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Created May 13, 2020 20:57
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depths <- rowSums(amgut1.filt)
amgut1.filt.n <- t(apply(amgut1.filt, 1, norm_to_total))
amgut1.filt.cs <- round(amgut1.filt.n * min(depths))
d <- ncol(amgut1.filt.cs)
n <- nrow(amgut1.filt.cs)
## Simulate data with random OTU size
make_data <- function(type="cluster") {
p <- rpois(1, d)
graph <- make_graph(type, p, p)
Prec <- graph2prec(graph)
Cor <- cov2cor(prec2cov(Prec))
x <- amgut1.filt.cs[,sample(1:d, p, replace=TRUE)]
synth_comm_from_counts(x, mar=2, distr='zinegbin', Sigma=Cor, n=n)
## two types of networks
Xli <- c(replicate(5, make_data('cluster'), simplify=FALSE),
replicate(5, make_data('band'), simplify=FALSE))
type <- as.factor(rep(c('cluster', 'band'), each=5))
## Run SPIEC-EASI mb
se <- lapply(Xli, spiec.easi, method='mb', lambda.min.ratio=1e-1, pulsar.params=list(ncores=5))
refits <- lapply(se, function(x) x$refit$stars)
## Compute graphlet correlation vectors
library(orca) # not imported
gcmat <- t(sapply(refits, pulsar::gcvec))
## embedding and plot
mds <- cmdscale(dist(gcmat))
plot(mds, col=type)
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