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Created October 9, 2018 09:14
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  • Save zcorpan/1a5d0dc3279a3495e14f53f2b16fa1e4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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httparchive analysis of -moz-appearance values
num moz_appearance
525220 none
40548 textfield
15188 none !important
9261 checkbox
8200 normal
7668 button
6794 searchfield
3267 none!important
2597 radio
1671 radio-container
1592 menulist
1552 window
1510 checkbox !important
1260 menulist-text
1102 value
990 menulist!important
743 caret
689 push-button!important
581 textfield-multiline
474 checkbox!important
387 menulist-button
372 inherit
288 textfield!important
286 none
268 initial
212 menulist !important
166 textfield !important
151 textfield
125 listbox
117 textarea
115 normal!important
97 tabpanels
66 none
56 unset
45 toolbargripper !important
38 slider-vertical
32 radio!important
30 checkbox-container
25 menu-item
24 normal !important
23 number-input
22 radio !important
22 menulist-textfield
20 button-arrow-down
17 hidden
15 inherit !important
15 tooltip
14 -moz-win-borderless-glass
14 textfield
14 listitem
13 auto
13 caret
13 treeitem
12 treeview
12 scrollbartrack-vertical
11 window !important
11 toolbarbutton
10 none
9 menu
9 none !important
9 push-button
9 toolbox
8 button-bevel
8 auto!important
8 none
8 button !important
7 #fff
7 button!important
7 initial !important
7 0
7 groupbox
7 menu-item!important
7 block
6 button
6 none doesn't remove the dropdown arrow in select tag"
6 menulist-button!important
6 menubar
6 meterbar
5 none
4 -moz-gtk-info-bar
4 meterbar){.themeteaser.span12{margin-left:1.5em
4 menulist-button !important
4 select
4 searchfield-cancel-button
4 slider-horizontal
4 %20none
4 input
4 window
4 splitter
4 icon
4 list-menu
4 -moz-mac-vibrancy-dark
4 tabpanel
4 !important
3 meterchunk
3 menulist
3 default-button
3 menulist-textfield !important
3 text
3 none
3 @argument
3 tab-scroll-arrow-back
3 menuitem
3 separator
3 $value
3 "none"
3 menuimage
2 field
2 none
2 treeheader
2 none
2 none appearance: none
2 none !important
2 :none
2 "normal"
2 none !important
2 menulist !important
2 select !important
2 inherit!important
2 dualbutton
2 arrow!important
2 pop-up-menu
2 content-box
2 border-box
2 @arguments
2 none background-color: #fff
2 dialog
2 meter
2 caret appearance: caret
2 caret
2 caret*/
2 -moz-mac-unified-toolbar
2 none !important
2 statusbar
2 list-item
2 menuarrow !important
2 brightness(1) contrast(1.1) grayscale(0.7) invert(0.1) saturate(1.1)
2 checkbox
2 none","buttonreset::-moz-focus-inner":"border:0
2 menupopup
2 -moz-win-borderless-glass !important
2 textfield,\n outline: none
2 button-focus
2 number-input!important
2 mome
2 textfield
2 textfield\r\n
2 spinner !important
2 block !important
2 none !important
2 window!important
2 listbox !important
2 tab
2 textfield"),r=document.createelement("span"),document.body.appendchild(r),n[t].parentelement.replacechild(r,n[t]),"relative",r.appendchild(n[t]),[t].offsetwidth+"px",[t].offsetheight+"px",i=document.createelement("input"),i.setattribute("type","range"),r.appendchild(i),""!=n[t].getattribute("disabled")&&1!=n[t].getattribute("disabled")||i.setattribute("disabled",!0),i.setattribute("step",n[t].getattribute("step")),i.value=n[t].value,i.min=n[t].min,i.max=n[t].max,u=n[t].currentstyle||window.getcomputedstyle(n[t]),"absolute","50%",,"px",,"1px solid transparent",,"e-resize",[t].offsetwidth+"px",[t].offsetheight+"px",function(t){i.addeventlistener("input",function(){n[t].value=this.value
1 checkbox-label
1 toolbarbutton-dropdown
1 menulist-text !important
1 scalethumbend
1 menu !important
1 field!important
1 menu-item !important
1 auto !important
1 nne
1 toolbargripper
1 none!important
1 checkbox-small
1 textfield
1 treeheadercell
1 x !important
1 button-arrow-down button-bevel
1 none!important
1 black !important
1 2
1 menu-select
1 none /* this is not supported currently */
1 none /* this is not supported currently */
1 mone
1 'menulist'
1 1px solid #bcbcbc
1 none
1 treeheadersortarrow
1 default !important
1 button ! important
1 moz_appearance
1 number
1 textarea !important
1 inner-spin-button
1 initial!important
1 inherit !important\9
1 listitem
1 dialog !important
1 none important
1 unset !important
1 textfield !important
1 background-color:#fff
1 caret !important
1 textfeald
1 text-field
1 textfield
1 button-arrow-down !important
1 textfield\n
1 disc
1 important
1 textarea!important
1 none 0 none
1 window !important
1 -moz-mac-disclosure-button-closed!important
1 all 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)
1 -moz-none
1 windows
1 spinner
1 none-
1 ms-transition: @property unit( @duration, ms ) @tween
1 none /* mobile firefox too! */
1 none box-sizing: border-box
1 none) { body .hucontent { display: block
1 none appearance: none
1 tabpanels !important
1 none ! important
1 toolbarbutton-dropdown!important
1 none) and (display: contents) { #hero .hero-row { padding-bottom: 160px
1 none) and (display:contents){.sixes-3epak:not(.nogutters-1pkus) ul>*{margin-bottom:.5rem
1 meterbar) and (background-blend-mode:difference,normal){html,body{margin:30px 0 !important
1 none */
1 none ) * @supports ( mask-type: alpha ) is firefox 35+ */ /* show custom arrow */ .custom-select::after { display: block
1 toolbar
1 -webkit-
1 none\n
1 tab-scroll-arrow-forward
1 123
1 3px
1 : none
1 100%
1 none"
1 @value
1 checkbox
1 menulist
1 menulist
1 listmenu
1 scrollbar-vertical
1 inharit
1 default
1 static
1 search
1 spinner-downbutton
1 scalethumb-vertical
1 appearance:button
1 treeline
1 button
1 none!important
1 'none'
1 -checkbox-container
1 checkbox ! important
1 searchfield!important
1 number-input !important
1 caret
1 carat
1 radio-container !important
1 -moz-gtk-info-bar !important
1 show
1 none -webkit-appearance: none
1 white
1 \r\nnone
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