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Forked from funrep/deulcode.hs
Created January 3, 2014 20:53
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import System.IO (Handle)
import Network (withSocketsDo, listenOn, accept, PortID(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Aeson
main = withSocketsDo $ return ()
listen :: PortID -> IO (Handle, Handle)
listen p = do
s <- listenOn p
(red, _, _) <- accept s
(blue, _, _) <- accept s
return (red, blue)
gameLoop :: (Handle, Handle) -> GameState -> IO ()
gameLoop hs@(hRed, hBlue) s0@Game{..} = do
redMove <- runRound hRed s0
let s1 = step $ s0 { red = red { action = Just redMove } }
blueMove <- runRound hBlue s1
gameLoop hs $ step $ s1 { blue = blue { action = Just blueMove } }
runRound :: Handle -> GameState -> IO Move
runRound h s = do
B.hPutStrLn h $ encode s
m <- B.hGetLine h
case decode m of
Just x -> return x
_ -> error "failed to parse received move"
data GameState = Game {
red :: Player,
blue :: Player,
board :: Board }
type Board = IntMap (IntMap Cell)
data Cell = Block | Empty deriving Eq
data Player = Player {
position :: (Int, Int),
action :: Maybe Move }
data Move = Up | Down | Left | Right
step :: GameState -> GameState
step s@Game{..}
| hasMove red = case move board red of
Just b -> s { board = b, red = update red }
Nothing -> s
| hasMove blue = case move board blue of
Just b -> s { board = b, blue = update blue }
Nothing -> s
hasMove :: Player -> Bool
hasMove (Player _ (Just _)) = True
hasMove _ = False
move :: Board -> Player -> Maybe Board
move b (Player (x, y) (Just m)) = case m of
Up -> block x $ y + 1
Down -> block x $ y - 1
Left -> block (x - 1) y
Right -> block (x + 1) y
block x0 y0 = case check $ IM.lookup x b of
Just b0 -> Just $ IM.insert x0 (IM.insert y0 Block b0) b
_ -> Nothing
check (Just b1) = if IM.lookup y b1 == (Just Empty) then
Just b1
else Nothing
check _ = Nothing
move b _ = Just b
update :: Player -> Player
update (Player (x, y) m0@(Just m1)) = case m1 of
Up -> Player (x, y + 1) m0
Down -> Player (x, y - 1) m0
Left -> Player (x - 1, y) m0
Right -> Player (x + 1, y) m0
update p = p
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