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Created December 23, 2017 13:24
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Temporarily fixed function newick2phylog from package ade4
newick2phylog_DZ <- function (x.tre, = TRUE, call =
complete <- function(x.tre) {
if (length(x.tre) > 1) {
w <- ""
for (i in 1:length(x.tre)) w <- paste(w, x.tre[i],
sep = "")
x.tre <- w
ndroite <- nchar(gsub("[^)]", "", x.tre))
ngauche <- nchar(gsub("[^(]", "", x.tre))
if (ndroite != ngauche)
stop(paste(ngauche, "( versus", ndroite, ")"))
if (regexpr(";", x.tre) == -1)
stop("';' not found")
i <- 0
kint <- 0
kext <- 0
arret <- FALSE
if (regexpr("\\[", x.tre) != -1) {
x.tre <- gsub("\\[[^\\[]*\\]", "", x.tre)
x.tre <- gsub(" ", "", x.tre)
while (!arret) {
i <- i + 1
if (substr(x.tre, i, i) == ";")
arret <- TRUE
if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == "(,") {
kext <- kext + 1
add <- paste("Ext", kext, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == ",,") {
kext <- kext + 1
add <- paste("Ext", kext, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == ",)") {
kext <- kext + 1
add <- paste("Ext", kext, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == "(:") {
kext <- kext + 1
add <- paste("Ext", kext, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == ",:") {
kext <- kext + 1
add <- paste("Ext", kext, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == "),") {
kint <- kint + 1
add <- paste("I", kint, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == "))") {
kint <- kint + 1
add <- paste("I", kint, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == "):") {
kint <- kint + 1
add <- paste("I", kint, sep = "")
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
else if (substr(x.tre, i, i + 1) == ");") {
add <- "Root"
x.tre <- paste(substring(x.tre, 1, i), add,
substring(x.tre, i + 1), sep = "")
i <- i + 1
lab.points <- strsplit(x.tre, "[(),;]")[[1]]
lab.points <- lab.points[lab.points != ""]
no.long <- (regexpr(":", lab.points) == -1)
if (all(no.long)) {
lab.points <- paste(lab.points, ":", c(rep("1",
length(no.long) - 1), "0.0"), sep = "")
else if (no.long[length(no.long)]) {
lab.points[length(lab.points)] <- paste(lab.points[length(lab.points)],
":0.0", sep = "")
else if (any(no.long)) {
stop("Non convenient data leaves or nodes with and without length")
w <- strsplit(x.tre, "[(),;]")[[1]]
w <- w[w != ""]
leurre <- make.names(w, unique = TRUE)
leurre <- gsub("[.]", "_", leurre)
for (i in 1:length(w)) {
old <- paste(w[i])
x.tre <- sub(old, leurre[i], x.tre, fixed = TRUE)
w <- strsplit(lab.points, ":")
label <- function(x) {
lab <- x[1]
lab <- gsub("[.]", "_", lab)
longueur <- function(x) {
long <- x[2]
labels <- unlist(lapply(w, label))
longueurs <- unlist(lapply(w, longueur))
labels <- make.names(labels, TRUE)
labels <- gsub("[.]", "_", labels)
w <- labels
for (i in 1:length(w)) {
new <- w[i]
x.tre <- sub(leurre[i], new, x.tre)
cat <- rep("", length(w))
for (i in 1:length(w)) {
new <- w[i]
if (regexpr(paste("\\)", new, sep = ""), x.tre) !=
cat[i] <- "int"
else if (regexpr(paste(",", new, sep = ""), x.tre) !=
cat[i] <- "ext"
else if (regexpr(paste("\\(", new, sep = ""), x.tre) !=
cat[i] <- "ext"
else cat[i] <- "unknown"
return(list(tre = x.tre, noms = labels, poi = as.numeric(longueurs),
cat = cat))
res <- complete(x.tre)
poi <- res$poi
nam <- res$noms
names(poi) <- nam
cat <- res$cat
res <- list(tre = res$tre)
res$leaves <- poi[cat == "ext"]
names(res$leaves) <- nam[cat == "ext"]
res$nodes <- poi[cat == "int"]
names(res$nodes) <- nam[cat == "int"]
listclass <- list()
dnext <- c(names(res$leaves), names(res$nodes))
listpath <- as.list(dnext)
names(listpath) <- dnext
x.tre <- res$tre
while (regexpr("[(]", x.tre) != -1) {
a <- regexpr("\\([^\\(\\)]*\\)", x.tre)
n1 <- a[1] + 1
n2 <- n1 - 3 + attr(a, "match.length")
chasans <- substring(x.tre, n1, n2)
chaavec <- paste("\\(", chasans, "\\)", sep = "")
nam <- unlist(strsplit(chasans, ","))
w1 <- strsplit(x.tre, chaavec, perl = TRUE)[[1]][2] # reg expr could be longer than 256 bites
parent <- unlist(strsplit(w1, "[,\\);]"))[1]
listclass[[parent]] <- nam
x.tre <- gsub(chaavec, "", x.tre, perl = TRUE) # reg expr could be longer than 256 bites
w2 <- which(unlist(lapply(listpath, function(x) any(x[1] ==
for (i in w2) {
listpath[[i]] <- c(parent, listpath[[i]])
res$parts <- listclass
res$paths <- listpath
dnext <- c(res$leaves, res$nodes)
names(dnext) <- c(names(res$leaves), names(res$nodes))
res$droot <- unlist(lapply(res$paths, function(x) sum(dnext[x])))
res$call <- call
class(res) <- "phylog"
if (!
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