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Created May 13, 2015 05:22
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React iframe head
function mergeElements(target, source) {
var seen = {};
if (target.tagName != source.tagName) {
console.log("tagname change:", target.tagName, source.tagName, source)
target.parentNode.replaceChild(source, target);
_.each(source.attributes, function(att) {
seen[att.nodeName] = true;
if (att.nodeName === 'data-reactid') {
if (target.getAttribute(att.nodeName) !== att.value) {
target.setAttribute(att.nodeName, att.value);
_.each(target.attributes, function(att) {
if (!att) {
console.log("target atributes yielded falsey", att, target)
} else if (!seen[att.nodeName]) {
if ((target.textContent || source.textContent) &&
(target.textContent !== source.textContent)) {
target.textContent = source.textContent;
var doc = this.getDOMNode().contentDocument;
var headMarkup = React.renderToString(head);
if (headMarkup) {
//this.refs.head = head;
var div = doc.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = headMarkup;
var newNodes = _.toArray(div.childNodes); //first child is "head"
var oldNodes = _.toArray(doc.querySelectorAll('head [data-reactid]'));
//console.log("head nodes:", newNodes, div, head);
var oldElements = {};
var updatedElements = {};
_.each(oldNodes, function(node, index) {
var reactID = node.getAttribute('data-reactid').split('$')[1];
oldElements[reactID] = {
node: node,
index: index
_.each(newNodes, function(node, index) {
if (!node) {
console.log("why null node?", node, index);
return; //why?
var reactID = (node.getAttribute('data-reactid') || "").split('$')[1];
if (!reactID) {
console.log("why no reactid?", node, reactID, index)
var oldNode = oldElements[reactID];
//childNode[4].parentNode.insertBefore(childNode[4], childNode[3]);
if (oldNode) {
mergeElements(oldNode.node, node);
if (oldNode.index !== index) {
if (oldNodes.length > index) {
doc.head.insertBefore(oldNode.node, oldNodes[index]);
} else {
//console.log("this shouldn't happen", index, oldNodes.length)
} else {
if (oldNodes.length <= index) {
} else {
doc.head.insertBefore(node, oldNodes[index]);
console.log("appended:", node, doc.head)
updatedElements[reactID] = node;
_.each(oldElements, function(oldNode, reactID) {
if (!updatedElements[reactID]) {
console.log("removed:", reactID);
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