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Last active October 27, 2020 04:03
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VIM - checking reStructuredText (Sphinx) markups used in godot docs - without confirmation
" ONLY in VIM 8.0.1630 and later
" (trim function added see:
" You can execute more than one command in command line by placing a | between two commands.
" You can execute the file by running this :source <filename>
" :ref:`label-name`
" machine translation adds space after : like: : ref:
" %s/: ref: /:ref:/gc - zřejmě bylo špatně :-) stane se :-)
%s/: ref: / :ref:/g
%s/: kbd: / :kbd:/g
%s/: download: / :download:/g
%s/: doc: / :doc:/g
%s/>` __/>`__/g
%s/>` _/>`_/g
" two asterisks: **text** for strong emphasis (boldface)
" fixing ** text** nad **text **
" backquotes: ``text`` for code samples
" one asterisk: *text* for emphasis (italics)
" `Link text <https://domain.invalid/>`_ for inline web links - pravděpodobně špatně, protože vyhází i mezery, který oddělujou název linku od adresy
" There must be a space between the link text and the opening < for the URL. see:
" %s/\`\(.\{-}\)\`/\='`'.trim(submatch(1)).'`'/g
" fixing error from above line 28, hopefully :-)
" \a is alfabetic character see:
%s/\a<http/ <http/gc
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