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Last active December 14, 2016 03:20
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GitHub Issue Charts in Mathematica
(* Common: *)
ToJSON[x_] := ImportString[FromCharacterCode[x, "Unicode"], "RawJSON"](*Ignore emoji*)
getIssues[repo_] := getIssues[repo, "*"]
getIssues[repo_, milestone_] :=
getIssues[repo, milestone] = Block[{url, head, pageCount, issues},
url = URLBuild[{"", repo, "issues"},
{"state" -> "all",
(*"access_token" -> "...",*) (* use for private repos, larger API quota*)
"sort" -> "created",
"direction" -> "desc",
"per_page" -> "100"}] <> "&milestone=" <>
ToString[milestone];(*Avoid M's encoding of '*' *)
head = URLRead[HTTPRequest[url, <|Method -> "HEAD"|>], "Headers"];(*Get number of pages*)
pageCount =
First@StringCases["link" /. head,
"page=" ~~ p : __?DigitQ ~~ ">; rel=\"last" :>
Min[ToExpression[p], 10]];
issues = Flatten[ToJSON /@ URLRead[
Table[HTTPRequest[url <> "&page=" <> ToString[p]],
{p, 0, pageCount}
], "BodyBytes"
], 1];
Select[issues, ("pull_request" /. #) == "pull_request" &](*Remove PRs*)
accumulateDates[x_] :=
Block[{y = Normal@CountsBy[Sort[DateObject /@ x], First]},(*Group by day and count*)
y[[All, 2]] = Accumulate[y[[All, 2]]];(*Accumulate issues per day*)
(** Created vs. Closed **)
issues = getIssues["nodejs/node" (*repo name*), "*" (* milestone or '*' *)];
closed = Cases["closed_at" /. issues, Except[Null]];
opened = ("created_at" /. issues);
accumulateDates /@ {opened, closed},
Filling -> {1 -> {{2}, {Directive[Opacity[0.2], Darker@Green],
Directive[Opacity[0.2], Red]}}},
PlotStyle -> {Red, Darker@Green},
PlotLabels -> {"Created", "Closed"},
FrameLabel -> {None, "Issues"},
BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 12}
(** Burndown **)
repo = "nodejs/node";
milestones = {"number", "title", "due_on"} /.
ToJSON@URLRead["" <> repo <> "/milestones?state=all", "BodyBytes"];(*Get milestones*)
issues = getIssues[repo, milestone[[1]]];
closed = Cases["closed_at" /. issues, Except[Null | "closed_at"]];(*Get closing dates*)
accumulated = accumulateDates[closed];
beginning = DateObject@Normal[accumulated][[1, 1]];(*First issue close date*)
Length[issues] - accumulated,
{{beginning, Length[issues]}, {DateObject@milestone[[3]], 0}}
PlotRange -> {{Automatic, DateObject@milestone[[3]]}, Automatic},
PlotLabels -> {"Actual", "Ideal"},
FrameLabel -> {None, "Issues"},
ImageSize -> 450,
BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 12}
{{milestone, First@milestones}, (# -> #[[2]]) & /@ milestones},
ControlType -> PopupMenu
Copy link

Created vs. resolved:


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