stores === true) DarkMonitor.Controller.stores();
if (opts.advice === true) DarkMonitor.Controller.advice();
stores: true,
advice: true
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zbee commented Jun 15, 2015


  • Show income for different resources
  • Suggest ways to stabilize / optimize incomes
  • Grey out or in some way denote things that cannot be afforded

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