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Created February 13, 2017 09:11
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from naima.models import Synchrotron
from naima.utils import trapz_loglog
from naima.extern.validator import validate_scalar
from naima.radiative import _validate_ene
##use naima.radiative logger
#import naima
#log = naima.radiative.log
#log.setLevel(1) # set to DEBUG
class log(object):
def debug(msg):
#print('DEBUG: '+msg)
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.constants import c, G, m_e, h, hbar, k_B, R_sun, sigma_sb, e, m_p, M_sun
e = e.gauss
mec2 = (m_e * c ** 2).cgs
mec2_unit = u.Unit(mec2)
ar = (4 * sigma_sb / c).to('erg/(cm3 K4)')
heaviside = lambda x: (np.sign(x) + 1) / 2.
class PowerLawB(object):
"""Magnetic field powerlaw distribution
index : float
Index of the powerlaw
Bmin : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Minimum magnetic field strength
Bmax : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Maximum magnetic field strength
def __init__(self, index, Bmin=0.1*u.uG, Bmax=300*u.uG):
self.index = validate_scalar('index',index)
self.Bmin = validate_scalar('Bmin',Bmin,physical_type='magnetic flux density').to('G')
self.Bmax = validate_scalar('Bmax',Bmax,physical_type='magnetic flux density').to('G')
def pdf(self,B):
g = self.index
x ='G').value
a ='G').value
b ='G').value
norm=((1 - g) / (b ** (1 - g) - a ** (1 - g)))
pdf = norm * np.where((x >= a) * (x <= b), x ** -g, np.zeros_like(x))
return pdf
def rms(self):
g = self.index
a ='G').value
b ='G').value
rms = np.sqrt((1 - g) / (3 - g) * (b ** (3 - g) - a ** (3 - g)) /
(b ** (1 - g) - a ** (1 - g)))
return rms * u.G
class SynchrotronBdist(Synchrotron):
"""Synchrotron emission from an electron population in a turbulent magnetic field.
particle_distribution : function
Particle distribution function, taking electron energies as a
`~astropy.units.Quantity` array or float, and returning the particle
energy density in units of number of electrons per unit energy as a
`~astropy.units.Quantity` array or float.
B_distribution : class instance
Distribution of the magnetic field strength.
Must have ``Bmin``, ``Bmax``, ``rms``, and ``pdf`` attributes. ``pdf``
will take magnetic field strength values and return the PDF for that
Other parameters
log10gmin : float
Base 10 logarithm of the minimum Lorentz factor for the electron
distribution. Default is 4 (:math:`E_e ≈ 5` GeV).
log10gmax : float
Base 10 logarithm of the maximum Lorentz factor for the electron
distribution. Default is 9 (:math:`E_e ≈ 510` TeV).
ngamd : scalar
Number of points per decade in energy for the electron energy and
distribution arrays. Default is 100.
def __init__(self, particle_distribution, B_distribution, Bmin=0.1*u.uG,
Bmax=300*u.uG, **kwargs):
self._cache = {}
self._queue = []
self.particle_distribution = particle_distribution
# check that the particle distribution returns particles per unit energy
P = self.particle_distribution(1*u.TeV)
validate_scalar('particle distribution', P, physical_type='differential energy')
validate_scalar('Bmin', Bmin, physical_type='magnetic flux density')
validate_scalar('Bmax', Bmax, physical_type='magnetic flux density')
self.B_distribution = B_distribution
self.Eemin = 1 * u.GeV
self.Eemax = 1e9 * mec2
self.nEed = 100
def _spectrum(self, photon_energy):
"""Compute intrinsic synchrotron differential spectrum for energies in ``photon_energy``
Compute synchrotron for random magnetic field according to approximation
of Aharonian, Kelner, and Prosekin 2010, PhysRev D 82, 3002
(`arXiv:1006.1045 <>`_).
photon_energy : :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instance
Photon energy array.
outspecene = _validate_ene(photon_energy)
from scipy.special import cbrt
if not hasattr(self,'nB'):
self.nB = 11
def Gtilde(x):
AKP10 Eq. D7
Factor ~2 performance gain in using cbrt(x)**n vs x**(n/3.)
gt1 = 1.808 * cbrt(x) / np.sqrt(1 + 3.4 * cbrt(x) ** 2.)
gt2 = 1 + 2.210 * cbrt(x) ** 2. + 0.347 * cbrt(x) ** 4.
gt3 = 1 + 1.353 * cbrt(x) ** 2. + 0.217 * cbrt(x) ** 4.
return gt1 * (gt2 / gt3) * np.exp(-x)
log.debug('calc_sy: Starting synchrotron computation with AKB2010...')
def _calc_sy(B):
# strip units, ensuring correct conversion
# astropy units do not convert correctly for gyroradius calculation when using
# cgs (SI is fine, see
CS1_0 = np.sqrt(3) * e.value ** 3 *'G').value
CS1_1 = (2 * np.pi * m_e.cgs.value * c.cgs.value ** 2 *
hbar.cgs.value *'erg').value)
CS1 = CS1_0/CS1_1
Ec = 3 * e.value * hbar.cgs.value *'G').value * self._gam ** 2
Ec /= 2 * (m_e * c).cgs.value
EgEc ='erg').value / np.vstack(Ec)
dNdE = CS1 * Gtilde(EgEc)
# return units
specB = trapz_loglog(np.vstack(self._nelec) * dNdE, self._gam, axis=0) / u.s / u.erg
return'1/(s eV)')
Bdist = self.B_distribution
if Bdist.Bmin == Bdist.Bmax:
total_spec = _calc_sy(Bdist.Bmin)
self.Brms = Bdist.Bmin
self.Brms = Bdist.rms()
np.log10('G').value), self.nB) * u.G
#Bfunc=lambda x: plpdf(x,1.5,Bs.min(),Bs.max()) # alpha=3/2 --> MHD turbulence spectrum: Kraichnan 1965
sampleBrms = np.sqrt(trapz_loglog(Bs**2 * Bdist.pdf(Bs), Bs) /
trapz_loglog(Bdist.pdf(Bs), Bs))
log.debug('Relative difference between ideal B RMS and sample B RMS: {0}'.format(
np.abs(self.Brms - sampleBrms) / self.Brms))
log.debug('Brms={0}, sampleBrms={1}'.format(self.Brms,sampleBrms))
spec = []
for B in Bs:
spec.append(Bdist.pdf(B) * _calc_sy(B))
total_spec = trapz_loglog(u.Quantity(spec),'G').value, axis=0)
# not really needed for trapz_loglog, do it just in case
#samplingcorr = 1/trapz_loglog(Bdist.pdf(Bs),'G').value)
samplingcorr = self.Brms**2 / sampleBrms**2
log.debug('Sampling correction: {0}'.format(samplingcorr))
total_spec *= samplingcorr
flux = trapz_loglog(outspecene*total_spec,outspecene).to('erg/s')
log.debug('Flux: {0}'.format(flux))
return total_spec
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test all above
from pylab import figure
from naima.models import ExponentialCutoffPowerLaw as ECPL
pdist = ECPL(4.3e30/u.eV,10*u.TeV,0.835,30*u.TeV)
bdist = PowerLawB(1.5)
sync = SynchrotronBdist(pdist,bdist)
print('We = {0}'.format(sync.We))
f = figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
ene = np.logspace(-3,5,1000)*u.keV
ax.loglog(ene,sync.sed(ene),label='Brms = {0:.2e}'.format(sync.B_distribution.rms()))
sync.B_distribution.Bmax /= 10
ax.loglog(ene,sync.sed(ene),label='Brms = {0:.2e}'.format(sync.B_distribution.rms()))
Brms = sync.B_distribution.rms()
sync.B_distribution.Bmax = Brms
sync.B_distribution.Bmin = Brms
ax.loglog(ene,sync.sed(ene),label='B = {0:.2e}'.format(Brms))
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
ax.set_xlabel('Energy [{0}]'.format(ene.unit))
ax.set_ylabel('$E^2 dN/dE$')
f = figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
pdist = ECPL(4.3e30/u.eV,10*u.TeV,0.835,30*u.TeV)
bdist = PowerLawB(1.5)
sync = SynchrotronBdist(pdist,bdist)
ene = np.logspace(-3,5,1000)*u.keV
for nB in [5,11,21,51,101,201]:
sync.nB = nB
sed = sync.sed(ene)
ax.loglog(ene,sed,label='nB = {0}'.format(nB))
ax.legend(loc='lower left')
ax.set_xlabel('Energy [{0}]'.format(ene.unit))
ax.set_ylabel('$E^2 dN/dE$')
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