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Last active August 5, 2022 19:55
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mosey /ˈməʊzi/ - v. (inf.) walk or move in a leisurely manner
vamoose /vəˈmuːs/ - v. (inf.) depart hurriedly (from Spanish vamos ‘let us go’)
blowout /ˈbləʊaʊt/ - n. (inf.) a large or lavish meal or social gathering
skeevy /ˈskiːvi/ - adj. (n. am., inf.) unpleasant, squalid, or distasteful
macushla /məˈkʊʃlə/ - (irish.) an affectionate form of address (from Irish mo ‘my’ + cuisle ‘pulse’ (of the heart))
give one the big eye - v. look at someone in flirtatious way
metanoia /ˌmɛtəˈnɔɪə/ - n. change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion (f. Greek 'metanoein': ‘change one's mind’)
pabulum - food (from Latin)
disjoint /dɪsˈdʒɔɪnt/ - adj. (math.) (of two or more sets) having no elements in common
monies - n. plural form of "money", as used in financial contexts
bannister - n. the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase
jell /jel/ - v. ( (of a project or idea) take a definite form or begin to work well | (of people) work well together
wavicle /ˈwāvək(ə)l/ - n. (physics) an entity having characteristic properties of both waves and particles
brouhaha /ˈbruhäˌhä/ - n. a noisy and overexcited reaction or response to something
exhort /iɡˈzôrt/ - v. strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something
castigate /ˈkastəˌɡāt/ - v. reprimand (someone) severely
To the nines - to perfection; to the highest degree
The full monty - (br. slang) everything which is necessary, appropriate or possible; 'the works'
The whole nine yards/the full nine yards - (coll. am.) - everything, the whole lot | adj. all the way
sublate /səˈblāt/ - v. (philos.) assimilate (a smaller entity) into a larger one.
exegesis /ˌeksəˈjēsis/ - n. critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture
exegetical - adj. of or relating to exegesis
siree /səˈrē/ - excl. (inf. used for emphasis, especially after yes and no
silver lining - sign of hope or a positive aspect in an otherwise negative situation ("Every cloud has a silver lining")
liminal /ˈlimənl/ - adj. (technical) occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold | relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process (from Latin limen, limin- ‘threshold’)
face (someone) down - oppose or defeat someone by being confident and looking at them boldly
harrow - v. cause distress to
harrowing - adj. acutely distressing
falls by the wayside - fail to persist in an endeavor or undertaking
go by the wayside - (am.) to be put aside, shelved, or discarded
afford - v. provide or supply (an opportunity or facility)
get the best of - overcome (someone)
garner /ˈɡärnər/ - v. gather or collect (something, especially information or approval) (from Latin granum ‘grain’)
vagabond /ˈvaɡəbɒnd/ - n. a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job (from latin: vagari ‘wander’)
consummate - v. make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse| complete (a transaction or attempt); make perfect
consummate - adj. showing a high degree of skill and flair; complete or perfect (fr. Latin: con- ‘altogether’ + summa ‘sum total’)
lech /ˈlech/ - n. (inf. derog.) a lecher; a lecherous urge or desire
wash - n. (inf. a situation or result that is of no benefit to either of two opposing sides, "a wash"
slop /släp/ - n. waste water from a kitchen, bathroom, or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand
wash - n. kitchen slops and other food waste fed to pigs
hogwash - n. (inf.) nonsense (from hog + wash; the original sense was ‘kitchen swill for pigs’)
nifty /ˈniftē/ - adj. (inf.) particularly good, skillful, or effective| fashionable; stylish
thingamajig/thingamabob - n. (inf.) used to refer to or address a person or thing whose name one has forgotten, does not know, or does not wish to mention
Eucharist /ˈjuːkərɪst/ - n. the Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed
oblation /ɒˈbleɪʃən/ - n. a thing presented or offered to God or a god; the presentation of bread and wine to God in the Eucharist
mother lode - n. a principal vein of an ore or mineral; a rich source of something
lode /lōd/ - n. a vein of metal ore in the earth; a rich source of something
scum /skəm/ - n. a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid
thrust - n. the principal purpose or theme of a course of action or line of reasoning
stodgy /ˈstäjē/ - adj. dull and uninspired
extempore /ikˈstempərē/ - adj. spoken or done without preparation (from Latin ex tempore ‘on the spur of the moment’ (literally ‘out of the time’))
crore /krôr/ - n. (indian) ten million; one hundred lakhs, especially of rupees, units of measurement, or people
fundie /ˈfəndē/ - n. (inf.) a fundamentalist, especially a Christian fundamentalist
mothball /ˈmɒθbɔːl/ - v. stop using (a piece of equipment or a building) but keep it in good condition so that it can readily be used again.
capriole /ˈkaprēˌōl/ - n. a movement performed in classical riding, in which the horse leaps from the ground and kicks out with its hind legs
caper /ˈkāpər/ - n. (inf.) an activity or escapade, typically one that is illicit or ridiculous
cotillion /kəˈtilyən/ - n. (us) a formal ball, especially one at which debutantes are presented
gherkin /ˈɡərkən/ - n. the small green fruit of a plant related to the cucumber, used for pickling
kerfuffle /kərˈfəfəl/ - n. (inf. br.) a commotion or fuss, especially one caused by conflicting views
mise en scène /ˌmēz ˌän ˈsen/ - n. the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play; the setting or surroundings of an event or action (Fr. ‘putting on stage’)
while (away) - v. pass time in a leisurely manner
catamount /ˈkadəˌmount/ - n. ( a medium-sized or large wild cat, especially a cougar (from the phrase 'cat of the mountain')
bris /bris/ - n. the Jewish ceremony of circumcision (from Hebrew bĕrīṯ, short for bĕrīṯ milah ‘covenant of circumcision’)
razz /raz/ - v. (inf. tease (someone) playfully
mordant /ˈmôrdnt/ - adj. (especially of humor) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting
peccadillo /ˌpekəˈdilō/ - n. a small, relatively unimportant offense or sin (from Latin peccare ‘to sin’)
hambone /ˈhambōn/ - n. (inf. an inferior actor or performer
arrears /əˈrirz/ - n. money that is owed and should have been paid earlier
hoi polloi /ˌhoi pəˈloi/ - n. (derog.) the masses; the common people (Greek, literally ‘the many’)
mulligan /ˈməliɡən/ - n. (inf. (in informal golf) an extra stroke allowed after a poor shot, not counted on the scorecard
romp /rämp/ - n. a spell of rough, energetic play.; (inf) an easy victory
cognate /ˈkɒɡneɪt/ - adj. (ling.) (of a word) having the same linguistic derivation as another (e.g. English father, German Vater, Latin pater). 2. related; connected; elated to or descended from a common ancestor (from Latin cognatus, from co- ‘together with’ + natus ‘born’)
augur /ˈôɡər/ - v. (of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome; portend or bode (a specified outcome) (from Latin, ‘diviner’)
at cross purposes - misunderstanding or having different aims from one another
beguile /bɪˈɡʌɪl/ - charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way; (lit.) help (time) pass pleasantly
out of left field - (am. slang) - unexpected, odd, strange
zany /ˈzeɪni/ - adj. amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
by-law /ˈbʌɪlɔː/ - n. a rule made by a company or society to control the actions of its members; regulation, rule
magna cum laude /maɡnə kəm ˈloudē/ - adv. ( with great distinction (with reference to college degrees and diplomas) (from Latin, literally 'with great praise')
craven /ˈkrāvən/ - adj. contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly
Manichaean /ˌmanəˈkēən/ - adj. (hist) relating to Manichaeism; relating to dualism or conflict between opposites; dualistic
wile /wīl/ - n. devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants
pail /peɪl/ - n. a bucket
orderly /ˈɔːd(ə)li/ - n. an attendant in a hospital responsible for the non-medical care of patients and the maintenance of order and cleanliness
fiduciary - n. a trustee (from Latin fidere ‘to trust’)
schmooze /ʃmuːz/ - v. talk with someone in a lively and friendly way, typically in order to impress or manipulate them (from Yiddish shmuesn ‘converse, chat’)
gush /ɡʌʃ/ - v. speak or write effusively or with exaggerated enthusiasm
skein /skeɪn/ - n. 1 a length of thread or yarn, loosely coiled and knotted; an element that forms part of a complex or complicated whole 2 a flock of wild geese or swans in flight, typically in a V-shaped formation
sequestration /ˌsiːkwəˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. the action of taking forcible possession of something; confiscation; the action of declaring someone bankrupt.
leaven /ˈlɛv(ə)n/ - n. a substance, typically yeast, that is used in dough to make it rise
ecumenical /ˌiːkjʊˈmɛnɪk(ə)l/ - adj. representing a number of different Christian Churches; promoting or relating to unity among the world's Christian Churches (via late Latin from Greek oikoumenikos from oikoumenē ‘the (inhabited) earth’)
discombobulate /ˌdɪskəmˈbɒbjʊleɪt/ - v. (humor) disconcert or confuse (someone)
shill /ʃɪl/ - n. (inf. an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others.
Muzak /ˈmyo͞ozak/ - n. (tm) recorded light background music played through speakers in public places
curmudgeon /kərˈməjən/ - n. a bad-tempered person, especially an old one
sex /seks/ - v. (sexing n.) determine the sex of
patience /ˈpeɪʃ(ə)ns/ - n. (br.) any of various forms of card game for one player, the object of which is to use up all one's cards by forming particular arrangements and sequences.
lookie-loo (us. inf. disparaging) an intrusively curious onlooker;
touch base - (inf.) briefly make or renew contact with someone
overawe /əʊvərˈɔː/ - v. impress (someone) so much that they are silent or inhibited
buffalo /ˈbʌfələʊ/ - v. (inf. overawe or intimidate (someone); baffle (someone)
spitball /ˈspɪtbɔːl/ - v. ( throw out (a suggestion) for discussion
be none the wiser - not understand something, even though it has been explained
Jinkeys - intj. describe shock or amazement
propitious /prəˈpɪʃəs/ - adj. giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable
immanent /ˈimənənt/ - adj. existing or operating within; inherent. (of God) permanently pervading and sustaining the universe
doddle /ˈdädl/ - n. (inf. br.) a very easy task
rag /raɡ/ - n. make fun of (someone) in a boisterous manner
titter /ˈtidər/ - n. a short, half-suppressed laugh
rut /rət/ - n. an annual period of sexual activity in deer and some other mammals, during which the males fight each other for access to the females.
rut /rət/ - v. (of a deer or other mammal) engage in the rut or annual period of sexual activity; (derogatory) engage in promiscuous or indiscriminate sexual activity
abiding - adj. (of a feeling or memory) lasting a long time; enduring
know one's onions - (inf. br.) be very knowledgeable about something
prowler /ˈpraʊlə/ - n. a person who moves stealthily about or loiters near a place with a view to committing a crime
plumbing /ˈplʌmɪŋ/ - n. (inf. hum.) used as a humorous euphemism for the excretory, urinary, or reproductive systems
receptacle /rɪˈsɛptək(ə)l/ - n. ( an electrical socket
warily /ˈwerəlē/ - adv. cautiously, carefully; in a way that shows a lack of trust, suspiciously.
wearily /ˈwirəlē/ - adv. with extreme tiredness
terry /ˈterē/ - n. a fabric with raised uncut loops of thread covering both surfaces, used especially for towels (махрова тканина)
gird /ɡərd/ - v. prepare oneself for something difficult or challenging
biddable /ˈbidəbəl/ - adj. meekly ready to accept and follow instructions
mendacity /menˈdasədē/ - n. untruthfulness, dishonesty
anodyne /ˈanəˌdīn/ - adj. not likely to provoke dissent or offense; inoffensive, often deliberately so (Greek anōdunos ‘painless’, from an- ‘without’ + odunē ‘pain’)
burninate - v. (slang, humorous) To destroy by fire; to burn.
Jury rig = Jerry rig
Still life = натюрморт
neat /nēt/ - adj. (of liquid, especially liquor) not diluted or mixed with anything else
stopgap /ˈstɒpɡap/ - n. a temporary way of dealing with a problem or satisfying a need
cool beans - excl. (inf. us.) used to express approval or delight.
suds /sədz/ - n. short for soapsuds
bow out - v. withdraw or retire from an activity or role
ineffable /inˈefəb(ə)l/ - adj. too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
effable /ˈefəbəl/ - adj. (rare) able to be described in words. Lat. effari = utter
deck chair - n. a folding chair of wood and canvas, typically used near the sea or on the deck of passenger ships.
itinerary /īˈtinəˌrerē/ - n. a planned route or journey; a travel document recording a route or journey
itinerant /ɪˈtɪn(ə)r(ə)nt/ - adj. travelling from place to place; n. a person who travels from place to place (from Latin iter, itiner- ‘journey, road’.)
hold-up /ˈhōldˌəp/ - n. a robbery conducted with the use of threats or violence
editorial /ɛdɪˈtɔːrɪəl/ - n. a newspaper article expressing the editor's opinion on a topical issue
shutterbug /ˈʃʌtəbʌɡ/ - n. (inf., an enthusiastic photographer
intransigent /ɪnˈtransɪdʒ(ə)nt/ - adj. unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something
fam /fam/ - n. (inf.) a person's family; a person's circle of close friends; used as a form of address to a close friend
continence /ˈkɒntɪnəns/ - n. the ability to control movements of the bowels and bladder; self-restraint, especially with regard to sex
melange /meɪˈlɒ̃ʒ/ - n. a varied mixture
contrite /kənˈtrʌɪt/ - adj. feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong
fetter /ˈfɛtə/ - n. a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles
spurious /ˈspjʊərɪəs/ - adj. not being what it purports to be; false or fake
purport /ˈpəːpɔːt/ - v. appear to be or do something, especially falsely
torpor /ˈtɔːpə/ - n. a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy
shear /ʃɪə/ (p.p. shorn) - v. break off or cause to break off, owing to a structural strain
pamper /ˈpampə/ - v. indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil
sleight /slʌɪt/ - n. (lit.) the use of dexterity or cunning, especially so as to deceive
parochial /pəˈrəʊkɪəl/ - adj. relating to a Church parish; having a limited or narrow outlook or scope
too cute/clever by half - to be too confident of your own intelligence in a way that annoys other people
consternation /kɒnstəˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
ascendancy /əˈsɛnd(ə)nsi/ - n. occupation of a position of dominant power or influence
enunciate /ɪˈnʌnsɪeɪt/ - v. say or pronounce clearly; express (a proposition, theory, etc.) in clear or definite terms
canard /kəˈnɑːd/ - n. an unfounded rumour or story
hiding /ˈhʌɪdɪŋ/ - n. (inf.) a physical beating
effulgence - n. radiant splendor; brilliance
blandishment /ˈblandɪʃm(ə)nt/ - n. a flattering or pleasing statement or action used as a means of gently persuading someone to do something
emeritus /ɪˈmɛrɪtəs/ - adj. (of the former holder of an office, especially a university professor) having retired but allowed to retain their title as an honour (~ ex+merit)
traduce /trəˈdjuːs/ - v. speak badly of or tell lies about (someone) so as to damage their reputation
impugn /ɪmˈpjuːn/ - v. dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question
penchant /ˈpɒ̃ʃɒ̃/ - n. a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something
svelte /svɛlt/ - adj. (of a person) slender and elegant
sleuth /sluːθ/ - n. a person who investigates crimes; a detective
erstwhile /ˈəːstwʌɪl/ - adj. former
rind /rʌɪnd/ - n. the tough outer skin of certain fruit, especially citrus fruit
yen /jɛn/ - n. (inf.) a longing or yearning
whomp /wɒmp/ - excl. (inf. used as an expression of mock disappointment, often for humorous effect
philistine /ˈfɪlɪstʌɪn/ - n. a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts
fettle /ˈfɛt(ə)l/ - n. condition
molasses /məˈlasɪz/ - n. thick, dark brown juice obtained from raw sugar during the refining process
zhuzh, zhoosh /ʒʊʃ,ʒuːʃ/ - v. (inf.) make more exciting, lively, or attractive
abide /əˈbʌɪd/ - v. (of a feeling or memory) continue without fading or being lost
traipse /treɪps/ - v. walk or move wearily or reluctantly; walk about casually or needlessly.
pugnacious /pʌɡˈneɪʃəs/ - adj. eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight
perforce /pəˈfɔːs/ - adj. (formal) used to express necessity or inevitability
give the lie to - serve to show that (something previously assumed to be the case) is not true
recondite /ˈrɛk(ə)ndʌɪ/ - adj. (of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse
torticollis /ˌtɔːtɪˈkɒlɪs/ - n. a condition in which the head becomes persistently turned to one side, often associated with painful muscle spasms
bobble /ˈbɒb(ə)l/ - v. (inf. mishandle (a ball)
démarche /deɪˈmɑːʃ/ - n. a political step or initiative
goop /ɡuːp/ - n. (inf. sloppy or sticky semi-fluid matter, typically something unpleasant
as right as rain - (inf.) (of a person) feeling completely well or healthy, typically after an illness or minor accident.
milieu /ˈmiːljə/ - n. a person's social environment
ministration /mɪnɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. (formal, humor.) the provision of assistance or care
ableism /ˈeɪblɪz(ə)m/ - n. discrimination in favour of able-bodied people
expiation /ɛkspɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. the act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing; atonement
baller /ˈbɔːlə/ - n. (inf. u.s.) a player of a ball game, especially a talented basketball player; a successful person, typically one who has a lavish or self-indulgent lifestyle; adj. (inf. u.s.) extremely good or impressive; excellent
repast /rɪˈpɑːst/ - n. (formal) a meal
collation /kəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. (formal) a light informal meal
collate /kəˈleɪt/ - v. collect and combine (texts, information, or data); compare and analyse (two or more sources of information)
countenance /ˈkaʊnt(ə)nəns/ - v. admit as acceptable or possible
uncouth /ʌnˈkuːθ/ - adj. lacking good manners, refinement, or grace
timorous /ˈtɪm(ə)rəs/ - adj. showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence
stalwart /ˈstɔːlwət/ - adj. loyal, reliable, and hard-working
tee up - (golf) place the ball on a tee ready to make the first stroke of the round or hole
tee /tiː/ - n. a cleared space on a golf course, from which the ball is struck at the beginning of play for each hole.; a small peg with a concave head which can be placed in the ground to support a golf ball before it is struck from a tee; a mark aimed at in bowls, quoits, curling, and other similar games
meat and potatoes - ( basic and essential aspects
simp /sɪmp/ = simpleton - n. (inf. a silly or foolish person.
shake and bake - crude, unsophisticated; not professionally done, improvised.
schlock /ʃlɒk/ - n. (inf. cheap or inferior goods or material; trash (Yiddish)
incel /ˈɪnsɛl/ = involuntary + celibate - n. a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active.
lubricious /luːˈbrɪʃəs/ - n. offensively displaying or intended to arouse sexual desire; smooth and slippery with oil or a similar substance
sedition /sɪˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch
aberrant /əˈbɛr(ə)nt/ (!) - adj. departing from an accepted standard
droll /drəʊl/ - adj. curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement
attenuate /əˈtɛnjʊeɪt/ - v. reduce the force, effect, or value of; reduce the amplitude of (a signal, electric current, or other oscillation); reduce the virulence of (a pathogenic organism), especially when preparing a vaccine
bring up the rear - be at the very end of a line of people; come last in a race or other contest
listicle /ˈlɪstɪk(ə)l/ = article + list; n. a piece of writing or other content presented wholly or partly in the form of a list
abut /əˈbʌt/ - v. (of a building or an area of land) be next to or have a common boundary with; touch or lean on
Aspie /ˈaspi/ - adj. (inf.) having or displaying characteristics of Asperger's syndrome
maskne - mask + akne
dido /ˈdʌɪdəʊ/ - n. (inf. a mischievous trick or prank
high jinks = hijinks /ˈhʌɪ dʒɪŋks/ - n. boisterous fun
jink /dʒɪŋk/ - v. change direction suddenly and nimbly, as when dodging a pursuer
licentious /lʌɪˈsɛnʃəs/ - adj. promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters
sacrosanct /ˈsakrə(ʊ)saŋ(k)t/ - adj. (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with
deign /deɪn/ - v. do something that one considers to be beneath one's dignity
ballyhoo /balɪˈhuː/ - n. (inf., u.s.) extravagant publicity or fuss
dweeb /dwiːb/ - n. (inf. derog.) a boring, studious, or socially inept person
Podunk /ˈpəʊdʌŋk/ - n. (inf. u.s.) a hypothetical small town regarded as typically dull or insignificant
portent /ˈpɔːtɛnt/ - n. a sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen
reconnoitre /ˌrɛkəˈnɔɪtə/ - v. make a military observation of (a region)
scatalogical - the study of fecal excrement, as in medicine, paleontology, or biology
pageantry /ˈpadʒ(ə)ntri/ - n. elaborate display or ceremony
faff /faf/ - n. a great deal of ineffectual activity
nock /nɒk/ - v. fit (an arrow) to the bowstring ready for shooting
ichor /ˈʌɪkɔː/ - n. the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods; (archaic) a watery discharge from a wound
recant /rɪˈkant/ - v. say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief, especially one considered heretical
heady /ˈhɛdi/ - adj. of alcoholic drink) potent; intoxicating; having a strong or exhilarating effect
comeuppance /kʌmˈʌp(ə)ns/ - n. (inf.) a punishment or fate that someone deserves
canny /ˈkani/ - adj. having or showing shrewdness and good judgement, especially in money or business matters
pish /pɪʃ/ - excl. (dated) used to express annoyance, impatience, or disgust
betwixt /bɪˈtwɪkst/ - prep. (archaic) between (two people or things)
travail /ˈtraveɪl/ - n. (lit.) painful or laborious effort; labour pains
toss-up - the tossing of a coin to make a decision between two alternatives; a situation in which any of two or more outcomes or options is equally possible or equally attractive.
gestation /dʒɛˈsteɪʃ(ə)n/ - n. the process or period of developing inside the womb between conception and birth
prehensile /prɪˈhɛnsʌɪl/ - adj. (chiefly of an animal's limb or tail) capable of grasping
dapple /ˈdap(ə)l/ - v. mark with spots or rounded patches
dullard /ˈdʌləd/ - n. a slow or stupid person
Trias Politica = Separation of powers
blech /blɛx/ - excl. (inf.) used to express disgust
gloomy Gus - n. (inf.) A person with a sullen, unhappy appearance or demeanor; a person with a pessimistic outlook
hugenormous = huge + enormous
husbandry /ˈhʌzbəndri/ - n. the care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals; management and conservation of resources
husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ - v. use (resources) economically
throwback /ˈθrəʊbak/ - n. a person or thing having the characteristics of a former time; a reversion to an earlier ancestral characteristic
slam /slam/ - n. (u.s.) a poetry contest in which competitors recite their entries and are judged by members of the audience, the winner being elected after several elimination rounds
dainty /ˈdeɪnti/ - adj. delicately small and pretty; (of a person) delicate and graceful in build or movement
snag /snaɡ/ - n. an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback; a sharp, angular, or jagged projection
duplicitous /djuːˈplɪsɪtəs/ - adj. deceitful
yadda yadda yadda /ˈjɑːdə ˈjɑːdə ˈjɑːdə/ - excl. (inf. used to indicate that further details are predictable or contextually evident from what has preceded.
gyp /dʒɪp/ - v. (inf.) cheat or swindle (someone)
flimflam /ˈflɪmflam/ - n. (inf.) nonsensical or insincere talk; a confidence trick
spry /sprʌɪ/ - adj. (especially of an old person) active; lively
hovel /ˈhɒv(ə)l/ - n. a small squalid or simply constructed dwelling
low-down /ˈləʊdaʊn/ - n. (inf.) the true facts or relevant information about something
down-low - adj. (inf. us) discreet or secret
behove /bɪˈhəʊv/ - v. (formal) it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something; it is appropriate or suitable; it befits
behoof /bɪˈhuːf/ - n. (arch.) benefit or advantage
joie de vivre /ˌʒwɑː də ˈviːvr(ə)/ - exuberant enjoyment of life
missive /ˈmɪsɪv/ - n. (humor.) a letter, especially a long or official one
lanky /ˈlaŋki/ - adj. (of a person) ungracefully thin and tall
virility /vɪˈrɪlɪti/ - n. (in a man) the quality of having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive; manliness
wanton /ˈwɒntən/ - adj. (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked
malcontent /ˈmalkəntɛnt/ - n. a person who is dissatisfied and rebellious
methinks /mɪˈθɪŋks/ - v. (humor., archaic) it seems to me
doth /dʌθ/ = does; archaic third person singular present of do
ahoy /əˈhɔɪ/ - excl. (humor. nautical) a call used to greet someone or draw attention to something from a distance
hoy /hɔɪ/ - excl. used to attract someone's attention
admonish /ədˈmɒnɪʃ/ - v. warn or reprimand someone firmly; advise or urge (someone) earnestly
shod = past participle of shoe (v.)
slipshod /ˈslɪpʃɒd/ - adj. characterized by a lack of care, thought, or organization
marquee /mɑːˈkiː/ - n. a canopy projecting over the entrance to a theatre, hotel, or other building
bog /bɒɡ/ - n. an area of wet muddy ground that is too soft to support a heavy body
touché /tuːˈʃeɪ/ - excl. used as an acknowledgement during a discussion of a good or clever point made at one's expense by another person; (in fencing) used as an acknowledgement of a hit by one's opponent (Fr. ‘touched’)
ruse /ruːz/ - n. an action intended to deceive someone; a trick
trawl /trɔːl/ - v. fish with a trawl net or seine; search thoroughly
reprieve /rɪˈpriːv/ - n. a cancellation or postponement of a punishment; a cancellation or postponement of an undesirable event
bellyache /ˈbɛlɪeɪk/ - v. (inf.) complain noisily or persistently
dank /daŋk/ - adj. unpleasantly damp and cold
spindly /ˈspɪndli/ - adj. long or tall and thin; weak or insubstantial in construction
inane /ɪˈneɪn/ - adj. lacking sense or meaning; silly
ipso facto /ˌɪpsəʊ ˈfaktəʊ/ - adv. by that very fact or act
e pluribus unum /eɪ ˌplʊərɪbʊs ˈjuːnʊm/ - n. out of many, one (the motto of the US).
allusion /əˈluːʒ(ə)n/ - n. an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference
crochet /ˈkrəʊʃeɪ/ - n. a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a textured fabric by means of a hooked needle
honcho /ˈhɒn(t)ʃəʊ/ - n. (inf. a leader or manager; the person in charge (Jp. hanchō 班長 ‘group leader’)
nexus /ˈnɛksəs/ - n. a connection or series of connections linking two or more things; a central or focal point (Lat. nex- ‘bound’)
succour /ˈsʌkə/ - n. assistance and support in times of hardship and distress; v. give assistance or aid to
gusto /ˈɡʌstəʊ/ - n. enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something
crock /krɒk/ - n. (inf. something considered to be complete nonsense; an earthenware pot or jar
convent /ˈkɒnv(ə)nt/ - n. a Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows
vis-à-vis /ˌviːzɑːˈviː/ - prep. in relation to; with regard to; as compared with; as opposed to (Fr. "face to face")
natch /natʃ/ - adv. (inf.) naturally; as may be expected
par for the course = what is normal or expected in any given circumstances
avarice /ˈav(ə)rɪs/ - n. extreme greed for wealth or material gain
manifold /ˈmanɪfəʊld/ - adj. (formal, lit.) many and various; having many different forms or elements
pine /pʌɪn/ - v. suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart; miss or long for
vaudeville /ˈvɔːdəvɪl/ - n. (arch.) a satirical or topical song with a refrain
hock a loogie - forcefully spitting out a mass of saliva and phlegm from the throat
be hoist by one's own petard - have one's plans to cause trouble for others backfire on one
truancy /ˈtruːənsi/ - n. the action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism
hooch /huːtʃ/ - n. (inf.) alcoholic drink, especially inferior or illicit whisky
wrought /rɔːt/ - v. (of metals) beaten out or shaped by hammering; made or fashioned in the specified way; archaic past and past participle of "work"
anoint /əˈnɔɪnt/ - v. smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony; nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position
acme /ˈakmi/ - n. the point at which something is at its best or most highly developed
taffy /ˈtafi/ - n. ( a sweet similar to toffee, made from brown sugar or treacle, boiled with butter and pulled until glossy
besmirch /bɪˈsməːtʃ/ - v. damage (someone's reputation); (lit.) make (something) dirty or discoloured
chowderhead /ˈtʃaʊdəhɛd/ - n. (inf. a stupid person
edify /ˈɛdɪfʌɪ/ - v. (formal) instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually
horf = vomit
bacchanal /ˈbakən(ə)l/ - n. (lit.) a wild and drunken celebration; adj. = bacchanalian
bacchanalian /ˌbakəˈneɪlɪən/ - adj. characterized by or given to drunken revelry
prithee /ˈprɪðiː/ - excl. (arch.) please (used to convey a polite request) = I pray thee
forsooth /fəˈsuːθ/ - adv. (arch. humor.) indeed (often used ironically)
elide /ɪˈlʌɪd/ - v. omit (a sound or syllable) when speaking
zing /zɪŋ/ - v. ( attack or criticize sharply
card /kɑːd/ - n. (inf. dated) - a person regarded as odd or amusing
wont /wəʊnt/ - n. (formal, humor.) - one's customary behaviour
chicanery /ʃɪˈkeɪnəri/ - n. the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose
goad /ɡəʊd/ - v. provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction; drive (an animal) with a spiked stick
graffito - singular from graffiti
egad /ɪˈɡad/ - excl. (arch.) expressing surprise, anger, or affirmation; = A God
sagacious /səˈɡeɪʃəs/ - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd
simper /ˈsɪmpə/ - v. smile in an affectedly coy or ingratiating manner
ingratiate /ɪnˈɡreɪʃɪeɪt/ - v. bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please them
coy /kɔɪ/ - adj. (especially with reference to a woman) making a pretence of shyness or modesty which is intended to be alluring; reluctant to give details about something regarded as sensitive
dolt /dəʊlt/ - n. stupid person
frisson /ˈfriːsã/ - n. a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill
pook /spuːk/ - n. (inf. a spy
summery /ˈsʌm(ə)ri/ - aj. characteristic of or suitable for summer
abdicate /ˈabdɪkeɪt/ - v. fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or duty)
phooey /ˈfuːi/ - excl. used to express disdain or disbelief
blight /blʌɪt/ - n. a thing that spoils or damages something; a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.
ennui /ɒnˈwiː/ - n. a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement
artificer /ɑːˈtɪfɪsə/ - n. (arch.) a skilled craftsman or inventor; a skilled mechanic in the armed forces
derring-do /ˌdɛrɪŋˈduː/ - n. (dated. hum.) - action displaying heroic courage
reel /riːl/ - v. lose one's balance and stagger or lurch violently
pachyderm /ˈpakɪdəːm/ - n. a very large mammal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus.
lo /ləʊ/ - excl. (arch.) used to draw attention to an interesting or amazing event
hallowed /ˈhaləʊd/ - adj. made holy; consecrated; greatly revered and honoured
hallow /ˈhaləʊ/ - v. honour as holy; make holy; consecrate
hackneyed /ˈhaknɪd/ - adj. (of a phrase or idea) having been overused; unoriginal and trite
tripe /trʌɪp/ - n. (inf.) nonsense; rubbish; the first or second stomach of a cow or other ruminant used as food
gullet /ˈɡʌlɪt/ - n. the passage by which food passes from the mouth to the stomach; the oesophagus.
drat /drat/ - excl. a mild expression of annoyance or irritation
aspersion /əˈspəːʃ(ə)n/ - n. an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something
blather /ˈblaðə/ - n. long-winded talk with no real substance
mondo /ˈmɒndəʊ/ - adv. adj. (inf. us.) - used in reference to something very striking or remarkable of its kind (often in conjunction with a pseudo-Italian noun or adjective)
eclectic /ɪˈklɛktɪk/ - adj. deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources
hunk /hʌŋk/ - n. (inf.) a large, strong, sexually attractive man
ne'er-do-well /ˈnɛːduːwɛl/ - n. a person who is lazy and irresponsible
bilk /bɪlk/ - v. (inf.) obtain or withhold money from (someone) unfairly or by deceit; cheat or defraud
rapscallion /rapˈskalɪən/ - n. (arch. humor.) a mischievous person
armoire /ɑːˈmwɑː/ - a cupboard or wardrobe, typically one that is ornate or antique
beseech /bɪˈsiːtʃ/ - v. (lit.) ask (someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat
pantry /ˈpantri/ - n. a small room or cupboard in which food, crockery, and cutlery are kept
environs /ɪnˈvʌɪrənz/ - n. the surrounding area or district
environ /ɪnˈvʌɪrən/ - v. surround; enclose
accost /əˈkɒst/ - v. approach and address (someone) boldly or aggressively
cad /kad/ - n. (inf. dated) a man who behaves dishonourably, especially towards a woman
excelsior /ɛkˈsɛlsɪɔː/ - n. used in the names of hotels and products to indicate superior quality (late 18th century (as an exclamation): from Latin, comparative of excelsus, from ex- ‘out, beyond’ + celsus ‘lofty’)
fugly /ˈfʌɡli/ - adj. (inf.) very ugly or unattractive
to wit - adv. That is to say; namely; specifically; as follows
repartee /ˌrɛpɑːˈtiː/ - conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies
duress /djʊ(ə)ˈrɛs/ - n. threats, violence, constraints, or other action used to coerce someone into doing something against their will or better judgement
nimrod /ˈnɪmrɒd/ - n. (inf. an inept person; (lit.) a skilful hunter
jeebus /ˈdʒiːbəs/ - n. (inf.) a humorous respelling of the name of Jesus (often used as an exclamation expressing irritation, dismay, or surprise)
celerity /sɪˈlɛrɪti/ - n. (arch. lit.) swiftness of movement
ornery /ˈɔːnəri/ - adj. (inf. bad-tempered or difficult to deal with
wuss /wʊs/ - n. a weak or ineffectual person (often used as a general term of abuse)
gel /dʒɛl/ - v. (of a project or idea) take a definite form or begin to work well
aggravate /ˈaɡrəveɪt/ - v. make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious; (inf.) annoy or exasperate
razzmatazz /razməˈtaz/ - n. (inf.) noisy, showy, and exciting activity and display designed to attract and impress
nit /nɪt/ - (inf. br.) a foolish person
crag /kraɡ/ - a steep or rugged cliff or rock face
candour /ˈkandə/ - n. the quality of being open and honest; frankness
bungle /ˈbʌŋɡ(ə)l/ - v. carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently
nerts - intj. (slang) nonsense, nuts
nefarious /nɪˈfɛːrɪəs/ - adj. (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal
ley /leɪ,liː/ - n. a supposed straight line connecting three or more prehistoric or ancient sites, sometimes regarded as the line of a former track and associated by some with lines of energy and other paranormal phenomena.
ruckus /ˈrʌkəs/ - n. a row or commotion
janky /ˈdʒaŋki/ - adj. (inf. of extremely poor or unreliable quality
mojo /ˈməʊdʒəʊ/ - a magic charm, talisman, or spell; influence, especially magic power
brio /ˈbriːəʊ/ - vigour or vivacity of style or performance
equine /ˈiːkwʌɪn/ - relating to or affecting horses or other members of the horse family
Cathay = China
chad /tʃad/ - a piece of waste material removed from card or tape by punching
argyle /ɑːˈɡʌɪl/ - a pattern composed of diamonds of various colours on a plain background, used in knitted garments such as sweaters and socks
inclement /ɪnˈklɛm(ə)nt/ - (of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet
tureen /tjʊˈriːn/ - a deep covered dish from which soup is served
varmint /ˈvɑːmɪnt/ - (inf. dial.) a troublesome wild animal; a troublesome and mischievous person, especially a child
shizz = cool shit
gratify /ˈɡratɪfʌɪ/ - give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction; indulge or satisfy (a desire)
dun /dʌn/ - make persistent demands on (someone), especially for payment of a debt
gledge - (Scottish) a sideways glance
ravine /rəˈviːn/ - a deep, narrow gorge with steep sides
awl /ɔːl/ - a small pointed tool used for piercing holes, especially in leather
mettle /ˈmɛt(ə)l/ - a person's ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience
muddle through - cope more or less satisfactorily despite lack of expertise, planning, or equipment
cinch /sɪn(t)ʃ/ - an extremely easy task
verve /vəːv/ - vigour and spirit or enthusiasm
slough /slʌf/ - shed or remove (a layer of dead skin)
plaudits - an act or round of applause
JFC - Jesus Fucking Christ
staunch /stɔːn(t)ʃ/ - adj. very loyal and committed in attitude.
fae = fairy
tawdry /ˈtɔːdri/ - showy but cheap and of poor quality
convalescent /kɒnvəˈlɛs(ə)nt/ - (of a person) recovering from an illness or medical treatment
broach /brəʊtʃ/ - v. raise (a difficult subject) for discussion
beady-eyed - Giving a suspicious and alert look
meretricious /ˌmɛrɪˈtrɪʃəs/ - apparently attractive but having no real value
lacquer /ˈlakə/ - n. a liquid made of shellac dissolved in alcohol, or of synthetic substances, that dries to form a hard protective coating for wood, metal, etc
get (or receive) one's just deserts - receive what one deserves, especially appropriate punishment
dun /dʌn/ - make persistent demands on (someone), especially for payment of a debt
insipid /ɪnˈsɪpɪd/ - lacking flavour; weak or tasteless; lacking vigour or interest
gledge /ɡlɛdʒ/ (Scott.) - n. a sideways glance
gratify /ˈɡratɪfʌɪ/ - give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction
dogged /ˈdɒɡɪd/ - adj. having or showing tenacity and grim persistence
sinew /ˈsɪnjuː/ - n. a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone; a tendon or ligament
not a whit = not at all
whit /wɪt/ - n. a very small part or amount
slat /slat/ - n. a thin, narrow piece of wood, plastic, or metal, especially one of a series which overlap or fit into each other, as in a fence or a Venetian blind
back-seat driver - (inf.) a passenger in a car who gives the driver unwanted advice; a person who is eager to give advice about something for which they are not responsible.
aver /əˈvəː/ - v. (formal) state or assert to be the case.
jape /dʒeɪp/ - n. a practical joke; v. say or do something in jest or mockery
pauper /ˈpɔːpə/ - n. a very poor person
fit - adj. (inf.) ready
at/on the double - at running speed; very fast
younder /ˈjɒndə/ - adv. (arch. dial.) at some distance in the direction indicated; over there
abstruse /əbˈstruːs/ - difficult to understand; obscure
sycophant /ˈsɪkəfant/ - a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage; flatterer
b-roll - supplemental or alternative footage intercut with the main shot
wily /ˈwʌɪli/ - skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully
hedge-creeper - A wily, crafty vagabond and thief
knackered /ˈnakəd/ - (inf. br.) extremely tired
facetious /fəˈsiːʃəs/ - treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant.
upshot /ˈʌpʃɒt/ - the final or eventual outcome or conclusion of a discussion, action, or series of events
get (or have) one's ducks in a row (inf. - get (or have) one's facts straight; get (or have) everything organized.
crapshoot /ˈkrapʃuːt/ - n. ( a game of craps; (inf.) a risky or uncertain matter
duke it out - (informal) To argue heavily or at length
remonstrate /ˈrɛmənstreɪt/ - v. make a forcefully reproachful protest
nonplussed /nɒnˈplʌst/ - so surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react; (inf. not disconcerted; unperturbed
raconteur /ˌrakɒnˈtəː/ - a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing way
decant /dɪˈkant/ - gradually pour (wine, port, or another liquid) from one container into another, typically in order to separate out sediment
sotto voce /ˌsɒtəʊ ˈvəʊtʃeɪ/ - adv. adj. (of singing or a spoken remark) in a quiet voice (it. sotto ‘under’ + voce ‘voice’)
conniption /kəˈnɪpʃ(ə)n/ - (inf. a fit of rage or hysterics
risible /ˈrɪzɪb(ə)l/ - provoking laughter through being ludicrous
lodestone /ˈləʊdstəʊn/ - n. a piece of magnetite or other naturally magnetized mineral, able to be used as a magnet.
calque /kalk/ - ~= loan translation; an expression adopted by one language from another in a more or less literally translated form
dowel /ˈdaʊəl/ - n. a projecting peg used for holding together components of a structure
sidle /ˈsʌɪd(ə)l/ - v. walk in a furtive, unobtrusive, or timid manner, especially sideways or obliquely
strident /ˈstrʌɪd(ə)nt/ - adj. (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating
preternatural /ˌpriːtəˈnatʃ(ə)r(ə)l/ - beyond what is normal or natural
ride-off ( - (in a riding competition) a round held to resolve a tie or determine qualifiers for a later stage; a jump-off
sessile /ˈsɛsʌɪl/ - adj. (bio.) (of an organism, e.g. a barnacle) fixed in one place; immobile
actuary /ˈaktʃʊ(ə)ri/ - n. a person who compiles and analyses statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums.
honeysuckle /ˈhʌnɪsʌk(ə)l/ - a widely distributed climbing shrub with tubular flowers that are typically fragrant and of two colours or shades, opening in the evening for pollination by moths.
mandolin /ˈmandəlɪn/ - a musical instrument resembling a lute, having paired metal strings plucked with a plectrum. It has a characteristic tremolo when sustaining long notes
oeuvre /ˈəːvr(ə)/ - the body of work of a painter, composer, or author (fr. ‘work’)
pensive /ˈpɛnsɪv/ - engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought
desiccate /ˈdɛsɪkeɪt/ - remove the moisture from (something); cause to become completely dry
beatific /biːəˈtɪfɪk/ - feeling or expressing blissful happiness (lat. beatus ‘blessed’)
numinous /ˈnjuːmɪnəs/ - adj. having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity (lat. numen "divine will")
natal /ˈneɪt(ə)l/ - adj. relating to the place or time of one's birth
sundry /ˈsʌndri/ - adj. of various kinds; several; n. various items not important enough to be mentioned individually
blunt /blʌnt/ - n. (inf.) a hollowed-out cigar filled with cannabis
slash - n. (inf.) a genre of fiction, chiefly published in fanzines or online, in which characters who appear together in film, television, or other popular media, are portrayed as having a sexual, especially homosexual, relationship.
perfunctory /pəˈfʌŋ(k)t(ə)ri/ - (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort
equanimity /ˌɛkwəˈnɪmɪti/ - calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation (from Latin: aequus ‘equal’ + animus ‘mind’)
scan /skan/ - v. (of verse) conform to metrical principles
limerick /ˈlɪm(ə)rɪk/ - a humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba
knock-on effect - a secondary, indirect, or cumulative effect
thimble /ˈθɪmb(ə)l/ - a small metal or plastic cap with a closed end, worn to protect the finger and push the needle in sewing
joie de vivre /ˌʒwɑː də ˈviːvr(ə)/ - exuberant enjoyment of life, Fr. "joy of living"
french door - n. ( French window, each of a pair of glazed doors in an outside wall, serving as a window and door, typically opening on to a garden or balcony
sangha /ˈsʌŋɡə/ - n. the Buddhist monastic order, including monks, nuns, and novices
affidavit /ˌafɪˈdeɪvɪt/ - n. a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court
hotsy-totsy /hɒtsɪˈtɒtsi/ - adj. (inf. dated) - very pleasing or good; 2 ~= hoity-toity
profligate /ˈprɒflɪɡət/ - adj. recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
Carthago delenda est - (lat.) "Carthage must be destroyed"
mensch /mɛnʃ/ - n. (inf, a person of integrity and honour
cachet /ˈkaʃeɪ/ - the state of being respected or admired; prestige
scintillating /ˈsɪntɪleɪtɪŋ/ - sparkling or shining brightly; brilliantly and excitingly clever or skilful
ashram /ˈaʃrəm/ - (especially in South Asia) a hermitage, monastic community, or other place of religious retreat
via negativa /viːə nɛɡəˈtiːvə/ - a philosophical approach to theology which asserts that no finite concepts or attributes can be adequately used of God, but only negative terms
providence /ˈprɒvɪd(ə)ns/ - 1. the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power; God or nature as providing protective care; 2. timely preparation for future eventualities
haze /heɪz/ - v. ( force (a new or potential recruit to the military or a university fraternity) to perform strenuous, humiliating, or dangerous tasks
proclivity /prəˈklɪvɪti/ - a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing
tinsel - type of decorative material that mimics the effect of ice, consisting of thin strips of sparkling material attached to a thread
Chrimbo /ˈkrɪmbəʊ/ - (inf. brit.) Christmas
redline /ˈrɛdlʌɪn/ - v. (inf. - drive with (a car engine) at or above its rated maximum revolutions per minute; cancel (a project)
pare /pɛː/ - v. trim (something) by cutting away its outer edges; cut off (the outer skin) of something; reduce (something) in size, extent, or quantity in a number of small successive stages
ichthys /ˈɪkθəs/ - symbol was adopted by early Christians as a secret symbol
en route /ɒn ˈruːt/ - during the course of a journey; on the way
quatrain /ˈkwɒtreɪn/ - a stanza of four lines, especially one having alternate rhymes
argot /ˈɑːɡəʊ/ - he jargon or slang of a particular group or class
cant /kant/ - language specific to a particular group or profession and regarded with disparagement
furtive /ˈfəːtɪv/ - attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive; suggestive of guilty nervousness
amenable /əˈmiːnəb(ə)l/ - adj. open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled; capable of being acted upon in a particular way; susceptible
ramble /ˈramb(ə)l/ - n. a walk taken for pleasure in the countryside
frayed /freɪd/ - (of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravelled or worn at the edge; (of a person's nerves or temper) showing the effects of strain
ludic /ˈluːdɪk/ - adj. (formal) showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness
shibboleth /ˈʃɪbəlɛθ/ - a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.
on the nose - (inf, precisely
coddle /ˈkɒd(ə)l/ - treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way
teetotal /tiːˈtəʊt(ə)l/ - adj. choosing or characterized by abstinence from alcohol
requite /rɪˈkwʌɪt/ - v. (formal) make appropriate return for (a favour, service, or wrongdoing)
unrequited /ʌnrɪˈkwʌɪtɪd/ - v. (of a feeling, especially love) not returned
scrawl /skrɔːl/ - v. write (something) in a hurried, careless way.
goon /ɡuːn/ - n. a silly, foolish, or eccentric person; ( a bully or thug, especially a member of an armed or security force
gobsmacked /ˈɡɒbsmakt/ - adj. (inf. br.) utterly astonished; astounded.
hapless /ˈhapləs/ - adj. unfortunate
hackle /ˈhak(ə)l/ - n. erectile hairs along an animal's back, which rise when it is angry or alarmed
get (one's) hackles up - become or cause to become angry, hostile, defensive, or irritable
pontificate /pɒnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/ - express one's opinions in a pompous and dogmatic way
blithe /blʌɪð/ - adj. showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper
docket /ˈdɒkɪt/ - n. ( a list of cases for trial or people having cases pending; an agenda or list of things to be done
snowed under - Very busy or overwhelmed with something
dippy /ˈdɪpi/ - adj. silly and eccentric or scatterbrained
cornucopia /ˌkɔːnjʊˈkəʊpɪə/ - a symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn
largesse /lɑːˈ(d)ʒɛs/ - n. generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others; money or gifts given generously
death knell /nɛl/ - the tolling of a bell to mark someone's death; used to refer to the imminent destruction or failure of something
preen /priːn/ - congratulate or pride oneself; devote effort to making oneself look attractive and then admire one's appearance
germane /dʒəːˈmeɪn/ - adj. relevant to a subject under consideration
qua /kweɪ,kwɑː/ - conj. (formal) in the capacity of; as being
LTL - Less-than-truckload shipping
cachet /ˈkaʃeɪ/ - the state of being respected or admired; prestige.
especial /ɪˈspɛʃ(ə)l/ = special
lick /lɪk/ - v. overcome (a person or problem) decisively; beat or thrash (someone)
fix - n. (inf.) a difficult or awkward situation from which it is hard to extricate oneself; a predicament
nix - v. ( put an end to; cancel
toast of the trench
most becoming
waddle off
nutty adj.
knock for a loop
horse around
(adj.) game
lift out of the dumps
gabby gums
hoot n.
namby pamby
rube /ruːb/ - n. (inf. a country bumpkin
bumpkin /ˈbʌm(p)kɪn/ - n. an unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside
et tu
hit the hay
cur /kəː/ - n. an aggressive or unkempt dog, especially a mongrel; n. (inf.) a contemptible man
dapper adj.
tres magnifique
pleased as punch
pretty ticket
tiny ewes
rude pies
she moults
rendered horse
coven n.
unctuous /ˈʌŋ(k)tjʊəs/ - excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily
hangdog adj.
gormless /ˈɡɔːmləs/ - adj. (inf. br.) lacking sense or initiative; foolish
sojourn /ˈsɒdʒ(ə)n/ - n. a temporary stay
detente /deɪˈtɑːnt/ - n. the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries (from French détente, ‘loosening, relaxation’.)
catch some Zs - to get some sleep
zest /zɛst/ - n. great enthusiasm and energy; a quality of excitement and piquancy (from French zeste ‘orange or lemon peel’)
zesty - adj. having or characterized by zest; appealingly piquant or lively
tattletale /ˈtatlteɪl/ - n. a person, especially a child, who reveals secrets or informs on others
bosom buddy /ˈbʊz(ə)m/ - (inf.) a very close or intimate friend
vicariously /vʌɪˈkɛːrɪəsli/ - in a way that is experienced in the imagination through the actions of another person (from Latin vicarius ‘substitute’)
dilly-dally /ˈdɪlɪdali/ - waste time through aimless wandering or indecision
dumps /dʌm(p)s/ - n. (of a person) depressed or unhappy
game - adj. eager or willing to do something new or challenging
horse around/about - v. (inf.) fool about
knock smb. for a loop - shock, surprise, astonish, or bewilder one, especially in a distressing or upsetting manne
scoop /skuːp/ - n. ( the latest information about something
sessile /ˈsɛsʌɪl/ - (of an organism, e.g. a barnacle) fixed in one place; immobile
doggerel /ˈdɒɡ(ə)r(ə)l/ - comic verse composed in irregular rhythm; verse or words that are badly written or expressed
pulpit /ˈpʊlpɪt/ - a raised enclosed platform in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon
Kraut /kraʊt/ - (inf.) a German
posse /ˈpɒsi/ - (inf.) a group of people who have a common characteristic or occupation
quorate /ˈkwɔːrət/ - (brit.) (of a meeting) attended by a quorum and so having valid proceedings
riposte /rɪˈpɒst/ - n. a quick, clever reply to an insult or criticism
jigger /ˈdʒɪɡə/ - v. (inf.) rearrange or tamper with
inveigh /ɪnˈveɪ/ - v. speak or write about (something) with great hostility
invective /ɪnˈvɛktɪv/ - n. insulting, abusive, or highly critical language
umbrage /ˈʌmbrɪdʒ/ - n. offence or annoyance
strident /ˈstrʌɪd(ə)nt/ - adj. (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating
punctate /ˈpʌŋ(k)teɪt/ adj. (biology) - studded with or denoting dots or tiny holes
harried /ˈharɪd/ - adj. feeling strained as a result of having demands persistently made on one; harassed
harry /ˈhari/ - v. persistently harass
stablehand - n. a person who works in a stable
assiduously /əˈsɪdjʊəsli/ - adj. with great care and perseverance
assiduous /əˈsɪdjʊəs/ - showing great care and perseverance
briar /brʌɪə/ - any of a number of prickly scrambling shrubs, especially a wild rose
unequivocally /ʌnɪˈkwɪvək(ə)li/ - adj. in a way that leaves no doubt
M.O. - someone's habits of working (latin modus operandi)
bluster /ˈblʌstə/ - v. talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect
colander /ˈkʌləndə/ - n. a perforated bowl used to strain off liquid from food after washing or cooking
jaunt /dʒɔːnt/ - n. a short excursion or journey made for pleasure
entreat /ɪnˈtriːt/ - v. ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something
wanderlust /ˈwɒndəlʌst/ - n. a strong desire to travel (German)
sangfroid /sɒ̃ˈfrwɑː/ - n. composure or coolness shown in danger or under trying circumstances (from French sang-froid, literally ‘cold blood)
finagle /fɪˈneɪɡ(ə)l/ - v. (inf. u.s.) obtain by dishonest or devious means
episcopalian /ɪˌpɪskəˈpeɪlɪən/ - of or advocating government of a Church by bishops
futz /fʌts/ - v. (inf. waste time; idle or busy oneself aimlessly.
eminent /ˈɛmɪnənt/ - adj. (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere
traipse /treɪps/ - walk or move wearily or reluctantly
catadioptric /ˌkatədʌɪˈɒptrɪk/ - denoting an optical system which involves both the reflecting and refracting of light, in order to reduce aberration.
loath /ləʊθ/ - reluctant; unwilling
diffident /ˈdɪfɪd(ə)nt/ - adj. modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence
buck tooth - an upper tooth that projects over the lower lip
buck /bʌk/ - n. the male of some horned animals, especially the fallow deer, roe deer, reindeer, and antelopes
buck - v. (inf.) make or become more cheerful
ex tempore - (latin) at the time
esprit de corps /ɛˌspriː də ˈkɔː/ - (french) a feeling of pride and mutual loyalty shared by the members of a group
explication /ɛksplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ - the process of analysing and developing an idea or principle in detail (explanation)
chasten /ˈtʃeɪs(ə)n/ - (of a rebuke or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on
ceteris paribus /ˌkɛtərɪs ˈparɪbʊs/ - with other conditions remaining the same; other things being equal
recalcitrant /rɪˈkalsɪtr(ə)nt/ - having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline
paunch /pɔːn(t)ʃ/ - A large or protruding abdomen or stomach
wreath /riːθ/ - An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave.
demur /dəˈmər/ - Raise doubts or objections or show reluctance; The action or process of objecting to or hesitating over something
harridan /ˈharɪd(ə)n/ - a strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman
advisement /ədˈvʌɪzmənt/ (archaic, - careful consideration
negentropy - In information theory and statistics, negentropy is used as a measure of distance to normality
tarry /ˈtari/ - stay longer than intended; delay leaving a place
cozen /ˈkʌz(ə)n/ - trick or deceive; obtain by deception
sere /sɪə/ - (especially of vegetation) dry or withered
axiology /ˌaksēˈäləjē/ - The study of the nature of value and valuation, and of the kinds of things that are valuable.
desecrate /ˈdɛsɪkreɪt/ - treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect
caw /kɔː/ - n. the harsh cry of a rook, crow, or similar bird
meliorate /ˈmiːlɪəreɪt/ = ameliorate /əˈmiːlɪəreɪt/ - make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better
barmy /ˈbɑːmi/ - mad; crazy; extremely foolish
ophidiarium - A place for keeping snakes
acerbic /əˈsəːbɪk/ - (especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright
prat /prat/ - 1. (brit.) an incompetent or stupid person; an idiot 2. a person's buttocks
whicker /ˈwɪkə/ - (of a horse) give a soft breathy whinny
scry /skrʌɪ/ - foretell the future using a crystal ball or other reflective object or surface
genial /ˈdʒiːnɪəl/ - friendly and cheerful
commensurate /kəˈmɛnʃ(ə)rət/ - corresponding in size or degree; in proportion
trough /trɒf/ - a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of; a channel used to convey a liquid
sacrament /ˈsakrəm(ə)nt/ - a thing of mysterious and sacred significance; a religious symbol
Arbor Day - holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees
arbour /ˈɑːbə/ - a shady garden alcove with the sides and roof formed by trees or climbing plants trained over a framework
nail it
fit as a fiddle
beam (v.)
quick as a whip
cranky doodle
rock that headboard
knock those boots
take no guff
look at this honky
sweeps week
peaky /ˈpiːki/ - adj. (brit.) pale from illness or fatigue; sickly
rejoinder /rɪˈdʒɔɪndə/ - n. a reply, especially a sharp or witty on
irate /ʌɪˈreɪt/ - adj. feeling or characterized by great anger
import /ˈɪmpɔːt/ - the implicit meaning or significance of something
perspicacious /ˌpəːspɪˈkeɪʃəs/ - having a ready insight into and understanding of things
truncheon /ˈtrʌn(t)ʃ(ə)n/ - n. brit. a short, thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer
turn-key /ˈtəːnkiː/ adj. - of or involving the provision of a complete product or service that is ready for immediate use
acidulous /əˈsɪdʒʊləs,əˈsɪdjʊləs/ - adj. sharp-tasting; sour; (of a person's remarks or tone) bitter; cutting.
cowl /kaʊl/ - n. a large loose hood, especially one forming part of a monk's habit
habit /ˈhabɪt/ n. 2 a long, loose garment worn by a member of a religious order
quash /kwɒʃ/ v. reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure; put an end to; suppress
fritz /frɪts/ n. (inf. - (of a machine) stop working properly
make time with smb. - (inf. make sexual advances to someone
remonstrate (with smb.) /ˈrɛmənstreɪt/ - v. make a forcefully reproachful protest
sumptuous /ˈsʌm(p)tjʊəs/ - adj. splendid and expensive-looking
dalliance /ˈdalɪəns/ - a casual romantic or sexual relationship; a period of brief or casual involvement with something.
railroad /ˈreɪlrəʊd/ - v. (inf.) rush or coerce (someone) into doing something
beau /bəʊ/ - n. (dated) a boyfriend or male admirer; 2 a rich, fashionable young man; a dandy
fop /fɒp/ - a man who is concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way.
pillock /ˈpɪlək/ - n. (inf. brit.) a stupid person
snark /snɑːk/ - v. (inf. make snide and sharply critical comments
ledge /lɛdʒ/ - a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface
crone /krəʊn/ - an ugly old woman
get hitched - married
nincompoop /ˈnɪŋkəmpuːp/ - a foolish or stupid person
tuft /tʌft/ - a bunch or collection of threads, grass, hair, etc., held or growing together at the base
gazebo /ɡəˈziːbəʊ/ - a small building, especially one in the garden of a house, that gives a wide view of the surrounding area
flutter /ˈflʌtə/ - a state or sensation of tremulous excitement
haunt /hɔːnt/ - n. a place frequented by a specified person
chow /tʃaʊ/ - n. (inf.) food; v. (inf. eat
bang-up - (inf. excellent
fraca /ˈfrakɑː/ - a noisy disturbance or quarrel
put out/put someone out - cause someone trouble or inconvenience; upset or annoy someone
akrasia /əˈkreɪzɪə,əˈkrasɪə/ - he state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgement through weakness of will
vacillation /vasɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ - the inability to decide between different opinions or actions; indecision
egregious /ɪˈɡriːdʒəs/ - outstandingly bad; shocking.
ichor /ˈʌɪkɔː/ - the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods;
gibbering /ˈdʒɪb(ə)rɪŋ/ - speaking rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock
verboten /vəːˈbəʊt(ə)n,German fɛɐˈboːtn/ - forbidden, especially by an authority
paraphernalia /ˌparəfəˈneɪlɪə/ - miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity
inure /ɪˈnjʊə,ɪˈnjɔː/ - accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant
rando /ˈrandəʊ/ - (inf. u.s.) - a person one does not know, especially one regarded as odd, suspicious, or engaging in socially inappropriate behaviour.
concomitant /kənˈkɒmɪt(ə)nt/ - naturally accompanying or associated
sine qua non - /ˌsɪni kwɑː ˈnəʊn,ˌsʌɪni kweɪ ˈnɒn/ - an essential condition; a thing that is absolutely necessary
cogent /ˈkəʊdʒ(ə)nt/ - (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing
nug - n. (plural nugs) (slang) A piece of marijuana
dreck /drɛk/ - rubbish; trash
nonpareil /ˌnɒnpəˈreɪl/ - having no match or equal; unrivalled
brawn /brɔːn/ - physical strength in contrast to intelligence
what can i do you for?
garland /ˈɡɑːlənd/ - a wreath of flowers and leaves, worn on the head or hung as a decoration
ditty - A simple song
Yak shaving - seemingly endless series of small tasks that have to be completed before the next step in a project can move forward
dour /ˈdʊə,ˈdaʊə/ - relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance
eidetic /ʌɪˈdɛtɪk/ - relating to or denoting mental images having unusual vividness and detail, as if actually visible (eidetic memory)
imputation /ɪmpjuːˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ - a charge or claim that someone has done something undesirable; an accusation
do /duː/ - have sexual intercourse with
plunger /ˈplʌn(d)ʒə/ - a device consisting of a rubber cup on a long handle, used to clear blocked pipes by means of suction.
balderdash /ˈbɔːldədaʃ/ - senseless talk or writing; nonsense
casus belli /ˌkɑːsʊs ˈbɛli/ - an act or situation that provokes or justifies a war
lithe /lʌɪð/ - (especially of a person's body) thin, supple, and graceful.
putative /ˈpjuːtətɪv/ - generally considered or reputed to be
wilding wolf
heart-rending /ˈhɑrtˌrɛn dɪŋ/ - adj. causing great sadness or distress
rend /rɛnd/ - v. to separate into parts with force or violence
put the capper upon
bite out
indelible /ɪnˈdɛlɪb(ə)l/ - (of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed; not able to be forgotten
pollyannaish - optimistic outlook and a determined cheeriness, it also implies that this attitude is taken too far
valence /ˈveɪl(ə)ns/ - relating to or denoting electrons involved in or available for chemical bond formation
flake - informal, (n. am.) - a crazy or eccentric person; an unreliable person
avarice /ˈav(ə)rɪs/ - extreme greed for wealth or material gain
open the floor for questions - allow people to ask questions in a large meeting
thunderation - (US, colloquial) An exclamation of surprise, agitation or petulance.
sesh - Short form of session. A period of time spent engaged in some group activity.
inimitable /ɪˈnɪmɪtəb(ə)l/ - Defying imitation; matchless. Not imitable; incapable of being imitated or copied; surpassing imitation.
queso - Melted cheese, used for instance as a dipping sauce
maudlin - môd′lĭn - Effusively sad or full of self-pity; extremely sentimental
gnash - To snap, grate, or grind (the teeth) together, as in anger or pain.
pith /pɪθ/ - the spongy cellular tissue in the stems and branches of many higher plants; the essence of something (ukr: серцевина)
pithy /ˈpɪθi/ - (of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive
shazbot - /ˈʃɑ zbɒt/ (interjection) - An excited utterance used to convey disappointment, particularly as a euphemism for shit
played out - /ˌpleɪd ˈaʊt/ - used or seen too many times before so no longer interesting
chapeau /ˈʃapəʊ/ - a hat or cap, typically a red one with an ermine lining, on which the crests of some peers are borne
hoe-down - /ˈhəʊdaʊn/ - a social gathering at which lively folk dancing takes place
pony up - to pay (money) especially in settlement of an account
ward /wɔːd/ - n. a child or young person under the care and control of a guardian appointed by their parents or a court; (hist.) an area of ground enclosed by the encircling walls of a fortress or castle
ward /wɔːd/ - v. (arch.) guard; protect;
talk shop - discuss matters concerning one's work, especially at a social occasion when this is inappropriate
pissant /ˈpɪsant/ - an insignificant or contemptible person or thing
provenance /ˈprɒv(ə)nəns/ - the place of origin or earliest known history of something
equestrian /ɪˈkwɛstrɪən,ɛˈkwɛstrɪən/ - relating to horse riding
palpitation /palpɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ - a noticeably rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness.
prattle /ˈprat(ə)l/ - talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way
cock-up - something done badly or inefficiently
scrub up well - said about someone when they have made an effort to look nice
flutter /ˈflʌtə/ - (UK) a small bet
remand /rɪˈmɑːnd/ - place (a defendant) on bail or in custody, especially when a trial is adjourned
up to scratch - up to the required standard; satisfactory
bunting /ˈbʌntɪŋ/ - flags and other colourful festive decorations
convivial /kənˈvɪvɪəl/ - (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and enjoyable
polverine \ˈpälvəˌrēn\ - a potash or pearl ash from the Levant used in making fine glass
unitard - skintight, one-piece garment with long legs and sometimes long sleeves, usually stopping at the wrists and ankles
wad /wɒd/ - a bundle or roll of paper or banknotes
bump fuzzies - to have sex
bedazzle /bɪˈdaz(ə)l/ - decorate or personalize (clothing or accessories) using sequins, beads, glitter, etc
gaggle /ˈɡaɡ(ə)l/ - a disorderly group of people; a flock of geese
swizzle /ˈswɪz(ə)l/ - stir (a drink)
room /ruːm,rʊm/ - v. (n. am.) share a room, house, or flat, especially a rented one at a college or similar institution
put something down - suppress a rebellion, coup, or riot by force
thistle /ˈθɪs(ə)l/ - plant of the daisy family, which typically has a prickly stem and leaves and rounded heads of purple flowers
Jiminy /ˈdʒɪmɪni/ - (exclamation) used in phrases as an expression of surprise
cowboy up - (informal, u.s.) make a determined effort to overcome an obstacle or deal with a difficult situation.
putz /pʊts,pʌts/ - ( n. 1 a stupid or worthless person 2 a man's penis v. engage in inconsequential or unproductive activity
effervescent - /ɛfəˈvɛsənt/ 1 (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy; 2 vivacious and enthusiastic
catfish /ˈkatfɪʃ/ - (u.s.) lure (someone) into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona
proposition /prɒpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ - make a suggestion of sexual intercourse to (someone), especially in an unsubtle way
tee up - make detailed arrangements or preparations. stage, arrange - plan, organize, and carry out (an event)
turndown service - practice of staff entering a guest's room and "turning down" the bed linen of the bed in the room, preparing the bed for use
Lent - "long fasting" christian holiday
belle (b. of the ball) - /bɛl/ a beautiful girl or woman, especially the most beautiful at a particular event
taffeta /ˈtafɪtə/ - a fine lustrous silk or similar synthetic fabric with a crisp texture
Poindexter /ˈpɔɪndɛkstə/ - a boringly studious and socially inept person
wig out - become deliriously excited; go completely wild
buckaroo /ˌbʌkəˈruː/ - (, dated) a cowboy (from Spanish vaca ‘cow’)
bop /bɒp/ - dance to pop music; move or travel energetically
coiffure [kwä-fyoo͝r′] - a person's hairstyle
coif /kwɑːf/ ( short for coiffure
guffaw /ɡəˈfɔː/ - a loud and hearty laugh
whoop it up - enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy way
chortle /ˈtʃɔːt(ə)l/ - laugh in a noisy, gleeful way
kooky /ˈkʊki,ˈkuːki/ - strange or eccentric
snortle - A hearty laugh that is punctuated by a snort on the inhale
fabulosity (informal + often humorous) - fabulous quality, state, or nature
vittle (victual) /ˈvɪt(ə)l/ - food or provisions
streamer /ˈstriːmə/ - a long, narrow strip of material used as a decoration or symbol
fantabulous - excellent; wonderful
wallop /ˈwɒləp/ - v To beat forcefully; thrash 2 To strike with a hard blow
withers /ˈwɪðəz/ - highest point of horse's body
Land sakes! - A mild exclamation of surprise, alarm, dismay, annoyance, or exasperation
joshing, josh - v. To tease (someone) good-humoredly; tease (someone) in a playful way; engage in joking or playful talk with others.
Soul patch - small beard patch
lickety-split /ˌlɪkətɪˈsplɪt/ as fast as possible
hunker down - 1: to lower the body to the ground by bending the legs; 2: to stay in a place for a period of time
fussbudget /ˈfʌsbʌdʒət/ noun a fussy person
tarnation /tɑːˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ - noun · used as a euphemism for ‘damnation’
skedaddle /skɪˈdad(ə)l/ - depart quickly or hurriedly; run away
spell /spɛl/ n. a short period
fussy /ˈfʌsi/ hard to please
prissy /ˈprɪsi/ fussily and excessively respectable
frou-frou /ˈfruːfruː/ frills or other ornamentation, particularly of women's clothes
consarn-it - DAMN —a mild imprecation
persnickety /pəˈsnɪkɪti/ = fussy
patootie /pəˈtuːti/ (informal, a person's or animal's buttocks
fix(ing) /fɪks/ - be intending or planning to do something
maraca - rumba shaker
peachy /ˈpiːtʃi/ very satisfactory; fine
hightail /ˈhʌɪteɪl/ move or travel fast
cinch /sɪn(t)ʃ/ an extremely easy task; ( a sure thing; a certainty
gilding the lily - describes the process of adorning or embellishing something that is already beautiful or already perfect
pudge /pʌdʒ/ fat on a person's body
cat's pajamas / the cat's whiskers - an excellent person or thing
dud /dʌd/ - clothes
armscye /ˈɑrmzˌaɪ/ - is the armhole, the fabric edge to which the sleeve is sewn
middy collar/blouse (midshipman) - sailor-style clothes
shawl /ʃɔːl/ - a piece of fabric worn by women over the shoulders or head or wrapped round a baby
lapel /ləˈpɛl/ - the part on each side of a coat or jacket immediately below the collar which is folded back on either side of the front opening
hem /hɛm/ - the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing which has been turned under and sewn
pleat /pliːt/ - a double or multiple fold in a garment or other item made of cloth, held by stitching the top or side
toile /twɑːl/ - an early version of a finished garment made up in cheap material so that the design can be tested and perfected
prêt-à-porter /ˌprɛtəˈpɔːteɪ/ - (of designer clothes) sold ready-to-wear as opposed to made to measure
haute couture /ˌəʊt kʊˈtjʊə/ - French, literally ‘high dressmaking’ Expensive, fashionable clothes produced by leading fashion houses
croup /kruːp/ - the rump or hindquarters, especially of a horse
dock /dɒk/ - the solid bony or fleshy part of an animal's tail, excluding the hair
haunch /hɔːn(t)ʃ /a buttock and thigh considered together, in a human or animal
hoity-toity /hɔɪtɪˈtɔɪti/ haughty or snobbish
youngin - A young one: a youth, a child, a kid, young person
mingy /ˈmɪn(d)ʒi/ mean; undesirably small
pizzazz /pɪˈzaz/ an attractive combination of vitality and glamour
sequin /ˈsiːkwɪn/ a small shiny disc sewn on to clothing for decoration
frisk /frɪsk/ (of a police officer or other official) pass the hands over (someone) in a search for hidden weapons, drugs, or other items
huffy /ˈhʌfi/ - annoyed or irritated and quick to take offence at petty things
RSVP /ɑːrɛsviːˈpiː/ - répondez s'il vous plaît /rā-pōⁿ-dā-sēl-vü-ple/; please reply (used at the end of invitations to request a response)
hooie - (Southern US) An expression of relief
soirée /ˈswɑːreɪ/ - an evening party or gathering, typically in a private house, for conversation or music
mite /mʌɪt/ - n. a very small amount; adv. a little; slightly
whoop /wʊp/ - n. a loud cry of joy or excitement; v. give or make a whoop
highfalutin /ˌhʌɪfəˈluːtɪn/ - adj. (especially of speech, writing, or ideas) pompous or pretentious
bobbing, bob /bɒb/ - make a quick, short movement up and down
demure /dɪˈmjʊə,dɪˈmjɔː/ - (of a woman or her behaviour) reserved, modest, and shy
pray tell (archaic) - Please explain (something the requester does not yet understand)
whelp /wɛlp/ n. (archaic) - a puppy; boy or young man (often as a disparaging form of address)
boobery - n. (inf.) folly; stupidity.
zesty - having a strong, pleasant, and somewhat spicy flavor. : lively and pleasing : full of zest.
tardy /ˈtɑːdi/ - delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late
dodo /ˈdəʊdəʊ/ - an old-fashioned and ineffective person (from Portuguese doudo ‘simpleton’)
peachy keen /ˈpiːtʃɪ kiːn/ - very satisfactory; fine
plumb out - being completely and totally out of something
snooty /ˈsnuːti/ - showing disapproval or contempt towards others, especially those considered to belong to a lower social class
break rank (or ranks) - (of soldiers or police officers) fail to remain in line; fail to maintain solidarity
bedraggled /bɪˈdraɡ(ə)ld/ - dishevelled
draggle /ˈdraɡ(ə)l/ - make (something) dirty or wet, typically by trailing it through mud or water
unhand /ʌnˈhand/ (ARCHAIC•HUMOROUS) - release (someone) from one's grasp
malarkey /məˈlɑːki/ - meaningless talk; nonsense
ornery /ˈɔːnəri/ - adj. (inf. bad-tempered or difficult to deal with
denature /diːˈneɪtʃə/ - take away or alter the natural qualities of
reify /ˈriːɪfʌɪ,ˈreɪɪfʌɪ/ - make (something abstract) more concrete or real
for a lark/on a lark - something that is done on the spur of the moment, something that is done spontaneously and for fun
far out - unconventional or avant-garde
gawk /ɡɔːk/ v. - stare openly and stupidly
caboose /kəˈbuːs/ - ( a railway wagon with accommodation for the train crew, typically attached to the end of the train
darn-tootin' - adj. Absolutely correct; speaking the truth
shake a leg - (inf.) make a start; rouse oneself
purty /ˈpəːti/ - non-standard spelling of pretty, used to represent dialect speech
hot diggity /hɒt ˈdɪɡəti/ - exclamation (inf. u.s.) - used to express excitement or delight
buck /bʌk/ - a vertical jump performed by a horse, with the head lowered, back arched, and back legs thrown out behind
window-shopping - look at goods displayed in shop windows without buying anything
fiddlesticks - violin bow; used to express disagreement or to say that something is nonsense
flibbertigibbet /ˌflɪbətɪˈdʒɪbɪt/ - a frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person
plum tuckered out - (south u.s.) - exhausted
hankering /ˈhaŋk(ə)rɪŋ/ n. - a strong desire to have or do something
put down stakes - claim a property
humdinger /hʌmˈdɪŋə/ (u.s.) - a remarkable or outstanding person or thing of its kind
elk /ɛlk/ - n. ( another term for wapiti; a red deer of a large race native to North America
porpoise /ˈpɔːpəs/ - a small toothed whale with a low triangular dorsal fin and a blunt rounded snout
Toco toucan
macaw /məˈkɔː/ - a large long-tailed parrot with brightly coloured plumage, native to Central and South America
cobbler /ˈkäblər/ - n. ( a dessert consisting of fruit baked in a deep dish with a thick, cake-like crust on top
cantaloupe /ˈkantəluːp/ - a small round melon of a variety with orange flesh and ribbed skin
Parmigiana /ˌpɑːmɪˈdʒɑːnə/ - adj. (of a dish) cooked or served with Parmesan cheese
chowder /ˈtʃaʊdə/ - n. a rich soup typically containing fish, clams, or corn with potatoes and onions
pulled pork - American barbecue dish, more specifically a dish of the Southern U.S., based on shredded barbecued pork shoulder
flapjack /ˈflapdʒak/ - pancake
potpourri /pəʊˈpʊəri/ - a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room; a mixture or medley of things
Smörgåsbord - Smörgåsbord is a type of Scandinavian meal, originating in Sweden, served buffet-style with multiple hot and cold dishes of various foods on a table.
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