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Created December 22, 2016 14:58
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phpstan errors?


phpqa --analyzedDirs src/phpstan --output cli --tools phpstan


 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   phpstan/MethodAnnotations.php                                             
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  10     Call to an undefined method Whatever\Swift_SmtpTransport::setUsername().  
  14     Call to an undefined method Whatever\Swift_SmtpTransport::setUsername().  
 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- 
  Line   phpstan/Proxy.php                                          
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- 
  29     Property Whatever\Proxy::$pdo (null) does not accept PDO.  
  30     Cannot call method setAttribute() on null.                 
 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- 

 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Line   phpstan/Singleton.php                                                         
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  14     Static property Whatever\Singleton::$facade (null) does not accept stdClass.  
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

 [ERROR] Found 5 errors        
namespace Whatever;
// 10 Call to an undefined method Whatever\Swift_SmtpTransport::setUsername().
// 14 Call to an undefined method Whatever\Swift_SmtpTransport::setUsername().
class MethodAnnotations
public function __invoke()
$transport = new Swift_SmtpTransport();
* Sends Messages over SMTP with ESMTP support.
* @author Chris Corbyn
* @method Swift_SmtpTransport setUsername(string $username) Set the username to authenticate with.
* @method string getUsername() Get the username to authenticate with.
* @method Swift_SmtpTransport setPassword(string $password) Set the password to authenticate with.
* @method string getPassword() Get the password to authenticate with.
* @method Swift_SmtpTransport setAuthMode(string $mode) Set the auth mode to use to authenticate.
* @method string getAuthMode() Get the auth mode to use to authenticate.
class Swift_SmtpTransport
* @return Swift_SmtpTransport
public static function newInstance()
return new self();
namespace Whatever;
use PDO;
// 29 Property Whatever\Proxy::$pdo (null) does not accept PDO.
// 30 Cannot call method setAttribute() on null.
class Proxy
private $connectionString;
/** @var PDO */
private $pdo;
public function __construct($connectionString)
$this->connectionString = $connectionString;
public function getPDO()
return $this->pdo;
private function loadPDO()
if (is_null($this->pdo)) {
$this->pdo = new PDO($this->connectionString);
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
namespace Whatever;
// 14 Static property Whatever\Singleton::$facade (null) does not accept stdClass.
class Singleton
/** @var \stdClass */
private static $facade;
public static function getInstance()
if (is_null(self::$facade)) {
self::$facade = new \stdClass();
return self::$facade;
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ondrejmirtes commented Dec 22, 2016

Call to an undefined method Whatever\Swift_SmtpTransport::setUsername()

PHPStan does not yet read method/property annotations on classes yet. It will be possible in some future version through regular expression configuration. The problem is that there's no standard, everyone writes these annotations in a different way and sometimes they are even missing some crucial information like arguments or return types.

For now, you can fix this by implementing your own class reflection extension. Here's a discussion about it.

The other errors are caused by the fact that in PHPStan, you can "cast" any expression to a different type using instanceof and is_* functions. So inside the is_null branch, PHPStan thinks that $this–>pdo and self::$facade have type null and nothing else can be assigned to them. It also works with negated condition:

if (!is_int($foo)) {
  // early termination - throw or return
  throw new \Exception();

// I'm sure $foo is integer from now on

I now realize that in case of properties, this is not ideal, but not yet sure how to solve this. As a quick fix, you can use strict comparison with null instead:

        if ($this->pdo === null) {
            $this->pdo = new PDO($this->connectionString);
            $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

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I will document all the type-specifying features soon.

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zdenekdrahos commented Dec 23, 2016

@ondrejmirtes You don't have a reason to add annotation to 3rd party code, because PHPStan should not analyze 3rd party code

I am talking about errors in my tests, not in 3rd party code.
And I really don't want to add annotation to every test with mocks (previously I thought about adding annotations to ObjectProphecy etc.).

        - Dibi\Row
        - Ratchet\ConnectionInterface
        - '#Call to an undefined method Prophecy\\Prophecy\\ObjectProphecy::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\(\)#' 
        - '#Access to an undefined property Mockista\\MethodInterface::\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]#'
        - '#Access to an undefined property Mockista\\MockInterface::\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]#'
        - '#Access to an undefined property PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject::\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+#'
        - '#Call to an undefined method PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\(\)#'

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@zdenekdrahos Well, the tests situation is ideally solved either by adding the regexps to ignoreErrors (precisely what you did) or by documenting your code correctly - documenting your variables and properties by @var \Foo|\ PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject (which will switch them to mixed type and PHPStan will not perform any checks on them). I don't see a third solution with current features.

It will be possible to create a PHPUnit/Prophecy/Mockista extension in the future that will solve this for you correctly. I am also planning to support union types (so that Foo|Bar does not result in mixed but behaves and checks everything correctly), but there are yet some decisions and technical problems to overcome.

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