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httparchive analysis of -moz-appearance and -webkit-appearance with different values (-moz-appearance first in `values`)
num values
2137 none; button
1935 textfield; none
1346 radio-container; none
1316 window; none
1250 menulist-text; none
1043 value; none
571 textfield-multiline; textarea
495 normal; radio
492 none; none !important
465 normal; none
450 none; none!important
355 button; none
341 none; none
317 radio-container; button
221 none; none
217 caret; none
206 none ; none
123 none !important; none
91 none; inherit
77 textfield!important; none!important
69 listbox; menulist-button
65 none!important; none
64 textfield !important; none !important
45 toolbargripper !important; none !important
43 menulist; menulist-button
39 none; textfield
30 none; none /* chrome 45+ */
29 initial; none
26 checkbox-container; none
26 checkbox; none
26 none; textarea
25 inherit; listbox
20 none; initial
18 button; push-button
18 none ; none
17 inherit; none
17 menulist-button; inherit
14 textfield!important; none
14 textfield; initial
13 hidden; none
13 none; menulist-button
12 caret ; caret
11 none; menulist
10 none; push-button
10 window !important; none !important
10 none; listbox
9 -moz-win-borderless-glass; none
9 button; button
9 menulist; none
9 caret; input
9 button-arrow-down; menulist-button
8 none ; none
7 menulist-textfield; none
7 treeitem; none
6 menu-item; none
6 textfield; none !important
6 listbox; none
6 menulist-textfield; menulist-button
6 toolbox; none
5 treeview; none
5 none ; none
5 button ; button
5 radio; none
4 textfield; none!important
4 none ; none
4 groupbox; none
4 -moz-mac-vibrancy-dark; initial
4 menulist-button; menulist-button
4 none; unset
4 textfield ; textfield
4 none !important; textfield
3 none !important; none
3 none !important; none !important
3 none!important; none !important
3 none; none
3 window; normal
3 menulist; window
3 none; checkbox
3 menuitem; none
3 meterbar; none
3 0; none
3 window ; none
3 textfield !important; none
2 none; unset!important
2 number-input; none
2 none ; none
2 none !important; none !important
2 none ; none
2 none !important; textfield !important
2 normal !important; none !important
2 none appearance: none ; none
2 treeheader; none
2 button-bevel; button
2 textarea; textearea
2 none; none !important
2 caret; inherit
2 statusbar; none
2 none; none
2 textfield ; none
2 none ; initial
2 none !important; menulist
2 none; none
2 dualbutton; menulist-button
2 menubar; none
2 window; none !important
2 button; checkbox
2 none; listitem
2 none background-color: #fff; none
2 -moz-mac-unified-toolbar; none
2 select; none
2 mome; none
2 none; pop-up-menu
2 textfield; textfield
2 none; caret
2 list-item; none
2 none !important; none !important
2 :none; none
2 caret*/ ; caret
2 caret ; caret
2 caret appearance: caret; caret
2 none !important; none !important
2 checkbox; checkbox !important
2 textfield; none
2 window; textfield
2 textfield; none
2 menulist !important; menulist !important
2 unset; none
1 none; #999
1 none; none .review-search select,#channels-search select,#pricingselect select
1 none /* this is not supported currently */; none /* this is required for webkit browsers */
1 none!important ; none!important
1 checkbox; none!important
1 none; none-ms-appearance:none
1 none; none
1 none !important; none!important
1 none; none /* this is required for webkit browsers */
1 select; none!important
1 window!important; none!important
1 listitem; menulist-button
1 none /* this is not supported currently */ ; none /* this is required for webkit browsers */
1 none; none /* chrome 45+ */ padding: 0 10px
1 textfield; textfield
1 textfield !important ; textfield !important
1 none; checkbox !important
1 none; menulist-textfield
1 treeheadersortarrow; menulist-textfield
1 menu-item!important; menuitem!important
1 moz_appearance; webkit_appearance
1 initial; listbox!important
1 caret; none) { input[type='text'], input[type='password'] { -webkit-appearance: caret
1 caret; initial!important
1 inherit !important; inerit !important
1 menu-item; menu-item!important
1 button !important; menulist !important
1 none!important; textfield!important
1 textfield !important; textfield!important
1 none; none ! important
1 none; none chrome 45+ */
1 none !important; menulist-button
1 none!important; button!important
1 button-arrow-down !important; none !important
1 important; none !important
1 none; none /* chrome 45+ */
1 value; none !important
1 none; none /* webkit fix */
1 none; none/* chrome 45+ */
1 none important; none !important
1 none; default-button!important
1 button; media-controls-background
1 menulist; menulist-button !important
1 separator; none !important
1 menu-item !important; menulist-button !important
1 menulist !important; menulist-button !important
1 toolbarbutton-dropdown; menulist-button
1 -moz-none; none
1 tabpanels !important; none
1 none appearance: none; none
1 none box-sizing: border-box; none
1 none /* mobile firefox too! */; none
1 none-; none
1 spinner; none
1 windows; none
1 listitem; none
1 splitter; none
1 none !important ; none
1 none !important ; none
1 window !important; none
1 \r\nnone; none
1 white; none
1 button-bevel; none
1 inherit !important; none
1 caret ; caret
1 window; caret
1 toolbar; none
1 none; auto
1 none; icon
1 mone; none
1 field; none
1 none"; none
1 : none; none
1 caret ; none
1 none\n; none
1 button ; none
1 button; caret
1 none */ ; none
1 textarea; none
1 menupopup; none
1 !important; none
1 meterchunk; none
1 none 0 none; none
1 menulist-button; none
1 none ! important; none
1 menulist !important; menulist
1 inherit; checkbox
1 checkbox ; checkbox
1 menu; menulist
1 button-arrow-down; menulist
1 menulist-textfield; menulist
1 menulist ; menulist
1 caret; menulist
1 menubar; menulist
1 menulist ; menulist
1 button; button:
1 textfield; textarea
1 checkbox; checkbox
1 menulist; textfield
1 textarea; textfield
1 textfield-multiline; textfield
1 button !important; push-button
1 button; button-bevel
1 button-arrow-down button-bevel; button-bevel
1 scalethumb-vertical; button
1 none; nonxe
1 button ; button
1 inherit; button
1 tabpanel; button
1 window; button
1 checkbox; button
1 treeitem; button
1 treeline; button
1 appearance:button; button
1 tab; square-button
1 none; none
1 none; normal
1 radio; normal
1 radio; inherit
1 checkbox; inherit
1 button; initial
1 none!important; initial
1 menulist; listbox
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