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Last active September 15, 2016 09:32
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React.js Component Guideline

React.js Minimal Entropy Guide


  • Use explicit contracts to pipe data & events between systems
  • Business rules should bubble towards the top, UI and semantics should sink towards the bottom


  • Prescribe a single design pattern
  • Use jQuery as a crutch
  • Be a fundamentalist


  • Only change state on the components that need to be re-rendered
  • Use ref=<name> to access the component from the parent
  • All components should be instantiated inside a render() call; avoid storing components in state
  • Define a key for items in a list

Use ternary operator with null to conditionally render:

<div>{this.state.verified ? <i className="verified"/> : null}</div>

Use map to programmatically render children:

<ul> {, function(item, index) {
  return <li key=index>{item}</li>

setProps vs setState

Props:represents the overall application state.
State:represents the individual state of a component.
Props:configures how the application is to be rendered.
State:configures how the component is to be rendered.

Where to use the methods:

setProps():can only be called on a root component.
setState():should only be called by the component itself.
set<Name>():should be defined on a component that allows for its state to be modified externally.

Example public set state method:

setValue: function(val) {

Data Binding

Avoid direct API calls from components.

Use channels or event streams to pipe data into components

componentWillMount():bind event stream to component state
componentWillUnmount():unbind component from an event stream

Example Data Binding:

componentWillMount: function() {
  var self = this;
  this.site_sub = channel.subscribe(""+this.props.site_id, function(data) {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
  if (this.site_sub) {
    this.site_sub = null;


  • Use on<event> properties to pipe events to functions that modify other components
  • If a component modifies a component that is not in its refs, try to use a callback instead

Slug field example:

<input type="text" name="name" onChange={function() {self.refs.slug.setValue(}}/>
<SlugField name="slug" ref="slug"/>
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