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--- Actions --- | |
$Copy <M-C> | |
$Cut <M-X> <S-Del> | |
$Delete <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
$LRU | |
$Paste <M-V> | |
$Redo <M-S-Z> <A-S-BS> | |
$SearchWeb <A-S-G> | |
$SelectAll <M-A> | |
$Undo <M-Z> | |
About | |
Actions.ActionsPlugin.GenerateToString | |
ActivateAntBuildToolWindow | |
ActivateApplicationServersToolWindow | |
ActivateChangesToolWindow <M-=> | |
ActivateDatabaseToolWindow | |
ActivateDebugToolWindow <M-5> | |
ActivateDesignerToolWindow | |
ActivateEventLogToolWindow | |
ActivateFavoritesToolWindow | |
ActivateFindToolWindow <M-7> | |
ActivateInspectionToolWindow | |
ActivateMavenProjectsToolWindow | |
ActivateMessagesToolWindow <M-0> | |
ActivateNavBar | |
ActivatePalette ToolWindow | |
ActivatePaletteToolWindow | |
ActivateProjectToolWindow <M-S-9> | |
ActivateRunToolWindow <M-4> | |
ActivateStructureToolWindow | |
ActivateTerminalToolWindow <M-3> | |
ActivateTODOToolWindow <M-6> | |
ActivateUIDesignerToolWindow | |
ActiveToolwindowGroup | |
Add.Email.Transport | |
Add.Embedded.Http.Transport | |
Add.Hibernate.Framework | |
Add.Ibatis.Framework | |
Add.JdkTimer | |
Add.Jdo.Framework | |
Add.Jms.Transport | |
Add.OpenSymphonyTimer | |
Add.Toplink.Framework | |
Add.Webflow | |
AddAllToFavorites | |
AddAntBuildFile | |
AddAsSwcLib | |
AddAttributeAction | |
AddDataSourceFromServer | |
AddFrameworkSupport | |
AddGradleDslPluginAction | |
AddNewComponentAction | |
AddNewFavoritesList | |
AddNewMixinAction | |
AddNewPageAction | |
AddNewTabToTheEndMode | |
AddOptionDialogActionGroup | |
AddSourcesContentToSourceMap | |
AddSubtagAction | |
AddToFavorites | |
AddToFavoritesPopup <A-S-F> | |
AddToISuite | |
AddToTestNGSuite | |
AJ.NewAspect | |
AJ.PushIn | |
AlienCommitChangesDialog.AdditionalActions | |
AlienPropertiesLocalDiff | |
AnalyzeActions | |
AnalyzeJavaMenu | |
AnalyzeMenu | |
AnalyzeStacktraceOnError | |
Android.ConvertToNinePatch | |
Android.CreateResourceDirectory | |
Android.CreateResourcesActionGroup | |
Android.Debugger.ViewBitmapAction | |
Android.EnableDdms | |
Android.GenerateSignedApk | |
Android.GenerateSourcesAction | |
Android.MainToolBarActionGroup | |
Android.MemoryMonitor | |
Android.OpenStringResourceEditor | |
Android.RunAndroidAvdManager | |
Android.RunAndroidSdkManager | |
Android.RunDdms | |
Android.ShowLicenses | |
Android.ShowNavigationEditor | |
Android.SyncProject | |
Android.TraceViewSearch <M-F> | |
Android.UploadDatabase | |
AndroidConnectDebuggerAction | |
AndroidExtractAsIncludeAction | |
AndroidExtractStyleAction | |
AndroidFindStyleApplicationsAction | |
AndroidInlineIncludeAction | |
AndroidInlineStyleReferenceAction | |
AndroidToolsGroup | |
Annotate <C-G> | |
AnonymousToInner | |
AntBuildGroup | |
AppEngine.UploadApplication | |
ApplyJavaeeStyle | |
AppServers.ChooseArtifacts | |
AppServers.DebugServer | |
AppServers.DeployAll | |
AppServers.EditServerConfig | |
AppServers.RemoveArtifact <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
AppServers.RunServer | |
AppServers.StopServer | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.Add | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.Context.Menu | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.Edit | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.Match.Condition.Move.Down | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.Match.Condition.Move.Up | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.Remove | |
Arrangement.Alias.Rule.ToolBar | |
Arrangement.Custom.Token.Rule.Edit | |
Arrangement.Rule.Add | |
Arrangement.Rule.Edit | |
Arrangement.Rule.Group.Condition.Move.Down | |
Arrangement.Rule.Group.Condition.Move.Up | |
Arrangement.Rule.Group.Control.ToolBar | |
Arrangement.Rule.Match.Condition.Move.Down | |
Arrangement.Rule.Match.Condition.Move.Up | |
Arrangement.Rule.Match.Control.Context.Menu | |
Arrangement.Rule.Match.Control.ToolBar | |
Arrangement.Rule.Remove | |
Arrangement.Rule.Section.Add | |
AssociateWithFileType | |
AutoIndentLines <A-C-I> | |
AutoShowProcessWindow | |
AxisActions | |
Back <M-A-Left> button=4 clickCount=1 modifiers=0 <C-[> | |
BackgroundTasks | |
BaseOnThisFunction | |
Bash.NewBashScript | |
Bash.REPL.Group | |
Batch.Job.Create | |
Bookmarks | |
BuildArtifact | |
BuildMenu | |
ByteCodeViewer | |
CallHierarchy <A-C-H> | |
CallHierarchy.BaseOnThisType | |
CallHierarchyPopupMenu | |
CaptureCPUUsageData | |
CaptureMemorySnapShot | |
ChangeAttributeValueAction | |
ChangeCodeStyleScheme | |
ChangeColorScheme | |
ChangeFileEncodingAction | |
ChangeInspectionProfile | |
ChangeKeymap | |
ChangeLaf | |
ChangeLineSeparators | |
ChangeScheme | |
ChangeSignature <M-F6> | |
ChangeSplitOrientation | |
ChangesView.AddUnversioned <M-A-A> | |
ChangesView.AddUnversioned.From.Dialog <M-A-A> | |
ChangesView.ApplyPatch | |
ChangesView.Browse | |
ChangesView.Commit <C-G> | |
ChangesView.CreatePatch | |
ChangesView.CreatePatchFromChanges | |
ChangesView.DeleteUnversioned | |
ChangesView.DeleteUnversioned.From.Dialog | |
ChangesView.Diff <M-D> | |
ChangesView.Edit | |
ChangesView.Ignore | |
ChangesView.Move | |
ChangesView.NewChangeList | |
ChangesView.Refresh | |
ChangesView.RemoveChangeList | |
ChangesView.RemoveDeleted | |
ChangesView.Rename | |
ChangesView.Revert <M-A-Z> | |
ChangesView.SetDefault | |
ChangesView.Shelve | |
ChangesViewPopupMenu | |
ChangesViewToolbar | |
ChangeTemplateDataLanguage | |
ChangeTypeSignature <M-S-F6> | |
ChangeView | |
CheckForUpdate | |
CheckinFiles | |
CheckinProject | |
CheckStatusForFiles | |
ChooseActiveBuildConfiguration | |
ChooseDebugConfiguration <A-C-D> | |
ChooseNextSubsequentPropertyValueEditorAction <C-Down> | |
ChoosePrevSubsequentPropertyValueEditorAction <C-Up> | |
ChooseRunConfiguration <A-C-R> | |
ClassNameCompletion <A-C- > | |
ClassTemplateNavigation <M-S-G> | |
CleanGradleProject | |
ClearCase.Add | |
ClearCase.CheckOut | |
ClearCase.DeliverActivities | |
ClearCase.FindProjectCheckouts | |
ClearCase.Hijack | |
ClearCase.Merge | |
ClearCase.MergeProject | |
ClearCase.Properties | |
ClearCase.RebaseProject | |
ClearCase.SynchronizeWithActivities | |
ClearCase.UndoCheckOut | |
ClearCase.Update | |
ClearCase.VersionTree | |
ClearCaseFile | |
ClearCaseProject | |
CloseActiveTab <C-S-F4> | |
CloseAllEditors | |
CloseAllEditorsButActive | |
CloseAllUnmodifiedEditors | |
CloseAllUnpinnedEditors | |
CloseContent <M-W> | |
CloseEditor | |
CloseEditorsGroup | |
CloseProject | |
CodeCleanup | |
CodeCompletion <C- > | |
CodeCompletionGroup | |
CodeEditorBaseGroup | |
CodeEditorViewGroup | |
CodeFormatGroup | |
CodeInsightEditorActions | |
CodeInspection.OnEditor <A-S-I> | |
CodeMenu | |
CollapseAll <M-m> <M--> | |
CollapseAllRegions <M-S-m> <M-S--> | |
CollapseBlock <M-S-.> | |
CollapseDocComments | |
CollapseRegion <M-m> <M--> | |
CollapseRegionRecursively <M-A-m> <M-A--> | |
CollapseSelection <M-.> | |
CollapseTreeNode <m> | |
com.ansorgit.plugins.bash.actions.AddReplAction | |
com.intellij.execution.testframework.sm.runner.ui.statistics.ShowStatisticsAction | |
com.intellij.execution.testframework.sm.runner.ui.statistics.ShowTestProxy | |
com.intellij.play.console.RunPlayConsoleAction | |
com.intellij.spellchecker.actions.SpellingPopupActionGroup | |
com.intellij.sql.refactoring.SqlExtractNamedQueryAction | |
com.jetbrains.php.framework.FrameworkRunConsoleAction <M-S-X> | |
com.jetbrains.plugins.remotesdk.console.RunSshConsoleAction <C-Z> | |
CombinePropertiesFilesAction | |
CommanderPopupMenu | |
CommentByBlockComment <M-A-/> <M-A-o> <C-S-/> <C-S-o> | |
CommentByLineComment <M-/> <M-o> | |
CommentGroup | |
CommittedChanges.Clear | |
CommittedChanges.Details | |
CommittedChanges.Filter | |
CommittedChanges.Refresh | |
CommittedChanges.Revert | |
CommittedChangesToolbar | |
Compare.LastVersion <C-Z> | |
Compare.SameVersion | |
Compare.Selected | |
Compare.Specified | |
CompareActions | |
CompareClipboardWithSelection | |
CompareDirs | |
CompareFileWithEditor | |
CompareTwoFiles | |
Compile <M-S-F9> | |
CompileCoffeeScript | |
CompileDirty <M-F9> | |
CompileEcmaScript6 | |
CompileProject | |
CompilerErrorViewPopupMenu | |
ConfigureCvsRoots | |
Console.Dialect.SpecificGroup | |
Console.EditorTableResult.Group | |
Console.Execute <CR> | |
Console.Execute.Multiline <M-CR> | |
Console.History.Browse <M-A-E> | |
Console.History.Next | |
Console.History.Previous | |
Console.HistoryActions | |
Console.Jdbc.Close <C-S-F4> | |
Console.Jdbc.Execute <M-CR> | |
Console.Jdbc.Execute.Selection | |
Console.Jdbc.ExplainPlan | |
Console.Jdbc.ExplainPlan.Raw | |
Console.Jdbc.Terminate <M-F2> | |
Console.JdbcActions | |
Console.Jpa.Close <C-S-F4> | |
Console.Jpa.Execute <M-CR> | |
Console.Jpa.GenerateDDL <M-A-S-CR> | |
Console.Jpa.GenerateSql <M-S-CR> | |
Console.Jpa.Terminate <M-F2> | |
Console.JpaActions | |
Console.Open <M-S-F10> | |
Console.Oracle.DbmsOutput <M-F8> | |
Console.SplitLine | |
Console.TableResult.AddColumn <M-S-8> | |
Console.TableResult.AddRow <M-N> | |
Console.TableResult.Cancel <M-F2> | |
Console.TableResult.CellEditor.Popup | |
Console.TableResult.ChangeCellEditorFileEncoding | |
Console.TableResult.ChangeCellEditorLanguage | |
Console.TableResult.ChangeColumnLanguage | |
Console.TableResult.ChooseExtractor | |
Console.TableResult.CloneColumn <M-A-S-D> | |
Console.TableResult.CloneRow <M-S-D> | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnActions | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnHeaderPopup | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnsList <M-F12> | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnSortAsc <A-S-Up> | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnSortDesc <A-S-Down> | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnSortingActions | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnSortReset <M-A-S-BS> | |
Console.TableResult.ColumnVisibility < > | |
Console.TableResult.CompareWith | |
Console.TableResult.Copy.ChooseExtractorGroup | |
Console.TableResult.Copy.ClipboardGroup | |
Console.TableResult.Copy.FileGroup | |
Console.TableResult.Copy.Settings | |
Console.TableResult.CopyGroup | |
Console.TableResult.CountRows | |
Console.TableResult.Csv.PopupGroup | |
Console.TableResult.DeleteColumns <A-S-Del> | |
Console.TableResult.DeleteRows <M-BS> | |
Console.TableResult.EditValue <F2> <CR> <A-CR> | |
Console.TableResult.EditValueMaximized <S-CR> <A-S-CR> | |
Console.TableResult.Filter.Custom | |
Console.TableResult.FirstPage | |
Console.TableResult.Group | |
Console.TableResult.Group.Secondary | |
Console.TableResult.HideColumn | |
Console.TableResult.LastPage | |
Console.TableResult.LoadFile | |
Console.TableResult.MaximizeEditingCell <M-A-S-M> | |
Console.TableResult.NavigateAction <M-Down> <F4> | |
Console.TableResult.NavigateExportedAction <A-F7> <C-F> | |
Console.TableResult.NavigateForeignAction <M-B> button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=256 button=2 clickCount=1 modifiers=0 | |
Console.TableResult.NavigationAndEditing.Group | |
Console.TableResult.NextPage <M-A-Down> | |
Console.TableResult.Options | |
Console.TableResult.Pin | |
Console.TableResult.PopupGroup | |
Console.TableResult.PreviousPage <M-A-Up> | |
Console.TableResult.Reload <F5> | |
Console.TableResult.RenameTab | |
Console.TableResult.ResetView | |
Console.TableResult.SaveLobAs | |
Console.TableResult.SetDefault <M-A-D> | |
Console.TableResult.SetNull <M-A-N> | |
Console.TableResult.ShowQuery | |
Console.TableResult.SortToggle | |
Console.TableResult.SubmitAddedRow <M-CR> | |
Console.TableResult.ToggleFilters | |
Console.TableResult.Transpose | |
Console.TabPopupGroup | |
Console.Transaction | |
Console.Transaction.Autocommit | |
Console.Transaction.Commit | |
Console.Transaction.Rollback | |
ConsoleEditorPopupMenu | |
ConsoleView.ClearAll | |
ConsoleView.FoldLinesLikeThis | |
ConsoleView.PopupMenu | |
ConsoleView.ShowAsJsonAction | |
context.clear <A-S-X> | |
context.load | |
context.save | |
ContextHelp | |
ConvertContentsToAttributeAction | |
ConvertGroovyToJava | |
ConvertIndentsGroup | |
ConvertIndentsToSpaces | |
ConvertIndentsToTabs | |
ConvertSchemaAction | |
ConvertToInstanceMethod | |
ConvertToMacLineSeparators | |
ConvertToUnixLineSeparators | |
ConvertToWindowsLineSeparators | |
CopyAsPlainText | |
CopyAsRichText | |
CopyElement <F5> | |
CopyPaths <M-S-C> | |
CopyReference <M-A-S-C> | |
CopyUrl | |
Coverage <C-C> | |
CoverageMenu | |
Create.CDI.Beans.Xml.File | |
CreateBeanManagedEntityBeanAction | |
CreateCMPField | |
CreateContainerManagedEntityBeanAction | |
CreateDesktopEntry | |
CreateEJBInterceptor | |
CreateEJBRelationship | |
CreateFilterAction | |
CreateJavaeeWebPageAction | |
CreateLauncherScript | |
CreateLibraryFromFile | |
CreateListenerAction | |
CreateMessageBean | |
CreateResourceBundle | |
CreateRunConfiguration | |
CreateServletAction | |
CreateSingletonBean | |
CreateStatefulBean | |
CreateStatelessBean | |
CreateTaglibFileAction | |
CreateTransferObject | |
CreateWebProject | |
CutCopyPasteGroup | |
Cvs.Add | |
Cvs.BrowseCVSRepository | |
Cvs.Checkout | |
Cvs.CreateBranch | |
Cvs.CreateTag | |
Cvs.DeleteTag | |
Cvs.Edit | |
Cvs.Editors | |
Cvs.GetFromRepository | |
Cvs.Ignore | |
Cvs.Import | |
Cvs.MergeAction | |
Cvs.ToggleOffline | |
Cvs.UndoAdd | |
Cvs.Unedit | |
Cvs.WatchAdd | |
Cvs.Watchers | |
Cvs.WatchOff | |
Cvs.WatchOn | |
Cvs.WatchRemove | |
CvsActions | |
CvsFilePopupGroup | |
CvsGlobalGroup | |
Database.OpenDbStorageAction <M-Down> <F4> | |
Database.Settings | |
DatabaseView.AddActionGroup | |
DatabaseView.AddActionGroupPopup | |
DatabaseView.AddDataSourceFromUrl | |
DatabaseView.AddDataSourcesGroup | |
DatabaseView.AssignColor | |
DatabaseView.ChangeSignature <M-F6> | |
DatabaseView.CloseConnectionAction <M-F2> | |
DatabaseView.CopyAction <M-S-D> | |
DatabaseView.Ddl.AddColumn | |
DatabaseView.Ddl.AddForeignKey | |
DatabaseView.Ddl.AddIndex | |
DatabaseView.Ddl.AddPrimaryKey | |
DatabaseView.Ddl.AddTable | |
DatabaseView.DropAction <A-CR> <C-CR> | |
DatabaseView.Dump.FileGroup | |
DatabaseView.GenerateDDLAction <M-S-C> | |
DatabaseView.ImportDataSources | |
DatabaseView.PropertiesAction <M-I> | |
DatabaseView.ShowDiff | |
DatabaseView.SynchronizeAction <M-A-Y> | |
DatabaseViewPopupMenu | |
DatabaseViewToolbar | |
Debug <A-D> | |
DebugClass <A-S-D> | |
Debugger.AddSteppingFilter | |
Debugger.AddToWatch | |
Debugger.AdjustArrayRange | |
Debugger.AutoRenderer | |
Debugger.CustomizeContextView | |
Debugger.CustomizeThreadsView | |
Debugger.EditFrameSource | |
Debugger.EditNodeSource | |
Debugger.EditTypeSource <S-F4> | |
Debugger.EvaluateInConsole | |
Debugger.EvaluationDialogPopup | |
Debugger.FocusOnBreakpoint | |
Debugger.FramePanelPopup | |
Debugger.FreezeThread | |
Debugger.InspectPanelPopup | |
Debugger.InterruptThread | |
Debugger.MarkObject | |
Debugger.PopFrame | |
Debugger.Representation | |
Debugger.ResumeThread | |
Debugger.ShowLibraryFrames | |
Debugger.ShowReferring | |
Debugger.ThreadsPanelPopup | |
Debugger.Tree.AddToWatches | |
Debugger.Tree.EvaluateInConsole | |
Debugger.ViewAsGroup | |
Debugger.ViewText | |
Debugger.WatchesPanelPopup | |
DebuggerActions | |
DebugMainMenu | |
DecrementWindowHeight <M-S-Up> | |
DecrementWindowWidth <M-S-Left> | |
DelegateMethods | |
DeleteAttributeAction | |
DeleteTagAction | |
Diagram.DeselectAll <M-A-A> | |
Diagram.SelectAll <M-A> | |
Diff.EditorPopupMenu | |
Diff.FocusOppositePane <M-Tab> | |
Diff.FocusOppositePaneAndScroll <M-S-Tab> | |
Diff.HighlightMode | |
Diff.IgnoreWhitespace | |
Diff.KeymapGroup <C-Z> | |
Diff.NextChange <M-S-]> <C-Right> | |
Diff.PrevChange <M-S-[> <C-Left> | |
Diff.SelectedChange <M-O> | |
Diff.ShowDiff <M-D> | |
Diff.ShowInExternalTool | |
Diff.ShowSettingsPopup <M-S-D> | |
Diff.UpdatedFiles <M-D> | |
DiffPanel.Toolbar | |
DirDiffMenu | |
DirDiffMenu.Deployment.MirrorToLeft | |
DirDiffMenu.Deployment.MirrorToRight | |
DirDiffMenu.EnableEqual | |
DirDiffMenu.EnableLeft | |
DirDiffMenu.EnableNotEqual | |
DirDiffMenu.EnableRight | |
DirDiffMenu.SetCopyToLeft | |
DirDiffMenu.SetCopyToRight | |
DirDiffMenu.SetDefault | |
DirDiffMenu.SetDelete | |
DirDiffMenu.SetNoOperation | |
DirDiffMenu.WarnOnDeletion | |
DissociateResourceBundleAction | |
dmServer.manage.server.libraries | |
Document2XSD | |
DomCollectionControl | |
DomCollectionControl.Add <Ins> | |
DomCollectionControl.Edit <M-Down> <F4> | |
DomCollectionControl.Remove <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
DomElementsTreeView.AddElement <Ins> | |
DomElementsTreeView.AddElementGroup | |
DomElementsTreeView.DeleteElement <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
DomElementsTreeView.GotoDomElementDeclarationAction <M-Down> <F4> | |
DomElementsTreeView.TreePopup | |
Drools.CreateRuleFile | |
DSM.Analyze | |
DSM.Close <C-S-F4> | |
DSM.DiggIntoDependenciesAction | |
DSM.GoToNextCycle <F2> | |
DSM.LimitDependencies | |
DSM.OpenDependencies | |
DSM.OpenInEditor <M-Down> <F4> | |
DSM.Popup | |
DSM.ToggleCycles | |
DSM.ToggleFlattenPackages | |
DSM.ToggleGradient | |
DSM.ToggleModuleGroups | |
DSM.ToggleModules | |
DSM.TogglenPackages | |
DSM.Toolbar | |
DumpLookupElementWeights <M-A-S-W> | |
DumpSpringConfiguration | |
DumpThreads | |
DuplicatesForm.SendToLeft <M-1> | |
DuplicatesForm.SendToRight <M-2> | |
DupLocate | |
Dvcs.Log.ContextMenu | |
Dvcs.Log.Toolbar | |
EditAndWatch | |
EditBookmarksGroup | |
EditBreakpoint <M-S-F8> | |
EditCommitMessage | |
EditCreateDeleteGroup | |
EditEntityListenerBindingsAction | |
EditFavorites | |
EditInterceptorBindingsAction | |
EditMacros | |
EditMenu | |
Editor.JSLibrariesMenu | |
Editor.JSLibrariesMenu.LibraryList | |
EditorActions | |
EditorAddOrRemoveCaret button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=576 | |
EditorAddRectangularSelectionOnMouseDrag button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=832 | |
EditorBackSpace <BS> <S-BS> | |
EditorChooseLookupItem <CR> | |
EditorChooseLookupItemCompleteStatement <M-S-CR> | |
EditorChooseLookupItemDot <C-.> | |
EditorChooseLookupItemReplace <Tab> | |
EditorCloneCaretAbove | |
EditorCloneCaretBelow | |
EditorCodeBlockEnd <M-A-]> | |
EditorCodeBlockEndWithSelection <M-A-S-]> | |
EditorCodeBlockStart <M-A-[> | |
EditorCodeBlockStartWithSelection <M-A-S-[> | |
EditorCompleteStatement <M-S-CR> | |
EditorContextBarMenu | |
EditorContextInfo <C-S-Q> | |
EditorCopy <M-C> | |
EditorCreateRectangularSelection button=2 clickCount=1 modifiers=576 | |
EditorCut <M-X> <S-Del> | |
EditorCutLineBackward | |
EditorCutLineEnd <C-K> | |
EditorDecreaseFontSize | |
EditorDelete <Del> | |
EditorDeleteLine <M-BS> | |
EditorDeleteToLineEnd | |
EditorDeleteToLineStart | |
EditorDeleteToWordEnd <A-Del> | |
EditorDeleteToWordEndInDifferentHumpsMode | |
EditorDeleteToWordStart <A-BS> | |
EditorDeleteToWordStartInDifferentHumpsMode | |
EditorDown <Down> | |
EditorDownWithSelection <S-Down> | |
EditorDuplicate <M-S-D> | |
EditorDuplicateLines | |
EditorEnter <CR> | |
EditorEscape <Esc> | |
EditorGutterPopupMenu | |
EditorGutterVcsPopupMenu | |
EditorHungryBackSpace | |
EditorIncreaseFontSize | |
EditorIndentLineOrSelection | |
EditorIndentSelection <Tab> | |
EditorJoinLines <C-S-J> | |
EditorKillRegion | |
EditorKillRingSave | |
EditorKillToWordEnd | |
EditorKillToWordStart | |
EditorLangPopupMenu | |
EditorLeft <Left> | |
EditorLeftWithSelection <S-Left> | |
EditorLineEnd <M-Right> <C-S-E> | |
EditorLineEndWithSelection <S-End> <M-S-Right> | |
EditorLineStart <M-Left> <C-S-A> | |
EditorLineStartWithSelection <S-Home> <M-S-Left> | |
EditorLookupDown <C-Down> | |
EditorLookupUp <C-Up> | |
EditorMatchBrace | |
EditorMoveDownAndScroll | |
EditorMoveDownAndScrollWithSelection | |
EditorMoveToPageBottom <M-Pagedown> | |
EditorMoveToPageBottomWithSelection <M-S-Pagedown> | |
EditorMoveToPageTop <M-Pageup> | |
EditorMoveToPageTopWithSelection <M-S-Pageup> | |
EditorMoveUpAndScroll | |
EditorMoveUpAndScrollWithSelection | |
EditorNextWord <A-Right> | |
EditorNextWordInDifferentHumpsMode | |
EditorNextWordInDifferentHumpsModeWithSelection | |
EditorNextWordWithSelection <A-S-Right> | |
EditorPageDown <Pagedown> <End> | |
EditorPageDownWithSelection <S-Pagedown> | |
EditorPageUp <Pageup> <Home> | |
EditorPageUpWithSelection <S-Pageup> | |
EditorPaste <M-V> | |
EditorPasteFromX11 button=2 clickCount=1 modifiers=0 | |
EditorPasteSimple <M-A-S-V> | |
EditorPopupMenu | |
EditorPopupMenu.GoTo | |
EditorPopupMenu.Run | |
EditorPopupMenu1 | |
EditorPopupMenuDebug | |
EditorPopupMenuDebugJava | |
EditorPreviousWord <A-Left> | |
EditorPreviousWordInDifferentHumpsMode | |
EditorPreviousWordInDifferentHumpsModeWithSelection | |
EditorPreviousWordWithSelection <A-S-Left> | |
EditorResetFontSize | |
EditorRight <Right> | |
EditorRightWithSelection <S-Right> | |
EditorScrollBottom | |
EditorScrollDown | |
EditorScrollDownAndMove | |
EditorScrollLeft | |
EditorScrollRight | |
EditorScrollToCenter | |
EditorScrollTop | |
EditorScrollUp | |
EditorScrollUpAndMove | |
EditorSelectLine <M-A-W> <M-L> | |
EditorSelectWord <A-Up> <M-Þ> | |
EditorSplitLine <M-CR> | |
EditorStartNewLine <S-CR> | |
EditorStartNewLineBefore <M-A-CR> | |
EditorSwapSelectionBoundaries | |
EditorTab <Tab> | |
EditorTabCompileGroup | |
EditorTabPopupMenu | |
EditorTabPopupMenuEx | |
EditorTabsGroup | |
EditorTextEnd <M-End> | |
EditorTextEndWithSelection <M-S-End> | |
EditorTextStart <M-Home> | |
EditorTextStartWithSelection <M-S-Home> | |
EditorToggleActions | |
EditorToggleCase <M-S-U> | |
EditorToggleColumnMode <M-S-8> | |
EditorToggleInsertState | |
EditorToggleShowIndentLines | |
EditorToggleShowLineNumbers | |
EditorToggleShowWhitespaces | |
EditorToggleStickySelection | |
EditorToggleUseSoftWraps | |
EditorUnindentSelection <S-Tab> | |
EditorUnSelectWord <A-Down> <M-S-Þ> | |
EditorUp <Up> | |
EditorUpWithSelection <S-Up> | |
editRunConfigurations | |
EditSelectGroup | |
EditSelectWordGroup | |
EditSmartGroup | |
EditSource <M-Down> <F4> | |
EditSourceInNewWindow <S-F4> | |
EmacsStyleIndent | |
Emmet | |
EmmetNextEditPoint <A-C-Right> | |
EmmetPreview | |
EmmetPreviousEditPoint <A-C-Left> | |
EmmetUpdateTag | |
EncapsulateFields | |
EvaluateExpression <A-F8> | |
ExcludeFromStubGeneration | |
excludeFromSuite | |
excludeFromTestNGSuite | |
ExcludeFromValidation | |
Exit <M-Q> | |
ExpandAll <M-k> <M-]> | |
ExpandAllRegions <M-]> | |
ExpandAllToLevel | |
ExpandAllToLevel1 <M-A-j> <M-A-j> | |
ExpandAllToLevel2 <M-A-j> <M-A-j> | |
ExpandAllToLevel3 <M-A-j> <M-A-j> | |
ExpandAllToLevel4 <M-A-j> <M-A-j> | |
ExpandAllToLevel5 <M-A-j> <M-A-j> | |
ExpandDocComments | |
ExpandLiveTemplateByTab <Tab> | |
ExpandLiveTemplateCustom | |
ExpandRegion <M-k> <M-S-=> | |
ExpandRegionRecursively <M-A-k> <M-A-=> | |
ExpandToLevel | |
ExpandToLevel1 <M-j> <M-j> | |
ExpandToLevel2 <M-j> <M-j> | |
ExpandToLevel3 <M-j> <M-j> | |
ExpandToLevel4 <M-j> <M-j> | |
ExpandToLevel5 <M-j> <M-j> | |
ExpandTreeNode <k> | |
ExportImportGroup | |
ExportSettings | |
ExportTestResults | |
ExportThreads | |
ExportToEclipse | |
ExportToHTML | |
ExportToTextFile <C-O> | |
ExpressionTypeInfo <C-S-P> | |
ExternalJavaDoc <S-F1> | |
ExternalSystem.AfterCompile | |
ExternalSystem.AfterRebuild | |
ExternalSystem.AfterSync | |
ExternalSystem.AssignRunConfigurationShortcut | |
ExternalSystem.AssignShortcut | |
ExternalSystem.AttachProject | |
ExternalSystem.BeforeCompile | |
ExternalSystem.BeforeRebuild | |
ExternalSystem.BeforeRun | |
ExternalSystem.BeforeSync | |
ExternalSystem.CollapseAll <M-m> <M--> | |
ExternalSystem.DetachProject <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
ExternalSystem.EditRunConfiguration | |
ExternalSystem.ExpandAll <M-k> <M-]> | |
ExternalSystem.GroupTasks | |
ExternalSystem.OpenConfig <M-Down> <F4> | |
ExternalSystem.OpenTasksActivationManager | |
ExternalSystem.RefreshAllProjects | |
ExternalSystem.RefreshProject | |
ExternalSystem.RemoveRunConfiguration | |
ExternalSystem.RunTask | |
ExternalSystem.ShowInheritedTasks | |
ExternalSystem.ShowSettings | |
ExternalSystem.ToggleAutoImport | |
ExternalSystemView.ActionsToolbar | |
ExternalSystemView.ActionsToolbar.CenterPanel | |
ExternalSystemView.ActionsToolbar.LeftPanel | |
ExternalSystemView.ActionsToolbar.RightPanel | |
ExternalSystemView.BaseProjectMenu | |
ExternalSystemView.ProjectMenu | |
ExternalSystemView.RunConfigurationMenu | |
ExternalSystemView.TaskActivationGroup | |
ExternalSystemView.TaskMenu | |
ExternalToolsGroup | |
ExtractClass | |
ExtractInclude | |
ExtractInterface | |
ExtractJspTagAction | |
ExtractMethod <M-A-M> | |
ExtractModule | |
ExtractSuperclass | |
Faces.CreateFacesConfigAction | |
Faces.CreateJsfAction | |
Faces.Generate.From.Persistence | |
Faces.MainGraphPopup | |
Faces.MainPageGraphPopup | |
Faces.MainPageTreePopup | |
Faces.Navigation.Graph.PageTree.GotoDeclarationAction | |
Faces.Navigation.Graph.PageTree.GotoSourceAction | |
Faces.User.Defined.Faces.Config | |
FavoritesViewPopupMenu | |
FileChooser | |
FileChooser.Delete | |
FileChooser.GotoDesktop <M-D> | |
FileChooser.GotoHome <M-1> | |
FileChooser.GotoJDK | |
FileChooser.GotoModule <M-3> | |
FileChooser.GotoProject <M-2> | |
FileChooser.NewFile | |
FileChooser.NewFolder <M-N> | |
FileChooser.Refresh | |
FileChooser.ShowHiddens | |
FileChooser.TogglePathShowing <M-P> | |
FileChooserToolbar | |
FileEditor.OpenDataEditor | |
FileMainSettingsGroup | |
FileMenu | |
FileOpenGroup | |
FileOtherSettingsGroup | |
FileSettingsGroup | |
FileStructurePopup <M-F12> | |
FillParagraph | |
Find <M-F> | |
FindInPath <M-S-F> | |
FindMenuGroup | |
FindModal <C-F> | |
FindNext <M-G> | |
FindPrevious <M-S-G> | |
FindUsages <A-F7> <C-F> | |
FindUsagesInFile <M-F7> | |
FindWordAtCaret | |
FixDocComment | |
Flex.Debugger.FilterSwfLoadUnloadMessages | |
Flex.NewActionScriptClass | |
Flex.NewFlexComponent | |
FoldingGroup | |
ForceRunToCursor <M-A-F9> | |
ForceStepInto <A-S-F7> | |
ForceStepOver <A-S-F8> | |
Forward <M-A-Right> button=5 clickCount=1 modifiers=0 <C-S-=> <C-]> | |
FullyExpandTreeNode <j> <M-]> | |
Gant.NewScript | |
Generate <M-N> | |
Generate.Constructor.JavaScript | |
Generate.EventHandler.Actionscript | |
Generate.GetAccessor.JavaScript | |
Generate.GetSetAccessor.JavaScript | |
Generate.GrailsView | |
Generate.SetAccessor.JavaScript | |
Generate.SetUp.Actionscript | |
Generate.TearDown.Actionscript | |
Generate.TestMethod.Actionscript | |
Generate.ToString.Actionscript | |
GenerateAntBuild | |
GenerateConstructor | |
GenerateCopyright | |
GenerateCoverageReport | |
GenerateCreateUI | |
GenerateDataMethod | |
GenerateDTD | |
GenerateEJBFinderOrSelectorMethod | |
GenerateEJBReference | |
GenerateEntityListenerMethods | |
GenerateEquals | |
GenerateExternalization | |
GenerateFilterAction | |
GenerateGetter | |
GenerateGetterAndSetter | |
GenerateGroup | |
GenerateInterceptorMethods | |
GenerateJavadoc | |
GenerateJspFunctionAction | |
GenerateJspTagAction | |
GeneratePattern | |
GeneratePersistenceContextReference | |
GeneratePersistenceMapping | |
GenerateResourceReference | |
GenerateServletAction | |
GenerateSetter | |
GenerateSetUpMethod | |
GenerateSuperMethodCall | |
GenerateTearDownMethod | |
GenerateTestMethod | |
GenerateXmlTag | |
Generify | |
Git.Add <M-A-A> <C-G> | |
Git.Branches <C-G> | |
Git.CheckoutRevision | |
Git.CompareWithBranch | |
Git.ContextMenu | |
Git.CreateNewBranch | |
Git.CreateNewTag | |
Git.Edit.Global.Message | |
Git.Fetch | |
Git.Init | |
Git.Log | |
Git.Log.ContextMenu | |
Git.Log.DeepCompare | |
Git.Log.Toolbar | |
Git.LogContextMenu | |
Git.Menu | |
Git.Merge | |
Git.Pull | |
Git.Rebase | |
Git.Rebase.Abort | |
Git.Rebase.Continue | |
Git.Rebase.Skip | |
Git.RepositoryContextMenu | |
Git.Reset | |
Git.Reset.In.Log | |
Git.ResolveConflicts | |
Git.Revert | |
Git.Stash | |
Git.Tag | |
Git.Unstash | |
GitFileActions | |
Github.Create.Gist | |
Github.Create.Pull.Request | |
Github.Open.Commit.In.Browser | |
Github.Open.In.Browser | |
Github.Rebase | |
Github.Share | |
GitRepositoryActions | |
GlobalSettings | |
Go.NewGoFile | |
GoFmtFileAction <M-A-S-F> | |
GoFmtProjectAction <M-A-S-P> | |
GoGenerateBenchmark | |
GoGenerateTest | |
GoImportsFileAction | |
GoShowTypeInternalAction | |
GoTestGenerateGroup | |
GotoAction <M-S-A> | |
GotoBookmark0 | |
GotoBookmark1 | |
GotoBookmark2 | |
GotoBookmark3 | |
GotoBookmark4 | |
GotoBookmark5 | |
GotoBookmark6 | |
GotoBookmark7 | |
GotoBookmark8 | |
GotoBookmark9 | |
GotoChangedFile <M-O> | |
GoToChangeMarkerGroup | |
GoToClass <M-S-G> | |
GotoClass <M-O> | |
GoToCodeGroup | |
GotoCustomRegion <M-A-.> | |
GotoDeclaration <M-B> button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=256 button=2 clickCount=1 modifiers=0 | |
GoToEditPointGroup | |
GoToErrorGroup | |
GotoFile <M-S-O> | |
GotoImplementation <M-A-B> button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=768 | |
GotoLine <A-G> | |
GoToLinkTarget | |
GoToMenu | |
GoToMenuEx | |
GotoNextBookmark | |
GotoNextError <F2> | |
GotoNextIncompletePropertyAction <F2> | |
GotoPreviousBookmark | |
GotoPreviousError <S-F2> | |
GotoRelated <M-C-Up> | |
GotoRow | |
GotoSuperMethod <M-U> | |
GotoSymbol <M-A-O> | |
GoToTapestryClass | |
GoToTapestryTemplate | |
GoToTargetEx | |
GotoTest <M-C-T> | |
GotoTypeDeclaration <M-S-B> <C-S-B> button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=320 button=2 clickCount=1 modifiers=64 | |
Gradle.AddGradleDslDependencyAction | |
Gradle.ExecuteTask | |
Gradle.GenerateGroup | |
Gradle.ToggleOfflineAction | |
Grails | |
Grails.Controller | |
Grails.DomainClass | |
Grails.Filter | |
Grails.GSP | |
Grails.Script | |
Grails.Service | |
Grails.Shell | |
Grails.TagLib | |
Grails.UpdateDependencies | |
Grails.WAR | |
Graph.ActualZoom | |
Graph.CommonLayoutGroup | |
Graph.Current.Node.Dependencies.Filter | |
Graph.DefaultGraphPopup | |
Graph.Delete <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
Graph.ExportToFile | |
Graph.Faces.DefaultGraphPopup | |
Graph.Faces.OpenSelectedPages <M-Down> <F4> | |
Graph.FitContent | |
Graph.Layout.BalloonLayouter | |
Graph.Layout.CircularLayouter | |
Graph.Layout.DirectedOrthogonalLayouter | |
Graph.Layout.Fit.Content | |
Graph.Layout.HierarchicGroupLayouter | |
Graph.Layout.OrganicLayouter | |
Graph.Layout.OrthogonalLayouter | |
Graph.Layout.TreeLayouter | |
Graph.Print | |
Graph.Print.Preview | |
Graph.Show.Edge.Labels | |
Graph.ShowHideGrid | |
Graph.SnapToGrid | |
Graph.ZoomIn <k> <=> | |
Graph.ZoomOut <m> <-> | |
Griffon.UpdateDependencies | |
Groovy.Console | |
Groovy.Doc.Generating | |
Groovy.Dynamic.CollapseAll | |
Groovy.Dynamic.ExpandAll | |
Groovy.Dynamic.Remove | |
Groovy.Dynamic.Toolbar | |
Groovy.NewClass | |
Groovy.NewScript | |
Groovy.Shell | |
Groovy.Shell.Execute <M-CR> | |
GroovyGenerateGroup1 | |
GuiceActionGroup | |
GuiDesigner.AddComponent | |
GuiDesigner.AddGroup | |
GuiDesigner.AddTab | |
GuiDesigner.ChooseLocale | |
GuiDesigner.ComponentTreePopupMenu | |
GuiDesigner.CreateComponent <M-N> | |
GuiDesigner.CreateListener <M-S-O> | |
GuiDesigner.DataBindingWizard | |
GuiDesigner.DecreaseIndent <S-Tab> | |
GuiDesigner.DeleteComponent <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
GuiDesigner.DeleteGroup <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
GuiDesigner.Duplicate <M-S-D> | |
GuiDesigner.EditComponent <F2> | |
GuiDesigner.EditGroup <F2> | |
GuiDesigner.EditorPopupMenu | |
GuiDesigner.ExpandSelection <A-Up> <M-Þ> | |
GuiDesigner.Flatten | |
GuiDesigner.FormSource | |
GuiDesigner.GenerateMain | |
GuiDesigner.GoToListener <M-A-B> button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=768 | |
GuiDesigner.GroupButtons | |
GuiDesigner.IncreaseIndent <Tab> | |
GuiDesigner.MainToolbarActions | |
GuiDesigner.Morph | |
GuiDesigner.NewActions | |
GuiDesigner.Pack | |
GuiDesigner.PaletteComponentPopupMenu | |
GuiDesigner.PaletteGroupPopupMenu | |
GuiDesigner.PreviewForm | |
GuiDesigner.PropertyInspectorPopupMenu | |
GuiDesigner.QuickJavadoc <C-J> | |
GuiDesigner.ReloadCustomComponents | |
GuiDesigner.ResetValue | |
GuiDesigner.ShowComponentTags | |
GuiDesigner.ShowGrid | |
GuiDesigner.ShrinkSelection <A-Down> <M-S-Þ> | |
GuiDesigner.SurroundPopup <M-A-T> | |
GuiDesigner.UngroupButtons | |
GWT | |
GWT.GenerateCompileReport | |
GWT.GenerateUiHandlerMethod | |
GWT.NewEntryPoint | |
GWT.NewEventWithHandler | |
GWT.NewModule | |
GWT.NewRemoteService | |
GWT.NewSerialClass | |
GWT.NewTestCase | |
GWT.NewUiBinder | |
Help.JetBrainsTV | |
Help.KeymapReference | |
HelpMenu | |
HelpTopics | |
Heroku.RemoteServers.ShowContainerLog | |
Heroku.RemoteServersViewPopup | |
Hg.Init | |
Hg.Log.ContextMenu | |
Hg.Mq | |
Hg.MQ.Unapplied | |
hg4idea.branches | |
hg4idea.CreateNewBranch | |
hg4idea.CreateNewTag | |
hg4idea.file.menu | |
hg4idea.Graft.Continue | |
hg4idea.merge.files | |
hg4idea.mq.ShowUnAppliedPatches | |
hg4idea.pull | |
hg4idea.QDelete <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
hg4idea.QFinish | |
hg4idea.QFold <A-S-D> | |
hg4idea.QGoto | |
hg4idea.QGotoFromPatches <A-S-G> | |
hg4idea.QImport | |
hg4idea.QPushAction <A-S-P> | |
hg4idea.QRefresh <M-R> | |
hg4idea.QRename | |
hg4idea.Rebase.Abort | |
hg4idea.Rebase.Continue | |
hg4idea.resolve.mark | |
hg4idea.run.conflict.resolver | |
hg4idea.tag | |
hg4idea.updateTo | |
hg4idea.UpdateToRevision | |
Hibernate.SessionFactorySettings | |
HideActiveWindow <S-Esc> | |
HideAllWindows <M-S-F12> | |
HideCoverage | |
HideSideWindows | |
HierarchyGroup | |
HighlightUsagesInFile <M-S-F7> | |
HippieBackwardCompletion <A-S-/> | |
HippieCompletion <A-/> | |
Hotswap | |
HtmlAddTableColumnAfter | |
HtmlAddTableColumnBefore | |
HtmlTableCellNavigateDown <M-A-S-Down> | |
HtmlTableCellNavigateLeft <M-A-S-Left> | |
HtmlTableCellNavigateRight <M-A-S-Right> | |
HtmlTableCellNavigateUp <M-A-S-Up> | |
I18nize | |
IDEACoverageMenu | |
IdeScriptingConsole | |
IgnoreChoicesGroup | |
Images.EditExternally <M-A-F4> | |
Images.Editor.ActualSize <M-o> <M-/> | |
Images.Editor.ToggleGrid | |
Images.Editor.ZoomIn <M-k> <M-]> | |
Images.Editor.ZoomOut <M-m> <M--> | |
Images.EditorPopupMenu | |
Images.EditorToolbar | |
Images.ShowThumbnails <M-C-T> | |
Images.Thumbnails.EnterAction <CR> | |
Images.Thumbnails.Hide <M-W> | |
Images.Thumbnails.ToggleRecursive <A-j> | |
Images.Thumbnails.UpFolder <BS> | |
Images.ThumbnailsPopupMenu | |
Images.ThumbnailsToolbar | |
Images.ToggleTransparencyChessboard | |
ImplementMethods <C-I> | |
ImportModule | |
ImportModuleFromImlFile | |
ImportProject | |
ImportSettings | |
IncomingChanges.Refresh | |
IncomingChangesToolbar | |
IncrementalSearch | |
IncrementWindowHeight <M-S-Down> | |
IncrementWindowWidth <M-S-Right> | |
InferNullity | |
InheritanceToDelegation | |
Inline <M-A-N> | |
InsertLiveTemplate <M-J> | |
InspectCode | |
InspectCodeGroup | |
IntegrateChangeSetAction | |
IntegrateFiles | |
IntroduceActionsGroup | |
IntroduceConstant <M-A-C> | |
IntroduceField <M-A-F> | |
IntroduceFunctionalParameter | |
IntroduceParameter <M-A-P> | |
IntroduceParameterObject | |
IntroduceVariable <M-A-V> | |
InvalidateCaches | |
InvertBoolean | |
J2EEGenerateGroup | |
J2EEViewPopupMenu | |
JasmineGenerateAfterEachMethodAction | |
JasmineGenerateBeforeEachMethodAction | |
JasmineGenerateNewSpecAction | |
JasmineGenerateNewSuiteAction | |
JavaCompileGroup | |
JavaDebuggerActions | |
Javaee.Deploy | |
Javaee.KeepDeployedAfterDisconnect | |
Javaee.RefreshDeploymentStatus | |
Javaee.Undeploy | |
javaee.UpdateRunningApplication <M-F10> | |
JavaeeEditorGenerateGroup | |
JavaeeMigrationGroup | |
JavaeeRunDeploymentViewToolbar | |
JavaeeRunToolWindowToolbar | |
JavaGenerateGroup1 | |
JavaGenerateGroup2 | |
JavaMethodHierarchyPopupMenu | |
Javascript.Linters.JSCS.Fix | |
JavaScriptDebugger.HideActionsGroup | |
JavaScriptDebugger.HideDomPropertiesAction | |
JavaScriptDebugger.OpenUrl | |
JAX-RS.GenerateJavaFromWADL | |
JAX-RS.GenerateWADL | |
JAXB | |
Jdbc.OpenConsole <M-S-F10> | |
Jdbc.OpenConsole.CreateNew | |
Jdbc.OpenTableEditor <M-Down> <F4> | |
Jdbc.RunQueryInConsole <M-CR> | |
Jdbc.RunQueryInConsole.Selection | |
Jdbc.RunSqlScript <C-S-R> | |
jpa.AddJpaProviderSupport | |
Jpa.AssignDataSources | |
Jpa.OpenConsole <M-S-F10> | |
JpaPatternAction | |
JpaViewPopupMenu | |
Jpdl.CreateJpdl | |
Jpdl.Designer | |
JS.TypeInfo | |
JS.TypeScript.Compile | |
JS.TypeScript.Compile.Current | |
JSCallHierarchy.BaseOnThisMethod | |
JSCallHierarchyPopupMenu | |
JSClassHierarchyPopupMenu | |
JSHierarchyPopupMenu | |
JSMethodHierarchy.BaseOnThisMethod | |
JSMethodHierarchyPopupMenu | |
JspActions | |
JsTestFrameworkCodeGeneratorGroup | |
JumpToLastChange <M-S-BS> | |
JumpToLastWindow <F12> | |
JumpToNextChange | |
LangCodeInsightActions | |
LanguageSpecificFoldingGroup | |
LegacyNewAndroidComponent | |
LocalHistory | |
LocalHistory.PutLabel | |
LocalHistory.ShowHistory | |
LocalHistory.ShowSelectionHistory | |
LogDebugConfigure | |
LookupActions | |
Macros | |
MacrosGroup | |
MainMenu | |
MaintenanceAction <M-A-S-/> | |
MaintenanceGroup | |
MainToolBar | |
MainToolBarSettings | |
MakeAllJarsAction | |
MakeJarAction | |
MakeModule | |
MakeStatic | |
ManageProjectTemplatesAction | |
MarkAsOriginalTypeAction | |
MarkAsPlainTextAction | |
MarkExcludeRoot | |
MarkFileAs | |
MarkGeneratedSourceRoot | |
MarkGeneratedSourceRootGroup | |
MarkNotificationsAsRead | |
MarkRootGroup | |
MarkSourceRootGroup | |
Maven.AddFileAsMavenProject | |
Maven.AddManagedFiles | |
Maven.AfterCompile | |
Maven.AfterRebuild | |
Maven.AlwaysShowArtifactId | |
Maven.AssignShortcut | |
Maven.BaseProjectMenu | |
Maven.BeforeCompile | |
Maven.BeforeRebuild | |
Maven.BeforeRun | |
Maven.BuildMenu | |
Maven.CollapseAll <M-m> <M--> | |
Maven.DependencyGraphMenu | |
Maven.DependencyMenu | |
Maven.DownloadAllDocs | |
Maven.DownloadAllGroup | |
Maven.DownloadAllGroupPopup | |
Maven.DownloadAllSources | |
Maven.DownloadAllSourcesAndDocs | |
Maven.DownloadSelectedDocs | |
Maven.DownloadSelectedSources | |
Maven.DownloadSelectedSourcesAndDocs | |
Maven.EditRunConfiguration <M-Down> <F4> | |
Maven.ExecuteGoal | |
Maven.ExpandAll <M-k> <M-]> | |
Maven.GenerateGroup | |
Maven.GlobalProjectMenu | |
Maven.GroupProjects | |
Maven.IgnoreProjects | |
Maven.NavigatorActionsToolbar | |
Maven.NavigatorProjectMenu | |
Maven.OpenProfilesXml | |
Maven.OpenSettingsXml | |
Maven.RefactoringGroup | |
Maven.Reimport | |
Maven.ReimportProject | |
Maven.RemoveManagedFiles | |
Maven.RemoveRunConfiguration <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
Maven.RunBuild | |
Maven.RunConfigurationMenu | |
Maven.ShowBasicPhasesOnly | |
Maven.ShowEffectivePom | |
Maven.ShowIgnored | |
Maven.ShowSettings | |
Maven.ShowVersions | |
Maven.TasksGroup | |
Maven.ToggleOffline | |
Maven.ToggleProfile | |
Maven.ToggleSkipTests | |
Maven.Uml.Exclude <S-Del> | |
Maven.UpdateFolders | |
Maven.UpdateFoldersForProject | |
MaximizeToolWindow <M-S-Þ> | |
MemberPushDown | |
MembersPullUp | |
MethodDown <C-Down> | |
MethodDuplicates | |
MethodHierarchy <M-S-H> | |
MethodHierarchy.BaseOnThisType | |
MethodHierarchy.ImplementMethodAction <C-I> | |
MethodHierarchy.OverrideMethodAction <M-S-O> | |
MethodHierarchyPopupMenu | |
MethodUp <C-Up> | |
Migrate | |
MigrateCvsRoot | |
MinimizeCurrentWindow | |
ModuleSettings | |
Move <F6> | |
MoveAttributeInAction | |
MoveAttributeOutAction | |
MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup | |
MoveLineDown <A-S-Down> | |
MoveLineUp <A-S-Up> | |
MoveModuleToGroup | |
MoveStatementDown <M-S-Down> | |
MoveStatementUp <M-S-Up> | |
MoveTabDown <M-K> | |
MoveTabRight <M-K> | |
Mq.Patches.ContextMenu | |
Mq.Patches.Toolbar | |
Mvc.Actions | |
Mvc.Plugins | |
Mvc.RunTarget <M-A-G> | |
Mvc.Upgrade | |
MyEditorPopupMenu | |
NavbarPopupMenu | |
NavBarToolBar | |
NavBarToolBarOthers | |
NavBarVcsGroup | |
NewAction | |
NewAndroidAssetImage | |
NewApplicationComponent | |
NewCfmlFile | |
NewClass | |
NewCoffeeScriptFile | |
NewDialog | |
NewDir | |
NewElement <M-N> | |
NewElementInMenuGroup | |
NewElementSamePlace <A-C-N> | |
NewFile | |
NewForm | |
NewFormSnapshot | |
NewFromTemplate | |
NewGroup | |
NewGroup1 | |
NewGroupPersistence | |
NewGuiceBindingAnnotation | |
NewGuiceMethodInterceptor | |
NewGuiceModule | |
NewGuiceProvider | |
NewGuiceScopeAnnotation | |
NewHtmlFile | |
NewJavaDiagram | |
NewJavaScriptFile | |
NewModule | |
NewModuleComponent | |
NewModuleInGroup | |
NewModulesDiagram | |
NewPackageInfo | |
NewProject | |
NewProjectComponent | |
NewProjectFromVCS | |
NewProjectOrModuleGroup | |
NewPropertyAction | |
NewScratchFile <M-S-N> | |
NewStylesheetFile | |
NewTypeScriptFile | |
NewXml | |
NewXmlDescriptor | |
NextDiff <F7> <C-Down> | |
NextEditorTab <C-S-Right> | |
NextOccurence <M-A-Down> | |
NextParameter <Tab> | |
NextProjectWindow <M-À> | |
NextSplitter <A-Tab> | |
NextTab <M-S-]> <C-Right> | |
NextTemplateParameter <Tab> | |
NextTemplateVariable <Tab> <CR> | |
ObtainPermanentTicket | |
OnlineDocAction | |
openAssertEqualsDiff <M-D> | |
OpenEditorInOppositeTabGroup | |
OpenEjbERDiagramAction | |
OpenFile | |
OpenInBrowser | |
OpenInBrowserEditorContextBarGroupAction | |
OpenInBrowserGroup | |
OpenInSceneBuilder | |
OpenModuleSettings <M-Down> <F4> | |
OpenPersistenceERDiagramAction | |
OpenProjectGroup | |
OpenProjectWindows | |
OptimizeImports <A-C-O> | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.accessors.GroovyGenerateGetterAction | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.accessors.GroovyGenerateGetterSetterAction | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.accessors.GroovyGenerateSetterAction | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.constructors.GroovyGenerateConstructorAction | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.equals.GroovyGenerateEqualsAction | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.missing.GroovyGenerateMethodMissingAction | |
org.jetbrains.plugins.groovy.actions.generate.missing.GroovyGeneratePropertyMissingAction | |
osgi.bnd.reimport | |
osgi.bnd.reimport.all | |
osmorc.viewGeneratedManifests | |
OtherMenu | |
OverrideMethods <M-S-O> | |
PackageAIR | |
PackageFile <M-S-F9> | |
Pageflow.Designer | |
PairFileActions | |
ParameterInfo <M-P> | |
PasteMultiple <M-S-V> | |
Pause | |
Perforce.Force.Refresh | |
PerforceDirect.Edit <M-A-E> | |
PerforceDirect.Menu | |
PerforceEnableIntegration | |
PinActiveTab | |
PinToolwindowTab | |
PlaybackLastMacro | |
PlaySavedMacrosAction | |
PluginDeployActions | |
PopupHector <M-A-S-H> | |
PowerSaveGroup | |
PreviousDiff <S-F7> <C-Up> | |
PreviousEditorTab <C-S-Left> | |
PreviousOccurence <M-A-Up> | |
PreviousProjectWindow <M-S-À> | |
PreviousTab <M-S-[> <C-Left> | |
PreviousTemplateVariable <S-Tab> | |
PrevParameter <S-Tab> | |
PrevSplitter <A-S-Tab> | |
PrevTemplateParameter <S-Tab> | |
PrintExportGroup | |
ProductivityGude | |
ProfilingActions | |
ProjectViewAnalysisGroup | |
ProjectViewChangeView <A-F1> | |
ProjectViewCompileGroup | |
ProjectViewPopupMenu | |
ProjectViewPopupMenuModifyGroup | |
ProjectViewPopupMenuRefactoringGroup | |
ProjectViewPopupMenuRunGroup | |
ProjectViewPopupMenuSettingsGroup | |
PropertiesDiff | |
PropertyInspectorActions | |
PropertyInspectorActions.AddProperty <M-N> | |
PropertyInspectorActions.CommonActions | |
PropertyInspectorActions.EditValue <CR> | |
PropertyInspectorActions.RemoveProperty <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
PsiViewer | |
PsiViewerForContext | |
PublishGroup | |
PublishGroup.CompareLocalVsRemote | |
PublishGroup.Download | |
PublishGroup.SyncLocalVsRemote | |
PublishGroup.SyncLocalVsRemoteWith | |
PublishGroup.Upload | |
PublishGroup.UploadTo <M-A-S-X> | |
PublishGroupPopupMenu | |
QuickActions | |
QuickChangeScheme <C-À> | |
QuickDocCopy <M-C> | |
QuickEvaluateExpression <M-A-F8> button=1 clickCount=1 modifiers=512 | |
QuickImplementations <M-Y> | |
QuickJavaDoc <C-J> | |
QuickList.Deployment | |
QUnitGenerateNewTestAction | |
QUnitGenerateSetupAction | |
QUnitGenerateTearDownAction | |
RearrangeCode | |
RecentChangedFiles <M-S-E> | |
RecentChanges <A-S-C> | |
RecentFiles <M-E> | |
refactoring.extract.dependency <M-A-M> | |
refactoring.introduce.property <M-A-V> | |
RefactoringMenu | |
RefactoringMenu1 | |
RefactoringMenu2 | |
RefactoringMenu4 | |
Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction <C-T> | |
ReformatCode <M-A-L> <A-F> | |
Refresh <M-R> | |
Register | |
RegistrationActions | |
ReleasePermanentTicket | |
ReloadFromDisk | |
RemoteExternalToolsGroup | |
RemoteHost.NewGroup | |
RemoteHost.NewRemoteItem <M-N> | |
RemoteHostView.CopyPaths <M-S-C> | |
RemoteHostView.CreateFile | |
RemoteHostView.CreateFolder | |
RemoteHostView.EditRemoteFile | |
RemoteHostView.EditSource <M-Down> <F4> | |
RemoteHostView.Rename <S-F6> | |
RemoteHostView.SetPermissions | |
RemoteHostView.ToggleExclusion | |
RemoteHostViewPopupMenu | |
RemoteServers.ChooseServerDeployment | |
RemoteServers.ChooseServerDeploymentWithDebug | |
RemoteServers.ConnectServer | |
RemoteServers.DisconnectServer | |
RemoteServers.EditDeploymentConfig | |
RemoteServers.EditServerConfig | |
RemoteServersViewPopup | |
RemoteServersViewToolbar | |
RemoveFromFavorites <C-Del> | |
RemoveMiddleman | |
RenameAttributeAction | |
RenameElement <S-F6> | |
RenameFavoritesList <S-F6> | |
RenameFile | |
RenameTagAction | |
ReopenClosedTab <M-S-T> | |
Replace <M-R> | |
ReplaceAttributeWithTagAction | |
ReplaceConstructorWithBuilder | |
ReplaceConstructorWithFactory | |
ReplaceInPath <M-S-R> | |
ReplaceMethodWithMethodObject | |
ReplaceTagWithAttributeAction | |
ReplaceTempWithQuery | |
RepositoryChangesBrowserToolbar | |
Rerun <M-R> | |
RerunFailedTests | |
RerunTests <M-C-R> <A-S-R> | |
ResizeToolWindowDown <M-S-Down> | |
ResizeToolWindowGroup | |
ResizeToolWindowLeft <M-S-Left> | |
ResizeToolWindowRight <M-S-Right> | |
ResizeToolWindowUp <M-S-Up> | |
Resolve | |
ResolveAll | |
REST | |
RESTClient.RunRequest | |
RestoreDefaultLayout <S-F12> | |
Resume <M-A-R> | |
RevealIn | |
RevertUnchanged | |
RevisionGraph | |
Run <M-A-S-R> <A-R> | |
RunClass <C-S-R> | |
RunConfiguration | |
RunContextGroup | |
RunContextPopupGroup | |
RunCoverage | |
RunGc | |
RunInspection <M-A-S-I> | |
RunJsbtTask <A-F11> | |
RunMenu | |
Runner.CloseAllUnpinnedViews | |
Runner.CloseAllViews | |
Runner.CloseOtherViews | |
Runner.CloseView | |
Runner.Focus | |
Runner.FocusOnStartup | |
Runner.Layout | |
Runner.MinimizeView | |
Runner.RestoreLayout | |
Runner.View.Close.Group | |
Runner.View.Popup | |
Runner.View.Toolbar | |
RunnerActions | |
RunnerLayoutActions | |
RunTargetAction <M-S-F10> | |
RunToCursor <A-F9> | |
SafeDelete <M-Del> | |
SaveAll <M-S> | |
SaveAsNewFormat | |
SaveAsTemplate | |
SaveDocument | |
SaveFileAsTemplate | |
SaveProjectAsTemplateAction | |
ScopeView.EditScopes | |
ScopeViewPopupMenu | |
ScrollTreeToCenter | |
Seam.Create.Components.Xml | |
Seam.Create.Pageflow | |
Seam.Create.Pages.Xml | |
SearchEverywhere | |
SelectAllOccurrences <M-C-G> | |
SelectIn <A-F1> | |
SelectInRemoteHost | |
SelectNextOccurrence <M-D> | |
SendEOF <M-D> | |
SendFeedback | |
SendToFavoritesGroup | |
Servers.Deploy | |
Servers.DeployWithDebug | |
Servers.Undeploy | |
ServersToolWindowToolbar | |
SetJobsForChangeList | |
SeverityEditorDialog | |
Shelve.KeymapGroup | |
ShelveChanges.UnshelveWithDialog <M-S-U> | |
ShelvedChanges.DeleteDeleted | |
ShelvedChanges.Diff <M-D> | |
ShelvedChanges.ImportPatches | |
ShelvedChanges.Rename <S-F6> | |
ShelvedChanges.Restore | |
ShelvedChanges.ShowHideDeleted | |
ShelvedChanges.Unshelve | |
ShelvedChangesPopupMenu | |
ShelvedChangesToolbar | |
ShelvedChangesToolbarGear | |
Show.Current.Revision | |
ShowAppliedStylesAction | |
ShowBackwardPackageDeps | |
ShowBookmarks <M-F3> | |
ShowCdiDependenciesPopup | |
ShowColorPicker | |
ShowContent <C-Down> | |
ShowDependenciesOnTarget | |
ShowErrorDescription <M-F1> | |
ShowExecutionPoint <A-F10> | |
ShowFilePath <M-A-F12> | |
ShowIntentionActions <A-CR> <C-CR> | |
ShowJsbtTasks | |
ShowLog | |
ShowModulesDependencies | |
ShowNavBar <M-Up> <A-Home> | |
ShowPackageCycles | |
ShowPackageDeps | |
ShowPackageDepsGroup | |
ShowPopupMenu | |
ShowProcessWindow | |
ShowProjectStructureSettings <M-;> | |
ShowPropertiesDiffVsLocal | |
ShowRecentFindUsagesGroup | |
ShowReformatFileDialog | |
ShowRegistry | |
ShowSeamDependenciesGraph | |
ShowSettings <M-,> | |
ShowSettingsAndFindUsages <M-A-S-F7> | |
ShowSiblings | |
ShowTabsInSingleRow | |
ShowTips | |
ShowUmlDiagram <M-A-S-U> | |
ShowUmlDiagramPopup <M-A-U> | |
ShowUsages <M-A-F7> | |
SliceBackward | |
SliceForward | |
SmartStepInto <S-F7> | |
SmartTypeCompletion <C-S- > | |
SMTestRunnerStatistics | |
SMTestRunnerTestsTree | |
SplitHorizontally <M-K> | |
SplitVertically <M-K> | |
Spring.Beans.Generate.Action | |
Spring.Beans.Generate.Constructor.Dependency.Action | |
Spring.Beans.Generate.Setter.Dependency.Action | |
Spring.Beans.Generate.Testing.Dependency.Action | |
Spring.Create.Context.File | |
Spring.Patterns.ActionGroup | |
SpringGenerateGroup | |
Spy-js.AddLabel | |
Spy-js.CaptureOnlyEvent | |
Spy-js.CaptureOnlyFile | |
Spy-js.CaptureOnlyStackFile | |
Spy-js.CloseDocument | |
Spy-js.CloseTraceFiles | |
Spy-js.Context.Tree | |
Spy-js.Event.Tree | |
Spy-js.FileDependencyGraph.CommonLayoutGroup | |
Spy-js.FileDependencyGraph.Default | |
Spy-js.FileDependencyGraph.LocateEvent | |
Spy-js.FileDependencyGraph.SearchFunction | |
Spy-js.FileDependencyGraph.Tree | |
Spy-js.FindNextFunctionNextCallFromStack | |
Spy-js.FindNextFunctionPreviousCallFromStack | |
Spy-js.FindPrevFunctionNextCallFromStack | |
Spy-js.FindPreviousFunctionPreviousCallFromStack | |
Spy-js.FindThisFunctionNextCallFromStack | |
Spy-js.FindThisFunctionPreviousCallFromStack | |
Spy-js.GoToFirstFoundOccurence | |
Spy-js.GoToLastFoundOccurence | |
Spy-js.GoToNextFoundOccurence | |
Spy-js.GoToPreviousFoundOccurence | |
Spy-js.Graph.ExportToFile | |
Spy-js.Graph.Layout.Fit.Content | |
Spy-js.Graph.Preview | |
Spy-js.Graph.Print | |
Spy-js.Graph.Show.Edge.Labels | |
Spy-js.JumpToCaller | |
Spy-js.JumpToMappedTrace | |
Spy-js.JumpToPackageFile | |
Spy-js.JumpToSource | |
Spy-js.JumpToTrace | |
Spy-js.MuteEvent | |
Spy-js.MuteFile | |
Spy-js.MuteNodeModuleAction | |
Spy-js.MuteNodeModules | |
Spy-js.MuteStackFile | |
Spy-js.RefreshDocument | |
Spy-js.RemoveAndCloseTraceFiles | |
Spy-js.RemoveChildren | |
Spy-js.RemoveNode | |
Spy-js.SearchFunction | |
Spy-js.SearchFunctionFromStack | |
Spy-js.ShowAppDependencyGraph | |
Spy-js.ShowEventDependencyGraph | |
Spy-js.Stack.Toolbar | |
Spy-js.Stack.Tree | |
sql.ChangeDialectAction | |
SqlGenerateGroup | |
StandardMacroActions | |
Start.Use.Vcs | |
StartStopMacroRecording | |
StartupWizard | |
StepInto <F7> | |
StepOut <S-F8> | |
StepOver <F8> | |
Stop <M-F2> | |
StoreDefaultLayout | |
StructuralSearchActions | |
StructuralSearchPlugin.StructuralReplaceAction | |
StructuralSearchPlugin.StructuralSearchAction | |
StructureViewCompileGroup | |
StructureViewPopupMenu | |
Struts.Generate.Actions.Group | |
Struts2.Create.StrutsXml | |
Subversion.BrowseSVNRepository | |
Subversion.CleanupProject | |
Subversion.Clenaup | |
Subversion.CompareWithBranch | |
Subversion.Copy | |
Subversion.Create.External | |
Subversion.ImportToSVNRepository | |
Subversion.Lock | |
Subversion.MarkLocallyDeletedTreeResolved | |
Subversion.MarkResolved | |
Subversion.MarkTreeResolved | |
Subversion.MergeFrom | |
Subversion.Relocate | |
Subversion.Resolve | |
Subversion.SetProperty | |
Subversion.Share | |
Subversion.ShareWholeProject | |
Subversion.ShowProperties | |
Subversion.TogglePropertiesDiff | |
Subversion.Unlock | |
SubversionFilePopupGroup | |
SubversionGroup | |
SubversionUpdateActionGroup | |
SurroundWith <M-A-T> | |
SurroundWithEmmet | |
SurroundWithLiveTemplate <M-A-J> | |
SwitchApply <A-C-CR> | |
SwitchBootJdk | |
SwitchCoverage <M-A-F6> | |
SwitchDown <A-C-Down> | |
Switcher <C-Tab> <C-S-Tab> | |
SwitchLeft <A-C-Left> | |
SwitchRight <A-C-Right> | |
SwitchUp <A-C-Up> | |
SwitchViewActions | |
Synchronize <M-A-Y> | |
SynchronizeCurrentFile | |
TabList | |
TabsAlphabeticalMode | |
TabsPlacementBottom | |
TabsPlacementGroup | |
TabsPlacementLeft | |
TabsPlacementNone | |
TabsPlacementRight | |
TabsPlacementTop | |
TagDocumentationNavigation <M-S-D> | |
TalkToFdb.Flex.Debug | |
TapestryGroup | |
task.actions | |
tasks.analyze.stacktrace | |
tasks.and.contexts | |
tasks.close <A-S-W> | |
tasks.configure.servers | |
tasks.create.changelist | |
tasks.goto <A-S-N> | |
tasks.group | |
tasks.open.in.browser <A-S-B> | |
tasks.show.task.description | |
tasks.switch <A-S-T> | |
tasks.switch.toolbar <A-S-T> | |
tasks.toolbar.group | |
TechnicalSupport | |
TemplateParametersNavigation | |
TemplateProjectProperties <M-;> | |
TemplateProjectSettingsGroup | |
TemplateProjectStructure <A-;> | |
TestData.Navigate <M-C-Up> | |
Testing.SelectInTree | |
TestStatisticsTablePopupMenu | |
TestTreePopupMenu | |
TextComponent.ClearAction <Esc> | |
Tfs.Add | |
Tfs.Branch | |
Tfs.Checkout | |
TFS.CreateVirtualFolder | |
Tfs.ItemInfo | |
Tfs.Label | |
Tfs.Lock | |
TFS.ManageWorkspaces | |
Tfs.MergeChanges | |
TfsFilePopupGroup | |
TfsGlobalGroup | |
TfsGroup | |
TfsTreePopupMenu | |
TimeLapseView | |
ToggleBookmark <F3> | |
ToggleBookmark0 | |
ToggleBookmark1 | |
ToggleBookmark2 | |
ToggleBookmark3 | |
ToggleBookmark4 | |
ToggleBookmark5 | |
ToggleBookmark6 | |
ToggleBookmark7 | |
ToggleBookmark8 | |
ToggleBookmark9 | |
ToggleBookmarkWithMnemonic <A-F3> | |
ToggleBreakpointAction | |
ToggleBreakpointEnabled | |
ToggleContentUiTypeMode | |
ToggleDistractionFreeMode | |
ToggleDockMode | |
ToggleFieldBreakpoint | |
ToggleFloatingMode | |
ToggleFullScreen <M-C-F> | |
ToggleFullScreenGroup | |
ToggleLineBreakpoint <M-F8> | |
ToggleMethodBreakpoint | |
TogglePinnedMode | |
TogglePopupHints | |
TogglePowerSave | |
TogglePresentationMode | |
ToggleReadOnlyAttribute | |
ToggleSideMode | |
ToggleTemporaryLineBreakpoint <M-A-S-F8> | |
ToggleWindowedMode | |
ToolbarFindGroup | |
ToolbarMakeGroup | |
ToolbarRunGroup | |
ToolsBasicGroup | |
ToolsMenu | |
ToolsXmlGroup | |
ToolWindowsGroup | |
TurnRefsToSuper | |
TypeHierarchy | |
TypeHierarchy.BaseOnThisType | |
TypeHierarchy.Class | |
TypeHierarchy.Subtypes | |
TypeHierarchy.Supertypes | |
TypeHierarchyBase.BaseOnThisType | |
TypeHierarchyPopupMenu | |
UiDebugger | |
UIToggleActions | |
UML.ActualSize | |
Uml.Analyze | |
UML.ApplyCurrentLayout <F5> | |
Uml.CollapseNodes | |
UML.DefaultGraphPopup | |
UML.EditorGroup | |
Uml.ExpandNodes | |
UML.ExportToFile | |
UML.Find | |
UML.FitContent | |
UML.Group | |
UML.Group.Simple | |
Uml.NewElement | |
Uml.NewGroup | |
Uml.NodeCellEditorPopup | |
Uml.NodeIntentions | |
UML.PrintGraph | |
UML.PrintPreview | |
Uml.PsiElement.Actions | |
Uml.Refactoring | |
UML.SaveDiagram | |
UML.ShowChanges <M-A-S-D> | |
Uml.ShowDiff | |
UML.ShowStructure | |
Uml.Standard.Toolbar.Actions | |
UML.ZoomIn | |
UML.ZoomOut | |
UnmarkGeneratedSourceRoot | |
UnmarkRoot | |
Unscramble | |
UnselectPreviousOccurrence <C-S-G> | |
Unsplit <M-K> | |
UnsplitAll <M-K> | |
Unversioned.Files.Dialog | |
Unwrap <M-S-Del> | |
UnwrapTagAction | |
UpdateActionGroup | |
UpdateCopyright | |
UpdateFiles | |
UsageView.Exclude <Del> <BS> <M-BS> | |
UsageView.Include <S-BS> | |
UsageView.Popup | |
UsageView.Rerun <M-R> | |
UsageView.ShowRecentFindUsages <M-E> | |
vaadin.CreateCustomComponent | |
vaadin.CreateWidget | |
ValidateJsp | |
ValidateXml | |
Vcs.Browse | |
Vcs.ChangesView | |
Vcs.CheckCommitMessageSpelling | |
Vcs.CheckinProjectPopup | |
Vcs.CheckinProjectToolbar | |
Vcs.Checkout | |
Vcs.CherryPick | |
Vcs.CopyRevisionNumberAction | |
Vcs.History | |
Vcs.Import | |
Vcs.IntegrateProject | |
Vcs.KeymapGroup | |
Vcs.Log.ContextMenu | |
Vcs.Log.CreatePatch | |
Vcs.Log.GoToRef <M-F> | |
Vcs.Log.IntelliSortChooser | |
Vcs.Log.QuickSettings | |
Vcs.Log.Toolbar | |
Vcs.MessageActionGroup | |
Vcs.Push <M-S-K> <C-G> | |
Vcs.QuickListPopupAction <C-V> | |
Vcs.RefreshStatuses | |
Vcs.RollbackChangedLines <M-A-Z> | |
Vcs.ShowDiffWithLocal | |
Vcs.ShowHistoryForBlock | |
Vcs.ShowMessageHistory <M-E> | |
Vcs.ShowTabbedFileHistory | |
Vcs.Specific | |
Vcs.UpdateProject <M-T> | |
VcsFileGroupPopup | |
VcsGeneral.KeymapGroup | |
VcsGlobalGroup | |
VcsGroup | |
VcsGroups | |
VcsHistory.ShowAllAffected <M-C-A> | |
VcsHistoryActionsGroup | |
VcsNavBarToobarActions | |
VcsShowCurrentChangeMarker | |
VcsShowNextChangeMarker <A-C-S-Down> | |
VcsShowPrevChangeMarker <A-C-S-Up> | |
VcsToobarActions | |
VersionControlsGroup | |
ViewBreakpoints <M-S-F8> | |
ViewImportPopups | |
ViewMenu | |
ViewNavigationBar | |
ViewOfflineInspection | |
ViewRecentActions | |
ViewSource <M-CR> | |
ViewStatusBar | |
ViewToolBar | |
ViewToolButtons | |
VimAutoIndentLines | |
VimAutoIndentVisual | |
VimBack | |
VimCancelExEntry | |
VimChangeCaseLowerMotion | |
VimChangeCaseLowerVisual | |
VimChangeCaseToggleCharacter | |
VimChangeCaseToggleMotion | |
VimChangeCaseToggleVisual | |
VimChangeCaseUpperMotion | |
VimChangeCaseUpperVisual | |
VimChangeCharacter | |
VimChangeCharacters | |
VimChangeEndOfLine | |
VimChangeLine | |
VimChangeMotion | |
VimChangeNumberDec | |
VimChangeNumberInc | |
VimChangeReplace | |
VimChangeVisual | |
VimChangeVisualCharacter | |
VimChangeVisualLines | |
VimChangeVisualLinesEnd | |
VimCopyPutTextAfterCursor | |
VimCopyPutTextAfterCursorMoveCursor | |
VimCopyPutTextAfterCursorNoIndent | |
VimCopyPutTextBeforeCursor | |
VimCopyPutTextBeforeCursorMoveCursor | |
VimCopyPutTextBeforeCursorNoIndent | |
VimCopySelectRegister | |
VimCopyYankLine | |
VimCopyYankMotion | |
VimCopyYankVisual | |
VimCopyYankVisualLines | |
VimDeleteCharacter | |
VimDeleteCharacterLeft | |
VimDeleteCharacterRight | |
VimDeleteEndOfLine | |
VimDeleteJoinLines | |
VimDeleteJoinLinesSpaces | |
VimDeleteJoinVisualLines | |
VimDeleteJoinVisualLinesSpaces | |
VimDeleteLine | |
VimDeleteMotion | |
VimDeleteVisual | |
VimDeleteVisualLines | |
VimDeleteVisualLinesEnd | |
VimExBackspace | |
VimExEntry | |
VimFileGetAscii | |
VimFileGetFileInfo | |
VimFileGetHex | |
VimFileGetLocationInfo | |
VimFilePrevious | |
VimFileSaveClose | |
VimFilterCountLines | |
VimFilterMotion | |
VimFilterVisualLines | |
VimForward | |
VimGotoDeclaration | |
VimInsertAfterCursor | |
VimInsertAfterLineEnd | |
VimInsertAtPreviousInsert | |
VimInsertBeforeCursor | |
VimInsertBeforeFirstNonBlank | |
VimInsertCharacterAboveCursor | |
VimInsertCharacterBelowCursor | |
VimInsertDeleteInsertedText | |
VimInsertDeletePreviousWord | |
VimInsertEnter | |
VimInsertExitMode | |
VimInsertLineStart | |
VimInsertNewLineAbove | |
VimInsertNewLineBelow | |
VimInsertPreviousInsert | |
VimInsertPreviousInsertExit | |
VimInsertRegister | |
VimInsertReplaceToggle | |
VimInsertSingleCommand | |
VimLastGlobalSearchReplace | |
VimLastSearchReplace | |
VimMotionBigWordEndLeft | |
VimMotionBigWordEndRight | |
VimMotionBigWordLeft | |
VimMotionBigWordRight | |
VimMotionCamelEndLeft | |
VimMotionCamelEndRight | |
VimMotionCamelLeft | |
VimMotionCamelRight | |
VimMotionColumn | |
VimMotionDown | |
VimMotionDownFirstNonSpace | |
VimMotionDownLess1FirstNonSpace | |
VimMotionFirstColumn | |
VimMotionFirstNonSpace | |
VimMotionFirstScreenColumn | |
VimMotionFirstScreenLine | |
VimMotionFirstScreenNonSpace | |
VimMotionGotoFileMark | |
VimMotionGotoFileMarkLine | |
VimMotionGotoLineFirst | |
VimMotionGotoLineLast | |
VimMotionGotoLineLastEnd | |
VimMotionGotoMark | |
VimMotionGotoMarkLine | |
VimMotionInnerBlockAngle | |
VimMotionInnerBlockBackQuote | |
VimMotionInnerBlockBrace | |
VimMotionInnerBlockBracket | |
VimMotionInnerBlockDoubleQuote | |
VimMotionInnerBlockParen | |
VimMotionInnerBlockSingleQuote | |
VimMotionInnerParagraph | |
VimMotionInnerSentence | |
VimMotionJumpNext | |
VimMotionJumpPrevious | |
VimMotionLastColumn | |
VimMotionLastMatchChar | |
VimMotionLastMatchCharReverse | |
VimMotionLastNonSpace | |
VimMotionLastScreenColumn | |
VimMotionLastScreenLine | |
VimMotionLeft | |
VimMotionLeftMatchChar | |
VimMotionLeftTillMatchChar | |
VimMotionLeftWrap | |
VimMotionMark | |
VimMotionMethodBackwardEnd | |
VimMotionMethodBackwardStart | |
VimMotionMethodForwardEnd | |
VimMotionMethodForwardStart | |
VimMotionMiddleColumn | |
VimMotionMiddleScreenLine | |
VimMotionNextTab | |
VimMotionNthCharacter | |
VimMotionOuterBlockAngle | |
VimMotionOuterBlockBackQuote | |
VimMotionOuterBlockBrace | |
VimMotionOuterBlockBracket | |
VimMotionOuterBlockDoubleQuote | |
VimMotionOuterBlockParen | |
VimMotionOuterBlockSingleQuote | |
VimMotionOuterParagraph | |
VimMotionOuterSentence | |
VimMotionParagraphNext | |
VimMotionParagraphPrevious | |
VimMotionPercentOrMatch | |
VimMotionPreviousTab | |
VimMotionRight | |
VimMotionRightMatchChar | |
VimMotionRightTillMatchChar | |
VimMotionRightWrap | |
VimMotionScrollColumnLeft | |
VimMotionScrollColumnRight | |
VimMotionScrollFirstScreenColumn | |
VimMotionScrollFirstScreenLine | |
VimMotionScrollFirstScreenLinePageStart | |
VimMotionScrollFirstScreenLineStart | |
VimMotionScrollHalfPageDown | |
VimMotionScrollHalfPageUp | |
VimMotionScrollLastScreenColumn | |
VimMotionScrollLastScreenLine | |
VimMotionScrollLastScreenLinePageStart | |
VimMotionScrollLastScreenLineStart | |
VimMotionScrollLineDown | |
VimMotionScrollLineUp | |
VimMotionScrollMiddleScreenLine | |
VimMotionScrollMiddleScreenLineStart | |
VimMotionScrollPageDown | |
VimMotionScrollPageUp | |
VimMotionSectionBackwardEnd | |
VimMotionSectionBackwardStart | |
VimMotionSectionForwardEnd | |
VimMotionSectionForwardStart | |
VimMotionSentenceEndNext | |
VimMotionSentenceEndPrevious | |
VimMotionSentenceStartNext | |
VimMotionSentenceStartPrevious | |
VimMotionTextInnerBigWord | |
VimMotionTextInnerWord | |
VimMotionTextOuterBigWord | |
VimMotionTextOuterWord | |
VimMotionUnmatchedBraceClose | |
VimMotionUnmatchedBraceOpen | |
VimMotionUnmatchedParenClose | |
VimMotionUnmatchedParenOpen | |
VimMotionUp | |
VimMotionUpFirstNonSpace | |
VimMotionWordEndLeft | |
VimMotionWordEndRight | |
VimMotionWordLeft | |
VimMotionWordRight | |
VimPlaybackLastRegister | |
VimPlaybackRegister | |
VimPluginToggle <M-A-V> | |
VimProcessExEntry | |
VimProcessExKey | |
VimRedo | |
VimReformatVisual | |
VimRepeatChange | |
VimRepeatExCommand | |
VimResetMode | |
VimSearchAgainNext | |
VimSearchAgainPrevious | |
VimSearchFwdEntry | |
VimSearchRevEntry | |
VimSearchWholeWordBackward | |
VimSearchWholeWordForward | |
VimSearchWordBackward | |
VimSearchWordForward | |
VimShiftLeftLines | |
VimShiftLeftMotion | |
VimShiftLeftVisual | |
VimShiftRightLines | |
VimShiftRightMotion | |
VimShiftRightVisual | |
VimShortcutKeyAction <Del> <C-Ȁ> <C-U> <S-à> <C-V> <S-á> <C-A> <S-â> <BS> <C-Ȃ> <C-B> <C-W> <S-ã> <CR> <C-X> <Tab> <C-C> <C-S-2> <S-Left> <ᅨ> <C-D> <C-Y> <S-Up> <S-Right> <C-E> <S-Down> <C-F> <C-[> <S-Tab> <C-\> <C-2> <C-G> <C-H> <C-]> <Esc> <Ins> <C-S-6> <C-I> <à> <â> <C-à> <Pagedown> <á> <Pageup> <Home> <End> <ã> <Up> <Left> <C-á> <Down> <C-â> <Right> <C-M> <C-N> <C-End> <C-ã> <C-Home> <C-O> <C-P> <C-Left> <C-Up> <C-Q> <C-R> <C-Right> <C-Down> <C-S> <C-T> | |
VimToggleRecording | |
VimUndo | |
VimVisualBlockAppend | |
VimVisualBlockInsert | |
VimVisualExitMode | |
VimVisualPutText | |
VimVisualPutTextMoveCursor | |
VimVisualPutTextNoIndent | |
VimVisualSelectPrevious | |
VimVisualSwapEnds | |
VimVisualSwapEndsBlock | |
VimVisualSwapSelections | |
VimVisualToggleBlockMode | |
VimVisualToggleCharacterMode | |
VimVisualToggleLineMode | |
VimWindowClose | |
VimWindowDown | |
VimWindowLeft | |
VimWindowNext | |
VimWindowOnly | |
VimWindowPrev | |
VimWindowRight | |
VimWindowSplitHorizontal | |
VimWindowSplitVertical | |
VimWindowUp | |
VisualizeSourceMap | |
WD.UploadCurrentRemoteFileAction <A-S-Q> | |
WebDeployment.BrowseServers | |
WebDeployment.Configuration | |
WebDeployment.Options | |
WebDeployment.ToggleAutoUpload | |
Webflow.Create.Context.File | |
WebOpenInAction <A-F2> | |
WebResourcesGroup | |
WebServicesActions | |
WebServicesPlugin.CreateRESTClient | |
WebServicesPlugin.CreateRestfulWebService | |
WebServicesPlugin.CreateRestfulWebServiceClient | |
WebServicesPlugin.CreateWebService | |
WebServicesPlugin.CreateWebServiceClient | |
WebServicesPlugin.GenerateJavaFromJAXBSchemas | |
WebServicesPlugin.GenerateJavaFromWsdl | |
WebServicesPlugin.GenerateJavaFromXmlBeansSchemas | |
WebServicesPlugin.GenerateJAXBSchemasFromJava | |
WebServicesPlugin.GenerateWsdlFromJava | |
WebServicesPlugin.MonitorSoapMessages | |
WebServicesPlugin.ShowDeployedWebServices | |
WeighingNewGroup | |
WelcomeScreen.ChangeProjectIcon | |
WelcomeScreen.Configure | |
WelcomeScreen.Configure.DesktopEntry | |
WelcomeScreen.Configure.Export | |
WelcomeScreen.Configure.IDEA | |
WelcomeScreen.Configure.Import | |
WelcomeScreen.CreateNewProject | |
WelcomeScreen.CreateWebProject | |
WelcomeScreen.DevelopPlugins | |
WelcomeScreen.Documentation | |
WelcomeScreen.Documentation.IDEA | |
WelcomeScreen.EditGroup | |
WelcomeScreen.GetFromVcs | |
WelcomeScreen.ImportProject | |
WelcomeScreen.MoveToGroup | |
WelcomeScreen.NewGroup | |
WelcomeScreen.OpenProject | |
WelcomeScreen.OpenSelected | |
WelcomeScreen.Plugins | |
WelcomeScreen.QuickStart | |
WelcomeScreen.QuickStart.IDEA | |
WelcomeScreen.Register | |
WelcomeScreen.RemoveSelected | |
WelcomeScreen.Settings | |
WelcomeScreen.Update | |
WelcomeScreenRecentProjectActionGroup | |
WhatsNewAction | |
WindowMenu | |
working.context | |
WrapReturnValue | |
WrapTagAction | |
WrapTagContentsAction | |
XDebugger.Actions | |
XDebugger.CompareValueWithClipboard | |
XDebugger.CopyName | |
XDebugger.CopyValue | |
XDebugger.CopyWatch | |
XDebugger.EditWatch | |
XDebugger.Evaluation.Dialog.Tree.Popup | |
XDebugger.Frames.TopToolbar | |
XDebugger.Frames.Tree.Popup | |
XDebugger.Inline | |
XDebugger.Inspect | |
XDebugger.Inspect.Tree.Popup | |
XDebugger.JumpToSource | |
XDebugger.JumpToTypeSource | |
XDebugger.MuteBreakpoints | |
XDebugger.NewWatch | |
XDebugger.RemoveAllWatches | |
XDebugger.RemoveWatch | |
XDebugger.Settings | |
XDebugger.SetValue | |
XDebugger.ToggleSortValues | |
XDebugger.ToolWindow.LeftToolbar | |
XDebugger.ToolWindow.TopToolbar | |
XDebugger.UnmuteOnStop | |
XDebugger.ValueGroup | |
XDebugger.ValueGroup.CopyJson | |
XDebugger.Variables.Tree.Popup | |
XDebugger.Variables.Tree.Toolbar | |
XDebugger.Watches.Tree.Popup | |
XDebugger.Watches.Tree.Toolbar | |
XmlBeans | |
XmlGenerateToolsGroup | |
XMLRefactoringMenu | |
XPathView.Actions.Evaluate <M-A-X> | |
XPathView.Actions.FindByExpression <M-A-X> | |
XPathView.Actions.ShowPath <M-A-X> | |
XPathView.EditorPopup | |
XPathView.MainMenu.Search | |
XPathView.XSLT.Associations | |
XSD2Document | |
ZoomCurrentWindow <M-C-=> |
This is super helpful!!
Thanks alot
thanks for compiling this list. I was able to map to GotoFile and gh to ShowErrorDescription 👍
saw the VimUndo action here, but it doesn’t seem to be in IntelliJ’s :actionlist
IntelliJ style undo is really bugging me so much that I can’t stand it…
You can search for an action using actionlist <search-term>
You can search for an action using
actionlist <search-term>
@artronics, thank you 🙏
Thank you for publishing the list. I was also wondering how did you redirect the output of :actionlist command to like a text file? I would like to be able to generate my own actionlist myself as I want to know the actions for other plugins I may use.
EDIT: Nevermind. I didn't realize I can just use my mouse or normal keyboard keys (Cmd + A to select everything and copy) while the popup window is active
Note that you can use the "Track Action IDs" action to display a notification of any action that's activated, either by mouse click or shortcut.

Once active, you get a notification like this:

And then you can use that in a mapping:
nmap <leader>c <Action>(ActivateCommitToolWindow)
Note that the <Action>(…)
syntax is preferable to the :action …<CR>
syntax, as it provides better context to the action, and is more likely to work. Also note that this syntax does not support noremap
variants, but must use map
, nmap
, etc. This is because the <Action>(…)
text is itself mapped to the code that will invoke the appropriate action (this mirrors the <Plug>(…)
syntax used by plugins to allow mapping different key sequences to plugin functionality).
If you hover over the tab, you should see a shortcut. If you have the track action IDs action enabled, hit the shortcut and it should pop up with the name of the action.
If you hover over the tab, you should see a shortcut. If you have the track action IDs action enabled, hit the shortcut and it should pop up with the name of the action.
Unfortunately it doesn't work for "Git" option.
If you find, I would be thankful to you.
Ah, my mistake, sorry. Should have looked deeper into this. Unfortunately, the tabs in the Search Everywhere window are not defined as actions - a tab is a filter on the results. And then additional actions have been created to show those tabs. Unfortunately, there is no action for the Git tab, so it's not possible to use an IdeaVim mapping to show this. The best you can do is invoke the default Search Everywhere (Shift+Shift) and hit Tab a few times.
How do I map this to Ctrl J / Ctrl K for moving up and down between code selection? Couldn't find any Action Ids for this one
This can be done in the default settings (outside your rc file). Go to settings > Keymap. Other > List Actions > Select Next Row. Add shortcut there.
More generally, it is also possible to map Up/Down/Left/Right to Ctrl-[hjkl]. In Keymap: Editor Actions > Down. Using this, you can use Ctrl j/k to walk trough other lists as well. Like for instance the project explorer or a search menu.
@Morss Thanks, that was helpful. Now I can do it on my whole IDE. But there's this one problem.
Ctrl + J works on insert mode.
But sadly Ctrl + K doesn't, I don't know how to find this keymap that will disable or override it. Tried overriding this with remapping in ideavimrc, but no effect whatsoever.
@popeyelau how to use the command :actionlist
for displaying al the commands? In my IDE I can switch to command mode by pressing /
and then if I type :actionlist
nothing happens. How did you do that?
puts you in to search mode, so that will try to search for the text :actionlist
. Type :
to enter Command-line mode, then type actionlist
. So, from Normal mode, you just type :actionlist
and hit return.
@citizenmatt thanks :)
@citizenmatt do you have a strategy/recommendation on how to find the right action from the :actionlist?
@citizenmatt do you have a strategy/recommendation on how to find the right action from the :actionlist?
see comment of @citizenmatt https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/VIM-3499/Track-Action-IDs-option-cant-find-action-id-for-NextTab-PreviousTab-actions
As the linked issue above indicates, there are some actions that can't currently be shown in the "track action IDs" notifications. This is because they are locally implemented instances of the global action - e.g. NextTab
has a different implementation for editor tabs and tool window tabs. The forthcoming 2.15.0 release, and related EAP builds, will add a heuristic to try and identify these local action copies based on the keyboard shortcuts. It's possible that multiple actions are registered to the same shortcuts, but in these cases, they're usually active in different contexts and therefore are easy for you to distinguish based on the displayed action ID.
So hopefully, "track action IDs" is the best way to find an action ID. If this still isn't showing an action ID, the :actionlist
can be used to show a subset of actions by adding relevant words, such as :actionlist next
or :actionlist tab
. This will return all matching action IDs, and it should be fairly straightforward to recognise a number of candidates to try.
Try this in your .ideavimrc file:
inoremap <c-k> <Up>
inoremap <c-j> <Down>
@raihanadf Try this in your .ideavimrc file:
inoremap <c-k> <Up> inoremap <c-j> <Down>
Thanks man, this does work.
Thanks for managing this gist.
It seems lot has changed lately. I don't know how to make pr for gist. Here is actionlist for the latest version of ideavim.
All Vim* stuffs are removed, for example, I had to replace it to
nnoremap <C-h> :action VimWindowLeft<cr>
tonnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h