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Last active January 3, 2019 21:29
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Simple wrapper around Unix.mmap. Mainly used to work with matrices.
open Unix
open Hashtbl
open Bigarray
open Bigarray.Array2
module type Params = sig
type a
type b
type c
val kind : (a,b) Bigarray.kind
val layout : c Bigarray.layout
module Make(P : Params) = struct
let kind = P.kind
let layout = P.layout
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 20
let determine_dims kind fname = function
| None, None ->
invalid_arg "E: mmap: at least on dimension must be given"
| Some rows, Some cols -> rows,cols
| r,c ->
let open Unix in
let stt = stat fname in
let ksize = kind_size_in_bytes kind in
match r,c with
| Some r, None -> r, (stt.st_size/(ksize*r))
| None, Some c -> (stt.st_size/(ksize*c)), c
| _ -> (-1),(-1) (* це ніколи не спрацює *)
let create fname rows cols =
let mfile = openfile fname [O_RDWR; O_CREAT] 0o600 in
let data =
array2_of_genarray @@
Unix.map_file mfile kind layout true [|rows; cols|] in
Hashtbl.add tbl data mfile; data
let connect ?rows ?cols fname =
let rows,cols = determine_dims kind fname (rows,cols) in
let mfile = openfile fname [O_RDWR] 0o600 in
let data =
array2_of_genarray @@
Unix.map_file mfile kind layout true [|rows; cols|] in
Hashtbl.add tbl data mfile; data
let disconnect data =
let mfile = Hashtbl.find tbl data in
close mfile;
Hashtbl.remove tbl data
with Not_found -> ()
(** Return list of pairs (Matrix, file_name) *)
let get_list () = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v r -> (k,v) :: r) tbl
module FF64 = struct
type a = float
type b = float64_elt
type c = fortran_layout
let kind = float64
let layout = Fortran_layout
module CF64 = struct
type a = float
type b = float64_elt
type c = c_layout
let kind = Float64
let layout = C_layout
module FF32 = struct
type a = float
type b = float32_elt
type c = fortran_layout
let kind = Float32
let layout = Fortran_layout
module CF32 = struct
type a = float
type b = float32_elt
type c = c_layout
let kind = Float32
let layout = C_layout
module F64 = Make(FF64)
module F32 = Make(FF32)
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