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Created March 17, 2014 20:50
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Add a Rakefile for generating a bridgesupport file whenever the project is built in XCode. This is for RubyMotion when building out a third-party library.
DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__)
BRIDGESUPPORT_FILE = "BridgeSupport.bridgesupport"
namespace :gen do
desc "Generates the bridgesupport file for RubyMotion"
task :bridgesupport do
Dir.chdir(DIR) do
SHELL_COMMAND=<<-EOS.gsub(/^\s*/, '')
BRIDGESUPPORT_INCLUDES=`find . -type d | ruby -e "puts '-I' +\n/).join(' -I')"`
BRIDGESUPPORT_FILES=`find . -name "*.h" | ruby -e "puts\n/).join(' ')"`
echo gen_bridge_metadata -F complete --no-64-bit -c \\\"$BRIDGESUPPORT_INCLUDES\\\" $BRIDGESUPPORT_FILES -o #{BRIDGESUPPORT_FILE}
command = `#{SHELL_COMMAND}`
system command
# Inside of Motion::Project::App.setup do/end blocks add
app.bridgesupport_files << File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/YOUR_TARGET_NAME/BridgeSupport.bridgesupport"
cd $SRCROOT && cd $TARGET_NAME && rake gen:bridgesupport
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