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Created August 17, 2021 14:33
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limit bandwidth otomatis mikrotik
# ---------- Silahkan ganti sesuai dengan kondisi mikrotik dan jatah speed WAN ---------- ;
# ---------- Copy script dan jalankan dengan run scheduler ---------- ;
:local BridgeName "bridge-vlan" ; #IP Firewall Mangle Interface - Interface yang akan dilimit contoh Port2, Port3, Bridge1, Bridge2,... ;
:local ServerName "server-VLAN" ; #IP DHCP Server Leasess Server - Nama DHCP Server yang digunakan, untuk mencari perangkat yang aktif ;
:local IdentiName "vlan-200" ; #Nama sebagai Identitas pada Queuess Tree : Digunakan untuk hapus otomatis dan pembeda jika script lebih dari 1;
:local LimitParentDownload "30M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Download untuk parent global ;
:local LimitParentUpload "30M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Upload untuk parent global ;
:local LimitDownloadMAC "10M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Download untuk satu PC - Queues Parent ;
:local LimitUploadMAC "10M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Upload untuk satu PC - Queues Parent ;
:local LimitDownloadHP "15M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Download untuk grup HP Smartphone ;
:local LimitUploadHP "10M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Upload untuk grup HP Smartphone ;
:local LimitDownload "5M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Download untuk satu HP Smartphone ;
:local LimitUpload "3M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Upload untuk satu HP Smartphone ;
:local LimitPort "yes" ; #Isi YES jika ada port yang dilewatkan queue tree, isi NO jika tidak ada ;
:local LimitMaxPort "30M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Upload Download port yang dilewatkan ;
:local ulPort "8291,8080,21" ; #Port yang dilewatkan ex 8000,8080,8291,... - port cctv, port local lainnya ;
:local LimitPPP "yes" ; #Isi YES jika ada PPP yang dilewatkan queue tree, isi NO jika tidak ada ;
:local LimitMaxPPP "8M" ; #Batas Maksimal Limit Upload Download PPP yang dilewatkan ;
:local servicePPP "pptp|l2tp" ; #Pilih service dengan tanda pemisah | , ex pptp|l2tp ;
#MAC khusus yang tidak ingin dibatasi, gunakan tanda | untuk pemisah, ex. xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx|xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx ;
:local unLimitMac "A4:D9:90:46:77:FF|E4:8D:8C:FB:17:EC";
#Parameter pencarian pada IP DHCP Server Leases Active host name - filter smartphone, pc, dll.. gunakan tanda | untuk pemisah, ex. android|nokia;
:local ParameterName "android|MAC|acer|asus|hp|Redmi|vivo|OPPO|Galaxy|MiPhone|TL-WA901ND|realme|samsung|iPhone|air|HUAWEI|^\$" ;
#------------------------------------------------------------- Batas Edit - Modifikasi ---------------------------------------------------------------------;
#Hapus address-list, mangle, queue tree berdasarkan identitas ;
ip firewall address-list remove [find list~"$IdentiName"] ;
ip firewall address-list remove [find list~"$IdentiName - Unlimited"] ;
ip firewall mangle remove [find comment~"$IdentiName"] ;
queue tree remove [find comment~"$IdentiName"] ;
queue tree remove [find comment~"$HP-IdentiName"] ;
#Membuat Parent queue tree upload dan download ;
:if [/queue tree find comment~"parent"] do={ } else={
queue tree add max-limit="$LimitParentUpload" name="Upload" parent="global" priority=3 queue=default comment="parent" ;
queue tree add max-limit="$LimitParentDownload" name="Download" parent="global" priority=2 queue=default comment="parent" ;
#Membuat limit khusus port yang akan dilewatkan ;
:if ($LimitPort find $LimitPort~"YES|yes|Yes") do={
#Firewall mangle lewati port yang ditentukan ;
ip firewall mangle add action="mark-connection" chain="prerouting" comment="Unlimited Port - CONN - $ulPort - $IdentiName" new-connection-mark="conn-Unlimited-Port" passthrough="yes" protocol="tcp" src-port="$ulPort" ;
ip firewall mangle add action="mark-connection" chain="postrouting" comment="Unlimited Port - CONN - $ulPort - $IdentiName" new-connection-mark="conn-Unlimited-Port" passthrough="yes" protocol="tcp" dst-port="$ulPort" ;
ip firewall mangle add action="mark-packet" chain="prerouting" comment="Unlimited Port - PKT - $ulPort - $IdentiName" connection-mark="conn-Unlimited-Port" new-packet-mark="pkt-Unlimited-port" passthrough="no" ;
ip firewall mangle add action="mark-packet" chain="postrouting" comment="Unlimited Port - PKT - $ulPort - $IdentiName" connection-mark="conn-Unlimited-Port" new-packet-mark="pkt-Unlimited-port" passthrough="no" ;
# membuat limit queue tree;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=32k max-limit="$LimitMaxPort" name="Auto Unlimited Port - $IdentiName" packet-mark="pkt-Unlimited-port" parent="global" priority=1 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: Unlimited Port $ulPort" ;
#Membuat limit khusus PPP ;
:if ($LimitPPP find $LimitPPP~"YES|yes|Yes") do={
:foreach p in=[/ppp active find service~"$servicePPP"] do={
:local hostpppIP value=[/ppp active get $p value-name=address] ;
:local hostpppHP value=[/ppp active get $p value-name=name] ;
#untuk membuat address list;
ip firewall address-list add address=$hostpppIP disabled=no list="PPP-$IdentiName" comment="$IdentiName ::PPP:: $hostpppHP" ;
#untuk membuat firewall mangle;
ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting comment="$IdentiName ::U-PPP:: $hostpppHP" protocol=!icmp src-address="$hostpppIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="U_$hostpppIP" passthrough=no ;
ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting comment="$IdentiName ::D-PPP:: $hostpppHP" protocol=!icmp dst-address="$hostpppIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="D_$hostpppIP" passthrough=no ;
#untuk membuat queue tree;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=32k max-limit=$LimitMaxPPP name="U_PPP_$hostpppIP - $servicePPP ::: $hostpppHP" packet-mark="U_$hostpppIP" parent="Upload" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostpppHP" ;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=128k max-limit=$LimitMaxPPP name="D_PPP_$hostpppIP - $servicePPP ::: $hostpppHP" packet-mark="D_$hostpppIP" parent="Download" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostpppHP" ;
#Membuat limit untuk MAC yang dilewatkan, pc, dan perangkat smartphone ;
:foreach i in=[/ip dhcp-server lease find status~"bound" and server~"$ServerName"] do={
:local hostIP value=[/ip dhcp-server lease get $i value-name=address] ;
:local hostHP value=[/ip dhcp-server lease get $i value-name=host-name] ;
:local unLimit value=[/ip dhcp-server lease get $i value-name=mac-address] ;
:local Komentar value=[/ip dhcp-server lease get $i value-name=comment] ;
#----------------------- Script untuk MAC yang di unlimited ----------------------- ;
:if ($unLimit find $unLimit~"$unLimitMac") do={
#untuk membuat address list;
ip firewall address-list add address=$hostIP disabled=no list="$IdentiName-Unlimited" comment="$IdentiName ::D:: $hostHP - Unlimited" ;
#untuk membuat firewall mangle;
ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting comment="$IdentiName - Unlimited ::U:: $hostHP" in-interface=$BridgeName protocol=!icmp src-address="$hostIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="U_$hostIP" passthrough=no ;
ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting comment="$IdentiName - Unlimited ::D:: $hostHP" out-interface=$BridgeName protocol=!icmp dst-address="$hostIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="D_$hostIP" passthrough=no ;
#untuk membuat queue tree;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=32k max-limit=$LimitParentUpload name="U_MAC - Unlimited-$hostIP-$IdentiName" packet-mark="U_$hostIP" parent="Upload" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostHP ::: $Komentar - Unlimited" ;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=128k max-limit=$LimitParentDownload name="D_MAC - Unlimited-$hostIP-$IdentiName" packet-mark="D_$hostIP" parent="Download" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostHP ::: $Komentar - Unlimited" ;
} else {
:if ($hostHP find $hostHP~"$ParameterName") do={
#------------- Script untuk limit smartphone android dan kawan-kawannya ------------- ;
#Membuat group khusus untuk smartphone ;
:if [/queue tree find comment~"HP-$IdentiName"] do={ } else={
queue tree add max-limit="$LimitUploadHP" name="Upload-MAC-$IdentiName" parent=Upload priority=2 queue=default comment="HP-$IdentiName" ;
queue tree add max-limit="$LimitDownloadHP" name="Download-MAC-$IdentiName" parent=Download priority=1 queue=default comment="HP-$IdentiName" ;
#untuk membuat address list;
ip firewall address-list add address=$hostIP disabled=no list="HP-$IdentiName" comment="$IdentiName ::D:: $hostHP" ;
#untuk membuat firewall mangle;
ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting comment="$IdentiName ::U:: $hostHP" in-interface=$BridgeName protocol=!icmp src-address="$hostIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="Uhs_$hostIP" passthrough=no ;
ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting comment="$IdentiName ::D:: $hostHP" out-interface=$BridgeName protocol=!icmp dst-address="$hostIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="Dhs_$hostIP" passthrough=no ;
#untuk membuat queue tree;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=32k max-limit=$LimitUpload name="Udhs_HP_$hostIP" packet-mark="Uhs_$hostIP" parent="Upload-MAC-$IdentiName" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostHP ::: $Komentar" ;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=128k max-limit=$LimitDownload name="Dhs_HP_$hostIP" packet-mark="Dhs_$hostIP" parent="Download-MAC-$IdentiName" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostHP ::: $Komentar" ;
} else {
#------------- Script untuk limit perangkat kecuali smartphone android dan kawan-kawannya ------------- ;
#untuk membuat address list;
ip firewall address-list add address=$hostIP disabled=no list="$IdentiName" comment="$IdentiName ::D:: $hostHP";
#untuk membuat firewall mangle;
ip firewall mangle add chain=prerouting comment="$IdentiName ::U:: $hostHP" in-interface=$BridgeName protocol=!icmp src-address="$hostIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="U_$hostIP" passthrough=no ;
ip firewall mangle add chain=postrouting comment="$IdentiName ::D:: $hostHP" out-interface=$BridgeName protocol=!icmp dst-address="$hostIP" action=mark-packet new-packet-mark="D_$hostIP" passthrough=no ;
#untuk membuat queue tree;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=32k max-limit=$LimitUploadMAC name="U_MAC_$hostIP-$IdentiName" packet-mark="U_$hostIP" parent="Upload" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostHP ::: $Komentar" ;
queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=128k max-limit=$LimitDownloadMAC name="D_MAC_$hostIP-$IdentiName" packet-mark="D_$hostIP" parent="Download" priority=8 queue=default comment="$IdentiName ::: $hostHP ::: $Komentar" ;
# ---------- SEKIAN DAN TERIMAKASIH ---------- ;
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