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Created January 22, 2016 21:47
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Sum type example
(*ocamlfind ocamlopt -o sum_type -package xml-light -linkpkg*)
open Printf
module X = Xml
type amazon_response_content = Xml of Xml.xml | Raw of string
let dump_response_content =
| Xml xml ->
match xml with
| X.PCData s -> printf "%s\n%!" s
| X.Element (n, _, _) -> printf "%s\n%!" n
| Raw s -> printf "%s\n%!" s
let e () = Xml (X.PCData "XmlPCData")
let f () = Xml (X.Element ("XmlElement", [], []))
let g () = Raw "StringTest"
let h () = Xml (X.Element ("XmlElement2", [], []))
let l = [f;g;h;f;g;h;e]
let rec process =
| hd :: tl ->
let v = hd () in
dump_response_content v;
process tl
| [] -> ()
let _ = process l
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